The state of youth rights in Europe

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The right to decent employment and so-

policies aim at creating tax incentives

cial protection

for companies to hire young unemployed people.

“Young people are facing a dramatic situation in terms of precarious work and living conditions. This precariousness translates into a complex problem composed of a variety of different elements : unemployment, temporary work, low salaries, over-qualification.” CJE

As youth employment becomes a more and more complex phenomenon, social protection is called to play an important role in combating social exclusion and achieving youth autonomy. ENL affirms a lack of supporting structures for students, like housing and allowances. In the case of Spain and Cyprus30, social security malfunction is in practice replaced by family support. Usually there is a social security blackhole for first job seekers. For example in

ployment have already been addressed with

Finland, a person who is still in education

regard to the right to autonomy, working

can receive a grant and a housing assist-

conditions and social protection for youth

ance, can apply for a study loan and is also

are dealt with separately here.

covered for health. On the contrary, after

Job insecurity in Europe is rife. According

graduation and in order to become a part

to data provided by Eurostat , young peo-

of social security scheme, he/she has to

ple are more often in temporary employ-

work and be insured for a certain period

ment. In fact, in the EU, nearly 4 out of 10

of time. A similar situation also exists in

employees aged 15 to 24 and 2 out of 10



of those aged 25 to 29 have a temporary contract. Further evidence of this situation comes from the contributions. CJE reports

CNAJEP mentions certain examples of

that the rate of young temporary workers

policies and social security benefits tar-

reaches 45 %, therefore 25 %

geting young people :

above the

rest of the working population. For CJE “this translates into difficulties for life plan-

// the responsibility of the State to train

ning, emancipation, and lack of social pro-

or find employment for the 16-18 years old

tection in case of unemployment”.

who dropped out of school.

In Portugal, where unemployment rates among young people are considerably high-

// the possibility of a 10th month grant for

er than the average, precarious working

students, combined with a reinforced at-

conditions and long periods of job seeking

tendance control.

have been reported. National employment

30. as outlined by the National Youth Policy Reviews by the CoE, policy_reviews_en.asp


While some questions related to youth em-

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