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CEO, TAAG Angola Airlines

Abosede Ajare Chief Operating Officer/ Executive Director

Business Development Manager Acholem Chinecherem G.

Uduak Okon

H.E Paballo Makhetha (South Africa)

Mobolaji Abiodun

234803 397 5746

+44746 6234 902






Exclusive interview with MELEKWE Anthony Eze-Chioma

12 15 32 52

SOLVING PARADOXES of Africa Development Let’s Cook UNITY IN AFRICAN NATION Through Shared Heritage DIPLOMACY IN Resolving African Conflicts






I sat with Mr. Eduardo Fairen Soria CEO TAAG Airlines to discuss the challenges and prospect of achieving peace in Africa through better and cheaper air travels. Better connectivity obviously would lead to better trade and nally the possibility of reduction in poverty in the continent. I completely agree with Mr. Eduardo that, improved transportation is a key factor in promoting development in Africa. Air travel is a crucial mode of transportation for both domestic and international travel. However, the aviation industry was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has occasioned some setbacks in the aviation industry resulting in huge loses globally. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the African aviation industry is expected to lose US$2 billion in 2021. Despite this, there are still opportunities for growth in the aviation industry in Africa. For instance, the African Union (AU) has launched the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) initiative, which aims to create a single unied air transport market in Africa. This initiative could lead to increased competition, lower airfares, and improved connectivity across the continent. There is no doubting the fact that the future of Africa is dependent on the ability of people to move around and trade among themselves. According to a report by BCG, Africa is setting its sights on a future shaped by a young population, rapid urbanization, climate change, growing digital capacity, regional cooperation, and entrepreneurial innovation. The population of the continent is expected to double to reach 2.5 billion by 2050, with as much as 60% of Africa's people under 25. This young population could become an enormous consumer market and a large share of the global workforce. To promote trade and movement, the African Union (AU) should do more to make air travel cheaper, safer and faster. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement aims to reduce all trade costs and enable Africa to integrate further into global supply chains. It will eliminate 90% of tariffs, focus on outstanding non-tariff barriers, and create a single market with free movement of goods and services. Cutting red tape and simplifying customs procedures will bring signicant income gains.

I completely agree with him that Intra-African trade is essential for the growth and development of Africa. Intra-African trade has been hampered by s e ve r a l c h a l l e n ge s, i n c l u d i n g p o o r infrastructure, high transportation costs, and nontariff barriers. However, there are still opportunities for growth in intra-African trade. For instance, the Secretary General of the African Continental Free Trade Area, Wamkele Mene, has revealed that The AfCFTA Adjustment Fund has mobilized over US$1 billion. This fund aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and help them take advantage of the opportunities presented by the AfCFTA. We talked about the fact that it is cheaper to travel to destinations outside of Africa then to travel within. Thus there is an urgent need to nd a way to reduce the cost of air travels within the continent. Reducing the cost of air travel in Africa is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. According to a report by the United Nations, the high cost of air travel in Africa is due to a mix of issues including the cost of goods sold, the costs of middle processes, government tariffs, regulatory fees, purchasing time, fuel costs, market demand and demand, and costs related to Indigenous Manufacturers Equipment. One solution to reducing air fares in Africa could be government intervention through subsidies, protection, involvement in the value-added system especially the preferential purchase of essential e q u i p m e n t a n d ow n e r s h i p o f e s s e n t i a l infrastructure and the provision of essential economic protections. Another solution could be the harmonization of air travel policies of each partner state, examination of the factors that determine air ticket costs and development of uniform air travel regulations. African should be able to travel within the continent effortlessly. Beyond air travel, train, road and other mode of transportation should be provided while addressing the challenges of insecurity and cross border crimes. We must also address the issue of corruption and others. I hope you will enjoy this Edition. Thanks





Interview Eduardo Fairen Soria is an engineer who completed his studies at the Spanish Air Force Academy. He also has an MBA from Madrid's Complutense University. Eduardo Fairen Soria has a background in Airlines, Aviation, Aircraft, Flight Operations, Airports, Commercial Aviation, Aircraft Maintenance, Operations Management, Civil Aviation, Team Leadership. He has also been working in the fields of flight training, operations management, and consulting for the last 10 years He took over as CEO of TAAG , TAAGLinhas Aereas de Angola in 2021, after working with Viva Air Peru, CAMAIR-CO, Fly Strategic and Air Arabia Maroc. He has been in this role ever since. His total flying and teaching hours are over 17,000 hours.


Eduardo Fairen Soria

The Chief Executive Officer, TAAG Airlines, Angola

It should be noted that many African countries don't have national airlines; this gives a great opportunity to those who have to explore and expand. We have a great plan for the future in terms of more destinations and expansions. Hopefully will start coming to Abuja, Nigeria but there is an urgent need to reduce the cost associate with flying into Abuja, Nigeria. It is sad to note that we produce fuel and yet spend so much on fuel. The cost of operations Good afternoon and how have you been, I

is very high.

hope you are enjoying Nigeria? The price of flight is very high, is there any Nigeria is a very nice Country with amazing

hope for reduction?

and nice people, I am having a nice time. Airlines don't just fix prices; rather it is based on What are the challenges in the aviation

an automatic mechanism of demand, the


more the demand the higher the price. The algorithms work based on demands. The best

As a result of Covid almost all African Airlines

was to get good price is to buy tickets well

almost went bankrupt.

ahead of time, particularly off pick seasons.

Ranging from low

patronage, low funding, maintenance issues and several others. It would take time for us to

Intra- Africa Trade is low, what can be done?

fully recover but slow and steady we are picking up gradually. The passengers'

We need to open up the continent.

numbers has greatly reduced and so is the

should more connections and we should have

profit. But the most important thing is safety

more airports and give people more options to

and ability to survive despite the challenges

travel within the continent. With better options


comes competition and the prices would


Airlines don't just fix prices; ...rather it is based on an automatic mechanism of demand The algorithms work based on demands...


Eduardo Fairen Soria with Mr. Noah Ajare, The Editor-in-Chief, African Peace Magazine, UK

equally drop. I have also observed that we don't really value time in Africa, time is everything and we need to prioritize it to enjoy the benefits. The African aviation industry should collaborate more and work as a team, with same goals and aims and build a strong and sustainable airline for the continent. We must not rely on foreign airlines, Africa has huge potentials and with a very young and mobile population.





Saharan Africa lacked access to regular

Africa is a great continent that's rich in

power supply which was caused by grid

natural resources, but unfortunately the

reliability issues, inadequate

sustainable development of Africa have

infrastructure, expensive cost of power

been on a stunted growth due to three

supply and inadequate installed

major paradoxes which are: Financing,

capacity. In addition to this, Africa also

Energy and Food Systems. These three

suffers from food insecurity crisis where

paradoxes have a linking chain in which

over 20% of the population lives in

the financial paradox amplifies the

hunger and lack.

energy paradox which also has a crucial impact on the food paradox.

According to the records from the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, acute food

The problem here are: the insufficient

insecurity in Africa has increased by 60%

financial resources that's required for

due to a reduction in purchasing power,

investment in these available natural

climate change and political and social

resources, lack of access to modern and


reliable energy services, and an increased food insecurity. BRIEF HISTORY For quite a long period of time, Africa have been faced and have been hit heavily with three major problems which are financial, energy and food security. In 2021, over 570 million people in sub-


Furthermore, according to the data from

because once all these provisions are

African Development Bank, about $64.5

met and made available in great

billion is being spent on the importation

sufficiency, there will low risk of the

of food commodities that could easily

societal vices that affects the peace we

be produced locally, food produce such

experience currently in Africa.

as: rice, wheat, sugar and lots more. By the year 2025, the amount budgeted for

African Quotes For Today

this is said to be increased to $110 billion

According to a quote from a great

from the initial budget.

African economist and philanthropist,

Renewable energy-powered

he once said that:

technology has been proven to initiate

“I would say changing Africa is our

the damaging effects of the climate

collective responsibility. Every one of us

change we experience in Africa, effects

must realize that we need an improved

such as drought. The provision of solar

Africa. The world is moving and evolving,

powered machineries such as; solar-

and we face a huge risk of further

powered mills, solar water pumps and

widening the developmental gap if we

others would automatically improve

do nothing.”

agro-processing of farm produce, cold

Nigerian Economist and Philanthropist.

storage and irrigation, thereby providing

This quote from the great Anthony

African farmers with clean, reliable,

Onyemaechi Elumelu is very direct and

affordable and sustainable energy.

straightforward; it calls to mind the need

– Tony Elumelu CFR,

for a collective effort of all Africans from ITS RELATIONSHIP TO AFRICAN PEACE

both the private and public sector to

Tackling the lapses in the financial,

work together in resilience and

energy and food security in Africa would

dedication so as to hasten the process

always promote and uphold peace,

of catching up with the current evolution

progress and unity among Africans

that the world is tilting towards.

Anthony Elumelu

Anthony Onyemaechi Elumelu CFR is a Nigerian economist, and philanthropist. He chairs Heirs Holdings, Transcorp, United Bank for Africa and is the founder of The Tony Elumelu Foundation. In 2020, Elumelu was named on Time's list of the 100 most influential people in the world.




C ok hat if we took a second look

such a farmer? What are we not blessed

and knitted our eyes on the

with? Our lands are all filled with the best of

contrary? It seems to me,

treasures the creator ever deposited. We

that even though our balls are blazing with

are endowed with strength, talent, skill and

flames, we see only blindness. It hurts

endless resources. But we sit here starving

because our eyes are open, yet we walk like

and suffering like wretchedly abandoned

a man whose eyelids are shut.

orphans. We have all the food in our stores, but we beg to eat and sometimes have to

Otherwise, how do you explain the fact that

survive on meager leftovers of generosity.

an extremely wealthy farmer, with all the

We move from State to state, begging and

food in his stores; all the yams, all the

borrowing like blind men and women in

beans, all the tomatoes, all the 'atsaka', all

search of survival. Imagine the number of

the legumes, all the cereals, all the fruits to

natural resources in our lands. Why can't

mention but a few; still goes about begging

we but for shame, turn our attention to the

for food and returning to bed with

exploration, production and distribution of

starvation while his children travail and

their final products to the world? Why can't

grunt in hunger perpetually? How would

we look inward and ask ourselves that

you feel if he justified his position by

which will make us lenders rather than

blaming it on unavailability of gas in his

addicted borrowers. Can't we see that we

cylinder? I perceive you are already upset

are already borrowing and wasting even

that he would subject his kids to such

the future of our kids? A continent like ours

suffering on such flimsy grounds, knowing

has become a ridiculous beggar,

that there are countless other alternative

sometimes even begging from nations we

flame sources to cook.

should be feeding, just because we have sold shame and honour is now at the

Don't you think we are already acting like



Even if we want to apportion blames, and

Does it mean that the imperialists also stole

blame it on slave trade, colonialism and

our memories of who we are from us as

such other external factors that delayed

well? Is that why we have become blind to

the progress of our continent, what have

whom we are and now starve when we

we done ever since their eviction, to

should be feeding the world, just because

translate our sorry state

our systems of governance are not

to glory? Ever

since independence, what have each of

adequately indigenous?

These styles of

our lands embarked on, to liberate her

leadership aren't working. They have rather

people from the shackles of poverty? Have

created more problems for us. Imagine the

we not consistently manipulated ourselves,

level of hate that spills around during

stolen from ourselves to starch in foreign

elections. Consider the extent of killings in

lands, and returned to blame previous

the name of party allegiance.

administration and thrown our plates out for another loan to divide amongst our

Examine the wasted properties that go

allies? What have we done differently?

down in violent protestations and antagonism. We fight ourselves to

They gave us the systems of government

enthrone rogues who have over time stolen

we now use. But have we sat back to ask

from us and starched in foreign lands and

ourselves, if those systems are actually

have now returned to share bits of our

suitable for us? Is it not already obvious to

collective wealth to us and must now rule

us, that the systems put in place by our

or perish. Consider how much gets wasted

colonial masters aren't helping us? Are we

on elections that are often mostly

not a peculiar people? Why can't we sit and

predetermined. Look at the case of Nigeria

come up with better systems of

for example, where the electoral umpire's

governance that are unique to us and

budgeted over 300 Billion Naira on an

patterned to suite us and our culture? Why

election that was adjudged by many to be

should we hinge our lives on the defined

not only controversial but actually a 'waste

institutional patterns of another when our

of funds'. If there had been any indigenous

values and patterns of existence differ?

system in place for selection of leadership,

Why should we marry the culture, customs,

less could be spent and the rest could go

norms and traditions of another and

into the revamping of refineries thereby

neglect ours, then turn round and begin to

reducing the dire dependence on

cry foul, when those borrowed systems

importation that creates difficulty of

begin to torment us? We have had our lives

survival and impose on the citizens. But

before incursions.

that's a talk for another day.

Was that from us? Can't we see that the designers are succeeding in keeping us backwards? Let's break lose! Let's close all borders and live as one! 16

We need to move past where we are. Those

and not just on paper. Now is that time.

in power must realize that our continent is

Take a look at Europe and America, each

no longer a baby. We have begged

has just a single currency. What about us?

enough. Let's look inward and correct a few

We have way over 54 currencies that

things. We need to ask ourselves, where we

cannot even buy biscuit in the international

are failing? For example, for years, we have

market and will have to exchange for Dollar

not known ourselves because for years, we

or Euro to achieve same. Is it not rather

have allowed the borders set in place by

shameful? What is Dollar, Euro, Pound

them to succeed in dividing us and keeping

made with? Don't we have equivalence?

us disunited. This was their motive and yes

Why can't we unite as a continent and have

our acceptance of its continual existence is

our harmonized currency? What if we

the reason we are still where we are. They

minted one and backed it up with our

have no borders in their lands. Movement

Ghanaian gold or diamond or such other

within their continents requires no Visa.

precious resources that we have?

There are no border checks for their

Alternatively, why can't we commodify

member nations. A person is allowed to

even one of our local resources like

move from one country to another within

cassava and transform our lives for good?

their continent to seek for work, live and do

This is achievable and with serious minded

business without Visa. But in our lands,

leadership, we can!

Visas are a prerequisite and failure to obtain one could lead to deportation and

Finally, let's remember that our children are

even imprisonment. As a result, we do not

starving, yet we have all the food in the

know each other and so we see each other

world. It is high time we moved away from

as enemies.

starving and begging the streets to cooking our food and feeding ourselves.

How can we prosper as a continent if we

We are a great people, let's unite and see

continue that way? Who made those

ourselves better! Let's open our eyes and

conditions of borders and checks, Visas

see that we have the food to cater for all

and passports for us? Was that from us?

our stomach needs and all we need to do is

Can't we see that the designers are

cook. For the best dishes are cooked and

succeeding in keeping us backwards? Let's

not just desired!

break lose! Let's close all borders and live as

Wake up Africa, and cook the dishes of your

one! Let's freely trade together. Let's inter-


marry and get to understand ourselves better. That way, we would begin to grow

Authored by :

and gradually become truly independent




State with my beautiful family and remain forever grateful for the editors, mentors, and advisors who

Anthony Eze-Chioma

have helped me on my journey so far. I have played various roles throughout my life - a son, a brother, the not-so-bright high school student who graduated as the best in his department, and Assistant Head Boy six years later. I served as an SUG Executive at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, worked as the Foreign Editor for The Jacksonite Magazine, and contributed as a journalist to multiple publications outside the country upon graduation. I have also been a human interest commentator on youth-centric radio programs across the South-East. When I reflect on the opportunities I've had to meet and work with people from different tribes, races, and backgrounds, I realize that I have

Kindly tell us a little about yourself?

seen individuals at their best and

My name is Melekwe Anthony Eze-Chioma,

their worst. There is nothing as

although I go by Melekwe Anthony. I am a

important to any gathering of

Nigerian from Delta State with over 58 published

people as the necessity for peace.

works in fiction and non-fiction across three continents. I am grateful for my Bachelor's

What does Peace mean to you?

Degree in Mass Communication from the

Peace will always symbolize security

University of Nigeria. My articles have been

and stability for me and those in my

featured in Sahara Reporters, Converseer, Dead

vicinity. Residing in a third-world

Talk Live USA, the Hindu College Gazette, and

country like Nigeria, consistently

WhoWhatWhy NYC, among others. I live in Lagos

affected by insurgency, tribal and


religious conflicts, terrorism, and more, it

injured, marginalized, or disrespected. When

becomes progressively challenging to

communication fails, my best approach has

sustain this notion of peace, especially

always been to walk away.

when people in my surroundings do not experience it. Nevertheless, I hold hope that,

Why is it so difficult to trade and trade

even at 92%, complete peace can be

within the continent

attained in Nigeria one day.

Africa, as a whole, is often labeled the poorest continent today. We grapple with constant

Can education bring about Peace?

power shortages and insufficient

Yes, education can foster peace. Through

infrastructure that hinders foreign

education, we share knowledge and learn

investments. Responsible leadership

to appreciate the uniqueness of others

remains a challenge. While some attribute

through exposure. Individuals who only

these issues to colonialism, other previously

know one way of life struggle to tolerate

colonized nations have thrived. Disparities

others and may inadvertently harm others,

exist within our continent, with some

fuel disputes, and magnify differences of

economies outperforming others. Corruption

opinion. Many remain unaware of the

is a well-known issue. It's no secret that

repercussions of hate speech in their

African countries are susceptible to civil

country. Peace isn't just the absence of

conflicts and insurgency. From South Sudan

crisis; it includes economic stability and the

to the Great Lakes Region, the Horn of Africa to

protection of human rights. Proper

the Central African Republic, and the Sahel

education helps us understand why these

Region to Northern Nigeria, these encompass

aspects are crucial and empowers us to

12 nations on our continent consistently

work toward their attainment.

plagued by insurgency. This presents a challenging environment for trade and

What's your best approach to conflict



Communication is essential. Perhaps it was due to my university environment, where physical violence was severely punished, or

We must Invest in youth programs, job opportunities, and better law enforcement training...

my religious upbringing, but I've always believed that nothing is more crucial in conflict resolution than choosing words carefully. I've learned that discussing how a wrongdoing made you feel humanizes the situation much more than explaining why it's wrong. Everyone has experienced hurt and can empathize with feeling swindled, 20

As a journalist, my aim has always been to highlight diverse perspectives.

Why do Africans hate each other (Racial

tariffs can hurt nations with resources. While it

discrimination within the continent)

aims to benefit the continent, it's impractical

Africans don't inherently hate each other;

to expect countries profiting from trade with

rather, there are profound

Europe, East Asia, and North America to

misunderstandings. With over 2000

destabilize their economies. This can

languages spoken daily by various tribes,

threaten local products and the workforce.

diverse upbringings, and limited resources,

It's an intriguing concept that warrants

competition is expected. To address this,

further examination.

making resources more accessible to most, if not all, can alleviate tensions and foster unity.

What is your plan for towards achieving peace in your Country?

The African Continental Trade Agreement

As a journalist, my aim has always been to

is a welcome development but it has not

highlight diverse perspectives. Whether

yielded the desired results

reporting on stranded Nigerian students in

The challenge with AfCFTA, as I perceive it,

Ukraine for Sahara Reporters or exposing

revolves around resource disparities. For

racism in the United States for USA Wire, I

trade to occur, both parties must benefit or

recognize the power of my voice. By

exchange resources. Not all countries have

continually emphasizing the consequences

sufficient resources to trade, and eliminating

of civil, religious, and tribal unrest on all


individuals involved, we can work to prevent

not always having the same preferences, we

them. We must make those involved realize

can all admire the diversity and beauty of our

the impact on vulnerable mothers, innocent

cultures. My people's music is exquisite, and

children, elderly dependents, and the nation

genres like hip-hop and Afro beats have

as a whole. Our messages should no longer

global fans. Our cultural practices have

pit one tribe or religion against another but

transcended borders, as seen on platforms

instead focus on a misguided group versus

like TikTok, but there's even more to share.

all of us. We need to tell the stories of the common people.

What do you think of Non-governmental organizations in peace keeping?

Do you believe that technology is helping

On the global stage, I firmly believe that

to make the world more peaceful?

organizations like the United Nations could

Today's technologies have brought 98%

benefit from increased authority. Economic

comfort within grasp. Reduced struggles can

and travel sanctions alone are often

foster patience and understanding among

inadequate to deter countries from

people. Platforms like social media empower

continuing their actions. These sanctions

individuals to voice their opinions peacefully.

failed to halt North Korea in the past, Russia

The internet enables learning and self-

last year, or Israel this year. In Africa, I hold a

improvement. Technologies contribute to

strong belief that peace must be actively

survival and progress, particularly in third-

enforced. When confronted with war crimes

world countries today.

and more, I believe that non-governmental organizations should take more than just a

What advice do you have for the youth?

vocal stance. Crafting international laws

Patience has been the timeless solution.

without proper enforcement is an ineffective

Education offers perspective, but patience is

waste of time.

the key to sound decision-making. Many young people lack patience. To promote

African leaders are renowned for holding

peace in our nation, especially among the

onto power at all cost, what is your view?

youth, who often lead conflicts, we must

Has democracy helped? As diligent

prioritize education and instill the value of

historians, we've been well-versed in the

patience before reacting.

oppressive pre-1789 monarchy in France, the challenges of communist rule, and the

Why are fashion, Music, and culture

varying phases of corruption in African

always in the new? Can we channel this to

democracies. Prolonged tyrannical rule

promote peace?

should be actively discouraged. However, I

Music, fashion, and culture unite us. Despite

wish to witness an African president,


especially in Nigeria, convinced by citizens to

a future where we don't need to leave our

rule legitimately beyond the two-term limit,

resource-rich continent for supposedly

for once. It seems that, in many cases, things

greener pastures elsewhere. My dream

deteriorate under new leadership.

envisions decades without violence in Nigeria, Sudan, Niger, Congo, and others. God

What do you think of the African Peace

willing, I hope to witness it in my lifetime.

Magazine initiative? The African Peace Magazine Intuitive is

Why do you think we have so much

genuinely remarkable. While many platforms

inequalities in Africa

focus solely on news and critiquing leaders,

Africa is a culturally rich place. Despite

it's quite rare to find a publication dedicated

evolving gender roles worldwide, Africa will

to condemning violence and envisioning a

maintain unique roles for men and women.

harmonious, united Africa. I applaud this

While these roles may evolve, our cultural

initiative and wholeheartedly endorse it.

heritage should be preserved. Presently, Africa is advancing with female

What is your advice for African

breadwinners excelling in various


professions. By continuing to promote

Immigration can be strategic. Brain drain is a

education for all, we will witness more of

significant concern for many African

these positive changes across the continent.

countries, with highly skilled individuals leaving for better opportunities abroad.

It appears that Africa has been going

Unfortunately, most of them never return to

round in circles for generations, without

contribute to their home countries'

making progress, we keep depending on

development. If a fraction of these

the west or others for survival.

expatriates came back after gaining

For many decades after colonialism, Africa

valuable experience, it could reduce our

has often relied on handouts from the West,

reliance on the government. The African

be it loans, climate change funding appeals,

Peace Magazine exemplifies this approach

or expecting subsidized rates for vaccines,

by fostering contributions to the homeland.

new inventions, or dealing at a loss while exporting crude oil for refinement. African

Tell us about the African of your dreams?

nations have often appeared dependent. I

The Africa of my dreams surpasses even

believe the root cause of this continued

Wakanda. As the cradle of human civilization,

reliance is corruption. Our governance is

philosophy, and ancestry, I believe we can

often tainted by individuals who benefit

achieve self-sufficiency. Our continent

financially from our continued dependence.

boasts an abundance of resources. I long for

If we allocated a significant portion of our


budgets each year to infrastructure

Historical divisions, often leading to border

development and harnessing our abundant

conflicts, are significant hurdles. However,

resources, Africa could regain her greatness.

can we find common ground on certain issues? Absolutely. Initiatives related to

Why do we still depend on foreign

human rights and the rule of law are

donations in Africa?

certainly within reach.

As strange as it may sound, our nations have grown accustomed to receiving rather than

African Health care sector is in crises any

giving. Value fuels investment, resource

way out?

allocation, and reputation. Presently, our

The African healthcare sector faces

value is at an all-time low. We have the

challenges, but there is hope. Increased

potential to improve and do better.

investment in the sector will strengthen healthcare infrastructure. Training more

Why is Africa always in the news for the

medical professionals and fostering

negative things?

partnerships with international

While studying at the university, we learned

organizations will go a long way. By working

about the new communication order, how

together, Africa can improve health-

the West has propagated the notion that

care accessibility, quality, and

they are superior through messages in news,

sustainability. This will ensure a healthier

film, and technology. News is often structured

future for everyone.

to focus on negative events, and Africa faces its share of challenges. We may have

What advice do you have for

economic difficulties and high corruption

curbing crimes in Africa?

levels, but these issues are not unique to our

To curb crimes in Africa, we have to

continent. It's essential that we shift towards

focus on community engagement,

celebrating the brighter aspects of African

education, and economic

life, showcasing more smiles in the news, and

empowerment. We must Invest in

acknowledging African countries that have

youth programs, job opportunities,

enjoyed sustained peace for an extended

and better law enforcement


training. By addressing root causes and fostering

Why is so difficult for Africa to unite


Uniting Africa is a challenging endeavor due

Africa can be safer.

to our incredible diversity. The multitude of languages, cultures, and socio-economic disparities complicates the process.





ducation for Growth and Inclusion

addresses new and pressing global issue each

Foundation was originally founded as a

year and project locations span the world. The

Bridging Center for Educational Access for

2022-2023 fellowship grant was aimed at

Internally Displaced and Barrack Youths. It was

providing equitable access to higher education

established by Dr. Caroline Obiageli Emeka-

for refugees and displaced persons.

Ogbonna as the Director, Center for Critical Thinking Teaching and Learning, Nigerian

Dr. Caroline Obiageli Emeka-Ogbonna was a

Defence Academy; with Institute of International

Fulbright Visiting Scholar to Kent State University,

Education (IIE) Centennial Fellowship Grant –

Ohio USA in 2021 where she conducted research


into Program and Curriculum Development in Critical Thinking. Through a highly competitive

The IIE Centennial Fellowship is an annual

process, IIE selected Dr. Caroline as one of four

fellowship program that honours IIE's Centennial

successful Fellows, with others from Afghanistan,

and their association with the Fulbright Program.

Nepal and Ukraine, out of 98 applications

The IIE Centennial Fellowship seeks to help

received globally for 2022–2023 awards. As a

enhance Fulbright as a life-long experience and

Centennial Fellow, Dr. Caroline was to conduct

recognize Fulbright alumni whose work embodies

field research in Kaduna State of Nigeria, where

the underlining Fulbright values of mutual

thousands of young people are internally

understanding, leadership, global problem

displaced due to security challenges and natural

solving, and global impact. The Fellowship

disasters. Her goal is to build a center


therefore evolved into a short-term postsecondary program; and matriculated 63 students for its first set of enrolment. The program features computer literacy, digital and artisanry skill courses as well as business development training and mentor-led internships for youths, to prepare them for entrepreneurship within modern digitized business environment. At major that equitably bridges higher education opportunities for young people in an internally displaced persons' (IDP) camp in the region. Due to security threats and infrastructural deficit in identified IDP centers in Kaduna metropolis, the Bridging Center had to seek accommodation within the premises of NAOWA Primary School in 312 Artillery Regiment, Kalapanzin Barrack Kakuri Kaduna. This necessitated the opening of the opportunity of educational access to Barrack Youths. Barrack Youths are also considered mostly displaced and socially excluded as a result of their parents' military jobs which entail frequent relocations and isolation from the rest of the society. The expansion of participants however intensified existing challenges already

intervals during this period are critical thinking and socio-emotional sessions designed to develop in the youths, transformative mindset towards commitment to fair-mindedness, inclusion and social cohesion in our society. With duration of six months, the short-term hands-on training model enables students to immediately apply their learning for progress toward financial independence and champions of inclusion and peace in our society. It is believed that small-scale measures like these offer the potential of a multiplier effect of educated youths contributing to peaceful coexistence and national development; and of the program providing support to governments' efforts at mitigating security challenges in our

confronting the Center. The problems of the youths' inability to pay for online courses, and the attainment of long term higher education courses within a one-year grant compelled a creative response which led to the modification of the educational engagement to the provision of short term empowerment programs.

The Bridging Center's empowerment design


On 1st November 2023, the Bridging Center graduated its first set of 54 beneficiaries who successfully completed the three core components of the center's curriculum. A graduation and advocacy event was held to celebrate the first graduates of the center and products of this innovative model of higher educational opportunity that shapes the students directly for entrepreneurship and society. This model also offers these benefits at lower costs and in shorter periods. Today we consider the Bridging Center for Internally Displaced and Barrack Youths as a short-term educational access initiative for fostering education for early financial independence and social cohesion in Nigerian youths, with special focus on Internally Displaced and Barracks Youths. It seeks to provide digital and artisanry skills combined with critical thinking and socioemotional coaching as a short term postsecondary school education. These would foster in the youths transformational socio-economic growth to become champions of inclusion and peace in the society through social justice and industry. The motto of the center is Education,

inclusive citizenship. The graduating youths were ecstatic with their skills achievements and prospects of the realization of their lives' dreams. Many displayed their products at the event and attested to have already started receiving patronage for especially their artisanry skills. The Commandant of the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), Maj Gen.JO Ochai, was the Special Guest at the event. Maj. Gen. Ochai commended the need for various skills acquisition as an important tool in becoming self -reliant. He further stressed that trade and skills are the greatest enablers to help people navigate in life today, because white collar jobs are difficult to come by; and it is even best when combined with digital skills as offered by the Bridging Center.

Growth and Inclusion.


both digital and artisanry skills as well as the development of business and entrepreneurial acumen. Until the bigger dream is achieved, the Bridging Center is currently getting ready for another round of enrollment of the second set of students to commence classes in January 2024. We are most grateful to IIE for the foundational grant with which this venture was established. Good will donations during the graduation and

Highly appreciated are the digital and artisanry

advocacy event raised funds enough to enroll

experts who partnered with us in the training of

another set of 20 youths with an estimated cost of

our first set, with whom we journeyed through our

training at One Hundred and Fourty Five

evolution to our current state.

Thousand Naira (#145,000) per youth. Our highest gratitudes go to the generous donors This generosity from patriotic and well-meaning

who trusted our commitment to the

Nigerians in private, government and military

empowerment of Nigerian youths and granted us

organizations birthed the Education for Growth

the impetus for continuous existence.

and Inclusion Foundation as a registered nonprofit foundation focused on extending and

Education for Growth and Inclusion Foundation

sustaining the gains of the Bridging Center.

would continue to seek support from national and international agencies and organisations

Education for Growth and Inclusion Foundation

towards empowering more Nigerian youths for

therefore seeks, in the future,

financial independence and champions of

to increase the

number of Bridging Centers across the nation,

inclusion and peace in our society.

with specific targets at locations with large clusters of internally displaced and Barrack Youths. Its long term aspiration is to establish a mega comprehensive training center with boarding and educational facilities, where related class of socially challenged and disadvantaged youths could attend for high quality digital and artisanry training. A well established and confortable facility would enable the extension of the training period to nine months to ensure deep mastery of


Prof. Caroline Obiageli Emeka-Ogbonna

Nigerian Youths. Caroline has spent the past 25 years in and out of classroom in active academic reengineering of the hearts and minds of Nigerian Military Officers and Leaders to make them more socially and emotionally balanced individuals able to think, communicate and relate fair-mindedly in personal and professional lives. She is an Associate Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, a Fulbright Scholar and current Institute of International Education Centennial Fellow with demonstrated capacity to attract and partner with several national and international institutions for delivery of research and development initiatives. Caroline has brought innovation in teaching methodologies and developed curricular to infuse fair-minded


aroline Obiageli Emeka-Ogbonna is

critical thinking concepts across various levels of education.

an Associate Professor of Critical Thinking and Educative Entertainment,

Head of Centre for Critical Thinking Teaching and Learning, and Founding Coordinator of Postgraduate Research Methodology Office at the Nigeria's premier military university, the Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna. She is also the Founding Director of Education for Growth and Inclusion Foundation, a nonprofit foundation for fostering commitment to peace through social justice and industry in


DONATE!!! Support Education for Growth and Inclusion Foundation. The foundation engages in socio-emotional education and empowerment for internally displaced youths in Kaduna State, Nigeria, where thousands of young people are displaced due to security challenges and natural disasters. This educational opportunity entails 6 months of training in computer literacy, digital and artisanry skills and socio-emotional coaching to empower the youths for financial independence and champions of peace and inclusion. The foundation has trained the first set of 54 youths in different skills. We plan to support 100 more youths at the estimate of $150 per youth. Any bit of the cost of training 1 youth will be highly valuable and appreciated.

To Support or for more inquiries, Reach out to Education for Growth and Inclusion Foundation:


Unity in African Nations through Shared


ith African cultures, languages,

richness of Africa's cultural mosaic but also

and histories, stands at a

provide a platform for communities to come

crossroads where shared

together, reinforcing the idea that diversity is a

heritage becomes a bridge to unity. In the

source of strength.

diverse tapestry of African nations, the pursuit of unity through shared heritage stands as a

Education as a Unifying Force:

powerful catalyst for fostering a sense of

Education plays a pivotal role in building unity.

collective identity. This article explores the

Integrating a comprehensive understanding of

significance of embracing common cultural

shared history in school curricula fosters a

threads to strengthen the bonds that tie

sense of belonging among the younger

communities together, transcending historical

generation. Teaching about common


struggles, triumphs, and historical figures helps instill pride in shared heritage and cultivates a

Celebrating Cultural Festivals:

shared narrative that transcends tribal or

One of the avenues through which unity can be

ethnic lines.

achieved is the celebration of cultural festivals that highlight shared traditions, music, dance,

Preserving Heritage Sites:

and art. These festivals not only showcase the

The preservation of historical sites and artifacts


is crucial in maintaining a tangible link to the

weave a tapestry of unity that embraces

past. By safeguarding monuments, ancestral

diversity while strengthening the bonds that

sites, and cultural relics, African nations can

connect them. Through these collective efforts,

create living museums that tell the story of a

a resilient and harmonious future can be

shared heritage. These sites serve as reminders

envisioned, where shared heritage becomes a

of the interconnectedness of diverse

cornerstone for a united and prosperous Africa.

communities and the importance of preserving collective history.

Harvesting Unity: The Transformative Benefits of Embracing Heritage in African

Cultural Exchange Programs:


Promoting cultural exchange programs within

The embrace of heritage as a unifying force in

and between African nations facilitates mutual

African nations brings forth a multitude of

understanding. Encouraging citizens to explore

transformative benefits, ranging from social

and appreciate the traditions of neighboring

cohesion and economic growth to global

communities fosters a spirit of tolerance and

recognition. This article delves into the positive

unity. Such programs can be facilitated

impacts of fostering unity through the

through art exhibitions, music collaborations,

celebration and preservation of shared

and collaborative projects that showcase the

heritage across diverse African landscapes.

richness of Africa's shared heritage. Social Cohesion and National Identity: Community Dialogue and Inclusivity:

Embracing heritage creates a shared sense of

Open and inclusive dialogue at the community

identity that transcends tribal, linguistic, and

level is essential for fostering unity. Establishing

regional differences. This shared national

platforms where people can discuss their

identity fosters social cohesion, bringing

shared heritage, address historical grievances,

people together under a common banner of

and appreciate the diversity within the nation

pride in their diverse cultural tapestry.

can help bridge gaps and build stronger

Cultural Diplomacy and Global Recognition:

connections. It is through understanding and

A united front built on heritage provides African

empathy that a united national identity can

nations with a strong foundation for cultural


diplomacy. By showcasing the richness of their collective heritage, nations can gain global

In the mosaic of Africa's nations, unity through

recognition, fostering positive international

shared heritage is not only desirable but

relations and attracting cultural tourism.

essential for sustainable development and social cohesion. By celebrating cultural

Economic Empowerment through Cultural

festivals preserving heritage sites, promoting


cultural exchange, and encouraging

Heritage-rich nations can leverage their

community dialogue, African nations can

unique cultural assets to boost economic


development. Cultural tourism, driven by a

Preservation of Traditional Knowledge:

celebration of heritage, attracts visitors eager

Heritage preservation involves not only

to experience the authenticity of local

physical sites but also the safeguarding of

traditions, contributing to job creation and

traditional knowledge and practices. As

economic empowerment within communities.

communities unite to protect their heritage, they contribute to the preservation of ancient

Education and Interconnectedness:

wisdom, ensuring that valuable cultural

Unity through heritage facilitates educational

insights are passed down through generations.

opportunities that emphasize interconnectedness. Schools that integrate

Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation:

diverse cultural narratives into their curriculum

Shared heritage serves as a bridge for

not only promote a deeper understanding of

reconciliation in areas where historical conflicts

history but also instill a sense of pride and

have left lasting scars. By acknowledging

mutual respect among the younger

shared roots and fostering mutual


understanding, communities can work towards healing historical wounds and building a more peaceful coexistence.


Resilience in the Face of Global Challenges:

towards a harmonious, prosperous, and

A united front based on heritage equips African

globally influential future. Through this unity,

nations with resilience in the face of global

these nations not only honor their past but also

challenges. By drawing strength from shared

lay the groundwork for a more interconnected,

values and historical resilience, communities

prosperous, and culturally vibrant future.

can collaboratively address issues such as

Ultimately, the journey towards unity through

climate change, health crises, and economic

heritage is a continuous process, one that


requires ongoing commitment, education, and dialogue. As African nations invest in these


endeavors, they fortify their social fabric,

In the journey toward progress and prosperity,

amplify their voices on the global stage, and

African nations find strength in their unity

build a legacy that resonates through

through shared heritage. The benefits, ranging

generations. In the tapestry of shared heritage,

from enhanced social cohesion and economic

they discover not only a source of strength but

empowerment to global influence and cultural

a collective story that binds them together in

innovation, underscore the transformative

the pursuit of a brighter, more unified future.

potential of embracing common roots. By recognizing the intrinsic value of their collective heritage, African nations can chart a course

Authors: Barakat Yakubu Comfort Yahaya Uduak Okon


Arinola Suleiman Shukurat Abiola Sharafat Noah David







now for our next year editions





now for our next year editions






now for our next year editions


Alkebulan Ngooor! Ngoor!! Snorts Africa!

Those who tap to wake her from her slumber

Like a pig in a deep trance,

Those who sing the blues to revive her

She sleeps with her legs apart

Those are the enemies

And spreads her fortunes fallow

Those are the true aliens

Postponing the harvest of her bounties; And her future now hangs

But ask me,

Like rags upon a leafy branch


Her dawn hangs

Create borders of hate

Not on wheels of progress

And limit our brothers

But on the shackles of poverty and reproach!

But escort the stranger in sirens And show them the way to our kitchen!

Her barns are loaded with ALL FOODS

And set the fire in place

But she starves;

While they cook our food

For she won't COOK the meals of her prosperity

And eat and take home!

And if at all,

While we sit here!

Then she would let the stranger cook

Grumbling in hunger and lack

And feed fat from her kitchen While she yawns with hunger And clasps her arms in destitution

Yawning in frustration and hate And borrowing slices of their sweat to waste!

Or beg for crumbs!


Those who man our kitchen Those who promise us delicacies Must realize: That we eat when food is cooked and served Not when published on menu lists And described in their mouths, We TRADE IN OVER 50 NOTES

Or sent through the waves of the air to our

Yet none can buy a pin


Till we barter for dollar And return to wail


"How big Dollar Trades in thousands of our

And stop the promises of a delicacy!


They must know we are hungry!

And tax our brothers to meet the tasks!

They must remember we have food And our kitchen has all we need!


Africa, food is available!

And give all our notes to get the aliens' food

Just Cook and stop the starvation!

And cry fowl

You have too much to be hungry!

"How dearly their food costs"

Awake and cook!



But complains of excess tears And blames the onlookers for allowing him


poke his balls... We starve because we slumber We weep because we are deep asleep






a region that has faced numerous

empowering civil society to actively participate

challenges in terms of human rights and

in shaping a just and peaceful future.

peace. In order to address these issues

Highlighting how advancements in human

effectively, it is crucial to understand the

rights contribute to lasting peace, and

interconnected goals that are essential for

conversely, how sustainable peace provides

promoting human rights and peace in Africa.

the fertile ground for the protection and

This article will provide an overview of these

fulfillment of human rights.

frica is a continent rich in diversity,

involve addressing historical injustices,

culture, and history. However, it is also

promoting accountable governance, and

interconnected goals and highlight their significance in creating a more just and


peaceful society.

Dignity and Equality Human rights, anchored in the principles of

The journey toward securing human rights and

dignity and equality, form the bedrock of

fostering peace in Africa is ongoing. Efforts

peaceful coexistence. The recognition and


protection of every individual's inherent worth

development, providing the conditions

contribute to a society where differences are

necessary for the realization of economic,

celebrated, fostering an environment less

social, and cultural rights. Access to education,

prone to conflict.

healthcare and opportunities for a dignified life flourishes in peaceful settings.

Justice and Accountability A just society, where accountability prevails, is a

3. Empowerment and Participation

prerequisite for lasting peace. Human rights

Peacetime encourages civic engagement and

principles guide legal systems and institutions,

empowerment, creating spaces for individuals

ensuring fair and transparent processes that, in

to exercise their civil and political rights freely. In

turn, cultivate an atmosphere of trust and

the absence of fear and conflict, people are


more likely to actively participate in shaping their communities.

Inclusive Governance Respecting the rights of individuals to


participate in governance processes creates


inclusive societies. Inclusivity, where diverse voices are heard and considered, promotes

The goals of African human rights and peace

political stability and diminishes the likelihood

are interconnected and mutually reinforcing.

of marginalization leading to unrest.

Each goal plays a vital role in promoting a society where all individuals can live in dignity,

Peace as a Catalyst for Human Rights

equality, and harmony. By examining these

1. Conflict Prevention

goals, we can gain a deeper understanding of

A peaceful environment acts as a bulwark

the challenges faced by African nations and

against the violation of human rights. Proactive

the strategies needed to overcome them.

conflict prevention strategies contribute to the protection of vulnerable populations and the

1. Ensuring access to justice for all

preservation of fundamental rights during

Access to justice is a fundamental human right

times of stability.

that is essential for the protection and promotion of other rights. In Africa, however,

2. Socioeconomic Development

many individuals, particularly those from

Peace allows for sustained socioeconomic

marginalized communities, face significant


barriers to accessing justice. This goal aims to

countries can create a conducive environment

address these barriers and ensure that all

for the development of a vibrant and

individuals have equal access to legal

participatory democracy.

remedies and fair judicial processes. By promoting access to justice, African nations

4. Strengthening democratic governance

can create a society where the rule of law

Democratic governance is crucial for ensuring

prevails and where human rights are protected

accountability, transparency, and the rule of

and upheld.

law. African nations recognize the importance of strong and inclusive democratic institutions

2. Promoting equality and non-

that are responsive to the needs and


aspirations of their citizens. This goal focuses on

Equality and non-discrimination are

strengthening democratic governance by

fundamental principles of human rights.

promoting good governance practices,

African nations strive to create societies where

enhancing transparency, and fostering citizen

all individuals are treated with dignity, respect,

participation in decision-making processes. By

and fairness, regardless of their race, ethnicity,

strengthening democratic governance, African

gender, or any other characteristic. This goal

countries can create a more stable and

emphasizes the importance of eliminating all

democratic society where human rights are

forms of discrimination and creating an

respected and protected.

inclusive society where everyone has equal opportunities and rights.

5. Fostering peace and security Peace and security are essential for the well-

3. Protecting civil and political rights

being and prosperity of any society. African

Civil and political rights are the cornerstone of a

nations have experienced numerous conflicts

democratic society. These rights include

and challenges to peace and security, ranging

freedom of speech, assembly, and association,

from armed conflicts to political instability. This

as well as the right to vote and participate in the

goal emphasizes the importance of fostering

political process. African nations recognize the

peace and security by addressing the root

importance of protecting these rights and

causes of conflicts, promoting dialogue and

ensuring that individuals can exercise them

reconciliation, and strengthening the capacity

without fear of repression or persecution. By

of African institutions to prevent and resolve

safeguarding civil and political rights, African

conflicts. By fostering peace and security,


African countries can create a stable and

promoting accountability, African countries

peaceful environment where individuals can

can build a more just and peaceful society. It is

live free from fear and violence.

crucial for African nations, civil society organizations, and international partners to

6. Promoting accountability and combating

work together to achieve these goals and


create a brighter future for Africa and its people.

Promoting accountability and combating impunity are crucial for ensuring justice and the


rule of law. African nations recognize the

1. Women's Rights and Peace

importance of holding individuals accountable

The empowerment and protection of women's

for human rights violations and ensuring that

rights are integral to both human rights and

victims have access to justice and reparations.

peace-building. Gender equality contributes to

This goal focuses on promoting accountability

stable societies, and the absence of conflict

by strengthening judicial systems, supporting

allows for the full realization of women's rights.

transitional justice processes, and combating impunity at all levels. By promoting

2. Youth Engagement

accountability and combating impunity,

Involving the youth in promoting human rights

African countries can create a society where

and peace not only ensures the continuity of

human rights are respected, protected, and

these efforts but harnesses the energy and


innovation of a demographic that can be instrumental in shaping a just and peaceful

The importance of interconnected goals in


African human rights and peace The interconnected goals of African human


rights and peace are essential for creating a

In the tapestry of African human rights and

society where all individuals can live in dignity,

peace, each thread is essential for the creation

equality, and harmony. By ensuring access to

of a harmonious and just society. Recognizing

justice, promoting equality and non-

the interconnected goals and addressing

discrimination, protecting civil and political

challenges collectively propel the continent

rights, advancing economic, social, and

toward a future where the flame of human

cultural rights, strengthening democratic

rights illuminates the path to enduring peace.

governance, fostering peace and security, and

Authors: Barakat Yakubu Comfort Yahaya Uduak Okon


Arinola Suleiman Shukurat Abiola Sharafat Noah David



August 2024


+44 7438 325433; +44 7466 234902


Diplomacy in Resolving

African Conflict


iplomacy has its ancient roots firmly in

The roots of some African conflicts trace back

Africa, the cradle of humanity. Yet the

to arbitrary colonial borders, disrupting ethnic

idea of “African diplomacy” is

and cultural cohesion. Diplomacy seeks to

surprisingly new, because most African states

address the historical underpinnings and

are very young compared to those in the rest of

negotiate solutions that respect the rights and

the world. Historical complexities, has witnessed

aspirations of diverse communities.

its share of conflicts and challenges. Diplomacy, as a key instrument of international

Independence Movements

relations, plays a crucial role in resolving

Diplomacy played a pivotal role in navigating

disputes and fostering peace across the

the complex landscape of post-independence

continent. This article explores the intricate

Africa. Negotiations, mediated by international

landscape of diplomatic efforts in addressing

actors, helped shape the future of newly

African conflicts, highlighting successes,

formed nations and address regional power

challenges, and the evolving role of diplomacy


in shaping a more stable and harmonious future.

Diplomatic Strategies in Conflict Resolution

Historical Context

Mediation and Peace Talks Diplomats often act as mediators, facilitating

Colonial Legacies and Borders


in resolving civil conflicts in Liberia and Sierra Leone during the 1990s. Ethiopia and Eritrea: Recent diplomatic breakthroughs led to the normalization of relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea, showcasing the potential of diplomacy in resolving long-standing disputes. Ongoing Challenges Complex Regional Conflicts: The interconnected nature of conflicts in some regions poses challenges to diplomatic peace talks between conflicting parties. Notable examples include the mediation efforts in the Sudanese Civil War and the peace talks that led to the end of apartheid in South Africa. Multilateral Cooperation African conflicts often involve multiple stakeholders. Diplomacy, through regional organizations like the African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), fosters multilateral cooperation in addressing complex issues such as regional instability and cross-border conflicts.

solutions. Addressing root causes requires nuanced approaches and sustained international engagement. Resource-driven Conflicts: Diplomacy faces hurdles in conflicts driven by competition for valuable resources. Sustainable solutions necessitate addressing economic inequalities and promoting responsible resource management. The Evolving Role of Diplomacy in Africa Digital Diplomacy In an era of connectivity, digital diplomacy amplifies diplomatic efforts. Social media and online platforms provide new avenues for

Economic Diplomacy Diplomacy goes beyond political negotiations;

dialogue, information dissemination, and

economic diplomacy plays a role in stabilizing

public engagement in conflict resolution

regions by promoting trade, investment, and


sustainable development. Collaborative economic initiatives contribute to stability and conflict prevention. Success Stories and Challenges

Climate Diplomacy Diplomacy intersects with environmental issues, especially in regions where climate change contributes to resource scarcity and displacement. Collaborative efforts to address

Success Stories Liberia and Sierra Leone: Diplomatic efforts,

climate-related challenges become integral to

including peacekeeping missions and

preventing conflicts.

international interventions, played a critical role


Resolving African Conflict to navigating path

poverty and unemployment, which are often

of peace

linked to conflict. Sustainable economic growth

Diplomacy and Mediation: Engage in diplomatic efforts and third-party

can contribute to stability and reduce the

mediation to facilitate dialogue between conflicting parties. International organizations,

likelihood of violence.

neighboring countries, and neutral entities can

Education and Social Cohesion: Invest in education to promote social cohesion

play crucial roles in mediating disputes.

and inter-cultural understanding. Education is a powerful tool for fostering tolerance, reducing

Inclusive Peace Processes: Ensure inclusivity in peace processes by involving all relevant stakeholders, including marginalized groups, women, youth, and local

prejudice, and building a shared national identity.

communities. Inclusive dialogues promote

Regional Cooperation: Encourage regional cooperation and

sustainable and comprehensive peace

collaboration. Regional organizations, such as


the African Union (AU) and sub-regional bodies, can play key roles in conflict prevention,

Addressing Root Causes: Identify and address the root causes of

resolution, and peace-building.

conflicts, such as socio-economic inequalities, political grievances, and historical injustices.

Humanitarian Assistance: Provide humanitarian assistance to address

Comprehensive solutions require

the immediate needs of affected populations.

understanding and mitigating the underlying

Access to basic necessities such as food, water,

issues that fuel tensions.

healthcare, and shelter is crucial during and after conflicts.

Good Governance: Promote transparent and accountable

Climate Change Mitigation:

governance to address corruption and strengthen institutions. Good governance contributes to political stability and helps build trust between citizens and the state. Rule of Law and Justice: Strengthen the rule of law and justice systems to ensure accountability for human rights abuses and violations. An effective legal framework contributes to a sense of justice and helps prevent impunity. Economic Development: Foster economic development to address


Address environmental challenges and

infrastructure, restoring essential services,

climate change, which can contribute to

and supporting the reintegration of displaced

resource scarcity and displacement, often


exacerbating existing conflicts. Sustainable

Resolving conflicts in Africa requires a holistic

environmental practices are integral to long-

and collaborative approach that addresses

term stability.

the root causes and engages diverse stakeholders in the pursuit of lasting peace.

International Support:

It's important to tailor strategies to the specific

Garner international support for peace-

context of each conflict and continually

building efforts. Cooperation with the

adapt approaches based on evolving

international community, including financial

circumstances. Diplomacy stands as a

support, expertise, and diplomatic backing,

beacon of hope in navigating the complex

strengthens the capacity to address complex

terrain of African conflicts. While successes


underscore its efficacy, ongoing challenges and emerging issues necessitate adaptive

Cultural Sensitivity:

and innovative diplomatic approaches. The

Acknowledge and respect cultural

commitment to diplomatic solutions remains

differences. Understanding local customs

pivotal in building a future where the diverse

and traditions is essential for effective conflict

nations of Africa coexist in peace and

resolution and community engagement.


Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Develop comprehensive strategies for postconflict reconstruction, including rebuilding

Authors: Barakat Yakubu Comfort Yahaya Uduak Okon


Arinola Suleiman Shukurat Abiola Sharafat Noah David

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