Lion's Roar April_May2017

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Founded in 1861

Zion Lutheran School provides a Christ centered approach to education. This education nurtures the child’s faith, equipping him/her to use and share that faith on a daily basis. Our Vision: That every child knows Jesus as his/her personal Savior.

LION’S ROAR Zion Lutheran School’s April/Early May Newsletter

APRIL CALENDAR LET LOVE WIN 19 School Resumes Love - April Character Trait Chapel

3rd Grade Field Trip


2nd Grade Field Trip Service Club

21 4th Grade Swim Lessons Mother/Son Ultimate Challenge 23

Advanced Choir Sing 8 am Service


Bus Evacuation Drills

26 Chapel Skate Night at Fun Spot 28

4th Grade Swim Lessons


Confirmation Sunday


Preschool Field Trip


Band Concert

3 Chapel Spanish Club 4

ZLS Band Trip Service Club


4th Grade Swim Lessons


Grade 3&4 Sing at 10:45 am Worship


Piano Concert

10 Chapel 12

4th Grade Swim Lessons Advanced Choir Spring Musical

Are you competitive? I am! My husband and I have a time of prayer before we play board games in our house because we have learned that it can get ugly. Whenever one of us starts to pull away with the win, the other one gets argumentative and then enters into silent protest for the remainder of the game. I can’t tell you the point at which winning the game becomes more important to me than showing my husband the love he deserves from me, but I can tell you that in those moments, I have actually lost two battles. In Matthew chapter 22, Jesus was put to the test by an expert in the law (the Old Testament). He asked Jesus, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Yes, God is using these as commandments for us to follow, but He gives these to us because He also knows that if we live by these 2 main principles - love God and love others - we will experience life to its fullest. When we choose love, we are freed from the sins of anger, bitterness, pride, jealousy, and revenge that would hold our thoughts, words, and actions captive. Relationships are healed and restored, and we walk closer with each other and with God. God chooses love for all of us. We do nothing to deserve His love, but He chose to give up His Son to death on a cross to release us from the bondage of sin. As David Crowder sings, “The cross, meant to kill, is my victory.” While Jesus was dying on the cross, God’s love for us was pulling away with the win, and through His resurrection we experience victory. To all those who are competitive - Don’t you appreciate knowing that there’s a guaranteed win in life and in death? God chooses love every moment of every day as we are constantly stumbling on sin. I pray that we all daily follow His lead to let love win as we work, talk, and play together.

Mrs. Ananda Baron, Principal

Jesus said to her “I am the resurrection and the life” ... John 11: 25-26

Zion Lutheran School - Voted #1 Elementary School 2015 & 2016 Belleville News Democrat’s Readers’ Choice Awards 1810 McClintock Ave. Belleville, IL 62221 Ph: 618-234-0275



WELCOME Welcome to the school office Mrs. Lorrie Spear! Mrs. Spear, formerly one of our preschool teaching assistants, was hired to serve as a part-time administrative assistant in the school office. Ms. Nicole Denbow, Zion alumn, has taken Mrs. Spear’s spot as a preschool TA. Welcome Mrs. Spear and Ms. Denbow!

THANK YOU Thank you, Zion families, for supporting our school’s book fair! We were able to get lots of new books and supplies for our classrooms and library, which benefits all of our students. You were also a blessing to the Honduras mission by providing several bags of Spanishlanguage books for the children there. I would like to especially thank those parents and grandparents who volunteered their time to set up, run, and clean up the book fair. None of this would have been possible without you! Mrs. Papka 2

Available for purchase in the school office or at school pickup every Friday (look for the display table outside the main school entrance). All proceeds benefit the 8th grade class trip to Camp Lutherhoma in May. Payment can be made with cash or check. Checks made payable to Zion Lutheran School.


The Ultimate Challenge - Mother/Son Event Friday, April 21st 6-8 p.m. Please look for the tent, in the upper lot to sign in. Cost is $10, due that evening. Please check in before 6 and use the link below to SIGN UP. Invite is being sent home today, but is also below if you did not receive it. Pre-K through 8th graders and their moms are invited for an evening of fast paced fun! Prizes will be given for “Team Family” costumes, but please be comfy and wear tennis shoes. We will have Smore’s and fellowship after the the challenge. Bring a lawn chair or blanket for your family. We hope to see you there!!




CONGRATS MARCH CHARACTER AWARD WINNERS FORGIVENESS: Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Zion Sowers Garden Committee is forming a Thrivent Action Team again this year to engage and educate your student(s) in being responsible stewards to their environment and the earth. Would you like to help? First, pray for beautiful weather. Second, join our Action Team on Wednesday, April 26 after a chapel service, to assist the students in making plant pals in the narthex of the church OR come on Friday, April 28, to assist and supervise the students in planting flowers around campus, planting vegetables in the community garden and playing a game to learn about recycling. If you are interested in volunteering on either day, please contact Ann Radden at (618) 977-­4048 or radden.ann@ The first 30 volunteers will receive a T-­shirt.


“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

SAVE the DATES MAY 1st thru MAY 5th


DEADLINE FOR NEXT LION’S ROAR: APRIL 28 Volunteers Needed to help with the school picnic! Please consider giving an hour or two of your time to make this a special, memorable day! SIGN UP TO HELP TODAY

EXCITING NEWS - ZLS to benefit from Bags for Cause! The Schnucks Supermarket located on Carlyle Ave.has chosen Zion Lutheran School as the latest beneficiary of the Schnucks – Bags 4 My Cause program! This means for the entire month of May, every time the reusable Giving bag with the message “Giving is in the Bag” is purchased at the Schnucks on Carlyle, we receive $1! This is truly a great opportunity for us and an easy way for you to show your support for ZLS. Please go to the store, find the reusable bag rack and buy a few Giving bags! And remember to spread the word – the more bags purchased, the bigger donation to our school. For more information about the Schnucks – Bags 4 My Cause program, visit

Preschool 3 - 8th Grade for the 2017-18 School Year Invite friends, families, neighbors and all to visit our school! 6

Please send all materials for the Lion’s Roar to Erica Stelling -


FOR SALE Band Percussion Kit Excellent condition ... Includes: Snare drum ... Practice drum ... Bells Interchangeable stand ... Sticks Sturdy case on wheels Originally $265 - asking $125 Interested? Contact Chris Kasten at 618-222-5670


SERVE & COMMUNITY SERVE & SPIRIT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR ART ON THE SQUARE Zion Lutheran School has a very special opportunity to be a part of the Children’s Art Village at this year’s Art on the Square in downtown Belleville. We will have a tables and crafts in the “Make -It-And-Take-It” tent in the garden. Families and children will be able to visit our table, do a craft and take it with them! This year’s show will be held May 19 - 21 and the Children’s Art Garden will be open Saturday, the 20th from 11 am to 4 pm and on Sunday, the 21st from 12 noon to 4 pm. I am in need of 2-3 volunteers to help at our table throughout the weekend. If you are willing to serve two hours as a volunteer and representative of ZLS at this year’s AOTS, please sign up today at the link below or email Erica Stelling at



For our First & Second Grade Parents

Plan on joining us and enjoying some Chessecake Factory desserts and Panera coffee as we explore the ways to Transfer the Blessings God has for you and your family. Is your estate plan in order?​ Do you have a current will? Since you have young children, who will raise them and manage your assets for their care, benefit, and welfare if you are called to Heaven? Avoid that problem by naming Guardians for your children. Do you have a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care who will make decisions on your behalf if you’re unable to? Do you have a Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Matters if you become disabled and can’t handle your financial affairs? Zion’s Transfer the Blessings Team invites you to create a Lifetime Plan for Giving (Christian Estate Plan) by attending a three-session event. Through Zion’s partnership with the LCMS Foundation, we will assist you and other families in accomplishing essential Christian Estate planning. Here’s how it will work: ● ●

We will meet at the school’s Alongside Commons (north end of building by the church office) on ​May 3, May 17, and May 31, 2017, from 6:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. ​Our sessions will be led by Scott Radden, LCMS Foundation Gift Planning Counselor and Dan Roth, Zion’s Associate Gift Planning Counselor. There is ​no cost​ for establishing your Lifetime Plan for Giving. The only cost to participants will be those incurred when your attorney drafts the necessary legal documents. We have made arrangements with several local Christian attorneys who have agreed to draft the above referenced documents for a very reasonable cost. Families have said the following:​ “Very beneficial…time well spent.” “Great class and opportunity to plan for the future.” “The presenters made the materials easy to understand and helped walk us through the process.” “Now I understand the importance of having an estate plan.” “For years we kept procrastinating…it feels good to now have concrete plans for the future.”

Send a Fast Direct to Terry Marino or to Ananda Baron if you are interested in attending or complete the attached online registration form here. We are limiting the class size to 12 couples, so respond soon!


SUMMER PROGRAM brings you...

A full day summer program focused on trusting and following God’s plan for our futures.

AGES: preschool age 3—8th grade (Must be 3 years old as of May 30th, 2017 and fully potty-trained)

DATES: Tuesday, May 30th-Friday, August 11th COST: $135 per 5 day week or $45 per day (drop in)

See our website & information sheet for more details about cost and fees.

Registration = $90

Weekly Themes

PreK—K Literacy We will be learning about transportation. As we go along the children will listen to stories, make signs, "drive" cars, make a book and special snacks. Your child will be listening, speaking, writing, reading, drawing, acting, and singing to keep our school skills strong over the summer while having fun!

May 30th-August 11th 7:00am-6:00pm, Monday-Friday

Spe nd sum a fun-f illed mer ene w i t rget h ou ic a nd l r ovin staf g f!

Questions? Call Rene Owens 618-234-0275 ext. 119

REGISTER! REGISTRATION COMING SOON! r=cwchgxcab&oeidk=a07edwcmh7u4af47e3c 9

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