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• NINO HERMAN The courage to touch people. My art deals with people: their existential situation, the conditions of their life, their feelings, and their relationships. I am interested in exposing the vitality and mystery of life within everyone. To that end, I choose digital photography, direct and un-posed. I opt for wide-angle lenses, which by their nature shoot from close range. Shooting at close range makes it possible to touch the beauty I see in everyone, the humanness within the diversity. For example, choosing to photograph in cafes on the city’s margins puts me in contact with a wide range of people. In my photography, I address aspects of freedom, boundaries, authority, independence. This manifests itself both in my connection with the subjects, and the broad social context in which the nation's societal events unfold. What sets me apart is the courage to dare to open the heart and touch people and life from close up.

At the age of two I contracted polio, and alongside the disability, I chose the freedom to move. I believe that nothing but our conceptions and beliefs limit us. That is what I teach, express in my art, images, writing, speech, and way of life. I bring my externally apparent disability to a deep connection within me to listening, sensitivity to the other, and the desire to have an impact. ninoherman@gmail.com Blog

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