Spring 2024 Quemmunicator

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Talented 10th District

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Talented Tenth District Que-mmunicator

Tenth District Representative Bro. Sean T. Long

1st Vice Tenth District Representative Bro. Marquis Sagnia

2nd Vice Tenth District Representative Bro. Khalil Forbes

Tenth District Keeper of Records and Seal Bro. Jason Poindexter

Tenth District Keeper of Finance Bro. Marcel Clarke

District Counselor Bro. Richard Jones

District Director of Public Relations Bro. Michael Durrett Sr.

District Chaplain Bro. Richard Keller

District Marshal Bro. Angelo Youghbor

Immediate Past Tenth District Representative Bro. Deek Ivory--

Que-mmunicator Designd by: Bro. Brandon White 1-17-TKK

10th District Brothers ON THE COVER

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Commissioned by William D. Matthews

District representatives


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10th District Officers

Bro. Khalil Forbes 2nd Vice Tenth District Representative

Bro. Marquis D.P. Sagnia 1st Vice Tenth District Representative

Bro. Jason Poindexter 10th District Keeper of Records and Seal

Bro. Marcel Clarke 10th District Keeper of Finance


10th District Officers

Bro. Richard Jones, Sr. 10th District Counselor

Bro. Rev. Richard Keller 10th District Chaplain

Bro. Angelo Youghbor 10th District Marshal

Bro. Derrick Ivory Immediate Past 10th District Representative


Be The Change: A Call to the Men

In the face of the complex societal challenges that we face today, the phrase “Be The Change” holds a profound meaning for those who understand the weight of their responsibility. As a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, particularly in the Talented Tenth District, you are called upon to embody this change, especially within the Black community. The Black community continues to experience economic, educational, and social disparities that consistently place Black men at a disadvantage. As a member of this Fraternity, it is your duty to work towards remedying these disparities and promoting positive change within the community. This could involve advocating for policies that promote inclusivity and equity, supporting programs that provide access to education and resources, or simply engaging in meaningful conversations that help to shift perspectives and create empathy. By taking action and embodying the change we wish to see in the world, we can work towards creating a more just and equitable society for all.

The concept of “Be The Change” isn’t merely a call to action; it is a profound commitment to transformation that begins in the most intimate environments: our homes and communities. The struggle to alter value systems that have long been ingrained is substantial. Often, these systems are built on decades, if not centuries, of socio-economic disparities and cultural narratives that do not serve our community’s best interests. Changing these requires more than just awareness; it demands a consistent, enduring effort to foster environments that empower and uplift.

As Men of Omega, the legacy of the Talented Tenth—a term coined by W.E.B. Du Bois referring to the leadership class of African Americans tasked with lifting as they climb—calls upon us to lead with courage and integrity. We are tasked with carving paths that weren’t available to many before us and may still seem out of reach for those coming after us. Our role is to dismantle barriers and construct bridges for future generations to cross into realms of greater economic prosperity, educational opportunities, and social justice.

The economic landscape, where Black men often find themselves at the bottom of every list—whether it be in employment rates, income levels, or business ownership—is a stark reminder of the work that remains. It’s here, in the trenches of economic battles, that our leadership must ignite entrepreneurial spirits and champion policies that promote economic equity and access.

Education, the cornerstone of personal and community development, continues to elude many within our communities. As Men of Omega, our commitment must be to mentorship and the establishment of educational programs that not only address academic skills but also cultural competence and emotional intelligence, nurturing well-rounded future leaders.

The narrative surrounding Black men is long overdue for a transformation, one that rightfully centers around their positivity, resilience, and valuable contributions to society. Historically, stereotypes and negative media portrayals have cast long shadows over the realities of Black masculinity, often minimizing or outright ignoring the myriad of positive attributes and accomplishments that define the community. These skewed perceptions not only affect how Black men view themselves but also influence how they are treated and perceived in broader society.

To author a new chapter in this narrative, it is essential that Black men, and ALL OMEGA MEN, actively lead and engage in community initiatives that highlight their multifaceted roles as leaders, mentors, intellectuals, and creators. Community programs that

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Men of the Talented Tenth District

spotlight the arts, education, business successes, and technological innovations led by Black men can serve as powerful platforms for reshaping conversations and attitudes. These initiatives provide tangible proof of the dynamic capabilities and achievements of Black men, countering the narrow and often damaging stereotypes portrayed in some media outlets. Moreover, participating in and fostering dialogues that challenge existing narratives is crucial. This can take many forms, such as public speaking events, panel discussions, and educational programs, all aimed at dissecting and dispelling the myths that surround Black masculinity. By sharing personal stories and professional successes, Black men can humanize their experiences and present themselves in the fullness of their complexity, which is often overlooked.

Showcasing the diversity within Black masculinity itself is another vital component. It is important to highlight that Black men are not a monolith; their identities and experiences vary widely influenced by factors such as geography, socio-economic status, education, and personal interests. Celebrating this diversity helps to broaden the understanding of what it means to be a Black man in America today, moving beyond the restrictive frameworks typically seen in popular media.

By leading these initiatives and participating in these conversations, Black men can effectively begin to reshape perceptions both within their own communities and in society at large. This not only fosters a greater sense of pride and identity among Black men themselves but also educates others, promoting a more inclusive and accurate understanding of the Black male experience. Thus, rewriting the narrative is not merely about changing how others see Black men but also about reinforcing how they see themselves— as diverse, dynamic, and indispensable contributors to the fabric of society.

To “Be The Change” is a phrase that captures the spirit of the principles of Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift that are fundamental to Omega Psi Phi. These are not just words but values that the Fraternity holds dear and seeks to live by. Being “The Change” involves taking action and leading by example, inspiring others to follow in our footsteps. It is about making a positive impact on the world around us and leaving a legacy of excellence for future generations to inherit. It is a commitment to living a life of purpose, striving for greatness, and constantly pushing ourselves to be better.

Brothers of the Talented Tenth District, let us rise and meet this challenge. Let us be diligent in our actions and intentional in our purpose. Our communities look to us to lead the way forward. Let’s change the narrative, be leaders and doers of His word. Let’s truly “Be The Change.”

Always in Friendship,

Bro. Sean T. Long

38th Tenth District Representative

2018 International Superior Service Awardee

2019 International Omega Man of The Year

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Brothers of the Talented Tenth,

Bro. Marquis D.P. Sagnia

First Vice Tenth District Representative

I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It is with great pride that I highlight some of the remarkable accomplishments of our District Committee Chairman and commend all of them for their efforts.

First and foremost, I want to express my deepest gratitude to the Fatherhood and Mentoring Committee for their dedication to engaging with our youth. Your commitment to guiding and shaping the next generation is truly inspiring. The History and Archives Committee deserves special recognition for their invaluable contributions in preserving the rich legacy of our District.

The Achievement Week Committee has consistently excelled in their programming efforts, shining a spotlight on our members and fostering a sense of community through their stellar work. Our Omega L.E.A.D. committee has taken on the monumental task of pioneering the first combined Omega operations and Leadership training, setting a new standard for excellence.

Furthermore, the S.T.E.M. and new Veterans Affairs Committees have laid a solid foundation for our future progress, while the Social Action and Civic and Community Affairs Committee have achieved record-breaking numbers in support of St. Jude and Conclave with a purpose. Our IT team and Production team continue to push boundaries and innovate, thinking outside the box to provide better solutions.

The Talent Hunt committee remains steadfast in their mission to elevate the arts within our organization, while the MSP committee has shown exceptional patience and drive in tackling the challenges of membership processes. From Convention & Arrangements to Credentials and Time & Place, your commitment to process has been invaluable in guiding our path forward.

Our Health Initiatives, Advisors, and BYOMM, Parliamentary training and efforts are unparalleled, and the words of encouragement from our Pastoral committee are truly uplifting. I offer my heartfelt congratulations on the incredible work you have all done this past year, for embodying the essence of being catalysts and agents of change that we so greatly need.

Thank you for your dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to the betterment of Omega and our District. Together, we will continue to strive for excellence and make a lasting impact in our community.

In service to Omega,

Bro. Marquis D.P. Sagnia

First Vice Tenth District Representative

e. 10thdistrictVDR@oppf.org | m. (248) 910-1603

Celebrating 27 Years of uninterrupted service to Omega!

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A Message from the DDPR

Greetings Brothers of the Talented Tenth District,

I greet you with sincere gratitude and appreciation for your continued support of the team and I in the office of Tenth District Public Relations. As director, the team has been eagered to work and provide the district with the resources and information needed to propel brothers, chapters, and the district forward. Since our last district level meeting, we have been working diligently communication through internal systems and updating protocols as well as working on some innovative programs. The Public Relations team is determined to showcase the Talented Tenth District

Our team consist of the following members:

Bro. Michael Durrett Sr., Director

Bro. Brandon White Bro. Jerome Nesbary Bro. David Rudolf

Bro. Dequincy Webster Bro. Dequincy Webster Bro. Shawon Harrison

Bro. Miles Phillips (UG) Bro. Drew Thomas (UG) Bro. Verian Patrick (UG)

Bro. Fred Saffold, III (Advisor)

Over the course of this term, we have submitted the follow works on the District and International level:


• Adhered to the duties and responsibilities outlined in the Tenth District Bylaws

• Received and delivered outcomes as instructed by the Tenth District Representative Bro. Sean T. Long

• Served the District and executed assigned duties at the 87th Tenth District Fall Council, October 5th -8th, 2023.

• Assisted in the planning of the 87th Tenth District Convention

• Development of marketing material for the Reclamation & Retention, Tenth District Fall Council, and Social Action Committees

• Managed social media, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, accounts for the Tenth District.

• Created process in which chapters can utilize the Tenth District Social media pages as a marketing platform.

• Collaborated with IT team to develop Ques News to highlight individual brothers’ accomplishments and chapter recognition and events.

• Created, published, and distributed the Tenth District Fall 2023 Quemmunicator


• Engaged in communication and meetings with International Editor to the Oracle.

• Created and communicated DPR Plan of Action for the 84 th Grand Conclave in relation to the Six Point Plan

• Submitted Tenth District chapters’ articles to the Editor to the Oracle for publication in the Spring 2023 Oracle

We are onboarding good, qualified brothers to our team. If you are willing to work, specifically in the areas of graphic design. Please, if interested, send an email to 10thdistrictdpr@oppf.org. Thank you for allowing me to serve the District in this capacity and I appreciate your continued support and uplift.

In service to Omega,

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Bro. Michael Durrett, Sr.

Greetings Brothers,

The 84th Tampa Conclave is fast approaching. I’m super excited to be a part of the ‘Conclave With A Purpose’ team. The Brothers in Tampa have been working hard to mitigate issues in the community and need Omega to stand with them during this time. Brother Grand, Ricky Lewis (affectionately known as GB42) has assembled a team ready to ensure your experience in Tampa will not only be exciting with activities but also meaningful with Social and Community vivacity geared to show Omega’s steadfast commitment to our communities.

The Social Action team will be providing actions geared to make a difference in Tampa, as well as provide a blueprint for how we attack International Conclaves in the future. The plan is designed to increasingly build on impactful community interaction prior to arrival in Tampa. These events will provide quantifiable data to be used in communities across the state. The direction given by our Grand Basileus was simply to leave a lasting imprint on Tampa and provide a blueprint to follow for future international meetings.

We believe the six-point plan that has been rolled out on several occasions does just that! The plan targets voting areas and focuses on getting citizens to the polls; sets a goal for collecting ban hooks and distribution before and during the Conclave; educates citizens during community forums on how, when, and what to do to combat issues; provides a plan on giving dollars back to black businesses in Tampa; and provides a chance for brothers and citizens alike to march for a common purpose during the Conclave. Omega Psi Phi is not sitting on its hands, the organization is actively meeting with leaders to assist in efforts prior to June 2024.


Jerome L. Nesbary 10th District History and Archives Chairman

In the solemn wake of brother Francis M. Dent’s passing in December 1964, poet/writer Eloise Crosby Culver penned a poignant poem, lamenting the loss of a man whose unrelenting spirit and unwavering dedication to the cause of civil rights left an invisible imprint on American history. In the body of the poem, you will find these coupled stanzas:

To the brilliant Court of Heaven

Came a traveler from afar,

To this realm of the celestial And approached the judgement bar.

Yet his step was unpretentious As he neared the judge supreme, As if dazzled by his presence –Like a sleeper in a dream

Francis Dent’s story began in Rome, Georgia on Feb. 19, 1894, the son of Thomas and Ella Dent. Both parents were college graduates. His father was one of the first graduates of Atlanta University and finished Howard University Law School in 1884. His mother was a graduate of Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. Francis Dent’s education included a high school diploma from M Street High School, Washington D.C. and a bachelor’s degree from Amherst College in 19161. While studying at Amherst his peers endeared him with the nickname “Freck”. Francis was well known around campus and not the least bit shy when it came to expressing his opinion. In 1915 during a showing of D.W. Griffiths “Birth of a Nation”, he stood before a captivated audience at Amherst and boldly denounced the overtly racist film as a false narrative3.

In April 1917, the United States entered World War I, providing an opportunity for African Americans to showcase their loyalty and patriotism in defense of their nation. This period marked a significant moment for the involvement of African Americans in the armed forces, not merely as soldiers, but as officers as well. It was during this period at the 17th Provisional Training Regiment at Fort Des Moines, Iowa that Francis Dent was initiated into The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity at its first established war chapter2. His biological brother, Thomas Dent Jr., initiated through Alpha chapter in 1916 also attended the officers’ training camp. They both served in France during the war, alongside numerous other members of the fraternity, including founders Frank Coleman and Edgar Love.

After the war, Dent moved to Detroit, a city filled with promise and opportunities for advancement. In 1923, he obtained his law degree from the Detroit College of Law and gained admission to the Michigan Bar. During that same year, he played a pivotal role as one of six chartering members of the Nu Omega chapter. Dent served as the chapter’s inaugural Keeper of Record, demonstrating his meticulous record-keeping skills. Many of his original files related to the fraternity

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are immaculately preserved at the Detroit public library, encompassing personal correspondence from family and friends, as well as communications from the fraternity’s international officers, including figures such as Walter H. Mazyck, Matthew Bullock, and Alexander Z. Looby, among others.

Dent’s legal acumen was primarily focused in the realm of civil rights, where he devoted himself to challenging the discriminatory covenants that systematically obstructed African Americans from acquiring homes in specific areas. In 1925, as a young attorney, Francis Dent witnessed a case of racial discrimination that erupted in Detroit, resulting in a highly publicized conflict leading to the death of a white citizen and the subsequent trial of eleven African Americans for his murder. This incident, famously known as the “Sweet” trials, centered around the primary defendant Ossian Sweet and garnered international attention. To this day, it remains a contentious issue in Detroit, despite the passing of all those involved. Dent’s legal skills led him to argue such cases before the Michigan Supreme Court on at least five occasions, culminating in a landmark victory in the United States Supreme Court in the 1948 case of Sipes v. McGhee.

Throughout his life, Francis Dent, a Life Member of the fraternity, demonstrated an unwavering commitment across all levels of the fraternity. He played an active role as the Keeper of Record, subsequently renamed the Keeper of Records and Seal for the Nu Omega Chapter, for numerous years. Notably, in 1932, he was appointed by Grand Basileus Lawrence A. Oxley as the first-ever 10th District Representative. In February 1949, his younger brother, Thomas Jr., was elected as the fraternity’s 12th District representative. From their shared experience of combat in the Aragon Forest during WWI to their leadership of the brothers within the 10th and 12th districts, it’s evident that the Dent brothers consistently inspired and supported each other.

On February 11, 1929, Attorney Walter H. Mazyck, the Grand Keeper of Records and Seal, expressed his delight at Francis Dent’s continued tenure in office in a letter he penned to his dear friend. The letter begins “Dear Freck,” a term reserved for acquaintances from Dent’s days at Amherst College and Fort Des Moines, Mazyck acknowledged Dent’s significant contributions to the fraternity in Detroit. Similarly, personal correspondence from Vice Grand Basileus Matthew Bullock also featured the same affectionate salutation. Beyond his professional and fraternal commitments, the exchanges between Dent, his wife, and daughter Grace reveal his devotion not only to his career and fraternity but also to his role as a devoted family man.

Francis Morse Dent’s extraordinary journey, deeply rooted in the values of education, perseverance, and service, is a testament to his profound impact on the legal community and the fraternity he so ardently loved and supported. His unwavering commitment to justice and equality, fueled by his profound experiences and convictions, formed the bedrock of his remarkable legal career. Dent’s tireless efforts in court, particularly in addressing discriminatory practices, encapsulate his unwavering dedication to uplifting and protecting his community. His contributions to the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, moving beyond mere membership to active leadership, reflect his enduring commitment to the principles of manhood, scholarship, perseverance, and uplift.

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In the solemn wake of brother Francis M Dent's passing in December 1964, poet/writer Eloise Crosby Culver penned a poignant poem, lamenting the loss of a man whose unrelenting spirit and unwavering dedication to the cause of civil rights left an invisible imprint on American history In the body of the poem, you will find these coupled stanzas: 10TH DISTRICT HISTORY & ARCHIVES “DEAR FRECK” T h e L i f e & T i m e s o f F r a n c i s M o r s e D e n t T h e Q u i e n t e s e n t i a l O m e g a M a n B y J e r o m e L N e s b a r y To the brilliant Court of Heaven Came a traveler from afar To this realm of the celestial And approached the judgement bar Yet his step was unpretentious As he neared the judge supreme As if dazzled by his presence –Like a sleeper in a dream And the judgement Yet his step was As he neared supreme As if by his presence Like sleeper in a dream

On the evening of December 4, 1964, Francis Morse Dent bid farewell to this world and joined Omega Chapter. His enduring legacy encapsulates the spirit of perseverance, advocacy, and empathy, shining as a beacon for those who seek to leave a meaningful impact on the world. Perhaps his wife expressed it most eloquently when she penned these words following his passing: “Impatient only with can’t and hypocrisy, he was long-suffering and of great goodness to those with whom he labored. Their problems were his, their sufferings he made his own, and their cares his only concern”. That day marked the loss of a remarkable figure, a luminary in the legal realm and fraternity, whose influence has transcended generations.

1. Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library

2. “The Great War”, Jonathan Matthews - International History and Archives Committee

3. Author Unknown. “Francis M. Dent.” The Twin City Star, Vol 7., no 16., 02 June 1917, pg.1

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10TH DISTRICT HISTORY & ARCHIVES Francis Dent’s story began in Rome, Georgia on Feb 19, 1894, the son of Thomas Marsha and Ella Dent Both parents were col ege graduates H s father was one of the first graduates of At anta Univers ty and finished Howard University Law School in 1884 H s mother was a graduate of Spelman Co lege in At anta, Georgia Francis Dent s educat on included a high school diploma from M Street High Schoo Washington D C and a bachelor s degree from Amherst College n 1916 While study ng at Amherst h s peers endeared him with the nickname “Freck” Francis was we l known around campus and not the east b t shy when it came to expressing his op n on In 1915 during a showing of D W Griffiths B rth of a Nation he stood before a capt vated audience at Amherst and boldly denounced the overt y racist fi m as a false narrative 1911 G d t g C M St In Apri 1917 the United States entered World War I prov ding an opportunity for African Americans to showcase the r oya ty and patriot sm n defense of their nat on This per od marked a s gnif cant moment for the involvement of African Amer cans n the armed forces not mere y as soldiers but as officers as wel It was during th s period at the 17th Provisional Tra ning Regiment at Fort Des Mo nes Iowa that Francis Dent was initiated into the Omega Ps Ph Fratern ty at ts f rst established war chapter His bio og cal brother Thomas Dent Jr init ated through Alpha chapter in 1916 also attended the officers training camp They both served in France during the war alongside numerous other members of the Omega Ps Phi Fraternity, inc ud ng founders Frank Co eman and Edgar Love Tags 10TH DISTRICT HISTORY & ARCHIVES After the war, Dent moved to Detro t a c ty filled with prom se and opportunities for advancement In 1923, he obtained his aw degree from the Detro t Co lege of Law and gained admiss on to the M ch gan Bar During that same year, he played a pivotal ro e as one of six chartering members of the Nu Omega chapter Dent served as the chapter s inaugural Keeper of Record demonstrat ng h s met culous record-keeping ski ls Many of his original f les related to the fraternity and his legal practice are immacu ately preserved at the Detro t publ c ibrary, encompassing personal correspondence from family and friends, as well as commun cat ons from the fraternity s international off cers including figures such as Walter H Mazyck, Matthew Bul ock, and A exander Z Looby, among others Nu Omega M e ng M nut s Ea y In 1923 Mazy k G K R S Bu k V Gra d Bas s 10TH DISTRICT HISTORY & ARCHIVES Dent s legal acumen was primarily focused in the realm of civil rights, where he devoted himself to challenging the discriminatory covenants that systematically obstructed African Americans from acquiring homes in spec fic areas In 1925 as a young attorney Franc s Dent witnessed a case of racial discrimination that erupted in Detroit, resulting in a highly pub ic zed conflict eading to the death of a white citizen and the subsequent trial of eleven African Americans for his murder This incident famously known as the Sweet trials, centered around the primary defendant Oss an Sweet and garnered internationa attention To this day, it remains a contentious issue in Detroit, despite the passing of all those involved Dent s legal skills led him to argue such cases before the M chigan Supreme Court on at least five occasions, culminating in a landmark victory in the United States Supreme Court in the 1948 case of Sipes v McGhee Throughout h s life Francis Dent a Life Member of the fraternity demonstrated an unwaver ng commitment across all evels of the fraternity He played an active role as the Keeper of Seal subsequently renamed the Keeper of Records and Seal for the Nu Omega Chapter, for numerous years Notably, n 1932, he was appointed by Grand Basi eus Lawrence A Oxley as the first-ever 10th District Representative In February 1949, his younger brother, Thomas Jr , was elected as the fraternity’s 12th District representative From their shared experience of combat in the Aragon Forest during WWI to their leadership of the brothers within the 10th and 12th d stricts t s evident that the Dent brothers consistently nspired and supported each other 10TH DISTRICT HISTORY & ARCHIVES On February 11 1929 Attorney Walter H Mazyck the Grand Keeper of Records and Sea , expressed h s delight at Franc s Dent s continued tenure in off ce n a etter he penned to his dear friend The etter begins Dear Freck a term reserved for acqua ntances from Dent s days at Amherst Co lege and Fort Des Mo nes Mazyck acknowledged Dent s s gn ficant contributions to the fratern ty in Detro t S mi ar y, personal correspondence from Vice Grand Bas leus Matthew Bullock also eatured the same affectionate salutation Beyond h s professiona and fraternal commitments the exchanges between Dent his w fe and daughter Grace reveal his devotion not only to h s career and fratern ty but also to h s ro e as a devoted fam ly man Francis Morse Dent s extraord nary journey deeply rooted in the va ues of educat on, perseverance and service, s a testament to h s profound impact on the egal commun ty and the fraternity he so ardent y oved and supported H s unwavering comm tment to justice and equa ity fueled by h s profound experiences and conv ctions formed the bedrock of his remarkable egal career Dent s t reless ef orts in court part cularly in addressing discrim natory practices encapsu ate his unwaver ng dedication to up ifting and protect ng his community H s contributions to the Omega Psi Phi Fratern ty mov ng beyond mere membership to act ve leadersh p reflect his enduring commitment to the princ p es o manhood scho arsh p, perseverance and upl ft D t t T b S d J y 22 1961 10TH DISTRICT HISTORY & ARCHIVES On the evening of December 4 1964, Francis Morse Dent bid farewell to this world and joined Omega Chapter H s endur ng legacy encapsulates the sp rit of perseverance, advocacy and empathy, shining as a beacon for those who seek to eave a meaningful mpact on the wor d Perhaps his wife expressed it most eloquently when she penned these words following his passing “Impat ent on y w th can’t and hypocrisy, he was long-suffer ng and of great goodness to those with whom he abored Their prob ems were his, their sufferings he made his own, and their cares h s on y concern” That day marked the oss of a remarkab e figure a luminary n the lega realm and fraternity whose influence has transcended generations A R C H I V E S
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Mazyck letter Feb ‘29 Francis M. Dent LM # 35 Dent’s Dog Tags
Francis M
Dent Landmark
Court Case In Detroit M Street Roster 1911



For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be an Omega man. The seed was planted in my head, at nine years old, on a scorching hot summer day in Houston, Texas. My father told me to run in the house and grab one of his t-shirts to use as we were doing some yard work. When I went into his dresser drawer, I stumbled upon a purple shirt adorned with the distinctive Greek letters of Omega Psi Phi. When I put it on and ran outside, the look on my father’s face went from serene to incredulousness. I quickly heard, “Boy, take that shirt off right now!” I didn’t get a chance

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Bro.Kennan Oliphant

to as with the speed of lightning, I was bare chested, and the shirt was in his hands. Little did I know that chance encounter would ignite a lifelong curiosity and desire to understand the significance of this fraternity in my family’s legacy.

Growing up, I saw my father Lee E. Oliphant work and rise through the ranks of Ford Motor Company. I saw the way he took care of our family and the volunteering he did with the black community. I looked up to him and wanted to be just like him. I learned my dad crossed into the Nu Omega Chapter in 1976 and that it was my grandfather who asked him if he wanted to be a man of Omega.

My grandfather, Samuel T. Curry, and the patriarch of my family, was a man of integrity and God. Like my father, he too exemplified everything my father did as a family man. My grandfather crossed into Omega at Gamma Sigma chapter in 1941. Soon after crossing, he went and fought in World War II, came home, moved to Detroit, and got married and had a family. My grandfather, who engineered our family’s blueprint, became the first black head of electrical engineering for the state of Michigan. He entered Omega chapter in April of 2000.

Two years before his death, I was humbled cross those burning sands through the Phi Iota graduate chapter in Phoenix, Arizona as an undergrad at Northern Arizona University in 1998. I went to NAU with the sole focus of getting my education and to become a Que. In 2000, I graduated with a degree in Broadcast Journalism/

Electronic Media. After a couple of years of failure of trying to work for a commercial television station as a journalist, I finally got my start as a writer at WDIV Local 4 in Detroit, MI. That catapulted me to my on-air career as a reporter/ anchor in the Monroe, Louisiana, Evansville, Indiana, and the Dayton, Ohio television markets. In Dayton, I rose to the rank of chief investigative reporter/weekend anchor.

Wanting to make more decisions and help other African American journalists, I stepped away from the camera and went behind the scenes into management. I made more moves to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina as an Executive Producer for WMBF News, Jackson, Mississippi as an Assistant News Director for WLBT-TV, Memphis, Tennessee as the manager of coverage and content for FOX13, Cincinnati, Ohio as the Senior manager of Broadcast for WCPO 9, and finally back home to Detroit where I’m now the Senior Director of News for WXYZ 7 Action News.


To make it to the “News Director” chair has been a long and arduous journey. It’s a coveted position because it holds so much power in terms of shaping news coverage for hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people. As a matter of perspective, there are 212 television markets in the United States. Each market averages three television news stations per market. That’s about 636 television stations from coast to coast. Of those 636 TV newsrooms, roughly 30 men and women of color are news directors. As of this writing, only two black news directors are members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. I’m the only black male in a top 20, major market newsroom leading daily news coverage. The bar is high as I’ve been nominated 7 times and won 6 Emmy awards, won 2 Edward R. Murrow Awards, was a finalist for the prestigious duPont-Columbia Journalism Awards, and have won first place in multiple Associated Press and Society of Professional Journalism awards.

Friendship is Essential to the Soul! When I look back on the journey, and as I look ahead to the miles I still have to go, I couldn’t have had the success I’ve had without the friendship of the Ques I’ve met in every stop along the way. Now that I’m back home in Detroit, I look forward to amplifying the stories of our community and highlighting the works of my chapter, Tau Kappa Kappa in Southfield.

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NU pi


Nu Pi entered Achievement Week with a renewed spirit to continue building bridges with our surrounding communities. Nu Pi began Achievement Week with worship service at Greater Pleasant Green MBC where our brother, Reverend Joseph Coney (Nu Pi 2006) gave an inspirational sermon to keep the brothers enthusiastic about the week. Senior bingo night was again well received by the residents of Kensington Place Rehab and Nursing Center in Chicago. This year Nu Pi has adopted Chicago Tech High School in Chicago as its permanent site for our mentoring program. The young men are now mentored to on a consistent basis to assist as they progress through their high school careers. Nu Pi conducted a Read Aloud at our adopted grammar school, Carl Sandburg Elementary in Joliet Illinois. The brothers spent time reading books and hanging out with the children. Special recognition should be given to our Brother Fred Banks (Nu Pi 2010) who for 13 years now has hosted a Founders’ Breakfast in which brothers from far and wide report to his home for a home cooked meal and one of the most magnanimous showings of fellowship and friendship is displayed. We ended Achievement Week celebrating with the chapters of the Chicagoland Area Founders’ Day at the Visions Entertainment Center in Chicago. A great time was had by all.

The 2023 holiday season Nu Pi partnered with Pastor Wendell Martin and the Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church to provide turkeys, supplies for Thanksgiving cooking and hand packed meals to the citizens of the surrounding Joliet, IL area. We continued our collaborative efforts with women of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, INC. Partnering with the JASSAC Chapter to host AIDS Awareness and Christmas Giveaway. The brothers of Nu Pi were on hand to assist with assembling well over a hundred bikes and toys for their charitable effort. Carl Sandburg Elementary School in Joliet, IL. It was overwhelming to see the joy on the children’s faces when they were able to choose a gift of their liking. The social action committee continued the holiday giving in great fashion with providing several “returning citizens” on the road to recovery with essential items by way of our “Recovery Home Gift Giving Initiative” in Phoenix, IL. Thanks to our efforts the “returning citizens” were given much needed hygiene and clothing items to help them get off to a great start to reacclimating to society. Our 2023 initiates took on the task of planning, gathering, and distributing the items. Our social

action committee initiated a Fundrive where we gathered used clothing and household items for the less fortunate. This effort also allowed us to raise funds for our charitable and scholarship efforts.

Continuing the Coleman Love effort with the CMAC Chapter. We conducted our 4th Annual “It Takes a Village” Community Baby Shower at the New Moms Center in Chicago, IL. We were able to provide formula, baby clothing and care items and household goods for the young mothers living in the facility. New MOMS Inc. is a nonprofit which provides housing, job training, educational and familial support to young mothers.

Black History Month gave Nu Pi various opportunities to represent the excellence of this illustrious fraternity. Nu Pi made appearances at local area schools in Chicago and Harvey Illinois for their end of the month

Black History programs. The brethren gave the students a brief history of the Fraternity and why it was important our Founders created this great fraternity. They also gave some insight to college life on HBCU and PBI/PWI campuses and the experiences and importance of receiving a college education. And it goes without saying Da Bruhz put on mini hop shows to keep the students enthused in the programs. Nu Pi had the distinct honor of representing the Fraternity and the 10th District along side the 38th District Representative, Bro Sean Long, at the Bulls scheduled Black History Month Game in which all member organizations of the National PanHellenic Council were invited to participate in pre-game events and perform in the half-time show. Needless to say, this put Nu Pi in high spirits as we prepare to celebrate our 50th Golden Anniversary. Nu Pi Graduate Chapter was chartered March 9, 1974, in Joliet, IL under the auspices of 15 undergraduate members who lived in the Joliet area and saw a need to service the community and move forward with the mission of Omega. Nu Pi is currently planning a 50th Anniversary Gala date and time will be forthcoming. Our departed Brother Perron M. Thurston “BuQwild” 5-Nu Pi-2009 was memorialized and received into Omega Chapter at the Joint Omega Memorial Service. We continue to cherish his deeds and the spirit he brought wherever he went. Rest easy, Rest well Brother Perron.

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n November 16, 2023, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. welcomed its newest member, Brother Todd A. Burt II. Brother Burt II was initiated at Eta Epsilon chapter at Miles College in Fairfield, Alabama along with 15 of his line Brothers. Brother Burt II is the 19th member of his family to be initiated into Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. The Burt family spans seven decades of tried and true Brothers across multiple districts. These Brothers collectively represent the 4th, 5th, 7th, and 10th Districts. Brother Todd A. Burt II is the son of Brother Todd A. Burt, Sr. 8, Sigma Omega chapter, Spring 1990. As father and son, they are the 5th legacy in their family.

List of Brothers from 1935 – Present Day.




ETA 1965


ETA 1966






SIGMA 1983




IOTA 1987






TAU PI 2005 | Legacy: Randall Burt






MU XI 2013


KAPPA BETA 2021 | Legacy: Dennis “DA” Anderson (Burt)


IOTA PI 2021 | Legacy: Walter L. Burt, Ph.D.




PSI MU MU 2022 | Legacy: Sherman A Burt


ETA EPSILON 2023 | Legacy: Todd A. Burt, Sr.

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OMEGA Written by: Bro. Wade Watson

Chicago, IL – The PMM Brothers did a full day of service in three (3) different locations across the Chicago area on Tuesday Nov14, 2023. The morning crew showed up at Duke Ellington School on the West Side to talk to the youth about their careers in the class rooms, and to all young Black males in the library about how to survive out here by making good choices in life. “When I was coming up in school I didn’t have positive professional Black males coming in to talk to us, so this is a sight to see”, said Bro Bryan Morrison to the youth.

A few other Brothers did similar work in the afternoon out in the South Suburbs at the Kindercare Learning Center and way out in the West Suburbs (St. Charles) in the evening at Fox Valley Christian Center. A Triple Threat Full Day of Service by PMM Chapter during Achievement Week 2023 where Bro Thad Wright is the Achievement Week Chair.

On Saturday February 10th at the Chicago Food Bank, we had a great me at this event with the Brothers that volunteered with the other D9 Organizations. This was the second year of this event and had great success. Thank you to Brothers Grayson, Glenn and Morrison and four Brothers from RGG that were also in attendance. What we accomplished: Pasta, 3336lbs- Omega’s produced 69 boxes, Delta’s 70 boxes Bread, 7308lbs- Zeta’s produced 390 boxes, Alpha’s/Kappa’s- 330 boxes Apples, 15, 808lbs- Sigma’s produced 112 boxes, SG Rho’s produced 107 boxes, AKA’s produced 98 boxes, Alphas- 97 boxes

This will be the first and last me they exceed in anything we do!!!!

Next year, PMM will come out in force and take up all 15 slots available.

On Nov. 18, 2023 Rho Mu Mu Brothers helped serve Thanksgiving lunch to Seniors and Veterans in our community of nearly 300 lunches at Collins H.S. Several local politicians helped made this event a success as well to help make the holiday happy.



In December 2023, Theta Nu Chapter successfully conducted its fourth consecutive Holiday Gift Giving Program. Every year, as the holidays approach, families across the nation and around the world gather to celebrate with festive decorations, holiday family dinners, and often with a bounty of gifts. It’s easy for many of us to forget that during these festive times it is a fact that there are many families in our communities that are struggling just to put food on the table. This is the case with many families in Muskegon and Muskegon Heights, Michigan, where Theta Nu Chapter is located .

Several years ago, the brothers of Theta Nu Chapter recognized the need to provide holiday gifts to Muskegon area families who are in need. Due to a variety of reasons, many of which are beyond the control of families, some families find themselves without the ability to have and share gifts during the holiday season. Theta Nu Chapter partners with the local school districts to identify families that are deserving of their support during the holidays. Members of Theta Nu Chapter shop for gifts for the family members, especially the children, to provide gifts to brighten the spirits of the children and encourage them to do well in school and be good citizens in the community.

The members of Theta Nu Chapter are grateful for the community support received to continue with this worthwhile endeavor. As Omega Men, the brothers of Theta Nu Chapter continue to strive to be of service and provide uplift to the Muskegon area community. Theta Nu Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, was chartered in Muskegon Heights, Michigan on December 20, 1969.


Omega’s Art Odyssey: Uniting Community Through Creativity and Charity

Brother William Matthews, from the Tau Kappa Kappa chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated, orchestrated a remarkable event uniting art, community, and philanthropy. The inaugural art auction he spearheaded was a resounding success.

With 200 attendees filling the venue, anticipation ran high as bids soared to $1000 for select pieces among the 60 artworks on display. The diversity of art styles ensured something for every taste, complemented by a captivating performance from the Spain Middle School Silver Stars.

Brother Daniel Pierson’s designer candles added an extra touch of elegance to the event, delighting attendees. Adding to the evening’s significance was the Lambda Pi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.’s generous $1000 donation to the Southeastern Michigan Omega Foundation Incorporated (SMOFI), further amplifying the impact of the event.

Beyond the excitement and entertainment, the auction’s true significance lay in its charitable purpose. Proceeds, combined with donations, will support local community initiatives, showcasing Brother Matthews’ commitment to making a positive difference.

In conclusion, Brother William Matthews’ leadership and dedication were instrumental in the success of the inaugural art auction. This event, bringing together art lovers, performers, and philanthropists, stands as a testament to unity, creativity, and community spirit.

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The Rho Gamma Gamma Omega Y.E.S. Mentoring Program has been an uplifting force to young African American males in the Morgan Park Neighborhood in the City of Chicago. Since the beginning of our new 2024 mentoring cycle, Omega Y.E.S. Mentors have been working hard to teach, guide, and influence young Black males to be successful by making the correct life choices. As our 10th District Representative Brother Sean Long says, we want our young Black males to “Be the Change”.

In one session of Omega Y.E.S., mentors conducted a College Readiness session with mentees that focused on the attributes needed to be successful in college. Mentors discussed how to dress, how to act, how to study, how to communicate, and how to adjust to your surroundings when in college. Brothers taught the mentees how to tie a tie to look professional during college interviews. Omega Y.E.S. Chairman, Brother Chris Burney invited our past mentees, who are now Freshmen at their respective colleges, to talk with current Omega Y.E.S. mentees via Zoom about their college experiences. They spoke on how the Omega Y.E.S. Program helped to prepare them for what was to come, and how their mentors continue to check in and support them.

That session led to the next session in which Omega Y.E.S. in partnership with Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Door Neighborhood held a Resume Writing Workshop at the Blue Door Neighborhood Center in the Morgan Park Community of Chicago. Professional resume writers were

on hand to teach, assist, and advise the Omega Y.E.S. mentees on how to write a resume using their previous work, educational, and volunteer experiences. Again, mentees learned how to conduct themselves in a professional manner.

Omega Y.E.S. mentors participated in a different session at Drake Elementary School in Chicago at their “Doughnut’s for Dad’s Day” where they spoke to over 50 fathers of the students at the school. The theme and purpose of the presentation was “Stepping into your role” as a father and overcoming the challenges that stand in our way. Mentors reiterated how our children mimic what they see their father do, (both good and bad) and how to make those adjustments as adults. It was another outstanding session as Brothers mentored fathers on how to be a positive father figure in their children’s lives.

Omega Y.E.S. continued its strong curriculum by having another session for mentees that discussed their selfconfidence and self-esteem. Brother Warren Cottrell discussed with the mentees, “If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started.” Brother Brian A. Collier also talked to mentees about how much they should value and appreciate themselves. He facilitated an exercise where he had the mentees cut out positive images of Black men and had them to paste those images on their own poster board. Brother Collier states, “We hear daily what the world thinks about us. I use this exercise to have our young Black men to be proud of themselves and to don’t let the world tell them otherwise.”

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In another partnership with the Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Door Neighborhood Center, the Omega Y.E.S. Mentoring Program hosted a Free Application for Federal Student Aid [FAFSA] workshop for the Omega Y.E.S. mentees, their parents, and any other students and family who wanted to know more about the FAFSA process. Our own Rho Gamma Gamma Brother Maceo Rainey, who is currently the Vice-President of Social Innovation & Strategic Partnerships at United Way Northwest Indiana states that, “African American families generally have lower assets and incomes that limit their ability to contribute towards college expenses. We need to teach our youth and their families how to apply for scholarships and financial aid.” Brother Rainey went up to each and every young adult, shook their hand, and asked what their long-term goals of education were. After a 20-minute discussion on goal setting, Brother Rainey discussed the difference between scholarships, grants, and other financial aid items, taught the process of completing a FAFSA, and lectured about several different ways our young adults not only can enter college, but also how to continue with the college education process and graduate with a college degree on time. About 30 students and parents attended Brother Rainey’s FAFSA presentation and all gave outstanding feed-back.

As our Rho Gamma Gamma STEM Committee Chair Brother Michael Brewer states, “We cannot continue to let our young Black men and women fall behind in their education because we as a people do not stress and teach the importance of science, technology, engineering, and math. For our youth to get into the careers with the high paying salaries, they are going to need to get fully exposed and immersed in STEM.” The Omega Y.E.S. Mentoring Program had the honor of participating in a major STEM event -- the MxD Learn High School Program. This innovative project-based learning initiative leverages students’ individual interests to explore cutting-edge technologies, entrepreneurship, and potential career paths. During the program, students identified a real-world problem and devised a concept

for a hardware product that addresses the issue. Our group had the exciting opportunity to witness the manufacturing process in real-time during a site visit. Subsequently, the team was tasked with building a business model around their product idea. Finally, the team pitched their product concept to a panel of business representatives from the Digital Manufacturing & Cybersecurity Institute (MxD) in a dynamic ‘shark-tank’ style setting. Their product was a pair of digitally enhancing glasses to allow people who are “legally blind” to see, read, and visually comprehend better. This product had a major meaning and aspiration for our mentees as one of their mentee teammates in the group has a major visual impairment. For our mentees to think of a product that would directly help one of their own is a direct testament of the Omega Y.E.S. mission of building unity and uplift to our young Black men. The impact of our mentees’ initial pitch was so impressive that they were invited to represent MxD in a subsequent event—the Emerging Technology Product Pitch held 3 week later. This event was sponsored by a consortium of strategic partners from diverse manufacturing sectors, including digital manufacturing, cybersecurity, biopharmaceuticals, photonics, and flexible hybrid electronics. It provided yet another valuable platform for our mentees to showcase their ideas and engage with a distinguished panel. Sponsors of the Emerging Technology Product Pitch were fully delighted and thoroughly impressed with our mentees’ presentation. As Brother Brewer states, “STEM is the future of our Black youth, and we must continue to guide them to STEM so they can be successful.” Young adults are better planning for their futures and becoming more confident in their future educational goals because of the Rho Gamma Gamma Omega Y.E.S Mentoring Program.

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The Memorial Service, our mandated program, is a significant event celebrated each year on March 12th. It’s a solemn service to honor the memory of the members who have entered the Omega Chapter. When it’s not feasible to conduct the service on the 12th, it can be conducted within a reasonable span of time, close to March 12th. Throughout the Tenth District, chapters unite to conduct the Joint Omega Worship & Memorial Service (JOMS) as we strive for the broadest participation of Brothers in their respective regions. In this public service, we extend our invitation to the families of our departed brothers as we memorialize our brother and his commitment to Omega. This gesture, a testament to the fraternity’s care for the families, reaffirms that F.I.E.T.T.S. is still in effect, and we value our eternal bond with our brothers and their families.

The Tenth District is proud to have established a template for the Fraternity as other Chapters throughout the country conduct JOMS. Kudos to Indiana, Chicagoland, Southern Illinois, and Michigan, which hosted JOMS this year. Our Grand Chaplain, Bro. Roi Johnson was the guest speaker for Chicagoland and Michigan JOMS and Brothers formed the celestial voices for the ministry of music under the direction of Bro. Vince Davis, Rho Mu Mu, Chicagoland, and Bro. LaShawn Gary, Nu Omega, Michigan. All gathered enjoyed a glorious worship experience, followed by a delicious reception. The following Brothers are congratulated as chairs and their respective committees for their


Bro. Dr. Leverette Bryant, Chair, Chicagoland JOMS (Iota, Sigma Omega, Rho Tau, Alpha Chi, Mu Xi, Rho Gamma Gamma, Chi Lambda Lambda, Rho Mu Mun, Omicron Mu

Mu, Theta Kappa Kappa, and Alpha Kappa Kappa)

Bro. Kenneth Johnson, Chair, Southern Illinois JOMS ( Nu Chi, Omega Nu, Tau Gamma, and Tau Upsilon)

Bro. Jefferey Harrold, Michigan State Chaplain, Chair, Southeastern Michigan JOMS (Nu Omega, Sigma Rho, Omicron Alpha Alpha, Tau Kappa Kappa, Rho Mu Nu, and Tau Mu Nu)

Bro. Anthony Simmons and Bro. Dr. Ivan Hicks, Co-Chairs, Indiana State Memorial Service (Zeta Phi, Alpha Chi, Chi Sigma, Upsilon Beta, Phi Mu Nu, Nu Mu Nu, Upsilon Kappa Kappa, Nu Alpha Alpha).

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Written By: District Chaplain, Bro. Rev. Richard C. Keller, Jr.



n Sunday March 17, 2024, over 120 Men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. assembled for the 2024 Southeast Michigan Joint Omega Memorial Service (JOMS). This years’ service was held at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church in Detroit Michigan, where our dear brother, the Rev. Dr. Charles Gilchrist Adams, who transitioned this past year, pastored for 50 years. The current Pastor is his son, Rev. Charles Christian Adams.

Brothers and family members from the six graduate chapters from across Southeast Michigan- Omicron Alpha Alpha (Pontiac), Nu Omega (Detroit), Rho Mu Nu (Canton), Sigma Rho (Ann Arbor), Tau Kappa Kappa (Southfield), and Tau Mu Nu (Macomb County)- gathered to pay respects to the brothers who have entered Omega Chapter over the past year. Grand Chaplain Bro. Roi Johnson was the speaker, and he delivered a powerful and dynamic message. Bro. LaShawn Gary (Nu Omega) and the Omega Chorale provided music that stirred the soul. Family members of the departed brothers were invited to attend and were presented with and engraved bible during the service. One family member commented, “The entire service was beautiful, and the choir did an extraordinary job.”

The JOMS is our time to pay our respects by honoring our dearly departed brothers. We take a moment to thank God for them and the families that shared them with us, and to reflect on their legacy and the impact they’ve had on the world.

The JOMS committee consisted of the following brothers:

Basileus Emil Abner and Chaplain Coley Gracey (Omicron Alpha Alpha); Basileus Chad Rhodes and Chaplain Bishop Victor Sharpe (Nu Omega), Basileus John Tipton and Chaplain Edwin Davis (Rho MU Nu), Basileus Jermareo McDaniel and Chaplain Rev. Jeffery D. Harrold-JOMS Committee Chair and Michigan State Chaplain (Sigma Rho), Basileus Ruben Fowlkes and Chaplain Darryl Davis (Tau Kappa Kappa), Basileus David Forney and Chaplain Lynn Sanders (Tau Mu Nu), Tenth District Pastoral Committee Chair Rev. Marcus Hillie (Nu Omega) and 34th Tenth District Representative Arnold Simmons (Nu Omega).

Bro. Rev. Richard Keller, Tenth District Chaplain, also helped make the service a success. Bro. Mario Hall (Nu Omega), owner of HallStarz Business Center in Detroit, provided the printing for the event, Bro. Dana Greene, Sr. produced the digital flyer, and Bro. Marsialle Arbuckle (Nu Omega) served as the liaison with the church.

Written By: Bro.

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During our Centennial Anniversary, the Nu Omega chapter engaged in amomentous series of “Achievement Week” events. We enjoyed a fulfilling week that included faith, fellowship, and fraternal love. We bore witness to what can happen when barriers are broken for the betterment of the fraternity as seasoned Brothers worked hand in hand with younger Brothers to move Nu Omega Chapter forward. We began our week on one accord and under the umbrella of the Supreme Basileus of the Universe with worship service at Messiah Baptist Church on Sunday. We were served spiritual food and were set on our course for the rest of the week.

Brother Daryl Shackelford presented the Nu Omega Support Group as our Monday gathering space. As always, these moments of safe space are critical to our mental well-being. The Brothers on the call were treated to great conversations that lent themselves to closer bonds of Friendship. Tuesday, November 14, 2023, was a milestone day for many of us, as we stepped out of the proverbial boat and into uncharted territory. The men of Nu Omega moved from the freedom of the streets and walked behind jailhouse walls; all the while, giving of themselves for the Uplift of men whose decisions have placed them in precarious situations. Under the leadership of Bro. Sheriff Raphael Washington, Nu Omega entered the Wayne County Jail, sharing words of encouragement and providing resources to the men incarcerated behind the walls as they prepare for reintegration into society.

On Wednesday evening, the committee hosted a talk-show-style zoom event labeled, “A Conversation with the New Administration”. Brother Basileus Rhodes and Brother ViceBasileus Graham succinctly fielded questions from the host as well as from the brothers on the call.

On Thursday, the men of Nu Omega descended upon the site of our mentoring program, Durfee Innovation Society. There, the brothers continued in their engagement with the youth of Detroit as we remain resolute in sowing seeds into the lives of the select young men. The Brothers of Nu Omega guided the youth of the program in preparing Thanksgiving baskets to assist others in their time of need in the surrounding community.

The chapter rounded out the week with a celebratory virtual toast on the day that all loyal sons of Omega Psi Phi hold most dear; November 17th. Though circumstances, yet again, preclude us from full-scale, in-person gatherings, the Brothers of Nu Omega were able to connect virtually with a toast to 112 years of strong service to humanity.

The Nu Omega Centennial Gala proved to be a successful event which was attended by our 42nd Grand Basileus Ricky L. Lewis, 38th Tenth District Representative Sean T. Long, and a host of dignitaries. It was a formal event held on Saturday, September 16, 2023 at the Motor City Convention Center Ballroom in Detroit, Michigan.

100 Years CentennialAchievement Week

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The 10th District Brother You’re on My Mind (BYOMM) Mental Health Committee collaborated with The National Black Men in Unions (BMIU) Conference and The University of Michigan Dearborn Center for Labor and Community Studies to Provide Mental Health Training from February 8th through 11th 2024. The Conference is an annual event that provides certified training in several areas for American Federation of Labor and Congress of International Organizations (AFL-CIO) leadership from across the country. The 10th District BYOMM Committee’s mission is to help change the dialogue on African American Men and Mental Health through raising the awareness of Brothers, their families and to collaborate with the communities that we serve.

Brother Dr Ural H Hill, Chairman of the 10th District BYOMM Committee and Brother Kevin Scott, (TKK) Secretary of the Committee provided two days (8 hours) of training to 40 students in Mental Health Balance in the Workplace. Then on Sunday Brothers Hill, Scott and Kendall Sherman (TKK) presented on Black Men’s Health in the BMIU closing plenary session with 400 in attendance. This Collaboration was a rousing success showing just how valuable shred versions of the vision of Black Community Uplift moves our people along the continuum of success. We believe that our Founding Fathers Cooper, Coleman, Love and Just would be proud of our effort. We plan to continue this effort and have been invited back annually to continue to educate our people about the value of mental health access and services in our community.

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Bro. Reverend Dr
Written By:

Celebrating 70 Years of Impact: Alpha Chi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi’s Milestone Anniversary

The Alpha Chi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, based in Gary, Indiana, recently marked a significant milestone as it celebrated its 70th anniversary on November 18, 2023. The theme for the event, “70 Years of Improving The Quality of Life of the Communities That We Serve, Past, Present, and Future,” resonated throughout the evening, reflecting the fraternity’s enduring commitment to community service and empowerment.

Founded on July 7, 1953, the Alpha Chi Chapter has been a pillar in the Gary community, fostering positive change and leaving an indelible mark on the lives of its residents. The 70th-anniversary celebration, held at the Chateau Banquets Hall in Merriville, IN, was a momentous occasion attended by nearly 200 people, including fraternity members, community leaders, and supporters.

Bro. Nathan Shaw and Bro. Daryl James, the dedicated committee chairmen, played pivotal roles in orchestrating the event, ensuring that it paid tribute to the rich history of the Alpha Chi Chapter. Under the leadership of Basileus Bro. Scott Sloan, the chapter has continued to uphold its core values, making a lasting impact on the communities it serves.

The highlight of the evening was the presence of the 38th Tenth District Representative, Sean Long, who served as the keynote speaker. Mr. Long’s inspiring address focused on the fraternity’s legacy of service and its ongoing commitment to improving the quality of life for all. The executive council accompanying Bro. Long added to the prestigious atmosphere of the event, showcasing the fraternity’s district leadership and dedication to its mission.

Throughout the evening, attendees paid homage to the charter members whose vision and dedication laid the foundation for the chapter’s success over the past seven decades. The celebration underscored the fraternity’s evolution, recognizing its achievements and milestones while reaffirming its commitment to future endeavors.

The event also placed a spotlight on the Alpha Chi Chapter’s engagement with local youth and community members. By showcasing the positive influence the fraternity has had on individuals and neighborhoods, the celebration highlighted the ongoing impact of its initiatives. From mentorship programs to community development projects, the Alpha Chi Chapter continues to be a driving force for positive change.

As Basileus Sloan noted during the event, “Our 70th anniversary is not just a reflection of our past achievements, but a commitment to the future. We are dedicated to ensuring that the next 70 years are marked by even greater strides in improving the quality of life for those we serve.”

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The Omega Nu Chapter was very active throughout central Illinois during black history month. The month started by visiting various elementary, middle, and high schools in Springfield, IL to educate the students about Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.’s impact on black history on a national and local level. Omega Nu Chapter’s impact includes the first African American administrator in Springfield Public School District 186, the first African American physician admitted into the Sangamon County Medical Society in 1949, and the first African American U.S. Attorney for the Central District of Illinois just to name a few brothers.

The chapter was then invited to participate in a round table discussion with the Lieutenant Governor of Illinois Juliana Stratton to discuss how the state government of Illinois can assist the chapter with its community engagement initiatives using little-known resources and the direct involvement of the Lieutenant Governor’s office. Lt. Gov. Stratton was pleased to learn of all that we do to serve the Springfield, IL community and looked forward to assisting in future endeavors.

Finally, Omega Nu along with the other Divine 9 graduate chapter organizations in Springfield were invited to participate in Illinois College’s black history month program that showcased black Greek letter organizations to the Jacksonville, IL community. This event allowed our chapter to discuss its history as well as the history of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., and field questions from the community. Illinois College does not have any black Greek letter organizations on their campus and this event served to gauge the interest of having organizations like these on the campus. Omega Nu was advised by many of the staff members of the high interest in Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. on the campus and they hoped to one day be fortunate to have a chapter on their campus.

This black history month saw the Omega Nu Chapter in many areas of Central Illinois continuing the vision of Bro. Carter G. Woodson. We set forth to educate the public about Omega Nu’s impact on the local black history while forging new relationships to reach even more people in a broader scope.

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Achievement Week

Sigma Upsilon successfully celebrated our mandated program of Achievement Week. We started off the week with worshipping at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church. Spent the work week in the Lansing School District talking to kids of all ages about careers along with reading to the elementary kids at Riddle Elementary School. We had our private fellowship celebration on Friday November 17th (Founder’s Day).

Saturday was our main event our annual harvest ball. Here we recognized our own Omega men who have served Omega and the community over the past year. Bro. Micheal Daniels Flemings (Undergraduate Advisor Award) Bro. Jabarry Smith (BG Charles Young Military Leadership Award), Bro Steve Lonzo (Omega Man of Year Award) Mrs. RaShane Lonzo (Citizen of the year Award), Bro Melvin Farmer (Life Time Membership Award) and Bros. Aqeel Ash-Schoor and Steve Harris (Superior Service Award). This was a many of 1st for the chapter. We gave out the Undergraduate, BG Young Award along with giving the Citizen of the year an award to a woman.



Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Mentors Inspire Young Minds through Reading at Sieden Prairie Elementary School In the vibrant community of Matteson, Illinois, a powerful initiative is underway to inspire and uplift the next generation of leaders. Members of Chi Lambda Lambda, have taken on the role of mentors, dedicating their time to read books to school children in grades K-5 at Sieden Prairie Elementary School. This heartwarming and impactful endeavor not only fosters a love for reading but also establishes positive role models for young minds to look up to. The mentors from the Chapter recognize the profound impact that reading can have on a child’s cognitive development, language skills, and overall academic success. By reading books to students in grades K-5, these mentors aim to instill a love for reading from an early age, fostering a cheerful outlook towards learning that can last a lifetime.

The chosen elementary school, Sieden Prairie, is at the center of this transformation, benefiting from the fraternity’s commitment to educational excellence. Representation matters, and the presence of Black male mentors in the lives of young students can be a significant change in their lives. Chi Lambda Lambda members, donned in their distinctive purple and gold colors, serve as positive role models for the children and demonstrate the importance of education, hard work, and community involvement, providing tangible examples of success for the students to aspire to. The collaboration between Chi Lambda Lambda and Sieden Prairie Elementary School exemplifies the power of community partnerships. The fraternity’s commitment to uplifting the community aligns seamlessly with the school’s mission to provide a nurturing and enriching environment for its students. Through this collaboration, a sense of unity and

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shared purpose is cultivated, reinforcing the idea that positive change is most effective when the community works together.

The reading initiative has a far-reaching impact on the students of Sieden Prairie Elementary School. Exposure to engaging and diverse literature broadens their horizons, encourages critical thinking, and fosters creativity. Moreover, the mentorship provided by Omega Psi Phi members instills a sense of pride and confidence in the students, showing them that they can achieve greatness regardless of their background or circumstances. The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity’s reading initiative at Sieden Prairie Elementary School in Matteson, Illinois, is a shining example of the positive change that can occur when community organizations invest time and effort into the education and mentorship of young minds. By instilling a love for reading and serving as positive role models, these mentors are shaping the future leaders of tomorrow, creating a legacy that extends far beyond the classroom. As the community continues to witness the transformative power of education and mentorship, the impact of this initiative is sure to resonate for generations to come.

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The long line of accomplishments the men of Nu Chi Chapter has accomplished since being Charted April 10th, 1955, and over the years to present is nothing short of amazing. In 2023 we have continued the tradition, and in addition set the bar even higher by making history in our community. As three Nu Chi Brethren professionally achieved the Professional ranks no other African American in the History of their respective positions, have held prior. Listed below are the write-ups for Honorable Brother Rodney Holmes, Chief United States Probation Officer Brother Reginald C. Box, Jr and Brigadier General Bro Kevin Jacobs.

Congratulations to Honorable Brother Judge Rodney H. Holmes, for his appointment as a United States Magistrate Judge for the Eastern District of Missouri.

He was sworn into office on February 6, 2023 and is the first African American man appointed to the judicial bench as a United States Magistrate Judge.

Judge Holmes is a native of East St. Louis, Illinois, and a 1985 graduate of East St. Louis Senior High School. He earned his undergraduate degree at Lincoln University in Missouri, while on an academic scholarship. A talented student-athlete, he was a member of the university’s baseball team, and the jazz and marching band. Brother Judge Holmes crossed into Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. at Eta Sigma Chapter, also at Lincoln University.

Judge Holmes received his law degree from Saint Louis University School of Law. He began his legal career working in the Federal Public Defender’s (FPD) Office for the Eastern District of Missouri. He worked five years with the FPD prior to joining the Assistant United States Attorney’s (AUSA) Office. He later joined the Cochran Firm before starting his own private practice, where he worked from 2004 – 2015, handling a variety of matters, including federal criminal cases as a member of the Court’s Criminal Justice Act (CJA) panel. In 2015, Brother Judge Holmes returned to the Assistant United States Attorney’s Office where he served as Chief of the Violent Crime Unit, and the Project Safe Neighborhood Coordinator.

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Lastly, Brother Judge Holmes is a recent inductee into the National SemiPro Baseball Hall of Fame Class of 2020. He is a life member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., and a financially active member of Nu Chi Chapter in East St. Louis.

Congratulations to the Chief United States Probation Officer, Brother Reginald C. Box, Jr. for his appointment for the Southern District of Illinois.

Congratulations to the Chief United States Probation Officer, Brother Reginald C. Box, Jr. for his appointment for the Southern District of Illinois. Chief Box was sworn into office on July 10, 2023, by the Honorable Nancy J. Rosenstengel, U.S. District Court Judge. Chief Box is the first African American man appointed to Chief U.S. Probation Officer in Southern Illinois.

Chief Box is a native of East St. Louis, Illinois, and graduated from East St. Louis Lincoln Senior High School Class of 1990. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Greenville Christian Collage in 1994, where he played Division II football and is listed with the Class of 1990 Hall of Fame football team.

Chief Box later obtained his Master of Public Administration from Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville in 2004, where he received an academic scholarship following his first semester of the program.

Chief Box was duly initiated into the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., through the auspices of Nu Chi Chapter of East St. Louis, Illinois on April 29, 1995. He served as a past committee chairperson for the Project Manhood Mentoring Program, the Achievement Week Committee, and the Membership Selection Process Committee.

He also served as a past Keeper of Records and Seal, Vice Basileus, and Basileus of Nu Chi Chapter. While under his administration, Nu Chi Chapter was awarded the 2012, 2013 and 2014 Talented Tenth District, Graduate Large Chapter of the Year; as well as, the 2014 International, Graduate Large Chapter of the Year!

Chief Box currently serve as the Treasurer of the Nu Chi Foundation and serves as the Illinois State Representative of the Talented Tenth District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., under the amazing direction of Sean Long, the 38th District Representative of the Talented Tenth. He was also successful in reinstating Tau Gamma Undergraduate Chapter of Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville, Illinois and Omicron Theta Undergraduate Chapter of Southern Illinois University of Carbondale, Illinois. To include, Chief Box is scheduled to serve as the District Marshal for the Tenth District’s 2024 Fall Council and 2025 District Convention.

Chief Box began his probation career in 1995 with the Madison County Probation and Court Services Department, Edwardsville, Illinois. In February 2002, he began employment with the United States Probation Office for the Southern District of Illinois.

Since 2006, Chief Box was promoted to serve the District’s certified contracting officer. Managing a budget of $1.9 million to oversee the solicitation and implementation of contractual services for sex offender, substance abuse, and mental health treatment. In addition, Chief Box was selected by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Washington, D.C., to serve as an auditor of treatment contracts and services for districts all across the country.

In October 2020, Chief Box graduated from a three-year program with the Advanced Leadership Institute, sponsored by the Federal Judicial Center, Washington, D.C., and on Monday, July 31, 2023, Chief Box began his 1st day of service as Chief U.S. Probation Officer for the Southern District of Illinois.

Chief Box has been married for 29 years to his middle school sweetheart Madonna Box and is a proud father of three; one of which is Aaliyah Box, the recipient of the 2016 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., local chapter, Tenth District, and International High School Essay Contests. Chief Box is a life member #11773 of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., and a lifelong financially active member of Nu Chi Chapter of East St. Louis, Illinois.

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By: Bro. Reginald Box

Alpha Kappa Kappa CELEBRATES30 Years

True Omega Men who have graced an All White OWT Party, social action activity, or any other event don’t have to wonder why Alpha Kappa Kappa is Infamous. The reason is obvious by the friendship shown, dedication to fraternal ideals demonstrated, and enthusiasm exhibited by chapter members. All Omega Men who call AK2 home are well versed, wellrehearsed, and thoroughly emersed in true Omega Spirit.

On July 23, 2024, The Infamous AK2 will celebrate 30 years since the Supreme Council of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. approved our charter application and formally established Alpha Kappa Kappa Chapter in Gary, Indiana. We recognize and honor twenty-five (25) financial Omega Men who petitioned Tenth District Representative, Bro. Ronald J. Hughes to submit an application to the Supreme Council for approval at the 69th Grand Conclave in Los Angeles, California.

Charter members included 28th Tenth District Representative, Bro. Dwight E. Pointer who also served as the first Basileus and 24th Tenth District Representative, Bro. Vernon G. Smith. They were joined by Anthony Cooper, Craig Richardson, William Selmer, William Clyde Jones (Omega Chapter), Robert Lewis, Frederick Williams, Kenneth Williams, Larry Parker, Harold Puckett, Jimmy Dix, Brian Woodberry, Vincent Goodes, Lee Moss (Omega Chapter), Eric Crossley, Eugene Murray, John

Darden, Calvin Chandler II, Earl Puckett, Dwayne Williams, Dwight Williams, Jerry Wheeler, Chris Blanford, William Fontleroy, Kenneth Nance, Keith Dix, Gerald Howell, and Derrick Puckett.

Brothers from the Talented Tenth District and throughout the nation and the world are cordially invited to come to Gary, Indiana and Greater Chicagoland to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of The Infamous AK2. Several OWTstanding events are planned including a formal dinner, picnic, and social hour on Friday, July 26, 2024 hosted by founding member Bro. Craig Richardson at his new Batter & Berries Restaurant located in Olympia Fields, Illinois.

Of course, Ques who want to Que and be OWT earlier than that are encouraged to attend our Annual White OWT Party at the Gary Bathing Beach Aquatorium on Wednesday, July 3, 2024. Alpha Kappa Kappa Chapter will roll OWT the purple carpet with plenty food, drink, music, hopping, women, fellowship, and opportunities to discover why AK2 is Infamous.


According to the Greater Chicago Food Depository, one in five households in the Chicago area is facing food insecurity. Similarly, a national report found that 17 million U.S. households were food insecure at some point in 2022, a signal that food insecurity is on the rise. A food insecure household is defined as at times during the year, the household was uncertain of having or unable to acquire enough food to meet the needs of all their members because they had insufficient money or other resources for food. 6.8 million U.S. households had very low food security at some time during 2022. “We must feed those who are in need. We need to continue to Uplift our communities in any way possible, especially if our neighborhoods are going hungry”, stated Rho Gamma Gamma Brother Henry “Hank” Beaty.

Initiated at Xi Epsilon in Winter of 1973, Brother Hank Beaty has made it his mission every month to establish a “Pop-Up” Food Pantry at different locations around the Southside of Chicago. This Golden Bridge Builder has made a difference in the lives of many families who were facing food insecurities. With the help of Rho Gamma Gamma Brother Edward Clark, churches, and other local small businesses partners with Rho Gamma Gamma to

host one day “Pop-Up” Food Pantries during the year. Food distribution at these “Pop-Up” locations happens once a month on a rotating basis. All food is supplied by Rho Gamma Gamma and purchased at discount at the Midwest Food Bank in Normal Illinois – which is two hours away from Chicago. As Brother Beaty is determined to get more food at a lower cost, he drives a U-Haul truck with Brother Clark 130 miles from Chicago to Normal, Illinois, completely fills the largest size U-Haul truck, and drives 130 miles back to Chicago the same day. Once back, Brothers of Rho Gamma Gamma helps load the truck at the “Pop-Up” site. Brother Beaty states, “The less I spend on food cost, the more food I can purchase. The drive is most definitely worth it to get much more food which will feed many more families.”

The next morning, Rho Gamma Gamma Brothers [and volunteers from the church] helps to stuff grocery bags of food, then distributes those food bags to the community. Each month, Rho Gamma Gamma feeds over 400 families on the Southside of Chicago. As a Golden Bridge Builder, Brother Beaty demonstrates the true meaning of Omega, and continues to Uplift our Chicago Southside Communities.


In 2021, Rho Tau Chapter’s annual toy drive was renamed to honor our chapter brother, Vernell Whitaker (Alcorn State - Eta - 1970), who entered the Omega Chapter on August 24, 2020. Bro. Vernell Whitaker impacted so many peoples’ lives in northeastern Illinois, and he will be missed.


For the past few years, the toy drive was made possible by the generous support of the brothers of Rho Tau and other contributions by members of the northeastern Illinois communities. This year’s event was very special since we collaborated with the United States Marine Corps., (Toys 4 Tots). Rho Tau distributed over 900 items to about 125 children. The items included new and unwrapped toys, bikes, scooters, and clothing. The toy drive supports children living in Waukegan, Zion, and North Chicago Illinois communities.

In closing, Bro. Whitaker’s family attended the event and thanked the brothers for their kindness and love during these emotional times. We look forward to the 4nd Annual Bro. Vernell Whitaker Toy Drive Giveaway in 2024.

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75 Years of Service

On Sunday February 4, 2024, Mu Xi Chapter members, the 38th Tenth District Representative, Sean T. Long, Bro. Grand Basileus Ricky Lewis, Past 10th District Representative Charles Bruce, brothers from Alpha Gamma and many more gathered via Zoom and at Bro. Byrds’ home. The occasion was to celebrate Bro. Byrd, a Charter Member of Mu Xi Chapter, turning 96 on January 28th and to commemorate 75 years of Service to Omega Psi Phi Fraternity with his induction as a Bridge Builder at the 86th Annual District Convention.

Brother Byrd was initiated into Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., on May 4, 1949 at Savanna State University. This was the charter line for Alpha Gamma Chapter. He has played many intricate roles, such as championing the verbiage change from “10th District Annual Meeting” to “10th District Annual Convention” which was eloquently conveyed by Brother Charles Bruce who has also a District Committee Co-Chair with Bro Byrd for Parliamentary Procedures.

Bro. Byrd, along with his wife, and members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. celebrated this joyous occasion as well as their continued love for each other. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd celebrated their birthdays together on this day although 8 days apart, 96 and 88 years respectively.Although faced with many health both are at home and very happy.

Brother Byrd is loyal to Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. and was honored and thrilled about the brotherhood coming together to celebrate him and his legacy to the chapter and fraternity.

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The opening stanza of Mother to Son by Brother Langston Hughes seems to mirror the life and legacy of the former Zeta Phi chapter Basileus, who passed at 46.

“Well, son, I’ll tell you: Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair. It’s had tacks in it, And splinters, And boards torn up, And places with no carpet on the floor— Bare.

But all the time I’se been a-climbin’ on, And reachin’ landin’s, And turnin’ corners …”

Tyrelle James Collins, (2 06 ZΦ) entered Omega Chapter early Friday, April 5, 2024. His climbin’ is complete.

Nearly two weeks following Collins’ passing, approximately 200 brothers dressed in their Omega formal attire gathered at Heartland Church in Fishers, Indiana, to celebrate the life and legacy of Brother Collins.

At the chapel, many brothers shared their “I just talked with him (Brother Collins) last week” stories. Laughter, smiles and a few tears from the brothers filled the room. The stories were deep and wide.

One brother said Collins was “one of the outtess, most connected, and caring brothers I knew.” Danny Pierson, the 10th District Social Action chair, and president of the Indianapolis Uplift Foundation (IUF) said Collins was an inspiring advocate and mentor.

“Tyrelle exemplified the unwavering commitment to uplifting young men, empowering them to thrive academically, morally and ethically,” Pierson said of Collins, a former IUF Board member. “His legacy within the IUF continues to inspire generations and to uplift the youth. Brother Collins was always planning programs to expose the youth possibilities!”

Rev. Richard Keller, 10th District Chaplain, traveled from Chicago to help lead the memorial service with Rev. Ivan Douglas-Hicks and brothers of the Zeta Phi chapter. Keller said Collins lead with integrity and heart.

“He exemplified his devotion to the fraternity, not only in the cardinal principles but also in his work in the community and for the brothers,” Keller said. “This is evident by the number of brothers who came to the memorial service! It speaks volumes to his legacy.”

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Brothers in the 10th District said they will remember Collins for his service and his ability to connect brothers to others. Collins was the Basileus of Zeta Phi chapter from 2011 until 2013. He brought innovative ideas to the chapter and mobilized others to fulfill its vision.

Indian State Representative Ezell Marrs sponsored Collins’ membership into the fraternity. Marrs said Collin’s One Night Stand, One Night Revival worship service during Achievement Week brought stellar Omega faith leaders from around the country. Joseph Walker from Nashville and E. Dewey Smith from Atlanta were among those who preached and uplifted the Indianapolis community that night. “That was a wonderful time,” Marrs reflected.

Another way to word the above paragraph would be (and you don’t need to add the year, but it might be nice):

Indian State Representative Ezell Marrs sponsored Collins’ membership into the fraternity. Marrs said Collin’s One Night Stand, One Night Revival worship service “was a wonderful time” during Achievement Week in 2011 and 2012. Collins’ brought stellar Omega faith leaders, including Joseph Walker from Nashville and E. Dewey Smith from Atlanta to preach to and uplift the Indianapolis community.

Collins was instrumental in leading other IUF events, including the Quepid Ball and Ques at the Zoo.

Collins was active in the community as the youth director of the Washington Township Omega Lamplighters youth mentoring program.

10th District representative Sean T. Long said Collins will be remembered for his commitment to his brothers and his community. Collins’ unwavering dedication to faith, family and future generations is a guiding light for those who live to serve.

“Collins was a unique brother who had a unique way of connecting with people,” Long said. “He will always have a place in the 10th District and in the hearts of our brothers.”

For me as chapter Basileus, Brother Collins climbed. He was committed to lifting others for the greater good of humanity. His methods were unique, while his heart was committed to exposing people to wonderful opportunities one event at a time. That is the essence of being an Omega man!


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