Adderbury Contact September 2017

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Volume 40, No. 7 September 2017

Christopher Rawlins Forest Schools Project Photographs courtesy of Tracy Ostler / Diane Bratt See Page 23

Guides ‘Little Welly Goes Wild’ (top, left and page 22) Christopher Rawlins Forest Schools Project (right and page 23) 2

DIARY SEPTEMBER 2017 2 Parish Council Surgery – Church House – 11.00 am – 12.00 noon 2 Quiz night – Bowls Club – 7.30 pm 2 Family Fun Day in aid of The Katharine House Hospice – Coach and Horses – 11.00 am to 5.00 pm 3 The 23rd Annual Adderbury v Milton Cricket Match – Broughton & N Newington CC – 1.30 pm – details Nick Fennell 811059 5 Gardening Club – Church House – 7.30 pm 6 Photographic Society – Cartwright Arms Aynho – 7.30 pm 7 Adderbury WI – Refugees, Restoring Hope and Building Resilience – Institute – 7.30 pm 9 Annual Garden Party – The Manor House, Mill Lane – 2.00 – 4.00 pm 10 Last date for copy for October Contact 12 Adderbury Parish Council meeting – Church House – 7.30 pm 13 FOCAL: Meet the Authors – Angela Clarke & Harry Sidebottom – Church House 1.00 – 1.30 pm 13 Adderbury Evergreens – Methodist Hall – 2.30 pm 14 Adderbury Community Food Market – Indoor Farmers’ Market and social evening – come to shop eat and drink – Institute – 6.00 – 8.00 pm 15 Cine Club Meals and Reels – ‘Their Finest’ – Institute – 7.15 pm 16 Family Open Day at the Lakes – 10.00 am – 4.00 pm 18 Adderbury History Association – Owen Green: ‘’William Smith, the Father of Geology” – Methodist Hall – 7.30 pm 27 Adderbury Evergreens – Methodist Hall – 2.30 pm 29 Adderbury Friday Club – for all homeworkers – The Bell 12.30 pm – book in via Nick Fennell 811059 OCTOBER 2017 3 Gardening Club – Church House – 7.30 pm 5 Adderbury WI – Esoteric Healing – Gill Randall – Institute – 7.30 pm 7 Parish Council Surgery – Church House – 11.00 am – 12.00 noon 7 Quiz night – Bowls Club – 7.30 pm 11 Adderbury Evergreens – Methodist Hall – 2.30 pm 12 Royal British Legion – Bowls Club – 2.00 pm 12 FOSMA: tour of Oxford Bodleian Library and cream tea – 2.00 pm – Trish Fennell 811059 12 Adderbury Community Food Market – Indoor Farmers’ Market and social evening – come to shop eat and drink – Institute – 6.00 – 8.00 pm 16 Adderbury History Association – Richard Buckley – The Richard III Project in Leicester – Methodist Hall – 7.30 pm 21 Adderbury WI Big Breakfast – Institute – from 9.00 am – Diane Danton 07770864066 21 FOCAL: Posh Frocks Party at the Grange Manor, Adderbury 3

24 Adderbury Parish Council meeting – Church House – 7.30 pm 25 Adderbury Evergreens – Methodist Hall – 2.30 pm 27 Adderbury Friday Club – for all homeworkers – The Bell 12.30 pm – book in via Nick Fennell 811059

THE ANNUAL GARDEN PARTY The Garden Party will take place on SATURDAY 9 SEPTEMBER 2.00 to 4.00 pm at The Manor House, Mill Lane, Adderbury by kind permission of Sir Martin and Lady Jacomb. There will be lots of stalls including Plants, Bits & Bobs, Cakes a very good Raffle and of course our famous delicious Teas. Special Surprise - there will be a Punch & Judy show. There is also the pleasure of walking round the beautiful garden of The Manor House. Entrance £3.00 includes tea. (children under 12 free - drinks/cake £1.00) IN AID OF ST. MARY'S CHURCH ADDERBURY

EVERGREENS The Adderbury Evergreens enjoyed their recent July meeting with a trip to Bourton-on-the-Water, it was a lovely day, weather was beautiful and not too hot ! Next meetings are Wednesdays 13 and 27 September 2017 COFFEE AND CHAT is held each week on Tuesday 10.00 am to 12 noon at the Methodist Hall. VILLAGE COFFEE is held every Friday at Church House 10.00 am to 12 noon. You will be very welcome at both these venues. LIP-READING CLASSES are held on Thursdays 10.00 to 11.30 am at The Church Room, Hempton. Further details from Moira Byast on 01869 338637 4

LOCAL SERVICES ADDERBURY LIBRARY OPENING TIMES TEL:810545 Tuesday 10.00 am - 12.00 and 3.00 pm - 7.00 pm Thursday 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm and 6.00 pm - 7.00 pm Friday 10.00 am - 12.00 and 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm Saturday 9.30 am - 1.00 pm ADDERBURY POST OFFICE OPENING TIMES Tuesday: 9.30 am to 12.00 noon Friday: 9.30 am to 12.00 noon ADDERBURY STORES OPENING TIMES TEL:367295 Monday - Saturday 7.00 am to 8.00 pm Sunday 8.00 am to 4.00 pm TO BOOK A VENUE Institute Church House Methodist Hall Anne Ransome 811229 Lucy Plackett Activity Centre Becky Cheesman 07941 062096 Bowls Club The Club 811118 Banbury Golf Club The Club 810419 FARMERS MARKETS Adderbury 14 Sept 6.00 - 8.00 pm Banbury 1 Sept 8.30 am -1.30 pm Chipping Norton 16 Sept 8.30 am -1.30 pm Deddington 23 Sept 9.00 am -12.30 pm

CONTACT TEAM Editors: Carda Traunero, Paul Ness, Leigh Gerdes All editors can be contacted via Diary and Advertising: Treasurer: Nick Fennell Barry Scarff Archway Cottage, Tanners Lane, 811059, Advert copy, artwork & technical queries; Distribution: Karen Reynolds, Derek & Sandra Fearne This issue is edited by Leigh Gerdes. Copy can be posted, left at the Library or sent by e-mail to the editors. The editors reserve the right to amend or edit any copy submitted for publication. Opinions expressed in Contact are not necessarily those of the Editorial Team. Submitted images should be 300dpi. Whilst we always try to use images supplied, we cannot guarantee the reproduction standards of low resolution or poor quality images. By sending images to Contact you confirm your right to use these images. Contact holds no liability for images supplied by advertisers or as editorial submission that are in contravention of copyrights or licenses.


CHURCH SERVICES ST MARY’S CHURCH, ADDERBURY & ST JOHN’S CHURCH, MILTON Rev. Stephen Fletcher, Vicar. 810309 Contact for Weddings, Baptisms or other pastoral needs. ST MARY’S regular services: 8.00 am 10.30 am

6.00 pm 10.00 am

Holy Communion (1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday each month) Informal, all-age service (1st Sunday) Parish Communion (2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday each month) Morning Prayer (5th Sunday) Evensong (unless otherwise advertised) every Wednesday: Holy Communion

ST JOHN’S regular services 9.15 am

Holy Communion (2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday each month)


Rev Lin Francis, 262602

September 3 Rev. M Langley 10 United Service at Marlborough Road, Banbury 17 Rev. R Jones, Harvest Festival 24 Rev. L Francis, Communion Service HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH, HETHE Rev. Fr. Paul Lester, 01869 277630 10.00 am Sung Family Mass 12 noon Traditional Latin Mass (second Sunday will be sung) Roman Catholic masses are also held every Sunday at 9.00 am at the Anglican Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Kings Sutton. ADDERBURY QUAKER MEETING HOUSE, Horn Hill Road OX17 3EW. (Gate labelled ‘No Dogs Allowed’) Correspondence Clerk - Judith Mason, 720900. Meetings for Worship are at 2.30 pm on 3rd Sunday in March, June, September, and December. Everyone welcome. The Meeting House is little changed since it was built in 1675 and may be very cold. Hot drinks and refreshments afterwards.


THE LAKES OPEN DAY: Saturday 16 September 2017 Adderbury Lakes, the local nature reserve that belongs to all of us in the village, will be holding an Open Day on Saturday, 16 September. Lasting from 10.00 am until 4.00 pm, with free entry, the Open Day will bring activities for all the family. Some will be available continuously all day: there will be crafts and competitions for children of all ages, pond dipping, demonstrations of spinning and weaving, with the chance to try both for yourself, a demonstration of bee-keeping and a photography competition, where you can either pick up the details on the day or request them from Other activities will take place at particular times: there will be trips on the Upper Lake by rowing boat between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon, 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm; and there will be history walks and talks at 10.30 am and 3.00 pm (on Adderbury House and the Icehouse), at 11.30 am (on Mr Chamberlin’s New Garden) and at 1.30 pm a rare chance to walk down to the Sor Brook and view the unusual willow carr landscape. There will be information points at both the Lake Walk and Long Wall entrances to help you plan your visit. Activities have been grouped around the Upper Lake, so that you will still be able to experience the peace and quiet of the Lower Lake. Please plan to visit us on foot, as we have no parking, apart from two disabled parking places at the Lake Walk entrance. WE LOOK FORWARD TO WELCOMING YOU ON 16 SEPTEMBER!

ADDERBURY GOLF DAY 2017 YOUTH AND OLD AGE COMBO TRIUMPHS – RECORD SUM RAISED FOR KATHARINE HOUSE HOSPICE Old timers Michael Whatman and Phil Cavill teamed up with youth stars Joe Davis and Kurt Fox and saw off high quality competition to scoop the star prize at the 13th staging of the Adderbury Golf Day at Banbury Golf Club on 14 July. They also made off with the coveted Adderbury Thunderball prize. Runners-up were Mike Atkinson, Jon Cardy, John Gilleece and Ben Stapleton. Tony Henry picked up nearest the pin, and Richard Carey won the longest drive – with 315 yards! These were the star turns in a field of 76 golfers of all shapes, sizes, abilities and ailments, who quite remarkably mastered the complexities of the shotgun start. The great hospitality of the revitalised Banbury Golf Club made for a splendid afternoon, with the course in excellent condition. Congratulations to Jim Phillips and his team on their amazing turn round in the club’s fortunes. 7

Continued on page 9


Thanks to the main corporate sponsors of the tournament (including Dematic, Bicester Village, McGrath Rathbone, Stanbra Powell, James Young, Gareth Stapleton, Edd Frost & Daughters, Finders Keepers, Johan Robb, Deddington Arms and J & M Humphris) and the generosity of the many other local businesses and players who donated such an amazing array of prizes, we were able to raise a record £6000 for Katharine House Hospice – so this event has now raised over £35,000 for the Hospice over the years. We were also able to give £400 to the Air Ambulance Service in memory of Adderbury Golf Day stalwart the late Frank McCusker Will you be there on 13 July next year? Nick Fennell

COLIN GEORGE MEMORIAL GOLF DAY The 3rd Colin George Memorial Golf Day was held on 3 June at Banbury Golf Club. It was a lovely sunny day & well supported with over 40 players taking part. Coffee & very generous bacon rolls set us up for a good round with nearest pins on all par 3’s & a longest drive. The day was won by Dave Gascoigne shooting a magnificent 40 points only beating Joe Source, who also scored 40, on countback. Lee Tustain shot a great 39 for third spot. Jim & Jane provided a superb BBQ buffet for after the event & then we had the obligatory raffle of which the prizes were donated by the players ! Overall the day raised £1005.00 for the Katharine House which will be presented shortly. Thanks to everyone that took part & particularly those who donated to the raffle & made it a super day We hope that you all enjoyed it & will take part next year. 9

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WHATEVER HAPPENED TO…. THE ADDERBURY NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN? Good question Following six weeks’ consultation with villagers and other stakeholders earlier this year, the revised plan was approved by the Parish Council in May and duly submitted to Cherwell District Council. As we had previously met with them and sought their advice on a number of occasions, we believed that their role in vetting the Plan for legalities and any further issues would be just a formality, before they passed it out for another six weeks’ consultation as expected. However at the time of writing, ten weeks after the Plan was submitted, CDC have still ‘not had time’ to carry out their vetting process. Our consultant has confirmed to them that in his view the document is fully fit for purpose, but still we wait. If and when CDC ever find time to carry out their duties, the next six weeks’ consultation would take place, the Plan revised as necessary, and then passed to an inspector to approve or otherwise. Once approved, there would then be a referendum where the village would be asked to vote for the Plan to be adopted by CDC. Thank you for your forbearance! Nick Fennell, Adderbury Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

WORKING FOR ADDERBURY COMMUNITY We are making progress! For those of you who went to Party in the Park in June, you will have seen our stall and hopefully completed a questionnaire asking for suggestions regarding facilities at the proposed Milton road site and Lucy Plackett. As you can imagine, the list was very varied but the main theme was that any centre should be multi purpose. It was gratifying to have positive comments from a wide range of age groups, sexes and locations covering Adderbury and Twyford. We have also been in talks with the Parish Council to discuss our role and how we can swiftly move forward and I am pleased to report that Terms of Reference have been mutually agreed. We can now formalise our constitution and apply for charity status the latter giving us a huge benefit when fund raising. We will be calling a public meeting very soon to discuss the two sites. If you need any further information, please email Jackie Head at: Jackie Head,Felicity Bryan Associates Literary Agency 11

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VOICES ACROSS TIME: Old Boundary Lane Review Old Boundary Lane was the third production in Adderbury from the Voices Across Time team and once again it did not disappoint. The action took the form of two parts; the first presented a group of performers struggling to keep alive the old music hall traditions in 1913 against the backdrop of the Suffragette Movement and the funeral of Emily Davison; the second part being a wonderful Music Hall put on to support the movement and provide the present day audience with superb entertainment. The storyline was well constructed providing both information and amusement as we were introduced to the cast of ten. This talented group of young people knew just how to please everyone in the audience of varied ages. The show bounced to a start with the lively, energetic performance of Zara Walton encouraging audience participation. We met again the confident young person Jacob Robinson as Jimmy Smith, he was especially endearing as the runaway husband in ‘Waiting at the Church’. His mother was played by Ashleigh Durham who, combined with Jonathon Head as Charles Whitlock the accountant, provided the romantic element with a lovely duet. In keeping with the theme of the rights of women, Luisa Jones played the suppressed wife of chauvinistic Henry Tilbrook, admirably portrayed as a bombastic tyrant in the first half by James Barlow and transformed into the caring, creative comedian in the second half. Not surprisingly some of the younger members of the audience had never even heard the old music hall gags! In true feminine heroic style his wife, Vesta Tilbrook, found her strengths in the second half to become a polished performer in her own right. Raising the roof with her superb singing and flamboyant gestures, this young lady is surely set for stardom in the musical world - we also enjoyed her harmonies in the trio at Party in the Park. We owe a debt of gratitude to Florence Taylor as a main part of the production team for bringing us Voices Across Time and for a sterling performance especially as the inebriated Mrs Moore in ‘No more Mrs Moore’ - I shall take advice on the double gins contributing to double chins! As always music held the show together led ably by Joseph Cummings, a cofounder of Voices Across Time, backed by the terrific band on the balcony. It was a delight to see Harriet Wells making an appearance as Beatrice Tilbrook, Henry’s sister. Usually Harriet, also a co-founder, remains in the background during a show as the marketing, fundraising and production arm of the team, this time she wowed us with her elegant and energetic dancing skills. At this point I shall highlight the excellent choreography and direction, every song combined movement and acting that gave visuals pleasure to the splendid singing. So in true music hall tradition, I would like to thank Voices Across Time for bringing us the dexterous doyens of musicality providing us with the delicious delectable terpsichorean magnificence of an eurythmic evening and a eucatastrophe finale. In other words, a thoroughly enjoyable, informative and entertaining evening. Gayna Lee 13

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Adderbury Theatre Workshop is very excited to announce that as part of our 40th Birthday Celebrations we will be presenting a fabulous

Variety Show

On Friday 6 October and Saturday 7 October 2017 7.30 pm at Christopher Rawlins School Hall Please join us for a fantastic night of sketches and musical entertainment Tickets at just £10.00 are available from The Coach & Horses or Karen Dwyer on 07729 814007 We would also like to thank all those who bought tickets for our juniors’ production of ‘Skool Daze’ in June. We are extremely proud of our younger members for putting on yet another successful show and providing a wonderful afternoon of entertainment.

ADDERBURY AND MILTON FEOFFEE’S CHARITY Grants are available for school leavers going onto Further Education, University or Apprenticeships. The criteria for students is that they must have lived in the village for 3 years. The deadline each year is 1 January and grants will be awarded at the end of February, after the meeting of the Trustees. Each application will be assessed individually and confidentially by the Trustees. Application forms are available from Mrs. Margaret Clinkard, 31 Deene Close, Adderbury. Assistance Fund. This is a long-established fund within the Feoffee Charity. It is there to help when times are hard. We cover all age groups, young and old, and can offer help to all who have lived in the village for a period of three years or more. To apply for help, please request a form from: S. Peissel, Church Farm Stables, Milton, OX15 4HH 15

PADDOCK & ORCHARD GRASS MAINTENANCE AT REASONABLE PRICES. Types of work undertaken: Re-seeding, mowing/topping, harrowing, rolling, fertiliser spreading and spraying. Contact Martin Cherry

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Proceeds from all the following events and membership subscriptions go to helping keep the library open. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Wednesday 13 September 2017 Meet the Authors: Angela Clarke & Harry Sidebottom at Church House,1:00 pm for 1:30 pm. Tickets £8.00 to include a drink. Free entry for accompanied children. Book signings. Angela Clarke is a Sunday Times Bestselling author, playwright, columnist, screenwriter and public speaker. Her debut crime thriller Follow Me was named Amazon’s Rising Star Debut of the Month January 2016, longlisted for the Crime Writers’ Association Dagger in the Library 2016, and shortlisted for the Dead Good Reader Page Turner Award 2016. Watch Me the second instalment in the Social Media Murder Series went straight into the UK paperback chart at number 15 in January 2017. Her memoir Confessions of a Fashionista is an Amazon Fashion Chart bestseller. Harry Sidebottom’s, Warrior of Rome novels are set during the great crisis of the Roman empire in the mid-Third Century AD. The first three – Fire in the East, King of Kings and Lion of the Sun – focus on the eastern half of the empire and on the war-torn borders with the rising power of Sassanid Persia. In the second three – The Caspian Gates, The Wolves of the North and The Amber Road – the action shifts to the north. Harry Sidebottom was brought up in racing stables in Newmarket where his father was a trainer. He has taught at various universities including Oxford, where he is now Fellow and Director of Studies in Ancient History at St Benet’s Hall, and Lecturer in Ancient History at Lincoln College. They will speak about the joys and sorrows of writing and will also talk about their latest books. Tickets from the library OR by e-mail from Keith Mitchell on FOCAL events continued on page 19 17

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Saturday 21 October 2017 Posh Frocks Party at the Grange Manor, Adderbury. Tickets £20.00 per head; £35.00 per couple. Saturday 11 November 2017 Pub Quiz at The Bell from 7:30 pm. David & Aline are back to run their popular quiz. Entry fee £5.00 per person and preferably in teams of four. Friday 17 November 2017 Upstairs & Downstairs at Waddesdon A Waddesdon guide will talk about the Upstairs & Downstairs life at Waddesdon in Edwardian England. The talk is entitled "A Victorian Waddesdon Weekend" and looks at the preparations undertaken for guests visiting WM during the "season"! It will incorporate a high level run through of the ownership/custodianship of WM. Then a look at all the preparations including work undertaken in the gardens, Stables, and Eythrop as well as in the kitchens at the House. Library at 6.30 pm. Tickets £8 to include a drink Saturday 2 December 2017 Festive Morning at Church House from 10.00 am with mulled wine, nibbles and a bumper raffle.

ADDERBURY HISTORY ASSOCIATION June Meeting Stephen Barker made a return visit on 19 June. He recalled that last time he came it was very cold. This time we gave him a warmer welcome on what was surely the hottest evening of the year so far. Stephen is a museum consultant and last year he worked closely with the Oxfordshire Museum in Woodstock to curate an exhibition entitled Oxfordshire in 50 objects. The Museum Service was celebrating 50 years since its foundation. Its supporting role has somewhat diminished with budget cuts and several museums passing out of Council control but the storage facility at Standlake is open to the public. The Exhibition was put together by consultation with community groups and members of the service, past and present, and reflected their memories, experiences and interests. Stephen had chosen fourteen exhibits to describe, accompanied by the notes contributed by those involved. Sadly he wasn’t able to bring any artefacts with him and we had to make do with pictures so there was less interaction than the exhibition enabled but some of the members were able to add comments from their own experiences. The objects included a violin, a teddy bear, a human vertebra and a telephone switchboard. We forgot to ask what the other thirty six items were! Stephen’s enthusiasm for all things historical came across in his talk and he concluded with a description of something which did not appear in the exhibition but was obviously close to his heart. This was a Roman burial stone from 43AD the inscription on which gave us the earliest recorded named person in Oxfordshire. We went away wondering what we would have chosen. Jean Davis 19

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ADDERBURY HISTORY ASSOCIATION July Meeting ‘Skulduggery in the shrubbery’ was a presentation by Stefan White. A former businessman, he has forged a new career as a speaker. He gave us a detailed history of the Tradescant family who were renowned plant and rarity collectors in 17th Century England and the real founders of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. John Tradescant followed in his father’s footsteps to become a gardener. He found favour with aristocratic patrons including Lord Cecil, The Duke of Buckingham and Charles I. Given the opportunity to travel on expeditions abroad he began to amass a collection of plants and curiosities. These he exhibited in his Lambeth home and they became known as The Ark. Some 40 minutes and as many facts later, we had learned how the villain of the piece, Elias Ashmole, fitted in. He had long coveted John’s collection, acquired it by trickery and devious means and eventually housed it in the museum to which he gave his own name – The Ashmolean. There was a lot to take in but some fascinating information emerged throughout this rather sad family tale. Many of the original exhibits have since been rehoused in other Oxford University museum buildings. Jean Davis Visit MINDGROWING.ORG Our WI had a very informative and enjoyable July and August. Our Speakers included Dr Janice Kinory who spoke about Oxford Past and Present showing us Lantern slides and glass plate photographs now digitalised and available to be seen on the web It was Unfortunate that our Speaker on water colours was unable to attend in August so instead we had a fun social evening with Pimms, refreshments and we brought along pictures to colour and back to our childhood Painting by Numbers. Our craft group met and discussed ideas for our ornaments for the Christmas Tree Festival to be held in December. The walking group went on the Bloxham circular walk and then dinner at The Joiners Arms. We also went to see the wildflowers at Katherine House Hospice and the Lakes and planted some seeds. We ended our evening at the The Pickled Ploughman for dinner. Please keep Saturday 21 October morning free to come along to our BIG BREAKFAST further details on page 39. Our wild flower team has continued with its care of our areas at KHH and Adderbury Lakes where our new seedlings are flourishing and we have both corncockle and poppy blooms doing very well. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, 7 September at 7.30 pm “Refugees, Restoring Hope and Building Resilience” New members are always welcome at The Institute on the first Thursday of each month at 7.30 pm where they are assured of an enthusiastic reception. Further details are to be found on our website – – or by email – or find us on Facebook via their search engine for Adderbury & District WI Diane Danton 21

ADDERBURY GIRL GUIDES There are a set of Girlguiding slogans called ‘Girls Can’ which say about all the great things which girls can do, and one of my personal favourites is ‘Girls Can Get Muddy’. We proved this term that this is very true when we ran the young people’s mud obstacle course, ‘Little Welly Goes Wild’. The Guides swung through monkey bars, climbed over hay bales, went down giant slides, waded through foam and got coated in mud. Some of the Guides went zorbing too while we were there, which is when you are put into a giant bubble and you run on water (except you don’t run, you tend to just fall over quite a lot). Obviously, no Guide trip would be complete without food, so we ended the trip all eating ice cream and ending up with wonderfully blue tongues. The Guides decided they wanted to do a badge called ‘Canadian Adventure’ this term. We had a Great Canadian Bake Off where we made Rocky Road, maple leaf shaped biscuits and snowflake fairy cakes, made Canadian flags with beads and safety pins and had a campfire where we sang Canadian songs like ‘Land of the Silver Birch’ and ‘Fred the Moose’. To finish off the badge, we went to the Oxford ice rink and the Guides tried out ice skating. Some things are too good not to do year after year, so at the end of the term we had our annual water fun evening. The Guides made rafts out of things they could find in the woods, did an obstacle course while balancing a cup of water and had a water fight (there was a lot of screaming, but I’ll take that as a positive). We slept out. As in completely out. As in not even in a tent and with only a large orange plastic bag between us and the elements out. Every year, Guides across Cherwell get together and do a competition in small teams called patrols. This year, our theme was wellies, and we did lots of welly themed activities like making welly shaped biscuits, decorating wellies and doing a welly themed festival photoshoot (with a bonus point awarded for poses). The best part of the competition is when everyone gets together to sleep under the stars; spotting the constellations and watching for shooting stars is truly magical. If you are a girl aged 10-14 and you are interested in joining us for more Guiding adventures (or you just don’t believe me about quite the amount of food we consume and want to check for yourself), then please come along to Guides. We meet on Mondays, 7.00 to 9.00 pm in the Lucy Plackett Youth Centre. Please go online to Girlguiding Join Us to find us. Emma Brodey


Making a difference for Adderbury’s Young People ASSISTANT SCOUT LEADERS NEEDED “Scouts was the making of them”. It’s a lovely phrase and one we hear quite a lot in the Troop. It makes you realise that all your time and effort is worth it for the part you play in giving a young person the training, memories and experiences that will benefit them for the rest of their life. Yes, there are a few young people in the village who don’t even try Scouts and that is their loss; for those that do make the commitment we are proud to provide one of the best, engaging programmes around – something that schools do not provide, even within their extra curricula activities. Keeping the standards high requires a lot of time and effort from the adult leaders. Increasingly work and family pressures mean we now need to seek additional adults (even post-GSCE young adults) as volunteers to join our team and help spread the load. An ex-Scout would be ideally placed for an Assistant Leader role, but that is not a pre-requisite and any adult who feels they can volunteer some time, no matter how small, would be welcome. Have a look at what we do at and if you would then like to know more about an Assistant Leader role please call me (810521) or email Andy Green CHRISTOPHER RAWLINS FOREST SCHOOLS PROJECT On Saturday 5 August volunteers from the parish council, Adderbury lakes group and Christopher Rawlins Primary School began the initial stages of an exciting project to develop the land opposite the school into an area that can be used and enjoyed by the school children and community. Several volunteers cleared an area which was full of nettles and weeds, in order for the children to be able to survey the land and catalogue the plants and insects. In September the children can then begin designing how they want the area to look and how we can use it to develop the opportunity for children to learn outdoors and learn new skills. We are looking forward to the children being able to build dens, study plants and insects and plant flowers and trees to attract further wildlife. It is hoped to develop a sensory area. I would like to thank all the volunteers who gave up their time on a very wet and windy morning to get this exciting project off the ground. If you would like to learn more about the project or could spare some time to help please contact Tracy Ostler or Diane Bratt. Tracy Ostler. Teacher, Christopher Rawlins School 23

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October – April

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Tues, Fri & Sat from 7.45pm

Sunday throughout the year from 12 noon Club prices on all drinks Look out for our regular social calendar including Live Bands, Comedy Evenings, Quiz nights, Pool and Aunt Sally Function Room Available Adderbury Bowls Club, Twyford Gdns, Twyford, Banbury OX17 3JB (opposite Twyford Grove) Club phone: 01295 811118


Their Finest (2016, dir. Lone Scherfig starring Bill Nighy, Gemma Aterton) opens our new 2017/18 season. Starting on Friday 15 September, when we will be holding a Meals & Reels evening, the film tells the story of a former secretary, newly appointed as a scriptwriter for propaganda films, who joins the cast and crew of a major production while the Blitz rages around them. Times and Tickets: As usual the evening will take place at the Institute. The doors will open at 7.00 pm ready for the meal at 7.15 pm and the film presentation at 8.00 pm Tickets (film & food) are £6 for full members, £10 for casual members and £12 for non-members. For tickets contact Helena Scott by email at or phone 01295 810708. We will be collecting money (cash or cheque) on the door and there will be a bar selling wine, beer, soft and hot drinks. Diary Dates: We also have the following dates planned: 13 October: Hidden Figures (2016 dir. Thoedore Melfi) and AGM starting at 6.45 pm 11 November: Frantz (2016 dir. Francois Ozon in French/German with subtitles) 8 December: Lion (2016 dir. Garth Davis) Our Membership year starts again in September. Membership costs and ticket prices remain the same as previous years. The two options available are: Casual Member: £10 (not including ticket price) This entitles you to the reduced-price tickets (£4) and priority early booking. You will also receive regular communication from the club, be invited to attend the AGM and are encouraged to let us know what films you would like to see. Full Member: £40 (including a ticket for each of the 10 films per year) Membership entitlement as above but with nothing further to pay. Although your seat is guaranteed, it is helpful if you can reserve your place at each film. You can pay for membership at any screening or contact our secretary, Judy Critchfield, at Check for up to date information and remember you can follow us on facebook or twitter. 25


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PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Council met on 25 July. There were apologies from Councillor Rye and District Councillor Bishop. PLANNING: No observations had been made in respect of the following applications: Mr C Boscott and Miss H Horwood – Strawtop Cottage, 3 Chapel Lane Mr Hoyar Millar – Cross Hill House, Cross Hill Road Mr and Mrs Tolson – Briarwood, Berry Hill Road Objections had been made in respect of: CALA Management Ltd – Land South of Blackwood Place and Molyneux Drive and North West of Cotefield Farm, Oxford Road, Bodicote Currently under consideration: Mr and Mrs Gottleib – Callaly Cottage, Tanners Lane Mr and Mrs Wetherall – Manor Barns, Manor Road Mrs Harriet Potts – Ivy House, Church Lane Adderbury Estates – Mrs M Shingler – Adderbury House, Lake Walk Patron Adderbury Retirement Living S.A.R.L. – Gracewell of Adderbury, Gardner Way Mrs Morgan – The Old Barn, High Street Mr and Mrs Dunstan – The Old House, Tanners Lane Hallam Land Management Ltd – Land North of Health Club East of Phase 2 Longford Park, Oxford Road It was noted that the Planning application relating to Sir Georges Lane had been withdrawn. A letter had been received from South Northamptonshire Council relating to the proposal for an erection of building for Class B1, B2 and B8 purposes (unit 7), car parking and servicing at Cherwell Valley Silos, Banbury Lane, Kings Sutton. The PC proposed to object but if the plan does go forward would look for time restrictions on traffic and a contribution to the cost of the infrastructure. There was discussion with regard to the partial review of the Cherwell Local Plan (Oxford’s Unmet Housing Needs). A report was received of a meeting held between APC and the Management of Adderbury House relating to an application for a single storey side extension to dwelling, a new secondary access and driveway, repairs to the ice house, loggia and entrance arch and landscaping of parkland. There were concerns over the modern style of the building and the PC would like to be assured that the conservation officer was in support of this style of extension. There was comment on the proposed new entrance. Any contribution to the cost of renovating the ice house would be very welcome. With regard to the outline application on Phase 2 Longford Park, Oxford Road, Bodicote for a residential development of up to 700 swellings, the PC felt that this was already a done deal. There was concern over the inevitable additional traffic congestion and better transport measures were needed. The movement and flow of traffic needed to be thought through with particular note of any alterations to be made at the Oxford Road/Aynho Road junction. Continued on page 29 27

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PARISH COUNCIL VACANCY: There had been one applicant and Rod Head would be co-opted onto the PC. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING: The complaint made at the meeting addressing issues which arose at the APM was not upheld and the Chairman made a statement to this PC meeting. PARISH COUNCIL SURGERY: There was one visitor who brought up the subject of the overgrown path between Rochester Way and Walton Avenue. It was agreed to get some quotes over the summer and bring the matter to the next PC meeting. HEALTH AND SAFETY: Conditions at The Rise and Lakes were fine. At the Lucy Plackett there was an overhanging tree that needed cutting back and one of the footholds on the climbing wall needed tightening up. WORKING FOR ADDERBURY COMMUNITY (WFAC): It was agreed that the Working Group would move forward with their plans for the land on Milton Road. VEXATIOUS COMPLAINTS POLICY: It was agreed that this would be adopted. PLAY EQUIPMENT PROJECT: Councillors Bratt, Jelfs, Rye and Lyons would liaise to project manage. FOCAL: A report on FOCAL was received from Councillor Mitchell. Two fundraising events had been held, raising over ÂŁ800. Interviews had been held for the new library manager and an appointment had been made but was still subject to final confirmation. Peter Britton has taken on the role of Secretary and another recruit is needed to take on the role of Treasurer. LAP/LEAP/Community Area, Adderbury Fields: A report was considered and it was decided to defer a decision until more information about the financial implications and landscaping issues were obtained. FOREST SCHOOLS PROJECT: The PC would liaise with Christopher Rawlins School to develop this area and clear a small area of nettles. Discussions would continue. ICE HOUSE PROJECT: A report from the Chairman was received and discussions would continue with Adderbury House owners. OXFORD ROAD TRAFFIC: It was agreed to request a survey on both north and south bound traffic on the Oxford Road, preferably well into September when normal traffic flow had resumed after the school holidays. NEXT MEETING: 12 September Church House 7.30 pm.

ADDERBURY XMAS MARKET SATURDAY 2 DECEMBER 11.00 am - 4.00 pm The Annual Xmas Market is almost fully booked with a whole variety of different stalls and some returning stalls to entice you for a fun day out Xmas shopping. If you are a stallholder, and you were to slow to get your booking, there may be a place left if you want to contact us on AXM Committee 29

NEW MEMBERSHIP PRICES for 2017/18 at Banbury Golf Club Still the best valued membership in the area with the friendliest atmosphere Come down and see us to check out the course or for more information call 01295 810 419

Kaleidoscope Dance Studios is owned and run by Katie Walford a LISTD Dip.RTS qualified dance teacher. We offer adult tap classes in Adderbury as well as a variety of dance and theatre classes for children of all ages. For further information please call our office on 07443 573337 or visit the web site at: alternatively you can e-mail an enquiry to: 30

ADDERBURY PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Council is pleased to announce that it will be adding some new pieces of play equipment to the Lucy Plackett playing field and play area & also to the play area at The Rise. These new items include a zip wire, climbing hut, climbing frame, a metal-pod swing and a rodeo-board at the Lucy Plackett and a four seat see-saw and climbing unit at The Rise. The installation works will start around the beginning of October 2017 so visitors to the play areas may find them closed for a few days whilst the installation is completed. The Parish Council apologises for any inconvenience caused during the period of the closures and hopes that the children in the village will enjoy playing on the new facilities. Location plans showing the layout of the new equipment will be made available as soon as possible. It has been brought to the attention of Adderbury Parish Council that dog fouling is an issue around the village generally and specifically in The Rise. Therefore, the Parish Council would kindly remind dog owners, to clean up after their pets and use these bins for the health & safety of the community. If the problem persists, then the Parish Council will have to engage the services of the Dog Warden, which may result in fines for irresponsible dog owners.

DEVELOPMENT TO CARE FOR DEMENTIA SUFFERES The district’s capacity to care for people living with dementia has been approved for expansion following a council decision. On Thursday, 4 August, Cherwell District Council’s planning committee approved planning permission for a 36-bedroom specialist nursing facility on a site in Adderbury. The facility will provide 24-hour care for people living with dementia and in need of neurological rehabilitation. The facility is expected to create the equivalent of 36 full time jobs at a site adjacent to the Gracewell nursing home. Cllr David Hughes, chairman of Cherwell’s planning committee, said: “We welcome proposals that provide for those living with dementia and other neurological conditions. There is a clear need for such facilities in the district. Continued on page 33 31

BarKing offers a mobile bar service for a wide range of events including weddings, dinner parties and cocktail parties, charity events and many more... Fully licenced and insured Please contact Sam King on 01295 810501 / 07818 425455 or for more information

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Chris Heath 01295 720705

Mike Bishop 01295 275615


“Committee is mindful that the proposal will see the development of a greenfield site but the significant benefits of the facility, including job creation, will decisively outweigh any harm, making the nursing facility a valuable addition to the area. “Adderbury is one of the most sustainable locations for development in the district and this proposal will sit well alongside the neighbouring nursing home.” The principle of development on the site had already been agreed by a previous outline planning permission for an extra care facility and, in a separate decision, the council has also approved a detailed proposal for the extra care facility. The applicant can now choose whether to build the extra care facility or the specialist nursing facility. Plans for the new care facility indicate that the building will be of largely two storeys and will be constructed of materials that are in keeping with the existing nursing home. The proposal received the support of Adderbury Parish Council, and it includes plans for tree planting, landscaping, access and parking. Views of the facility from the Oxford Road would largely be screened by the existing nursing home and by trees and hedgerows which bound the site. Appeal on behalf of the Royal British Legion, Adderbury and Milton Branch. Our branch has been in existence since 1922 so this is our 95th year. I would like to appeal, on behalf of the Branch, for more new members. Our numbers are very low and we do not seem to be attracting any new interest. We are currently meeting bi-monthly and we meet at the Bowls Club on a Thursday at 2.00 pm. We really do wish that we can make our centenary. We sometimes have trips out to interesting places. Our last one was to the National Arboretum. We have a summer lunch and our Christmas meeting takes the form of a special lunch too. All are welcome to attend our regular meetings, so why not come along and see who we are and what we do! The meeting dates are in the Contact diary pages and on the Adderbury website. We really do hope this long lived branch can keep going. Our appeal doesn’t just apply to ex-service personnel, all are welcome. For more information please contact me, Jean Moore on 01295 810246 or If you are able to help collect door to door for the annual Poppy Appeal in October, we would greatly appreciate it, especially on and around the newly built estates in the village. I will collate any names and pass them to our Poppy Collection Organiser. Thank you Adderbury. Jean Moore Secretary to the Adderbury and Milton Branch RBL. 33


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Weekly Art Classes in Adderbury Hello I’m Cate Wetherall a professional wildlife artist, illustrator & tutor, my artwork has been widely exhibited and sold throughout the world. I run weekly art classes in my studio in Adderbury were you can bring your own project and learn in a relaxed and friendly group. Begin or improve your techniques in any medium, light and airy home studio set in acres of beautiful Oxfordshire countryside. Refreshments available throughout. Art classes are held on Mondays and Fridays, 12.00 noon - 3.00 pm. £15 per session. Please visit my website to book or email me for further details In addition to the weekly class I run regular 1 and 2 day workshops, details can be found on my website.

Cate Wetherall

ADDERBURY COMMUNITY FOOD MARKET Thursdays 14 September, 12 October, 9 November 6.00 - 8.00 pm at the Institute, The Green, Adderbury

So do come along to Shop, Eat and Drink and for a great selection of locally-sourced food, a well-stocked bar and a sumptuous supper to eat in or take away Have you visited our village market yet? Put the dates in your diary now ! BRING THIS LOGO TO THE 14 SEPTEMBER MARKET AND CLAIM £1 OFF YOUR MEAL !! 35

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FOSMA friends continue to enjoy a variety of events while raising funds for the upkeep of the fabric of our beautiful St Mary’s Church. Following a delicious afternoon tea on 8 July Chris Mason, local Swift expert, gave a short talk followed by a walking tour of the village looking at the habitats of this amazing bird. It was a fascinating afternoon and raised £110. Later in the month, we once again enjoyed the music of Dickie White and Friends at Jazz in the Garden, courtesy of the generous hospitality of Karen and Tim Bestwick. The sun shone (most of the time!) while we enjoyed the music, spectacular picnics and the beautiful garden and some were lucky enough to win a lovely raffle prize. The event raised £1010 so grateful thanks to everyone who supported both of these events. On 12 October we have arranged an extended guided visit to the Bodleian Library in Oxford followed by a cream tea. It promises to be a fascinating afternoon (2.00 - 5.00 pm). The cost will be £22 and numbers are very limited so if you think you may be interested please contact Trish Fennell on 01295 811059 or Our AGM is on 11 October in Church House at 7.30 pm so do make a note in your diary – we’d love to see you there. Meanwhile if you are interested in becoming a Friend, please contact Membership Secretary, Nick Fennell on ——————————————————————

TIME FOR REFLECTION….. Adderbury, a unique community. Since the last Contact was produced our life was been turned upside down with the untimely and sudden death of our beloved husband and father Frank McCusker. In our grief and the turmoil of those almost impossible first few days we were overwhelmed by the tremendous support and love shown by our Adderbury neighbours and friends, and this led me to feel compelled to just write this short piece to not only say how grateful we are to be living in such a wonderful community, but also to remind everyone how lucky we all are to be living here. In what can sometimes seem like a world going off the rails, it is so comforting to know that basic human decency still exists and this was never more evident to us than in those weeks following 25 June. It made us think how positive Adderbury can be and that we should draw on this strength to continue to build and develop this unique community. Stephanie, Archie & Molly 37

Adderbury, Deddington & District Photographic Society


Welcomes new members of all abilities and all age groups.


We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at The Cartwright Hotel, Aynho commencing at 7.30pm. Why not give us a try – just turn up at the next meeting – you will be sure of a warm welcome


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‘Our designs transform great ideas into reality.’ Stuart Thomson is a reliable, local, qualified garden designer, trained in horticulture by the RHS. Services include: Garden Maintenance Border Redesign Planting Plans Garden Design

Contact Stuart for a free, no obligation quotation Tel: 01295 812622 or Mob: 07718 921665 Email: Website: 38

FESTIVAL OF OPEN GARDENS Our Festival of Open Gardens continues this September with the beautiful gardens open at Broughton Grange. With an impressive 25 acres of gardens and light woodland it is an opportunity not to be missed! On 5 and 7 September (6.00 – 8.00 pm) join head gardener Andrew Woodall for a glass of wine and a tour of the gardens and get an insight into the work that goes into the upkeep of such a magnificent garden. You can book your tickets for this fantastic evening by visiting On Saturday 9 September from 10.00 am – 4.00 pm, the gardens will be open to explore, with tea and home-made cakes on offer too. Entrance fee is £7 and all money raised will be donated to Katharine House. Remember you can keep up to date with all our events and everything that’s happening at the Hospice, as well as buy tickets to our events and donate to Katharine House by visiting our website:

JOIN THE BIG GET TOGETHER FOR KATHARINE HOUSE HOSPICE Hospices across the South East have joined forces to invite you to be part of The Big Get Together during October; a series of events help by supporters to raise money for your local hospice. All you have to do is organise your event and ask your guests to make a donation that will go straight towards providing hospice care in your local community. You could hold a Halloween themed get together in October; a bonfire party in November; a Christmas themed soiree in December or a New Year Get Together in January! You can be as sophisticated or as silly as you like! Sign up today and start planning your event! Visit for more information.

Adderbury & District WI

BIG BREAKFAST Saturday, 21 October 2017 The Institute, Adderbury Two sittings: From 9.00—10.00 am and 11.00 am to 12.00 noon. Juice, Full English Breakfast, Tea/Coffee, Toast Vegetarian option Cost: £6.00 Adults £4.50 children Tickets available from Diane Danton – 07770864066 or 39

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DIRECTORY SERVICES HOUSEHOLD SERVICES BEN BIGGAM – ROOTS 810224 P & R GLADDEN Limited 810286 M.J. WINDOW CLEANING SERVICES 07773 670650 D.W. REDHEAD - 812301 07774 653048 STEWART WEST 811784 / 07949 227448 STEVE HALL 720775 / 07837870633 DOMESTIC GODDESS CLEANING Anne 07531 720958 BANBURY TELECOMS 255964 07918 174822 DAVE GILBERT 810283 GRIMEBUSTERS 07778 298312

Landscapes, garden design, construction, fencing, maintenance. Mobile phone 07774 231606 Carpentry and building contractors: repairs, alterations, renovations, extensions and general home improvements. Local Quality Service, window frames & sills cleaned within competitive quote. Gutters, Conservatories Mike on 07773 670650. Plumbing & heating. Estimates – contact Mr Redhead anytime. Electrical contractor, new installations, rewiring, repairs. General maintenance. Free estimates. Plumbing and Heating; Gas Safe Registered Free estimates Reliable,trustworthy, conscientious. 13 years experience. References available. Graeme Source YOUR local telephone engineer for fault fixing. New socket installations for broadband or Sky and rewires. Painter and Decorator - quality interior and exterior work. Dirty carpets ? Grubby upholstery? We can help you! Low moisture . Competitive rates.


Gill Randall MCSP, Grad Dip Phys. Sports injuries, whiplash, neck & back pain. Acupuncture. Home visit if required. We welcome all babies & toddlers with parents & carers to join us at the Lucy Plackett Activity Centre every Monday & Wednesday morning from 10am. Counsellor/Psychotherapist. MBACP (Accred). BSc Hons Psych. MBPsS. Experienced in NHS settings. Email: See www. It’s good to talk for more details about me. Held at Christopher Rawlins C of E School. The breakfast club is open 8am until school starts & after school club runs straight after school until 6.00pm. Please contact During session hours please call 07818 558 680 Lara Crowe. Exclusive clinic offering deep tissue sports injury massage and beauty treatments at competitive prices. Gift vouchers available.35 Walton Avenue. High St. Adderbury (near The Bell). Please ring for an appointment.



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