Zingerman's 2019 Fall Buyer's Guide Catalog

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FALL 2019

AROUND THE FOOD WORLD IN 110 DAYS Advice on finding excellent food, wherever you go By Val Neff-Rasmussen

I spent 110 days traveling around the world last year. My travels took me from Australia and New Zealand to the UK, Denmark and Iceland. Most of the time I was still doing my day job. I’m a writer and food finder for Zingerman’s Mail Order and thanks to the magic of wifi I kept up with the office back home in Michigan. I also learned about the local foods and food scene anywhere and everywhere: drinking flat whites in Melbourne (they’re like small cappuccinos); eating smørrebrød in Copenhagen; touring peanut butter factories and olive groves in New Zealand; visiting mint farms, berry farms, and cheddar dairies in England. The primary purpose of my travels wasn’t to find new foods for us to sell. But I’m a food finder. I always had my eye out. Or maybe it was my tongue? People often ask me “How do you find these foods you sell?” To be honest, it’s usually far less romantic than what you’re thinking of. Here’s a peek behind the curtain into how we find the foods we sell—and advice for how to make your own excellent food discoveries.

1. Taste a lot

2. Do your research Find a simpatico food shop. I spend a lot of time visiting food shops and looking closely at what they offer. If I find a shop that sells specialty brands I know I like, it’s often a good bet that the buyer shares some of my interests and the products on the shelves that I don’t know yet may be very good, too. Sometimes you can even just tell a bit from how it feels to be a shop. Is it buzzing and positive, with great interactions between staff and customers? Ask them for advice on what foods to try. And ask them where you should go next. Get into the local agriculture. Do a little digging about what local foods are particularly revered. Guide books can help with this, but often these are simply the foods that show up the most often on the menus and in the markets, which are good places to visit to get the lay of the food land. There are examples of these foods everywhere: foods like Hatch green chiles in New Mexico, smoked paprika in Hungary, passion fruit in Australia. Often, those are the most flavorful foods on offer, prepared by the people who know them best. (They’re also a good place to learn what to order for dinner that night!)

3. Ask questions

Finding new foods you’ll love starts by having a good grasp of what foods you already love. The more you explore what flavors you really like, the better you can look for foods with similar qualities. Here’s my favorite way to learn. Try two different versions of a food you love side by side. Try getting two peanut butters, or two cheddars, or two salamis—something you can find at your local shop (or with us). What ingredients do they both contain? Which are different? (Ingredients are listed in descending order of quantity—a helpful analysis tip.) How do they look? How do they smell? Last not least, how do they taste? Try them at room temperature for the most revealing taste differences. Taste slowly, mindfully comparing one next to the other. Which one do you like better, and why? I highly recommend tasting with a friend and practice talking while you eat. You can cancel that rule for the day. That’s how we do it here at Zingerman’s—all of our tastings are in groups, all the while talking,

Zingerman’s Mail Order.

taking cues from each other and learning about flavor.

Email her at vneff-rasmussen@zingermans.com


Ask the farmer at the market which apples they’d recommend for pie. Not just in general, but this week specifically. At the cheese shop, ask the mongers which cheeses are peaking today. Not everyone is a fount of knowledge, but when you find someone who’s passionate about what they do, more often than not they love to share what they know. And there’s no one better to learn from than the people who work hands-on with the food every day.

4. Be picky Expect food to fail. We taste a lot and say no to most. At most 5% of the new products we taste in a year make it onto our shelves. Taste a lot, but stock up only on the things you really love. Val-Neff Rasmussen is a food finder and writer at

OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.


Discovered during our travels around the world Tinned Cod & Monk Fish Livers from Iceland When you find a shop that sells specific foods you already know you love, it’s a good bet you may like the rest of their offerings, Writer & Food Finder at Zingerman’s Mail Order too—even the adventurous ones. Last summer, when I found a chocolate shop in the heart of Reykjavik selling bonbons from Venchi–an excellent Italian chocolatier we’ve worked with for years (find their chocolates on our website)–I was intrigued when I noticed the shop also offered a few tins of fish livers from the remote, northwesternmost corner of Iceland. I brought a few tins home to Ann Arbor. When we tasted them, I think I speak for the whole group—even the 8-year-old who was with us—when I say we were all blown away. For the bad rap that fish liver oil gets for being unpleasantly pungent, these livers are mild and easy to love. The monk fish liver is particularly soft and mild, with a smooth, rich texture. The cod liver has a richer flavor, with more umami and a sweet silkiness. Either would be great in a rich pasta dish, over toast like pâté, dolloped on a salad, or even eaten straight from the tin. P-MKL 120 g tin monk fish liver $16 P-CDL 120 g tin cod liver $16

Travel to Tuscany


(and a dozen other food destinations)

with Kristie and Zingerman’s Food Tours.

Managing Partner at Zingerman’s Food Tours

Sottofiesole Olive Oil from Tuscany


Ambling and eating my way through the rolling hills of olive groves and vineyards while leading Zingerman’s Food Tour of Tuscany, this oil caught my attention. It comes to us from my wine partner on our food tours, Bernardo Conticelli. Bernardo and his family grow traditional Tuscan olives including frantoio, moraiolo, leccino and pendolino on their centuries-old estate just a few miles outside of Florence. Though the olives aren’t certified organic, they never started using any chemicals, so there’s never been any need to stop. Harvest starts in mid-November. Olives are handpicked and then pressed within five hours in the nearby village of San Casciano. Yields are low. The 2018 harvest is the first time that Sottofiesole extra virgin olive oil has been sold outside of Italy, and we’re thrilled to bring it to the states. It has complex aromas of grass, tomato leaves and green notes. The flavor is balanced between spicy, peppery and a clean artichoke note, with a long, lingering finish. O-SFO 500 ml $35


Co-founder of Zingerman’s

Épices de Cru Grand Spice Set & Book from Montreal Epices de cru is a little spice shop in Montreal’s Jean-Talon market. When I first visited a few years ago, it was clear to me that it was alive, buzzing. Everyone was talking spices, smelling spices, sharing stories of what you could cook with them; people were smiling, laughing but still taking their food very seriously. Most exciting of all was listening to the staff tell the story of where each spice came from, the region, the town, often the family that grew it. You won’t be shocked to hear that I bought a bunch of stuff to bring home. Deep dark, musky Kurdish red pepper flakes. A whole bunch of amazingly aromatic Tellicherry black pepper from a single estate in India. Wild pepper Andaliman from Sumatra. This kit has 26 Epice de Cru spice blends, discovered and sourced directly from travels around the world. There’s enough to keep a curious cook busy for months. It comes with a 143-page book featuring 60 of their well-tested recipes, and makes a stunning gift. Note the spices are whole, which makes them last much longer. They only need a quick grind with a mortar and pestle or food processor. P-EDC 26 spices, plus book $90 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


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HOW DO YOU BREW? Coffee brewing differences from around the world By Val Neff-Rasmussen

If you order “a coffee,” what will you get? It depends where you are in the world. Here in the states, of course, it’ll be a standard cup of joe. In Italy or France or Portugal, ordering a coffee gets you an espresso. Espresso is so ubiquitous there, you probably couldn’t get your American cup of drip black coffee even if you specially asked for it—even an “Americano” is just a watered down espresso. Likewise in Australia, even at McDonald’s they have espresso machines; your coffee order there will be espresso-based and most likely contain some milk. In Turkey, your standard coffee order will most likely get you what we call a Turkish coffee—strong black coffee, brewed with the grounds in the boiling water and without a filter, served with plenty of grounds in the drink, which must settle to the bottom before you begin to sip. And in Ethiopia, the country where the first coffee was discovered more than a millennium ago, your standard coffee is as elaborate as they come. Their daily coffee ritual produces a brew called bunna (boo-na). To make bunna, the hostess roasts green coffee beans over the fire, then grinds them by hand, then brews the coffee grounds in water in a tall, narrow pot called a jebena before pouring out servings for every guest in small, porcelain cups.

What difference does the brewing make? If you brew the exact same coffee—same origin, same roasting—with different methods, the flavor of the drink can be dramatically different. Take Zingerman’s Coffee Company’s Espresso Blend No. 1. As you might guess from the name, this blend of beans from the Daterra Estate in Brazil was developed with espresso in mind, and it produces a great shot: rich with flavors of dark chocolate and a sweet nuttiness. But that doesn’t mean you have to prepare it as espresso. If you made it in a French press, the flavor becomes lighter and brighter, with notes of white cake, chestnut, and blood orange. Prepared in an aeropress the flavor changes again, now emphasizing creamy caramel notes with a hint of spice.

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And brewing the espresso blend in a Clever cup draws out toasty cocoa notes and a rich, full body. Brew the espresso blend in each of these four different ways and taste the four cups side by side, the differences are striking. None of these different brewing methods are “right” or “wrong”—at the end of the day, the only taste that counts is yours, and whichever way you like your coffee is the right way. There are significant cultural differences in how coffee is drunk, too. In Italy, you typically slam your espresso very quickly while standing at the bar. I once saw a bus driver get off a bus at a stop light, pop into the coffee bar, gulp down an espresso, and hop back on the bus before the light changed. The passengers gave him an ovation. In Ethiopia, on the other hand, sharing coffee isn’t just about caffeination; it’s about offering hospitality and building connections between people. An Ethiopian coffee ceremony can last anywhere from thirty minutes to three hours.

What about the people who harvest coffee— how do they brew what they grow? Most of the time, they don’t. More than half of the world’s coffee is grown in Central and South America. There, coffee doesn’t have the same history as it does in coffee’s ancetral homeland, Ethiopia, where every family keeps green coffee beans on hand to roast for themselves daily. In the Americas, instead of being a community fixture, coffee is a cash crop. In many cases, even among coffee growers who produce extremely high quality beans—including some we sell here at Zingerman’s—coffee growers don’t drink their own coffee. It’s not that they wouldn’t like to. It’s just that the green coffee beans are often their only source of income, and the crop is far too precious to keep any back for their own use. It’s not uncommon in Central and South America for folks who grow exceptional coffee beans to themselves drink cheap, instant coffee, like Maxwell House.

OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right. or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.


And the Zingerman’s coffees that go best with them

You could use your regular brewing method to make any Zingerman’s coffee at home. You’d make yourself an excellent cup of coffee. Try a different method, and you’ll create different flavors. Here are my favorite brew and coffee combos. Each brings a coarser- or finer-ground coffee in touch with hot water and pressure in a slightly different way. Try some variations at Zingerman’s Coffee Company’s cafe in Ann Arbor—it’s an amazing experience. Or stay home and check out all the possibilities on our Big Brew Board at zingermanscoffee.com.


Roadhouse Joe Coffee A mix of Papua New Guinea, Costa Rican, Indian and Brazilian Peaberry beans make this crowd-pleasing blend that we’ve served every day alongside breakfast (and brunch, and lunch, and dinner) at Zingerman’s Roadhouse restaurant for over a decade. Brewed in a standard automatic drip machine, it’s nutty and balanced. P-COF-ROA 12 oz $22


Espresso Blend No. 1 Coffee Made from a blend of coffee varietals all grown on the Daterra Estate in Brazil, our house espresso blend is especially great as espresso—luxuriously thick crema, with flavors of dark chocolate and sweet nuts—but it’s great brewed just about any other way, too. P-COF-ESP 12 oz $22 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


Press Pot






Ethiopia Harrar Coffee Ethiopian coffees often have intensely fruity flavors, almost like biting into a handful of juicy berries. This coffee, from Ethiopia’s Oromia region, is no exception. Brewed in a press pot (also called a French press), the flavor is so light and bright it’s almost tea like, with acidic notes of lemon and blueberry. P-COF-SID 12 oz $22

Colombia Cosurca Coffee From a cooperative of small farms in Cauca, a mountainous province of Southwestern Colombia. Brewing it with an aeropress—a 21st-century take on a French press that uses pressure to quickly brew a single smooth, clean cup—gives the coffee a smooth body, with a mouthwatering juicy quality balanced with rich, nutty notes. P-COF-COL 12 oz $22 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

Sumatra Mandheling Coffee Sumatran coffees tend toward the full-bodied, dark, earthy, wild end of the spectrum. When this one from the Jegarang Region of Indonesia is made as a manual pourover—which is basically drip coffee made by hand—those deep, earthy notes find balance with hints of butterscotch, almond, pecan, and banana. P-COF-SUM 12 oz $22

Costa Rica Hacienda Miramonte Coffee At the peak of the season, the most experienced pickers harvest the ripest coffee cherries just for us from a micro-lot on the Hacienda Miramonte estate. When brewed using a syphon—the science-experimenty looking brew equipment seen at some specialty coffee shops and the occasional coffee-lover’s home— the flavors are rich and complex with a pleasant toffee note. P-COF-RIC 12 oz bag $22 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

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BANDAGED CHEDDAR A buyer’s guide to the world’s original cheddar By Mo Frechette

Cheddar is ubiquitous now. Who would dream of starting a cheese shop in America and not sell cheddar? But once upon a time it was a local cheese, made and eaten largely in one place: the area in and around the village of Cheddar in Somerset, southwest England. Today’s cheddar is a bit different than what we know of the original, but not drastically. Here are some buyer’s guide tips to spotting, evaluating, storing and eating traditional cheddar.

Drums, not blocks The original cheddar is made in the shape of a round drum, not a block. A block saves waste— especially when packed for shipment—but it ages very differently. The drums are usually about a foot across and maybe a bit taller.

Flaky, not bendy Real cheddar won’t bend a millimeter. Hold a piece up between your hands, bend, and it’ll flake and break immediately. Modern block cheddar, because of how it’s made and aged in wax, will bend and behave a bit more rubbery.

Farmstead, not factory Traditionally cheesemaking was done on the farm where the cows live. It’s rare today, but there are some still made this way, including the ones we buy from.

British, not American

The U.S. has some excellent cheddar makers. We sell two Bandaged, American cheddars not waxed (read more about The British wrap many of each on the facing their cheeses in cheesepage). My pick for an cloth and cheddar is no American cheddar is exception. When they do Cabot Clothbound. this they call the cheese In addition to being the birthplace of cheddar cheese, Somerset is also home to the stunning It’s good, but it’s diflimestone cliffs of Cheddar Gorge. Really. Google it! “bandaged,” which I ferent. Buy a wedge always find a very touchfrom both sides of the pond and taste for yourself. You ing term. The cloth bandage breathes and lets the don’t need to be an expert. You really can taste the cheese dry faster. But it loses weight and its modern difference. competitor—wax—doesn’t. It’s weight, after all, that Cold is more enemy than friend cheese is sold on, so bandaged cheddar is very rare. Original cheddar was made for a pre-industrial unreCreamy canary, frigerated British environment: cool temperatures, moist not white or orange air. The cold, dry climate of your refrigerator saps its flaThe color of real cheddar is a mesmerizing, shifting vor and tightens its texture. This is one cheese that must palette of cream, soft yellow and gold. The colors derive return to room temperature to be its best. Don’t be shy. naturally from what the cows eat, which, in western Leave it out for a long while. It’ll get better and better. England, where it’s very very wet, is field grass. It’s not the plain bright white factory milk cheddar you see in Mo Frechette founded Zingerman’s Mail Order. supermarkets. Nor the orange variety, dyed with annatEmail him at moeats@zingermans.com to (achiote seeds) or commercial food coloring.

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OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right. or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

FOUR TAKES ON CHEDDAR 1. the english original English Clothbound Cheddar

Montgomery’s is one of only three farms in its ancestral homeland making truly traditional farmhouse English cheddar from the unpasteurized milk of a single herd of Holstein-Fresian cows who graze on hills thought to be the site of Camelot in Somerset in western England. These clothbound wheels age for more than a year until they're flaky, golden, and have bold flavor that’s punchy, grassy, vegetal and brothy. A total revelation. C-EFC by the pound $39 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY WARM WEATHER CARE

2.the welsh wonder Hafod Welsh Cheddar

Hafod is an organic cheddar made to an ancient Welsh recipe in Wales on a farm called Bwlchwernen Fawr. (Don’t you just love Welsh names?) The farm is home to sixty-five Ayrshire cows, whose milk is high in butterfat and protein, which makes for particularly flavorful cheese. Creamy, buttery, with a distinct grassy note, it’s a fantastic cheddar from one of the few farmhouse cheddar makers in the United Kingdom. C-HFD by the pound $45 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY WARM WEATHER CARE


the american homage

Cabot Clothbound Cheddar

This is cheddar made in Vermont in a similar style to the English original: drums wrapped in cloth, not blocks dipped in wax. It comes close to the original and is definitely worth your time. The wheels we get are made by Cabot Farms in Vermont, and then aged at Jasper Hill Cellars. The Jasper Hill team specially selects wheels just for us. The rinds are brushed with lard, and they have a beefy, brothy flavor. Aged at least 9 months, it’s a sturdy cheese with a complex, lingering finish you can’t shake. C-CCC by the pound $36 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY WARM WEATHER CARE

4.the american modern take Nor’Easter Cabot Cheddar

A modern American take on cheddar, made by Cabot Creamery, a cooperative of small dairies in Vermont. Because it’s made in blocks and wrapped in wax (the way practically all cheddar is made today), it’s a different animal from classic English farmhouse cheddar: this one is less crumbly, more creamy, with a sweeter, less punchy flavor. Aged for just under a year, we select batches for hearty, balanced flavors. C-NOR 8 oz waxed block $10 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY WARM WEATHER CARE

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TASMANIAN RAINFOREST HONEY And other foods with a remarkably low environmental impact By Val Neff-Rasmussen

More than half of the Australian state of Tasmania is preserved in national and state parks. That doesn’t mean there’s no enterprise. Amid the aromatic, shaggy-barked eucalypts towering over more kinds of ferns and shrubby pines than you can imagine in Tasmania’s Southwest National Park, you’ll find hundreds of beehives. The honey they produce is sold in every Australian grocery store I’ve visited, from tiny health food nooks to the big megamarts. As James McWilliams wrote in his book, Just Food, “An environmentally sound food system is one in which productive endeavors naturally gravitate to geographical locations where the impact on resources is minimized. In other words, producers produce in the right places.” Tasmania’s rainforests aren’t the only places to produce fantastic tasting food in harmony with nature. Here are a few others from around the globe.

Icelandic geothermal baking Iceland is a hotbed of geological activity—literally. The landscape is strewn with active volcanoes, tiny earthquakes jostle the ground daily, and it seems nearly every town has its local hot spring. The springs aren’t just good for a nice soak—the geothermal heat rising up from the mud surrounding the springs can also be harnessed for baking bread. They make a dough with plenty of rye flour and sugar, place it in a metal pan and wrap it tightly, then bury it in the boiling mud for 24 hours to create a dark, sweet loaf not unlike Boston brown bread.

Real wild rice Practically all “wild rice” sold at the grocery is a domesticated variety grown in paddies using conventional agriculture techniques—in other words, it’s no more wild than any other rice out there.

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True wild rice is an aquatic grass that grows in clear, fresh, slow-moving rivers in the upper Midwest and central Canada. It reseeds itself each autumn when unharvested seeds slip back into the water. The following August, it’s ready to harvest­— not by combine, but by hand in canoes.

Sun dried sea salt To make salt here in Michigan we have to mine it with heavy machinery (that’s how the Kosher brand salt you see at grocery stores is made—it’s mined just north of Ann Arbor). To make it in foggy coastal places like Wales you have to boil it out of the sea water which takes a tremendous amount of fossil fuels. But on sunny coasts, like in Portugal, salt can be harvested from shallow, tidal pools of sea water that evaporate in the sun, gathered with handheld rakes and shovels, not bulldozers.

Grass-fed beef Beef is everyone’s favorite environmentally-unfriendly villain of a food, and generally for good reason: rainforests are cut down to make room for stockyards; the amount of grain it takes to feed one grain-finished steer could practically feed a village; feedlot cattle are kept in such tight quarters that they’re generally fed a boatload of subtherapeutic antibiotics to keep disease from running rampant... the list goes on. But grass-fed and grass-finished beef is a whole different story. Instead of destroying their environment, well-managed grass-fed herds, like Cory Carman’s out on Carman Ranch in Oregon, can play a vital role in building and maintaining grassland soil health. They also allow humans, who can’t digest grass, to gain nutrition from lands that would otherwise be nonarable.

OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right. or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

LOW IMPACT EDIBLES chilean rainforest honey Ulmo Honey from Chile

Ulmo is thick to the point of being unpourable, spreadable yet crystalline. It sports an aroma like a bouquet of violets—hard to place and fleeting. The flavor is minty and spicy, without a hint of bitterness. The hives for the honey are placed near Ulmo trees, evergreens unique to Chile that grow upwards of a hundred feet. P-ULM 9 oz jar $25 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

realLy wild rice Fire Parched Wild Rice This wild rice–not at all like the wild rice you’ll see in most shops–is still harvested in ways a native American from four centuries ago would have recognized. The grasses grow in the waterways of Minnesota, gathered by hand in canoes on muggy August afternoons. The rice is threshed by simple machines and parched over open fires, which gives it a slight wood-smoke aroma. The flavor is absolutely stunning. It’s mild but extremely complex, with woody, green and grassy flavors mixed in with nutty, earthy notes. P-CAS 1 lb bag, serves 10 as a side $25

the beEf lover’s cut



tasmAniaN rainforest honey

Leatherwood Honey from Tasmania The leatherwood tree is the latest of all late bloomers in the Tasmanian rainforest. Once leatherwoods reach maturity—which takes 70 years!— they’ll blossom from January through April. Beekeepers put their hives deep into the Tasmanian rainforests to give the bees access to the leatherwood nectar. The resulting honey is a creamy golden color, opaque, thick, pourable yet slightly grainy. The flavor is floral, complex, with a bitter edge that complements the gentle sweetness. P-TAS 350 g tin $25 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

a litTLe bIrd toLD mE

Dry-Aged Cowboy Cut Ribeye from Carman Ranch

Portuguese Coarse Sea Salt

Unlike grain-finished beef, which can have disastrous environmental effects ranging from cutting down the rainforest to overuse of antibiotics, Cory Carman’s cattle spend their whole lives out on pasture on her ranch in eastern Oregon, eating grass and playing a vital role in maintaining the local ecology. And while grass-fed steaks have a reputation for being lean and lacking the marbling of grain-finished beef, these ribeyes defy that norm with luscious fat and stunning marbling. The cowboy cut has a couple inches of bone sticking out, giving you a handle to hold onto. The steaks are dry-aged for two weeks, creating huge flavor with a deep mineral tang. Bone in, 2 inches thick, serves an army. Ships frozen. M-RIB-2 2 steaks, 1½ lbs each $200 M-RIB-4 4 steaks, 1½ lbs each $375

In the Algarve, at the southern tip of Portugal, sea salt has been collected and exported since the 11th century. Today, the traditional practice of gathering sea salt from tidal pools with wooden rakes has nearly died out, but where it’s still practiced, egrets and herons thrive in the blossoming ecosystem. This coarse salt is excellent for cooking. All natural, it’s got a clean, bright flavor that’s not marred by the metallic aftertaste in most commercial sea salts. P-TRA-BAG 2 lb bag $6.50 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


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From ale to avocadoes: a brief history of Britain’s gift to the world By Val Neff-Rasmussen

The first English written reference to toast appears in 14th century cookbooks. Back then, after grilling your bread over the fire, you didn’t slather on butter or jam. Instead, toast was served soaked in ale or hot wine and spices. (They called this dish sops, which turned into our words soup and supper—a light evening meal of sops.) The tradition of consuming toasted bread in wine or ale persisted until the 17th century or so, when it became popular to drink to someone’s health. We know this as making a toast.

Two and a half centuries later, that trend has stuck. Here in the US, we’re used to seeing a coffee pot in our hotel rooms. In Australia—where British colonization began in 1788—every hotel room I’ve stayed in has had a toaster. I love it! Aussie tourists love their toast so much, even on vacation, they pack bread. Today, toast is having something of a heyday. No longer just a quick weekday breakfast at home, cafes across the US are opening toast bars. From Aussie-inspired cafes in New York City like Bluestone Lane, to The Mill in San Francisco, to our own Zingerman’s Coffee Company here in Ann Arbor, toast bars offer menus featuring different toasted breads with various toppers, from Australian vegemite to Bulgarian lutenitsa (page 13) to ricotta and seasonal fruit compotes to the reigning champion of cafe toast, avocado.

Over the years, sops moved from being supper food to breakfast food. In the 18th century, the Scottish breakfast of champions transitioned from being a dram of whisky and toast in ale to tea and toast with marmalade. Let that sink in for a moment. In other words, the standard breakfast went from being ingredients all produced locally—bread, A few years back, Pic Picot, maker of ale, whisky—to ingredients produced Peanut butter maker Pic Picot’s Pic’s Peanut Butter in New Zealand, toast-mobile in Nelson, New Zealand globally: tea grown in Asia, marmatoured across his country to share his lade made with Mediterranean citrus. It makes me wonder if 18th century Scottish break- peanut butter. He made the journey in his toast-mofasters marveled at how cosmopolitan they had bile: an airstream trailer designed to look like a become. Was there a backlash? A “Buy Local” toaster, complete with giant slices of bread popping out of the top. Apparently, in New Zealand, movement? just having a toaster available when you arrive at Exotic new toast pairings weren’t just comthe hotel isn’t enough. With Pic leading the charge, ing to Britain. Late 18th century English colthe kiwis have pioneered Travel By Toaster. onists brought toast around the world, too.

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OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right. or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.


More toast-worthy breads on pages 21-23

france’s favorite

French Mountain Bread

more than a mouthful 8-Grain 3-Seed

Cracked wheat, cracked rye, cracked barley, corn grits, oats, millet, buckwheat, whole wheat, whole rye, flax seed, poppy seeds, a little honey and a nearly irresistible outer crust of toasted sunflower seeds. More than a mouthful—this ain’t no bird feed. The crust is hearty, the interior is still soft and chewy—especially when you pop it in the toaster. It’s outstanding toasted and topped with a little cream cheese and some Early Glow Strawberry Preserves, or a slather of good peanut butter. B-8GR 1¼ lb handmade loaf $10 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY

I’d have a tough time picking between this and Farm Bread for top spot on my European-style favorites list. We offer it in two sizes, a .75 kilo loaf (about 1.65 lbs) that’s good for munching and a two kilo (about 4.5 lbs) work of art. Personally, I love the two kilo loaf. A good foot and a half across and four or five inches high, each is decorated with a hand-cut “Z.” It has a chestnut colored crust that’s nearly a quarter-inch thick. Its size is significant because bigger loaves almost always taste better. Baked to last, you’ll still be enjoying the two kilo French Mountain Bread ten days after the loaf has left our oven. Both are totally terrific for toasting, excellent with nothing more than thick spread of cultured butter and a sprinkle of fleur de sel. B-MON-A ¾ kilo handmade loaf $12.50 B-MON-B 2 kilo “Z” round $26 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY



Passion Fruit & Citrus Curd Passion fruit tastes like a tropical fantasy: tart-sweet with an exotic floral quality that reminds me of a warm breeze while sipping a cool drink on a white sand beach. Dolloping this impossibly creamy passion fruit and citrus curd on toast or in yogurt briefly turns a Tuesday morning into a dreamy retreat. P-PCD 9.5 oz jar $18 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

strawbeRry’S plAtonic IdEAL

Pic pockets

Pic’s Peanut Butter Slugs This smooth nut butter, made in sunny Nelson, New Zealand by Pic Picot and his team, contains only peanuts and a smidge of sea salt. It’s packed into individually-sealed one-ounce pouches (or what Pic and crew call “slugs”) that never spill or rip until you’re ready. You’ll use them in a million ways. Squeeze a slug on your way to work. Pop a slug for a protein push before your workout. Stick some slugs into your kids’ bags for when they need an energy-infused snack. Smear a slug over your morning toast. Convenient and delicious. P-SLG box of twenty 1 oz slugs $24 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

CALL 888 636 8162

Early Glow Strawberry Preserves Early Glow strawberries are smaller than your typical strawberry and a bit fickle about ripening, but they have the ultimate in strawberry flavor. There is no better strawberry jam I have ever tasted. Made with 60% fruit, no pectin, sweetened with cane sugar. P-STR 9½ oz jar $13 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE




POTATO CHIPS Global flavors in a bag By Val Neff-Rasmussen

What’s does potato chip flavor tell us in the 21st century? Sometimes, it turns out, a good bit of insight into what locals like to eat—or, at least, what marketers think people like to eat. Whenever I travel, I always walk the junk food aisle at the grocery store to see what flavors of potato chips they have. I am not alone! Do the chips taste like what’s printed on the bag? Usually not. Does looking at the flavors shed insight into the local cuisine? Maybe! Mostly it’s just loads of fun. Here are a bunch of flavors a flock of food finders have seen on grocery shelves around the world in the last 18 months. Special thanks to Ji Hye, Joe, Mo, Rachel, and Sam for contributing their research on global potato chip flavors. Send me yours!




Chipotle and manuka honey Slow roasted pork belly and mustard cider jus Slow roasted chicken and garlic aioli Honey soy chicken Sweet chilli & sour cream Chinese Peking duck American pulled pork

Mustard Goat cheese with red chili pepper Basil pesto Roasted chicken

Smoked cheddar cheese Seaweed Ramen Prawn Rice ball cuttlefish Hot chili squid Sushi

Canada Grilled cheese Caesar salad Brie Cinnamon bun Indian mint Ketchup

New Zealand Champagne vinegar and shallot Sea salt and balsamic vinegar Greek tzatziki

Singapore Salted egg fish skin crisps Seaweed


Denmark Paprika and rye Vinegar and ramson Tomato and black pepper

Jamon cured ham Barbacoa Ketchup Cheeseburger

Korea Honey and butter Sautéed gochujang Beef and wasabi Hot wing Banana Salted cod roe and mayo Shrimp stock Toasted cheese Porgy rice bowl Lemon tart

United Kingdom Spicy Thai sweet chilli Smoky barbecue pulled pork Caribbean jerk chicken Spiced Keralan curry Japanese sweet wasabi and ginger Peking spare rib Prawn cocktail

Great Lakes Flavors We’ve partnered with Great Lakes Potato Chip company to make our own Zingerman’s potato chips. We also got a lot of help sourcing the perfect spices for the chips from Montreal’s Épices de Cru. We offer four flavors in personal-sized bags:

French Grey Sea Salt

Tellicherry Black Peppercorn

Detroit Street Barbecue

Topped with mineral rich, complex sea salt. P-ZPS 39 g bag salt $2

A powerful yet balanced peppery punch. P-ZPP 39 g bag pepper $2

Complex with a balance of Briny and herby with sweet, spice, and heat. plenty of dill pickle kick. P-ZPQ 39 g bag barbecue $2 P-ZPD 39 g bag dill pickle $2

Dill-icious Dill Pickle

8 or more of any flavors, $1.50 each EACH SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

12 12

OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right. or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

r s o v o i g n al fla re Black Sea SpreAd Lutenitsa

A red pepper and vegetable spread, Lutenitsa is a Balkan staple that you’ll find in one form or another from Albania to Greece. This jar called Bulgaria home until it shipped from the Black Sea to the Great Lakes. Sweet and roasty flavored, and not at all spicy, it’s a go-to spread for sandwiches and a helpful addition to add flavor to sauces. Opened, a jar will last many many weeks and, if you top it with a bit of olive oil, for much longer. P-LUT 18.2 oz jar $14 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

wisconsin SOUP Crackers

Cheddar Oyster Crackers

When I was a waiter, I ate a lot of packets of hexagon shaped, plain crackers when tips were scarce. They didn’t taste like much more than salt, but they were a good enough snack. Now Potter’s, the organic cracker maker of Madison, Wisconsin, has redefined the lowly but loved oyster cracker. Tawny from baking in small batches, these little rounded rectangles are made with Wisconsin cheddar cheese and a touch of spice. They’d be great in soups or salads, but I’m just guessing on that. I ate the whole tin without testing their versatility. Some habits die hard. P-OYC 8 oz tin $11 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

$10.99 flat rate per address. Combine with other flat rate items and the price is the same.

tenNesSee wild Onions


More regional flavors at zingermans.com

Pickled Ramps

italian pePper chips Peperoni Cruschi

If you have a soft spot in your heart for peppers or potato chips—or both—you’ll love these. Very mild chiles from the Massimo family in Basilicato, a region in the far south of Italy, are strung together by hand and then hung to dry in the sun for a few weeks. Finally they’re fried in a bit of the farm’s own olive oil, and salted. The result is a sweet, smoky, salty, crispy sensation that’s quite habit forming. P-POS 30 g bag $23 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

CALL 888 636 8162

Ramps are in the onion family. They shoot up wild in the woods across the eastern US early each spring. Before they became the darling of hip restaurants in big cities, they were important to folks foraging for foods. To preserve the brief bounty they’d pickle any extras. I know, pickled onions might sound like a stretch. But while the aroma is sharp, the flavor is rich and sweet like roasted garlic. Toss them into sauces, with roast meats, over pasta. Or serve them straight up alongside cured meats and cheeses for a killer appetizer spread. P-PKR 7.75 oz jar $25 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE




italy vIA iowa

Tuscan Pork Chops

Cinta (pronounced CHIN-tah) is a heritage breed of pig originally from Tuscany. These are the only ones are raised in America, rooting and roaming on Iowa pasture with no antibiotics or hormones. Cinta pork is renowned for its huge, deep, rich, earthy flavor. Each chop has a noticeable fat cap along the chop— don’t discard that, it’s got amazing flavor! They’re great on the grill, or sautéed in a cast iron pan. We offer two cuts: Porterhouse chops (illustrated) look like a T-bone steak, with the loin on one side of the bone and the tenderloin on the other side. Center cut chops are the pork equivalent of a ribeye. They have a Frenched bone sticking out a couple of inches to look like a delicious meat lollipop. Ships frozen. M-CSC-4 four 7-8 oz center cut chops $45 M-CSP-4 four 8-10 oz porterhouse chops $50 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY WARM WEATHER CARE

marvelous mustards Kozlik’s Maple Mustard from Canada

Beer & Horseradish Mustards from Germany

Raye’s Yellow Down East Schooner Mustard from Maine

Friedrich Morgenroth is the eighth generation to make Kleinhettestedt mustard. It’s made in relatively small batches with giant millstones in a slow, cool process. The beer mustard is mixed with black beer and has a slight heat. The horseradish more coarsely ground. Despite the name, it’s only got a light whisper of heat. P-GER-BEE 270 ml beer $12 P-GER-HOR 270 ml horseradish $12

The best yellow mustard I know comes from the easternmost tip of Maine in a town called Eastport. J. W. Raye’s is a fourth generation operation that still grinds their mustard with eight one-ton quartz grindstones in a century-old mill. Their yellow mustard is smooth with crystal clear flavors. The house mustard at Zingerman’s Delicatessen and the house staple mustard for many of our regulars. P-RAY 9 oz jar $10

The team at Kozlik have been making mustard from their shop in Toronto since 1948. For this maple mustard, they blend finely-ground mustard seed with water, vinegar, and Canadian maple syrup. It’s incredibly well balanced between silky maple sweetness and a powerful spicy punch that goes right up the nose. Great on ham, as a glaze, as part of a marinade or sauce, or on a sandwich. P-KMM 8 oz jar $12





OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

AlL you neEd is fire

Heritage Meats Grill Kit Everything needed for a grilling bender. Whether they're into entertaining or going solo at the grill, this is a gift for a serious, conscientious and flavor-loving cook. Easy to prepare, super delicious when done, the hardest choice you’ll have to make is what to eat first. Includes: St. Louis-Style Heritage Pork Spareribs, Cory Carman's grass-fed Beef Tri Tip and grassfed Ground Beef, plus a bottle of fabulous barbecue sauce. G-GRK grill kit $135 FREE SHIPPING

Carman Ranch steaks Grass-Fed Bavette Steak from Carman Ranch The bavette is a favorite among butchers for its huge flavor, but unknown to most of the rest of us—unless you're a lucky one who's enjoyed one over a glass of Côtes du Rhône at a bistro in Paris, where it's more common. It comes from next to the flank, so it’s great for grilling up rare like a flank steak or for tossing in a stir fry. Beefy, juicy, with slightly sweet flavor. From Carman Ranch. Ships frozen. M-BAV-2 2 steaks, 10-12 oz each $65 M-BAV-4 4 steaks, 10-12 oz each $120 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY WARM WEATHER CARE

NY Strip Steak from Carman Ranch

Dry-Aged Cowboy Cut Ribeye from Carman Ranch

Strip steaks—also known as Kansas City strips, top loin or strip loin steaks—are a perennial favorite because they strike a balance between being tender and packed with flavor. They’re equally outstanding on the grill or in a cast iron pan on the stove top. These grass-fed, grass-finished strips that we get from Cory Carman and her team are deeply savory, with earthy flavor and a great mineral tang. Ships frozen. M-STP-2 2 steaks, 10-12 oz each $75 M-STP-4 4 steaks, 10-12 oz each $140

Grass-fed steaks have a reputation for being lean and lacking the marbling of grain-finished beef. These ribeyes defy that norm, with luscious fat and stunning marbling. The cowboy cut has a couple inches of bone sticking out, giving you a handle to hold onto. The steaks are dry-aged for two weeks, creating huge flavor with a deep mineral tang. Bone in, 2 inches thick, serves an army. Ships frozen. M-RIB-2 2 steaks, 1½ lbs each $200 M-RIB-4 4 steaks, 1½ lbs each $375



CALL 888 636 8162




STO CU Choose Your Mix in these

1) Bread

Select three hearth-baked Zingerman’s Bakehouse breads from the list below: classic or creative, sweet or savory, or a mix of everything. We’ll pack them in our fun, cartooned gift box. G-3BD 3 breads, gift boxed $45 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY


Farm Loaf French Mountain Sourdough Roadhouse (Rye, Wheat, & Cornmeal)


Chocolate Sourdough Chocolate Cherry Pecan Raisin Cinnamon Raisin 8 Grain 3 Seed


Parmesan Pepper Peppered Bacon Farm Bread


Jewish Rye Onion Rye Pumpernickel

Dinkelbrot Spelt Bread

3) Pastries

Choose your own assortment of six to thirty pastries. Pick from chocolatey brownies, classic cookies, creamy scones, and other luscious treats from the list below. Then pick your packaging: a colorful cartoon gift box or a classy wooden crate. Pick any 6 in a cartoon box for $36, any 8 in a crate for $50, and so on. Details at zcob.me/custom-pastry SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


Magic Brownie with walnuts Black Magic Brownie without nuts Pecan Blondie Gluten Free Townie Brownie*


Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Ginger Jump-Up Cookie Sky’s the Lemon Cookie

* Not made in a gluten free facility.


Brioche Orange & Almond Bostock Raspberry Patti Pocket Hand Pie



Currant Scone Lemon Scone Ginger Scone Country Pecan & Raisin Scone Date & Orange Scone

OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

OMIZE 4 Customizable Gift Boxes 2) Meat & Cheese

Build your own ultimate meat & cheese spread. Choose cheeses—we’ll hand cut each half-pound wedge to order—and cured meats or salamis to pair with them. Then choose what you want to pair with all those proteins: we can pack them on their own, with crusty Farm Bread, with a box of artisan crackers, or go to town with the full party spread including Sourdough Bread, Crackers, Cornichon Pickles and Virginia Diner Peanuts. Prices start at $95. Details at zcob.me/custom-meat-cheese FREE SHIPPING


Borsellino Pork Salami Spicy Calabrian Pork Salami 'Ndjua Spicy Pork Spread Beef & Pork Summer Sausage Prosciutto Americano Ham Speck Cured Pork Spanish Iberico Cured Ham


Zingerman's Cabot Cheddar Cabot Clothbound Cheddar Parmigiano Reggiano Marieke Gouda Brabander Goat Gouda Brebis d’Ossau

Spanish Manchego Piave Vecchie Swiss Gruyère Camembert Gorgonzola Bayley Hazen Blue

4) Gelato

Thick, creamy, elegant, luscious. Eating gelato is an event, a special occasion that borders on a religious experience for ice cream connoisseurs. At Zingerman’s Creamery, our gelato makers traveled to Italy to learn to make gelato from the masters. Then we made it our own with all-American flavors. We start with fresh milk from Calder Dairy—one of the last farmstead dairies in Michigan—and mix it with organic Demerara sugar and an array of other good ingredients to churn out this Italian-style ice cream with direct, intense flavors. Assemble a collection of your five favorite pints. G-5GL five 16 oz containers $125 FREE SHIPPING

Gelato Flavors

Vanilla Dark Chocolate Mint Chocolate Chip Cold Brew Coffee Michigan Maple Syrup Pecan Dulce de Leche Caramel

CALL 888 636 8162


Salted Caramel Chocolate Chunk Peanut Butter Gianduja Chocolate & Hazelnut Buenos Aires Brownie Bittersweet Burnt Sugar Michigan Raspberry Sorbet Lemon Sorbet



coffee cakes


Coffee cakes have been our best selling gift since we started mailing food in the early 1990s. Having tried a truckload of coffee cakes in the past two decades I can say quite honestly that I haven’t tasted one I like better. I think the same goes for a lot of our customers—many folks return year after year to send this gift and this gift only. It’s substantial, it’s honest, it’s straightforward, and it’s really good. I guarantee you really can taste the difference.


The legend. Toasted walnuts, thick streams of Indonesian cinnamon, creamy texture, huge flavor. large in box $55, in crate $65 small in box $40, in crate $45


Real lemon oil and a veritable passel of poppy seeds, plus loads of real butter and Madagascar vanilla. large in box $55, in crate $65 small in box $40, in crate $45


With dark cocoa, a touch of espresso and chunks of dark chocolate that go molten if you heat it. large in box $55, in crate $65 small in box $40, in crate $45


Our new classic. Butter crumble topping with pistachio, clove, cardamom, coconut and more. large in box $55, in crate $65 small in box $40, in crate $45

pick your packaging

our COlorful cartOon box 18

american made cheEse crate


Choose any three of our classic nosher-sized cakes, we’ll nestle them in a wooden cheese crate. G-3CK 3 cakes in wood crate $100 FREE SHIPPING

select your size


6 inch diameter, serves 5-7


9 inch diameter, serves 10-12

OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

for a few foOdies

for a larger group built to impreSs

Our cartooned gift box includes a mini Sour Cream Coffee Cake, Walnut-Studded Magic Brownie, Ginger Molasses JumpUp Cookie, Currant Scone, Sea Salt Pecan Blondie, plus a pouch of six handmade, crispy, all butter Palmiers. G-ZBS sampler, serves 6-8 $50

Big, beautiful cartooned gift box with no-nut Black Magic and walnut-studded Magic Brownies, a Pecan Blondie, Oatmeal Raisin and Ginger Molasses Jump-Up Cookies, a Ginger Scone, a Currant Scone, a Raspberry Patti Pocket Hand Pie, a six pack of all butter Palmiers and our nosher-sized Hot Cocoa Coffee Cake. G-BNZ serves 10-12 $100

Pastry Sampler


Baked Goods Bonanza


Pastry Dreambox

If you want to knock someone’s socks off this is the gift to do it. It’s a big foot and a half long pine crate (illustrated) stuffed to bursting with our incredible nosher-sized Sour Cream Coffee Cake, two Currant Scones, a walnut-studded Magic Brownie, a no-nut Black Magic Brownie and a Pecan Blondie, a Ginger Jump-Up Cookie, a Big Oatmeal Raisin Cookie, a raspberry-filled Patti Pocket hand pie, a loaf of Classic Banana Bread, Star Thistle Honey, and six handmade, crispy Palmiers. G-DRE serves 14-16 $150 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

Beyond the malL Cinn-ful Cinnamon Roll Gift Box

What was old is new again

Chocolate Raisin Babka

Babka is a sweet loaf, both fluffy and rich, kind of like a light textured coffee cake with a dense filling swirled throughout. In the late 19th Century, babka was made with leftover challah bread dough wrapped around nuts or jam. Now the master bakers at Zingerman’s Bakehouse have given babka a flavor update worthy of the new millennium. Rich with butter, swirling with chocolate and cinnamon, and studded with golden sultana raisins, our babka bursts with chocolatey sweetness. Wrapped in tissue and gift boxed. G-BAB chocolate raisin babka $30 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

CALL 888 636 8162

Almost anyone can make a cinnamon roll smell good while it’s baking, even among the cell phone kiosks at the mall. Unfortunately, most have little more than aroma to offer. You won’t taste much beyond sugar and cinnamon. The real challenge is to fashion a cinnamon roll that tastes as good as it smells. These fit the bill. Warm them up, break one open and put your nose up close. You’ll smell sweet butter, Indonesian cinnamon, real vanilla. But the real treat is next. Take one bite. That’s all you’ll need to forget the litany of cinnamon roll disappointments life has dealt you. With serving instructions. G-CIN ten roll tin in wooden crate $40 A-CIN ten roll tin in cartoon gift box $35 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE




our two decade old classic bakehouse basket Almost as Good as Grandma’s Gift Basket This is one of our most popular baskets, a selection of some of the baked goods made by Zingerman’s Bakehouse presented in a wooden box emblazoned with the Zingerman’s name.

DELUXE (illustrated) Cinnamon Raisin Bread, Zingerman’s Magic Brownie and no-nut Black Magic Brownie, Currant Scone and Lemon Scone, Sea Salt Pecan Blondie, Oatmeal Raisin Cookie, Sky’s the Lemon Cookie, Ginger Jump-Up Cookie, Honey and Preserves. G-GRA-1 deluxe $75

ULTIMATE Double of all the pastries plus a loaf each of Cinnamon Raisin and Chocolate Sourdough breads. G-GRA-2 ultimate $135 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY


a new take on a bakehouse basket

Sweet & Savory Bakery Basket Who says all pastries have to be sweet? We stuff the gift basket with a loaf each of Roadhouse Bread, Chocolate Sourdough, and Pecan Praline Banana Bread, a sweet Lemon Scone and spicy Ginger Scone, a raspberry-filled Patti Pocket hand pie, a walnut-studded Magic Brownie and a Sea Salt topped Pecan Blondie, an almond and orange scented brioche Bostock, a Ginger Jump Up Molasses Cookie and an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie. G-SSV gift basket, serves 6-8 $90 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY

baked for a (desk) hoarder

Magic Brownie Bites Zingerman’s legendary Magic Brownies—with and without toasted walnuts—carved down to a quarter of their original size. Each is baked with real butter, cane sugar and dark Belgian chocolate. G-MBB 20 bites in box (illustrated) $40 G-M50 50 bites in wooden crate $100 G-M100 100 bites in wooden crate $180 G-M200 200 bites in wooden crate $325 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

classic loaves

breakfast breads

These are the breads we built our reputation on. While we ship over two dozen types of loaves, these foundation breads have probably seen more tables than any other. Honor a bread fanatic by sending our cartooned gift box of Jewish Rye, Farm Bread, Better Than San Francisco Sourdough and Pecan Raisin. G-SAM-A deli deluxe $60

Our colorful, cartoon gift box includes a loaf each of Cinnamon Raisin and 8-Grain 3-Seed Bread, a couple of Ginger Scones to sweeten the deal and a small jar each of Honey and Preserves. G-FES bread-fest box $50

Bread-fest Gift Box

Deli Deluxe Bread Box



for crust lovers

signature bake

Sweet & Spicy Bread Box

Rustic Peasant Loaf Gift Box

A cartooned gift box stuffed to bursting with a loaf of Chocolate Sourdough, Cinnamon Raisin, Parmesan Pepper, and Peppered Bacon Farm Bread. G-SAM-B sweet & spicy $65

The cartooned gift box includes a loaf each of Paesano, Farm Bread and Roadhouse. G-PEA peasant gift box $45 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY


chocolate sourdough It’s simple: our sourdough bread stuffed with chunks of dark Belgian chocolate. Like most of the school children I know, I like to rip off a hunk and eat it as soon as I open the bag, but it's best when you pop it in the oven for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Your entire kitchen is likely to be filled with sensuous smells—warm chocolate, good bread. This is one loaf that's very hard to keep around the house. B-XSB 1 lb handmade loaf $10 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY

chocolate cherry A chocolate lover's fantasy come true— the best Belgian and French chocolate and dozens of dried Michigan cherries. A few minutes in the oven, the chocolate chunks begin melting, the aroma of cocoa fills the air. Spread it with just a hint of sweet butter or set a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of a warm slice. You'll be sitting in front of the most decadent dessert you've had in years. B-CHO 1 ¼ lb handmade loaf $18 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY

chocolate banana bread Our classic banana bread (online) is baked with organic flour, real butter, fresh eggs, cane sugar, a touch of Madagascar vanilla and two super ripe bananas. It’s great, a strong house built of nostalgia and seriously good flavor. The addition of big chunks of dark chocolate transforms the cake into a different dessert altogether. There are people I know who don’t like banana bread but absolutely love this one. Amazing stuff. G-BNC 1.2 lb loaf, gift boxed, serves 5-7 $20 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

CALL 888 636 8162





The national bread of Belgium. It’s a buttery brioche rolled up with fresh orange zest and sugar cubes soaked in Grand Marnier®. The additions form a sweet swirl inside each slice like a cinnamon roll and their dark orange flavors seep into the surrounding dough. Some of our crew call it “coffee cake bread,” which gets to the spirit of the loaf, though its texture is much lighter. B-QUE 1½ lb handmade loaf $28

cinnamon raisIn

A cinnamon raisin bread with substance. A chewy, solid loaf where the flavor of the dough supports the freelancing of the Red Flame raisins and the racy scent of Indonesian cinnamon. Sweetened and moistened with a hint of clover honey. Makes sensational Sunday morning toast. B-CIN 1½ lb handmade loaf $12 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY

Pecan Raisin

This bread has been like a chain reaction—someone serves it for brunch, and the next week their guests are calling us and buying it for themselves. Calling it dense is an understatement: a half pound of big, juicy Red Flame raisins and toasted pecans are baked into every loaf. The New York Times says our Pecan Raisin Bread "redefines the category." B-PEC 1¼ lb handmade loaf $18 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY


parmesan pepPer bread

Peppered Bacon Farm Bread



My Italian friends would probably think this bread is heresy, but that’s their loss. It’s a natural for me because I love bread, parmesan and good black pepper. There’s a heaping helping of Parmigiano Reggiano in every loaf, along with a load of cracked Zingerman's 5 Star Black Peppercorns. Leaves your mouth pleasantly aroused from the heat of the pepper and salivating from the savory sweetness of the parmesan. It’s fantastic when toasted. B-PEP 1 lb handmade loaf $17


We used to bake this on special occasions and we’d get so many orders we'd run out of bacon. It’s Farm Bread dough with Nueske’s Applewood Smoked Bacon and Zingerman's 5 Star Black Pepper. Every bite has a bit of sourdough tang and a lot of the sweet, smoky meatiness of bacon, plus a little spice. I’m sure it makes great sandwiches, but I’ve never had a loaf around long enough to try. B-BAC ¾ lb handmade loaf $16

OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

Farm Bread

Imagine sitting around a French farmhouse table waiting for dinner. This would be the bread the family would serve. Like French pain au levain, it's a white-wheat mix made with a sour starter. Its crust is crisp, its flavor subtle and never tiring. The three pound round is my favorite. Cut into quarters and freeze what you don’t eat. B-FRM-RND 3 lb round $18 B-FRM-LOF 1½ lb loaf $9.50 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY


Our most popular bread. Spreading out like the cap of a wild mushroom, its thin, snow white crust surrounds a soft, savory crumb filled with lots of holes (we work hard to put the holes in). This is the traditional bread of Puglia—the heel of Italy’s boot—and the best one to eat alongside a pasta dinner. Recommended for ripping and dipping in olive oil. B-PAE 1½ lb handmade loaf $9.50 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY

Jewish Rye

This is rye like my grandparents ate in Eastern Europe, made with plenty of freshly-milled rye flour (believe it or not, most “rye bread” sold in America contains very little rye flour), a natural sour rye starter (not the usual canned shortcuts) and lots of time to let the dough develop. The base bread for our reuben and many other sandwiches. B-RYE 1½ lb loaf $9.50 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY

Roadhouse Bread

The house bread at our restaurant, Zingerman’s Roadhouse, and a local favorite. It’s based on an early New England recipe, made by combining freshly-milled rye flour and cornmeal with wheat. Anyone from an 18th century New Englander to Laura Ingalls Wilder would recognize it (it’s referred to in Little House on the Prairie as Rye ‘n’ Injun bread). It’s got great crust and a soft, chewy center that has a slight sweetness from dark molasses, making it a hit with kids. Excellent with cream cheese, smoked salmon and just about any cheese plate you can dream up. B-ROA 1½ lb handmade loaf $9.50 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY


The crisp, crackly crust, moist honeycombed interior and that trademark sour tang will tickle your tongue. We ship them to San Franciscans across the country—even to some living near the Golden Gate. B-SDR 1½ lb round $9.50 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAYS

CALL 888 636 8162




The gifts that remind them of how awesome you are every month. Choose your club, pay once and we'll take care of the rest. They'll get a box of fabulous food delivered to their doorstep. Guaranteed to make you look like a genius.


Three Months

“Some women are thrilled to get a box from Tiffany... but for me one of the most thrilling things I can imagine is a box of breads from Zingerman’s.” Carol Field, The Italian Baker

Bread of the Month Club Our bread is magical. When you walk into Zingerman’s Delicatessen it’s the first thing you see. It’s what you smell. You can’t resist when you’re invited to taste. If you’re worried that someone will think you’re a little crazy for sending bread through the mail, it may reassure you to know that you’re not alone. We send thousands of loaves to bread lovers nationwide. It’s considered by many to be some of the finest bread made anywhere. A real treat.

1 loaf per month

2 loaves per month

G-1-3 $70

G-2-3 $100

Roadhouse Bread

Roadhouse & Sourdough


Black Olive Farm & Paesano

Chocolate Sourdough

Chocolate Sourdough & Farm Bread

Six Months 1 loaf per month

2 loaves per month

G-1-6 $139

G-2-6 $200

Roadhouse Bread

Roadhouse & Sourdough


Black Olive Farm & Paesano

Chocolate Sourdough

Chocolate Sourdough & Farm Bread

Farm Bread

Parmesan Pepper & Jewish Rye

(Better Than) San Francisco Sourdough Jewish Rye

8-Grain 3-Seed & Cinnamon Raisin Pecan Raisin & French Mountain Bread


Coffee Cake of the Month Club Our coffee cakes aren’t built on any secrets. They’re also not built from too much sugar, shortening or other shortcuts that mar the flavor of many “gourmet” pastries. These are a product of great ingredients and a lot of tender care. Their honest flavor is easy to enjoy and kind of addictive. They’re our most popular gift. This club is a great way to give someone a chance to enjoy all of our coffee cakes, one per month. Just as they start to miss what they finished, a fresh one arrives. Your succulent sentiments will be hard to forget. A gift subscription makes a great business gift. Each cake serves 5-7.

COFFEE CAKE CLUB Three Months G-C-3 $120

Sour Cream Summer Fling Hot Cocoa

Twelve Months

Six Months G-C-6 $230

G-C-12 $450

Includes first 3 cakes, plus:

Includes first 6 cakes, plus:

Tea Cake Lemon Poppy Seed New Deli

Almond Pound Cake Chocolate Tahini Olive Oil Sour Cream Hot Cocoa Lemon Poppy Seed


OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

Culinary Adventure Society and Food Explorers Club One of these would make just the right gift for that friend or client who thinks they're the Indiana Jones of the culinary world. No rolling boulders here, but we’ll send a box of food surprises based on our most up-todate food research and travel. Perhaps they’ll taste olio nuovo, a coveted bottle of great olive oil, just pressed. Maybe a cheese from one of America’s small dairies so regional it rarely leaves its neighborhood. All foods are exclusively selected for the members. We’ll include writing on each food's history and culture plus recipes for their use. It’s guaranteed to impress and put its recipient on the cutting edge of taste bud territory.



Ships in September, December, March and June. 8-10 discoveries per shipment. See dates online.

Ships monthly. 1-2 food discoveries per shipment.

1 Time G-1-Z $175

2 Times G-2-Z $325

4 Times (year) G-4-Z $600

3 monthly installments G-EXP-3 $125

6 monthly installments G-EXP-6 $240

12 monthly installments G-EXP-12 $475



Monthly Bacon Club Our bacon club has been lauded by chefs, sous chefs, home chefs, pork-o-philes and bacon freaks all over America. It’s our most popular food club by far and it’s not just the novelty of bacon-by-mail that makes it so loved. The bacons are downright amazing. It’s hard to find any of these bacons in most shops, let alone all of them. They represent the pinnacle of American bacon making and, let’s be honest, this is one food that no one in the world does better than us. Sorry Europe, it’s true. Your Parmigiano-Reggiano and your Champagnes are great, but you can’t touch our bacon.


G-BAC-12 $400 Month 1 Applewood Smoked

Month 4 Juniper & Thyme

Month 7 Spencer’s Irish Style

Month 10 Nancy Newsom’s Dry Cured

Month 2 Kentucky Dry Cured

Month 5 Tennessee Dry Cured

Month 8 Hickory Smoked Duroc

Month 11 Jowl and Steak

Month 6 Balinese Long Pepper

Month 9 Hungarian Double Smoked

Month 12 Cherrywood Smoked

Month 3 Arkansas Peppered





returnless guarantee Customer service is our passion, our charge and our mission. If you experience a problem with any of our products, customer service, shipping—or even if you just plain don't like how it tastes—please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right for you. We never ask you to return anything so you can shop worry-free.

shipping rates

CALL TOLL-FREE 888 636 8162 TEXT US 734 436 2006 INTERNATIONAL 734 477 6986 FAX 734 477 6988






0 - $25





$25.01 - $50





$50.01 - $75





$75.01 - $100





$100.01 - $125





$125.01 - $150





$150.01 and up



25% + $10


EMAIL service@zingermans.com

Alaska and Hawaii


NEED AN ORDER FORM? You can make your own, we'll figure it out! We have "official" ones online. We can mail you one, too

Local Pick Up

Add $10 to rates. Flat Rate Order by phone or online Shipment qualifies for $10.99 takes 8 days. Two Business and you can arrange to pick flat rate only if all items Days takes 3 business days. up at our warehouse in selected ship for flat rate. One Business Day takes Ann Arbor. Bread doesn't ship flat rate, 2 days. sorry.

PROPER MAIL 610 Phoenix Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48108


International Shipping

During warmer months we include extra ice and protection for some foods that suffer under summer's heat.

Sorry, we are unable to ship outside the U.S. Contact us and we'll be happy to help you find someone who can assist.

frequent foodie reward program If you spend enough to earn a prize, we'll let you know. It's that easy. No membership fee. No account number. No pin. No need to sign up. The current Frequent Foodie period is October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019. (It repeats every year.)


Money you spend

Latitude of Award

Gift card reward

over $10,000 $5,000-9,999 $4,000-4,999 $3,000-3,999 $2,000-2,999 $1,000-1,999 $500-999

Pine Stump Junction Ishpeming Slapneck Escanaba Menominee Bad Axe Paw Paw

$500 $250 $200 $150 $100 $50 $25


The Weekender Gift Boxes Great all-purpose gifts, built from foods the recipient can snack on right out of the box. Whatever the occasion, folks will dig right in.

the cLassIc Weekender

Hand assembled in our cartooned gift box has a loaf of Zingerman’s Artisan Bread, a Walnut-studded Magic Brownie and a Sea Salt Topped Pecan Blondie, La Quercia's Borsellino Salami, Zingerman's Peanut Brittle, Virginia Diner Peanuts, and a nosher-sized version of our extremely popular, extremely good Sour Cream Coffee Cake. G-WEE weekender gift box $75

the Long Weekender

Packed in a handsome wooden cheese crate, includes all the items in the Classic Weekender plus Zingerman’s freshly roasted High Flyer Coffee, Zingerman’s Banana Bread, a Ginger Jump-Up Molasses Cookie, Koeze Cream-Nut Peanut Butter, and a dozen Vanilla and Chocolate Coconut Macaroons. G-LWE long weekender $160 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY


the Baked Weekender

In a giant wooden crate, includes all the items in the Classic Weekender plus a loaf of Chocolate Sourdough Bread, a no-nut Black Magic Brownie, a mini Pecan Pie, a box of four assorted mini sweet scones, a bag of buttery Palmiers, a raspberryfilled Patti Pocket hand pie, an almond and orange scented brioche Bostock, two Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, and two Sky’s the Lemon Cookies. G-BWE baked weekender $175 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY

Zingerman's Legendary Reuben Sandwich Kits The pErfect sandwich by mail Zingerman's Reuben has been our top-selling sandwich since our doors opened on the corner of Detroit Street and Kingsley in 1982. It's a soul-filling combination of corned beef, Swiss, homemade Russian dressing and sauerkraut that, when properly prepared at home, is a show-stopping meal. If you know someone who loves real deli fare, sending this gift will cement your status as the most clever, generous friend anyone could have. Some assembly is required, but considering it has been known to make adults weep in appreciation, we think it’s worth it.

Corned Beef Reuben

Turkey Georgia Reuben

Pastrami Brooklyn Reuben

Jon & Amy’s Corned Beef & Pastrami Double Dip

G-SHE serves 8 G-SHE-2 serves 3-4

G-BIN serves 8 G-BIN-2 serves 3-4

CALL 888 636 8162

$200 $150 $200 $150

G-GEO serves 8 G-GEO-2 serves 3-4


serves 8

$200 $150

what's included Jewish Rye Bread (Pumpernickel in Brooklyn Reuben)

Meat Fixins Emmentaler Swiss Russian Dressing Sauerkraut Coleslaw Garlicky Pickles Zingerman’s Potato Chips Magic & Black Magic Brownie Bites Professional Deli Instructions





The Snackboard Baskets These have always been our most popular gift baskets. No heating, no cooking, just eating required.



Zingerman’s Farm Bread and walnut-studded Magic Brownie, John Macy’s Cheesesticks, Garden of Eatin’ Tortilla Chips, Premium Salsa, Fruit Preserves, and a jar of Koeze’s Cream Nut Peanut Butter. G-SNA-S small $90

All the foods from the small and medium plus Irish Brown Bread Crackers, Chimes Ginger Chews, and Zingerman’s Spiced Pecans. G-SNA-L large $150 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY


MEDIUM All the food from the small plus La Quercia’s Borsellino Salami, Zingerman’s Peanut Brittle, Zingerman's Virginia Peanuts and a Ginger Molasses JumpUp Cookie. G-SNA-M medium $130

DELUXE (Illustrated) Everything in the other three sizes plus Zingerman's Potato Chips, Olives and Effie’s Crispy Corncakes. G-SNA-D deluxe $180 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY


New American Cheese and Charcuterie Box There are some serious contenders for America's crown in cheese and cured meats and they are in this gift box, ready for an antipasto plate extraordinaire. A collection of some of America’s best new(ish) makers, including Andy Hatch’s Pleasant Ridge Reserve cheese, Spring Brook Farm’s Reading Raclette cheese, La Querica’s Proscuitto Americano, Antonio Fiasche’s Nduja, and Red Table Meat’s Vecchio Salami. G-ACM gift box serves 12 $125 FREE SHIPPING

Charcuterie and Cheese Gift Box With a larder like this, the recipient can lay out a devastatingly handsome spread of food so quickly it’ll seem like Harry Potter cast a spell. We pack a culinary collection in its own wooden “cupboard” that a lazy gourmand can stash until hunger—or desirable company—strikes. Includes Borsellino Salami, French Cornichon Pickles, Dutch Gouda and Zingerman’s Nor'easter Cabot Cheddar, Olives, a loaf of Zingerman’s Artisan Bread, 'Nduja Spicy Cured Meat Spread, Zingerman’s Virginia Peanuts and Rustic Bakery Olive Oil and Sea Salt Flatbreads. Serves ten for snacks, lasts for weeks when refrigerated. G-CAC charcuterie & cheese gift box $150 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY WARM WEATHER CARE


OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

give the grandest The Ultimate Basket

Unequaled food glory. Includes an assortment of four Zingerman’s Brownies, Molasses Ginger Jump-Up Cookie, Oatmeal Raisin Cookie, Zingerman’s Coffee, Irish Brown Bread Crackers, La Quercia's Borsellino Salami, Zingerman’s Peanut Brittle, Koeze’s Cream Nut Peanut Butter, Garden of Eatin' Blue Corn Chips, Salsa, John Macy's Cheesesticks, Ginger Chimes Candies, Spanish Marcona Almonds, Zingerman’s Spiced Pecans, All Natural Gummis, and Zingerman’s Virginia Peanuts. G-ULT ultimate basket $200 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

nowhere else

Zingerman’s Exclusives Basket

Many of our best-selling foods can’t be found anywhere other than Zingerman’s. Some of them we make ourselves; others are made just for us by remarkable food makers we partner with from all over the world. This basket includes the best of the best of foods you won’t find anywhere else, including Zingerman's Travel Olive Oil, La Vecchia’s Dispensa’s Balsamic Vinegar, Virginia Diner Peanuts, American Spoon’s Cherry Berry Conserve, Portuguese Sardines from La Gondola, a bag of Zingerman’s potato chips, a bottle of Zingerman’s Cold Brew Coffee, and from Zingerman’s Bakehouse a loaf of Farm Bread, a Magic Brownie, a Ginger Jump Up Molasses Cookie, and a box of Mini Scones. G-ZXC gift basket $115 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY

the magic of THE mediteRraNean A Tuscan’s Treat Basket Includes Zingerman’s Paesano Bread, Zingerman’s Travel Oil, Vecchia Dispensa’s Aged Balsamic Vinegar, Antonio Mattei’s Original Tuscan Biscotti, Italian Slow Dried Pasta, Italian Tomato Sauce from Il Mongetto, Roasted Hazelnuts from the Piedmont, Leccino Black Olives, Chestnut Honey, and Taralli Olive Oil Crackers. G-TUS italian gift basket $175 FREE SHIPPING

CALL 888 636 8162




jewels of the midwest

ANN ARBOR, MI Manchester Cheese

Dodgeville, WI Pleasant Ridge Reserve Cheese

From Zingerman’s Creamery, the Manchester is a French-style moldripened cheese, similar to a Camembert or brie. Mold-ripening changes the cheese from the outside in, making it softer and richer as it ages. It’s the best way to make really luscious cheeses, something you’ll notice the minute a piece of Manchester hits your tongue. Serve at room temperature with nuts or fruit or mustard, smear it into a ham sandwich with caramelized onions, or try it dusted with light muscovado sugar then baked into puff pastry. C-MNC ½ lb round $18

Pleasant Ridge Reserve is made from the milk of a single herd of cows that graze on the rolling Wisconsin hillsides. After aging for a year, the cheese is like a European mountain cheese: fruity in an apple-y sort of way—rich, deep and sweet. Production is very small—about 6,000 wheels a year. We work closely with maker Andy Hatch, tasting together to select specific days of cheese to pick the most flavorful of the bunch. C-PRR by the pound $39



Chicago, Il Red Square Salami

Wittenberg, WI Nueske’s Applewood Bacon

Chicago, Il Spicy Calabrian Salami

Based on a traditional Russian recipe, our friends at Red Bear Provisions craft this salami from choice cuts of beef ground with pepper and garlic. Coarse chunks of pork fat are mixed in at the end, then the salami is smoked over hardwood before aging for a few weeks. Rich, garlicky, deep, delicious. M-RSS 8 oz $19

There’s a reason this is our top seller. It is perfectly balanced between softly, pleasantly sweet and salty/smoky. To me this is the Platonic ideal of bacon. If I were to choose one bacon to eat every day, which pretty much sounds like heaven, this would be it. Nueske’s slices it thickly just for us. M-BAC 1 lb sliced thickly $17



Made with heritage Berkshire-breed pork from pigs that live outdoors, roaming and rooting without ever being given antibiotics or hormones. Tony Fiasche and his team at Tempesta Salumi blend the pork with Calabrian chiles to make an inch-thick silky-smooth salami with serious—but never overwhelming—heat. The spicy side is tempered with a deep, smoky sweetness. M-CAL 9 oz $17 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

michigan Made in Michigan Basket Guaranteed to cure the homesickness of a misplaced Michigander. This gift basket is stuffed with a jar of Cherry Berry Conserve from American Spoon in Petoskey, a jar of Koeze’s Cream-Nut Peanut Butter from Grand Rapids, a bag of Al Dente Pasta from Whitmore Lake, and from here in Ann Arbor a bottle of Clancy’s Fancy Hot Sauce, a bag of Zingerman’s Sea Salt Potato Chips, a box of Zingerman’s Peanut Brittle, a bag of whole bean High Flyer Coffee, six all-butter Palmiers, and a loaf of Zingerman’s crusty Farm Bread. G-MIM gift basket $125 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY

more midwestern jewels online at zcob.me/midwest

Great Lakes Great Lakes Artisan Gift Box Twenty years ago it was a tough task to build a tasty collection of American artisan foods, let alone one strictly from around the Great Lakes. Times have changed. Today there’s such a bounty the tables have turned. The difficult job is not finding enough foods: it’s editing the selection. Here are seven delectables that I think represent some of the ingenuity and resources of artisan food makers from our region. Peanut Butter from Koeze in Grand Rapids, Michigan, American Spoon Preserves from Petoskey, Michigan, two bottles of Zingerman's Cold Brew Coffee, Mo’s Bacon Chocolate bar from Vosges in Chicago, Marieke Gouda from Thorp, Wisconsin, Nueske’s Applewood Smoked Bacon from Wittenberg, Wisconsin, and our Cinnamon Raisin Bread. G-GLA great lakes gift box $125 FREE SHIPPING

CALL 888 636 8162

Ann Arbor, MI Zingerman's Artisan Gift Box A mini Sour Cream Coffee Cake and hearth baked bread from Zingerman’s Bakehouse, a bag of whole bean coffee and a bottle of Cold Brew from Zingerman’s Coffee Company, a box of Peanut Brittle, Spiced Pecans, an almond and orange scented Bostock, a Walnut-studded Magic Brownie, a personal-sized bag of Sea Salt Potato Chips, and a loaf of Pecan Praline Banana Bread. G-ART zingerman’s artisan gift box $100 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY




In Sympathy Whenever someone loses a loved one, their house is usually besieged by grand floral arrangements. I usually send food, though, and often find it’s really appreciated—especially when they can enjoy the foods right out of the box. We offer two options. Need it there tomorrow? Call us. Not sending in sympathy? No problem, we can remove the identifying sticker.

Sitting Shiva

Bereavement Illustrated. A not too perishable assortment of a nosher-sized Zingerman’s Sour Cream Coffee Cake, a dozen assorted Brownie Bites, John Macy’s Cheesesticks, Zingerman’s Virginia Peanuts, La Quercia's Borsellino Salami, a bag of buttery Palmiers and a bag of Zingerman’s Coffee, ground. It’s packed with class in our oval wooden crate with Zingerman’s printed on the lid. G-BER bereavement gift box $125 G-BER-NL bereavement, no label $125

A good choice for Shiva, the week-long mourning period in Judaism for close family members. Our wooden crate comes filled with a box of Apricot and Currant/Walnut Rugelach, a Chocolate and Raisin Babka, Kosher Vanilla Butter Caramels, Zingerman’s Peanut Brittle, and a nosher-sized Sour Cream Coffee Cake. Baked goods are not Kosher. G-SHV shiva gift box $125 G-SHV-NL shiva gift box, no label $125



Get Well Gift Box

Midnight Feeding New Baby Box

Gift boxed nosher-sized Sour Cream Coffee Cake, John Macy’s Cheesesticks, Earl Grey Tea, a kit for Matzo Ball Soup, Ginger Chimes candies, a thick, walnut-studded Magic Brownie and a no-nut Black Magic Brownie. G-GWG get well gift box $85 G-GWG-NL without "get well" label $85

Gift boxed mini Sour Cream Coffee Cake, a mini Hot Cocoa Cake, two no-nut Black Magic Brownies, Coop’s Salted Caramel Sauce, La Quercia’s Borsellino Salami, personalsized bags of Zingerman’s Sea Salt and Pepper Potato Chips, Marcona Almonds, John Macy’s Cheesesticks and a darn cute Zingerman’s bib. G-BBY midnight feeding new baby gift box $125




OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

Congratulations! Gift Box They just closed on their mortgage. They just graduated from college. They just landed their dream job. They just had their first anniversary—or their 31st anniversary. Whatever the occasion, say “congrats!!” deliciously with this colorful gift box stuffed with a Sour Cream Coffee Cake and eight assorted Brownie Bites, John Macy’s Cheesesticks, a Borsellino Salami, a couple personal-sized bags of Zingerman’s potato chips, and a jar of Balaton brandied cherries. G-CGT congratulations! gift box $85 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

Rustic Retreat "Thank You" Dinner Gift Box A “thank you” that’s not a cliché. This gift boxed set includes Italian Pasta and Il Mongetto Tomato Sauce, our Paesano Bread, a tin of line-caught Ortiz Bonito Tuna, Travel Olive Oil from Tuscany and two walnut-studded Magic Brownies for dessert. G-DIN rustic retreat gift box $65 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY

business giftS Awesome Office Supplies Host the best office party since that time someone snuck a magnum of Veuve Cliquot in the break room. Stuffed with a Nosher-sized Sour Cream Coffee Cake, Macy’s Cheesesticks, crispy Palmiers, Spanish Olive Oil & Anise Tortas, Italian Biscotti, Virginia Diner Peanuts, freshly roasted ground Zingerman’s Coffee, Zingerman’s Peanut Brittle, Homemade Spiced Pecans, two Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, and ten Brownie Bites. G-OFF gift box $150 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

Employee Elation Gift Box Hearing “thanks!” is nice. Eating “thanks!” is even better. Show your colleagues how much you appreciate them for that time they got all hands on deck to grab that lowhanging fruit, or for consistently circling back to thinking outside the box, or for their laser beam focus on herding all those cats with synergy. Our fun, colorful gift box comes stuffed with a walnut-studded Magic Brownie and a no-nut Black Magic Brownie, plus three Mini Cookies: Oatmeal Raisin, Ginger Jump Up Molasses, and Sky’s the Lemon. G-APP gift box $20 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


Ring us

bizgifts@zingermans.com CALL 888 636 8162




souThern BelLe

Pimento Cheese and Bacon Pimento Cheese There are probably more versions of pimento cheese spread in the South than there are grandmothers. Our classic version is a salty/ tangy/spicy mix of raw milk Cabot Vermont Cheddar, Hellmann’s mayo, pimento peppers and spices. At the table they can assume as many high flavor food jobs as you can dream up: on a burger, in some mac and cheese, or just simply swept up to your mouth on celery ribs. C-PMC classic 6 oz tub $11 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY WARM WEATHER CARE

heritage snacker Red Fife Wheat Crackers Red Fife is an incredibly flavorful heirloom varietal of wheat. To maintain the full toasty, caramel flavor of the wheat, Hayden Mills in Arizona grinds their grains on stone mills, which preserve the wheat’s natural oils—unlike industrial mills that burn the good stuff off. Their crackers are made simply with the freshly milled flour, a bit of oil to bind it together and some salt. The result is a clean cracker that highlights the flavor of the wheat that pairs perfectly with cheeses, salamis, and snacks of all kinds. P-RFC 6.5 oz box $10 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


$10.99 flat rate per address. C ombine with other flat rate items a nd the price is the same.

beef on the run Holy Cow Beef Sticks

Red Bear Provisions’ version of Evreyskaya, an Eastern European salami usually reserved for special occasions, here made in a slim format for maximum snackability. Made from premium cuts of Angus beef and mixed with black pepper and garlic, these sticks are smoked over oak to impart a hint of smoky sweetness to go with the rich beef flavor. Great for nibbling in the car, on the trail, or in the office when a midday boost is just what you need. M-HCW 4 oz, 3 sticks $11 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


Everyday Salami

Borsellino Salami

Salamis made by Iowa’s pork palace, La Quercia, with pork raised to impeccable standards. The flavor is mild but substantial, great for nibbling on with cheese plates or tossing in your backpack for hikes in the woods. M-DSG 6 oz classic $12 M-SDS 6 oz piccante (spicy) $12 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

picnic provisions an evening at The (home) wine bar Tapas Gift Box Packed by hand in our classic cartoon Zingerman's box, including: Zingerman's Farm Bread, La Quercia’s Borsellino Salami, Spanish Tortas with Anise and Olive Oil, Marcona Almonds, Tuna-Stuffed Piquillo Peppers from Basque Country and Portuguese Sardines. Serves 6-8 quite handily. G-TAP tapas gift box $80 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY

barcelonA’s choiCe

Arbequina Olives

These small brown beauties are the olive of Catalonia, Spain, and a must for the olive lover in your life. Too small to be harvested by mechanical methods, the care and time it takes to hand pick arbequinas is a testament to their quality and reputation. Brownish purple in color, they have a unique nuttiness that makes them easy to devour by the handful, especially if you dress them with a bit of olive oil and orange rind. One jar might not be enough. P-ABQ 12 oz jar $10 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

SwEet Nibbles

AlL American Snacks


The Shnicky Shnack

Rugelach are the royalty of Jewish baked goods: crispy, flaky, cream cheese pastry, dressed in cinnamon sugar. You take a couple bites, a shower of sugar and cinnamon fills your fingers and you’re done...until you reach for another. We offer two gift boxes. One with half classic toasted walnut with currants and apricot. The other is half chocolate, half raspberry. P-RUG 8 classic & 8 apricot $30 P-RCR 8 chocolate & 8 raspberry $30

Our cartoon gift box, stuffed to the top with snacky favorites including Zingerman’s Butter Toasted Peanuts, John Macy’s Cheesesticks, Ann Arbor Tortilla Chips, no-nut Black Magic Brownie, Ginger-Jump Up Molasses Cookie, Zingerman's Sea Salt Potato Chips and Zingerman's Spiced Pecans. G-ACK gift box $50 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


CALL 888 636 8162




Erin's Demo Queen at Zingerman's Coffee Company

Onion Rye Bread

Onion Rye caught my eye while I was still in high school and new to the ways of gastronomy. Its poppy seed studs were so rebellious... so punk. And that faux-hawk of caramelized onions on top of the loaf...out in the open. So dangerous. Thrilling. I was excited and worried, simultaneously. What if my family hated all that onion? But then, something happened. Onion Rye’s table manners were impeccable. My family loved Onion Rye when I brought it to dinner. We dunked, dipped, slathered, nibbled, gnawed, and sopped the night away. Onion Rye was perfect. It was daring enough to make every day exciting, but refined enough for the most formal dinner party. B-ONI 1½ lb loaf $9.50 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY

More staff favorites at zcob.me/staff-favs


Lisa's Production & Kitchen Manager at Zingerman's Mail Order

Comté from France's Fort St. Antoine

Everyone acknowledges that the French make great cheese and Comté is king in France. Comté aged in Fort St. Antoine is the crown of the king and a trip to their aging vaults is like a cheesemonger’s haj. The Fort is special because it’s an ideal environment for very slow maturing of the wheels so each can develop and express its individual flavors. Plus, it’s cool because it’s really a fort! It was built into the side of a hill in the 1800s and abandoned after it failed at its job stopping Germans in World War II. I love this cheese because I think it’s just about perfect. It’s a wonderful balance of flavors that include hazelnut, brothy French onion soup and butter. It has the most delicate hint of sweetness and a super long finish. Perfecto! C-COM by the pound $35 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAY WARM WEATHER CARE

Service Star at Zingerman's Mail Order

Fire Cider Vinegar

Open the cap, and the first whiff of this ochre-colored vinegar will ignite your senses from the soles of your feet to your medulla oblongata (whatever it is, it will be ignited.) Fire Cider Vinegar comes from a long, northeastern tradition of mixing vinegars with various fruits, vegetables, peppers, and honey to create a down-home cure-all that would be taken to freeze fevers and burn off colds. A bassline of ginger here and a guitar lick of horseradish there, fronted by the apple cider vinegar and driven on the habanero pepper drumming its way to the dramatic conclusion: an inevitable, inescapable exclamation from your mouth and a single tear shed by your great-great-great-great-grandfather as he suddenly realizes how hearty his progeny will be. At home at a Texas barbeque or a Pennsylvanian picnic, pour it on some french fries or season your steak with it. V-FCV 8 oz bottle $24 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

Lynette's Service Star at Zingerman's Mail Order

Summer Sausage

Joyous was the moment I first tried this decadent, snackable summer sausage made with a mix of pork and beef—I knew it was going to go into heavy rotation on my short list of nosh that I get really excited about eating! I look forward to its soft, pleasant texture and sweet yet smoky flavor, subtly highlighted with notes of mustard seed, coriander and allspice. It has a permanent place on any cheese board I put together. As a matter of fact, it’s always the first thing to go amidst the other salamis and goudas and Gruyéres. My absolute favorite way to eat this summer sausage is sliced, paired with our Zingerman’s Cabot Cheddar (online), and dipped in a bit of Dijon mustard. M-SSS 10 oz piece $20 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

STAFF FAVORITES Marketing Coordinator at Zingerman’s Creative Services

Citrus & Almond Mandelbread Mandelbread is our citrus almond cookie. You might recognize them as biscotti. It is not too sweet, not overly brittle, but certainly full of great flavor and crunch. The perfect partner to your morning or afternoon caffeine of choice. The key is the fresh lemon and orange zest coupled with the toasted almonds, all in a twice baked cookie. All that extra attention pays off in each bite. It’s at the top of my go-to list for a snack or a gift. And when you’re done gobbling them up, check the bottom of your package to see if you’re lucky enough to have a few crumbles and almonds that have broken loose. Pour those on yogurt or a bowl of fresh fruit. It’s the best! P-MND about 21 pieces, gift boxed $30

Service Star at Zingerman’s Mail Order

Zingerman’s Spiced Pecans My obsession with Zingerman’s Spiced Pecans is serious. The balance of flavors along with the crunch makes my mouth happy and the perfect blend of sweet, nutty and spicy lightly lingers on my tongue long after my last bite. P-PCN 12 oz gift tin $25 P-S-PCN 5 oz bag $14 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


Managing Partner at Zingerman’s Bakehouse

Petraia Olive Oil

Service Star at Zingerman’s Mail Order

Rangpur Lime Marmalade This marmalade from citrus genius Robert Lambert in California is tart sweetness in a jar, but also possesses pleasant smokiness that quickly fills your whole mouth. The tart is almost sharp enough to pucker, but morphs into a charming sweet and sour bitterness that lasts bite after bite. It wasn’t like anything else I’ve tasted then or since! I like to enjoy this like other marmalades; over bread and bagels, on crackers, and with creamy cheeses. P-RGM 8 oz jar $25 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

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In the late summer of 2007 I was fortunate enough to be part of a tour of food producers in Puglia. We were staying near Andria and on our first day we visited the farm of the Pellegrino family. We toured the fields, watched the olives pressed and tasted a variety of oils that they produced. When we got to the organic olive oil Petraia, I fell in love with the intensity of its taste and aroma. While I had known that we had this oil in Ann Arbor, I had never tasted it before. I’m happy to say that I have been using it exclusively since returning from that trip. Each time I dip a piece of Paesano bread into it I return to that afternoon in the olive groves and the lunch we had with Elia Pellegrino and his family. O-PET 500 ml $30 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE



tuna buy the case Ortiz Bonito Tuna from Spain Tuna is one of the most popular foods we sell. It may seem surprising because here in the U.S., tinned tuna is a low-end commodity usually sold in supermarkets. In Spain it’s at the complete opposite of the culinary spectrum. Tuna in tins, especially these from the fourth-generation family firm Ortiz, is one of the jewels in Spain's culinary crown. Ortiz's fish are all line caught—not netted—hand filleted at sea and quickly tinned by hand in good olive oil. The olive oil is key. It adds flavor and makes the texture silky over time, unlike water, which tends to leach flavors from the fish. P-ORT 112 g tin $9 P-ORT-30 case of 30 $200 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

sardines buy the case

Portuguese Sardines

Tuna is our top-selling tinned seafood, but sardines aren’t too far behind. It’s surprising to me since sardines are not a big part of the popular food scene in America. This is perhaps the classic case of tinned food seen as poor, low-quality food. Before college students ate 75 cent ramen, they ate 10 cent sardines. Forget that stereotype. Here, four or five tender, perfect sardines, come nested in a tin of olive oil, and their flavor is extraordinary—the prize of Portugal, revered there as a kind of national seafood treasure. We offer pure olive oil (classic style, illustrated) or extra virgin olive oil, which has the effect of making the flavor more buttery, less metallic; in a way it’s less fishy. P-SAR 125 g classic (illustrated) $7 P-SAR-10 case of 10 classic $55 P-SEV 110 g extra virgin $9 P-SEV-10 case of 10 extra virgin $75 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

anchovies buy the case Oil Packed Anchovies Rizzoli is a fifth-generation fish curing firm in Parma, Italy. Rizzoli buys Mediterranean Engraulis encrasicolus anchovies in the spring, when they’re fattest. They’re caught in traditional net circles which keeps them from being bruised. The attention Rizzoli gives to details throughout the entire process is clear when you see their tin. It’s a gorgeous gold box that looks like a jewel case more than a fish tin. The care is clear when you taste a fillet. These are not the putrid little fish you find scattered on pizza. Rizzoli’s anchovies are consistently plump, meaty, never mealy, with the clear, crisp, deep flavor of the sea. Rizzoli anchovies are excellent for snacking and quick meals. Store in your fridge. P-OPA 90 g tin $9 P-OPA-10 case of 10 $75 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

botTled cold brew buy the case Cold Brew Coffee

How do you make cold brew coffee? It’s not a trick question! We take fresh roasted coffee and cold—not boiling— water. The cold water extraction process takes sixteen hours, and, absent the heat, the finished brew has none of the bitter, acidic notes you taste in regular coffee. Though there’s no sugar added, the brew is naturally sweet. And it’ll really get your motor revving because the process doesn’t remove any caffeine. P-COF-CBR 10 oz bottle $6 P-COF-CBR-16 case of 16 $80 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

italian tomatoes buy the case San Marzano Tomatoes San Marzano tomatoes are an heirloom variety that came to fame in Southern Italy in the eponymously named town near Naples. Nowadays they are generally regarded as one of the most flavorful plum tomatoes in the world. In my own kitchen, I make sure I always have at least a tin or two stashed in the pantry. P-ZTO 28 oz tin $10 P-ZTO-12 case of 12 $96 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

almonds buy the case Marcona Almonds Dense, meaty, sweet and about ten times more flavorful than almonds we grow in the States. Naturally sweeter than American almonds, the Spaniards kick up the flavor of marconas by skinning the almonds, lightly frying them in oil and then sprinkling with sea salt. The salty/sweet combination is addictive. You’ll nibble one. Then a few. Soon enough, your hand will be covered in salt and nut flakes from grabbing handful after handful, and then they’ll be gone. You’ll have eaten them all. Oh, well. Grab another bag and start all over again. P-MLM 4 oz bag $9 P-MLM-8 case of 8 $56 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

indonesian cashews buy the case

Spiced Cashews

These nuts are fantastic because the family that makes them takes extra steps most makers don’t. First the hand-picked, sun-dried nuts are peeled from their shell only just before being slow roasted. The roasting gives the cashew a firm pop to its texture and brings out more of the nut’s flavor. Then, there’s the spicing: chile and lime leaves. It’s not terribly hot, but there’s a little sizzle and the lime leaves give a bright gleam of green flavor. P-CHL 1.76 oz bag $7 P-CHL-8 case of 8 $44 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

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Zingerman’s Olive Oil Peranzana Olive Oil Zingerman’s Olive Oil is made by Marina Colonna on her ancient estate in Italy’s Molise region, a little over 100 miles due east of Rome. Made from hand picked Peranzana olives pressed the same day they’re taken from the tree, this extra virgin olive oil is hugely flavorful. A decade ago, after I visited Marina Colonna’s farm, we selected from the dozen or so olive varietals she grows and presses separately and chose this one for a bottling she’d do just for us. Every year we’ve tasted again. Every year we’ve chosen the same varietal. Peranzana makes a lovable, delicious, authentic oil. You can use it in your kitchen to marinade, to dress, to douse, and to liven up just about any dish. It shines on beans, raw vegetables and just-grilled meats. O-ZIN 500 ml $29 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

with love frOm tunisIa Onsa’s Olive Oil

We’ve been selling foods from Majid Mahjoub—our source for couscous and harissa and a slew of other outstanding foods from Tunisia (online)—for years now. At the base of most of those foods is Majid’s excellent extra virgin olive oil, made from unique-to-Tunisia chetoui olives. A few years back, we collaborated with Majid to create an oil that would be exclusive to Zingerman’s. We call it Onsa’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil, named for Majid’s wife, Onsa. In a small section of Majid’s orchard, the olives are allowed to remain on the tree a bit longer before harvesting. Harvesting the olives when they’re more mature lends a softer, sweeter quality to the oil, though it’s still got a healthy, bitter, peppery kick. O-ONS 500 ml $20 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

join the cult Maussane Olive Oil

This is a unique oil that’s got one of the most dedicated followings I’ve ever witnessed. We tracked it down years ago at the adamant insistence of Nancy Harmon Jenkins, one of the world’s most knowledgeable food folks, and it’s had a growing cadre of fans ever since. A rich, golden nectar with a distinctive herbal character no other oil can match, it sings with an unequaled pitch in its range of high and low flavor notes. One of its fans told me, “If you love olives, you’ll want to marry this oil.” O-MAU 500 ml $40 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

slow and steady Mariano Sanz Olive Oil

From the rarely visited Sierra de Gredos, the wild, sparsely settled mountain region of Spain not far from the Portuguese border. The oil is made by Mariano Sanz Pech. No pressing is used in the production: Mariano bottles only the “flower of the oil,” which drips naturally from the crushed olives. It’s unfiltered, leaving it lusciously cloudy in the bottle. The 2017 harvest starts off buttery, then takes on a bitter green note, before finally building to a slow, long lasting peppery tickle. The aroma is fresh, SHIPS like artichoke, spinach, and grass. Great on salads, grilled meats, $10.99 flat ripe tomatoes, and toasted bread. Combine with O-MAR 500 ml $30 and the p SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

La Vecchia Dispensa BAL SA M IC V IN EGA R S F RO M

Working just off the historic square in the center of the old town of Castelvetro, southwest of Modena, Italy, Roberta Pelloni, her husband Marino Tintori, and their son Simone make a range of great vinegars. Although Americans tend to gravitate toward sweet caramel-flavored balsamics, Marino is quick to emphasize “the key to great Balsamico is balance.” Exaggerating sweetness is an easy way to enhance appeal and reduce the need for proper blending and aging. You might not notice it at first, but after many uses overly sweet balsamics get kind of dull. Not so with those from the Tintoris. We’ve been selling them for over a decade, and they have a legion of followers who return to them again and again.

8 Year Aged

4 Ages Sampler Bottles

10 Year Aged

Oak Barrel of 16 Year Aged

V-8YR V-10Y

250 ml bottle $25 250 ml bottle $35

16 Year Aged V-16Y

250 ml bottle $45

30 Year Aged V-30Y

el secrEto Sherry Vinegar


t rate per address. h other flat rate items price is the same.

While balsamic has garnered the publicity, specially aged sherry vinegar sits aging in oak barrels in southern Spain waiting to be discovered. Sanchez Romate draws upon 300 years of experience making sherry and sherry vinegar to blend different ages of vinegar (from three to fifty years old) to create a sweet, soft, mouth-tingling flavor. It became a staple in my home long ago, but for centuries before that it became the choice of the royal family of Spain—and the Vatican. Add a few drops to creamy tomato soup or a cold summer gazpacho. Drop a dash on a salad of ripe, sweet, summer tomatoes. Mix it into a classic cocktail sauce and stand back for the fireworks. I’ve found it makes good food extraordinary. V-25Y 750 ml bottle $25


4 x ¼ oz each $30

V-BAR-16 1 liter barrel $350 ALL SHIP FOR FLAT RATE

100 ml bottle $50

french “balsamic” 6 Year Aged Cognac Vinegar It’s not too often you see the French taking a page from the Italians when it comes to cuisine, but they did just that in crafting this intense, complex vinegar. It’s made from the same grapes (Trebbiano) balsamic vinegar makers use in Modena, Italy. Just like the Italians, they reduce the fresh pressed juice in copper kettles, then age the concentrated juice in oak barrels formerly used to age Cognac, which gives it a French twist. Like its Italian cousin, this vinegar is smooth, complex, a little sweet with a finish that seems to linger for hours. Unlike its cousin, it’s light on the tongue (not thick) and more versatile in the kitchen. My favorite new vinegar in years. V-CGN 200 ml bottle $38 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


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Rosh Hashanah begins the 29 evening of SEPT


Order by Monday, September 23rd and we’ll ship to arrive by the start of Rosh Hashanah on Sunday, September 29th. Reserve even earlier to guarantee your challah.

Rosh Hashanah ChalLahs Each fall Zingerman’s Bakehouse releases special limited edition challahs for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. It’s traditional for Eastern European Jews to bake challah in round, turban-like loaves to signify the desire for a full, complete year. Each is baked to order by hand with organic flour and Michigan honey, arriving wrapped in plastic and paper. They’re gorgeous, the color of toasted saffron, and the flavors are rich and sweet—everything the New Year should be.

Classic Turban ChaLlah

Raisin Turban ChalLah

MorocCan Style ChaLlah

Keeping with tradition, we sweeten the loaves with a healthy dose of Michigan honey. B-TP2 1 lb round $9 B-TP1 2 lb round $15

On top of the Michigan honey we add a generous portion of extra-large Red Flame raisins and golden raisins soaked in Myers Dark Rum®. B-RT4 1 lb round with raisins $13 B-RT3 2 lb round with raisins $20

Braided—not round—brushed with honey and rolled in anise, poppy and sesame seeds. No raisins. B-MOR 1 lb braid $12






sweEt as

Tupelo Honey from Florida The honey made famous by Van Morrison’s song, and in the film Ulee’s Gold starring Peter Fonda, is made exclusively in north Florida, along the swampy Apalachicola River basin. There, bees feed on the pale green flowers of the shrubby ogeechee tupelo tree. The honey is clear, its color deep gold, its texture silky smooth and pourable. The aroma is of flowers and caramel. The flavor is deceptively light at first—a hint of green apple—but grows to a crescendo of warmth at the back of the throat. P-ULE 9 oz jar $23



drizZle the darknesS


Coriander Honey from California

Produced from coriander blossoms in the Sacramento Valley, this drizzly honey flows without a hint of crystalization. The aroma has a dark caramel sweetness with a hint of something fruity, like dark cherries. The flavor has those rich, deep notes too, like the top of a crème brûlée, but with that classic honey tang. It reminds me of the Platonic ideal of honey I remember from my childhood, drizzled over biscuits on a sunny Sunday morning. These days, I also love it alongside a soft, fresh goat cheese. P-CND 9 oz jar $14 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.


ASHANAH jEwish new yEar’s cAke Buckwheat Bumble Honey Cake

Baked in a traditional bundt pan (the ones used for coffee cakes) from a long list of luscious ingredients including golden raisins, toasted almonds, fresh orange and lemon zest, Indonesian cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg. The key player is a healthy helping of special buckwheat honey from Michigan. Buckwheat honey is the color of caramel with a bold, molasses-like flavor, making this a rich, deep, lovely cake. Serves 5-7, available starting September 15th. A-BWT-S gift boxed in cartoon box $40 G-BWT-S gift boxed in wooden crate $45 FREE SHIPPING

go east


Date Cardamom & Almond Sesame Rugelach The latest and greatest in our growing collection of rugelach features two new flavors. The first features a rich blend of ground almonds and sesame. The second has fat, juicy dates and the mesmerizing flavor of cardamom. This is a combination I adore, not least because dates are one of the most caramelly delicious fruits there are. When you add them to a cream-cheese-enriched-dough dessert like rugelach you get a food that has few equals. It’s got crunch. It’s got crisp. It’s got sweet. It’s got tang. It’s got nuttiness. A stunning new breakthrough, you should alert work you’ll be taking the next several days off to eat them in peace. P-RDS 16-20 pieces, gift boxed $30 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

two new takes on halvah Maple Halvah & Cardamom Orange Halvah Most halvah out there is mass produced and not very good. Enter Victoria Wallins and her company, Halvah Heaven. In small batches, she makes the best halvah I’ve ever tasted with a texture that’s light yet solid and melts on the tongue with flavors direct and lingering. The Maple is made with tahini and a healthy dose of Vermont maple syrup, giving it a dark, woody sort of sweetness. The Cardamom Orange tastes like a cup of chai tea, brightened with gentle caress of orange oil. Chop up the halvah and mix it with yogurt or oatmeal, or eat it straight up. P-MPH 4 oz bag maple $8.50 P-CMH 4 oz bag cardamom orange $8.50 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

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THE SPACE NEXT TO MY STOVE What’s there and why By Mo Frechette

The counter to the side of your stove. It’s where you keep the foods you need most often. The ones you grab every day. Your kitchen’s speed dial. Your food friends list. Here’s a snapshot of the space next to my stove, circa late spring 2019.

So many salts I’ve probably got too many salts. They all have a reason for existing but I’ll admit it, I’ve kind of got a problem. There’s coarse salt for boiling or braising, usually the gros sel I import from France. There’s fine salt for finishing a dish, usually the one I import from Portugal. And French fleur de sel for when the salt really has to shine. I’ve even got one flavored salt these days, from Tuscan butcher Dario Cecchini. It finds its way onto popcorn (frequently) and other dishes (sometimes). We don’t sell it yet.

Pofi wine vinegar

I’ll be honest, this is always a hodge podge on my counter. I am lucky enough to have lots of olive oil samples come my way. I always keep an oil that’s for finishing. Sometimes two, like I do here. One spicy and green (the tentacle bottle from Elia Pellegrino that we sell in different oneof-a-kind handmade bottles each year), one mild and sweet (Alziari here). What’s missing is my cooking oil. I usually buy California Ranch from the grocery store.

Most of the time I make my own salad dressing: vinegar + oil + Dijon + salt + pepper, takes about 2 minutes. I also use wine vinegar to deglaze a pan and make a little pan juice to drizzle on whatever I cooked. Pofi has been my go-to for years, the great barrel aged wine vinegar from near Rome.

Fennel pollen

Marash red pepper

I always pick up something that’s easy to bring home when I’m traveling. From recent trips abroad I have a jar of dried Portuguese pepper, what they call pimentao, from Lisbon, and some Greek oregano and za’atar from Athens. I use these like I do the fennel pollen: put them on a dish, see what happens. It’s a fun way to cook. When they’re gone I’ll seek something else on some other journey.

The counter next to my stove hasn’t been without a jar of these red pepper flakes for 20 years. Sometimes I put them in the freezer (they keep more moist that way, I really should keep them there), but whatever, they sit here now, and God willing, they always will.

44 44

Olive oils

My partner Ari called it “fairy dust for food lovers,” a couple decades ago when we first discovered it and that’s still the absolutely best way to describe it. I put this on dishes just to see what it’ll do. Usually it makes eyes light up.

Finds from traveling

OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right. or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.

The alpha and omega of red pepPer Marash Red Pepper Flakes

Turkish Marash red pepper flakes are the most impressive, flavorful dried red pepper flakes I’ve ever tried. They have an amazingly full flavor with just a moderate amount of heat. My kitchen hasn’t been without a jar for the past fifteen years. P-MAR 49 g jar $14 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

the bEsT evErydaY seA Salt you cAn find Gros Sel Sea Salt Not all salts are created equal. This is harvested on the Brittany coast in France. Gros sel is the layer just below the fleur de sel. The grains are bigger and less delicate than fleur de sel, but affordable enough for everyday eating. Instead of tasting “salty” it fills your mouth with the warm, round taste of the sea. It’s moister, more flavorful than regular sea salt and is a galaxy of flavor apart from standard table salt. Great for use in stews, soups, for salting pasta water, or any recipe that would benefit from large, coarse grains of salt. P-GRE 1 kilo bag $10

flower OF thE sea Fleur de Sel Sea Salt Looking like newly fallen wet snowflakes, this salt collects naturally along the coast of Brittany and is hand gathered like wildflowers “growing” on the sea. With less sodium chloride and more magnesium, potassium and calcium, it salts more subtly than standard sea salt. Use it at the end of cooking, to delicately salt something just before you eat. P-FLE-GUE 200 g bag $16 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


vinaIgretTE stANdaRD

a love aFfair Alziari Olive Oil

It's now been over two decades since I first fell in love with Alziari, the old shop in the historic center of Nice, on France’s Côte d’Azur. Their extra virgin olive oil is exceptional and typically Niçoise— light, flowery and elegant but still full of character and charisma. I could use the same phrase to describe the tin it comes in. It's such a beautiful package that it makes one of the best gifts from our catalog; it needs no wrapping. O-ALZ 1 liter tin $50 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

culinary fAiry dust

Pofi White Wine Vinegar Made by the Pofi brothers on their farm outside of Rome using Malvasia and Greco grapes, this vinegar is converted naturally from their own wine and then aged for over a year in big chestnut barrels. It has a cloudy appearance similar to unpasteurized apple cider. Smooth and succulent, Pofi vinegar has a sherry-like aroma. It’s not sweet. It’s been my house vinegar for a couple years, the one I always reach for when I’m making a vinaigrette. V-POF 500 ml $19

Wild Fennel Pollen

Teeny tiny golden pollen are taken off wild fennel plants as they begin to bloom in the Tuscan countryside. It looks like fluffy sand, colored yellow by the sun. Mix it with a touch of sea salt and black pepper and sprinkle it on to chicken, firm fleshed fish, potatoes or almost anything really before cooking. It's the quintessential Tuscan ingredient for anything made with pork. Like fairy dust for food, it makes it sparkle with flavor. P-FEN 45 g jar $30 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE


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UNPEELED The buyer’s guide to thinking about how

when a food is processed affects its flavor By Brad Hedeman

A general rule about good food that can help us all: the longer you keep food intact, the better the flavor will be. It’s the reason to cut cheese to order from larger wheels instead of selling pre-cut, Cryovac-sealed wedges. It’s why better olive oils are pressed within twenty-four hours of when the olives are picked (because they can go rancid so quickly). It’s why grains like oatmeal and polenta taste best ground with their germ. In almost every case it’s more work and more expensive to do this way, but the payoff can be huge. It may be on trend to talk about eating ‘naked’ foods, but if it’s flavor you’re after, keep your clothes on.

Freshness is vital Would you rather have a cup of coffee made from freshly ground beans or one from beans ground months ago? There’s a corollary with flour—freshly ground is better. The natural oils present in freshly milled flours make baked goods more tender and fill them with more intense aromas. The flour we’ve been baking with for decades at Zingerman’s Bakehouse was milled and delivered weekly, which is pretty darn good. Now, for some of our baking, we mill our own flours. The wait time has gone from seven days to seven minutes.

Whole grains are chock full of nutrients What you mill with is as important as how often. Granite stone mills (what we use) don’t heat up like large, steel industrial mills. Heat burns off the oils of the grain, taking most of the nutritious vitamins, and minerals. It also renders the flour non-perishable. Good for shelf life, bad for flavor. Freshly stone-ground flour crushes the whole grain kernel, releasing all of the nutritious vitamins, minerals, and oils into the flour without cooking them off. The oils are rubbed into the white, starchy portion of the flour, resulting in a more flavorful and nutritious “white-ish” flour that tastes delicious.

Bananas—unpeeled We no longer peel the bananas for our banana breads. We use the whole thing. I’ll stop there and let that sink in for a moment. It was shocking to me, too. Turns out banana peels are packed with nutrients like Vitamin B6, B12, magnesium, potassium and more. And they don’t hurt the flavor of the finished bread at all. To the contrary, the breads have even more banana flavor thanks to the peels! The less processing—and peeling is processing—the better! Brad Hedeman is a food finder and writer at Zingerman’s Mail Order. Email him at bhedeman@zingermans.com

46 46

OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, OUR GUARANTEE If you experience a problem with one of our products, customer service, shipping, or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right. or you just don't like how it tastes, please let us know. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right.


garden party

Veggie Confetti Sweet Bread



When I was a teen, my mother made a zucchini chocolate cake. I loved it. Moist yet still light on the tongue and not too sweet. We polished it off in one sitting and had zero guilt about it. Flash forward 25 years and the pastry chefs at Zingerman’s Bakehouse are engaged in the same sort of sorcery. The shape and style of this loaf is the same as our wildly popular banana bread (below), but they’ve swapped unpeeled zucchini, carrots and beets for the bananas and spiced it with cinnamon and nutmeg. The vegetables magically imbue the bread with a soft, moist crumb full of flavor and dotted with bright bursts of color. The addition of fresh veggies to our usual ingredient line-up of organic flour, cane sugar, real butter and fresh eggs lets you pretend you’re eating health food. At least till you slather it with some really good butter. Comes wrapped in tissue and gift boxed. G-VEG gift boxed, serves 5-7 $35 FREE SHIPPING

bigGer realLy is better Country Miche Bread

“Miche” is French for loaf and typically refers to the large size and round shape in the style of traditional French country bread. Bigger loaves have bigger flavor, a moister crumb and longer staying power. Ours is made from a mix of Michigan stone-ground wheat, rye flour, whole buckwheat, and spelt flour, all whole grain and freshly-milled in house at Zingerman’s Bakehouse just minutes before being mixed into a dough and naturally leavened by its own unique starter. Deep and complex flavor. B-MCH giant 4 lb handmade round $28 B-MCH-A 2 lb handmade loaf $15 SHIPS 2 BUSINESS DAYS

no wheat, NO problEm Vollkornbrot

This very traditional, very dense and chewy German bread starts with organic rye grown by the Breslin family in Ottawa, Illinois, freshly ground into whole grain flour at our Bakehouse on our own stone mill. That flour gets mixed with rye chops, sunflower seeds, sea salt and a bit of water. After a long fermentation period to coax out huge, tangy rye flavor, the loaves get a long, slow bake. After coming out of the oven, they “cure” for at least 24 hours. This is one bread that really gets better with age—unlike every other bread we sell, we recommend keeping this one in plastic in the fridge, cutting a slice when you’re ready to eat it. It’s moist and chewy, earthy, with a pleasant sour kick to balance the sweet, nutty flavors of the grain. B-VOL 2 lb handmade loaf $9.50 SHIPS FOR FLAT RATE

unpeEled Banana Breads

Three flavorful takes on banana bread, made with unpeeled bananas— really! Classic has no nuts. Chocolate chunk has—you guessed it—huge chunks of chocolate. Pecan praline is topped with a layer of caramel-coated toasted pecans sprinkled with a pinch of sea salt. Wrapped in tissue, each loaf serves 5-7 and comes packed in its own colorfully illustrated box. G-BNA classic banana bread, gift boxed $35 G-BNC chocolate chunk, gift boxed $35 G-BNP pecan praline, gift boxed $35 FREE SHIPPING

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610 Phoenix Dr., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 888.636.8162 • Text me sometime 734.436.2006

customer number key code

random bar code



on student gift boxes anywhere in America. Even Columbus, Ohio.

save a student

The Munchies Collection

Shipped free to any home or campus, including those located in Lansing. Ann Arbor Tortilla Chips, Fundidora Salsa, Zingerman's Virginia Peanuts, John Macy's Cheesesticks, our Zingerman’s Peanut Brittle, and a Zingerman’s Magic Brownie. G-MUN munchies gift box $65 FREE SHIPPING

instanT poPularity

The Friendmaker Gift Box

Break the ice, win friends and influence people with food! When the recipient shares this hoard with their new dorm mates, their persnol Yelp rating (not a real thing—yet) will soar. Includes Spanish Marcona Almonds, Zingerman’s Spiced Pecans, John Macy’s Cheeseticks, La Quercia’s Borsellino Salami, Rick’s Picks People’s Pickles, Ann Arbor Tortilla Chips, Premium Salsa, one walnut-studded Magic Brownie and one no-nut Black Magic Brownie, and a Ginger Jump-Up Molasses Cookie. G-FRD gift box $100 FREE SHIPPING

foOd ca$h

Zingerman’s Gift Cards Supplement the dining hall meal plan with a little virtual food cash. Good for a midnight snack shopping spree online, an afternoon Reuben binge at the Delicatessen or a Tuesday evening burger at our Roadhouse. Gift cards are available in any amount, good at any Zingerman’s business. Mailed or electronic. G-GIF mailed USPS free, or UPS overnight for $15 E-GIF emailed instantly for free

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