Adderbury Contact June 2017

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Volume 40, No. 5 June 2017

APC Wild Flowers at The Rise (see page 29)

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JUNE 2017 1 Adderbury WI - Clinical Commissioning Group, “What Does It Mean to Us?” - Dr. Paul Park - Institute - 7.30 pm 3 Parish Council Surgery - Church House - 11.00 am - 12.00 noon 3 Quiz night - Bowls Club - 7.30 pm 4 Katharine House Garden open day - 2.00 - 5.00 pm 4 Music in Adderbury - St Mary’s Church - 7.00 pm 7 Photographic Society – “Yunan China” presented by Yin Wong - Cartwright Hotel, Aynho - 7.30 pm 8 Royal British Legion - Bowls Club - 2.00 pm 8 General Election 9 Cine Club: showing La La Land - Institute - 7.30 pm 10 Last date for copy for July/August Contact 10 Christopher Rawlins and St Mary's Church Fete - Lucy Plackett field - 12.00 noon 4.00 pm 14 Adderbury Evergreens - Simon Lutter photography - Methodist Hall - 2.30 pm 14 FOCAL - Meet the Author - Anne Watts - Church House - 4.00 pm for 4.30pm 15 Adderbury Community Food Market - Indoor Farmers’ Market and social evening Institute - 6.00 - 8.00 pm - CHANGE OF DATE 17 PARTY IN THE PARK - from 12.30 pm 18 The Annual Adderbury Gathering - Quaker Meeting House - 3.00 - 5.00 pm 19 Adderbury History Association - Stephen Barker “Oxfordshire in 50 objects” - Methodist Hall - 7.30 pm 21 Photographic Society - outdoor photoshoot 24 ATW Kids present “Skool Daze” - Christopher Rawlins School - 2.00 pm 25 The Big Lunch 2017 - St Mary’s Church family service 10.30 am followed by bring and share lunch 12.00 noon - more details from Trish Fennell 01295 811059 25 Music in Adderbury - St Mary’s Church - 7.00 pm 27 Adderbury Parish Council meeting - Church House - 7.30 pm 28 Adderbury Evergreens - Linda’s cream teas - Methodist Hall - 2.30 pm 30 Adderbury Friday Club - for all homeworkers - 12.30 pm - details Nick Fennell 811059 JULY 2017 1 Parish Council Surgery - Church House - 11.00 am - 12.00 noon 1 Quiz night - Bowls Club - 7.30 pm 6 Adderbury WI – “Oxford Past and Present” - Dr. Janice Kinory - Institute - 7.30 pm 8 FOCAL Book Sale, Coffee Morning & Raffle - Church House - 10.00 am -12.00 noon 8 FOSMA - Swift Walk - Church House - afternoon tea from 4.00 pm followed by a walking tour of local swift habitats with expert Chris Mason 8 FOCAL Meet the Author - John Julius Norwich - Institute 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm - Tickets £10.00 to include a glass of wine. Free entry for accompanied children. Book signing. 9 Three Spires Challenge - Lucy Plackett field - 8.30 am - 1.00 pm 9 Music in Adderbury - St Mary’s Church - 7.00 pm 10 Adderbury History Association - Owen Green on “William Smith, the Father of Geology” - Methodist Hall - 7.30 pm continued on page 4


12 Adderbury Evergreens - outing to Cotswold Wild Life Park 13 Adderbury Community Food Market – Indoor Farmers’ Market and social evening Institute – 6.00 -8.00 pm 14 Adderbury Golf Day in aid of Katharine House – Banbury Golf Club – 1.00 pm 23 FOSMA Jazz in the Garden with Dickie White and Friends – The Old Mill House, Mill Lane – 2.00 - 5.30 pm 25 Adderbury Parish Council meeting – Church House – 7.30 pm 26 Adderbury Evergreens – Film show - Methodist Hall – 2.30 pm 28 Adderbury Friday Club – for all homeworkers – 12.30 pm – details Nick Fennell 811059 COFFEE AND CHAT is held each week on Tuesday 10.00 am to 12.00 noon at the Methodist Hall. VILLAGE COFFEE is held every Friday at Church House 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. You will be very welcome at both these venues. LIP-READING CLASSES are held on Thursdays 10.00 to 11.30 am at The Church Room, Hempton. Further details from Moira Byast on 01869 338637. KNITTING FOR REFUGEES group meet every Monday from 2.30 to 4.00 pm in Methodist Hall.

ADDERBURY AND MILTON FEOFFEE’S CHARITY Grants are available for school leavers going onto further education, university, or apprenticeships. The criteria for students is that they must have lived in the village for three years. The deadline each year is 1 January, and grants will be awarded at the end of February, after the meeting of the Trustees. Each application will be assessed individually and confidentially by the Trustees. Application forms are available from Mrs. Margaret Clinkard, 31 Deene Close, Adderbury. The Assistance Fund is a long-established fund within the Feoffee Charity. It is there to help when times are hard. We cover all age groups, young and old, and can offer help to all who have lived in the village for a period of three years or more. To apply for help, please request a form from: S. Peissel, Church Farm Stables, Milton, OX15 4HH 11. Charlotte Holmes ADDERBURY STORES NEWSPAPER DELIVERY SERVICE From 1 May Adderbury Stores will be offering a newspaper delivery service to all village homes. Call in to place your order – or phone Bhavin on 367295


LOCAL SERVICES ADDERBURY LIBRARY OPENING TIMES TEL: 810545  Tuesday 10.00 am to 12.00 and 3.00 - 7.00 pm Thursday 2.00 - 5.00 pm and 6.00 - 7.00 pm Friday 10.00 am to 12.00 and 2.00 - 5.00 pm Saturday 9.30 am to 1.00 pm ADDERBURY POST OFFICE OPENING TIMES Tuesday 9.30 am to 12.00 pm Friday 9.30 am to 12.00 pm ADDERBURY STORES OPENING TIMES TEL: 367295  ------------ new hours -----------Monday - Saturday 7.00 am to 8.00 pm Sunday 8.00 am to 4.00 pm TO BOOK A VENUE Institute Church House Methodist Schoolroom Anne Ransome 811229 Lucy Plackett Activity Centre Becky Cheesman 07941 062096 Bowls Club The Club 811118 Banbury Golf Club The Club 810419 FARMERS MARKETS Banbury 9 June 8:30 am - 1.30 pm Adderbury 15 June 6.00 - 8.00 pm Chipping Norton 17 June 8.30 am - 1.30 pm Deddington 24 June 9.00 am - 12.30 pm CONTACT TEAM Editors: Carda Traunero, Paul Ness All editors can be contacted via Diary and Advertising: Treasurer: Nick Fennell Barry Scarff Archway Cottage, Tanners Lane, 811059, Advert copy, artwork, & technical queries: Distribution: Karen Reynolds, Derek and Sandra Fearne June issue edited by Carda; July/August issue to be edited by Paul. Copy can be posted, left at the library, or sent by e-mail to the editors. The editors reserve the right to amend or edit any copy submitted for publication. Opinions expressed in Contact are not necessarily those of the Editorial Team. Submitted images should be 300dpi. While we always try to use images supplied, we cannot guarantee the reproduction standards of low resolution or poor quality images. By sending images to Contact you confirm your right to use these images. Contact holds no liability for images supplied by advertisers or as editorial submission that are in contravention of copyrights or licenses.


CHURCH SERVICES NEW CHURCH WEBSITE Our Adderbury and Milton churches have a new look website with services, events, life at the church, virtual tour and much more. ST MARY’S CHURCH, ADDERBURY & ST JOHN’S CHURCH, MILTON

Rev. Stephen Fletcher, Vicar, 810309 Contact for weddings, baptisms, or other pastoral needs.

ST MARY’S, regular services: 8.00 am Holy Communion (1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday each month) 10.30 am Informal, all-age service (1st Sunday) Parish Communion (2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday each month) Morning Prayer (5th Sunday) 6.00 pm Evensong (unless otherwise advertised) 10.00 am every Wednesday: Holy Communion ST JOHN’S, regular services 9.15 am Holy Communion (2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday each month) METHODIST CHAPEL SERVICES

10:30 am Rev. Lin Francis, 262602 For more details call 811139 or check the church notice board. HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH, HETHE

Rev. Fr. Paul Lester, 01869 277630 10.00 am sung family Mass 12.00 noon traditional Latin Mass (second Sunday will be sung) Roman Catholic masses are also held every Sunday at 9.00 am at the Anglican Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Kings Sutton. ADDERBURY QUAKER MEETING HOUSE, Horn Hill Road, OX17 3EW (gate labelled “No Dogs Allowed”). Correspondence Clerk - Judith Mason, 720900. Meetings for worship are at 2:30 pm on third Sunday in March, June, September, and December. Everyone welcome. The Meeting House is little changed since it was built in 1675 and may be very cold. Hot drinks and refreshments afterwards.


ADDERBURY & DISTRICT WI Our May meeting was held at Church House as the Institute was used as a polling station. At our annual meeting in June, Pat Smith and Mary Walker presented two resolutions. “Alleviating Loneliness” and “Plastic Soup,” both were accepted. We had a lovely walk around Hornton and Horley, and the next one was scheduled for 31 May around Tusmore. We also held our craft groups and book groups. We are also taking part at the School and Church Fete on 10 June where we will be selling brightly coloured covered filled jars. Our next meeting will be back at the Institute on Thursday, 1 June 2017 at 7.30 pm. We will host Dr. Paul Park from the Clinical Commissioning Group discussing “What Does it Mean to Us.” The WI KHH wildflower garden planted with Grow Wild seeds is now bright with pink campion blooms. We are creating space for new seedlings and look forward to further summer flowerings. New members are always welcome at The Institute on the first Thursday of each month at 7.30 pm where they are assured of an enthusiastic reception. Further details are to be found on our website – – or by email –, or find us on Facebook via their search engine for Adderbury & District WI to see our page. Diane Danton



BANBURYSHIRE ADVICE CENTRE AND TAX FOR THE OLDER PEOPLE Both charities have joined forces to offer a Tax Talk for the general public, followed by a question and answer session afterwards. The Tax Talk is on Tuesday 6 June 2017 at 10.30 am. Venue: Hanwell Fields Community Centre, Rotary Way, Banbury, OX16 1ER. After the talk, there will be opportunity to ask questions. The event is free. If you wish to attend, please leave a message on 01295 279988, or email me on Tax Help for Older People provides a free, confidential, and professional tax advice service (personal tax) to those over 60 (or retired) with an annual income of less than ÂŁ20,000pa. Andy Willis, Chairman, Banburyshire Advice Centre


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ADDERBURY HISTORY ASSOCIATION – APRIL MEETING The evening began with our Annual General Meeting which was well attended. All the reports had been circulated beforehand; there were no contentious matters on or arising from the agenda, and the business was completed in 15 minutes. After a coffee and cake interval we welcomed Gerard Moate, the chaplain at Bloxham School. He gave us a fascinating presentation entitled “When 4 strokes of a brush were worth £400,000.” This was the story of a village hall restoration project. For 20 years Gerard was “vicar and lecturer” of Dedham in Constable Country and as such was the sole Trustee of the village hall which on his arrival was in much need of repair. The brush strokes were on a painting by Constable – The Vale of Dedham 1828. Gerard described how his research into the painting showed that the hall was originally Assembly Rooms built in 1745! An architect’s estimate to prevent it falling down was £427,000. Then came the discovery, in a locked cupboard in the hall, of a book written by the young Winston Churchill. The sale of this, matched with a contribution from a charity, and a heritage lottery grant enabled the village to raise sufficient funds to save the hall which is now a Grade 11 listed building. More good fortune arrived in the person of Frank Lampard senior who bought the caretaker’s house next door so the money for the future upkeep of the hall was secured. This was a very entertaining and informative talk delivered with humour, with enough facts to satisfy our curiosity about the title and to share in the successful outcome. Jean Davis NEW VILLAGE LEISURE VENTURE Twyford wharf narrow boats have build their own day boat right here ,at Twyford Wharf. You can now rent a 40 feet narrowboat by the day or more. To hire Comet for a day, go to and complete the booking form to book your special day. Midweek prices are £145 from 9 am to 5 pm, and weekend costs are £165 from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm. Cruise gently down the scenic Oxford Canal that’s right on your doorstep. Have a picnic on board or book a lunch at The Great Western. Bring your cream tea for the return journey. For more information contact Colin at Twyford Wharf Narrow Boats on 07833 190 115. Colin Garnham-Edge

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Adderbury, Deddington & District Photographic Society

Welcomes new members of all abilities and all age groups. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at The Cartwright Hotel, Aynho commencing at 7.30pm. Why not give us a try – just turn up at the next meeting – you will be sure of a warm welcome Wendy Meagher 01869 336216

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CINE CLUB On Friday, 9 June, for the finale of our current season, we will show the multi-award winning, comedy musical drama film La La Land (2016 dir. Damien Chazelle, starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, certificate 12A). Mia, an aspiring actress, serves lattes to movie stars in between auditions, and Sebastian, a jazz musician, scrapes by playing cocktail party gigs in dingy bars, but as success mounts they are faced with decisions that begin to fray the fragile fabric of their love affair, and the dreams they worked so hard to maintain in each other threaten to rip them apart. As usual the evening will take place at the Institute. The doors for the film will open at 7.30 pm, and the film presentation starts at 8.00 pm. Tickets are £4 for casual members and £6 for non-members. There will also be a bar including wine, beer, soft and hot drinks. For tickets contact Helena Scott by email at or phone 01295 810708. Our new 2017/18 season starts on Friday, 15 September when we will be holding a Meals & Reels evening, showing Their Finest (2016, dir. Lone Scherfig starring Bill Nighy, Gemma Aterton). A former secretary, newly appointed as a scriptwriter for propaganda films, joins the cast and crew of a major production while the Blitz rages around them. Membership for the new season will also be available. Check for up to date information and remember you can follow us on Facebook or Twitter. Helena Scott MISSION: RESCUE St Mary’s Church Summer Holiday Club FUNDAY 2017 10.00 am - 4.00 pm On Thursday 27 July, there will be an action-packed funday in the church for any children aged between 4 and 11. We’ll get stuck into messy crafts, lots of games, and gripping stories about rescue missions in the past and today. To register, please collect a form from the school reception or the church, or contact Sarah Duffy on 816557 (forms will be available from mid-June). If you would like to help with the club, please do get in touch. There are many ways to help, and we are particularly keen to involve young people and teenagers from the local area (it’s a great thing to put on your CV!). Contact Sarah on Sarah Duffy

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St Mary’s Church Adderbury warmly invite you and your family to join us for

THE BIG LUNCH Sunday 25 June 2017 this includes a Family Service at 10.30 am followed by a Bring and Share Lunch at 12.00 noon The Big Lunch is the UK’s annual get-together for neighbours, even if you can’t come to the service do come to the lunch, providing an opportunity to share good food and good company. Each year, millions of people across the UK share a meal in this simple act of community spirit. We very much hope you can come and look forward to seeing you. All enquiries to:

Gill Collett 01295 810766 Enid Frost 01295 811038 Trish Fennell 01295 811059 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*As this is a Bring and Share Lunch would you be able to bring something from the following list: Cold Meats – beef, lamb, chicken or ham Puddings New Potatoes Crusty Bread Butter Green Salad Tomato Salad Vegetarian Quiche *please tick as appropriate RSVP by using this form and returning it on or before 11 June 2017 to one of the post boxes in St Mary’s Church or Church House Library. Name: .................................................................................... Address: (first line) .................................................................. Contact Telephone: .................................................................. Number of adults/children in your party: ................................. Are you able to help on the day? Yes/No NOTE: Bar available and please bring your own cutlery and dinner plate

Paul Ness GOSPEL BELL St Mary’s Adderbury Saturday 3 June, 5.00 pm --- Traditional Gospel Blues

Come and Sing along with Us! Paul Ness

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FORTHCOMING FUND RAISING EVENTS Wednesday 14 June 2017 Meet the Author Anne Watts at Church House, 4:00 pm for 4:30 pm. Tickets £8.00 to include a glass of wine. Free entry for accompanied children. Book signing.

From war zones and refugee camps, to burning deserts and the frozen tundra, join Anne as she shares with you some of her often hilarious, sometimes heart rending adventures in her nursing career. Always the Children was in the Times best sellers chart for 5 weeks. A Nurse Abroad is in its third printing in Australia. Obtain from the library OR by e-mail from Keith Mitchell on

Saturday 8 July 2017 Book Sale, Coffee Morning & Raffle at Church House from 10:00 am to 12 noon. Saturday 8 July 2017 Meet the Author – John Julius Norwich at The Institute 7:00 pm for 7:30 pm. Tickets £10.00 to include a glass of wine. Free entry for accompanied children. Book signing.

Why was the world's most beautiful city built in the middle of a malarial lagoon? ? What bodysnatching was the most fateful in history? ? Why there are only two Canaletto’s in Venice? ? In this talk by Venice's most recent historian, all will be revealed. JJN has written and presented some 30 historical documentary films for the BBC, on subjects which include the Fall of Constantinople, Napoleon's Hundred Days, Cortes and Montezuma, and the Antiquities of Turkey (a six-part series entitled The Gates of Asia). JJN is a regular lecturer on art-historical, architectural and musical subjects in Britain, Europe, North America and Australia and on cruises. Subjects include The Art and Architecture of Venice, The Art and Architecture of Byzantium, the Mosaics of Ravenna, The Antiquities of Turkey, Nineteenth-Century Venice, Rudyard Kipling, The Architecture of Religions, The English Country House and The English Parish Church. This is your chance to meet and talk to John Julius about his writing and much more!

Tickets from the library OR by e-mail from Keith Mitchell on Wednesday 13 September 2017 Meet the Authors – Angela Clarke and Harry Sidebottom at Church House from 1:00 pm to 1:30 pm. Tickets £8.00 to include a glass of wine. Free entry for accompanied children. Book signings. continued on page 21

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Saturday 21 October 2017 Posh Frocks Party at the Grange Manor, Adderbury. Tickets £20.00 per head; £35.00 per couple. Saturday 11 November 2017 Pub Quiz at The Bell from 7:30 pm. Entry fee £5.00 per person and preferably in teams of four. Friday 17 November 2017 Upstairs & Downstairs at Waddesdon. A Waddesdon guide will talk about the Upstairs and Downstairs life at Waddesdon in Edwardian England. Library at 6.30 pm. Saturday 2 December 2017 Festive Morning at Church House from 10:00 am with mulled wine, nibbles and a bumper raffle. FOCAL QUIZ NIGHT The FOCAL Pub Quiz on 29 April was an enjoyable and successful evening. Thanks to David and Aline Griffiths for organising the event and running the quiz and to Chris and Sandra Shallis for providing space at The Bell and serving food. Forty-six people took part, making up eleven teams of various sizes ranging from two to seven. The winning team were The Invincibles, comprising six members. They were Sir Martin and Lady Evelyn Jacomb, Tim and Caroline Jones, and two friends. They scored 147 points. Second were The Bar Flies, comprising Chris Shallis and Steven Cox. They scored 129 points. Third were The Sherlockeans on 127 points, comprising the Holmes family. The booby prize went to Universally Challenged with 70 points. FOCAL raised £435 with very modest expenses of £43, making an excellent contribution to our fundraising target. Thanks to everyone who supported this event and to David and Aline for giving everyone a most enjoyable evening. They are looking forward to the next one in November. John Osborne ADDERBURY LAKES Just a note of appreciation to The Lakes Committee and all the volunteers who put such a lot of effort into improving the area generally and, in particular, the paths. Many are nice and level and wide which makes for much safer walking. As a resident of Adderbury, a newcomer really of 23 years, I use the Lakes for one of my regular walks around the village. My late husband’s ashes are scattered among the snowdrops, and now it’s much safer for me as some of the tree roots are not hidden under the paths. When the snowdrops flower, it shows the power of Mother Nature and reminds us that even through sad times the cycle of life continues. Many thanks to all the volunteers. a fit 78 year old

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New Bowlers and Social Members always welcome. Membership Available: Bowling, Junior Bowling & Social (only £7.50 per annum). For further details contact: Roger Hack 01295 268565 or Club 01295 811118 Or pop along during club opening hours to have a look around Social Club Opening hours May – September

October – April

Mon - Sat from 7.45pm

Tues, Fri & Sat from 7.45pm

Sunday throughout the year from 12 noon Club prices on all drinks Look out for our regular social calendar including Live Bands, Comedy Evenings, Quiz nights, Pool and Aunt Sally Function Room Available Adderbury Bowls Club, Twyford Gdns, Twyford, Banbury OX17 3JB (opposite Twyford Grove) Club phone: 01295 811118


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ADDERBURY GATHERING Banbury and Evesham Quakers invite you to the "Adderbury Gathering," our annual public talk, at the Adderbury Quaker Meeting House, Hill Horn Road, 3 pm on Sunday 18 June. Afternoon tea to follow. All are welcome - no charge. Tom Bulman is a community organiser for Citizens UK – he will be talking about the approach Citizens UK take, and their exciting and engaging campaigns in Milton Keynes. Come and learn about Living Wage campaign (including special tea bags) and “Weaving Trust” amongst other activities across the community. Citizens UK is an alliance of diverse communities taking action for a thriving, more inclusive and fairer UK. This Quaker Meeting House is one of the oldest in the country - built in 1675 and a unique, small place. Please come to see for yourself - it's only open a few times a year. For further information please phone George: 01295 720900, or 07771 895763 Maria Huff, Clerk, Banbury & Evesham Area Quaker Meeting LUCY PLACKETT ACTIVITY CENTRE The centre is currently looked after by a group of volunteers, whose children use or have used the centre. Due to an increased work commitment, our Treasurer, is sadly leaving us after three years on the committee. We are, therefore, looking for someone who can spare about one hour a month to take on this task. Duties include invoicing the six regular groups that we currently have, paying any bills that arise, and banking money received. Of course, there will be a hand over where everything will be explained fully. We hold committee meetings about once a quarter, so do not anticipate this role taking up too much of your time. Our committee is very small so we would also welcome anyone else who would like to join us to help with the day- to-day running of the centre. If you can help, please contact Kerry Davison via or 0788 1697470. We also have some days available due to two groups recently leaving us, so if you run a group or know of a group that is looking for an affordable venue, please get in touch. Kerry Davison, 0788 1697470

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APC WILDFLOWERS AT THE RISE Team members have been working on our wildflower site at The Rise to clear away dead plant material and unwanted weeds and to bring our area to life for 2017 with seedlings of saved and new Grow Wild seeds for summer flowers. Already, we have poppies, cornflowers, and corncockle in bloom, and we look forward to another great show of flowers for this year’s summer months. Adderbury Parish Council

CHILDREN'S SOCIETY HOUSE-TO-HOUSE COLLECTION FOR CHILDREN Many thanks to all the Collectors and those who donated to help us raise £474 for the Children's Society. The Children's Society works to help this country's most disadvantaged children and teenagers. Colin Ewles MINNESOTA TRADITIONAL MORRIS VISIT TO ADDERBURY 30 JUNE TO 2 JULY 2017 The Minnesota Traditional Morris men are visiting Adderbury again. As in previous visits there will be a large contingent, 25 in all, and also, as in previous visits, we are asking if there are households in the village willing to host some of them for the weekend. We have already planned a busy schedule for their weekend with us, visiting Sulgrave Manor on Saturday and dancing around Adderbury with the three Adderbury teams and Kirtlington Morris men on Sunday. All we are asking is bed and breakfast for the nights of 30 June and 1 July 2017. If you are able to host a couple or some single men, or would like some further information, please contact me. Keith Norton, Adderbury Morris Men, 812170

New to the Area BESPOKE PICTURE FRAMING Chris Tout 20 years’ experience in all aspects of framing, laminating, dry mounting, mirrors, etc. Twyford --- Tel: 07460 226 974 ---

29 29

Kaleidoscope Dance Studios is owned and run by Katie Walford a LISTD Dip.RTS qualified dance teacher. We offer adult tap classes in Adderbury as well as a variety of dance and theatre classes for children of all ages. For further information please call our office on 07443 573337 or visit the web site at: alternatively you can e-mail an enquiry to:

NEW MEMBERSHIP PRICES for 2017/18 at Banbury Golf Club Still the best valued membership in the area with the friendliest atmosphere


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FOSMA FOSMA continues to raise funds for St Mary’s, and our Poetry evening was a great success raising £176.50 – not a huge fund raiser but a most enjoyable and fun evening both listening to and reading favourite poems and bringing people together. With that in mind we have two events in July. On Saturday 8 July come and enjoy afternoon tea from 4.00 pm in Church House followed by a short talk and walk at about 5.15 pm with Swift expert Chris Mason looking at their habitats around Adderbury. The cost will be £5 a head. On 23 July we will again be hoping for a lovely day when we can enjoy Jazz in the Garden at The Old Mill House in Mill Lane listening to great music from Dickie White and Friends. Bring a picnic, chair, and something to drink, and enjoy this beautiful garden all for £12. Tickets available from Trish Fennell 01295 811059 and on the door. Don’t miss it. Most of you will know that we have a big project on this year raising extra funds for the imminent repairs to the tower. Watch this space as plans for further events unfold, and watch out for the BIG orange donation bucket which will appear from time to time! As I write this, the long-awaited work has begun on the second south window – thank you for helping us to be able to fully fund this work which is costing just over £20,000. It’s lovely to be able to say – “FOSMA paid for that!” If you would like to become a Friend of St Mary’s, please contact our Membership Secretary Nick Fennell on 01295 811059 or, or speak to one of our committee in church. Trish Fennell ADDERBURY COMMUNITY FOOD MARKET CHANGE OF DATE: Thursday 15 June 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm at the Institute, The Green, Adderbury We’ve been knocked out of the Institute by some election or other on 8 June, but good news – we are back the following Thursday 15th. So do come along to shop, eat, and drink - a great selection of locally sourced food, a well-stocked bar, and a sumptuous supper to eat in or take away. BRING THIS LOGO TO THE JUNE 15 MARKET - AND CLAIM £1 OFF A DRINK AT THE BAR

31 31

2 estate planning service Gail and Ann offer a friendly • Standard Single Will - £199 • Lasting Power of Attorney, • Standard Mirror Wills - £299 Health & Welfare - £325 • Lasting Power of Attorney, • Both Lasting Powers of Property & Financial Affairs - £325 Attorney - £500 • Probate Assistance from £1,200 Get in touch now 01869 244329 or,

BarKing offers a mobile bar service for a wide range of events including weddings, dinner parties and cocktail parties, charity events and many more... Fully licenced and insured Please contact Sam King on 01295 810501 / 07818 425455 or for more information

The Adderbury Institute Every Friday at 9am Come along and join us or call 07776 300 276 for further information


UNCLAIMED HOUSING BENEFIT AND PENSION CREDIT Age UK Oxfordshire is urging older people to get in touch to find out if they’re entitled to some extra financial support. The government’s latest figures show that one in 10 people aged 65+ would not be able to pay an unexpected expense of £200. Yet millions of older people who are struggling to survive on a low income could be entitled to benefits such as Pension Credit, which has slightly increased this month and could provide a much-needed boost to their weekly income if claimed. In fact, if people who are eligible for Pension Credit make a claim, it could increase their income by an average of £42 a week – that’s £2,184 a year. To find out if you, a friend or a relative could be missing out on an entitlement please gather some details regarding income and capital then contact Age UK Oxfordshire’s information and advice helpline on 0345 450 1276. Vibeke Kristensen-White, Media and Communications, Age UK Oxfordshire “VICTIMS FIRST” LAUNCHES TO SUPPORT VICTIMS OF CRIME The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Thames Valley, Anthony Stansfeld, has launched his “Victims First” brand and website. Victims First is the new overarching title for the PCCs work in providing support, increasing accessibility and improving services for victims of crime across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. The first initiative under “Victims First” is a new online resource which has advice on what to do and how to get help if you’ve been a victim of crime, including information on what you should expect from the police and other criminal justice agencies if you report the crime. The focal point of the website is a directory which allows victims to find relevant support to help them cope and recover from the impact of the crime. Members of the public will be able to use the website to refer themselves directly to the PCCs own support services, using the online form, or find information and contact details for other organisations. This support is available regardless of whether or not the victim has reported the crime to the police. The website has information and advice to help people to recognise hidden crimes such as modern slavery, domestic abuse, including coercive control, and hate crime. Victims First also provides a third party reporting mechanism for hate crime so that those who don’t want to report directly to the police can either complete a reporting form on the website or call 0300 1234 148. The PCC has undertaken extensive work to improve support for victims of crime, including commissioning new services for young victims, victims of sexual violence, a victim-led restorative justice service and a local support service to assist other victims. Theresa Goss 33 33

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Our Midnight walk will take place on Saturday 24 June. This year's theme is “Animals,” so bring your rabbit ears, slip in to a zebra onesie, or join your friends in a giant caterpillar. Whatever shape, size, or type of animal you choose, you're sure to have a memorable Midnight Walk! Please sign up today at and help raise money for people and families facing life-limiting illness in our community.


Our Festival of Open Gardens is back from May to September with over 30 gardens open. This year we also have some fantastic garden talks from renowned local gardeners, as well as a flower festival, not to mention teas and home-made cakes at many of the gardens. More information at, or call us on 01295 816 484. Festival of Open Gardens Dates:

4 June - Adderbury 17 & 18 June - Swerford 18 June - Deddington 2 July - Bledington 6 August - Heyford Park 5, 7 & 9 September - Broughton Grange 17 September - Bloxham Chris Higgins, Communications Officer

35 35

PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Council met on 25 April. There were apologies from Councillor Ann Lyons. OPEN FORUM: Matters raised included overgrown trees which were obstructing the street lights between Rochester Way and Walton Avenue; the proposal for football pitches and community facility on the land in Milton Road; Jonathan Porter, an independent planning consultant read out a statement relating to the planning application on land west of Horn Hill Road. PLANNING: No observations had been made by the PC in respect of: Mrs Sue Bainbridge – Sydenham House, East End Dematic Ltd – Dematic Balliol House, Trinity Way Mr and Mrs Yardley-Barnes – 31 Margaret Road Mrs Hoyer Millar – Cross Hill House, Cross Hil Road Mr Matthew Brown – Greengates, Berry Hill Road Mr and Mrs Wetherall – Manor Barns, Manor Road Observations had been made relating to: Mr Ken Coaker – 36 St Mary’s Road JB Stevens & Son – Manor Farm, Twyford Road Objections had been raised relating to: Leonard Cheshire Disability – Land adjoining Summers Close Mrs Sara Wherry – NB Acres, Aynho Road Currently under consideration were: Mr M Gough – Land west of Horn Hill Road CALA Management Ltd – Land South of Blackwood Place and Molyneux Drive and NW of Cotefield Farm, Oxford Road, Bodicote Mr Tim Catling – St Georges Catholic Church, Round Close Road Mrs Shelagh Van Zwanemberg – The Ridings, 1 Lambourne Way Mr Tim Harrington- 3 Lambourne House, Lambourne Way It was agreed that the site of the old Catholic Church in Round Close Road was only big enough for one dwelling. There was lengthy discussion about the application relating to land west of Horn Hill Road which resulted in a vote which did not support the application. PARISH COUNCIL SURGERY: One resident had attended the April surgery, raising the matter of the unusual amount of heavy traffic on the Oxford Road. PLAY AREA INSPECTIONS: The safety inspector would be asked to check the play area at The Rise and inform the PC if any work was necessary. Councillor Jelfs would check the Lucy Plackett field. There were no health and safety issues at The Lakes. DIGNITY AT WORK: The Dignity at Work Policy was approved. It was agreed that PC meetings would be recorded and the content made public via the APC website. continued on page 37

36 36

MILTON ROAD NORTH LAND: The Chairman made the following statement. “Adderbury PC notes the advice from Kevin Lane (Head of Law and Governance) of CDC that the restrictive covenant relating to PC land at Milton Road meets the planning objectives of clause 9.1 of the section 106 agreement and coincides with the definition included in the section 106 agreement. APC notes that CDC has no issue with the wording of the covenant. APC confirms its acceptance of the restrictive covenant as written. APC notes the advice of Kyle Wyness of Messrs Spratt Endicott solicitors, that the transfer document was signed in counterpart by two authorised members of this council and that the absence of the clerk’s signature as witness is not a bar to its validity. APC resolves to proceed with the working group set up at the March APC meeting to consider potential uses of the land in compliance with the restrictive covenant. LIBRARY: It was reported that FOCAL’s fund raising target of £9000 for 2016/17 had been met. The May event is an Auction of Promises on 20 May in the Institute. On 14 June you can Meet the Author – Anne Watts, in Church House from 4.30 pm. In July there is a chance to meet John Julius Norwich in the Institute from 7.30 pm. New trustee Peter Britton, has been recruited to act as Secretary and Treasurer. LAP and LEAP, Adderbury Fields: In response to a request from CDC to take responsibility for the LAP and LEAP, Adderbury Fields (local play area and local equipped area of play) it was agreed that the decision should be delayed until more information regarding the costs were obtained. COMMUNITY LAND, NICHOLAS KING HOMES: An application for 5 houses had been submitted on the Nicholas King site, north Milton Road. NEXT MEETING: 30 May 2017 Church House 7.30 p.m. Trish Fennell ADDERBURY PARISH COUNCIL GRANTS 2017 Adderbury Parish Council has set aside a budget of £3,000 for the financial year 2017/2018 that may be awarded in the form of grants to groups based in the village whose activities benefit residents. The Parish Council has established some simple criteria for awarding grants, basic guidelines for applicants, and a common application process in the hope of achieving an outcome that treats all applicants as fairly as possible. The guidelines are also intended to help applicants decide whether to pursue a grant application in the first place and to ensure that the criteria for awarding grants are clearly understood by both applicants and councillors alike. Grants for 2017 will be agreed at the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 27 June 2017, and applications will need to be received by Friday 9 June 2017. For further details and an application form, please contact visit the Parish Council web site Alternatively ring Theresa Goss on 01295 710965, or email at Theresa Goss

37 37


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MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES ADDERBURY PHYSIOTHERAPY Gill Randall MCSP, Grad Dip Phys. Sports injuries, whiplash, neck & 812552 back pain. Acupuncture. Home visit if required. We welcome all babies & toddlers with parents & carers to join us at the ADDERBURY BABY & TODDLER GROUP Lucy Plackett Activity Centre every Monday & Wednesday morning from 10am. LUCY 07795 275412/ CARLY 07747 457380 CLARA REEVES - COUNSELLOR Counsellor/Psychotherapist. MBACP (Accred). BSc Hons Psych. MBPsS. 810259 Experienced in NHS settings. Email: See www. It's good to talk for more details about me. HIGH FLYERS CLUB 07766 290242

Held at Christopher Rawlins C of E School. The breakfast club is open 8am until school starts & after school club runs straight after school until 6.00pm. Please contact During session hours please call 07818 558 680


Lara Crowe. Exclusive clinic offering deep tissue sports injury massage and beauty treatments at competitive prices. Gift vouchers available. 35 Walton Avenue.


High St. Adderbury (near The Bell). Please ring for an appointment.



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