Terms and condition of clinic polmedics ltd

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Terms and Conditions of Practice With a view to improving service quality and patient satisfaction, we would like to present you the rules of our facilities. Terms and conditions of practice aim to explain the rights and obligations of patients, prior to registration, after the registration, as well as during and after the appointment. Terms take effect at all clinic locations belonging to Polmed Midlands Group.

1. Polmed Midlands Group is a trade name of Polmedics Ltd., registered at Companies House. Polmedics Ltd is the operator of medical clinics for addresses listed on the website.

Booking a doctor or dentist appointment 2. Registration takes place in outpatient registrations in person or by telephone via the central registration phone line on 075 4444 2002, or via the other phones listed on web pages; www.polmedmidlands.co.uk or www.polmedics.co.uk. You can also sign up online by pressing the button "book an appointment" located on the aforementioned websites. 3. Once the patient has registered, the clinic is obligated to undertake the patient with a designated specialist at the arranged date of appointment, but reserves the right to alter the date, for example in the case of a doctor’s illness, difficulties in arriving to the appointment, failure of equipment or for other legitimate reasons. 4. In any such case, the Practice is obligated to inform the patient about the change of the appointment and arrange a new one. In this case, the registration office contacts the patient at the number provided at registration, or by the email address, or by the additional phone numbers if such were given by the patient during the registration process. 5. In connection to this, during the registration process the patient is obliged to give an appropriate contact details for themselves; the best emergency number and email address. 6. The clinic uses the computerized patient registration system iGabinet. Due to that, each patient is informed of changes in registration, can book an appointment online, receives notification of the date and time of the appointment and also receives a reminder on the day 90 minutes prior to the beginning of the appointment. 7. In the case that the patient cannot attend an appointment for any personal reasons, the patient should inform the clinic about the cancellation no later than two hours before the appointment. The patient can do this by calling the central patient registration number on 075 4444 2002 or by sending an Text Massage to the same number, or calling one the other phone numbers or sending an email to polmedmanader@gmail.com. 8. If the cancellation will not be made or will be later than two hours prior to starting the appointment, the clinic has the right to charge the patient an administrative fee of £ 40.00. In this case, an invoice of such a fee with a deadline of 14 days will be sent to the patient’s registration address. In the absence of payment of the administrative fee, the issue will be exacted immediately.

2 9. The first closest date available will be offered. 10. We arrange the patient’s appointments to doctor's schedule, and for the time it is set to a specific type of appointment (for example, tooth removal, root canal treatment, surgical extraction, etc.). 11. If when booking an appointment the patient does not specify the nature of the appointment to the Registrar or individually online, then as the requirement cannot be determined, then a 30 minute appointment is booked as standard. Among other things, for this reason, sometimes an appointment may be delayed, because the doctor must dedicate a little bit more time to the patient and it may shift the start of another appointment at the clinic on this day. 12. Each patient is also given the opportunity to choose any other suitable appointment within the agreed schedule of our doctor’s work, depending on the availability of the patient on this day. 13. The patient has a choice of different specialists and can choose between the doctors of the same specialty depending of their availability at the facility. 14. The clinic does not offer access to all specialists listed on the website in all its clinics. Individual specialists can work only in selected establishments.

Coming to the practice, pricing and cost 15. Each patient gets to the practice at their own expense and should arrive there 15 minutes before the scheduled start time on the date of the appointment. 16. The clinic will not refund the cost of travel for the patient's mistake in time or date of the visit. 17. The clinic will not refund the cost of travel when visit took place, but the patient is not satisfied with advice carried out by the specialist. 18. If asked, the patient is required to provide a medical registrar with a document of identity, fill in medical history and any other documents that will be submitted due to the medical examination, doctor’s/ dentist appointment. 19. Any inappropriate or aggressive behavior towards staff at the clinic will not be tolerated. 20. The patient must confirm permission to medical examination and accept the cost of the appointment, otherwise the appointment will be canceled without having to pay charges and no travelling cost will be refunded. 21. The patient should obtain information about the cost of an appointment from a doctor before the start of the examination or in the case of seeing a dentist, after the tooth has been checked but before the start of their treatment. 22. The doctor is obligated to determine the appointment costs at the very beginning of the appointment in the consultation room and to obtain written consent from the patient to start treatment at a specific cost. When the patient starts to receive examination or receiving dental treatment, we consider that the price has been accepted. 23. Listed on the website are prices of; services, appointments and medical examinations offered at the clinic. The price list is approximated, especially in the case of dentistry and the final price is determined by the dentist because he/she sees on the spot what kind of treatment is required.

3 24. If the patient does not agree to the price given by the doctor, the patient should finish the appointment and leave the consultant room. The price shown on the website is in no way a cause for complaint. 25. After the completed appointment, the patient pays the fee at the reception desk. The clinic accepts payment by cards and cash, but does not accept cheques. 26. In exceptional cases, it is possible to do a bank transfer to the practice account but it needs to be done before the end of the treatment, such as on-site at the facility. In every establishment it is possible to use free WiFi for this purpose or make use of the computer. 27. In the case of payment by installments for the treatment of above ÂŁ 500 (only these we offer in installments), the patient is obligated to sign an installment contract and provide details of a credit or debit card as security for payment in installments. 28. In case where the period of validity of cards given to the agreement elapses, the patient is obligated to report to the facility at least one month before or phone the general registration line and indicate any change of address or new data of the current debit or credit card. 29. Terms and conditions of payment by installments are located in the agreements and are available in every practice before signing. 30. A matter of another family member cannot be sorted out during an earlier booked appointment by another. This requires prior notification to the medical registrar. A doctor cannot accept a patient without prior booking via the internal computer system. 31. Patients who do not book an appointment, but require medical attention on the day will be welcomed by a doctor chosen at registration. However, patients that have pre-booked appointments for a specific time are first to be admitted. 32. Follow-up treatment and prescription renewal takes place in a consultation room by appointment to see a doctor. Medications may be extended for three months. If follow-up treatment was recommended by a specialist clinic, the patient must provide written notice of the recommendations.

Clinic’s and doctor’s responsibility and conditions of complaints/ making complaints.

33. Every practice has its Manager and all issues should be addressed in the first instance to the manager. 34. The practice operator is not entitled to give to the patients any private telephone numbers of doctors or dentists or their email addresses. 35. Every doctor and dentist performing duty and providing medical services in our clinic runs his own business and is an independent economic entity. 36. Employees of the practice are dental assistants, nurses, receptionists and the remaining medical staff including managers. 37. Every doctor and dentist is responsible for medical examination and treatment under the authority and has adequate professional liability insurance in this respect. 38. Every doctor in the facility is registered with the GMC (General Medical Council) and the dentist in GDC (General Dental Council) and has a full verification and license to practice in the United Kingdom.

4 39. The clinics do not sign contracts with doctors or dentists who do not meet the above conditions. This applies to both doctors arriving for shifts from Polish and specialists living in the United Kingdom. 40. The clinic has civil liability insurance of the business. 41. In the case of a complaint for failure to carry out treatment, the patient is obliged to report to the practice Manager and present the problem in writing or collect from the practice (or download from the website) the clinic the complaint form and send it to the address of the practice where they were being treated or alternatively submit it to the special case prepared in every clinic. 42. You can also send a complaint via email: Polmedmanager@gmail.com, or to the head office address: 36 Regent Place, Rugby, CV21 2PN. 43. The clinic is required to respond to the complaint within 28 days of its receipt. In response to the complaint the patient will receive an explanation from the doctor, the clinics point of view, and information about the next steps the patient can take in this matter. 44. In case that the clinic shares the validity of the complaint or the patient's complaint, it is proposed in this order: Correct or re-treatment with the same doctor or dentist or by another doctor of the same specialization, full refund of the appointment costs or costs of the treatment. 45. In case of rejection of the complaint by the clinic, the applicant will be given the registration details of the doctor or dentist, insurance policy number of the doctor and details of the insurance company and information on the way to further investigation of any potential claims. 46. The patient has the right to obtain copies of their medical records; original documents always stay at the practice. 47. To obtain medical records it must be requested through application and requested using the same principles as for a complaint. For any other applications the same procedure applies. 48. The dental services we offer, such as fillings, a 3 months guarantee is given to the patient – calculated from the date of the obtained appointment rather than a calendar month. 49. No guarantee is given for canal treatment. 50. The prosthetic warranty service is provided by an external company and in the case of the prosthetic repair under warranty; the patient will request prosthetic work via our company.

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