Architectural Portfolio

Page 15

Design concepts created from digital modelling (Rhino)

Initial Concepts My approach to the concept stage of this project was to distinctly represent the themes of Wealth and Luxury within my design, which have been raised in the manifesto. Therefore, I intended on designing for those who obtain these values. I proposed to utilize the method of a perfricated design to produce a scheme whereby every user could equally benefit from the initial structural layout. With this consideration, a 'formula' shall be applied to establish re-occurring architectural features, fusing an endoskeleton with an exoskeleton. This shall display an ordered arrangement of patterns to form an overall aesthetic that is both functional and visually appealing. Furthermore, the concept exhibits an extensive podium (following page) that is reflective of the site and beneficial the public and users. This merges with ground floor of the structure which mostly consists of supporting columns/ facades to free the space beneath for pedestrian circulation.

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