Can We Go Back To 2011? / 10 Years / 10 Years of 5SOS / vol 12

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VOL. 12




TO 2011?


10 YEARS OF 5SOS This marks the end of the 10 Years of 5SOS magazine. It has been an amazing journey to have reflected on the band’s ups and downs, the record-breaking moments and the trips across the world. Thinking through the news of the past week alone – up to this afternoon when 5SOS announced new tour dates and opening acts for the 2022 No Shame tour – next year is shaping up to be pretty significant. Hopefully, the band can (safely) get back on the road, play for fans across the globe and finally share some of the music they’ve been working on throughout the past two years. There is a lot to be excited about in 5SOS land right now. Somehow, even after 10 years together, this is just the beginning.


10 Years Of 5SOS


All photos are from @5SOS, @CalumHood, @LukeHemmings & @MichaelClifford on Instagram




All photos are from Beth


10 Years Of 5SOS

10 YEARS November 27, 2021 As I sit here in the middle of a crowded, post-Thanksgiving-travel-filled airport, I think back to the first time 5SOS ever flew to the U.S. as a band. They were embarking on the North American leg of the One Direction Take Me Home tour and had a brief layover in Dallas, Texas. At that point, I had been a fan of the band for more than six months and was eagerly counting down the days until I saw them at American Airlines Center a few weeks later. 5SOS were heading from Australia to Miami, and while stuck at DFW, Calum and Ashton took a picture in front of the Terminal A “Pappasito’s To Go” display - a photo that remains in my memory eight years later. In fact, every time I pass that restaurant at DFW, I’m reminded of that image and what a different experience it was to be a fan of 5SOS in 2013. NOTE: Approximately 10 minutes after I finished writing this and put my computer away, my flight moved to a different terminal and gate - directly across the walkway from “Pappasito’s To Go.” Surely that’s some sort of full circle something or another, isn’t’ it? -It was a year and a few days ago when I started putting pen to paper and thinking through what this 10 Years of 5SOS journey would look like. At first, I wanted to write a book of sorts that told the story of the band through my eyes. Over the years, I felt like I had a decent grasp on the good, bad and the ugly of 5SOS. I had been through the insanity with them and wanted to help tell that story. However, recognizing the fact that I barely have time to watch my favorite T.V. show in any given week, I knew that there was absolutely no chance I could write a lengthy novel. Plus, I’d be relying too heavily on my memory that was a blend of truth and rumors. So, I put the project aside and picked it back up in November 2020. It had been a shitty year, but I was eager to celebrate 5SOS’s accomplishments throughout their career, and I quickly realized I needed help. So along came Lynnsey, who I had met on the streets of New York City two and a half years prior while we waited to see the band perform on the Today Show. We started talking through what this project might look like - 12 magazines, one per month, throughout all of 2021. Each would focus on a year in 5SOS history and utilize discoverable facts (and some side comments from yours truly) to provide a high-level glance at what their career had looked like. Lynnsey and I knew we needed more help, so we began putting together teams of fans - from writers to researchers and graphic designers - to help build out this project and involve as many fans as possible. It was a lot to oversee, so Teagan and Hayley joined the “leadership team” to help see the project through. It was a massive undertaking, but with the help of dozens of fans, we were able to develop and share the story of 5SOS’s career - from 1994 to today. I’m not sure how the time has passed so quickly, but we have officially reached the band’s 10-year anniversary. It’s been filled with ups and downs, but I feel like we ended most every magazine by saying, “this has been their biggest year yet.” Over time, 5SOS learned more about the business, the music they like, what makes them successful and what they’re passionate about. Having experienced that progression first-hand and looking back on it throughout this year, I have to say it has been the honor of a lifetime to have been a fan of this band. There are so many moments I can point to in my life that 5SOS was a part of - whether it was traveling to London to see them play at Wembley Arena and fall in love with my favorite city in the world or simply playing Independence Day after experiencing a significant, freeing moment in my life. I’m not a very sentimental person (shocking, considering the purpose of this initiative), but wow, thinking about the past 10 years and the joy, laughter, frustration, disappointment, electricity, energy, passion and love I felt as a 5SOS fan, I have to say, I’ve enjoyed every single moment of it. Thank you, 5SOS, for the memories. It’s been pretty lit. Beth


10 YEARS December 1, 2021 I’m sitting at work going through my Twitter timeline – everyone is going crazy over the new song coming out Friday, “2011.” I was standing in a Walmart with my best friends when we got an Instagram notification for the “5SOS Live Show,” my heart was racing, and we all just stopped what we were doing and stared at our phones in shock. Not even five minutes later, another notification went off, and we found out the song “2011” was coming out as well. When I tell you my heart stopped and I was frozen, I mean it. I forgot how it felt waiting for a 5SOS song drop since it’s been 614 days since they released “CALM.” It’s exhilarating and nerve-wracking all at the same time! Flash forward 15 minutes, all of us are on a high (that is 5SOS release week), so we put my 5SOS complete discography playlist on shuffle, and “Best Years” came on. When that song first came out, I couldn’t listen to it without crying or getting emotional… thinking of 5SOS reaching the insane milestone of 10 years together made me feel even more emotional. Reasons like that are why I am so thankful to be a part of this project. About a year ago, my friend Lynnsey texted my friends and me telling us about this amazing project that was going to be celebrating 5SOS’ 10th anniversary. I instantly hopped on Twitter and joined the team. When I saw Beth was asking for help on the leadership team, I was quick to join in with her and Lynnsey, and shortly after, Teagan joined in as well. Between the 4 of us, we had SO many ideas, and with the help of the ENTIRE 10 Years of 5SOS team, we were able to bring them to life. Beth is one of the funniest, kindest, most hardworking people I have ever met (zoom calls count as meeting, right?) Beth had this amazing idea to create monthly magazines to highlight how amazing 5SOS’ career has been, which we then turned into a podcast and Community texting! I just want to give a massive shoutout to Beth for this! Thank you for letting me help bring your ideas to life. I’m so grateful to have had this opportunity! How is this the last issue? It feels like just yesterday that the team was working on the first issue, we were recording the first podcast, and we felt December 3rd would NEVER come. Now we’re here! I’ve been sitting here going through every magazine we’ve released. As Beth said, we’ve finished every magazine or podcast, thinking that was their biggest year. That just shows how much their career grows, even if they aren’t releasing music, they are doing what they can to grow the band in every way while also keeping the fans from the beginning interested and gaining newer ones! I never knew being a fan of a band could impact my life in so many ways. Music has always had a special place in my heart. I’ve always been a “fangirl,” or as everyone who isn’t into music and bands like to say, “obsessed,” however, 5SOS is the band that literally CHANGED my life. Not only does their music resonate with me, but I met two of my best friends because of them. Teagan and I went to the airport thinking we’d only “hopefully” meet 5SOS, and instead, we met Luke and Michael, AND Lynnsey and Katelyn, who are now literally my sisters. On top of that, we’re traveling to Paris next year for the “No Shame Tour,” not including the five or six additional shows within the United States. I would never be doing any of this if it weren’t for 5SOS. I’ve only ever seen them open for the 1D tours, Meet You There Tour and World War Joy Tour, which I’m so thankful for, but even with only seeing them a few times (nine total, two headlining, the rest opening for 1D/ Chainsmokers and Jingle Ball 2019), I have so many memories of 5SOS and their music. I listen to songs like “Over and Out” and “Independence Day” and have memories of screaming them when I would fight with my parents or when I would cut negative people out of my life or listening to “Lost in Reality” for the first time and hearing them sing “hey hey Hailey” and pretending they spelled it the same way as my name. I’m just rambling; however, it proves that so many fans don’t have to go to every tour to have so many amazing memories from the last 10 years. Whether you used to be a fan, are a new fan, or just heard “Youngblood” or “She Looks So Perfect” on the radio, you have a memory of 5 Seconds of Summer. Thank you, 5SOS, for 10 years of memories, 10 years of meeting new people, and 10 years of experiences. You guys have changed my life and have become a huge part of it. It has been an honor to be a fan of your band! Here’s to 10 more. Congratulations on this amazing milestone! Hayley


10 Years Of 5SOS


All photos are from Hayley




All photos are from Lynnsey


10 Years Of 5SOS

10 YEARS December 2, 2021 I am sitting on the couch at my first ever apartment after hearing the first snippet of the new 5SOS song “2011.” 5SOS IS BACK, BABY! I was with my best friends in a Connecticut Walmart when the live show was announced, and not even 5 minutes later, they announced their brand new single. Holy overload!! But all we could wrap our heads around was that we were finally having a 5SOS release week again! It feels like it’s been so long! About a year ago, I was up in Vermont with my family when I was scrolling through Twitter and saw Beth, who I had met two and a half years ago while seeing 5SOS on the Today Show, was talking about this big project she wanted to do for the 10 Years of 5SOS, and I instantly reached out to ask if she needed any help. The rest was history. I remember going to my group of friends to tell them about this amazing project I was now a part of and asking if any of them were interested in joining. That’s how Hayley and Teagan joined the “leadership team.” We have put so much of our energy and love into these magazines and podcasts, and we truly hope that they’ve been enjoyed by many! 5SOS has been a huge part of the last few years, my earliest memory being back in 2012 when my dad had put songs from their “Somewhere New” E.P. onto my iPod touch. I listened to them a few times, and I really enjoyed them. Fast forward about a year, and I remember sitting in my bed, curled up in a Dora the Explorer blanket with my old iPod touch. My parents had taken my phone away (typical punishment for when I was younger), and all I had was whatever was on my iPod. That iPod had One Direction’s “One Thing” as well as 5SOS’s “Somewhere New” E.P. I plugged my headphones in, hit shuffle, and fell in love. From there, the rest is history. I’ve seen 5SOS 22 times over the years. I have had the honor of attending the Stars, Stripes, and Maple Syrup tour in Wallingford, CT, which they talked about in their 2014 podcast, which they recall as their biggest show they had ever played at that point, to Where We Are Tour (one of the best moments of my life) through ROWYSO, many Jingle Ball runs, Sounds Live Feels Live, Youngblood New York promo week, Meet You There, World War Joy and then last time I saw them at iHeart Radio Jingle Ball in Boston. I have plans to see 5SOS on the No Shame tour in Paris, as well as five or six times in the United States with my best friends. Over the years, so many of my memories have included 5SOS, to purposefully wearing a 5SOS beanie when we adopted my cat, to getting a notification about Ashton posting a photo of me on his Instagram while I was sitting on the toilet at Madison Square Garden waiting to see Harry Styles. 5SOS has definitely been the biggest constant in my life. 5SOS has brought so many incredible people into my life, which I will never be able to thank them enough for. My fondest memory has to be waiting in a Boston airport, hoping to meet the band and meeting Hayley, Teagan, and Katelyn. These girls have become my family all because we happened to be at the right place at the right time—something I will never take for granted. To 5SOS, thank you so much. You have changed my life for the better and helped me make so many incredible memories. You’ve inspired me to make my career path into the music industry (I am hoping to work in the record label section, and especially hearing about how you were treated during the album processes, my goal is to make things change). You’ve given me my best friends, and you’ve given me so much hope that it’ll get better. You’ve changed my entire life. Here’s to 10 Years of 5SOS! Lynnsey


10 YEARS December 2, 2021 As I sit here the day before 5SOS’s 10-year anniversary with my coworkers looking at me like I’m crazy because I’m so excited over this milestone that the band is about to reach, I keep listening to the snippet of the new song, and I can’t help but get kind of emotional and think back over the past 10 years of being a fan of them. I remember the first time I ever heard of them was when Louis Tomlinson tweeted about them, and then I began to watch all their videos. Later, I got to see them open for One Direction on the Where We Are tour, which was the first of many times I would be able to see them perform live. Over the years, I’ve created some of my best memories going to see them at the Meet You There and World Joy Tour with my best friend Hayley, and then being able to see them perform at the Jingle Ball in 2019, which is when I finally was able to meet Luke and Michael, but I also was able to meet two of my best friends Katelyn and Lynnsey. It was about a year ago when Lynnsey texted me about joining the project that she and Beth had wanted to start, and I quickly agreed to join. Soon enough, we all started to work on what would be the amazing fan project that is now crazily enough about to be wrapped up. The late nights of Hayley, Lynnsey, Beth and I all on Zoom doing the podcast and playing whatever fun game we could come up with, to all of us also getting slightly emotional while we reminisce and recap what happened during whatever year podcast we were working on are some of my favorite memories, and I’m so glad to celebrate 5SOS the way we did like this. I honestly can’t believe that this is our last issue of the magazine and that soon the last podcast will be coming out. I am so happy and proud to be able to say I was a part of this project! I’m forever grateful for 5SOS. From their music and videos helping me through some of my hardest times to some of my favorite memories I have of being at concerts and being able to cherish the fact that I met some of my best friends because of us all wanting to meet 5SOS that day. I’m excited to create more memories in the coming years, like going to my first international show in Paris with my best friends to see them or going on a road trip around the U.S. to see them here as well. I’m so proud of the success they’ve had over the past 10 years and being able to say I’ve grown up and had them a part of my life all these years. Thank you for the impact you’ve had on my life over the years. I will be forever grateful for that, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you guys! Congrats on this amazing milestone of 10 years, and here’s to many, many more! Teagan


10 Years Of 5SOS


All photos are from Teagan.



10 YEARS Word Search Find all 20 5SOS-related words in the below puzzle! The first to DM @10YearsOf5SOS the correct word search will receive a prize.


10 Years Of 5SOS

Happy Birthday, 5SOS!

THANK YOU Thank you to those who helped create TIMELINE TEAM


@amyf_28 Amanda Anderson · @aquahaz Milica R · @castawaylietome Lynnsey Spader · @takemealivelrh Teagan Mason · @ghostofteagan Katelyn Reis · @IoneIyvapor Hayley Miranda · @jetblackhales Marina Roe · @kanothenano Brooke C · @maybe_ed

@5sosashorses @amyf_28 Jackie Gray · @JGrayDesigns_ Margot R · @mgtommo @Texas5SOSTeam



@amyf_28 @5sosashorses Lynnsey Spader · @takemealivelrh @IrwinsGigglxs Kay Da Costa · @kayftdt Ana G · @PopCorana @yoketchupbro

Lynnsey Spader · @takemealivelrh Teagan Mason · @ghostofteagan Hayley Miranda · @jetblackhales @Texas5SOSTeam

Information and photos included in this magazine comes from the following sources: Hey, Let’s Make a Band;; 5SOS on YouTube; 5SOS on Facebook; 5SOS on Twitter; 5SOS on Instagram; 5SOS Wikipedia; CalumHood on Instagram; LukeHemmings on Instagram; MichaelClifford on Instagram; PRESSPARTY


10 Years Of 5SOS

THANK YOU this volume of 10 Years of 5SOS FACT CHECKING TEAM LEADERSHIP TEAM @amyf_28 Amanda Anderson · @aquahaz Milica R · @castawaylietome Lynnsey Spader · @takemealivelrh Teagan Mason · @ghostofteagan Katelyn Reis · @IoneIyvapor Hayley Miranda · @jetblackhales Kay Da Costa · @kaylftv Brooke C · @maybe_ed Margot R · @mgtommo

@10YearsOf5SOS Lynnsey Spader · @takemealivelrh Teagan Mason · @ghostofteagan Hayley Miranda · @jetblackhales Katia W · @katiaw2 @Texas5SOSTeam



@5sosBayAreaTeam @5SOSBrazil @5SOSUpdatesFR @5sosworldalerts @ashtonupdating @charts_5SOS @fivesauceonline @gallery.lrh @Global5SOS @superbands_ @theonlyafi

Amanda Anderson · @aquahaz Teagan Mason · @ghostofteagan Katelyn Reis · @IoneIyvapor Júlia R · @lietome_luke Jane · @disconnectedIu @Texas5SOSTeam


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