Adderbury Contact March 2016

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2 March 2016 VolumeVolume 39, No.39,2 No. March 2016

All the fun of the Panto (see p. 33) (Photographs courtesy of John Woodward)

Church House, Adderbury New website and booking system

Most of you know the facilities offered by Church House which houses our local library but in case anyone doesn’t: our main hall is a large open area ideal for parties, presentations and exhibitions with the partitioned meeting room suitable for smaller gatherings. The kitchen will serve your catering needs having an oven, cutlery and crockery. We now have a licence to sell alcohol. Projector, screen, tables, chairs and free wifi are available.

So if you are planning a meeting or event please visit the new website where you will find details of how to book We look forward to continuing support of this community facility.

With so many new residential patches in the village and people asking about village history I have had a few copies of my 'Adderbury a ThousandYears of History' re-printed, in paperback, at ÂŁ15 a copy. Any profit will go to FOCAL. Please ring Nick Allen on 811087. 2


DIARY MARCH 2016 1 Gardening Club -Presentation by Stuart Lowen on The Ball Colegrave Nursery -Church House -7.30 to 9.30pm 2 Photographic Society - Presentation by member Jim Muller: 'From hummingbirds to cakestands - the sublime to the ridiculous' – Cartwright Hotel, Aynho – 7.30pm 3 Adderbury WI – AGM & social evening – Institute - 7.30pm 4 Women’s World Day of Prayer-‘Women of Cuba’- Methodist Chapel – 2.00pm 4 PTFA Bingo night – Christopher Rawlins school – 6.00 to 8.30pm 4 Scouts Frog Racing night – Institute – 7.30pm – details 812204 5 Parish Council Surgery – Church House – 11.00am to12 noon 5 District Councillor Surgery - Church House - 12 noon to 1.00pm 5 Party in the Park table top sale – Institute – 10.00am to 12 noon 5 Quiz night – Bowls Club - 7.30pm 9 Adderbury Evergreens –talk by author Brenda Kirkham – Methodist Hall – 2.30pm 10 Royal British Legion meeting – Bowls Club – 2.00pm 10 Adderbury Community Food Market –Indoor Farmers’ Market and social evening – Institute – 6.00 to 8.00pm 10 Latest Date for Diary Entries and Copy for April Contact 11 Adderbury Cine Club – Gone Girl - Institute – 7.30pm 12 Lakes working party – 9.00am 16 Photographic Society -Workshop by members Simon Lutter and Gail Girvan on 'High speed photography - Part 1’ - Cartwright Hotel, Aynho - 7.30pm 17 Runners’ Hour – The Bell – 7.30pm 18 Adderbury Friday Club – for all homeworkers – 12.30pm – details Nick Fennell 811059 (note date change) 18 FOCAL an afternoon talk with tea on ‘Blenheim Palace, its history and its owners’ - Church House – 2.00pm 19 Katharine House Stall Sale - Institute – 11.00am to 2.00pm. 21 Adderbury History Association - The Dinosaurs of Oxfordshire’ - Paul Austin Sargent - Methodist Hall – 7.30pm 23 Adderbury Evergreens film show – Methodist Hall – 2.30pm 29 Parish Council meeting - Church House – 7.30pm APRIL 2016 2 Parish Council Surgery – Church House – 11.00am to 12 noon 2 District Councillor Surgery - Church House - 12 noon to 1.00pm 2 Quiz night – Bowls Club - 7.30pm 5 Gardening Club - Presentation by Chris Brown on ‘The plants of Patagonia’ – Church House - 7.30pm to 9.30pm 6 Photographic Society - Annual General Meeting, followed by members' photographs on the subject: 'What is it?' - Cartwright Hotel, Aynho -7.30pm 7 Adderbury WI - Hat Tribe - Irene Tyack – Institute – 7.30pm cont. on p.4 3


cont. from p.3 8 FOSMA present Sir Tony Baldry speaking on ‘Parish Churches – blessings not burdens’ – Church House- 7.30pm – tickets Trish Fennell 811059 9 Lakes working party – 9.00am 10 Latest Date for Diary Entries and Copy for May Contact 12 Annual Parish Meeting – Methodist Hall - 7.30pm 13 Adderbury Evergreens musical afternoon – Methodist Hall – 2.30pm 13 Runners’ Hour – The Bell – 7.30pm 14 Royal British Legion meeting – Bowls Club – 2.00pm 14 Adderbury Community Food Market –Indoor Farmers’ Market and social evening – Institute – 6.00 to 8.00pm 15 Adderbury Cine Club – The Martian - Institute – 7.30pm 18 Adderbury History Association – AGM and Face the Music: lost church music form that was sung in Adderbury - Methodist Hall – 7.30pm 20 Photographic Society -Workshop by members Simon Lutter and Gail Girvan on 'High speed photography - Part 2’ - Cartwright Hotel, Aynho - 7.30pm 21 Runners’ Hour – The Bell – 7.30pm 23 Day of Dance 26 Parish Council meeting - Church House – 7.30pm 27 Adderbury Evergreens AGM – Methodist Hall – 2.30pm 29 Adderbury Friday Club – for all homeworkers – 12.30pm – details Nick Fennell 811059

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS, St Marys Road What awful weather we experienced on our ‘Switch On Night’ with torrential rain and high winds. Things couldn’t have been worse. But still many people turned up to support us. We would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who braved that night. Our total is £1950.00 raised for Katharine House Hospice. Thank you to everyone who donated making this total possible. This amount includes the proceeds from 2 car boot sales and vegetable sales during the summer Jenny & Stewart West

COFFEE AND CHAT is held each week on Tuesday 10.00am to 12 noon at the Methodist Hall. VILLAGE COFFEE is held every Friday at Church House 10.00am to 12 noon. You will be very welcome at both these venues LIP-READING CLASSES are held on Thursdays 10.00 to 11.30am at The Church Room, Hempton. Further details from Moira Byast on 01869 338637. KNITTING FOR SYRIA group meet every Monday 2.30 to 4.30pm in Methodist Hall




ADDERBURY LIBRARY OPENING TIMES TEL:810545 Tuesday: 10.00am to 12.00 and 3.00pm to 7.00pm Thursday: 2.00pm to 5.00pm and 6.00pm to 7.00pm Friday: 10.00am to 12.00 and 2.00pm to 5.00pm Saturday: 9.30am to 1.00pm ADDERBURY POST OFFICE OPENING TIMES Tuesday and Friday: 9.30am to 12.00 noon ADDERBURY STORES OPENING TIMES TEL:367295 Monday - Friday 7.00am to 7.00pm Saturday 7.30am to 7.00pm Sunday 7.30am to 3.00pm TO BOOK A VENUE Institute Book online at Church House Richard Davis 811557 Methodist Hall Rhoda Woodward 810964 Lucy Plackett Activity Centre Becky Cheesman 07941062096 Bowls Club The Club 811118 Banbury Golf Club The Club 810419 FARMERS MARKETS Adderbury Banbury Chipping Norton Deddington

10 March 4 March 19 March 26 March

18:00-20:00 08:30-13:30 08:30-13:30 09:00-12:30



Marie Corney, Carda Traunero, Paul Ness

Diary Entry and Advert Bookings: Treasurer: Nick Fennell Archway Cottage, Tanners Lane 811059 Advert copy, artwork & technical queries: Karen Reynolds

Barry Scarff

Distribution: Derek & Sandra Fearne

This issue edited by Marie Corney. Copy can be posted, left at the Library or sent by e-mail to the editors. The editors reserve the right to amend or edit any copy submitted for publication. Opinions expressed in Contact are not necessarily those of the Editorial Team. Submitted images should be 300dpi. Whilst we always try to use images supplied, we cannot guarantee the reproduction standards of low resolution or poor quality images. By sending images to Contact you confirm your right to use these images. Contact holds no liability for images supplied by advertisers or as editorial submission that are in contravention of copyrights or licenses. 55

CHURCH SERVICES ST MARY’S CHURCH, ADDERBURY & ST JOHN’S CHURCH, MILTON Rev. Stephen Fletcher, Vicar. 810309 Contact for Weddings, Baptisms or other pastoral needs ST MARY’S Regular Services: 8.00am Holy Communion (1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday each month) 10.30am Informal, All-age Service (1st Sunday) Parish Communion (2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday each month) Morning Prayer (5th Sunday) 6.00pm Evensong (unless otherwise advertised) 10.00am Every Wednesday: Holy Communion Services for Holy Week and Easter: Palm Sunday 20 March Holy Communion 8.00am Adderbury Procession of Palms beginning at The Green at 10.15am 10.30am Parish Communion Holy Monday 21 March 7.30pm Compline and meditation Holy Tuesday 22 March 7.30pm Compline and meditation Holy Wednesday 23 March 7.30pm Compline and meditation Maundy Thursday 24 March 7.30pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper followed by stripping of the Altar Good Friday 25 March 10.30am Procession with the Cross from the Quaker Meeting House, Horn Hill Road to Christopher Rawlins School 2.00pm Last hour at the Cross The Easter Celebration 27 March 5.30am "Easter Vigil" with lighting of the new fire and Paschal Candle; ceremony of light, renewal of Baptism vows, first communion of Easter 8.00am Easter Communion 10.30am Easter Family Communion ST JOHN’S, MILTON Regular Services 9.15am Holy Communion (2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday each month) Services for Holy Week and Easter: Good Friday 25 March 9.15am Good Friday Liturgy The Easter Celebration 27 March 9.15am Easter Communion METHODIST CHAPEL SERVICES (10.30am) Revd Lin Francis Tel 262602 March 6, 13, 20, 27 For more details call 01295 811139 and check the church notice board. Tenebrae Service Wednesday 23rd March 7pm. Everyone welcome 66


cont. on p. 7

cont. from p.6 HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH, HETHE Rev. Fr. Paul Lester 01869 277630. Sunday Mass: 10.00am Sung Family Mass 12 noon Traditional Latin Mass (second Sunday will be sung) Roman Catholic masses are also held every Sunday at 9.00am at the Anglican Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Kings Sutton and since the closure of St. George's Chapel, Adderbury, many of the Adderbury congregation now worship there. ADDERBURY QUAKER MEETING HOUSE - Horn Hill Road OX17 3EW. (Gate labelled ‘No Dogs Allowed’) Correspondence Clerk – Judith Mason – Tel 720900 Meeting for Worship at 2.30pm on 3rd Sunday in March, June, September, and December. Everyone welcome. The Meeting House is little changed since it was built in 1675 and may be very cold. Hot drinks and refreshments afterwards. WOMEN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: This year is on 4 March at the Methodist Chapel at 2.00pm. This year the country chosen is Women of Cuba. All welcome. Refreshments.

A Right Royal Celebration! On Saturday 4 June, Adderbury will be holding a special village event to celebrate the 90th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II. From 10.30am there will be a market and various stalls on and around the Green and at the top of the High Street. There will also be a vintage car show, lots of children's activities and a 'Royal' fancy dress parade and a tea party. Local groups and venues will also be hosting various exhibitions, Morris dancing and musical entertainment. If you, or a village resident you know, are celebrating your 90th birthday during 2016 we would love you to come to the birthday tea party as our special guest. Please contact Val Scarff on 810386. If you are a club or group and haven't already been in touch about your stall/event or exhibition, please contact Trish Fennell on 811059 If you would like to volunteer as a helper on the day please contact David Griffiths on 810002 For any other information please contact Val Scarff on 810386 Updates on the day's events will be published in Contact and on each month. 7


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Also undertaken: Garage and shed clearance


ADDERBURY AND MILTON FEOFFEE’S CHARITY Grants are available for school leavers going onto Further Education, University or Apprenticeships. The criterion for Students is that they must have lived in the village for 3 years. The deadline each year is 1 January and grants will be awarded at the end of February, after the meeting of the Trustees. Each application will be assessed individually and confidentially by the Trustees. Application forms available from Mrs. Margaret Clinkard, 31 Deene Close, Adderbury.

Assistance Fund This is a long-established fund within the Feoffee Charity. It is there to help when times are hard. We cover all age groups, young and old, and can offer help to all who have lived in the village for a period of three years or more. To apply for help, please request a form from: S. Peissel, Church Farm Stables, Milton, OX15 4HH

RE-VITALISE EXERCISE CLASS. Come and re-vitalise yourself with doing exercises where you move in connection with your body at your own pace. We finish with relaxation and Gentle Breath Meditation. Get ready for the summer When: Wednesday 6th April for 8 weeks Where: The Institute, Adderbury Time: 6.30 – 7.30pm Cost: £6 a week or £40 for the course Bring a towel and blanket, a pillow and 2 small water bottles with you. For more Information and booking: Call Gill Randall 01295 812552 1010

TREETOPS.COM LTD TREE SURGERY • Tree surgery/felling • Crown reductions • Dismantling in confined spaces • Orchard renovations • NPTC. Certified staff • £5million liability insurance For free no obligation quotations

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APOLLO Tweenage Cycle Excellent condition, nearly new. 14" frame, 24" wheel. Price new approx. £120 - make me an offer! Enquiries to -------------------------------Surplus to Office / Home Office requirements: 3 x lockable Oak-effect Filing Cabinets (4-drawer A4) – offers in excess of £25 each 1 x large desk (60” w x 33”d x 28.5”h) (4 drawers + filing drawer) – offer in excess of £10 Collection required. Contact Tony Gill Billings, Horn Hill Road, Adderbury, Banbury, OX17 3EW, UK. (Tel: 810102)

---------------------------------------------------Drum Kit separates - Premier bass drum, floor toms and high-tom, Stag high-toms, Black Panther snare drum, various fabian symbols. Child's (age 9-12 years) bicycle (Giant MTX) and RAM golf clubs with bag. IKEA glass fronted wardrobe, with integral drawers. Reasonable offers accepted for all items. Contact BELL RINGING Most of us in Adderbury hear the church bells on most Sundays in the year and also for special services and occasions such as weddings and major civic occasions. We appreciate the services of the ringers who are mostly unseen tucked away in the tower. However we do need to keep the numbers up, so if anyone is interested in taking up ringing, or just curious to see how it is done, then please do turn up and have a look on any Tuesday evening when we practice. There is no age limit, but children under their teens may find the bells a little heavy so thirteen to eighty is a good age range! There is of course no commitment but you will be guaranteed an interesting hour. For more information contact the Tower Captain, Colin Lee, on 07876 573967, Chris Holmes on 01295 810308 or Trish Fennell on 01295 811059; or just turn up on a Tuesday evening between 7.30pm and 9pm. 12


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ADDERBURY VILLAGE MORRIS MEN Practices every Wednesday at 8 .00pm at the Tithe Barn, Adderbury Starting Wednesday 24 Feb 2016 For further details contact John Ekers 01869 811741 Come and join us and help maintain the tradition PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY Last month, member Martin Chapman ARPS gave a presentation entitled ‘Wildlife, landscapes and infra-red photography’. An enthusiastic photographer who has travelled widely, Martin opened his presentation with some intriguing images of different wildlife species in the UK, including deer, red kites, snakes, crane and dragon flies, spiders and other insects. He continued by discussing his approach to landscape photography, guiding his audience on pictorial journeys to the Arcadia National Park in Maine, USA, the Lake District and France. Martin then ended the first part of his presentation with a discussion on infra-red photography, explaining how an unused digital SLR camera can be converted to infra-red operation by removal of internal colour filters adjacent to the camera’s sensor - work requiring the services of a professional camera workshop. Once done, the unusual monochrome effect, characteristic of infra-red images, can be readily obtained as Martin demonstrated in a series of photographs and montages. Martin opened the second part of the presentation by showing his photographs of the landscape and wildlife in the Maasai Mara National Park in Kenya. The landscapes were taken mostly at sunrise, capturing the characteristically rich tapestry of orange/ red hues in the early morning sky. He also showed his images of birds, giraffes, antelope, water buck and wildebeest, together with predators such as the lion, cheetah, leopard and wild dog. Martin then drew his presentation to a close by revisiting the USA, with photographs of native alligators, manatees and a wide variety of birds in Florida, and concluded by going to India to show images of that country’s tigers. Overall, an extensive and very impressive collection of photographs, supported by a detailed commentary, all of which was much appreciated by his audience. The next meeting of the Society is on 2 March, when member Jim Muller will present ‘From hummingbirds to cake stands - the sublime to the ridiculous.’ Then, on 6 April, there is the Society’s Annual General Meeting which will be followed by members’ photographs on the subject of ‘What is it.’ In addition, two Workshops are also planned on ‘High Speed Photography.’ The first on 16 March is on how to capture ‘Water droplets and birds in flight,’ the second on 20 April is about the ‘Creative use of flash.’ All meetings are at 7.30pm in the Cartwright Hotel, Aynho. Just come along and meet us, you are assured of a warm welcome. John Branton 1717

25th anniversary


Help your local hospice to celebrate twenty five years of caring. To keep up to date with our special events and campaigns throughout the year visit or telephone 01295 816484 Oxford Artweeks: KHH Day Hospice Art Exhibition – 23-27 & 30 May 2016 The Katharine House philosophy has always been to take a holistic approach to patient care, which means providing more than just medical care to patients and bereavement support to families. A large part of this is the use of art and music therapies to provide physical and psychological support to patients. This May, the Hospice has been chosen to take part in the Oxfordshire Artweeks programme, and artwork created by KHH patients will be on display in the Hospice during the week commencing 23 May. Why not come along to see the wonderful creations – and the stories behind the artwork? Care for a Cuppa Week: 6–13 March 2016 There are already more than 30 Care for a Cuppa events planned for 2016. But there’s still time to register your event! Invite your friends and family round for a cuppa, cake and chat, and ask for donations towards cake and coffee. We will provide you with a fundraising pack complete with posters, invitations, recipes and top tips to make your event a success. Call the fundraising team on 01295 816484 to order your Care for a Cuppa fundraising pack or email . Every penny you raise by organising a Care for a Cuppa event will make a tremendous difference to local patients and their families. Katharine House Hospice Stall Sale: Saturday, 19 March 2016 – 11.00am to 2.00pm Pat and Dot are having their annual Katharine House Hospice stall sale at The Institute in Adderbury. Browse for a bargain at this wonderful annual event: bric-abrac, donated items, books, cakes and toys.

Midnight Walk 25 June 2016 Put the date in your diary now. The walk will again start at Banbury Cricket Club in Bodicote and to celebrate our 25th anniversary will have a silver theme. The event will be launched in March. You can enter online at or complete an entry form, available from the Hospice or any of our shops. Katharine House Hospice on Social Media Did you know? You can follow us on your favourite social media channels to keep up to date with news, events, and photos from Katharine House Hospice. Join the conversation – we’d love to hear from you! Facebook: katharinehouse/ Twitter: Chris Higgins, Communications Officer 1818

ADDERBURY COMMUNITY FOOD MARKET Thurs 10 March, 6pm – 8pm at the Institute, The Green, Adderbury Adderbury’s not-for-profit food market goes from strength to strength on the second Thursday of each month. Have a look at our website to see what we have in store this month – whether it’s a great range of fresh food to buy, or a delicious meal to eat in or take away. To date over £1000 has been given to village good causes Have you visited the market yet? Put the date in your diary now!

Adderbury History Association January Meeting There was a good attendance, on a very chilly evening, at the first meeting of 2016. Our speaker was Alan Walker whose style of presentation could be called “conversational”; it was informal and more akin to chatting with guests than talking to a room full of strangers. And then he threw in a quiz at the end for good measure! Alan introduced himself as “lightweight”, in view of Adderbury’s long history from the 10th century, then gave us an insight into the life of a family which has practised as animal doctors since 1674. Originating in Lancashire the Walkers moved south in that year to Long Compton in Warwickshire. They remained in that area only moving to Burmington and then Hook Norton in comparatively recent times. He talked us through the family line in which all the men succeeded each other, initially as farriers, then unqualified veterinary practitioners and finally professional veterinary surgeons. In those early days they looked after the drovers’ animals en route to London and the coach horses travelling from Manchester to the capital. Their expertise evolved from their experiences in working with animals and formal training was not demanded until 1900. Alan’s interest in the job grew from accompanying his father Jack, particularly as he tended to horses, and following the same career path became inevitable. He inherited from Jack both tools and tales of the trade and the latter he has recounted in his book “Four Legs and a Tale” (published by Live Wire Books 2014 ISBN 9780955312489). At the end of his talk some of the old tools were passed round for us to identify. This led to some amusing guesswork and squeamish groans when we found out what they were actually for! Ten percent of the proceeds of the book sales goes to the Injured Jockey Charity. It is available locally priced £12.50. Jean Davis 19


Adderbury, Deddington & District Photographic Society

Welcomes new members of all abilities and all age groups. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at The Cartwright Hotel, Aynho commencing at 7.30pm. Why not give us a try – just turn up at the next meeting – you will be sure of a warm welcome Wendy Meagher 01869 336216

Painting Company S I M P LY B E AU T I F U L D E C O R AT I O N

All forms of interior and exterior painting and decorating, specialising in murals.

T: 01295 811026 E: W: Pebsham Cottage, Aynho Road, Adderbury Oxfordshire, OX17 3NL


FORTHCOMING FUNDRAISING EVENTS Join us in Adderbury Library to hear two fascinating talks. Winston Spencer Churchill and Blenheim Palace The private resources of Blenheim Palace are drawn upon to afford new and refreshing insights into this remarkable man. We examine the breadth of talent, achievement and personality of the "Greatest Briton": soldier, politician, statesman, painter, writer, orator, family man - and bricklayer! Sarah the Indomitable Duchess – a Lesson in Love…and Hate The first Duchess was a passionate woman who at times favoured or alienated all around her; those closest to her were often the object of her irrational and damaging emotions. Sarah was once described as ‘a good hater,’ this talk will help you to decide whether this description was well deserved What a great way to spend a Friday afternoon!! Friday 18 March, 2.00pm in the Library Tickets £5 (Tea & cakes will be available to buy separately) TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM: Adderbury Library OR by e-mail from Keith Mitchell on A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 6 May UNDER MILK WOOD Rehearsed Reading of this Popular Play starring 10 talented local actors : 7.00pm to 9.00pm In the Church

All proceeds from events go to help keep the Library open ONLINE LIBRARY SERVICES Ebooks : did you know that you could loan library books on your ereader?? • Best selling titles for mobile devices and ereaders (except Kindle) • Download and start reading instantly • Loans expire automatically – no fines • No need to visit the library Ebooks and eAudio are just two of the many online services available to you. You can also: • Renew library loans • Access reference books • Search the catalogue • Reserve items for collection 2121

BarKing offers a mobile bar service for a wide range of events including weddings, dinner parties and cocktail parties, charity events and many more... Fully licenced and insured Please contact Sam King on 01295 810501 / 07818 425455 or for more information 22

PADDOCK & ORCHARD GRASS MAINTENANCE AT REASONABLE PRICES. Types of work undertaken: Re-seeding, mowing/topping, harrowing, rolling, fertiliser spreading and spraying. Contact Martin Cherry


Tel: 01608 737415 Mobile: 07785 916252 Email:

Hudson Street, Deddington OX15 0SW

Treatments on offer from practitioners at Ashcroft Therapy Centre include: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - CBT Remedial / Sports Massage Therapy Osteopathy Psycotherapy Podiatry Counselling Chiropody Hypnotherapy Visit for booking information Fully Serviced Therapy & Treatment Rooms for Hire Four beautifully decorated, stylish and relaxed treatment/therapy rooms, smaller rooms suitable for 1-to-1, couples or family counselling, larger rooms with treatment couches, providing fabulous surroundings in a warm, professional atmosphere at an affordable price. Session and daily rates available on an occasional, short or long term basis tailored to your needs. Contact Robert on 07753 124 190 or email



ADDERBURY EVERGREENS Our new year began with a members meeting where Pat, our treasurer, talked to members about what they would like to happen in the coming meetings and outings. On the 27th of January, by special request, members went back once again to Robins Nest where everyone had an excellent enjoyable meal of their choice. The committee, after a lot of hard work, has almost completed the programme for the coming season to include several musical afternoons and shorter outings. All details will be published in the Contact and we would welcome visitors or new members - just come along or ring Dot (810209) or Rhoda (810964), Rhoda Woodward

ADDERBURY WOMENS INSTITUTE Our December 2015 WI meeting hosted our Christmas Party at The Cartwright Hotel, Aynho, where members enjoyed an excellent meal followed by a wonderful raffle draw with many exciting prizes. Our thanks to The Cartwright Hotel for their first-class service and attention. For our first meeting for 2016 on Thursday, 7 January, our Guest Speaker, Lt. Col. Lesinski, presented members with his lively account of “All the Queen’s Men” on The Household Cavalry. Our Reading Group met on 13 January to read ”The Leopard” by Giuseppe Tomas de Lampedusa and our Needlecraft Group met for a workshop evening, on Wednesday, 20 January. They made green heart badges for St. Valentine’s Day, for NFWI campaign “Share the Love” because we can protect the things we love from climate control. January is subscription renewal month and new members will be very much welcomed during the year with relevant pro rata fees. At our February meeting we enjoyed an excellent presentation on Recycling by Andrew Jenkins. A follow-up visit to the Ardley site will follow shortly. A Blenheim Park walk will happen shortly and our Needlecraft group will begin making blanket squares for Syria on 17 February. Our Book group meet to discuss “My Name is Red” by Orhan Pamuk. New members are always welcome at The Institute on the first Thursday of each month at 7.30pm where they are assured of an enthusiastic reception. Further details may be found on our website – – or by email – or find us on Facebook via their search engine for Adderbury & District WI to see our page. Margaret Halstead, Vice-President and Communications Committee Member

25 25

Kaleidoscope Dance Studios is owned and run by Katie Walford a LISTD Dip.RTS qualified dance teacher. We offer adult tap classes in Adderbury as well as a variety of dance and theatre classes for children of all ages. For further information please call our office on 07443 573337 or visit the web site at: alternatively you can e-mail an enquiry to:

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Looking to join a reliable and friendly golf club? then look no further than your local course at Banbury Golf Club with full membership at £665 for the year and £600 for seniors (60 and over), 5 day membership at £540 and £445 for seniors (60 and over) with more membership rates available which can be found on our website or in house

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PARISH COUNCIL NOTES The Parish council met on 19 January. There were apologies from Diane Danton and District Councillor Randall. Nick King gave an informative presentation of the work ‘Village Networks’. More details will be available in the minutes. OPEN FORUM: Matters arising included the condition of Twyford Wharf Bridge (No. 177) PLANNING: Regarding the proposal to demolish the existing Catholic Church Chapel in Round Close Road and erect 4 dwellings, The PC would be objecting to the application on a number of grounds including over-development of the site, materials, parking, loss of privacy for the neighbours and the effect on the water course. FINANCE: Councillors would make suggestions at the next meeting on how the New Homes Bonus allocation of £7100 should be spent. The allocation of £7100 for 2015/16 would be spent as follows: Repairs to the wall at The Pound (£1000), Friends Meeting House (£2550), Ice House at Adderbury Lakes (£2550); Biodiversity project in the village (£1000). It was agreed that the £15,000 Gracewell Donation to Adderbury should be spent as follows: £5000 – improved access for disabled at Adderbury Lakes ; £1000 – extra seats in the village; £2000 support for Adderbury library (running costs) £2000 – starting fund for a biodiversity project in the village (probably a wild flower area but to be agreed by the PC) £5000 towards adult outdoor gym equipment. STREET LIGHT COLIN BUTLER GREEN: Residents living around the area of the possible new light would be contacted for their views on the installation before it was progressed. NOTICE BOARD: A notice board would be purchased and installed at The Rise. Permission had been obtained from CDC to install the board on their land. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: Neil Homer was appointed as the consultant to progress the Plan and Colin Astley and Tony Gill stepped down from the ANP/SAR Groups. LIBRARY: Councillor Leeman would take over from Stuart Phipps as the PC representative on FOCAL. TWYFORD ROAD: Councillor Astley had been liaising with various local authorities and a survey would be conducted to establish which residents were affected by the noise from traffic during the day and night. FISH AND CHIP VAN: The PC welcomed the idea of a fish and chip van coming to the village and suggested that the days and times should be advertised in Contact. The owner should also be reminded that there were bylaws preventing the sale of food around The Green. NEXT MEETING: 23 February 2016 7.30 pm Church House.

Parish Council budget and precept for 2016/2017

At its meeting on 19 January 2016, Adderbury Parish Council set its budget and precept for 2016/2017. The precept is the amount of money which the Parish Council requests from Cherwell District Council to cover the costs of the services that it provides to the village and is listed on your Council Tax bill. cont. on p.33 28


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cont. from p.28 Services provided by the Parish Council include grass cutting in the village and the playing field, provision and emptying of dogs bins, provision and maintenance of benches, litter bins, grit bins, notice boards and play equipment, as well as repairs and upkeep of the Friends Meeting House, Adderbury Cemetery, the Walled Garden Allotments and some amenity areas. The Parish Council is pleased to inform residents that the precept has only risen from £40,773 in 2015/2016 to £40,825 in 2016/2017. That is an overall rise of just £52.00. Prior to that, the precept for 2014/2015 was £40,244. This very small rise in 2016/2017 is in spite of the Parish Council taking over the cost of County Council responsibilities, like grass cutting and weed control. ADDERBURY THEATRE WORKSHOP SLEEPING BEAUTY UNTOLD Adderbury Institute 28 to 30 January 2016 ATW GET IT RIGHT ON – AGAIN! After last year’s dramatically different ATW Panto we wondered if they could possibly come up with the goods again in 2016 with Sleeping Beauty Untold - we needn’t have worried! From the creative prologue featuring an (un?)solicited testimonial from no less than Giles Brandreth, a Star Wars story-roll and great cinematic atmosphere, we moved, through a rousing chorus, into the delightful land of Adderbrasia, and the world of Young Maleficent (a lovely serene Ella McEvoy) and her gang of woodland creatures. They set the ball rolling with the first of a string of awful gags which permeated the evening. If I understood the plot right, we moved on apace to find the evil King Clarkson of Suttonia (a fearsome Linda Leslie) plotting to overthrow Maleficent’s Adderbrasia with his hapless army led by the rum old Captain Morgan (Elaine Bryant still at it!). What an army! – Becky Cheeseman’s throat-hacking Sgt O’Reilly leading the mercenaries who included two Spanish fireman (Jose and Hose B – get it?) and two trees as Special Branch (get it?). The ensuing battle lasts all of ten seconds and Suttonia retrench. Clarkson departs in a wonderful death-bed scene to be replaced by Maleficent’s ex King Stephan (a mystical Su English) who marries Queen Gwyneth (a very busy Becky Cheeseman again) who has a baby daughter (a-ha! – some semblance to the S Beauty story now!). Enter Maleficent (a bristling treacherous Anna Sorrell) who puts her spell on the baby, then duly has her wings cut off in revenge by Stephan. Baby then brought up by the three fairies Freeman, Hardy and Willis (Mel Cox, Trisha Bellinger and the irrepressible Wendy Gardner) and emerges just short of her 16th birthday as the beautiful Aurora (an enchanting Ellie Cox) and she falls for Prince Phillip (perfectly pitched by Chloes Heath/Mobley). The fateful spinning wheel spookily appears. But Maleficent, now guided by her faithful companion Crow (a brilliant mimesis from Alison Heath) is powerless to revoke her curse. Then Phillip cont. on p. 34 33


cont. from p.33 gets stuck in - and all’s well that ends well. Not sure if the good folk of Adderbury really ‘got’ the denouement portrayed as a sketch from the Jerry Springer show? 50% of the cast was drawn from the hugely talented ATW youth group, too numerous to mention individually, and it was so refreshing to see them all playing their full part in the plot rather than just be consigned to the chorus line. All credit to ATW for this. The action was held together by the indefatigable Gary Leonardi as the narrator Simon (c)Ow(el)l – get it? – periodically sticking his head out of a tree trunk and explaining in Transylvanian drawl and not a little twaddle this moral tale of love versus greed and hatred. Oh, and by the way, it was also Leonardi’s script and also his Lotharian Wood Cutter giving services to the fairies – and also running a hilarious Gordon Ramsey cookery sketch in between – what a man! There was the usual ATW backstage professionalism, with Karen Dwyer’s team excelling in the sets, the lighting and effects, the costumes (loved the fairies Gill), the choreography – and a special mention for the music, very well chosen and performed with great verve by Messrs Shepstone, White and Halstead. And finally congratulations to director Jamie Cox – four months of hard work, and he even allowed himself a bizarre cameo as Gandalf moving like Jagger! So overall a triumph in front of animated sell-out audiences, and to see so much young talent augurs so well for the future. Thank you ATW Nick Fennell

ADDERBURY NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN (Parish Council) Many people have put a lot of hard work into the Adderbury Neighbourhood Plan (ANP) over the past three years and Adderbury Parish Council (APC) wishes to thank all of those involved so far for their time and hard work. WHERE WE ARE Before progressing to the Submission stage of the Neighbourhood Plan process, and following the Adderbury Neighbourhood Plan team’s suggestion, a Health Check on the ANP was commissioned by APC from Fortismere Associates. In November 2015, the Health Check by Fortismere Associates recommended that in their professional judgement the plan was not fit to go forward for the next submission stage to CDC . Fortismere also recommended to Adderbury Parish Council that they sought the aid of a professional planning consultant to revise the ANP and produce a plan that is robust and fit for purpose. On 1 December 2015, an extraordinary Parish Council meeting was called and a majority vote decided to follow Fortismere Associates’ recommendation to appoint a Consultant to revise and complete the ANP. Three quotes would be required and the decision on which one to accept would be made at the Parish Council meeting on 19 January 2016. Fortismere Associates Health Check produced for the APC can be found on the Adderbury Parish Council website. NEXT STEPS At the Parish Council Meeting on 19 January 2016 APC chose Neil Homer of rCOH 3434

Ltd. Neil Homer has considerable experience in successfully supporting Parish Councils to achieve Neighbourhood Plans. The intention now is for Adderbury Parish Council and the ANP team to work with Neil to revise the ANP. Councillor Tony Gill (who had chaired the ANP Steering group) and Councillor Colin Astley have chosen to step down from the ANP team and will no longer be involved. APC wishes to thank them for their considerable efforts on the ANP process. APC will update further information on the Neighbourhood Plan in the near future in the Adderbury Contact and on the Adderbury Parish Council website and


A planning consultant, Neil Homer of RCOH, has been commissioned by APC to revise the Adderbury Neighbourhood Plan (ANP) to make it robust and fit-forpurpose, following the advice of the Health Check from Fortismere Associates. The need to use consultants for writing policies has been recently highlighted by the experience of Hook Norton, where a neighbourhood plan policy, written by the local community, was ambiguous resulting in the approval by an Inspector of further homes on the boundary of the village A new ANP Steering Group has been formed, comprised of members of the community group, who have been working on the plan for the last few years, plus members of the Parish Council. On 11 Feb the Steering Group met with Neil Homer and Planning Officers from Cherwell District Council (CDC) to discuss the next steps in preparing the Plan and to test the vision and objectives of the village set out in work undertaken on the ANP to date. The discussion was interesting and varied. Neil Homer explained the approach of the new planning framework (NPPF) and how neighbourhood plans can (and can’t) be used to guide development. The CDC Officers explained that there is now a consultation out on Part 2 of The Cherwell Local Plan. Of the original 750 homes there are now only 280 further homes to be allocated across all villages in Cherwell like Adderbury, during the Plan period to 2031. The Steering Group will now work to determine what impact this could have on Adderbury and how we can use the ANP to protect the village from unwanted development. We also discussed other positive aspects of Neighbourhood plans and how we can use the plan to set out the improvements the Community would like to see in the village over the next 15 years. It was agreed that the Steering Group will work to set out cohesive community vision and objectives and it was acknowledged that much of this will build on the work that has already been done over the past few years. The consultants will then take this work and use it to write effective and robust policies that will stand up to scrutiny by Planning Officers and developers. The whole process will take around 6 months and will culminate in a village referendum. At least 51% of voters must approve the plan for it to take effect. We will provide further updates throughout this process. Sam Brown, Chair, ANP Steering Group 3535


Knitting for Displaced Syrians in Syria The group has been meeting each week since 11 January and continues to generate interest. We have about 18 people who attend when they can and many more who knit from home. If knitting squares, we follow a diamond shape pattern, increasing up to 40 stitches (6inches) and then decreasing again. Using double knitting wool and number 8 needles. Some people have a favourite beanie or bobble hat pattern that they like to use or to knit simple scarves. Really anything warm is acceptable. We are working with "Hand in Hand" a similar group who work from Oxford. They will send off all the items we make to Syria when there is enough. We have sent off our first batch of sewn together blanket squares, scarves and hats. They will go to Birmingham and from there they are taken straight into Syria, into the refugee camps and given directly to those in need. This is a very relaxed group of all ages, who like to sit, knit and chat and share a cup of tea together on a winters day! We will review how long we continue to meet weekly in March. Meanwhile we would love to hear from you or see you. For more details contact Enid Frost 01295 811038. Adderbury Churches Outreach Group Our next event will be on 11 March when we will be showing Oscar nominated film Gone Girl (2014, dir. David Fincher, starring Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Certificate 18), based on the best-selling novel by Gillian Flynn who also wrote the screenplay. On the occasion of his fifth wedding anniversary, Nick Dunne reports that his wife, Amy, has gone missing. Under pressure from the police and a growing media frenzy, Nick's portrait of a blissful union begins to crumble. Soon his lies, deceits and strange behaviour have everyone asking the same dark question: Did Nick Dunne kill his wife? The film will start at 8.00pm (doors open 7.30 pm). Tickets are ÂŁ4 for casual members and ÂŁ6 for non-members. There will also be a bar selling wine, beer, soft and hot drinks. For tickets contact Helena Scott by email at or phone 01295 810708. Further Dates Our film on 15 April will be Golden Globe winner, Bafta and Oscar nominated The Martian (2015, dir. Ridley Scott, starring Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Certificate 12A.) During a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew. But Watney has survived and finds himself stranded and alone on the hostile planet. With only meagre supplies, he must draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to subsist and find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive. On 13 May our Meals & Reels evening will include supper following which we will show the film 45 Years (2015, dir. Andrew Haigh, starring Charlotte Rampling, Tom Courtenay, Certificate 15). Check for up to date information and remember you can follow us on facebook or twitter. 36 36


Our speaker on 2 February was Malcolm Moody. He had come to talk about a holiday he and his wife had taken to see the “Orchids of Thailand”. The best time to go, if you are as enthusiastic as they are, is March when many will be blooming. Orchids are the largest group of flowers with 22,000 species and half as many manmade hybrids – so far. They grow mainly in tropical areas. The kinds that live in temperate regions, like ours, grow in the normal manner with their roots in the soil. Tropical species that grow on the branches of tree are epiphytes. Their roots absorb water from the humid atmosphere, not from the tree. The Moodys walked many miles to see orchids blooming, sixty feet up cliff faces and growing in many different colours hanging in huge clusters from the higher branches of the canopy. The area in North West Thailand, Chang Mi, has shrines and temples, with surrounding gardens all kept in pristine condition. The tower of the Golden temple was swathed in bamboo scaffolding but it did not detract from the beauty. An ornate three-hundred foot staircase led to the monument. A lot of the plants in the gardens were the same as in our parks and gardens, petunias, geraniums, impatiens. Bougainvillia grows abundantly, many grown into different shapes. The Lady’s Slipper orchid is grown here but to see it growing naturally is very different with hundreds of colours, shapes and sizes growing in the wild. Many orchids are protected by the CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) and must not be collected or sold, some orchids are extremely rare and can be sold for very high sums. The penalties for smuggling orchids is very severe and the jails in Thailand are not the most hospitable. Malcolm also showed us slides of the area’s flora and fauna including butterflies, lizards and birds making a trip to Thailand seem very interesting and entertaining. Barbara Talbot Notes: 1. Next month, 1 March our speaker is Stuart Lowen who will talk about the BallColegrave Nursery. 2. The Club’s “Plant and Cake” Sale is due in May. Donations of plants, cakes, and bread etc. will be gratefully accepted, so get planting and plan the baking. 3. Summer Show The Schedule for our Summer Show will be available on the Adderbury web site from April. There are some classes that need starting or thinking about right now. Class 58. Photograph of a Landscape. Class 59. A close up photograph of an item of flora and/or fauna. An exhibitor may enter 2 (two) photographs in each class Class 60. A potato grown in a bucket, or any container Plant a single seed potato in a container, bring it to the show. It’s contents will be emptied and the potatoes weighed. The heaviest crop produced will be the winner. The winning variety for the last two years has been “Desiree” Junior Class J10. A photograph of a flower 37 37


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