December 2012

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Aeris what’s in?

December 2012


Simple Happiness 简单的快乐 Coming Out: Is Society Supportive Enough? 关于出柜:社会足够包容吗?


Erica So – Finding Dreams in Reality Erica So – 在现实中寻找梦想

DESIGN 设计 30 34 38 40

Celebratory Style 庆祝的风格 Interior Eye Friends Cafe 走进“好友咖啡屋” Ovolo Hotel 奥公馆

WORLD 世界 11 48

On the Road in Rajistan 漫游拉贾斯坦 AERIS Talks to Martyn Andrews AERIS对话Martyn Andrews


Frozen Festivals of Montreal 蒙特利尔冰雪节

CULTURE 文化 23 28 69

Hooray for Hulus 为Hulus欢呼 Artistic Gifts 充满艺术气息的礼物 Communist Cats 共产主义的猫



Amanda is an aspiring dermatologist who

Grace graduated with double Bachelors

recently completed her degree in Medicine

of International Studies Law from Sydney

& Surgery in England. Raised in London


and Hong Kong, she started working

experience at Star World, APV, Channel

as a part-time model with Elite Model

Seven, CNN and Bloomberg. Raised

Management at the age of 16. Drawing on

in Hong Kong, Grace speaks fluent

her experiences in modelling, fashion and


internet publishing, she founded AERIS

business, people, fashion and art.








Magazine in 2010.

她最近在英国完成了医药及内外全科医 学士学位,是一个有志向的皮肤科医生。她在伦敦和香港长 大,十六岁时以在Elite Model Management 当兼职模特儿开 始她的事业。得到模特儿、潮流时尚和网页出版的经验,她 在2010年创办了Aeris Magazine.

在悉尼大学的国际研究及法律双学位毕 业。她在Star World, APV, Channel Seven, CNN和 Bloomberg得到了资讯传播的经验。在香港长大,Grace能说流利的 普通话和对商业、人物、潮流和艺术充满热情。



Sophie was born and raised in Hong

Caroline was born and raised in Hunan

Kong, before graduating with a Master

province, and later moved to Shanghai.

of Strategic Public Relations from the

She is studying Advertising in The Chinese

University of Sydney. With a passion for

University of Hong Kong. As a Mandarin,

hiking, politics and new places, her work

English and Cantonese speaker, she enjoys

experience includes Burson-Marsteller,

writing and translating, gaining experience

Hong Kong Disneyland and Mandarin

at Xin Hua News Agency. She loves branding,

Oriental, Hong Kong.

ancient Chinese literature and travelling to unheard of places in China.

在悉尼和波士顿完成商业学士学位之前,在香港出生和长 大。她现在正在读策略性公共关系硕士。她的工作经验包括 Burson-Marsteller, Hong Kong Disneyland, Hongkong Land, Jardine Airport Services Group and the Mandarin Oriental.



C a ro l i n e 在 湖 南 出 生 长 大 , 后 迁 居 上 海。如今在香港中文大学修读广告学硕士。她会说普通话、 英语和粤语,擅长写作、翻译,曾在新华社获得过记者经 验。她热爱品牌策划和中国古典文学,并喜欢探索旅行中国 鲜为人知的地方。






Chong holds Arts and Law degrees from

Cherry was born in Hong Kong but

the University of Sydney and is currently

has lived in Sydney, York (UK), Beijing,

studying psychology. He has, along with

and Lima. As a Cantonese, English and

a passion for writing, an unusual fondness

Mandarin speaker she enjoys learning

for editing and proofreading. Always

about different cultures and travelling. She

keen to learn and experience new things,

enjoys salsa dancing and meeting new

Chong’s interests include travel, philosophy

people. Her work experience has ranged

and jamming with friends.

from selling in the top recyclable ink cartridge company in China to caregiving


文凭,现正在进修心理学。他对写作抱有很高的热情,并 同时嗜好编辑和校对。他总是喜爱学习和接触新事物,他 的兴趣包括旅行,哲学,与朋友相处。

for children in Peru.

她在香港出生,但曾在悉尼、纽克、北京及利马居住。能说 广东话、英语及普通话,她享受学习新文化和旅游。她也享 受跳萨尔萨舞及结识新朋友。她的工作经验的范围包括从在 中国顶尖的可回收墨盒公司当销售到在秘鲁照顾小孩。



Jessica was born and raised in Hong

Christopher is an engineer with a passion

Kong. She has recently graduated from

for food and travel who formerly wrote

Central Saint Martins College of Art and

for the Imperial College newspaper.

Design with a degree in Graphic Design

Having lived in London and Melbourne

and illustration, and now works as a

he is now living in Amsterdam and

freelance designer. She’s interested in the

writes in between international projects

visual language behind different cultures.

在香港出生及长大,她正在伦敦的中央 圣马丁艺术与设计学院修读插畫及图像 设计。她是一个自由设计师,并且对不同文化背后的视觉语 言怀有浓厚兴趣。

as a chemical engineer.

是一个对美食及旅游充满热情的工程 师,并曾经为伦敦帝国学院校报撰写文 章。曾在伦敦及墨尔本居住的他现居于阿姆斯特丹。作为一 个化学工程师,他不时为国际计划撰写文章。



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Bob is a first year business student from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is an enthusiastic member of the AERIS team and is interested in the latest food, travel and technology trends.

Born and raised in China, Sherry is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Education in Hong Kong. Her passion for words developed from reading with her grandfather and has grown deeper since. Apart from this, she also loves fashion, travel, food and drama! Her previous working experience includes Crossroads Foundation and UNESCO (HK).

Bob是来自香港科技大学一年级的商学院学生,他是 AERIS团队具有热情的一份子,对最新的美食、旅游 以及科技的趋势非常感兴趣 。

出生并成长在中国,Sherry现在正在香港攻读教育本科学位。她 对文字的热忱来自于早年和外公一起读书看报的时光;随着时 间,她对文字的这一热忱越发的强烈。除此之外,她还喜欢时 尚,旅游,美食和戏剧!她的工作经历包括国际十字路会和联 合国教科文组织(香港分会) 。



Dakota is a Canadian travel writer who has lived in Hong Kong off and on since 2006. His travels take him around the world and there’s nothing he enjoys more than experiencing new cultures.

Born in the Middle East and raised in Hong Kong, Farah’s passion for design derives from her father’s work in the hospitality industry, resulting in consistent exposure to beautiful spaces. She studied Interior Design at the Art Institute of Vancouver and currently works as a colour and design consultant for Benjamin Moore in Vancouver.

Dakota是一名加拿大籍的游记作家,从2006年起开始间 歇性定居香港。他已经环游世界,同时他认为没有什么 东西比体验新文化更享受。

出生于中东地区,在香港长大。Farah对设计的热情来自她 父亲在服务业的工作,而这使得她接触了许多完美空间。她 在加拿大的温哥华艺术学院学习室内设计,如今在温哥华的 Benhamin Moore公司工作,是一名色彩和设计顾问。



Veronica studied and lived in Vancouver, Japan and now back home to Hong Kong to pursue her career as a fashion stylist/blogger. Her passion for fashion inspired her to write her own blog to share style tips; beauty advice, DIY projects and insight into the fashion industry. With her fine arts, textile, multimedia and graphic design background, her vision for style comes from inspirations of past, present and future.

Makeup artist Vaiva is young, passionate and talented, keeping step with the latest fashions in her makeup work. With a special sense of future trends, she always brings something new and exciting into a frame of a fashion shoot. Vaiva uses subtle, classy colors and blends them with sparkling shades to create a glamorous image from head to toe.













Laura was born in Italy and recently moved to London to fulfil her dream of being a fashion photographer. She began using a camera in 2007 and has no doubt this is what she wants to do for the rest of her life. Laura is fascinated by the human body and has a strong aesthetic vision. Fashion photography allows her to express an individual’s beauty at their best. In 2010 she won a Vogue Italia fashion photography contest and shot an editorial for them. Her work has been published around the world in online and print magazines. Laura出生于意大利,最近移居伦敦追寻她的成为一名时尚摄影师的梦想。她从2007年开始摄影,自此,她确定摄影是她这 辈子最想做的事情,并想一直坚持。Laura对人体着迷,同时她也有一个强烈的美感和时尚摄影技巧,这使得她在摄影时可 以充分展示个人的魅力。2010年,她赢得了Vogue意大利时尚摄影比赛大奖并为他们拍摄了组专题。她的作品已经在全球 范围内不同的纸质和网上杂志上刊登。时装秀Verve’12。她同样是学校播客的一员,负责时尚版块。


Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Blessings at Diwali. Whatever your festival is, we hope you are celebrating.

圣诞快乐!犹太光明节快乐!印度排灯节快乐! 无论你的节日是什么,我们愿你享受其中。 这一期将是短时期内我们的最后一期杂志,

This Issue is likely to be our last for a while, so we wanted to make it extra meaningful, to thank you for supporting us. And, to let you know it’s not over — it’s becoming a blog!

所以我们想要赋予其特殊的意义,来答谢你的 支持。但这并不是结束--因为它将变成一个博 客。一个更方便你阅读的博客,一个让投稿者 更易书写的博客。 这一期有个简单的主题:释放心灵的负担。无论

We want to make it easier for you to read, and for our dedicated contributors to write. The theme is simple: let your heart be light. Whatever your race, faith, or sexual preference, we hope this Issue gives you the confidence to be yourself (‘Coming Out: Is Society Supportive Enough?’, p 18).

种族、信仰和性取向,我们希望这本杂志带给你 自信。(18页,社会对同性恋者的支持够吗?) 不管你喜欢谁,男生或女生,请用一点点时间 大声说出来。拿起电话打给对方;找一支笔写 信给对方;鼓起勇气去见对方;登上飞机向他 们飞去。因为爱神不会坐在家里发短信或发微 博,因为莎士比亚永远也不会知晓,如果罗密 欧只会在人人网上联系朱丽叶。 即使你曾经受到伤害,请让自己重新因坠入爱 河而变得纤细敏感。在这之前,你要学会爱自 己。爱惜真实的你,尽管你觉得自己看起来不 够完美,尽管你没有一份了不起的工作。但只 要你是善良的,就已经足够。 所以,请充满自信,热情果断地行动起来,别

Even if you’ve been hurt, you have to let yourself be vulnerable to fall in love again. And before you do, you need to love yourself. Love who you are, even if you think you don’t look perfect, or have an impressive job... For being kind is more than enough to count.

再摇摆不定。去探索远方的天涯海角,你将会遇 到爱与光。(11页“在拉贾斯坦邦的道路上” )。即使你只能在照片上让眼睛旅行,也请紧 握信仰!每一处都会有奇迹,美好的事物会在 你最感恩的时候,在你期待最小的时候降临。 腾出时间与小鸟相处,打个电话给好朋友,跟 妈妈一起下厨,和爸爸一起散步...这些瞬间比

So be confident; leap passionately and decisively. Don’t wobble with caution. Explore far corners of this world, and you will find light (‘On the Road in Rajasthan’, p 11). Even if you only visit in pictures, have faith! There is magic everywhere... For good things come when you are most grateful and least expecting them. Make time to watch the birds, hang with friend, cook with your mum and walk with your dad... For those moments matter much more than you know. Happiness is realising what you have and sharing it (‘Simple Happiness’, p 8). Thank the waiter, joke with the maid, chat to the cabbie and smile at the street sweeper... For God exists in everyone.

你想象的重要千百倍。 幸福就是你清楚自己拥有的,并与人分享。 (08页,简单的幸福)。跟侍者道一声感谢, 跟女佣开个玩笑,与出租司机交谈,給清洁工 人一个微笑…因为上帝在每个人心中,


December 2012

Whoever you love, boy or girl, spend some time showing it. Pick up the phone and call them. Find a pen and write to them. Go out on a limb and see them. Get on a plane and fly to them. For the love of God don’t sit there texting and tweeting... Had Romeo ‘Facebooked’ Juliet, Shakespeare would never be known.


Hello readers,

SIMPLE HAPPINESS 简单淳朴的幸福 AERIS Talks to Photographer Terence Yam about finding simple happiness by capturing the smiles of some of the world’s poorest — and why a picture says a thousand words. AERIS对话摄影师Terence Yam,谈论关于 在拍摄世界上有些贫困地区的人们的 笑容过程中找到最简单最淳朴的幸福 – 以及一张照片如何胜过千言万语。

Were you always interested in photography? Yes. I think photography is in my blood. I always liked watching movies. When I was a kid, I especially loved hitting ‘pause’ and admiring the scenes. As I grew up, I still enjoyed ‘pausing’ moments in real life with my shutter. I believe good pictures take a lot of walking. I always carry my camera with me, because I believe inspiring images can appear at any second.

When did you start taking pictures of people smiling - in spite of their poverty? There isn’t really a ‘time’ when I particularly started taking pictures of smiles. I simply took pictures of whatever touched me, and I loved seeing people smile.

Do you see many wealthy people smiling? Everyone deserves to smile, no matter whether they are wealthy or poor. It’s a matter of personal choice. A billionaire can mourn for various reasons on his expensive cruiser, while a poor kid from Kathmandu could give you the purest smile for a bite from a cotton candy.

On average, children smile 400 times a day, adults just 20. Are most of your subjects children? Both adults and children are my subjects. Whether they be on an adult or a child, smiles are beautiful. It’s just that it’s much easier to see a child smiling.

Was this particular kind of photography your way of balancing a fast-paced working life with something spiritual? Whenever I pick up my camera, I feel like casting my troubles away. I think I have a mission of recording the small moments in this world since God gave me the talent of taking good pictures.


你从小到大都对摄影十分有兴趣吗? 是的。攝影也許是我與生俱來的愛好吧。我從小到大都很 喜歡電影,小時候更特別喜歡按下「暫停」鍵去欣賞電影 中的定格;長大以後,我卻愛上了以「快門」定格人生中 的一分一秒。我相信好照片是走出來的,盡可能每天都背 著相機,因為觸動心靈的瞬間可能隨時出現。 你是从什么时候开始拍摄人们微笑的照片- 无论他们 的贫富状态? 說真的,我沒有在一個什麼特定的時間開始拍攝人們的笑 容。事實上,我習慣了記錄下我身邊每一個讓我有所感動 的畫面,而笑容正好能夠觸動我的心靈。 印象中,你见过很多富有的人微笑吗? 我認為不論貧或富,每個人都值得有笑容。開心與否只是 個人的選擇。一個千萬富翁可以坐在他的超跑裡面唉聲嘆 氣;同時,加德滿都的一個窮小孩卻可以為一口棉花糖露 出最真摯的笑容。 据说,孩子每天平均微笑400次,而成人只有20次。这 意味着你摄影的大部分对象都是孩子吗? 不論是大人還是小孩都是我的攝影主題。只要是笑容都很 美,但小孩的笑容比較常見。 这一种摄影,是不是你用来平衡快节奏工作生活的精 神寄托? 當我拿起相機的時候,我的心就會變得平靜,彷彿把煩惱 都拋在腦後。我經常覺得既然上天給了我攝影這個天賦, 我就有一個使命把這個時代的點點滴滴用相片記錄下來。


What event in your working life motivated you to take this a step further though? I have always had a passion for photography. But you know how busy Public Relations jobs can get, which is what I do. So I chose to first focus on my career, before really going after my dream. Then I met a wise man named Jon. I told him my dream, which is to be a successful documentary photographer like Henri Cartier-Bresson, but what I have to do first is to progress in my career and be financially independent first — only then I can start working on my dream. But he just smiled and said, “Very interesting. Then you only have one road in your life — either career or dream. Your vision is just so narrow that you cannot see more than one possibility?” Encouraged by him, I said to myself, “What do I have to lose? Let’s work this out.” Because of that change in thinking, I organised my first photo exhibition and published my first photo album. My photos were published in National Geographic’s China edition in August this year.

What is the most important photo in your collection? A photo of my mum and dad. They divorced before I was one year old. Because of this photo exhibition, I took the first picture with my mum and dad. To me, it’s a gift from God.

Most people in the developed world now have at least 2 email accounts, multiple social media and phone numbers... do you think more communication has led to more friendships? I have thousands of friends on Facebook and Weibo who I barely know. But the people that I met in Kathmandu know everyone in their neighborhood well. They often sit together under the sun and chat. How about you? How many people you really know in the neighbourhood?

你工作生活中的哪一件事鼓励你继续前进? 我對攝影的熱誠從來沒有減過。但公關顧問的工作實在 是太繁重;我總覺得我必須先專注事業,然後才能追逐 我的夢想。然後我遇上了一個很有智慧的朋友Jon。我 跟他分享我的夢。我說我希望成為像法國攝影大師布 列松一樣成功的人文攝影師。不過我首先得努力工作賺 錢,爭取財政獨立。他聽了以後笑了一笑,對我說:「 很有趣。你的人生裡就只有一條路?要嘛有事業、要嘛 有夢想?你的目光窄到看不到更多的可能性嘛?」受到 他的激發,我跟自己說:「怕什麼?就試一試吧!」結 果我才能開辦我的第一個慈善影展,並且出版了我人生 中第一本影集;在八月的時候,更獲中國版的國家地理 雜誌錄用了我好幾張照片。這都是因為我改變了心態。 你的摄影展中哪一张照片对你来说最重要? 我爸在我不足一歲的時候就以經跟我媽離婚了。但是因為 這次的影展,我跟我的爸媽拍了我人生中跟他們的第一張 合照。我相信這是上天給我一份非常珍貴的禮物。 大部分发展中国家的人至少有两个电子邮箱账号,多重 社交媒体账号和手机号码…你人们这种沟通方式导致友 谊的减少吗? 我的Facebook跟微博加起來的分別有幾千個”朋友”, 但 其實我都不認識。但是我在加德滿都看到的人,跟他們 小區內的鄰居全都很熟絡,經常聚在一起閒躺在太陽下聊 天。你呢? 你隔壁的鄰居認識幾個?


Not as many as them I’m sure… But speaking of neighbourhoods, the proceeds of your book sales go towards Habitat for Humanity – how does the charity help families in poverty? They build houses for people in poor rural areas, so they don’t have to live in places half-destroyed by the earthquakes from the past.

Are there any new Habitat for Humanity projects in China that readers can get involved in? Yes, definitely. They have new projects going on from time to time. I am also joining their upcoming charity tour in Yunnan next January. Interested parties may check on their website

How has this project changed you? I believe now that nothing is impossible.

And lastly, what is your message to young Chinese today? No matter what your dream is, no matter how your friends discourage or laugh at you, go for it. You will only be left with regret, if you don’t.

肯定不是很多…但是说起邻居,你的影集的销售将全部 捐献给Habitat for Humanity – 这个慈善机构是如何帮助贫困 家庭的? 他們會把籌到的善款拿到條件較差的農村地區,為那些 住在因為地震而東歪西倒的危房的人重新建起新的房 子,讓他們安居樂業。

有哪些Habitat for Humanity在中国大陆的项目是可以让我们的 读者也参与的呢? 歡迎大家參加支持他們的活動。他們不時也會舉辦不同 類型的慈善活動。明年一月我也會到雲南支持他們的危 房改造行動。想知道更多有關資料,歡迎瀏覽 :

这个项目怎么改变了你的想法? 無事不可能。

最后,有没有什么话想对今天中国的年轻人说? 不管你的夢想是什麼,不論你的朋友怎麼笑你反對你, 想做就做吧。讓今生無悔。

All the proceeds from the book sales will be donated to “HABITAT FOR HUMANITY”, a non-profit Christian housing organization that aims to eliminate poverty by providing simple, strong houses, with the help of homeowner families and volunteers. 所有的个人影集销售所得将捐献 给“Habitat for Humanity” 机构。 这是一个非盈利基督教房屋组 织,致力于通过提供简单,稳固 的房屋以及家庭和志愿者的帮助 消除贫穷。




A timeless appeal has attracted travellers to India for centuries. Even though it’s been thousands of years since Alexander the Great set his astonished eyes on the Indian elephants, the subcontinent still has its fair share of mysteries with which to intrigue travellers. India’s many cultural eccentricities range from complex religious beliefs to late-night traffic jams caused by elephants traipsing across the expressway. 印度几个世纪以来对旅行者一直有着永恒的魅力,尽管自从亚历山大大帝 第一次赞叹印度的大象已经过去了几千年,这块次大陆仍旧充满着神秘的 气息,吸引着旅行者。印度的风情体现在方方面面,既来自深不可测的宗 教信仰,也体现在深夜由于大象穿行而造成的堵车。

No place in India is more steeped in exotic allure than Rajasthan. Rajasthan is India’s westernmost state, bordering the region between Delhi and Pakistan. It’s known for its vast desert landscapes and palatial fortresses, once home to the mighty rajas of the area’s great warrior kingdoms. Visit in the wintertime to avoid the immense heat that radiates from the sand dunes, which makes Rajasthan almost unbearable in the summer months. For my trip to India I decided to delve deep into Rajasthan and spend a month travelling in the state. Because of my aversion to crowded Indian buses and trains, I decided to hire a private car and driver. For the very reasonable price of US$15 per day, I was able to get a compact car with mileage and gas included. My driver was a nineteen-yearold Rajput named Manu, who turned out to be a friendly and welcome travel companion on my journey. After a few days sightseeing in the Indian capital, we set out from Delhi with the entire Thar Desert and thousands of kilometres of dusty roads ahead of us. 拉贾斯坦是印度最具异域风情的地方了。位于 印度的最西面,拉贾斯坦处在德里和巴基斯坦 的边界。这里以其旷阔无际的沙漠和宏伟的堡 垒而闻名,曾经诞生了勇敢无畏的王侯帝国。 冬天是到访拉贾斯坦的好时节,不必受到让人 难以忍受的烈日的暴晒。 这次到印度我打算深入探访拉贾斯坦,在这里 待一个月。因为我不太喜欢印度拥挤的汽车和 火车,我决定雇佣一位私家司机。价格很公 道,只要15美元一天,我就能享受到一辆舒适 轿车的服务,还包含汽油费。我的司机是一位 叫Manu的拉其普特人,他成为了我旅途上的 好伙伴。 在首都游览了几天后,我们从德里出发,前方 是塔尔沙漠和几千公里充满沙尘的道路。


WORLD skirts of town our car came under attack from a troop of territorial monkeys. They climbed over the car for a few minutes, as Manu and I shared a laugh in the middle of an empty road. Lohargal itself had plenty of its own animals — including monkeys — roaming the streets and abandoned hillside temples. In the center of town wildly dressed pilgrims from the countryside were bathing themselves in the holy waters of the town lake and marching through the streets singing. As the lone foreigner in town that day, I was glad to have made the detour.

Our first destination in Rajasthan, four hours west of Delhi, was the city of Mandawa in the region of Shekhawati. This part of Rajasthan is known for its small towns and intricately painted havelis (or mansions). Formerly the homes of wealthy traders, most of the havelis have fallen into various states of disrepair. But though their painted walls no longer gleam with bright colors, there’s still something special about their decaying opulence. Walking through the dusty streets of Mandawa, I quickly lost my way while searching for the havelis. A friendly young boy offered to show me the way and moving through the small streets and alleyways of the desolate town we made our way there. From the roofs of the havelis I was able to get my bearings and take in the crumbling town and its ancient fortifications. The next day I travelled to the nearby town of Nawalgarh to see its havelis and bustling markets. After a quick visit I decided to get off the beaten path a bit and head further afield to the small town of Lohargal. It took me a while to convince Manu to make the journey, as apparently there wasn’t much to see, but eventually he acquiesced. Armed with directions from a dozen different villagers, we headed down the small road towards Lohargal. On the out

拉贾斯坦在德里以西车程四小时的地方,我们 的第一个目的地是在沙卡瓦蒂地区的曼德瓦。 这里以它的小村庄和外墙精致美丽的哈维丽和 房子而闻名。哈维丽曾是富有的商人居住的地 方,现在年久失修,外墙也没有了以往炫目的 色彩,但是这曾经的辉煌仍别有风味。 穿行在曼德瓦尘土飞扬的路上,我在寻找哈维 丽的过程中很快就迷了路。一位友善的男孩主 动为我之旅,我在狭小的街道和巷子中终于找 到了哈维丽。在哈维丽的屋顶上,我终于感受 到了这座城镇破败的当下,隐约见到了过去作 为一个堡垒的影子。 第二天我到了邻近的讷沃尔格尔,去看看那里 的哈维丽和喧闹的集市。在很快地走马观花之 后我决定改变行程,前往附近一个叫罗哈格尔 的小镇。我花了好长时间才说服Manu带我去 那个地方,因为他觉得那里没有什么值得看的 东西,但最后他还是答应了。 我们在向几位村民问路之后上路了。在小镇的 边界我们遭遇了一群野猴的袭击,它们爬上了 我们的车顶。我和Manu停在路中间,相视一 笑。 罗哈格尔的路上和山上废弃的庙宇里有很多动 物,包括猴子。在镇中心,穿着随便的来自乡 下的朝圣者在湖里用“圣水”洗澡,唱着歌在 路上行走。作为镇上唯一的外国人,我很高兴 那天绕道到罗哈格尔看一看。


BIKANER Next on the agenda was the city of Bikaner, only three hours west of Mandawa. At my guesthouse I met a ragtag group of veteran travellers and we decided to explore the city’s attractions together. In the back of a small rickshaw we entered the old walled city, whose roads were too difficult to navigate with any other type of vehicle. The streets were lined with colourful mansions and packed with pedestrians and markets selling everything from electronics to spices. At the center of the old city was the Bhadreswar Jain Temple where we enjoyed conversing with the temple’s friendly holy man. For those unfamiliar with Jainism, it’s a common religious sect that is known for its beautiful temples, which have detailed carvings and colourful paintings. Later, on the outskirts of Bikaner, we visited the Karni Mata Temple, colloquially known as the “Temple of the Rats”. The temple’s holy men set out sweets to attract the rats and more than 20,000 of the furry animals call this tiny temple home. Like other temples, Karni Mata is a shoe-free zone, and even though it seems cringeworthy, it’s actually considered to be auspicious if the rats take a liking to your feet.

我们的下一站是比卡内尔,在曼达瓦以西三个小 时车程。在我的住处我遇到了一群经验丰富的旅 行者,我们决定一起探索这座城市的名胜。我们 坐在人力车的后座上进入了这座古城,因为这里 的路除了人力车没有其它交通工具可以通行。街 道两边都是色彩斑斓的房子,路上充斥着行人和 小贩,售卖各种商品,从电子产品到香料,应有 尽有。 在古城的中心是Bhandeswar耆那寺庙。我们和 那里的神职人员聊得很开心。耆那教是一种在印 度很常见的宗教,以其美丽的寺庙出名,这些寺 庙都有 很 细 腻 的 雕 刻和 五 彩 的 装 饰 。 我们在 比 卡 内 尔 的 边界 又 参 观 了 卡 尔 尼 - 玛 塔 神 庙,别名叫“老鼠神庙”。这里的神职人员用糖 果来吸引老鼠,以致这里共居住了超过20000只 老鼠。像其它寺庙一样,这里不允许穿鞋。尽管 这听上去像是阿谀奉承,但是如果有老鼠在你脚 边,这 是 吉 祥 的 象 征。





From Bikaner it was a four-hour drive on a desolate stretch of road to the city of Jaisalmer, only 100 kilometres from the border with Pakistan. In a land of epic travel destinations, Jaisalmer manages to rise above them all, literally, as the city’s large fortress is built on a rocky hill that juts over the surrounding desert dunes. Exploring the fort’s claustrophobic lanes, teeming with holy men — and holy cows — is an almost unreal experience… and visiting one of the many restaurants located on the rooftops alongside the city walls to see beautiful sunsets over the Thar Desert is another. Though Jaisalmer is compact, I still spent a few days exploring the city. I stayed in a small guesthouse inside the fort, accessible only by foot, and spent my days lounging on rooftops, visiting the nearby palaces and getting ayurvedic massages. One afternoon I ventured out from the protection of Jaisalmer’s walls into the desert for a camel trek. With a sevenyear-old boy as my guide and camel caretaker, we travelled a short distance through the Sahara-esque sand dunes and found an incredible place to see the desert sunset. Back at the fort, I stopped in at a used bookstore to exchange some knowledge and literature with the book-loving shopkeeper. I left Jaisalmer excited to see what other intrigues India had in store, with enough books to last a Rajasthan month.


WORLD 从比卡内尔出发在无尽的公路上开四个小时的车 就能到达斋沙默尔。在这片充满高地的地方,斋 沙默尔是最高的。这座城市最大的堡垒是造在一 座山上 的 , 俯 瞰 周 围 的 沙 丘 。 在令人产生幽闭恐惧的小径上穿行,身旁还满是 圣人和神牛,这段经历让人感觉非常不真实。然 而在这座城市某个屋顶上的餐厅里欣赏美丽的日 落又别 有 一 番 风 味 。 尽管斋沙默尔非常小,我还是在这里待了好几 天。我住在堡垒中的一件旅舍,只能通过步行到 达。我每天都在屋顶上休息,探访周围的地方, 享受印 度 草 药 按 摩 。 一天下午我决定离开斋沙默尔德坚固城墙,去沙 漠探索一番。有一个七岁的还是牵着骆驼当我 的向导。我们在像撒哈拉沙漠的沙丘上走了一 会儿,找到了一个不可思议的欣赏沙漠日落的地 方。 回到堡垒,我在一家二手书店和店主交流了一会 儿。我在离开斋沙默尔的时候再这家店里找到了 印度别样的魅力,并且为一个月的拉贾斯坦之行 准备了 足 够 的 书 以 供 阅 读 。


Dakota Smith是一名加拿大的旅游作家, 自2006年起居住在香港。他的足迹遍布全 世界,最享受体验不同文化的过程。





SHANGHAI (MAGAZINE EDITOR) 中国上海, 杂志编辑 If you want to know the answer, just pay attention to how many gays choose to open their sexual preference. I live in Shanghai and work in the media, but I dare not admit I am a lesbian. China is a conventional country, and being openly gay means you will suffer discrimination in society. Although I don’t care about this myself, I don’t want to make my family sad because of me. What’s more, I’m in a stable relationship and hope I can get married. We need to be protected by laws, and we want to shoulder responsibility together. Gays around the world are fighting for marriage rights. But we realise it is impossible for now in China. Since there is not prospect of this, it is not necessary to be open. Gays are not freaks — make up a good portion in the whole population. Preference for one gender or another is decided by our DNA. People recently heard about this in China, but now we can find real examples around us. It shows that society is becoming more and more open-minded. But it isn’t enough. One day, I hope gays will be as common as left-handers, with no tags like “he is or isn’t a gay.” We would just say “yes.”


要知道社会支持够不够,其实只要看看 同志们公开自身性取向的人多不多就行 了。 我生活在上海,又在媒体行业工作,在 这个开放的环境中我仍然缺乏勇气公开 自己的性取向。原因有二,首先,中国 是个传统的国家,在还没有被主流接受 的情况下,公开意味着要承担普遍的眼 神歧视。我个人是无所谓的,但我不能 让家人伤心。其次,我有稳定的感情, 我也非常希望能结婚,我们有被法律承 认的需要,有共同承担责任的需要。 国内外的同志都在争取这个权益。可是 在中国要完全实现现阶段几乎是不可能 的。既然不可能,公开也就没有必要。 同性恋并不是异类,喜欢什么性别根本 是由基因决定的,在社会上也占有一 定的比例。从前大家只是听说有这个群 体,现在大家身边可能陆续出现了真实 的例子,这就说明社会认可度越来越高 了。但是,仍然不够。等到有一天,大 家眼中的同志和左撇子一样平常,再也 不会有“是或不是”的标签存在的时 候,这个问题才会有肯定的答案。




From the Western perspective, the acceptance of gays have grown by leaps and bounds in the past half century. Just a generation ago, many countries criminalised gay acts. People with feelings for the same sex had to suppress their true nature from their family and friends, for fear of shame and ostracism. Even science was against them — it was not until 1973 that the American Psychiatric Association, the leading authority on mental diagnoses, removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses. Today, Western society has definitely softened its attitude towards gay people. There is a strong sense that people should be treated with dignity and respect no matter their gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Being gay is no longer taboo — popular TV series such as Glee and Modern Family regularly feature gay characters, and so many celebrities and performers are identified as gay these days that such a thing is rather unremarkable! The next battle for gay acceptance is being fought on the legal front. Gay couples now have all the legal rights of heterosexual couples except one: the right to marriage. Only a handful of countries currently allow this, but the tide seems to be shifting in their favour.

从西方的角度来看,在过去的半个世纪 里,社会对同性恋的接受程度有突飞猛 进的发展。仅仅一代人之前,同志活动 在很多国家都被认定是非法行为。因为 害怕被羞辱和排斥,同性恋者会在家人 和朋友面前隐藏自己的性取向。甚至连 科学理论都不支持他们--直到1973年, 心理疾病的权威美国精神病协会才把同 性恋从心理疾病的名单中移除。 现在,西方社会对同性恋者的态度明显 缓和了许多。大家普遍强烈认为,无论 一个人的性别、种族、宗教信仰和性取 向,都应该被平等地尊重。同性恋再也 不是禁忌--著名的电视节目,譬如Glee 和Modern Family常常采取同性恋的 角色,许多的名人和演员都公开了自己 同性恋的身份。同性恋再也不足为奇! 同性群体的下一次作战将要为自己争取 法律权益。同性伴侣现在几乎享有和异 性伴侣同等的法律权益,除了婚姻权。 只有少数几个国家允许同性结婚,但是 如今的趋势正向有利于他们的方向发展。



SYDNEY (ACCOUNTS MANAGER) 悉尼, 客户经理 We’re all programmed to give the advice: “you should just be honest, tell people and if they have a problem with it, that’s not your problem.” I gave this advice not too long ago to a colleague who worked with my cousin. People at his office had been questioning his sexuality, so when he confided in me, my immediate response was to tell him to come out. I asked my cousin if the team might have a problem with this and he said “yes” — they worked in the construction industry. I immediately felt as though I had given the colleague horrible advice, as it could impact on his job. However, thinking back on what I said, the advice rang true. Surely it would be more positive than negative, if we take into account how he felt on a day-to-day basis, the fear he must have inside about being outed at an awkward time or by accident, and the loneliness of not being able to bring his partner to public events. Happily, time has passed and there have been no negative impacts. It says a lot about society today that even ‘manly’ construction workers are able to embrace an openly gay fellow worker.


我们都喜欢例行公事一样给其他人意见:“ 你应该坦白一点,别人不接受是他们的问 题,不是你的问题。”我也曾给过我的一个 表亲的同事同样的建议。同事们质疑他的性 取向,所以当他向我诉苦时,我直接的反应 就是让他坦白。 我之后询问我的表亲,同事们是否会介意这 件事,他回答说,会。他们从事的是建筑行 业的工作。或许我给了他大错特错的建议, 如果这的确会影响到他的工作。但是,回想 起自己说过的话,我仍然坚持己见。

考虑到他日常生活中遇到的种种困难,譬 如恐惧在不恰当的时机意外曝光自己的性 取向,还有不能和伴侣一起去公开场所的孤 单,积极面对当然比消极逃避要好。 可喜的是,随着时间流逝,这件事似乎没有 造成负面影响。现在人们常说,即使是颇具 男子气概的建筑工人也能拥抱一个公开身份 的同志了。





In Hong Kong, people are unwilling to say the word ‘gay’, so there is a special word — ‘member’ — which has existed in the gay circle since the 1980s. This word helped gay people to open up to each other. It’s easier for closet gays to answer the question: “Are you a member?”

在香港,大家不愿意说“gay”这个词,而 使用一个特别的称呼“成员”,这个称呼从 八十年代开始就存在于同性恋圈中了。这个 称呼帮助“成员”们相互认识,对于还没有 出柜的同志们来说,也更加容易回答“你是 成员吗”这个问题。

In recent years, different sexual preferences are becoming more accepted in Hong Kong society. When the media talks about gays and lesbians, it helps people start talking about it and accepting it too.

但是近年来,不同的性取向变得更易被人接 受了,至少是在香港社会。随着媒体开始讨 论男女同志,人们也开始谈论并接受这个群 体了。

I came out to my close friends when I was 15. Among my networks now — from university, to work and clients — there’s usually someone who knows my sexual preference. It doesn’t seem so difficult to come out to a specific person. It’s just natural while chatting. I won’t be like “Hey! I’m gay!” If the moment is natural and comfortable, I will come out. In my experience, most people are fine with it. If not, they aren’t worth being friends with. Fortunately I haven’t experience that yet.

我十五岁时就向我最好的朋友坦白了。在我 的社交圈内,无论是同学,同事还是客户, 都会有人知道我的性取向,但不是所有人。 其实向某个人人倾吐真相并不困难,在聊天 的时候非常自然地就能说了。我不会招摇地 说“嘿,我是同志,我喜欢男人!”但是只 要是自然和舒服的环境,我都会坦白。以我 的经验来看,大部分人都不会介意。但如果 某人介意,那么也不值得和他交朋友...但我 还没有遇到过这样的人。

I do bring lovers to family gatherings, but I tell my parents they’re just a friend or classmate... I think it’s better to give them hope that I’m straight. Unless they tell me they could accept me as gay, I won’t tell them that I am. I really can’t predict how they’d react.

我也带过我的恋人去家庭聚会,但我会告诉 我的父母,他只是我的朋友或者同学...我觉得 让他们认为我是直男更好。除非他们明确地 跟我说他们可以接受我是同志。不然我不会 告诉他们。因为我真的无法预测他们的反映




SHENZHEN ( TRAVEL OPERATOR ) I feel depressed keeping this as a secret, but it’s harder to open up. Whether to open, when to open, who to open to, and how to be around others afterwards, are all questions we face. Weibo lets me know that many gays parents of gays, even wives of gays are participating in public activities. There was a huge organised homosexual parade in Time Square, Hong Kong on November 10th, with many representatives from the mainland, including Shanghai and Guizhou. It is great to see so many parents of gays formed into groups, holding rainbow flags, showing their support with slogans. And condoms were distributed along the road. The gay friend with me really wanted to join the parade, but he was worried about appearing on camera. In China, most gay activities are confined to bars, KTVs and restaurants. Even small parades or leaflet distribution would be stopped. After I came out to my friends, some of them would not mention this while we get together, to avoid embarrassing me. I feel grateful for this, but at the same time, I hope to be accepted by others. If I was born 20 years later, maybe I would be able to enjoy being openly in love while I am still young. I went to my campus for a lecture about travel held by the writer of Backpack Decade. It was so crowded I couldn’t get in. The voice of the speaker wasn’t loud enough, I couldn’t hear clearly in the doorway. But I was heartened by one sentence: “No matter your race, color, religious belief or sexual orientation, nothing can stop you enjoying life. ”


中国深圳, 计调 压抑着其实挺难受,出柜也挺难。出不出 柜、什么时候出柜、对哪些人出柜、出柜后 又该如何面对他人,这些都是需要认真思考 的问题。 微博让我知道,很多圈内人、同志家长甚 至同妻组成的亲友团,在做相关的公益活 动。11月10日在HK时代广场有一场声势 不小的同志游行,内地城市上海、贵州等 地也有代表派出。很欣慰的是,有许多gay 和lesbian的家长组成了亲友会,拿着彩虹 旗,打出标语支持同志,并会沿途向行人派 发安全套。陪我一起逛街的同志朋友,很想 走进队伍,却担心出现在镜头里。 国内的同志活动,基本局限在酒吧、KTV 或餐馆等内部。有时候,凑出的小规模游行 或者宣传会也会被各方制止。在我向朋友出 柜后,相聚时,他们担心我难堪,不会主动 提及。我有时候会感激,有时候却希望被大 家知道并认同。有时候我会想,如果晚二十 年出生,当我年少时,是不是就可以放开去 爱。 今晚回学校去听《背包十年》的作者关于旅 行的讲座。人异常多,进不去,话筒声音不 大,拥在门口也听不太清楚,但有句话印象 却很深:不管你的种族如何、肤色如何、宗 教信仰如何、性取向如何,都不能阻挡我们 去热爱生活。

CULTURE AERIS Talks to Yang Xiaoli, the bold and optimistic artist behind the rebirth of one of China’s oldest cultural symbols: the hulu. After growing up in Shandong province, Yang studied at the Donghua University Art and Design Institute in Shanghai — a city morphing into a financial capital at breakneck pace, while ancient traditions fall by the wayside. AERIS asks what it took to follow her hulu dreams, against her parents’ wishes and the new norm of being successful according to everyone else…


HULUS! AERIS 采 访 了 杨 晓 莉 — 一个 乐 观 的 、 大 胆 地赋予 了 “ 葫 芦 ” 这 个 中 国 最 古 老 的 文 化 象征以 新 的 生 命 力 的 艺 术 家 。 她 在 上 海 长大, 大 学 就 读 于 东 华 大 学 艺 术 与 设 计 学 院。然 而 , 以 迅 雷 不 及 掩 耳 之 势 演 变 成 了 经济中 心 的 同 时 , 上 海 却 把 古 老 的 传 统 文 化遗忘 在 了 路 边 。 在 家 人 的 反 对 之 下 , 在 违背了 社 会 大 趋 势 倡 导 的 “ 成 功 道 路 ” 之 后,杨 晓 莉 为 梦 想 付 出 了 什 么 代 价 ?

What kind of family were you born into, and who influenced you most, growing up? My mother was the chief of the finance department in a state-owed enterprise. Having a strong personality and interest in literature and art, she made every penny count and made every domestic decision. My father worked in the army, then joined the railway department. He isn’t very talkative. Because their characters and opinions are totally different, I learned to think independently without following others when I grew up. They are the people who influenced me most, along with friends I met in each stage of life.

Why and how did you start to paint? My parents valued their careers very much, so I was taken care of by my grandparents. Under the one-child policy in China, I felt lonely without any brothers or sisters. This made me imagine and scrawl. I grabbed my pen and kept tracing other children’s picture albums. I was naughty and hyperactive. Only painting could make me be quiet.

What were the most special exhibitions in your memory and why? The exhibition “Lucky Password—Magic Gourd” held last year in Hong Kong was very special for me. It is my first exhibition taking ‘gourd’ as the key element, like bringing a dream onto stage. There were over 20 media outlets covering the exhibition, and many people came because of those reports in newspapers and magazines. So many people came and appreciated my art works. They took pictures and left their comments in a message book. Many even came back again with friends. It was incredibly encouraging for me.

How long did it take for you before your works were being exhibited and sold? It took me 13 years from when I started learning art, and 2 years from when I started working as a full-time artist. I held my first solo exhibition in a small gallery in Shanghai, and managed to sell some paintings.

As an artist frequently exhibiting abroad, in your opinion, how has this lifestyle shaped you as a person? what are the differences between foreigners and Chinese, or between life aboard and in China? I spent several months of time at different relatives’ places when I was young and attended school in different cities across China, so I got used to living in a changing environment. I think living in different places makes you more open-minded and understanding of different people. The experiences gave me many opportunities for self-improvement, and I learnt from each one. Most people agree that there are many differences between Chinese and Westerners, such as characteristics and culture. But I don’t think that is as true as it seems. After becoming friends with more and more foreigners, I’ve found we have so many things in common.


你出生在什么样的家庭—在你的成长过程中,谁影响你 最大呢? 我母亲曾是国企的财务科长。她精打细算,热爱文学, 个性强有主见,家里的大小事都是她决定。父亲年轻时 在部队里研究核弹,后来退伍到铁路部门工作,他内 向,不善言谈。 由于父母性格截然相反,且观点也常相悖,从而使我在 成长过程中,不一味听从,学会自己思考。他们是对我 影响最大的人,与此同时,生命各个阶段遇到的很多良 师益友对我的帮助也是非常大的。 你是如何又是为什么开始绘画的? 父母事业心强。从小把我放在祖父母家养。加上中国的 独生子女政策,也没有兄弟姐妹相伴,所以我童年时的 孤独感很强。这让我自发地幻想和涂鸦。我开始拿起笔 对着儿童画册上的画临摹个没完。我儿时调皮多动,只 有画画可以让我安静下来。 哪一次展览在你的记忆中是最特别的,为什么它如此特别? 去年香港的“幸运密码—葫芦的魔力”对我来讲是非常 特别的一个展览。那是我以葫芦为艺术元素的第一个 展,就像把梦想搬上了舞台。当时香港有二十多家媒体 对展览进行了报道,很多观众都是看到报纸杂志上的消


息而来的。来画廊参观的人络绎不绝,大家都会拍照和 在留言册上写下感想等,更有很多人会和朋友一起回来 再次欣赏。这些对我都是非常大的鼓励。 你花了多长时间才开始展出及销售你的个人作品? 从我学艺术的时间推算是十三年,从我专职做艺术的时 间推算是两年时间,我在上海的一个小画廊有了第一次 个展,那次展上就有出售一些作品。。 作为一个常常在国外参展的艺术家,你认为中国人和外 国人的区别在哪里,或者说生活工作在国外和国内,分 别有何不同? 我从小就在不同的亲戚家里生活,读书时有在国内很多 城市求学。所以我非常习惯于在各种变换的环境之间生 活。其实在不同的环境下生活,会让人变得更加开阔包 容,也会以多种角度看待任何事。这些经验给了我提升 自己的机会,也让我向他人学习到很多。 大多数人觉得西方人和中国人有很多差异,性格上的, 文化上的。但是越和西方人交往,我越觉得并不是这 样,我反而发现了很多中西方人的共同之处。 生活在哪里对我来说差别不大,和相爱的人在一起,能 做喜欢的事情,哪里都是家。


E L B A T S L A U P F E U C I GAVEE AND A PEA RETS AT INCOM AVE NO REG FULLY, H K I N . A E F H LI CAUSE T . Y A E W ALL B MY OWN E S O H C I I could live anywhere and it would be the same for me. Doing interesting things with the one you love and who loves you, no matter where, would be my idea of home.

How would you describe your personality? 能跟我们描述一下你的性格吗? 我从小是个不爱穿裙子的女孩,长大了仍然如此,我不 喜欢琐碎的生活方式。与众不同的事物对我很有吸引 力。我做事认真,对自己要求很严格,认定的事情一定 会坚持到底。我喜欢旅行和交朋友。

I didn’t like wearing skirts when I was a young girl, and I still don’t — I don’t like trivial things. Distinctive things are attractive to me. I am serious in my work and strict with myself. I will stick to the end as long as I think it worthy. I like to travel and make friends with new people.

作为一个国际化的艺术家,要在工作和家庭之间保持平 衡是件容易的事吗? 不容易,但是我的家人现在都非常支持我。只有在早些 年,我从外企出来自己做艺术的时候,妈妈常唠叨说,

Did your family accept your career?

我放弃了一份体面的工作。但是我告诉她:我不是要体 面给别人看的,我要自己的可以倾注热情的事业和生 活。

It hasn’t been easy, but my family supports me now. In the early years, after I gave up my job in an international company and began my art career, my mum nagged me, saying I gave up a decent job. I told her I wouldn’t “work decently” in others’ eyes. I wanted my own career, and a life I would be enthusiastic about.

What did you sacrifice for your career? Were there any regrets? 哪你为了自己的事业牺牲了什么,后悔么? 我放弃了稳定的收入和安定的生活。没有后悔,我其实 很庆幸自己的选择。

I gave up a stable income and a peaceful life. I have no regrets at all because thankfully, I chose my own way.

Do you believe you are successful and what does success mean to you?


成功对你来说意味着什么,那么你认为自己成功了么? 我不愿意现在说成功或失败,因为我没有成功但也没有 失败,每段时期都是一个人生阶段,顺其自然吧。但是 我很满意现在的一切,也对未来充满信心。

I don’t want to talk about success or failure right now, because I am neither successful nor unsuccessful. Each period is a life stage, so I say, let it be. But I feel satisfied about what I am doing now and hopeful for the future.

在追求自己的梦想和对现实妥协的问题上,你对现在的年轻 人有什么建议? 我愿意为了我的梦想付出一切,所以就算朋友取笑我, 我也不会觉得不现实。当然,很多现实的朋友也在他们 的领域做得很出色。但是,做你擅长的和喜爱的事情非 常重要,不要跟风失去了自我。

What advice do you have for young people today in terms of pursuing their dream, or accepting reality? I was willing do everything for my dream, so it didn’t feel unrealistic, even when others laughed. Of course, many realistic people do well in their field. But it’s important to do what you are good at and love, rather than follow others and lose yourself.




ARTISTIC GIFTS Bestow loved ones with something different this year — a beautiful artwork or creative present is not expensive and brings joy all year. 今年给你 挚 爱 的 人 送 上 一 份 与 众 不 同 的 礼 物 – 一 份 完美精致的艺术 作品或者创造性十足的礼物的花费并不多,但是却能给你和你的挚 爱带来一 整 年 的 欢 乐



The founder of Affordable Art believes that art is for enjoyment, not only investment, and that collecting art should be accessible to everyone. You can find fabulous artworks at extremely reasonable prices.

中国买得起艺术是一个极棒的平台,在这里你可以以合理 的价格找到美观的艺术品。这些艺术品呼应了创办人的关 于艺术品是一种高于投资的享受的理念。另外,创始人也 相信这一种艺术收藏应该是普及的。

Here are some of our favourites on sale this season:


Wang Chao - Women’s Body No.1 (2009)

Liu Mai – Sugar (2011)

女人的身体系列一 (2009)


2500 RMB

1500 RMB



TRAVEL TO CHINA CANDLES AND SKETCHBOOK A scent can transport us to another time or place. These evocative soy wax Travel to China candles in decorative bone china (HKD 580) by Shanghai Tang come in six different scents, each offering a unique smell of six different Chinese cities, taking your senses across the country... The ‘Hong Kong’ scent is light yet mysterious, characterised by jasmine and the faintest trace of the sea. This China Traveler’s Sketchbook (HKD 380) takes you on a vivid journey through China, and comes free if you buy a set of China city candles.


Martine Marras – Cotton Candy (2010) 棉花糖 (2010)

limited edition of 20, 限量版 (只有20件 ) 15x21cm 2500RMB (framed, 裱 框 ) 1700 RMB (unframed, 未 裱 框 )

人们常说,香气可以将我们带到另外一个时间和地点。这些 令人回味无穷的“到中国旅行去”系列大豆香气蜡烛,由上 海滩推出的,并有着传统瓷器装饰 ,售价为580港币。这一 系列的蜡烛有六种不同的香气,每一独特的香味都代表这一 个独特的中国城市。通过这些香味带你穿越这个国度。“香 港”蜡烛是一个基于茉莉花香的香气,淡淡的但又充满神秘 感,还有一丝大海的气息。 另外,这一套中国旅行者的素描本 (售价380港币)将带 你上一趟生动的穿越中国旅途。如果你买了一套中国系列的 蜡烛,你将可以免费得到一本素描本。



Red is the colour of the festive season. Stay warm and merry in crimson, deep chestnut and gold.


红色无疑是这个收获季节的颜色。在漫天盖来的红色,栗色和 金色中度过一个温暖喜庆的节日。



POLKA RED (FABRIX) HKD 266* Phones need protection from the elements too. Keep yours snug in this ‘Polka Red’ Fabrix Sleeve for mobile devices .

‘BOBBIE BRYCE TOO HONEY’ (KATE SPADE) HKD 2800 Feet are always first to freeze — but not in these :‘Bobbie Bryce Too Honey’ boots, by Kate Spade.


双脚总是最先受冻 – 但如果你


穿上这一对Kate Spade的“Bobbie


Bryce很甜蜜”系列的靴子那就一 定不会受冻啦.

1038AM (MAY28TH) HKD 327* Secret Santa got you stuck? May28th’s boldly designed ‘1038am’ reindeer watch offers an adorable and practical solution. 神秘圣诞老人的任务让你为难了?May28th 的1038am驯 鹿手表的大胆设计可以帮你完美地解决这个任务。

‘FUR’ SILK SCARF (ESTHER BONTÉ) SILK COCKTAIL ENVELOPE IN RED-GOLD (MISCHA) HKD2580* Turn up the glamour with Mischa’s exquisite silk cocktail envelope in Red-Gold. 与Mischa的精致丝质鸡尾酒手包展开你的美丽之旅吧。

HKD 850+ This delicate handmade ‘Fur’ silk scarf by Esther Bonté is an imaginative gift with a wintery palette that will complement almost any outfit this season, and keep her warm.* 这一条Esther Bonté的手工精致的皮草丝巾,是一件极富想象 力的礼物。基于其冬日的色彩,这条丝巾可以搭配这一季的任 何着装,同时还可以为你的挚爱保持温暖。


‘EVA’ HALF CUP PADDED BRA& MINI TANGA (BY ABSOLUTELY POM) HKD 1502* & 833* Bright lingerie like Absolutely Pom’s ‘Eva’ Half Cup Padded Bra and Mini Tanga keeps you colourful under all those layers. 明亮色彩的内衣,像是Absolutely Pom 的Eva半 罩杯加厚文胸和迷你内裤可以让你在厚厚的保 暖衣层下保持缤纷多彩。

‘MOSAIC’ PRINT SILK TWILL QIPAO (SHANGHAI TANG) HKD 4500 Make an entrance in Shanghai Tang’s ‘Mosaic’ Print Silk Twill Qipao. 身着上海滩的拼图纹丝质旗袍入场吧

BATTERY PARK (THE KATE SPADE) HKD 1200 Channel your inner pin-up girl in this 60’s inspired ‘Battery Park’ Ball Cap, by Kate Spade. Kate Spade的“纽约炮台公 园”系列帽带领你穿越回到60 年代,做那个时尚的女孩。

LADY MAGDALENE TIED BLOUSE (MARCO VISCONTI) HKD 680 Slip seamlessly from day to office party in this Marco Visconti Lady Magdalene tied blouse. Marco Visconti 推出的Magdalene夫人胸口蝴 蝶结衬衣可以让你完美地从白天到晚间办公室 派对的完美过渡。




FOR HIM CASHMERE PULLOVER (SHANGHAI TANG) HKD 9800 Be snug as a bug in this Shanghai Tang cashmere pullover in a wintery blue hue. 舒适温暖地在上海滩蓝色羊毛套头衫中度过这个冬天。

1256PM (MAY28th) HKD 327 The lively graphic design on this May28th ‘1256PM’ watch makes you look like you’re quite clever and know lots about modern art (even if you don’t).* 这一款生动图案设计的May28th‘1256PM’ 手表使得你看起来时髦时 尚。

BARKING MAD EURO SET (JAC5) HKD 567* Not bold enough to wear red out? Jac5 Barking Mad Euro Set is your chance to wear it in this Christmas… 觉得红色太大胆明艳而不敢穿?Jac5 Barking Mad欧洲系列是你 在这个圣诞节尝试穿红色的好机会。

‘BROWN’ (MAIPROJECT M4 ) HKD 1347 These MaiProject M4 Men shoes in ‘Brown’ with black soles work with black or navy jeans and any occasion from a walk in the park, to Christmas day with the in-laws (or wannabe in-laws)…* 这Mai Project M4 男士棕色皮鞋可以搭配黑色的工作西装,亦或是海 军蓝的牛仔裤,在任何场合都可以穿 – 可以穿去公园漫步或者是穿 去岳父岳母(也可以是准岳父岳母)家过节。


THE SATCHEL VERSION 2.0 (FABRIX) HKD 1070 Small enough to stow under a seat, big enough to carry a laptop, sweater and passport, The Satchel Version 2.0 by Fabrix lets you travel in style.* Fabrix的这一款斜背包 2.0,小到旅行时可以直接放在座位底 下,大到可以装下笔记本电脑,毛衣以及护照,使的你帅气的 旅行。

PADDED BLACK JACKET (SHANGHAI TANG) HKD 5800 Stay warm and look cool from brunch to the bar in this padded black jacket from Shanghai Tang, which works well with a hoody underneath. 身着上海滩的这一黑色夹克衫保暖,但又不失帅气度过完美一天。与套头衫搭 配效果更妙.。

CUFFLINKS (VCIGO) HKD 300 Add a little celebratory gold to your attire (without being tacky), with these subtle Void VC1GO Gold Cufflinks.* 这些微妙的Void VC1GO金色袖扣可以给你的西服增添一丝喜 庆的金色,但又不会显俗气.

TONE-ON-TONE WATCH (OCLOCK) HKD 480 Keep it simple while injecting a little color into your dark winter outfit with an Oclock tone-on-tone watch.

‘HAIR’ SILK SCARG ( ESTHER BONTÉ) HKD 850 Work it like a rock star in this Esther Bonté ‘Hair’ Silk Scarf.* 穿着Esther Bonté的“毛发图纹”丝巾像摇滚明星一样工作。

简洁明了,但又可以为你的 暗色冬天装束增添一丝色彩 的Oclock手表。



With life increasing pace, find tranquility with design innovations that introduce simplicity and efficiency to your home. 随着生活节奏的加快, 在室内创新设计里加入一些简洁和 效率可以为家中带来宁静。

GET THE TREND: Contrasting new and recycled, explore form and function with these eclectic items offering both functionality and aesthetics. 获得最新的流行趋势:崭新和 再生材料的对比,探索造型和 功能的平衡。以下不拘一格的 单品可以给你带来功能和美 感。

OVO TWIG TABLES The Twig Tables by OVO (HKD 1900) showcase the appeal of simplicity. Used individually or in pairs, the minimalist design serves as a complementary surface for your favorite books, vases or greenery. Available in black and white, at WWW.OVO.COM.HK OVO的桌子(售价港币1900)展示简单的吸引力。可以 单独或成对使用,简约的设计为你最喜爱的书籍,花瓶或 绿化植物提供一个美妙的的表面。可供选择颜色:黑色和 白色,WWW.OVO.COM.HK



MUNNA CORSET ARMCHAIR The elegant Corset Armchair by Munna (HKD 32760) boasts a classic design with a splash of colour. Whether being used in a boutique hotel lobby or living room space, the Corset Armchair will lend timeless elegance to all interiors. Have a closer look at WWW.MUNADESIGN.COM 这一优雅的单人沙发(售价港币32700 元)有着一个经典的设计和醒目的颜 色。无论是在一个雅典的酒店大厅或是 客厅空间,这一款沙发一定可以为你的 室内设计风格带来永恒的经典。请查看 WWW.MUNADESIGN.COM

MUNNA CANDY ARMCHAIR The mid-century modern Candy Armchair (HKD33570) is a flawless blend of past and present. With soft lines, a wooden base and tufted back, this occasional chair possesses unique charm. Look closer at. WWW.MUNADESIGN.COM 一款中世纪的摩登扶手椅(售价港币33570 元),完美地融合了过去和现在。有着柔和的 线条,木质的椅基,和簇绒,这一款扶手椅为 你带来独特的魅力。详情请查看 WWW.MUNADESIGN.COM

OVOTREETRUNKTEA-LIGHTHOLDER The angled branches of the OVO Tea Light holder (HKD 1600) are reminiscent of the arts and crafts movement. Inspired by nature, this functional piece will bring the outdoors into your home. Find out more at WWW.OVO.COM.HK OVO茶树杆烛台(港币1600元)的独 特的曲折树枝勾起了艺术品和工艺品的 结合的回忆。受自然的启发,这款烛台 十分实用,将户外元素带入家中。详情 请看 WWW.OVO.COM.HK


TREE RECYCLED WOOD REINDEER Giving new meaning to ‘recycled Christmas Décor’, these Wood Reindeer ornaments (HKD 1450) are an eco-chic addition to a festive home. Choose from a selection of Christmas Décor for the environmentally-conscious at WWW.TREE.COM.HK 有着全新含义“再生圣诞装饰”,这些木质驯鹿装饰品(售价 港币1450元)给你喜庆的家带来时尚环保感。从它们鼓励环保 的网站上选择你喜爱的圣诞装饰 WWW.TREE.COM.HK

TREE SOPHISTICATED COLLECTION RACK Eco-friendly with edge, the Collection Rack by TREE offers a geometric aesthetic with shelving for your favorite items. Available in three different sizes starting at (HKD 9950), take part in the eco-movement with more sustainable design at WWW.TREE.COM.HK 对生态环境友好的边框,这一TREE收容架提供了一个有着几何 美学和审美观的设计,为你喜爱的收藏提供了完美的空间。有 着不同的大小(起步售价港币9950元), 在以下网站WWW.TREE.COM.HK通过选择可持续设计来参与环境保护。

TREE CONSOLE DESK The TREE Console Desk (HKD 9450) combines natural elements with modern design. The simplicity and clean lines allows the natural wood grain to be the focus of this beautiful desk. Featuring European soft-closing doors, this desk can also be used as a dressing table. Find out more at WWW.TREE.COM.HK 这款TREE树藤书桌(售价港币9450元)融入了自然元素和 摩登设计。简洁干练的线条使的自然目成为这张美丽书桌的焦 点。有着欧洲软木,这一书桌也可以作为梳妆台。在以下网站 找到更多相关信息 WWW.TREE.COM.HK



THE NESPRESSO VARIATIONS “U” The “U” coffee machine by Nespresso provides more than convenience in a cup. Dispensing anything from the classic espresso to caramel latte, the Nespresso now accommodates to your interior space. With a sleek new appearance and available in four colours, the adjustable water tank rotates 180 degrees, customising its shape to suit you. At (HKD 1660), find yours: WWW.NESPRESSO.COM. 这一款 Nespresso “U” 型咖啡机在 制作每杯咖啡时带来的不仅仅是便利。从 经典的意式咖啡的制作和分装,到焦糖拿 铁,Nespresso可以融入你的室内设计。有着 时尚的外表,四种不同的颜色,以及可调节 水量的容器和180°旋转设计,一定适合你。 售价港币1660元,你可以在以下网站 WWW.NESPRESSO.COM 找到适合你的一款。

LATTICE CANDLE HOLDER Lighting is paramount during the Christmas season. This light source offers ambient candle lighting with an Asian twist. Light up your Christmas with the Lattice Candle Holder from Shanghai Tang (HKD 775). Avaiable in red and blue, find yours at WWW.SHANGHAITANG.COM/EN/SHOP 在圣诞节期间,照明是至关重要的。这一光源提供亚洲风味的环境蜡烛照 明。用这一来自上海滩的独特烛台来点亮你的圣诞(售价港币775元)。 有着红色和蓝色两种不同颜色, 在WWW.SHANGHAITANG.CO.HK网上找到属于你的那一款。


INSIDE ‘Friends ’ CAFÉ’ 38

DESIGN You might suspect ‘Friends Café’ on the fourth floor of a half empty shopping mall in downtown Beijing to have something to do with the hit TV series, Friends. But you would never in your wildest imaginings know that you’d be walking right into Central Perk, or Chandler and Joey’s living room (complete with a foosball table). Yet, so tremendous is the owner’s love of all things Friends, he’s dedicated his life to them. Over a blueberry muffin that Ross and Rachel once fought over, we talked to the serious, bald owner with thick square glasses — Gunther — about following his heart to open his quirky café.


What led you to set up Friends Café??


I love it because I love Friends. This idea was in my mind for 6 years. I also studied in Amsterdam for 4 years — there is a strong café culture and entrepreneurial spirit there, which maybe inspired me to come back and start my own back home.


一座一半仍是空空荡荡的商场四楼的咖啡馆与著 名的电视剧老友记有什么关系。但是你绝对想不 到当你走进咖啡屋的时候,感觉就像走进了老友 记中的Central Perk 咖啡馆,或是Chandler和 Joey的客厅(连桌上足球都有哦!)。咖啡馆的 老板如此热爱老友记中的一切,以至于他把生活 的全部都奉献给了这里。就着Ross和Rachel曾经 争抢的蓝莓松饼,我们采访了这位严肃、带着厚 厚方框眼镜的光头店主Gunther,谈了谈他追随 心愿,开了这间咖啡馆的过程。

年了。另外,我在阿姆斯特丹学习了四年。那里有很深厚 的咖啡馆文化和创业精神,这也激励了我自己回国创业。


How long has your own ‘Central Perk’ been open for business?


Two years going strong. 通常有些什么样的顾客光顾?

What kind of crowd do you get?


It’s a very mixed crowd. Tonight we have two English girls or ‘Phoebes’ playing Smelly Cat. It’s more like a fan club than a café.


How does that objective guide your pricing?


We price lower than most cafés, to give young people a place they can actually afford to hang out in.


Why do you think Friends is so popular in China?


I think the show is universally popular in the West and in China because it’s so relatable. No matter where you come from, we all share the same 6 friends. And you can learn so much from Friends, unlike other shows like Sex and the City — it’s not just about sex and fashion. You can learn how to treat one another and be a good friend, and also how to be a good girlfriend or boyfriend… I think it’s very relevant to young Chinese people. We don’t learn enough practical life or social skills at school. And if you have Friends, you never feel lonely. They can always make you laugh — it’s just like having real friends around.


cat臭臭猫"这首歌。这里更象一个粉丝俱乐部,而不 是咖啡馆。


我们每个人都觉得与自己息息相关。不管你来自哪里, 我们都会有那样六个亲密的朋友。况且你可以从中学到 很多,不像欲望都市这些没有营养的电视剧,老友记讲 述的远不止性和时尚。你可以学会怎么对待他人、怎 么做一个好朋友,或是怎么做一个合格的男朋友或女

朋友。我认为这和中国的年轻人息息相关。我们在学校 里学不到必要的生活或是社交技能。如果你的生活中有 老友记相伴,那你绝对不会孤单。他们总会让你开怀大 笑,就像身边真的有那么多朋友一样。


Did your own friends support you when you set up this?


Some did. Others thought I had gone crazy. I poured all my life savings in the world into Friends Café, but it’s not about making money. It’s about sharing the spirit of friendship. It’s hard, but I see how happy it makes visitors, and how happy it makes me. Even small dreams can change people. It changed me.


What is your message to China’s next generation?


You need to live your own life, and fill it with great friends — not great handbags.


我只是想分享这种关乎友谊的精神。过程很艰难,但是 我很高兴看到顾客在这里得到快乐,我自己也收获了许 多快乐。即便是很小的梦想都能改变一个人,而这个梦 想就改变了我。



MY OWN BOUTIQUE HOTEL… AERIS Talks to GAURANG JHUNJHNUWALA, manager and owner of one of Hong Kong’s most sophisticated boutique hotels, Ovolo, about how smaller hotels can stand out from the crowd — and the joys of owning your own.


Tell us a bit about the Ovolo 2 AR hotel — what is the concept behind it? Ovolo began 10 years ago at this same spot on 2 Arbuthnot Road. Originally the plans were to develop a hotel but we saw that there was a shortage in longer-term accommodation in Hong Kong at the time and decided instead to revolutionise the local serviced apartment market by bringing in fresh concepts about interior design, technology and guest experience originally seen in boutique establishments in New York City. Over the past two years we brought together these ideas — including our heralded all-inclusive concept where everything from the minibar to Wi-Fi to breakfast is complimentary — to the hotel space. Our sleek new flagship Ovolo hotel on 2 Arbuthnot Road represents the pinnacle of that hotel evolution. Using its prime location just above Wyndham Street and Lan Kwai Fong we set out to create the ultimate crib for guests to transition to and from Hong Kong’s nightlife with cutting edge amenities fitted in every room, or retreat from it all in peace and tranquility using our soothing copper and cream interiors, large study area and luxe onyx marble washrooms. The atmosphere we were going for at Ovolo 2 AR was one of a luxury ocean liner, to coin a phrase from Senior Architect, Paul Kember of KplusK. Most people agree that there are many differences between Chinese and Westerners, such as characteristics and culture. But I don’t think that is as true as it seems. After becoming friends with more and more foreigners, I’ve found we have so many things in common.

跟我们讲讲奥公馆亚毕诺道2号酒店 – 这其后的理念是 什么? 奥公馆开始于十年前,亚毕诺道2号上的这个地 方。其最初的的计划是开发一个酒店,但后来我 们发现那时的香港面临长期住宿短缺的问题。于 是,我们决定改变原本的计划,通过融入来自纽 约精品建筑的室内设计,高新科技和客户体验等 新颖概念,革命性地改造香港本地的服务式公寓 市场。 在过去的两年中,我们融汇了这些想法,比方说 我们独特的全方位免费服务概念 – 从迷你酒吧到 无线网络,再到早餐服务和酒店的空间都是免费 提供的 。我们位于亚毕诺道2号的全新奥公馆旗 舰店展示了这一酒店的演变。通过合理使用最优 越的地理位置(云咸街和兰桂坊),我们为客人 提供配备有先进运动设备的最舒适的休憩环境, 可以让客人充分享用香港灿烂的夜生活;亦或是 在惬意安地在有着舒缓室内设计的宽敞书房和奢 华玛瑙大理石洗浴室内休息。我们奥公馆亚毕诺 道2号酒店追求为客人提供一个有如奢华远洋客轮 的氛围,就好像KplusK高级建筑师Paul Kember所说的。

What inspires your contemporary, creative design? Our mission is to match modern travellers’ expectations with an effortless living experience and we do this by creating interiors that are light-filled, spacious and tech-driven, so guests can enjoy all their creature comforts from home and perhaps even discover a few new ones during their stay. A unique and memorable design around these base requirements is key, and we are inspired by our Hong Kong roots... We partner with award-winning local architect and design firm KplusK on every property, have Roy Chan of e5 Design Studio provide many of our signature graphics, and feature local artists and designers’ work in every guestroom. As part of this dedication to local craftsmanship, every room at 2 Arbuthnot Road features the work of Tsang Kin Wah, one of Hong Kong’s most recognised artists.

How important is design to you? Design is integral to everything we do here at Ovolo. Because we choose to transform existing buildings into hotels instead of constructing them from a box, every project is very different in terms of starting room space and logistics. This requires a very dedicated and innovative architect and design team who must renovate these buildings so they can deliver on the operational, visual and guest experience levels to their maximum potential. This requires amazing attention to design and detail, and every Ovolo property goes through between 80 to 90 revisions before it is ready.

What role do you believe interior furnishings play in making us feel at home in a space? Providing attractive comfortable furniture that fits intelligently into a room is very important for the hospitality experience, both in functionality and aesthetics. This applies not only to the big ticket items like the bed, the desk or the shower, which of course need to be of the highest quality, but also the little things guests use routinely like lights, power outlets and washroom amenities. At Ovolo we focus on these little details when we design our living spaces. We make sure that sockets are abundant and well-placed and that rooms are spaced so they take in as much natural light as possible so that everything you need during your stay is at your fingertips and well-illuminated at all times of the day. It may not seem like much at first but getting these little details right makes all the difference.

Which room is your favourite? The 42 guest rooms at Ovolo 2 Arbuthnot Road are all fitted the same, two to a floor, so instead I will highlight the Lo Lounge, a staple at all of our Hong Kong hotels. Networking is incredibly important in a city like Hong Kong and we sought to create a space where guests could sit down to work, relax or connect with one another should they choose to at any time of day. We fit every Lo Lounge with cosy gear and provide light refreshments and coffee, and free happy hour drinks from 6pm-8pm to give guests an attractive alternative to their rooms.


DESIGN 什么是你们充满当代感以及创造性的设计的灵感来 源? 我们的使命是通过提供一个轻松的生活经验来满足 现代旅客的期望。具体的做法是通过精致的室内装 潢营造一个内部光线充足,宽敞和采用高科技的舒 适环境。这样,客人可以充分享受他们所习惯的物 质享受,甚至在这期间发现一些新的享受体验。一 个独特的,令人难忘的设计是关键,而这一灵感来 自于我们对香港本土文化的认识...我们的每一个项目 都和屡获殊荣的本地建筑和设计公司KplusK合作, 并有本地e5设计工作室的Roy Chan为我们提供许 多图纸,以及众多本地艺术家和设计师为我们的客 房设计的作品 。作为给本地工艺技术的敬礼之一, 每一间亚毕诺道2号酒店的客房都突出了香港最知名 的艺术家之一,曾建华的手笔。 设计对你们来说有多重要? 设计是Ovolo不可或缺的一部分。为什么?因为我 们选择了从现有楼宇改造我们的酒店,而不是从头 开始。从其有限空间和实践方面都十分不同。这要 求一个十分敬业和创新的设计建筑师团队。他们努 力改造这些楼宇,使的它们能够最大限度地实现我 们的可行性和可视性的客户体验水平。这需要惊人 的设计和对细节的注意。每一个奥公馆的酒店物业 在推行之前都要经过80至90项的修改。 在你看来,室内装潢在营造一个舒适如家的氛围上 扮演什么样的角色? 从审美和使用的角度来看,提供吸引人并与设计融 为一体的舒适家具对营造一个热情款待的环境十 分重要的。这不仅适用于大件的家具,如睡床,书 桌亦或是淋浴设备。这些当然需要达到最高的质量 标准。同时,这也适用于一些小件的物品,像是灯 具,电源插座以及卫生设施。在奥公馆酒店这里, 我们在设计的过程当中注重这些细节。我们确保房 间有足够的插座并且位置分布合理。我们也确保房 间合理间隔,使的每间房都可以获得足够的自然采 光,在您入住期间都可以随时随地地获得照明。乍 听起来可能觉得我们的这些细节不太多,但是这些 细节使的我们的酒店与众不同。 你最喜欢的房间是哪一间? 位于亚毕诺道二号酒店每一层有两件客房,一共42 间客房,全都配备相同 。 所以,对于这个问题,我 会说我最喜欢的房间是我们的休息室。一直以来, 休息室是所有香港酒店的重要的一部分,在我们的 酒店,我们也着重突出我们的休息室。在香港这样 的繁华都市,网络链接是非常重要的。因此,我们 希望客人在我们的休息室可以以便休息一边工作, 在一天当中的任何时间都可以和朋友保持联系。我 们竭尽全力地将我们的休息室装饰地舒适,同时提 供点心和咖啡,在晚上6点到8点的欢乐时光时间段 为客人提供客房服务,比如说免费的饮品。


During non-peak season how much would one night at Ovolo 2 AR cost? Hong Kong is an international business, tourism and travel hub so while there are fluctuations in occupancy, there is never truly a non-peak season. We charge HKD 3380 per room per night at 2 Arbuthnot Road, which is on par with the competition even before your factor in all the free inclusions a stay with us offers like free WiFi, free minibar, free breakfast, free happy hour drinks etc.

How long did your latest hotel take to set up? With 8 properties and numerous renovations under our belt we have become experts in efficient property development. Our experienced project team completed the entire transformation of 2 Arbuthnot Road from 21 room serviced apartment to 42 room hotel within 95 days. This is less than half the industry norm and allows us to minimise loss of revenue by getting people into our shiny new hotel as soon as possible!

What were the biggest challenges of establishing yourself in one of the world’s most expensive real estate markets? The competition for space in Hong Kong is always intense but it is a challenge we as a team accept wholeheartedly at Ovolo. Because land is scarce you focus on optimising the space you have and that is something we have become adept in after 10 years of owning and operating serviced apartments and hotels in town.

在非旺季期,入住奥公馆亚毕诺道2号酒店大约需要多 少钱? 香港是一个国际商业,旅游和交通枢纽,入住率时刻 发生波动,因此没有一个真正的非旺季。我们在亚毕 诺道2号的酒店收费港币3380元每晚,这一价格与其他 酒店相比都是十分具有竞争力的,因为这里面包含了 免费提供的无线网络连接,免费迷你吧,免费早餐, 免费欢乐时光时段的饮品等。 最近推出的酒店花费了你们多少时间来开发建设? 设计是Ovolo不可或缺的一部分。为什么?因为我在 建设开发了8间物业以及众多的装修项目之后,我们 在高效物业发展领域成为了专家。 我们经验丰富的项 目团队在95天内完成了整个改造中环亚毕诺道2号的 改造,从只有21间客房的服务式公寓到有着42间客房 的酒店。这一时间只不到这个行业常规改造时间的一 半,使得我们能够最大限度地减少损失,在最短的时 间内让客人们莅临我们的全新酒店。 你们在全球地产市场竞争最激烈的城市之一发展并建立 其独立品牌的过程遇到的最大的挑战是什么? 在香港,空间的竞争自始至终都是十分激烈的,但是 我们奥公馆酒店的全队队员都竭诚接受这一挑战。正 因如此,我们专注于最大限度的优化空间。而在这十 年的摸索中,我们开始变得擅长在这个繁华都市拥有 和经营服务是公寓和酒店。

Do you consider Ovolo 2 AR as a boutique hotel? The term boutique can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. We are comfortable with that label, calling 2 AR a boutique business hotel, as long as it doesn’t imply that it is some sort of fad, that is here today and gone tomorrow. We have over a decade of experience in this industry. In that time we have brought many innovative concepts to market and know that our ideas about what the modern traveler wants to see, do and experience from their guestrooms, works. We create clean, bright spaces that make your living effortless.

你认为奥公馆2AR酒店是一个精品酒店吗? “精品”这一次对于不同的人意味着很多不同的东 西。我们酒店十分的舒适,如果要加上“精品”这一 标签,那么我们的亚毕诺道2号酒店便可以成为是一 间精品商务酒店,只要它不意味着某种一晃而过的风 行时尚:今天的时尚成不再是明天的时尚。在这个行 业,我们已有超过十年的经验。在这段时间里,我们 已经给市场带来了许多创新概念,也通过我们的作品 印证了我们对于当代旅行者的期待的想法 。我们创造 清洁,明亮的空间,使的您的生活轻松愉快。

Why do smaller hotels have more swagger?


Smaller hotels need to do all they can to stand out in a crowded market. This requires thinking outside the box to develop more adaptive hotel services and a signature style that guests enjoy and remember for years to come. At Ovolo we sell an experience, rather than just a room. Taking risks, implementing ideas quickly and sticking to our creative convictions are what we do everyday to deliver on our mission.


For example, we ensure those staying on business are able to easily work from their room in using our large walnut study desk, free Wi-Fi and AppleTV, which makes hosting teleconferences and syncing presentations easy. We also make it easier for guests to party, signing an exclusive partnership with Club Nation, a VIP service which will get you in anywhere and organise the best possible night out for them.


规模较小的酒店需要竭尽所力地在这个竞争激烈的市 场中脱颖而出。这需要他们打破常规思维来发展更具 适应性的酒店服务和标志性风格,这样,客人才能享 受并记住他们在那家酒店的体验。在奥公馆,我们相 信我们有机会推销一个入住体验,而不仅仅是一间房 间。我们每天都会大胆尝试,迅速地实现想法,并坚 持我们的创作信念来传达我们的使命:每天都看到闪

我们希望他们商务人士能在自己的房间舒适地工作, 使用我们的核桃木大书桌,免费的Wi-Fi和AppleTV服 务,这都使得远程电话会议和同步演示十分容易。与 本地Club Nation签署了一项独家合作伙伴合同,这一 项VIP服务将使得你在任何地方组织最好的夜晚活动。



Who are you targeting? We target the 20 to 40-year-old age demographic and can accommodate most traveller types coming to Hong Kong across our varied serviced apartment and hotel properties.

What advice do you have for anyone dreaming of owning a small, stylish hotel of their own? Don’t be afraid to take risks. When we made the decision to become an all-inclusive brand, there were worries that costs would simply soar as guests used the free minibar, breakfast, laundry, local calls etc without any added benefit. What actually happened was great feedback, which led to more business. All the while our hotel operations improved because staff could focus on important matters instead of counting marginal guest usage costs.

Lastly, what has been the greatest reward for you in this business? Seeing Ovolo celebrate its 10th anniversary and successfully launch its first international venture in Melbourne, Australia this year has been very rewarding and a testament to how far we’ve come in little over a decade. In that time I’ve been privileged to be part of a very clever and engaging management team and have met scores of satisfied Ovolo guests, which motivate all of us to keep improving and growing our company every single day. Our portfolio now consists of two serviced apartments and four hotels across Hong Kong, one hotel in Australia, and more are now on the way. In 2013 we will open two more hotels in HK — a sleek new 90-room hotel in Aberdeen and a 162-room hotel in Wong Chuk Hang, right by Ocean Park. The fact that we’ve been able to do all of this while remaining a 100% family-owned and privately operated business has been a particular point of pride for our team.


你们的目标客户群是怎样的? 我们的目标客户群是20至40岁的人群,他们包括了我们 服务式公寓及酒店物业竭力接待的不同类型的来港游客。 有没有什么意见可以和那些梦想拥有属于自己的小型有 着独特风格的人分享? 设计是Ovolo不可或缺的一部分。为什么?因为我在不要 担心风险。当我们决定成为一个价格全包品牌的时候, 我们有很多担心,比如说当客人免费使用迷你吧,享用早 餐,洗衣服务和拨打本地电话等的时候,只会导致酒店运 营成本飙升,而不会带来任何额外好处。然而事实上,我 们这推出的这一品牌给我们引起了巨大反响,带来了更多 的商机。与此同时,这也使得我们酒店的运营操作水平大 大提升,因为我们酒店工作人员可以专注于发展更重要的 事务,而不是计较客户的使用成本。 最后一个问题,你觉得目前为止得到最大的回报是什么? 我觉得能够看到奥公馆酒店庆祝它的10周年纪念,并 成功地在墨尔本推出了奥公馆的第一家国际企业。我们 今年在澳大利亚取得的成就对我们来说已经是非常有益 的,这证明了我们在过去的十年多里走了有多远。在这 段时间里,我有幸成为其中这一个有着出色人才和引人 入胜的管理团队。同时我们也达到了众多Ovolo酒店客 人的期望,这也时刻激励我们不断完善和发展我们公 司。现在我们的业务包括在香港的两个服务式公寓及四 家酒店,在澳大利亚的一家酒店,还有一家在建的酒 店。在即将到来的2013年,我们将在香港增设两家酒 店 - 一间在香港仔有着90间客房的崭新时尚酒店,以及 在海洋公园附近黄竹坑的有着162间客房的酒店。事实 上,我们觉得这一路发展以来,我们能够保持作为一间 100%的家庭拥有私人经营的企业是十分不易的,因此 我们的团队感到很自豪。



Martyn Andrews

From Transylvania to Taiwan, British TV presenter Martyn Andrews has visited more places than most of us do in a lifetime. Hosting dozens of travel shows for various English speaking networks around the world, his programs are shown in more than 100 countries. The 33-yearold TV host lives between London, Moscow and Cyprus with fans from Bangkok to Barbados. AERIS caught up with the man in question on press trip to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan… 英国的电视主持人Martyn Andrews 的足迹遍布世界各地,从特兰西瓦尼亚到台湾,他去过的地方比我们当中许多人一辈子去过的 地方都多。他在世界上许多以英语为播音语言的电视台主持旅游节目,并在100多个国家播出。这位33岁的主持人在伦敦、莫 斯科和塞浦路斯居住,粉丝也来自五湖四海,有来自曼谷的,更有来自巴巴多斯的支持者。AERIS在他前往吉尔吉斯斯坦的比 什凯克采访途中对他进行了访问。

What did you grow up wanting to be? When I was a child I always said “I wanted to be in professional large scale musicals and then move into TV presenting.” Through lots of hard work, effort and patience that’s exactly what I did! There’s a famous Winston Churchill quote: “Never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever give up.” I live by this every day! I was determined to be someone different than the average guy from northern England. My goal was clear from the start. After years of doing musicals I took six months out and trained as a journalist in London. It was a big risk, but it paid off.

你小时候的理想是成为什么? 我还是一个孩子的时候就总说:“我想出演大型音

乐剧,之后再做电视主播。”通过不懈的工作、 努力和耐心等待,我实现了我的理想。丘吉尔说 过:“永远永远不要放弃!”这句话也是我的座右 铭。我从小便下定决心要成为一个不同于普通英格 兰北部男人的人。从一开始我的目标就很清晰。在 出演了数年的音乐剧之后,我花了六个月在伦敦接 受成为记者的培训。我为此承担了很大的风险,但 事实证明这是值得的。

When was your first break?


Our industry is simply a numbers game. Eventually if you are good enough, someone will say yes! In my teens I was chosen to present a spin-off series of the BBC’s “Songs of Praise”. Later they asked me to sing at Goodison Park for the BBC’s “Mersey Glory” in front of 40,000 people! They were both great experiences and wonderful exposure. In my adult career apart from my breaks in theatre in shows like Starlight Express, hosting “Eurovision” live from Moscow was fun, as was “Wayfarer”, my travel show on extreme Russia I did for three years. Siberia, the Polar Circle, Outer Mongolia in plus forty, minus forty… I have so many stories from filming that crazy show.


Tell us about the most interesting and unforgettable things that happened to you in Russia.


Training with the Cosmonauts in Star City and playing on Tchaikovsky’s childhood piano in central Russia were both pretty amazing moments, as was kite surfing on Lake Baikal (I wasn’t very good) and witnessing the ancient caves of Pechory near the Estonian border. Revealing the large underground burial chambers, I was shown hundreds of old wooden coffins piled on top of each other with the skeletons of dead monks in full view. The reality of hidden religion within the Soviet period left me speechless. The most memorable experience was probably living with the Nenets, an Eskimo-like tribe who live in the Polar Circle. With their wigwam style houses called Chums, I couldn’t believe people still live in such a primitive way. It’s a lesson to us all. Do we really need smartphones and the latest gadgets to be happy?



总会有人赞许你。在十几岁的时候我被选中参演 B B C 的 ” So n g s o f P r a i s e ” 。 之 后 , 他 们 又 邀 请


的”Merseyglory”现场。这些都是很棒的经 验。在我职业生涯中,除了我在表演领域取得的突 破,如“星光快线”这部戏,在莫斯科直播主持” 欧洲视角“也很有意思,我在俄罗斯做了三年的节 目”Wayfarer”也非常不错。我从那个疯狂的节



夫斯基小时候弹都是非常有意思的瞬间。在贝尔 加湖上空玩滑翔伞、在爱沙尼亚边界亲眼见到Pe-

chory古山洞也是很棒的体验。在揭秘巨大地下墓 穴的时候,我看到了上百个堆在一起的旧木棺材 和僧侣骸骨。苏联时期隐藏的宗教秘密让我震惊不 已。最令人难忘的莫过于和来自极圈的爱斯基摩人 一样的部落涅涅茨人住在一起的时候。我不敢相信 他们居然还住在棚屋这种原始住宅里面。这对我们 每个人都是一个提醒。我们正的需要智能手机和最 新的数码产品才能快乐吗?


It’s very rare to work in so many countries — how did it come about? It was 2003 and I was still performing musicals in the UK. I was on a vacation to New York (a fabulous city I try visit twice year) and I randomly met an executive TV producer at a dinner party. *Note to everyone — hang out with the right people at the right places!* We chatted and laughed for hours, and I knew I had made a new friend. A few weeks later she emailed me asking would I want to work on an English speaking Indiana Jones-type project for a TV company based out of Israel. No screen test, no interview, nothing. After hesitating and saying yes, she flew me one-way, first class to Tel Aviv and a week later we were filming inside the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. For months I then flew around the Middle East on private jets, helicopters, spent time on multi-million dollar yachts and opened mummy’s tombs. I couldn’t believe my luck. After almost a year I worked on a dangerous diving documentary series for their sister channel in America. Based out of Manhattan, I trained and filmed in various exotic marine locations such as Bermuda, Hawaii, Israel, Australia, Egypt, Florida and Thailand. If you want something bad enough, believe it! Put it out into the universe and I think it will come back to you.

在这么多国家都工作过是很少见的,你是如何 做到的? 2003年的时候我仍在英国表演音乐剧。我在纽约度 假,然后我在一个晚宴上偶然遇到了一位电视制片 人。这里想提醒一下大家,要在正确的地点遇到正确 的人!我们聊了几个小时的天,当时我就觉得我交到 了一个新朋友。几周后她给我发邮件问我有没有兴 趣主持一个以色列电视台的探险节目,不要求试镜, 也不要求面试。我在犹豫了一会儿后答应了。她给我 买了到特拉维夫的单程票,一周后我们就在埃及的吉 萨金字塔外拍摄节目了。那几个月里我乘坐私人飞机 和直升机穿梭在中东的各个地方,坐过价值上千万美 金的游艇,也亲自打开过木乃伊的墓穴。我不敢相信 我能有这么好的运气。一年之后我又参与了这个电视 台位于美国的姊妹电视台的一档潜水纪录片系列的录 制。我在许多著名的潜水胜地拍摄过节目,包括百慕 大、夏威夷、以色列、澳大利亚、埃及、佛罗里达和 泰国。如果你迫切想要得到什么,就一定要坚持你的 信念。用尽全力去追逐,总有一天会有收获的。

You have been to SO many countries — what was your favourite? I think I’m on country 138 now! I’m here in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan as we speak. I’m aiming to visit all the former Soviet countries — so many of them are unknown, yet so fascinating with their amazing nature, culture, national dance, food etc. I’m also in talks to do a TV series about the “Stans” (as people call them) and one of the hotels here wants me to perform my musical cabaret here soon too! Yes I still perform every so often! As for favourite country I think it has to be Italy. It has the best food, music, architecture, landscape, history, art and most romantic language in the world. Try visiting Trieste in the north. Wow!

Which place most surprised you? Rio de Janeiro. I hated it. It was the most disappointing place I’ve ever visited. It rained every day, I thought the beaches were average, the nightclubs were old fashioned, the food expensive, service terrible, it seemed dangerous, with homeless families everywhere and crazy expensive hotels. I went twice and still didn’t like it the second time. Sure Sugarloaf Mountain and Christ the Redeemer statue on the hill are great to see once, but Rio is the only place in the world that I’d say is over-saturated before fully establishing itself.


Are you a risk-taker?


Yes. In every possible way! I’m always pushing myself. I wouldn’t have filmed half the crazy stunts and in dangerous locations if I wasn’t. I also talk to everyone and believe you make your own luck. Give your number out, meet up with random people for lunch, have friends of all ages and types… Be impulsive, go on a trip you can’t afford, walk up to strangers in a bar. Be cheeky. If you don’t ask you don’t get. We only live once!


我想我应该已经去过138个国家了!我现在在吉尔吉斯 家,这些国家对我来说都是未知的,有着迷人的自然、 文化、舞蹈、食物等等。我也正在洽谈做一个新的叫 做”Stans”的节目,这里有一家酒店也希望我能在那 里表演音乐剧。我的演出频率还是很高的。说到最喜 欢的国家,应该还是意大利。这里有着最好的食物、 音乐、建筑、风景、历史、艺术,还有世界上最浪漫的 语言。北部的里雅斯特是必去之地,难以用语言形容。

WORLD 最让你惊讶的地方是哪里? 是里约热内卢。我很讨厌那里,这应该是我去过的最 令我失望的地方了。那里的雨从来没有听过,海滩的 水平一般,夜店很老套,食物很贵而且服务非常差。 那里让人感觉很危险,到处都是无家可归的人,酒店 还贵得可怕。我去了两次,仍旧不喜欢那里。当然面 包山和基督雕像还是值得一看的,但是里约热内卢是 世界上唯一一个我还没仔细探索就受够了的城市。

你是一个爱冒险的人吗? 是的。我一直用各种方式挑战自己的极限,如果我不

What was your most dangerous experience filming or travelling? I’ve had sweaty palms dozens of times! My training at the Mosfilm stunt school for one of my TV shows about Russia where I was set on fire and jumped off a five-storey building was extreme! I thought “OK, this is crossing the line. Am I just crazy?” It was fine. I did it. I lived. It helped that I had just “one go” at doing the fireball jump. As for travel, I was in a bar in Nicaragua in Central America a few years back and I thought a firework show had started. I turned round to see everyone crouched down or lying on the floor. I was standing right in the middle of a shoot out!


Name three up-and-coming destinations.


Romania: I had the best Halloween weekend ever there in Brasov, Transylvania a few years back. You can feel that the capital Bucharest is bursting to show tourists what it can offer. It’s currently all about renovation, new infrastructure and development there.

造出来的。告诉别人你的电话号码,和不同的人吃午 餐,拥有各种年龄各种性格的朋友。冲动有时不是坏 事,你可以踏上一次你负担不起的旅行,或是在酒吧 里找陌生人搭讪。有的时候也需要厚脸皮一点,很多 东西你不索取就永远得不到。毕竟人活一辈子何不潇 洒走一回?

Next up, El Salvador (and the whole Central America region in general): it is so cheap and due to the close proximity of other

你在旅行或是拍摄中最危险的一次是什么时 候? 我已经好多次遭遇险境了!我在Mosfilm特技学校为 我的一部关于俄罗斯的电视节目训练,我必须在全 身着火的情况下从五层楼高的地方跳下去。当时我 想:“这已经超过我的底线了,我是不是疯了?”但 是我还是做到了。我只有一次机会尝试的事实反倒 帮到了我。在旅途中,有一次我在尼加拉瓜的一家酒 吧,我以为外面开始放烟火了,结果我看到所有人都 趴在了地上,我遇到了交火事件!


和我们分享一下你将要去的三个地方吧。 一个是罗马尼亚。我在特兰西瓦尼亚的布拉索夫度过了 最难忘的万圣节。布加勒斯特现在正在向人们全力展示

countries, you can visit so many incredible places nearby. Finally, the Philippines: I was there last year and it really is “the new Bali”. The nature is glorious, it’s really affordable, and I think the Filipinos are the friendliest people in Asia. Manila isn’t the place to hang out for long — head to the islands and relax near a cool waterfall with a chilled Salabat ginger tea. Heaven…

What are the top three natural sights that people shouldn’t miss?

The Grand Canyon (I felt as if I was on a different planet), the active volcano on the Big Island in Hawaii with its bubbling lava (I was one meter away from becoming molten rock) and Niagara Falls in Canada. Even though it competes with Angel, Victoria and the Iguaçu Falls, the roar of the Canadian wonder is unlike any other I visited. The famous Maid of the Mist tour beneath is an experience you’ll never forget. Wait… they aren’t ‘natural’ wonders, but I have to mention The Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu in Peru and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. All out of this world! Go see them all.

They say it’s the people who make a place… who do you remember?

There was the young girl who helped me when I drove my moped off the bridge in Goa (that was a bad idea) she spent the entire day with me and also the village women in Buryatia who put on a gigantic feast for my arrival when filming there. It looked like their entire food for the month. Some people are so generous and kind. And I will never forget the late lunch I had one afternoon with a family in El Salvador. They cooked ten gigantic lobsters and we sat in the warm yellow sun and laughed as we tried to communicate. Sure I’ve had things stolen, was mugged in Barcelona, had an expensive jacket stolen in New York, have met some rude, obnoxious staff. But what comes around goes around. I try not to let anything negative affect me. Life is too short.

Five stars, boutique, hostel, or campsite — what’s your accommodation of choice? I have a spectrum of tastes and desires and could have fun in a rubbish dump! I also love camping, it brings out the child in me. That said of course I’d choose a five star hotel any time! Preferably a gorgeous suite on the top floor with an executive floor club lounge. Cheers!

And how about the travel itself… are you a boat, car, plane or train man? I love all forms of transport. Although I want to lean towards saying that flying first class champagne in hand is one of life’s greatexperiences, I will also add that one of the best things to do is to travel by coach (in business class-style seating, of course). You


它的一切,全城都在装修,不断有新的建筑诞生,发展 很快。第二个是萨尔瓦多,或是说整个中美洲地区。那 里物件很低,而且地理位置优越,可以去很多周围的地 方。最后是菲律宾。我去年去了那里,真的感觉像新的 巴厘岛。那里的自然风景很美,而且也不是很贵。我认 为菲律宾人是亚洲最友好的。不要在马尼拉停留太久, 直接到海盗去享受清凉的瀑布和冰镇的姜茶吧,简直就 像天堂一样。

人们不该错过的三个自然景观是什么? 大峡谷(我感觉在另外一个星球上)、夏威夷的活火山 (我曾经距离炙热的岩浆只有一米远)和尼亚加拉大 瀑布。尽管天使、维多利亚或是伊瓜苏瀑布可以与之匹 敌,它的咆哮声是独一无二的。著名的雾中少女号游船 是绝对难忘的体验。另外有个不是自然的景观,但是我 不得不提中国的长城、秘鲁的马丘比丘和埃及的吉萨金 字塔。

旅途中印象最深刻的人是谁? 我在果阿邦骑摩托车时摔下了桥,一个年轻的女孩照顾 了我一整天,一个布里亚特的村妇为我准备了丰盛的 食物。这看上去像他们一整个月的食物!有的人非常慷 慨善良,我永远都不会忘记我在萨尔瓦多的一家人那里 吃的午餐。他们煮了十只大龙虾,我们在阳光下尽情聊 天。当然在旅途中我的东西被偷过,我在巴塞罗那也遭 遇过小偷,在纽约被偷了一件昂贵的外套,也碰到过粗 鲁讨厌的工作人员。但是付出总有汇报。我努力不让负 面的事情影响我,毕竟人生苦短。

WORLD really get to feel the location you are in, passing through the small villages, farmland, jungles, valleys — the dynamic world people live in. I have travelled a lot through Central and South America this way, a little in Europe too. Flying and trains are faster, sure, but it doesn’t touch your soul as much.

What do you see as the greatest gift of travel? Easy, air miles! I love them. You won’t believe the number of free flights I get!

Does being a travel reporter ever make travel feel like ‘work’? It does, yes. I’ve seen some sensational places around the world, but as it is work I have been in a location for half an hour. Imagine being in your dream location just for a tiny amount of time. It’s quite frustrating! Also, time is money and sometimes after a long international flight instead of sleeping when you get to the hotel, it’s straight into filming for the whole day. This requires energy drinks, a positive mental attitude and under-eye creams! I’ve also wished that I had been able to take my family and friends to some of the most dramatic places I’ve visited. Even though I’ve been with crew I like, it can get lonely.

So what do you do when you are actually on holiday! Do you stay home? You have a point here! I was in Sardinia, the most beautiful island off Italy a few months back and although it was a holiday my whole mind set is based upon reviewing hotels, service, etc. I even ended up writing an article on my trip so yes, no holiday is really a ‘holiday’. The best thing for me to do is to return to a place, like New York where I have been dozens of times. Then I can switch off, and enjoy the amazing surroundings as a paying visitor! I adore Manhattan. If you haven’t visited the Big Apple, you haven’t lived.

What is your advice to someone who wants to see the world, but is on a limited budget?

Simple! If you aren’t a TV travel presenter, I would suggest anyone young become a cabin crew for a major international airline! The pay isn’t the best and the hours can be antisocial, but it’s a great way to see the world! Plus they get to stay in some really nice hotels and some trips can be around 5 days! Regarding travelling on a budget I would suggest: cut out alcohol, eat where the locals do, stay with local families and travel by coach. That will save you lots of money. Let the adventure begin!

Top travel tips? Text message and email yourself emergency numbers, family details and all your passport digits. Also always leave one credit card back at home.

你喜欢住五星级酒店、精品酒店、旅馆还是露 营? 我的口味很广泛,就算在垃圾堆里我也能找乐子。我喜 欢野营,这让我找到我的童真。但是尽管如此,我还是 会选择五星级酒店的,最好是在顶楼的顶级套房,配上 休闲俱乐部。

那你喜欢坐船、汽车、飞机还是火车? 我喜欢各种各样的交通工具,但是我确实比较喜欢在飞 机上喝一杯香槟。坐车旅游也很好,不过当然要是商 务车。这样可以真正体验旅途上的一切,看看沿路的农 田、丛林和山谷,才可以体验生活的气息。我在中美洲 和南美洲以及欧洲的一部分地方都是这样旅行的。飞机 和火车确实方便,但不如汽车打动心灵。

你觉得旅行给你带来最大的收获是什么? 当然是航空里程!你不能想象我拿过多少张免费机票!

作为一名记者,你会不会觉得旅行是一种工作? 确实是。我去过很多无与伦比的地方,但是工作原因, 我只能待半个小时。想象一下如果你可以想待多久就待 多久,那该多好。而且时间就是金钱,有时候经过了长 途飞行也不能到酒店休息,必须马上前去拍摄。这就需 要能量饮料、良好的心态,还必须抹很多眼霜!我也希 望能带朋友和家人到我去过的地方,因为就算我很喜欢 我的团队,我有时也会感到孤独。

那你真正度假的时候会干什么? 这是个好问题!几个月前我在意大利最美丽的小岛撒丁 岛度假,尽管我在放假,我仍忍不住对酒店和服务评头 论足。最后我还是写了一篇文章,让我的假期不像是真 正的假期。对我来说最好就是到一个我去过很多次的地 方度假,比如说纽约,这样我就能充分享受周围的一切 了。我钟爱曼哈顿,如果你没有去过纽约,那你的人生 就不完整。

你对想要看看这个世界但是受资金所限的人有什 么建议? 最简单的方法就是成为国际航线的机组成员!虽然收入 不高,工作时间也不正常,但是他们能去很多地方, 而且能住很好的酒店,有时可以在一个地方待五天。如 果想要用经济的方式旅游,那我建议削减在酒水上的开 支、和本地人一起吃住,而且尽量坐车,这样可以省很 多钱。

那你还有什么建议? 备份一下自己的紧急联系电话、家人的信息和护照编 号。而且一定要记得留一张信用卡在家里。


Velvet Dreams 天 鹅 绒 梦 Photography&Retouching 摄影师& 图片修缮 Laura Cammarata | Production 专题设计 Cher yl Rodriguez Styling 形 象设计 Veronica Li | Hair&Make Up Ar tist 发型设计&化妆师 Vaiva Paulauskaite | Models 模特 Kate B @Model Management Hong Kong Production A ssistant 专题设计助理 Rebecca Hardman

Dress : Stylestalker Maxi Skirt : Reiss Peplum Belt: H&M Belt : Reiss Shoes: Rupert Sanderson

Top: Salvatore Ferragamo Skirt: Salvatore Ferragamo Belt: Giuseppe Zanotti; Bangle: Anna dello Russo at H&M Shoes: Reiss

Dress: Bless’ed Are The Meek Belt: Reiss Necklace: Reiss Shoes: Salvatore Ferragamo

Body-suit: La Perla Blazer: Bless’ed Are The Meek Bracelet: Anna dello Russo at H&M Thigh-high boots: Anna dello Russo at H&M

Jumpsuit: Reiss Belt:Reiss Bracelet: Anna dello Russo at H&M Shoes: Rupert Sanderson

Dress: Bless’ed Are The Meek Black bracelet: Reiss Gloves: H&M Shoes: Rupert Sanderson

Black chiffon dress: Pierre Balmain Ruby Lace Bra: La Perla Gold belt: Reiss Bracelet: Reiss Shoes: Rupert Sanderson

蒙 特 利 尔 冰 雪 节



Montreal is a small piece of Europe under North American skies. It’s the second largest French-speaking city in the world and an all-around enchanting place. One interesting, but often overlooked time to visit the city is during the winter… 蒙特利尔可以称得上是欧洲在北美的一小部分。这是世界上第二大以法语为母语的城市,处处都 散发着独特的魅力。很多人都不知道冬天其实是游览这座城市很有趣的一个时节。

Canada is affectionately called ‘the Great White North’ and make no mistake, winters in Quebec are seriously cold! It’s not uncommon for temperatures to reach -25°C and stay that way for weeks at a time. But something amazing happens when the city is covered in snow and its people are hidden behind layer upon layer of clothing. Instead of slowing down, the city comes to life in a series of wintertime festivals.

加拿大作为“白雪皑皑的大北方”的称号绝非 浪得虚名。魁北克的冬天绝对严寒刺骨,最低 温度达到零下25度也是家常便饭,并且这样的 低温会一次性持续数周。但是严寒和厚重的冬 装掩盖不了下雪天这座城市里所发生的奇妙之 事。下雪不会让整座城市安静下来,只会随着 一系列冬季盛会而热闹起来。

So do what Quebecers do when the thermostat plunges and come out to celebrate life in la belle province!

所以在降温的时候入乡随俗,像魁北克人一样 在这片美丽之地庆祝冬日盛会吧!

IGLOOFEST In January, during the winter’s coldest nights, Igloofest asks the entire province to join them in an outdoor electronic music festival. In what surely must be the world’s coldest rave, this unique festival presents a magical combination of ice and electronic music.


在一月最寒冷的冬夜里,Igloofest里会聚集全 省的人参加室外电子音乐盛会。在同类活动中 这一定是最寒冷的,奇妙地融合了冰雪和电子 音乐。

The bars are made of ice, there are igloo lounges surrounding campfires and the party goers pay absolutely no attention to the weather. One must move to stay alive and this is one time that an impossibly crowded dance floor is a good thing, as it’s really the only place to keep warm. That said, the vodka-infused energy drinks and mulled wine certainly help a bit!

酒吧是用冰砌成的,冰屋分布在篝火周围,参 加聚会的人根本不在乎寒冷的天气。人们必须 四处走动才不会被冻出病,在这种情况下拥挤 的跳舞人群成了最好的一样东西——因为那里 是唯一能保持温暖的地方。尽管如此,那里提 供的掺入了伏特加的能量饮料和热葡萄酒也能 稍稍帮助御寒。

Organised by Piknic Electronik, Igloofest takes place over four weekends in January and February and draws more than 60,000 revellers. Students from universities across Quebec bus in to the event and it definitely has a youthful spirit about it.

Ig l oof est 是由 Pi k n i c El ec tron i k 组织举办 的,在每年的一月和二月持续四个周末,吸引 超过60000人参加。魁北克的大学生都会从各 处赶来参加,所以这个聚会一直充满活力。

The festival’s location adds to the allure, as it’s situated on the Jacques-Cartier Pier in the Old Port of Montreal. There’s nothing like braving the cold to enjoy world-class electro-house DJs at an awesome site on the Saint Lawrence, in the shadow of the imposing Bonsecours Market.

这个活动的地点更增添了它的魅力,因为它位 于蒙特利尔旧港口的Jacques-Cartier码头。 在严寒中站在Bon sec ou rs附近的Sa i n t La wrence这个极佳地点欣赏世界级DJ的电子音乐 绝对是一种独一无二的体验


THE DETAILS DATES: January 17-19, 24-26, 31 and February 1-2, 7-9 HOURS: From 6:30 pm to midnight. It’s important to get there early to maximise the fun Ages 18 and up. Bring ID to get past the entrance LOCATION: Jacques-Cartier Pier in the Old Port of Montreal Tickets go on sale November 15th at the price of $12 in advance or $15 at the door. Multi-day passes are available. 日期: 1月17、18、19、24、25、26、31日, 2月1、2、7、8、9 日 时间:晚上6点30分至午夜,到得越早享受越多 年满十八岁方可进入,进门前需出示身份证 地点:蒙特利尔旧港口Jacques-Cartier码头

DON’T FORGET: Every piece of winter apparel in your wardrobe. We’re talking hoodies, tuques, scarves, winter coats, thermal underwear, gloves and snow boots. Wear several layers as the party is exclusively outside and it’s a cold walk afterward to the dive bars of rue Sainte-Catherine. Colorful tuques are useful for recognising friends among the crowds of bundled-up revellers.


MONTREAL EN LUMIÈRE Just a few weeks after Igloofest and Montrealers are ready for more long nights in the cold. However, instead of music the Montreal en Lumière Festival is a celebration of light and the ultimate harbinger of spring.


The festival, now in its 14th year, enthralls the entire city over a ten-day period at the end of February. It attracts 900,000 visitors in what is one of the world’s largest winter festivals.

DATES: February 21st to March 3rd HOURS: The outdoor events start around 5pm, while most shows start around 8-9pm LOCATION: The Place des Festivals, Esplanade de la Place des Arts and various venues around the city COST: Outdoor events are free, while tickets for the performances and shows can be purchased at various venues

Outdoor events take place at the Place des Festivals and Esplanade de la Place des Arts, both of which are adjacent to the Musée d’art contemporain de Montreal. Light-themed attractions include laser-light displays, fireworks and art installations. There are also a number of bar outlets and DJs to keep the crowds entertained. Foodies will no doubt appreciate the festival’s gourmet food element, as hundreds of chefs from around Montreal present an array of culinary delights at food stands, chocolatiers and specialty food trucks. The festival also has a number of events that take place in the warm — so very warm! — indoors. There are dance performances, theater productions and concerts by prominent Canadian and Quebecois musicians. Check out the jazz evenings for a wintertime taste of Montreal’s famous International Jazz Festival, which is held every summer. 在Igloofest过后几周,蒙特利尔人开始为更长的冬日做准 备。Montreal en Lumière不是一个欣赏音乐的活动,而 是庆祝光明和春天的到来的活动。 今年是这项活动的第14年了,与每年的二月末举行。长达 10天的活动几乎吸引全城的人来参加。这是全世界最盛大 的冬日盛会之一,吸引900000名游客参加。 户外活动在节日广场和Esplanade艺术广场进行,毗邻蒙 特利尔当代艺术博物馆。以光为主题的盛会包含了激光表 演、烟火以及艺术品展示。那里同样有酒吧和DJ来为游客 提供娱乐。 爱好美食的人无疑会被那里的食物所吸引,来自蒙特利尔 的上百名厨师会在食品摊内提供各种美味的食物。 这个盛会同样有室内的活动,气温就会舒适许多。那里会 有舞蹈、戏剧表演和加拿大与魁北克的艺术家带来的音乐 会。晚上的爵士乐表演可以让人体验一下蒙特利尔每年夏 天著名的国际爵士音乐节的冬季版。


日期:2月21日至3月3日 时间:室外活动从下午5点开始,大多数表 演都在晚上8点至9点左右开始 地点:节日广场和Esplanade艺术广场,以 及市内其他场馆 费用:室外活动免费,室内表演的门票可以 在多个地点买到


NUIT BLANCHE À MONTREAL THE DETAILS DATE: March 2nd COST: The vast majority of events are free HOURS: 6PM TO 2AM LOCATION: Events take place in five zones across the city: Quartier des spectacles et centre-ville, VieuxMontreal, Plateau Mont-Royal et Mile-End, Pôle Parc olympique, and Art Souterrain

日期:3月2日 时间:晚上6点至次日凌晨2点 地点:蒙特利尔市内的五个地 点,包括市中心的表演中心、蒙 特利尔旧城区、Mile-End的皇 家山高地、奥林匹克公园中心和 地下艺术廊。 费用:大部分活动都是免费的

The Montreal en Lumière Festival ends on a high note with the Nuit Blanche. This ‘white night’ calls for another sleepless night, as the city’s art world puts on more than 180 (mostly free) events. The events are pretty unique and can be anything from outdoor ice bars that serve hot chocolate, cocktail parties at art galleries, poetry readings or even more lighthearted activities like ‘illuminated snow volleyball’. Events begin around 6pm and each event goes on until at least 2am. The events are spread out across the city in five different zones, but the Metro runs throughout the night to accommodate the festivities and special bus routes shuttle visitors between the different zones. All in all, it’s a perfect way to end a long winter and a wonderful festival season. Montreal en Lumière在“不眠夜”中结束并达到高潮。 蒙特利尔艺术界的人们会举办超过180项活动,大部分都 是免费的。 这些活动都十分独特,花样繁多。有提供热巧克力的室外 冰吧、艺术廊内的鸡尾酒会、诗歌朗诵会或是雪中排球这 样轻松的活动。 这些活动大多在6点左右开始,持续到凌晨2点。活动分布 在城市中五个不同的部分,地铁会通宵服务,另外还会有 特别开设的巴士线来将人们载向不同的地方。 总而言之,不眠夜是为漫长冬日画上的一个完美的句号。




Erica began learning ballet in the first grade of primary school, and in grade four she took up Chinese traditional dance. But she never regarded dance as a career, until an opportunity appeared four years ago, when she began to learn Latin dance. In a short period of several years, she won numerous awards in dance contests, eventually leading her to open up her own dance studio. She never pursued her dream intentionally — she just followed the step of reality and kept moving along, harvesting a fantastic surprise and a turning point in her life. As she says in her new book: “How tall the building is, depends on how solid the foundation is. To be a good person requires being down-to-earth, and the same applies in dancing. ” 她从小一开始学习芭蕾舞,小四开始学习中国舞,热爱舞蹈的她却从未将舞蹈当 做梦想来经营。直到生命的契机让她开始学习拉丁舞,短短四年不仅参赛获奖无 数,还经营了自己的舞蹈工作室。她从未刻意追求梦想,只是顺应着现实的脚步 踏实前行,却在生活的转角处收获惊喜。正如她在自己的新书中所说: “万丈高楼从地起,若要楼高,底要够牢。做人如是,跳舞也如是。”


When did you begin to dance?


I started dancing when I was very young, but never thought of developing dancing as my career. Before I opened my dance studio, I had been running an armoured glass business. I had to go around the world for business, travelling day and night, and felt extremely fatigued. Finally I got sick, I felt faint and I even had crowd phobia, and didn’t go out for a month. My physical problem became a mental problem, so my doctor advised me to do sports. Then I met a woman named Bernice Liu at a party, who introduced me to Professor Zhou Zhikun, who became my dancing teacher. After I began to dance, I recovered both physically and mentally.

我从小就开始学习舞蹈,但并未想过要将其变 成事业。开设自己的舞蹈教室之前,我在经营 防弹玻璃的生意,常常要为了工作往返于世界 各地,日夜颠倒,十分辛苦。直到有一天身体 终于累垮了,最坏的时候我容易头晕,甚至有 人群恐惧症,所以一个月没出门。身体的问题 影响了心理,医生建议用运动来治疗。之后在 一个活动中我认识了廖碧儿,通过她的介绍, 周志坤老师变成为了我的舞蹈老师。开始跳舞 之后,我的身体和精神都恢复得非常好。


What were your most special performances? Four months after I began to learn how to dance, Professor Zhou encouraged me to perform with him on stage. I was so nervous that I couldn’t sleep for several nights! My head was totally blank when I danced on stage, for I didn’t enjoy it at that time. Later I danced with Jack Hui on the TVB charity party and surprisingly we came second. Jack and I are just like brother and sister, in that we always in tune with one another. After that, he became famous and I became confident in my dancing. Last year, I helped Professor Zhou with choreography work for the famous TV show <Dancing Miracle> in Hunan. I learned to clip music, and I was deeply inspired from dancing videos. Although the task was tiring, I did learn something useful and meaningful.

是否可以跟我们讲述一下你最特别的几次演出 或工作经历? 刚学跳舞四个月,周老师就鼓励我去舞台上表演。我 紧张到几晚睡不着。在舞台上头脑空白,不能享受舞 台。之后跟许家杰在TVB为公益金筹款而直播演出, 出乎意料拿到亚军,之后他便一炮而红。我们之间就 像姐弟一样,非常默契,这时便开始对舞蹈有了自 信。去年湖南卫视举办《舞动奇迹》,我开始协助周 老师做幕后编舞,学习剪辑音乐,每天看很多舞蹈视 频来获取灵感。那三个月虽然非常辛苦,但也非常有 意义。

把舞蹈作为事业之后,跟之前的生活有何不 同?

Looking back over your dancing career, how has your life changed?


When I was a student, life was much easier — you just needed to follow your teacher’s schedule. But now I have to consider more issues, such as the operating cost of the dance studio, the relationships among the teachers, the performance of students… the list goes on. To maximise learning efficiency, we use small-group teaching. Although I am much busier and sleep less, my sleep quality has improved, so I am energetic everyday. Dancing has made me much happier, both physically and mentally.


Being so busy, how do you balance work and family?


My husband and I both enjoy our work, so he never asks me to dedicate more time to our family. He knows my career is still developing, so he never gives me pressure. I hold classes in the evenings, so usually we cannot have dinner together. But he has his own hobbies, like playing guitar and golf.


How do you define success? Do you have any advice for young people confronted with the dilemma of settling for reality, or pursuing their dreams?


People under 25 are not mentally mature, and their values are different from the traditional values. The so-called ‘dream’, might not be a true and appropriate dream for you. Since they have few experiences, and little idea about reality, how can they know what they like to do, and what they are able to do? I’d rather not make any effort in a particular direction, but let things happen naturally: for example, naturally I started to dance, then met Professor Zhou and Jack Hui, but at the same time, I practiced my dancing very hard, so I have achieved more now. My advice for young people is: be earnest and down to earth, and dare to suffer hardships — then your dream will appear naturally. We need to accumulate experiences, so that when the opportunity comes, we are able to make use of it. Career success is found in having a happy job and a happy life, but it definitely needs a deep inner foundation.


经营成本、协调老师之间的关系、关注学生的学习进 度等等。为了让学生的学习更有效率,我们是小班制 教学。但是,虽然现在的工作比以前的工作更忙, 每天睡得更少,我的睡眠质量却非常好, 天天充满活 力。舞蹈让我身心愉悦。

工作如此忙碌,你如果平衡工作和家庭? 我跟我的先生都非常享受各自的工作,他从不要求我

饭。但他也有很多自己的业余兴趣,譬如弹吉他和高 尔夫。

你心中对成功的定义是什么?你对当下年轻人 选择现实或是梦想有何建议? 价值观和传统观念有很大不同。所谓“梦想”,并不 一定是真正适合你的梦想。因为一个人还没有经验, 能做什么呢?我的人生是在顺其自然的情况下努力奋 斗:自然地开始了舞蹈,又遇到了周老师和许家杰, 但同时我非常努力地练舞,才有今天的成果。所以我 给年轻人的建议是:脚踏实地,年轻不要怕吃苦,之 后梦想会自然地出现。我们需要经验的铺垫,才能在 遇到机会的时候能利用好它。成功就是身心愉快的生 活和工作,但这绝对需要一定的经济基础。






COMMUNIST 共产主义 Meet the furrier faces of Chinese State TV…

“公家” 猫


They say cats swear allegiance to whoever fills their bowl. And these felines have discovered that state media retirees are a good, socialist bet. Xinhua, CNC World and CCTV insiders report their compounds are full of cats, fed and treasured by current and former employees. Some of them are even bigger celebrities than the presenters. So famous is one Xinhua cat, ‘Da Bai’ (‘big white’), that he has his very own Weibo account, where pictures of him being washed and groomed are posted. “When it rains, he becomes ‘big black’,” one employee giggled. “He needs to have a bath often.” Lucky boy. Da Bai prowls through the compound with the authority of a Chairman. Employees snap photos on their smartphones like the paparazzi, but Da Bai ignores the press. “Everyone loves Da Bai,” said one female editor solemnly. “But Da Bai loves no one.”


有人说,猫誓死效忠喂养它们的人。奇妙的是,这 些猫科动物发现了一个规律:国家媒体机关有这样 一个良好的传统,这里的人都喂养公家猫。据新华 社,中国新华新闻电视网英语电视台以及中央电 视台的内部人士揭露,这些机关单位的院子有许多 猫,而这些猫都是其前雇员喂养的。 在这些猫当中,有些比那些喂养人更有名。其中的 一只新华猫叫“大白”,它甚至还有属于它的微博 账号。在它的微博空间中,有它洗澡的照片,也有 它梳理毛发打扮的照片。有一名雇员戏称,“雨天 的时候,“大白”就变成了“大黑”。所以它经常 要洗澡。”这只猫还真幸运啊。 大白经常在院子里“巡游”,就像国家主席一样。 雇员们经常用他们的手机给大白拍照,就像狗仔队 一样--- 但是大白毫不在意。一名女编辑说道,“我 们大家都爱大白,但大白谁都不爱。”


不过 黑猫白猫 抓到老鼠 就是好猫 But Da Bai has competition. CCTV’s ‘boss’ on Weibo is, apparently, an equally majestic white, fat cat — and gaining a big fan base, too. We checked in on Da Bai for his opinion, but he refused to comment. Two furry comrades at CNC World, a slender, white shorthair with green eyes called ‘Jing’ and a scruffy, ginger cat with a chewed ear known as ‘Garfield’ are equally amusing. Unkempt Garfield is often seen edging gingerly over to Jing, who turns flatly away and eats more biscuits. Lost Garfield is usually found alone on an artificial mountain. It’s an unrequited love story that resonates with us all.

好景不长,大白有了竞争对手。中央电视台的“老 大”也是一只白色的肥猫,它也有许多粉丝。我们 尝试问大白它关于对手的想法,但它阻绝回应。 同样有趣的是在中国新华新闻电视网英语电视台 也有两只毛茸茸的猫同志。一只白色的短毛绿眼 睛猫叫做“晶”,而另外一只邋遢的,少了一只 耳朵的红毛猫叫“加菲”。蓬头垢面的加菲经常 陪人发现围攻晶,但是晶总是不理它,转身离开 继续吃它的饼干。失落的加菲总是暗自躲在假山 中 – 哎,得不到回应的爱,就像我们人类一样。

Another Xinhua cat is Charlie Chaplin, with luscious, jet-black fur, a white face and malevolent green eyes. Like a gangster, Charlie only comes out at night and reportedly, likes the ladies. He scares other cats away and marks his territory ruthlessly. Bad boy, rebel, or maybe, a revolutionary...

还有另外一只新华猫,名字叫做卓别林,有着美 丽乌黑的毛发,白色的连以及一对邪恶的绿色眼 睛。就像黑帮一样,卓别林只在夜间行动。听 说,它只喜欢女士。它把其他的猫的轰走,在属 于它的领地里肆无忌惮。哎,它是一个坏小子, 反对分子,还是一个革命家。。。

So what is it like having so many cats around? As Deng Xiaopeng remarked, “it doesn’t matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice.” And the Communist Cats are doing just that.

正如邓小平说过,“不过黑猫白猫,抓到老鼠就 是好猫。”共产主义“公家”猫就正做着这件 事。


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