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ISSUE 118/JAN. 2024

N12,000/ $12 / £10


Dr. LaBI


OLubni bra


ISSUE 118/JAN. 2024

N12,000/ $12 / £10




20 24 32 36

EMPOWERING Healthcare with AI REVOLUTIONALIZING Healthcare in Africa DOUBLE STANDARDS IN Healthcare, a modern Hypocricy ETHOPIA’S Progressive Economic Development



AFRICA’s blue economy



incredible botswana land of beauty and wealth

Note Editor’s

Here is to say a very big thank you to all our readers, sponsors and partners, wishing you a happy and prosperous 2024.

In this edition we are focusing on

technological advancement in the health care industry.

NOAH Ajare

The integration of technology into the field of medicine


has revolutionized healthcare delivery, transforming the way medical professionals diagnose, treat, and manage patient care. From cutting-edge medical devices to advanced software applications, technology has

The proliferation of wearable devices and health apps

become an indispensable tool in modern medicine.

has empowered individuals to take control of their

Diagnostic Imaging: One of the most significant

health. These devices can track vital signs, physical

contributions of technology to medicine is the

activity, and sleep patterns, providing valuable insights

development of sophisticated diagnostic imaging

into overall health and well-being.

techniques. Medical imaging technologies such as X-

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning:

rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and ultrasound have enabled

AI and machine learning algorithms are being used to

doctors to visualize the human body in unprecedented

analyze vast amounts of medical data, aiding in disease

detail, leading to more accurate diagnoses and earlier

diagnosis, treatment selection, and drug development.

detection of diseases.

AI-powered tools can assist healthcare professionals in

Minimally Invasive Surgeries: Technology has also made

making more informed decisions, leading to improved

significant advancements in surgical procedures.

patient outcomes.

Minimally invasive surgeries, such as laparoscopic and robotic surgeries, have reduced the need for large

Advancements in reproductive medicine and

incisions, resulting in less pain, faster recovery times, and

technology that have made it possible for individuals

improved patient outcomes.

who were previously unable to conceive to have

Telemedicine: The rise of telemedicine has expanded

children. These advancements include assisted

access to healthcare services, particularly for individuals

reproductive technologies (ART) such as in vitro

living in remote areas or with limited mobility.

fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), and

Telemedicine platforms allow patients to consult with


healthcare professionals remotely, reducing the need for in-person visits and improving convenience.

In this edition we have an exclusive interview with one

Electronic Health Records (EHRs):

of the very best in the field. Dr. Olubunmi Abraham

EHRs have revolutionized patient record management.

Alabi MBBS, FWACS, FICS. Dr. Alabi is a highly

These digital systems store and organize patient

accomplished medical professional with wealth of

medical information, making it easily accessible to

experience in the field of reproductive medicine. And

healthcare providers, improving coordination of care,

other interesting topics please enjoy it and wishing you

and reducing the risk of medical errors.

a Happy New Year.

Wearable Devices and Health Apps:





Prole Dr. Alabi Olubunmi’s

Our Daddy, Pastor (Dr.) Olubunmi Abraham Alabi has a humble beginning when he was born on 7th June, 1972, as the 10th child in a family of 19 children. He was born into the Elemosho family in Ikere-Ekiti, Ikere local government area of Ekiti state. His parents were late Pa John Kolawole Alabi and Mrs Felicia Adefunke Alabi while his other two mothers were Mrs. Mary Layonu Alabi and Mrs Felicia Alabi (Eyegbebi). He attended St. Matthew, a CAC primary school and Eleyo High school both in Ikere Ekiti before he proceeded to Christ's School Ado Ekiti where he had his advanced level between 1989 and 1990. He gained admission to college of Medicine, University of Ilorin in 1992 and was awarded Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) in 1998 while in the university he was a university scholar in 1995 and also the class representative(Governor) from 1996 till they graduated in 1998. He had his one year internship in the University of Ilorin and after completion of the one year National Youth Service Scheme at Mokwa General Hospital in Niger State, he went for his post graduate training at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital between 2002 and 2006. He became a fellow of the West African College of Surgeon in the Faculty of Obstetrics and Gynecology in October 2006. Just like the bible says in Proverbs 18:22 that "whosoever findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtained favour of the Lord." Bunmi Alabi found a wife in Susan Alabi and no doubt obtained the favour of God, they got married on 13th April 2002 and are blessed with three children Susan has been a very supportive pillar and backbone for the past 20 years. She has sacrificed


many things for the stability of the marriage and joined the husband to build a growing Medical practice indeed she is a virtuous woman. Dr Bumi Alabi was ordained an Elder in Christ Apostolic Church Mount Victory in 2005 by Pastor King Olufemi. He attended Christ Apostolic Church Seminary, Abuja Campus in Katampe for his theological knowledge. He became an Evangelist in the year 2015 and was ordained a Pastor on the 10th December 2020. He is currently the Minister in Charge of Christ Apostolic Church Mount Victory Galadimawa. Pastor (Dr) Olubunmi Alabi has worked within and outside the country in many places which include University of ilorin Teaching Hospital, Mokwa General hospital, Federal Medical Centre, Bida, Hospital da Centra de Maputo and Hospital da Centra da Beira, Beira both in Mozambique. He was a lecturer at the Universidade de Catholica da Beira in Mozambique between 2006-2008. He was the pioneer consultant in Kuje General Hospital and Rose to become the Medical director of Kuje General hospital and it is on record that he brought total transformation to the hospital during his tenure. He is a Chief consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology with Wuse District Hospital and CEO Excel Specialist Hospital & Fertility Centre Abuja. He is a medical student examiner, trainer of interns and resident doctor and administrator per excellent Olubunmi loves God. He is serving God and humanity with his skills and resources.


Exclusive Interview With

Can you tell us about your

Moqua General Hospital after which I


went back to the university of Ilorin for

I was born Ekere Ekiti State on the 7th of

my post-graduate and I became a

June 1972. I had my primary and

fellow of the West Africa College of

secondary school education in Ekere

surgeons in the year 2006.

Ekiti State. I proceeded to have my A-

Elisha: I will like to ask this question, what

level in Christo Ado-Ekiti before I gained

does peace mean to you?

admission into the university of Ilorin to

Dr Pst Olubunmi: When we talk about

study medicine and I obtain the

peace, it means when you have,

bachelors of medicine and surgery in

absence of conflict and which could be

the year

1998 and then had my

within a home, within a nation, and the

internship in the university of Illorin

whole world as a whole. It involves a

teaching hospital. I proceeded to have

situation in which people relate well.

my national youth service scheme at


Have you ever been involved in any peace or conflict resolution at any point? I've been involved in so many peace and conflict resolution starting from the fact that I'm a pastor so we should start it from the home and the home makes the church. So I've been involved in so many peace and conflict resolutions in so many homes trying to reconcile homes. Being a pastor, you know the job of a pastor is to reconcile men unto God. So by reconciling men unto God, it becomes easier to reconcile men unto men and all over the world, you can see the problem we are having all over the world now is because of the absence or lack of peace and that is why you need to reconcile country to country, nations to nations because peace is eluding the world gradually that is why you hear of war and


not working. Three of them are not working. So we still need to export the crude, go and refine it and then purchase the refine product. It's the same thing that is happening to our Gold, it's the same thing that is happening to our Diamond and all other natural resources. They don't use them raw. You have to excavate, refine them. Even look at our cocoa, ordinary cocoa, you have to export it, to go and refine it

the crimes associated with it.

before you can use It for chocolate or

Africa is actually blessed with natural resources but we depend on aid from other countries. What do you think is the way forward? The problem we are having in Africa despite the fact we have a lot of natural resources that God has given unto us. We are still lacking technological know-how to be able to convert this natural resources in the refined products which

you can use it for milo, bourn Vita. So, these are the problems we are having in Africa and until we are able to refine all our natural resources and get the end product, which we can use, we should be the exporter of those refined products and not exporting our crude and at the end of the day, importing at a higher rate the refined product.

can benefit humanity take for example Nigeria, we have a lot of crude oil but you cannot excavate crude oil and put into a car. It has to be refined to PMS, Diesel and every other component that you can use. Unfortunately, many of our refineries are


Can you tell us about your area of specialization? Thank you very much, I'm an obstetrician, a gynecologist and IVF

the time I became a specialist, I've been contributing my part in training nurses, medical students, medical doctors so that they can become specialist on how to reduce maternal mortality in Nigeria also I've also observed in the area of gynecology, I noticed that one area, which is; because in Africa in which I am laying much emphasis on child bearing, unfortunately, one out of six couples would suffer infertility. Infertility means inability to have children after one year of adequate sexual intercourse and many of them will need assisted reproduction which is what we call IVF and so apart from reducing maternal mortality, I also venture into the area of fertility, through IVF in order to give joy to many of the young couples expert. Why did I choose Obstetrics and

Can you tell us more about excel fertility

Gynecology? I observe and unfortunately


that is what we are still having today more

Excel fertility center was established in the

than 500,000 women die per-anum during

year 2011. It started as an intermural

the period of giving birth. Giving birth is a

practice, to the Glory of God, we are here

Physiological thing. A woman and the

today. It's a private hospital and it's a multi

family, they all have high expectation. In fact

specialized hospital like just a one bus stop

a joyous expectation. You could imagine

were-in we have all specialties including

how their expectation could be dashed when a journey that is suppose to lead to joy now leads to grieve. So right from the time when I was passing through medical school and especially during my houseman ship, when I saw the rate at which women are dying, it was appalling so I decided to contribute my own quota to reducing maternal mortality in Africa and beyond and that is why I chose obstetrics, gynecology and to God be the Glory since


general medicine, cardiologist, endocrinologist nephrologist, orthopedic surgeon, obstetricians, gynecologist, pediatricians all geared to restore joy to so many homes that are in the brink of breaking because of lack of children and that is what we are still doing up till date Thank you very much sir. Globally, over a hundred and eighty-six million suffer infertility issues and 40% are Africans. What is the way out? Yeah, there are ways out of infertility in Africa and just as you've said, globally, you find out that Africa; even now we talk about infertility zones which includes Nigeria, Gabon, Cameroon and other west African countries. In fact infertility in these areas are increasing more than 40%. Now infertility

...Many of them still

“ believe that even

some of those babies produce during

assisted reproductive techniques will not be

normal.... Some believe that it is not Godly.

can be prevented. How can we prevent infertility? The prime age at which people will have their fertility is actually within 19 & 24 years of age. But you find out that nowadays, the age of marriage because of career, because of economic situation has been pushed to beyond 30 and so by the time people are getting married, their fertility which we call frequent ability that is ability to conceive within one month has reduced not to talk more about people that are not getting married till above 35, and above 40. By then their fertility has reduced so much. Now what can we do to prevent it? You also find out that people don't get married early, they have liberal attitude to sex. So many of them would have either aborted once or twice while some would have had recurrent infection that would have damaged their tubes, their wombs, some might have harbored fibroid and had to have fibroid surgery done repeatedly. What can we do? Number one thing that we can do is health education. We need to give good health education especially reproductive health education. So that you will know 1. How to prevent or how to preserve their fertility. People who are having recurrent private infection called PID. They should go to the hospital, treat it promptly 2. People can use contraceptives when they don't want, when they are not ready to get married and they cannot keep



until when they are ripe for

we have cancer, some diagnostic tools, we


are having a lot of cancer survivals. It is important know that young ladies and men

3. We also find out that people have liberal

who are diagnose of cancer and are

attitude to drugs. Drug abuse especially

planning to go for chemotherapy or

among men which include the social drugs

radiotherapy, they can freeze their sperm or

like alcohol, like smoking. This reduces their

their eggs before the commence

fertility potential and that is why you are

chemotherapy or radiotherapy so that their

seeing nowadays about 40% of causes of

fertility can be preserved for future

infertility issues is due to male factor which


is as a result of damage to the sperm, damage to the testis, damage to the

What is the attitude of Nigerians or

vestigial so, if there is reduction of alcohol,

Africans to artificial insemination?

cigarette smoking, it can help in preventing

Thank you very much, up till now, our people

infertility. And then part of the prevention, I

still have, many people in Africa still have the

counsel young people anytime I have the

wrong impression about assisting

opportunity to give lecture that once you

reproductive technique which we call IVF.

get 35 years of age and above, if husband is

Many of them still believe that even some of

not coming, that is why we have fertility

those babies produce during assisted

centres. You can freeze your eggs and also

reproductive techniques will not be normal.


Some believe that it is not Godly. So we will still need to do a lot health education telling them that it is just technology. Like I tell people, I said IVF is garbage in, garbage out. It is your sperm, or the egg of your spouse or that of donor that we will collect, refine, form the embryo and put back into you for example, some body that the woman has tuber blockage, there's no way the egg and the sperm can meet inside the womb. What do we do? We harvest the egg, collect the man's sperm, we'll form the embryo and we return it back. So we just by-pass the obstruction. So we still need to do more in health education and enlightenment too let people know that it is just technology. God is using men through technology to bring back happiness to people though the enlightenment is gradual and the acceptability is coming up, but we are not yet were we are suppose to be. When you put Nigeria for example as a whole now and you compare the rest of the world, you would find out that despite our number and the number of the infertility couples we have, the number of circles we are doing per-anum is too small so which shows that the acceptability is still very poor. Is artificial surrogacy a blessing or a curse? Thank you very much. Surrogacy; What is surrogacy? Surrogacy is a situation in which another woman that is what we call the conventional on IVF Surrogacy

carry pregnancy for another woman. It's a very big blessing. There are so many women that cannot carry pregnancy by themselves either because of a health challenge, some are born with rudimentary uterus, Uterus is the womb; the womb cannot carry pregnancy. Some have fibroid which have damaged their womb either the womb was removed or cannot even carry pregnancy or some are advance in it that it cannot carry pregnancy and so they need pregnancy, they need children so somebody can now volunteer. It could be a family member, or it could be an anonymous person. So we use the sperm of the husband with the egg of a


Dr. Pst. Bunmi Alabi and Wife, Mrs. Alabi

protect the patient. What will be your advice to those who are skeptical about it? The advice I will give to those who are skeptical about surrogacy is that, they should approach the fertility centre, seat down with the doctor and they should hear their own biases about it, listen, what I do

Dr. Pst. Bunmi Alabi, Wife and Children

when people like that come, a times I

woman or that of a donor. So biologically,

connect them to some of my patient who

the children belong to the parent. So the person that carried it is just like an incubator. You cannot imagine how happy those people will be when they have such children. I think gradually, people are accepting surrogacy so it's a very big blessing. The one we saw in the Bible is called traditional surrogacy that was the one where Haggai carried a baby for Abraham and Sarah but that is not what we are doing in IVF. So the conventional one, it is the sperm of the man without the man having intercourse with the woman. Are there any laws in place to protect those who subscribe to the mode of infertility? As it is today in Nigeria, It's only Lagos state that have law and all of us that are practicing having IVF in Nigeria AFIV, what we try to do is to adopt the Lagos law because at the National level, there is no law yet. We are trying to self-regulate ourselves by using the EFREMA that is the

has had surrogacy or who has had successful IVF before to share their testimony with them, it encourages them because, you find out that; some of these things like surrogacy, many years, I've successfully practice, it developed well and I'm still doing it today. So it is something that has come to stay. So it gives joy, reliefs anxiety and I wish some people that are having such challenge, they should air their views and the fertility expert can take it up from there. The problem is that, many of them don't come. They either go to their friends or people who are not knowledgeable and tell them what is not true. Thank you very much sir, it's been a pleasure having you and it's been impactful session. Thank you for your time. We really appreciate it. Dr Pst Olubunmi Alabi Thank you very much and I want to thank all our listeners at home, God bless you

one that came out from Lagos to protect ourselves, to protect our clients and to





Health care with


n the vast and diverse healthcare

symptom checkers, medication reminders,

landscape of Africa, Artificial Intelligence

and teleconsultation services. They

(AI) is emerging as a catalyst for

empower individuals to take charge of their

transformative change. This article explores

health and seek medical advice, even in

how AI is empowering healthcare across the

areas with limited access to traditional

continent, overcoming unique challenges

healthcare facilities.

and fostering innovation to enhance medical services, accessibility, and patient

Data Analytics for Public Health Planning:


AI-driven data analytics contribute to effective public health planning. By analyzing

AI-Driven Mobile Health Solutions:

health data, AI can identify trends, anticipate

Mobile health applications powered by AI

disease outbreaks, and support the

play a pivotal role in reaching remote and

allocation of resources where they are most

underserved communities. These

needed. This proactive approach enhances

applications often include features like

the ability of healthcare systems to respond


to emerging health challenges promptly.

significant challenge. AI technologies offer the potential to bridge the gap by providing

AI in Maternal and Child Health:

diagnostic and treatment insights remotely.

Maternal and child health are critical areas

Telemedicine platforms powered by AI enable

where AI interventions can make a significant

patients in remote areas to connect with

impact. AI applications can aid in monitoring

healthcare professionals, fostering a more

the health of pregnant women, predicting

inclusive and accessible healthcare system.

complications, and providing targeted interventions to ensure safe childbirth.

Early Disease Detection in Resource-Limited

Additionally, AI supports early childhood


development through personalized healthcare

AI's ability to analyze vast datasets is particularly


valuable in resource-limited settings. Early detection of diseases through AI-driven

AI for Chronic Disease Management:

diagnostics aids in proactive and cost-effective

The rising burden of chronic diseases in Africa,

interventions. Mobile health applications

such as diabetes and cardiovascular

leveraging AI can play a crucial role in providing

conditions, necessitates innovative

timely healthcare services to underserved

approaches to management. AI-powered tools


assist in monitoring patients with chronic illnesses, offering personalized treatment plans,

Optimizing Healthcare Workforce:

and supporting lifestyle interventions. This

Africa faces a shortage of healthcare

contributes to better long-term health

professionals. AI contributes by automating


routine tasks, allowing healthcare workers to focus on critical aspects of patient care. This

Addressing Healthcare Disparities:

optimization of the workforce enhances overall

In many parts of Africa, access to healthcare is a

efficiency and ensures that healthcare professionals can dedicate more time to direct patient interactions. AI-Powered Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases: AI has proven instrumental in the rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases. With Africa being susceptible to various infectious diseases, AI-driven diagnostic tools contribute to timely identification and containment. This is particularly crucial for preventing outbreaks and ensuring effective public health responses.


Community Health Monitoring and



As Africa continues its journey towards

AI facilitates community health monitoring

improved healthcare, the integration of AI

through data analytics. By tracking health

stands as a beacon of hope. By addressing

trends and patterns, it enables authorities to

challenges related to accessibility, workforce

implement targeted public health

optimization, and disease management, AI is

interventions. Additionally, AI-driven

transforming the healthcare landscape

educational tools contribute to health literacy,

across the continent. The synergy between

empowering communities to make informed

technological innovation and local healthcare

decisions about their well-being.

needs marks a significant step towards a more resilient, inclusive, and effective

Personalized Medicine Tailored to Local

healthcare system in Africa. As AI continues to


evolve, its role in empowering healthcare

AI enables the development of personalized

across the diverse nations of Africa is poised to

medicine solutions that consider the unique

make a lasting impact on the well-being of

genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors

communities and individuals alike.

prevalent in African populations. This approach holds the potential to improve Author: Uduak Okon

treatment outcomes by tailoring healthcare interventions to the specific needs of individuals and communities.



New Year !!!

Cheers to a Serene New Year with African Peace Magazine, UK! Dear Beloved Readers and Subscribers, as the clock ticks towards a brand new chapter, African Peace Magazine, UK, extends heartfelt wishes for a Happy New Year filled with joy, unity, and boundless peace! Uplifting Spirits in 2024: A Special Message Just for You! Embark on the journey ahead with us, as we curate exclusive content designed to ignite hope, foster understanding, and paint a canvas of positivity. Inspiring Insights: Immerse yourself in thought-provoking articles that illuminate the path to inspiration, growth, and profound joy. Global Harmony Aspirations: Join us in envisioning a world where unity, compassion, and peace are at the forefront of our collective effort. May African Peace Magazine be your guiding light as you step into the New Year, navigating its uncharted waters with a spirit of hope and tranquility. Happy New Year – Where Peaceful Beginnings Unfold! Warm regards, African Peace Magazine, UK



approaches and innovations driving change, as


African nations strive to create inclusive,

A key element of the healthcare revolution in

accessible, and sustainable healthcare systems

Africa is the emphasis on community-driven

that cater to the unique needs of their

solutions. Trained community health workers,


equipped with digital tools, are playing a crucial

n the continent of Africa, a transformative

healthcare closer to communities in need.

healthcare revolution is underway. This Community Health Workers and Local

article explores the multifaceted

role in primary healthcare delivery. They not only Telemedicine and Digital Health Solutions:

provide essential health services but also

Telemedicine is emerging as a powerful tool in

engage in health education, disease prevention,

revolutionizing healthcare delivery across Africa.

and community empowerment.

With the widespread availability of mobile phones, telemedicine connects patients to

AI for Early Diagnosis and Treatment

healthcare providers, enabling remote


consultations, diagnostics, and even the

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making significant

delivery of essential medications. This approach

strides in healthcare across the continent. AI-

overcomes geographical barriers, bringing

powered diagnostic tools analyze medical data


efficiently, aiding in early detection of diseases. This is particularly crucial in resource-limited settings, where timely intervention can significantly impact patient outcomes. Mobile Health Applications for Health Monitoring: Mobile health applications are transforming the way individuals monitor and manage their health. These apps track vital signs, offer personalized health advice, and even provide mental health

organizations bring investment, technology, and

support. The user-friendly nature of mobile health

expertise, contributing to the development of

technology contributes to increased health

modern healthcare infrastructure. This synergy

awareness and empowers individuals to take an

addresses gaps in resource allocation and

active role in their well-being.

accelerates the pace of change.

Innovations in Maternal and Child Health:

Education and Training for Healthcare

Maternal and child health are focal points in the


healthcare revolution. Innovations such as mobile

The transformation of healthcare includes a focus

clinics, remote monitoring for pregnant women,

on education and training for healthcare

and educational programs for mothers

professionals. Initiatives to enhance medical

contribute to reducing maternal and child

training, nursing programs, and the use of

mortality rates. These initiatives prioritize the

simulation technologies ensure that the

health of women and children, recognizing their

healthcare workforce is well-equipped to meet

critical role in community well-being.

evolving challenges. This investment in human resources strengthens the foundation of

Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Enhancements:

healthcare systems.

Strengthening pharmaceutical supply chains is a vital component of healthcare transformation.

Mental Health Integration:

Innovations like drone deliveries are overcoming

The healthcare revolution recognizes the

logistical challenges, ensuring timely and efficient

importance of mental health and strives to

distribution of medications, especially in remote or inaccessible areas. This enhances the availability of essential drugs and contributes to improved treatment outcomes. Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Development: The healthcare revolution in Africa is also marked by strategic partnerships between public and private entities. Collaborations with private


Capacity Building in Research and Innovation: Investing in research and innovation is a cornerstone of the healthcare revolution. African nations are fostering a culture of scientific inquiry, supporting local research institutions, and encouraging innovation in healthcare technologies. This capacity-building approach positions African countries to contribute significantly to global advancements in medical integrate mental health services into the broader healthcare framework. Initiatives include training healthcare professionals in mental health support, community awareness campaigns, and destigmatizing mental health issues to ensure holistic well-being for individuals and communities.

research. Conclusion: The revolutionizing of healthcare in Africa signifies a paradigm shift towards inclusive, technologydriven, and community-centric systems. Through the innovative use of telemedicine, AI, community health workers, and strategic partnerships, African nations are building healthcare

Health Financing Reforms: Sustainable financing models are essential for the long-term success of healthcare transformation. African nations are exploring innovative financing mechanisms, including public-private partnerships, health insurance schemes, and investment in health infrastructure. These reforms aim to ensure financial sustainability while

infrastructures that address historical challenges and pave the way for a healthier, more resilient future. As this transformation unfolds, the commitment to equitable healthcare for all remains at the forefront, reflecting a vision of wellness that transcends geographic, economic, and social boundaries.

making healthcare services more affordable and

Author: David Noah






now for our next year editions



Blue Economy


he Blue Economy refers to the

In 2024, the Blue Economy is expected to

sustainable use of ocean resources

continue growing, driven by increasing

for economic growth, improved

demand for seafood, renewable energy, and

livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the

other ocean-based industries.

health of ocean ecosystems. In the context of Africa, the Blue Economy presents a

The Blue Economy is a rapidly growing sector,

significant opportunity for economic

with an estimated global value of $3 trillion in

development and social progress.

2024. It is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 5.4% over the next decade,

The opportunities are massive and we cannot

reaching a value of $6.3 trillion by 2030.

afford to miss it as a continent, it is said that

Africa has a vast coastline of over 30,000

"When the sea laughs, the wise man builds his

kilometers and is home to some of the world's

boat." (Ghanaian proverb) - This proverb

richest fishing grounds. The continent also

encourages us to be proactive and make

has abundant marine resources, including oil,

preparations for potential challenges or

gas, and minerals. By harnessing these


resources in a sustainable manner, African countries can generate revenue, create jobs,

The world's oceans, seas and rivers are a

and improve the well-being of their citizens.

major source of wealth, creating trillions of dollars' worth in goods and services as well as

The Blue Economy encompasses a wide

employing billions of people. Three out of four

range of activities, including fishing,

jobs that make up the entire global workforce

aquaculture, shipping, tourism, and

are water-dependent.

renewable energy. By investing in these


sectors, African countries can diversify their

· Economic growth: The blue economy can

economies, reduce their dependence on

contribute significantly to economic growth

imports, and increase their exports.

by creating jobs and generating revenue. For example, the fishing industry in Africa

The Blue Economy also has the potential to

employs millions of people and contributes

address some of Africa's most pressing

billions of dollars to the continent's economy.

challenges, such as poverty, unemployment, and food insecurity. By creating sustainable

· Improved livelihoods: The blue economy

jobs and livelihoods, the Blue Economy can

can improve the livelihoods of coastal

help to improve the lives of millions of Africans.

communities by providing them with access to jobs, food, and other resources. For

The Blue Economy can play a major role in

example, aquaculture can provide a source

Africa's structural transformation, sustainable

of income for small-scale farmers, while

economic progress, and social development.

marine tourism can create jobs for local

The largest sectors of the current African


aquatic and ocean based economy are fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, transport,

· Environmental sustainability: The blue

ports, coastal mining, and energy.

economy can be a driver of environmental sustainability by promoting the sustainable

However, it is important to note that the Blue

use of ocean resources. For example, marine

Economy also poses some risks, such as

protected areas can help to conserve marine

overfishing, pollution, and climate change. To

biodiversity, while sustainable fishing

ensure the long-term sustainability of the

practices can help to prevent overfishing.

Blue Economy, African countries must implement sound policies and regulations to

However, there are also some challenges

manage their ocean resources.

associated with the blue economy, including:

In conclusion African governments are

· Overfishing: Overfishing is a major threat to

increasingly recognizing the potential of the blue economy to drive economic growth and development. The continent has a vast coastline and abundant marine resources,

...the continent has a vast coastline and abundant marine resources, which can be leveraged to create jobs, generate revenue, and improve food security.

which can be leveraged to create jobs, generate revenue, and improve food security. Some of the key benefits of the blue economy include:


and the livelihoods of coastal communities.

the sustainability of the blue economy. Fishing fleets are often too large and use destructive fishing practices, which can

Despite these challenges, the blue

deplete fish stocks and damage marine

economy has the potential to make a


significant contribution to economic

· Pollution: Pollution from land-based

growth, improved livelihoods, and

sources, such as sewage and agricultural

environmental sustainability in Africa. By

runoff, can also damage marine

carefully managing ocean resources and

ecosystems and threaten the health of

addressing the challenges associated with

marine life.

the blue economy, African governments

· Climate change: Climate change is also a

can harness the potential of the ocean to

major threat to the blue economy. Rising

drive sustainable development.

sea levels, ocean acidification, and

Author: Orji Stanley Uche

changing weather patterns can all have negative impacts on marine ecosystems



a modern hypocrisy

in healthcare In the 21st century, where advances in medicine

a stark divide between those who can afford the

and technology have reached unprecedented

best treatments and those who cannot.

heights, the persistence of double standards in healthcare stands as a stark reminder of societal

Global Health Inequities:

disparities. This article explores the nuanced

The global landscape of healthcare underscores

layers of hypocrisy embedded in modern

glaring double standards. While some regions

healthcare systems, shedding light on how

benefit from well-established healthcare

unequal treatment perpetuates injustices and

infrastructures and research facilities, others

compromises the principles of equity and

struggle with basic healthcare needs. The


disparity in healthcare resources between affluent and impoverished nations reflects a

Access to Cutting-Edge Treatments:

global hypocrisy that compromises the principles

Modern healthcare often boasts remarkable

of health as a fundamental human right.

breakthroughs and cutting-edge treatments, yet access to these advancements is not universally

Racial and Ethnic Disparities:

distributed. Affluent individuals or those in

Within many healthcare systems, racial and

developed nations may have greater access to

ethnic disparities persist. Minority populations

state-of-the-art medical interventions, creating

often face challenges in accessing quality


healthcare, leading to poorer health outcomes. This

treated with equal importance, yet mental health

double standard is a manifestation of systemic

concerns often face societal prejudices and

biases that perpetuate inequality and compromise

inadequate support. This hypocrisy hinders the

the ethical foundation of healthcare as an

establishment of comprehensive healthcare


systems that address the holistic well-being of individuals.

Gender-Based Healthcare Discrepancies: Gender bias in healthcare is another facet of

Corporate Interests vs. Patient Welfare:

double standards. Women's health concerns are

The influence of corporate interests in healthcare

sometimes dismissed or downplayed, and

introduces another layer of hypocrisy.

research often lacks inclusivity. This bias not only

Pharmaceutical companies, driven by profit

affects the quality of care but also perpetuates a

motives, may prioritize certain treatments or

hypocritical stance where equal consideration for

medications over others, potentially compromising

diverse health needs is not fully realized.

patient welfare. This double standard undermines the ethical imperative of prioritizing health

Affordability and Universal Access:

outcomes over financial gains.

The affordability of healthcare remains a significant double standard. While some enjoy comprehensive

Treatment of Marginalized and Vulnerable

health coverage, others face financial barriers to


essential services. The lack of universal access to

Double standards in healthcare often manifest in

healthcare perpetuates a system where financial

the treatment of marginalized and vulnerable

status, rather than health needs, dictates the level

populations, such as refugees, migrants, and the

of care an individual receives.

homeless. These groups may face barriers to accessing healthcare services, including

Stigmatization of Mental Health:

discrimination and inadequate resources. The

The stigmatization of mental health issues

discrepancy in healthcare provision reveals a

represents a glaring double standard within

hypocrisy where the most vulnerable members of

healthcare. Physical and mental health should be

society are denied their right to proper medical care. Healthcare for LGBTQ+ Communities: LGBTQ+ individuals frequently encounter double standards in healthcare, ranging from insensitivity to their unique health needs to outright discrimination. Limited cultural competency among healthcare providers can result in suboptimal care, further underscoring the need for inclusive and affirming healthcare environments for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.


Overmedicalization vs. Neglected Health Issues:

health issues like sanitation, nutrition, and

Another form of double standards in modern

preventive care in underserved communities may

healthcare is the overmedicalization of certain

be overlooked. This selective focus perpetuates a

issues while neglecting others. For instance,

skewed healthcare system.

cosmetic procedures may receive significant attention and resources, while essential public

Clinical Trials and Representation:

health issues like sanitation, nutrition, and

Clinical trials often lack diverse representation,

preventive care in underserved communities may

leading to a lack of generalizability for certain

be overlooked. This selective focus perpetuates a

populations. This exclusionary practice can result in

skewed healthcare system.

medications and treatments being developed with limited applicability to diverse demographic

Technological Disparities in Telemedicine:

groups. Achieving true medical advancements

The rise of telemedicine introduces another layer of

requires addressing this double standard and

double standards. While many individuals in urban

ensuring inclusivity in research.

areas may benefit from convenient virtual healthcare options, those in rural or low-income

Educational Disparities in Health Literacy:

regions may lack access to the necessary

Health literacy plays a crucial role in an individual's

technology or internet connectivity. This disparity in

ability to navigate the healthcare system and make

telemedicine access underscores the importance

informed decisions about their well-being.

of addressing technological inequities in

Disparities in educational opportunities contribute

healthcare delivery.

to discrepancies in health literacy levels, with some populations being more empowered to advocate

Overmedicalization vs. Neglected Health Issues:

for their health than others. Bridging this gap is

Another form of double standards in modern

essential for achieving equitable healthcare.

healthcare is the overmedicalization of certain issues while neglecting others. For instance,

Inadequate Mental Health Resources:

cosmetic procedures may receive significant

Despite the growing recognition of mental health

attention and resources, while essential public

importance, resources allocated to mental health


services often fall short of the actual need. The result is a double standard where mental health concerns, despite their prevalence, may not receive proportional attention, leading to a gap in mental health support and services. Public Health Responses to Epidemics: The response to epidemics, such as the COVID19 pandemic, can reveal double standards in healthcare. Discrepancies in vaccine distribution, access to testing, and public health measures highlight global and national inequities. Addressing these disparities is crucial not only for immediate crisis management but for building resilient healthcare systems for the future. Conclusion: In the modern era, where medical advancements and ethical principles coexist, the persistence of double standards in healthcare is a sobering reality. Addressing this hypocrisy requires a concerted effort to dismantle systemic biases, promote inclusivity, and establish healthcare systems that prioritize equity and compassion. As societies grapple with the complexities of healthcare disparities,

systems prioritize the well-being of all

the imperative is clear: to forge a path towards

individuals, irrespective of their socio-

a healthcare landscape that truly upholds the

economic status, cultural background, or

principles of justice, inclusivity, and the inherent

other defining factors. This pursuit is not only a

dignity of every individual. In conclusion,

matter of medical ethics but also a reflection

recognizing and dismantling double standards

of societal values and the commitment to a

in healthcare is an ongoing imperative for

more just and compassionate healthcare

achieving health equity.


It requires a comprehensive approach that

Author: Baraka Yakubu

addresses systemic biases, promotes inclusivity, and ensures that healthcare


Ethiopia's Progressive economic



thiopia's progressive economic

2. Industrialization: Ethiopia has also

development refers to the significant

prioritized industrialization to diversify its

economic advancements and

economy and create jobs. The country has

improvements that the country has

attracted foreign investment and

achieved in recent years. Ethiopia has

established industrial parks to boost

implemented various policies and

manufacturing and export sectors.

strategies to drive economic growth and reduce poverty. Here are some key aspects

3. Infrastructure Development: Ethiopia

of Ethiopia's progressive economic

has made significant investments in


infrastructure development, including roads, railways, and power generation. Improved

1. Agriculture Transformation: Ethiopia has

infrastructure has facilitated trade, reduced

focused on transforming its agricultural

transportation costs, and enhanced access

sector, which is a major contributor to the

to essential services.

country's economy. The government has invested in irrigation, improved seeds, and

4. Education and Skills Development:

extension services to increase agricultural

Ethiopia has recognized the importance of

productivity and reduce reliance on rain-fed

education and skills development for


economic growth. The government has expanded access to education, particularly


at the primary and secondary levels, and focused

reforms include streamlining business

on vocational training to equip the workforce with

regulations, investing in infrastructure, and

relevant skills.

expanding access to finance.

5. Microfinance and Financial Inclusion:

The government has also placed a strong

Ethiopia has expanded access to microfinance

emphasis on agriculture, which is a key sector of

and financial services, particularly for rural

the Ethiopian economy. The government has

communities and small businesses. This has

provided support to farmers through improved

enabled individuals and entrepreneurs to access

access to inputs, such as fertilizers and seeds, as

credit and invest in productive activities.

well as training and extension services. These efforts have helped to increase agricultural

6. Economic Reforms: Ethiopia has implemented

productivity and boost crop yields.

various economic reforms to improve the business environment and attract foreign

In addition, the government has focused on

investment. These reforms include streamlining

developing the manufacturing sector. The

regulations, reducing bureaucratic hurdles, and

government has established industrial parks and

improving the legal framework for businesses.

provided incentives to attract foreign investors. These efforts have helped to create jobs and

Overall, Ethiopia's progressive economic

boost economic growth.

development is a result of a combination of factors, including sound economic policies,

Despite the challenges posed by the war,

investments in key sectors, and efforts to improve

Ethiopia's economy has shown resilience and

the overall business environment. While

continues to grow. The government's

challenges remain, Ethiopia's economic progress

commitment to economic development and its

has contributed to poverty reduction and

implementation of various reforms have helped

improved living standards for its citizens.

to mitigate the impact of the conflict and position the country for future growth.

Ethiopia has experienced remarkable economic growth in recent years, often referred to as an

Ethiopia, located in the Horn of Africa, is indeed

"economic miracle." However, the country's

endowed with a wealth of untapped natural

progress has been significantly impacted by the

resources, including gold, coal, oil, and gas. These

ongoing conflict in the Tigray region. The war has

resources have the potential to significantly

caused widespread destruction, displacement of

contribute to the country's economic

people, and disruption of economic activities.

development and prosperity.

Despite these challenges, the Ethiopian

Gold: Ethiopia has significant gold reserves,

government remains committed to its economic

primarily found in the western and southern

development plans. The government has

regions of the country. The Lega Dembi gold mine

implemented various reforms to attract foreign

in the Oromia region is one of the most notable

investment, improve the business environment,

gold mining sites. Gold mining has been

and promote economic diversification. These

practiced in Ethiopia for centuries, and the


country has a long history of gold-smithing and

The development of these natural resources

jewelry making.

requires careful planning, sustainable practices, and responsible management to ensure that

Coal: Ethiopia has substantial coal reserves,

they benefit the country and its people in the long

estimated to be around 2.5 billion tons. The

term. Environmental considerations, local

majority of these reserves are located in the

community engagement, and transparent

southwestern part of the country, particularly in

governance are crucial factors to consider when

the Omo-Turkana Basin. Coal mining and

harnessing these resources for economic growth.

utilization have the potential to provide a reliable source of energy for power generation and


industrial processes.

Political Landscape:

Oil and Gas: Ethiopia has promising prospects for

Ethiopia is currently undergoing a significant

oil and gas exploration, particularly in the Ogaden

political transition following the 2021 general

Basin in the eastern part of the country. Several

elections. The country is led by Prime Minister Abiy

international oil companies have conducted

Ahmed, who has implemented various reforms

exploration activities in the region, and there have

aimed at fostering peace, democracy, and

been indications of hydrocarbon reserves.

economic growth. In 2024, Ethiopia is expected to

However, commercial production of oil and gas

continue its efforts to consolidate democratic

has not yet been established in Ethiopia.

institutions, strengthen the rule of law, and


address internal conflicts, including the ongoing

international affairs, particularly in the Horn of

conflict in the Tigray region.

Africa. The country is a member of the African Union and has been actively involved in peace

Economic Outlook:

and security initiatives in the region. In 2024,

Ethiopia has experienced rapid economic growth

Ethiopia is likely to continue its engagement in

in recent years, with a GDP growth rate of 6.1% in

regional diplomacy, conflict resolution, and

2021. The country's economy is primarily driven by

economic cooperation.

agriculture, manufacturing, and services sectors. In 2024, Ethiopia is projected to maintain its

Environmental Sustainability:

economic growth momentum, supported by

Ethiopia is facing environmental challenges

investments in infrastructure, industrialization,

related to deforestation, soil erosion, and climate

and the expansion of the private sector. However,

change. In 2024, the country is expected to

the country faces challenges related to poverty,

prioritize sustainable development practices,

unemployment, and external debt.

including afforestation, renewable energy, and climate adaptation measures.

Social Development: Ethiopia has made progress in improving social

Overall, Ethiopia in 2024 presents a complex and

indicators, such as access to education,

dynamic landscape influenced by political,

healthcare, and sanitation. However, significant

economic, social, and environmental factors. The

challenges remain in addressing poverty,

country has the potential for continued growth

inequality, and gender disparities. In 2024,

and development, but it also faces significant

Ethiopia is expected to continue its efforts to

challenges that require concerted efforts from

enhance social services, promote human rights,

the government, international community, and

and empower marginalized communities.

various stakeholders.

Regional and International Relations:

Author: Comfort Yahaya

Ethiopia plays a crucial role in regional and




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SUMMIT 2024 Theme:

Security, Peace and Development Ne us Venue:


15th Feb., 2024

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Greetings Peace Advocates, Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey at the pinnacle of global discourse – The African Peace and Security Architecture Summit 2024, proudly sponsored by African Peace Magazine, UK! Theme: Security, Peace, and Development Nexus Venue: Maryland, USA Date: 15th February 2024; Mark Your Calendar for a Day of Enlightenment In a world yearning for unity, join us at this spectacular gathering, where visionaries, leaders, and changemakers converge to explore the intricate dance between security, peace, and development. What to Expect: • Thought-Provoking Discussions • Networking Extravaganza • Inspiring Keynotes • Maryland Magic As we navigate the landscape of peace, let's join hands in Maryland, USA, on the 15th of February 2024, and collectively sculpt a world where security, peace, and development are inseparable companions. Together, let's weave the tapestry of global harmony. for further inquiries:


Immerse yourself in the theme "REDISCOVER Africa's hidden TREASURE" as we embark on a journey of exploration, connection, and investment opportunities! What to Expect: • Inspiring Talks on Rediscovering Africa's Potential • Investment Insights and Opportunities • Networking with Industry Leaders • A Visionary Tour of Africa's Rich Cultural Heritage Don't miss this chance to be part of a transformative event at the heart of London. Let's rediscover and unlock Africa's hidden treasures together! for further inquiries:


Join us for a week of transformative discussions, insights, and collaboration at the GLOBAL BLUE ECONOMY SUMMIT, CANADA 2024! Date: May 23 - 30, 2024 Who Can Attend? • Economists

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AFRICAN PEACE AMBASSADOR LEADERSHIP TRAINING is coming to Ghana on June 21-22, 2024! Embark on a transformative journey of leadership and peace advocacy. Join us for two days of empowering sessions, collaboration, and building connections that make a difference. Key Highlights: • Leadership Insights for Peace Ambassadors • Interactive Workshops • Networking with like-minded Change Agents • Unveiling Strategies for Sustainable Peace Secure your spot now and be part of a movement dedicated to fostering peace in Africa and beyond! for further inquiries:


Join us for a day filled with opportunities, connections, and insights into the future of international investments! What Awaits You: • Keynote Addresses by Industry Leaders • Exclusive Investment Opportunities • Networking with Global Business Influencers • Unveiling Rwanda's Business Landscape Don't miss out on this chance to be part of a dynamic forum shaping the path for international investments. Let's explore new horizons and build connections that matter! Save the Date: August 23rd, 2024 Venue: Kigali, Rwanda for further inquiries:


Embark on a transformative journey at The Hague, Netherlands, where the halls of justice echo with the promise of innovation. Proudly sponsored by African Peace Magazine, UK. This workshop transcends boundaries to explore the synergy between law and technology. Event Highlights: * Insightful Discussions: Uncover the depths of AI's potential in reshaping justice delivery and combating financial crimes through thought-provoking dialogues. * Interactive Workshops: Dive into hands-on sessions, empowering legal practitioners, investigators, and judges with the tools to navigate the evolving landscape. * Networking Galore: Connect with global minds, fostering collaborations that transcend borders and strengthen the collective pursuit of justice. * Inspirational Keynotes: Absorb the wisdom of leaders shaping the future of legal technology, unraveling the mysteries of AI in the justice system. Save the Date: 22nd - 24th AUGUST, 2024 Location: The Hague, NetherlandsThis workshop is not just an event; it's a symphony of intellects, a convergence of legal minds committed to leveraging AI for a more just world. Revolutionize Justice. Embrace AI for further inquiries:


Dive into the Heartbeat of Africa's Prosperity Theme: A Symphony of Progress - Harnessing Africa's Natural Resources Development Welcome to a crescendo of innovation and growth! Join us at the 3rd African Energy, Oil and Gas Summit in Namibia, 2024, proudly brought to you by the visionaries at African Peace Magazine, UK. Featuring: • Panel Discussions: Unravel the future of energy, oil, and gas with industry leaders steering the conversation. • Investment Opportunities: Explore pathways to prosperity through strategic investments in Africa's rich resources. • Dinner & Exhibitions: Indulge your senses in a feast of knowledge and innovation, surrounded by exhibits that showcase the pinnacle of progress. • AI Presentations: Witness the cutting-edge presentations that illuminate the technological marvels shaping the industry. • Award Presentations: Celebrate excellence as we honor trailblazers contributing to Africa's resource development. Tee off for a memorable experience at the 18th Hole Championship Golf Course of the prestigious Windhoek Golf & Country Club. Save the Date: 24th - 29th OCTOBER, 2024 Venue: Hilton Windhoek, Rev. Michael Scott St. Windhoek, Namibia This summit is not just an event; it's a harmonious symphony, a convergence of minds dedicated to composing a future where Africa's natural resources propel us toward unprecedented heights. Seize the opportunity, embrace the energy, and become a part of the symphony that shapes Africa's destiny. for further inquiries:


Traditional VModern s Medicine in Africa


practices of many communities. This

traditional remedies make them a practical

article explores the delicate balance between

choice, especially when modern healthcare

these two approaches, recognizing their

facilities may be limited or financially

strengths, addressing challenges, and


he coexistence of traditional and modern

healthcare option for many Africans, particularly

medicine has shaped the healthcare

in rural areas. The accessibility and affordability of

emphasizing the importance of integrating both for comprehensive and culturally sensitive

Holistic Approaches to Health:


Traditional medicine often adopts a holistic perspective, considering not only physical

Rich Tradition of Healing:

symptoms but also the spiritual and emotional

Traditional medicine in Africa has deep roots,

well-being of individuals. This holistic approach

often passed down through generations. It

resonates with cultural beliefs and addresses

encompasses herbal remedies, spiritual

health in a broader context, aligning with the

practices, and holistic approaches to health.

interconnected nature of life.

Many communities rely on traditional healers,

Challenges of Traditional Medicine:

who are respected figures with a profound

Despite its cultural significance, traditional

knowledge of local medicinal plants and healing

medicine faces challenges such as a lack of


standardized practices, potential for misinformation, and limited scientific validation.

Accessibility and Affordability:

Integrating traditional healing into the broader

Traditional medicine remains a primary

healthcare system requires addressing these


Research and Validation: Recognizing the value of traditional medicine involves investing in research and validation. Scientific studies that explore the efficacy and safety of traditional remedies can provide a bridge between traditional and modern healthcare, ensuring that practices are evidence-based and culturally relevant. Preservation of Indigenous Knowledge:

challenges while respecting cultural diversity.

Traditional medicine in Africa encapsulates a wealth of indigenous knowledge related to

Advancements in Modern Medicine: Modern medicine, with its scientific foundations, has brought about remarkable advancements in diagnosis, treatment, and disease prevention. Access to vaccinations, sophisticated medical technologies, and evidence-based treatments has significantly improved health outcomes across the continent.

medicinal plants, healing rituals, and community healthcare practices. Recognizing and preserving this knowledge is crucial not only for the well-being of current populations but also for future generations. Efforts to document and sustain traditional healing practices contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage and biodiversity. Community Engagement and Empowerment:

Collaborative Healthcare Models: A balanced approach involves creating collaborative healthcare models that integrate the strengths of both traditional and modern medicine. Collaborations between traditional

Traditional medicine often involves active community participation and engagement. Integrating traditional healing practices into the broader healthcare system can empower local

healers and modern healthcare professionals can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of health issues and improved patient outcomes. Cultural Competence in Healthcare Delivery: Culturally competent healthcare delivery acknowledges the importance of traditional practices and beliefs. Incorporating cultural sensitivity into modern medical practices fosters trust, enhances patient-doctor relationships, and encourages individuals to seek medical care without abandoning their cultural roots.


communities, fostering a sense of ownership over

Promoting education and awareness campaigns

their health. This participatory approach

on the coexistence of traditional and modern

encourages individuals to take an active role in

medicine is essential. This involves dispelling

maintaining their well-being.

myths, fostering mutual respect between traditional healers and modern healthcare

Treatment of Chronic Conditions:

professionals, and educating the public about the

Traditional medicine can complement modern

benefits of an integrated healthcare approach.

healthcare in the treatment of chronic conditions.

Informed decision-making about healthcare

Holistic approaches that address lifestyle, diet,

options is vital for individuals and communities.

and emotional well-being align with the growing recognition of the importance of preventive and

Policy Frameworks for Integration:

lifestyle medicine. Integrating traditional

Governments and healthcare authorities can

practices can enhance the management of

play a pivotal role in creating policy frameworks

chronic diseases, promoting long-term health.

that support the integration of traditional and modern medicine. This involves establishing

Cultural Respect in Palliative Care:

guidelines for collaboration, facilitating research,

Traditional medicine plays a significant role in

and ensuring that healthcare systems are

providing culturally respectful palliative care.

inclusive, taking into account the diversity of

Practices that address spiritual and emotional

healing practices within the population.

aspects of the end-of-life journey are often

Telehealth and Digital Platforms: The use of

deeply ingrained in traditional healing.

technology, including telehealth and digital

Recognizing and integrating these approaches

platforms, can bridge the gap between

into modern palliative care models can enhance

traditional and modern healthcare. Telehealth

the quality of life for individuals facing serious

services can connect individuals with traditional


healers and modern healthcare professionals, facilitating consultations, sharing knowledge, and providing health information in a way that is

Education and Awareness Campaigns:


accessible and inclusive.

Conclusion: In navigating the intricate relationship between

Cross-Cultural Training for Healthcare

traditional and modern medicine in Africa, a


nuanced approach is essential. Acknowledging

Training modern healthcare professionals in

the strengths of each, while addressing

cross-cultural competency is crucial for effective

challenges through collaboration, research, and

collaboration. Understanding and respecting

cultural competence, allows for a healthcare

diverse cultural perspectives on health, illness,

system that is truly holistic and responsive to the

and healing practices can improve

diverse needs of the population. The integration of

communication and trust between healthcare

traditional and modern medicine is not about

providers and patients, leading to more patient-

choosing one over the other but finding a

centered care.

synergistic balance that respects cultural heritage, promotes accessibility, and leverages

In navigating the dynamic interplay between

advancements in medical science for the benefit

traditional and modern medicine in Africa,

of all.

embracing a holistic and collaborative mindset is paramount. By leveraging the strengths of both

Author: David Noah

systems, respecting cultural diversity, and fostering partnerships, African nations can develop healthcare ecosystems that are resilient, inclusive, and responsive to the evolving health needs of their populations.













Incredible The Land of Wealth and Prosperity


bordered by South Africa,

beautiful and prosperous country with a

Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. It is a

strong economy and a high standard of

relatively small country, with a population

living. It is a great place to visit, and it is

of just over 2 million people, but it has a

also a great place to live.

otswana is a landlocked country

of wealth and prosperity" is an accurate

located in southern Africa,

description of the country. Botswana is a

strong economy based on mining, tourism, and agriculture.

Botswana offers a wide range of tourist attractions, including:

Botswana is known for its abundant natural resources, including diamonds,

1. Chobe National Park: Renowned for its

copper, and nickel. The country is also

large elephant population, Chobe

home to a variety of wildlife, including

National Park is home to an abundance of

elephants, lions, leopards, and cheetahs.

wildlife, including lions, leopards,

Botswana is a popular tourist destination,

buffaloes, zebras, and giraffes. The park

and visitors come from all over the world

also offers boat cruises along the Chobe

to see its natural beauty and wildlife.

River, providing stunning views of the wildlife and the surrounding landscapes.

The phrase "incredible Botswana, the land


2. Okavango Delta: A UNESCO World

of Botswana, the Kalahari Desert is a vast and

Heritage Site, the Okavango Delta is a unique

captivating landscape. It features rolling

and mesmerizing wetland ecosystem. It is

sand dunes, camelthorn trees, and a variety

characterized by its lush vegetation, crystal-

of wildlife adapted to the desert environment.

clear waterways, and diverse birdlife. Visitors

Visitors can engage in activities such as

can explore the delta through mokoro

quad biking, sandboarding, and wildlife

(traditional canoes) or on guided walks,


experiencing the tranquility and beauty of this natural wonder.

5. Cultural Experiences: Botswana is rich in cultural diversity, and visitors can immerse

3. Tsodilo Hills: Another UNESCO World

themselves in the traditions and customs of

Heritage Site, the Tsodilo Hills are home to

its various ethnic groups. This includes

some of the oldest rock art in the world,

experiencing traditional dances, music, and

dating back thousands of years. These

crafts, as well as interacting with local

ancient paintings and engravings offer a

communities and learning about their way of

glimpse into the cultural and spiritual


heritage of the region's indigenous San people.

Overall, Botswana offers a unique and unforgettable tourism experience,

4. Kalahari Desert: Covering a large portion

combining stunning natural landscapes,


diverse wildlife, and authentic cultural

spending, which will support economic



The economy of Botswana is expected to

Inflation is expected to remain low, at

grow by 4.5% in 2024, according to the latest

around 4.0%, and the exchange rate is

forecasts from the World Bank. This growth

expected to be stable. The government is

will be driven by strong domestic demand

expected to continue to implement prudent

and a recovery in the global economy.

fiscal and monetary policies, which will help to maintain macroeconomic stability.

The mining sector is expected to continue to be the main driver of growth, with diamond

Overall, the outlook for the Botswana

production increasing by 5.5% and coal

economy is positive, with growth expected

production increasing by 4.0%. The

to remain strong in 2024. The country's

manufacturing sector is also expected to

strong economic fundamentals and

grow, with output increasing by 3.5%.

prudent policies will help to ensure that the economy remains resilient to external

The services sector is expected to grow by


4.0%, with tourism and financial services being the main drivers of growth. The

Author: Baraka Yakubu

government is also expected to increase its






elemedicine, also known as

live in rural or remote areas or have difficulty

telehealth, is the use of


telecommunications and

* Improved quality of care: Telemedicine can

information technology to provide

provide patients with access to specialists

healthcare services to patients remotely. It

and other healthcare professionals who may

allows healthcare professionals to evaluate,

not be available in their local area. It can also

diagnose, and treat patients without the

allow for more frequent monitoring of

need for an in-person visit.

patients' conditions, which can lead to earlier detection of problems and better outcomes.

Telemedicine has become increasingly

* Reduced costs: Telemedicine can be more

popular in recent years due to its

cost-effective than traditional in-person

convenience, accessibility, and cost-

care, as it eliminates the need for patients to

effectiveness. It can be used for a wide range

travel to a healthcare facility.

of medical conditions, including chronic diseases, mental health issues, and acute

However, there are also some challenges


associated with telemedicine, such as:

Some of the benefits of telemedicine

* Technical issues: Telemedicine requires


access to reliable internet and telecommunications infrastructure, which

* Increased access to care: Telemedicine

may not be available in all areas.

can make it easier for patients to access

* Privacy concerns: Telemedicine involves

healthcare services, especially those who

the transmission of sensitive medical


information, which can raise concerns about

continuing medical education and training

privacy and security.

opportunities. Additionally, it can facilitate

* Lack of physical examination: Telemedicine

collaboration between healthcare

does not allow for a physical examination of

professionals, enabling them to share

the patient, which can make it difficult to

knowledge and expertise, and provide better

diagnose certain medical conditions.

care to patients.

Overall, telemedicine has the potential to

Despite its potential, the implementation of

revolutionize healthcare delivery by making it

telemedicine in Africa faces several

more accessible, convenient, and cost-

challenges, including limited access to

effective. However, it is important to address

technology, unreliable internet connectivity,

the challenges associated with telemedicine

and a lack of infrastructure. Additionally,

in order to ensure that it is used safely and

there are concerns about data privacy and


security, as well as the need for appropriate training for healthcare professionals.

Telemedicine in Africa refers to the use of telecommunications and information

To address these challenges, there is a need

technology to provide healthcare services to

for investment in infrastructure,

patients in remote or underserved areas. It

development of appropriate technologies,

involves the use of various communication

and implementation of policies and

channels, such as video conferencing, phone

regulations to ensure data privacy and

calls, and mobile apps, to connect patients

security. Additionally, collaboration between

with healthcare professionals.

governments, healthcare organizations, and technology companies is essential to ensure

Telemedicine has the potential to

the successful implementation of

revolutionize healthcare delivery in Africa,

telemedicine in Africa and harness its full

where access to healthcare services is often

potential to improve healthcare delivery.

limited due to geographical barriers, poor infrastructure, and a shortage of healthcare

Author: Uduak Okon

professionals. By using telemedicine, patients can consult with doctors, receive diagnoses, and even get treatment without having to travel long distances or wait for appointments. Telemedicine can also be used for educational purposes, allowing healthcare professionals in rural areas to access


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