IW Winter 2013

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Thompson Rivers Midwifery & Wellness Centre

A community of practitioners offering holistic treatments to empower individuals to achieve harmony in Mind, Body, and Spirit


Tatiana Demishkevich is a Registered Midwife who is passionate about empowering mothers-to-be to make choices about their care Tatiana provides complete prenatal, birth, postpartum&newborn care She deeply respects pregnancy and birth as a normal physiological process, very profound and transforming, and a woman as an individual completely capable of making informed decisions. Free for BC residents. Choice of Home or Hospital birth www.thompsonriversmidwifery.com

Scott Fisher LV D FHUWL¿HG &UDQLR6DFUDO 7KHUDSLVW DQG D WK year student of Osteopathy at the Canadian College of Osteopathy in Vancouver, BC. Passionate about health and wellness in his own life, Scott is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of people living with pain, discomfort or lack of vitality. Using a combination of CranioSacral Therapy and Osteopathic techniques, his goal is to provide the assistance necessary to return your body to a state of internal balance. CranioSacral Therapy uses gentle techniques to remove restrictions LQ WKH ÀRZ RI FHUHEUDO VSLQDO ÀXLG WKURXJKRXW WKH ERG\ DOORZLQJ the body to be in an optimum state to heal the root cause of the dysfunction. Osteopathy is a form of manual therapy designed to employ gentle pressures and body positioning to encourage the body to realign to its naturally held state of equilibrium. Scott looks forward to working with you to restore health and wellness in your life! scott@discoverwellnessinmotion.com ph. 250-378-9883

is a Herbalist, Doula and Childbirth Educator. Amanda teaches The Mindful Birthing Method, a four week holistic prenatal class with topics including informed choice, birthing options, and pain management with mindfulness and self hypnosis. As a Herbalist, Amanda specializes in women`s health and offers custom herbal compounding for individual needs. For more information or to book an appointment, please call: 778-538-2646 or visit: www.ovioorganico.ca/

Isabelle Hamptonstone is MSc. Brain Trainer for the Kamloops Blazers, World Cup and Olympic Athletes and to Business Owners, Managers and CEO’s. “Clear, focused minds are crucial to our evolution. Give a person a good thought and he will be KDSS\ LQ WKH PRPHQW +HOS D SHUVRQ WR ÂżQDOO\ FOHDU KLV PHQWDO roadblocks, and those results will last a lifetime. ‌with lasting effects on their family, friends, career, sports and life.â€? Isabelle specializes in helping frustrated individuals and teams who know the value of having a clear coherent brain to clear their mental road blocks. She provides them with a fast and convenient process to release negative emotions and limiting beliefs. This results in huge gains in their professional and personal life as they develop powerful focus and quiet FRQÂżGHQFH 7KH WHFKQLTXHV WKDW VKH KDV GHYHORSHG SURYLGH fast access to solutions to lifelong problems.They are consistent and are applied when the client is on their most relaxed state – which means that the results are achieved quickly and easily. btmvp.com 250 320 7047

www.thompsonriverswellness.com Interior wellness | Winter 2013 | www.InteriorWellness.com 41

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