Taidd magazine no.61

Page 42


he ground floor blends wood, metal, glass and


stone. Wide grey oak floorboards sit alongside

soaring metal framed windows and doors which provide abundant natural light. The lobby is dominated by a dramatic 10 foot high Jaume

Crosby Street Hotel 是倫敦 Firmdale Hotels 集團首度跨越大西洋,於紐約曼 哈頓成立的第一家精品旅館,基地位於 Crosby 及 Lafayette Street 之間街廓,

Plensa steel sculpture as a human head created

Firmdale Hotels 將著名的奢華歐式風格與傑出悠久的世界級酒店服務引入 SoHo

from letters of the alphabet. The hotel’s drawing

區;設計總監 Kit Kemp 為本案構思 40 種設計方案用於 86 間獨立客間及套房

room is a host of color mostly in deep pink and grey and is characterized by deep patchwork sofas,

(suites),建築外觀以延伸至天花的大面積格狀落地窗延續 Crosby Street 街道

organic objects in wood and large oil paintings

中既有的倉儲(warehouse)風格,11 層鋼構建築則委由紐約事務所 Stonehill &

by artist Francois Bard. Wherever you look, Kit

Taylor Architects 設計。

Kemp’s eclectic collection of modern art is evident whetherit be an interesting Peter Clark dog collage in the reception or mixed media pieces by Justine Smith and Jack Milroy. The ground floor interior is softened by a tranquil view looking out onto a spacious leafy garden which has a tall organic tree sculpture at its heart and lanterns suspended from above. The Crosby Bar is adjacent to the lobby. It is a vast space with high ceilings that stretches from

進入酒店後,明亮的接待大廳以兩位現代藝術家,Peter Clark 的裝置藝術 dog collage 與 Jaume Plensa 十英呎高的大型鋼雕作品布置得細膩精緻,除了風格多 樣的客房之外,酒店亦提供下列各式空間:地面層有專屬房客的奢華會客聽、滿 布綠意與有機雕塑的後花園、大廳北側平行於基地縱深穿透建築的 the Crosby Bar 餐酒館及位於建築西向端點鄰接 Lafayette Street 的戶外庭院,地下層有三間 可隨需求合併的多功能私人用餐室暨會議廳,一間 99 席先進專業的私人放映廳 位於舞台中心,設備齊全的健身房與供應當季瓜果時蔬的屋頂農場花園。

Crosby Street right through an entire block to Lafayette. It too has wide grey oak floorboards


and a long pewter bar which is watched-over by a wooden sculpture of an oversized Dodo bird. Chairs and banquettes are covered in chic fabrics that range from bright stripes to

Kemp 在室內設計中發揮其不拘一格、兼容並蓄的特長─地面層以木材、金屬、

subdued deep greens. Each chair has been


individually appliquéd with an orange felt cut-out


of a different mythical creature. The art is varied and ranges from a large French brasserie style


painting to African ASAFO flags, a Peter Clarke


collage in the shape of a bull and collection of


vintage Bakelite telephones. There are original

此設計出 40 種不同風格的客房。

50’s ceiling lights in a multitude of bright shapes and colors stretching along the bar and ending in a constellation in thecentre of the room. The bedrooms and suites are spacious and light each with high ceilings and large oversized warehouse style metal windows many with

Crosby Street Hotel 延續 Kit Kemp 獨特而多變的英國式樣,進一步開拓出精密複 雜且越臻成熟的設計概念,強烈反映其獨一無二的藝術品味─利用對比色彩、繽 紛的圖樣與紋理、各類工藝品以及古典或現代的藝術品互映之下、形成一種特異的、 當代的「折衷主義」(Eclecticism)式混搭風格;本案在環境保護與永續議題上,

spectacular views of the downtown skyline.


They are individually designed with a host of

頒發的 GOLD LEED 認證,成為第一家獲此殊榮的紐約市旅店。

varied interior design schemes some with bold color and pattern, and others more tailored and neutral. Each has a tall head board, sleek modern furniture and specially designed lighting. Sumptuous fabrics give way to chic wallpapers, and beautiful antiques site beautifully alongside custom designed pieces throughout. Descending the oak stairs from the lobby leads into a series of private event spaces. It moves through a boldly colored open reception area with bright Peter Rocklin paintings into the most sumptuously designed private dining and meeting rooms with fabric covered walls and beautifully upholstered seating and ceiling lights. Centre stage is the most glamorous room of all - a private cinema which has 99 orange leather Poltrona Frau chairs and walls padded in a violet wool.

04 大面細框玻璃窗格做為隔間,將視覺 與動線導引至內部。


相對於建築外部融入周圍環境,簡潔素雅的三段式磚面 warehouse 樣式,Kit


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