Transform Fresno

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Transform Fresno

T r a n s f o r m F r e s n o

Welcome to the inaugural issue of our Transform Fresno zine, dedicated to exploring the intersection of environmental justice and community in Southwest Fresno. We are thrilled to present a platform that amplifies the voices of local youth advocates who are at the forefront of the fight for a healthier, more equitable future.

In Southwest Fresno, environmental justice isn’t just a buzzword – it’s a lived reality for thousands of residents who grapple with the disproportionate burden of pollution, systemic inequities, and social injustices. From air pollution from nearby industries to food deserts and inadequate access to green spaces, the challenges facing our community are multifaceted and urgent.

Through this zine, we aim to shed light on the stories, struggles, and triumphs of those working to address environmental injustices in Southwest Fresno. Each contributor brings a unique perspective and a shared commitment to building a more just and sustainable future for all.

As editors, we recognize our role in amplifying marginalized voices, challenging dominant narratives, and advocating for meaningful change. This zine is a testament to our collective resilience, creativity, and determination to confront environmental injustices head-on and envision a more equitable world.

We invite you to dive into the pages of this zine, engage with the stories and perspectives shared within, and join us in the ongoing struggle for environmental justice in Southwest Fresno. Together, we can build a community where every voice is heard, every life is valued, and every neighborhood thrives.

This zine is brought to you by Youth Leadership Institute and Transform Fresno, with support from The City of Fresno, California Climate Investments, & the California Strategic Growth Council.

We would like to give a special thank you to all of the youth who contributed to this zine!

Cover Art by Nancy Aguilar

Youth Authors: Angel Hernandez, Christopher Cruz, Delilah Deleg, Esmeralda Galvan, Genesis Valencia, Jose Juarez, Jose Valencia, Kaily Gutierrez Chavez, Kelsey Brown, Kordai Herring, Kordoria Herring, Luis Talavera

Youth Photographers: Angel Hernandez, Christopher Cruz, Jose Juarez, Jose Valencia, Kaily Gutierrez Chavez, Kordai Herring, Luis Talavera

Youth Illustrators: Christopher Cruz, Delilah Deleg, Esmeralda Galvan, Genesis Valencia, Jose Juarez, Kaily Gutierrez Chavez, Kelsey Brown, Kordoria Herring, Luis Talavera

Southwest Fresno,

a community nestled within the larger city of Fresno, California, holds a complex tapestry of culture, history, and social dynamics. While it boasts vibrant neighborhoods and resilient residents, it also faces significant challenges, particularly concerning homelessness.

Historically, southwest Fresno has been home to a predominantly lowincome and minority population. The area has faced decades of disinvestment, systemic racism, and economic hardship, which have contributed to its struggles with poverty and homelessness. Many residents have limited access to quality education, healthcare, and employment opportunities, exacerbating socioeconomic disparities.

Homelessness is a visible and pressing issue in southwest Fresno, with individuals and families experiencing housing instability and living on the streets, in shelters, or in inadequate temporary accommodations. The reasons for homelessness are varied and complex, including job loss, mental illness, substance abuse, domestic violence, and systemic inequities. Additionally, the lack of affordable housing options and insufficient social support exacerbate the problem.

Despite the challenges, southwest Fresno has a strong sense of community resilience. Local organizations, churches, and grassroots initiatives work tirelessly to support homeless

individuals and address the root causes of homelessness. They provide essential services such as emergency shelter, food assistance, and healthcare. And job training programs. These efforts aim not only to alleviate immediate suffering, but also to empower individuals to rebuild their lives and access long-term stability.

However, addressing homelessness in southwest Fresno requires a multi-faceted approach that combines short-term interventions with sustainable, systemic change. This includes investing in affordable housing developments, expanding access to mental health and substance abuse treatment, strengthening social safety nets, and combating discrimination and inequality.

Furthermore, community engagement and collaboration are

vital in finding innovative solutions that address the unique needs of southwest Fresno residents. By fostering partnerships between local government, businesses, nonprofits, and residents, the community can work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable future for all.

In conclusion, southwest Fresno grapples with significant challenges, including homelessness, which stems from decades of systemic neglect and socioeconomic disparities.

However, through collective action, resilience, and a commitment to social justice, the community strives to create a brighter future where every individual has access to safe, stable housing and the opportunity to thrive.

I’ve lived in Fresno for seven years

Worst thing I’ve ever seen was a car blown

Many people out in the streets stoned

Why must everyone act so childish and not grown

Hopefully in due time my city can be flown

Into a better state

With a city full of hate

I hope we can all be peaceful but not too late

Or something bad can happen to our mates and buds

Fresno is full of crud

I just wish people would help clean up this dirty mud

What is TCC,

Transformative Climate Communities, and how did we get here? TCC came about due to Fresno’s history with urban sprawl to the north, coupled with residents in southwest Fresno being exposed to some of the highest concentrations of poverty in the state.

Southwest Fresno has bad air quality and limited access to healthy food within our own communities. The community helped choose the TCC projects. Several community meetings were held where local organizations were encouraged to submit their ideas in an open forum to the community.

The community wanted to see more trees, trails, parks, and green

spaces. Nearly 1,200 trees will be planted. There will be a new park that will be constructed, along with 4 miles of trails. A 56-unit 4-story housing complex was the qualifying housing project for Transform Fresno located in Chinatown. There will be community gardens and community orchards that will be planted. A distribution center will be built to serve as a food resource hub for the community.

170 homes will have energy-saving items installed such as water heaters to decrease the cost of utilities for homeowners.

West Fresno City College’s satellite campus is located in the heart of West Fresno. It would

not only offer general education classes for degree completion, but also mechanics, electric vehicle maintenance, and health assistant certification programs.

Because of TCC dollars, Fresno City College was able to leverage bond funding to contribute 70 million dollars to the project. Fresno City College West Campus is going to have the largest mechanical program. To ensure greenhouse gas reductions, Transform Fresno will incorporate a clean shared mobility project.

The inside out community garden is a self-sustaining garden that increases access to healthy foods.


justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with the development, implementation, laws, regulations, and policies.

Environmental justice recognizes that people of color and lowincome communities are disproportionately affected by

environmental pollution and toxic waste that is often placed near or in their neighborhoods.

These communities are often exposed to a disproportionate share of environmental hazards such as poor air and water quality and are more likely to suffer from environmental-related health problems. Environmental justice seeks to address these social and

economic inequalities and ensure that all communities have equal access to clean air, water, and land.

Environmental justice also ensures meaningful participation in the decision-making process when it comes to environmental issues.

Did you know

that exposure to pollution can affect everyone’s health?

Air pollutants enter our bloodstream and contribute to coughing or itchy eyes.

It can cause or worsen many breathing and lung diseases, which can lead to hospitalizations, cancer, or even premature death.

Littering can cause pollution.

People should do their part and stop littering and embrace recycling.

Pollution is something that impacts a lot of people.

Most air pollution is created

by people, factories, and vehicles.

Cigarette smoke is also considered air pollution.

You can prevent further pollution by not burning your garbage.

You can also plant and care for trees, or use less energy.

More people should start doing these things and consider what is best for them and other people.

Not only does pollution affect people, it also affects animals and has negative impacts on their health.

Bad air pollution

is one of the biggest problems in Fresno. Studies show that out of the whole City of Fresno, the southwest has the worst air quality. Things like factories, lack of trees or trees being destroyed and damaged, freeways, and people not taking action to help out the area contribute to this bad air quality.

In California, Fresno is ranked as one of the worst air quality cities. Because of this, many people born in Fresno, especially in the southwest, are born with asthma or have difficulty breathing. People have also died because of issues associated with air pollution. In the year 2023, the ALA (American Lung Association) did a study of air quality in over 200 metropolitan areas. Fresno was one of these cities.

It was ranked 4th worst for high ozone days, 2nd worst for 24-hour particle pollution, and 3rd worst for annual particle pollution.

This study proved that Fresno has extremely horrible air quality. Some possible solutions would be incorporating more greenery into Fresno, transitioning to electric, stopping burning, and eliminating industrial development near living areas.

Most would think of southwest Fresno and associate it with being “ghetto” or dangerous, but that is not so much the case. We have the best food trucks on Jensen and Elm. I wish we had more to do, to be honest, like parks or just something to be able to get out of the house. The roads could be so much better. Wheel alignments are not cheap and people are tired of tripping or falling because there’s a hole or crack in the ground. We need more markets like Walmart or something because the closest market is Food Maxx and to be honest it’s not close to where I live.


has been the backbone of this country for as long as it’s been around. Fresno is no exception, as we are America’s biggest agricultural supplier. In fact, in 2022 Fresno County’s agricultural production values totaled over $8,095,546,000–making us the largest agriculturalproducing county in California and the nation.

The hard work of those working in the fields contributes immensely to the great agricultural prominence of Fresno. Even so, their efforts

are often overlooked or underrewarded even though they carry the burden of the country. Although fieldworkers are the backbone of the country, their efforts are often undervalued and are taken advantage of.

Even though they work in these harsh conditions for only pocket change. Most field workers are often immigrants looking for whatever money they can in order to financially support themselves and their families. According to recent ACS data, 14% of all

farmworkers in California were born in the United States. Another 9% were born elsewhere but were naturalized as U.S. citizens. The remaining 77% are noncitizens.

Such a large percentage going day-in-day-out, trying to survive off of the low wages offered. Field and migrant workers should begin to be more valued and appreciated as their everyday sacrifice helps to contribute to and maintain the agricultural economy of America.

photo by Jose Juarez

On e of the leading problems in

southwest Fresno is many people are addicted to either drugs or alcohol. My grandpa was actually an alcoholic, so I know the experience of seeing a loved one so addicted to it.

Many people would rather spend their money buying drugs or beer. This causes problems for their own bodies and the people around them. Since people are so addicted, they’ll keep buying the products and stores will keep restocking and encouraging them to buy it.

We can try to help addicts by providing free therapy to help them get out of that state of mind they are in. Another way is eliminating the use of drugs in general since it can lead to so many deaths or just hurt people in many different ways.

Fixing the streets

could be something really helpful for southwest Fresno.

The first thing you notice when you go outside for a walk are the horrible streets because of the concrete, the ground breaking, leaving cracks and holes in the ground.

This could be incredibly dangerous to the citizens of Fresno as well as visitors.

They can cause car crashes which can cause people to get seriously hurt or lose their lives.

This is why fixing the streets of southwest Fresno can be incredibly helpful to the community here.

How many

homeless people have other people seen by freeways, canals, or other places? Some homeless people look forward to a better lifestyle.

I think it is better if someone does something about this. They should provide jobs for the homeless

people and they should also provide shelter and food for the homeless.

The government should build apartments or other housing for homeless people and provide jobs for them like picking up trash or other kinds of jobs.

Some homeless people get abused sometimes for no reason.

I feel like if the government did something about it, there would be fewer homeless people.

Southwest Fresno

has a high rate of homeless people.

As you go down the streets of Fresno at most corners, you’ll either see a group of homeless people or just a singular person.

But no matter what you’ll see them all over the city.

This really ruins the reputation of southwest Fresno and especially with all the ruined streets and trash

everywhere, it makes it look even worse. A study done in 2022 showed at least 4,500 homeless people for every 100,000 people who live in Fresno. And it will only get worse.

We have to try and fix this problem by either giving them jobs or having them in a shelter instead of living on the floor in horrible conditions.

If I were a councilmember representing southwest Fresno, I would prioritize the problem of pollution, infrastructure, and crime. As we all know, southwest Fresno is a very industrial district, seeing as how we have multiple warehouses and industrial buildings around the area. I would advocate the issue of how these factories affect public health. Although some may say it creates opportunities for jobs, the issue of industrialization impacts people’s wellbeing which

in turn affects people’s ability to work and overall contradict these claims. The issue of infrastructure, such as housing and roads, is a big problem in southwest Fresno as faulty roads lead to car problems and eventual crashes, causing physical, emotional, and financial problems for all. With better infrastructure in place, we can prevent future accidents from occurring and overall help the community.

If there were more for people to do, people wouldn’t think so bad of this side of town. I think we should have a park or at least paths to talk with a bunch of trees and flowers and a water fountain in the middle. This would encourage people to get out of the house and be able to have a hangout spot right in their community by Kordoria Herring

Here in southwest

Fresno, there is a lot of trash everywhere you go.

For example, in downtown Fresno at first you might think it’s a clean place because it’s one of the most popular places here in Fresno.

But in reality, its streets are full of trash and homeless people.

If I were a councilmember

representing southwest Fresno, I would prioritize the issue of pollution. Pollution is a big problem in southwest Fresno and I think if this continues, a lot more people will start getting asthma and other medical conditions. Another problem that I would prioritize is the lack of stores. People in southwest Fresno have to travel far to get good deals on groceries, which causes more pollution if they use a car. This creates a cycle of continued pollution.


I could change

som ething about southwest Fresno, it would be the roads because sometimes the roads are cracked. I would also like to change the fact that there is so much trash. If there were people who could volunteer to pick up trash, I feel like that would make a difference and there would be less trash. I would also like to see more cameras because there have been people who have gotten kidnapped and they did not know who committed the crime.

If I were

a councilm ember representing southwest Fresno, my priorities would be to make a shelter for the homeless, fix the messed-up roads, and bring in new supermarkets.

I would also make a doctor’s office for people who are sick. That way, people will not have to drive to another side of Fresno or Clovis for their medical needs. I would also work to make the air cleaner, especially for people with asthma.

I would make a shelter for the homeless so they won’t have to lie on the ground or in the grass. They would be warm, comfortable, and safe. I would give them clean clothes so they can take warm water baths and showers so they can be clean. I would give them beds with clean sheets and blankets so they sleep comfortably.

southwest side of Fresno because when you drive over them, your vehicle shakes a lot and could flip over or go flying if you drive really fast. I would fix them and the intersections. I would add four-way stop signs if they don’t have them already.

I would add more supermarkets because we only have a Food

Maxx and it’s not the most reliable supermarket.

I would make a doctor’s office on the southwest side of Fresno because the closest ones are on the other side of Fresno or in Clovis. So, if someone was sick, they wouldn’t have to drive or walk to the other side of town. And I would make it to where nobody has to pay because you can’t always control your illness so it wouldn’t be fair if you had to pay to get treated.

I would provide them with organic, fresh, and non-artificial food for them to get healthy. I would make sure to include an exercise room for them to stay in shape. And I would make a media room for them to watch TV. I would fix the messed-up roads on the

For one, the food items are not always fresh. And two, the people that go in there aren’t always the nicest because there are only a few checkouts, causing really long lines. So, I would add supermarkets that always have fresh food and a good number of cashiers to prevent really long lines from occurring.

I would clean the air on the southwest side of Fresno because there are a lot of things that cause air pollution. They include vehicle emissions, factories, smoke, and much more. This hurts people with asthma the most given the fact that they have a harder time breathing in general and air pollution sources make it worse.

So, I would make sure that air pollution sources are used less and make the air cleaner for people with asthma and the overall community.

If I had

$150,000 to start a business that both benefits West Fresno and the community as a whole, I would help the homeless. I would make sure they have food to eat. I would help them earn money so they do not have to live in the street. I would enjoy helping the homeless and would work to make sure they are grateful for what they have.

If I had

$150,000 to start a business that both benefits West Fresno and the community as a whole, I would build an animal shelter.

I feel so sad when I see stray animals, I start to feel bad. I would make sure they all have food, water, their own bed, and everything they need for a happy life. I would give them the opportunity to get adopted by the community. I probably would have visiting hours for people who cannot adopt.

Every animal would get taken outside to get some exercise daily. They would all be spayed and have a chip in them. One reason I would choose to spend my money on an animal shelter is because growing up I used to watch all these wildlife shows and I took a big interest in the animals. As I got older, I started seeing more animals on the street. Ever since, I’ve wanted to make an animal shelter.

If I were representing southwest Fresno, I would advocate for more help given to homeless people. Homelessness is a big issue in the area. I would want to get them off the streets so they have a place to sleep comfortably. I would also have more people cleaning the streets so it can be a clean and safe place for people to enjoy.

If I had

$150,000 to start a business that both benefits west Fresno and the community as a whole, I would start my own video game company that lets you buy consoles and video games whether they are new or old.

For example, if you were to go and buy a gaming console at the store there would only be newer consoles.

In my business, you would be able to purchase an older console without having to go online and look for one since stores would not have it due to them being outdated. And because we don’t have many video game stores on the

If I had $150,000 to start

a business that both benefits west Fresno and the community as a whole, I would start by getting a decent sized house and letting homeless people sleep, cook, or shower.

If I’m lucky, the community will get more advanced, spacious, and maybe become a model all around the world. Later on, I would hire people to help me to make the community better. This will help Fresno by getting people off the streets or helping them on their way to get off the streets.

southwest side of Fresno, I think it would be a great idea to make one for the community.

For one, it will have every type of game console or device whether it’s new or old. Two, the prices on everything would be reasonable.

And three, it would be open every weekday because everyone working will want to take the weekends off.

So, if I had $150,000 to start my own company on the southwest side of Fresno, I would start a video game company.

If I had $150,000 to start a business that both benefits west Fresno and the community as a whole, it would be a school. This school would have everything a normal school would, but different. In normal schools, they place you in random classes with skills you might never end up using throughout your life. In my school, the students will have the opportunity to choose the classes with skills they actually want to learn and choose pathways. This way, they can be taught skills that they need to learn for their future job. This will help the future generations in Fresno have a more specialized skill set.

If I were a councilm ember, I would focus on cleaning up southwest Fresno, fixing the roads, and redesigning abandoned or run down places.

I would also shut down or move certain industrial sites.

I would create new jobs by hiring people to plan trees and build gardens.

Afterwards with some money, I’ll make more homeless shelters with land for food and sleeping quarters.

After making the southwest look better, I would then focus my attention on the crime rates and air pollution. I would have crime lowered by having officers surveying the area in which crime is the highest.

If I had

$150,000 to start a business, it would be a hair business because I love doing hair.

Growing up, I would love playing with my baby doll’s hair and that’s how I learned to do hair. Ever since then I have been doing hair nonstop because that’s what I love to do.

If I had

$150,000 to start a business that both benefits west Fresno and the community as a whole, I would build a small store. West Fresno needs more grocery stores and I think starting off small and slowly making the store bigger would help so people would not have to go far to buy food. It would make people’s lives easier.

If I were a

councilmember of southwest Fresno, my priorities would be getting the animals off the street and getting them spayed.

I am tired of seeing kittens everywhere because I always want to bring them home with me and give them shelter.

If I had

$150,000 to start a business that both benefits west Fresno and the community as a whole, I would run a shelter for animals because many of them do not have a home

or are abused by their recent owners.

This shelter could help the community from stray animals on the street from attacking them because of how they have been treated or have rabies. This will also help people who are going through something and an animal may be what they need to help them.

Something I would like to see in southwest Fresno is a pet store. I would also like to see more parks with a small area for dogs. They should add school bus

stops so students can wait for the bus.

Something I would like to see downtown is water parks and more events where people can participate and do fun stuff.

There should be a “pick up trash club” that people join and get paid so people can help clean up and there wouldn’t be a lot of trash anymore.

They should also add more schools in southwest Fresno.

Lastly, I would like to see more restaurants so we can have more options to buy different food.

My favorite spot

in southwest Fresno is Computech Middle School because I spend a lot of time there, especially with friends. My goal was to get straight A’s, but it’s not going well.

Computech is a great spot because there are soccer fields, baseball fields, basketball courts, indoor basketball, tennis courts, volleyball nets, a soccer cage, a football field, and a ping pong table. Other than my grades, it is a good spot.

SomethingI like about southwest Fresno is my school because I get to see my friends and go on fun field trips. I also like my sister’s house because I get to spend time with her and my nieces. I really love downtown because it has so many cool places and events you can go to. Something else I like about southwest Fresno is my cousin’s house. I like spending time with my cousin because she’s nice and funny and she has a big house with a trampoline. I also like Washington Union High School. It’s big and pretty and their band is really good and they get to go to places. Something else I like is the Transform Fresno youth program because we talk about interesting stuff and we do fun activities. I also like the other programs they have here in southwest Fresno.

What I like about

southwest Fresno is my school and my friends. I attend Computech Middle School. There are so many good people and great classes. Computech also has good teachers and NTA’s. The teachers are very caring because they really make sure you make it to high school. I like my school and friends because I’m able to hang out with them and build our friendship. Whenever I go to school, I greet my friends and hang out in the cafeteria or the black top. They also make you feel safe with all the NTA’s, teachers, and cameras.

One of the worst things

about the Fresno community is the lack of effort there is to remedy problems. One thing that is a problem in the Fresno community is the vandalizing that’s everywhere. It needs to be fixed because once it is, this community will be better because this is a place where kids are growing up. We don’t need them to see the vandalism and start adopting those behaviors. I think once we fix this problem, our community will be as good as other areas of town. If we really try, we can fix these problems as well as increase the budget for Fresno’s schools.

The Max ie L.

Parks community center we went to a few months ago was a really interesting experience in my opinion. It was good meeting the Fresno Mayor and seeing the governance of southwest Fresno. I liked the way they took community feedback and community members’ talk on the microphone so everybody could hear what they were interested in with southwest Fresno. It was also great seeing them work on the small community centers and parks around here. It is a sign that they actually do care about the community and are trying to make it better.

Something I like about

southwest Fresno is the church I go to. I attend the Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church every Sunday and have been doing so for over two years. I like the church because it is small, everyone is nice, and it feels like a second home for me. I am also an usher there.

If I could design a park

for southwest Fresno, it would be designed with natural features so it could remind people of being in the forest. I would include palm trees and monkey bars, but the monkey bars would be inspired by nature and look like vines.

Fresno City College

West Fresno campus, located on Church and MLK, will greatly impact West Fresno positively because it would grant current residents free, top-line education in medicine, mechanics, engineering, and a lot more. The campus is a short distance for many West Fresno residents.

Universities in Fresno (Fresno State and Fresno Pacific) are further away into the city, making transportation an issue for those living in west Fresno who don’t have easy access to public or personal transportation. The installation of the campus solves this issue. Now, there will be quality education and professors who are qualified to teach these moneymaking topics.

The first two years of community college are free, impacting the community financially because now those who can’t afford tuition costs can now have free quality education.

Tuition costs are also a big problem for those in low-income communities because they cannot pay for quality education compared to those from wealthier communities, which gives them a disadvantage.

The new college campus is a great solution to all these problems, giving the community of southwest Fresno a chance to grow and expand.


experience at

Fresno City College West Campus was incredible since they showed us every inch of this wonderful place. It had everything a good college is supposed to have.

For example, the classrooms were large. We got to see where they

When I first visited the Fresno City College West Campus, I got to see what an amazing job they did in the construction of a beautiful campus. It sounded really cool when they said they were going to make it bigger and provide more opportunities for students and community members.

The new campus is accessible and open to the public. You can go for a walk or ride your bike on the campus. I think making a new Fresno City College campus was a good decision because it is closer to the people who live around the area.

When we went to

Fresno City College West Campus, I noticed they have a lot of trees and open space for people to hang out. They even have cars and trucks for those who want to specialize in working on them to fix vehicles. They told us they plan to expand in the future and make it bigger. That was pretty cool to hear that they are bringing more opportunities to this area.

worked on cars and where they taught about the human body. But my favorite part of this huge campus was the park there was outside with the ponds in the middle. It had places where you could sit and talk with friends, a trail where you could go for a run,

and equipment you would see at a gym, but instead outside for the public to use. Although this campus is already good and doesn’t need anything else, I hope they make it even better than it already is.

My visit to Fresno City College West Campus was honestly amazing.

I think it is awesome that West Fresno has a chance to stay close to home and not have to go across town to attend college. They care for the community and not just the money they get from it. They also have a great water system, with fresh cold filtered water. They have free Wi-Fi anyone can use. They have many courses to take and great ways to learn it.

I thin k the new

Fresno City College West Campus is amazing. It is something that will help a lot of people who want to continue their education after high school. It is a big benefit to the community. It is a great space to just go and study. It is an overall great place to explore and be a part of the center that is making a change to West Fresno. It is something that is making history in the West Fresno community. Most importantly, it is giving the young people of West Fresno a chance to become something great.

My overall experience with visiting Fresno City College West Campus was very pleasant. I learned many things about it and got informed and am even tempted to attend the college myself.

Some of the cool things I learned about were the variety of options they have there and it overall amazes me how much there are.

Some other cool things they have is a workout station, places where you can run, and exercise equipment to do certain exercises which is a really good way to stay fit.

Something else that stood out to me was the donation of cars they got and the ability to actually work on them and even study them.

The campus director who gave us the tour was really nice and seemed like a genuinely good person, especially his story of how he got to the point he is in now.

The college in general seems to be perfect and one of the best options in Fresno. There are many courses, diversity, and overall it is a well-maintained campus.

The technology they have and the hidden features really surprised me and best of all everyone is invited. You can come on campus at any time and you’ll be welcomed. You can also find a place to sit and buy lunch to enjoy.

If I ha d

$150,000 to start a business that both benefits West Fresno and the community as a whole, I would make my own version of a superstore, like a Walmart. I would call it the WestBest because it does the best for the West. I would gather the best business minds to help me run the business and have people of the community have a say on the products and services that are required for a more pleasant lifestyle. The organic products would come from local farms and gardens. This way, we can help the farms grow while gaining fresh produce. The WestBest would help benefit people by providing them with basic human necessities, jobs, entertainment, and overall improvement of the community. If implemented correctly, the WestBest would grow the southwest Fresno community and help its economy flourish.

Something I would

like to change about schools is their restrooms because sometimes they don’t clean the restrooms and they are dirty and smell bad.

I would also like schools to have bigger cafeterias and nicer lockers.

They should also do something about bullying.

They should do something about the traffic by the school because it can become a dangerous environment for people who walk home.

They should put more cameras outside and inside the schools.

can be really foggy and lead to accidents.

There should be more fun activities for after school. I think it would also be nice for people who get suspended to have Zoom classes so they don’t get behind.

They should change the food they serve at lunch because sometimes kids don’t like it. I feel like they should help students more when they are struggling with math or reading.

They should let us have a late start on foggy days because some people might live far away and it

Schools should be more attentive to their students because sometimes students get bullied. They should also have more nurses for emergencies.

If I had the option

to design a park here in southwest Fresno, I would make it huge. This park would have everything anyone could imagine in a park. There would be slides, swings, and all the equipment where kids could play for hours having the time of their lives. Soccer fields where friends and families can come and play to stay active. Football fields, normal grass fields to play in or bring your dog to run. There would also be skateparks so people can bring their skateboards and bikes. This would be a park that nobody would have ever imagined.

If I could design a park,

I would make it sort of like a shopping mall or district. What I mean by this is basically to combine the enjoyment of shopping centers (Riverpark, Fashion Fair) with the beauty of a natural park. I would have a park surrounded by a manmade river and filled to the brim with trees. There would be recycling and trash cans at every entrance so trash is more likely to be thrown away or recycled. The main attraction would be the shopping center surrounding the entire park. The shopping center would be entirely run on renewable energy, such as solar panels, hydropower, and windmills. My goal for the park would be to promote the environment while also using modern-day appeal to gain a consumer audience and further promote the importance and beauty of nature.

If I could

design a park, I would want to include clean water fountains because they are usually dirty. It would have benches so people could sit, along with trash cans so people are less likely to litter. I would also want for people to clean up the park each weekend so trash won’t pile up in places.

If I could design

a park, I would like to include a water area for the summer. I would also include a skateboard area. It would have multiple options for recreation including tennis courts, volleyball nets, basketball courts, soccer fields, baseball fields, and a playground with lights around. I would like to include a small club for dancing, painting, and storage for supplies for sports. I would also add a dog park so dogs can hang out and play. I would like it to have a sand area and swings. It would include trails where you can ride your bike, walk, or run.

So mething I like

about southwest Fresno is my neighborhood. Another thing I like is the food. I like my house and my friends. I like southwest Fresno because it feels like we are all together and we are one little community.

The thing I love

about southwest Fresno is Edison High School. This school has brought me some amazing friends and experiences. It changed me for the better. My music taste, my mood, and my mindset have all changed in a positive manner. Edison has had its ups and downs, but it has given me an amazing high school experience.

What I like about

southwest Fresno is my family and the memories I have shared with them. I was born and raised in southwest Fresno, along with a majority of my cousins. My most memorable moments were coming to school, relatives’ houses, and parks in southwest Fresno. Although southwest Fresno is commonly associated as a “ghetto hood”, the memories I have had with my family makes it home.

The Transform Fresno Youth

Leadership Development Program helped me learn new things and visit new places. I also got to attend cool events and got paid for attending the program and participating.

I also like this program because I feel safe and I have met new people. I like giving my opinions and participating. I also like that they feed us and provide stuff we need for ourselves.

When I first joined the program, I was nervous. But as time passed, I got used to it and I really liked it. The people in the program are nice and we interact with each other.

I would encourage other people to join the program and experience what I experienced because the program gives you many opportunities. You can visit new places and learn new things. Something else I like about the program is that my friends are in the program and I don’t feel alone.

The reason I joined the Transform

Fresno Youth Leadership Development Program was because my mom told me that I should and because she said it would be better for the community. I also joined because my mom showed me that they were building a park in southwest Fresno and she told me that what we talk about in the program helps the community get stronger with the new parks, college, and more. There are also many ways for adults to hear what youth aged 12 and older have to say. Youth can have a stake in the community that they are in and voice how they would like to see certain changes.

As someone who has depression, it’s hard trying to open up to others feeling like they’ll laugh at you. My depression started when I was in 5th grade because of certain people I was friends with and other problems I was dealing with but didn’t open up to anyone. People usually keep their depression to themselves and hold it in until they burst and spill everything they bottled up. After their outburst, they realize they vented to their friend or family and feel like a burden.

People usually get depression from stress, illness, genetics, alcohol and drugs, medication, neurochemistry,

Starting April 1st,

brain structure, family history, life events, death or loss, childhood experiences, menopause, personality, and traumatic events. Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States. According to the World Wide Web, 3.8% of the population experiences depression including 5-5.7% of adults older than 60 years.

An estimated 3.2% of children have depression, which makes approximately 200 million people in the world have depression. There are many ways to see if you have depression, like having feelings of

sadness, tearfulness, emptiness, or frustration. You could also lose pleasure in most, normal activities like hobbies or sports. You may also have sleep disturbances, including insomnia, or sleeping too much.

If you have depression and get no treatment, your symptoms can last for weeks, months, or even years. There are many ways people try to cope with their depression which include following a healthy lifestyle, learning how to better manage stress, setting limits on what you’re able to do, and scheduling fun activities into your day.

fast food restaurants will begin to pay up to 20 dollars an hour. This increase in pay will greatly impact the economic world as we know it. The increase in pay for fast food workers will allow them to properly be compensated for the stuff they deal with on a daily basis, long hours for low pay, complicated customers and employers, etc. It would make people’s lives a lot easier since now a person could survive a little better on their own. Even so, the increase in pay affects other businesses as now they will have to meet or compete with the increase of pay to either help their employees or not close down due to a lack of employees. The wage increase in fast food restaurants has been positively and negatively affecting people’s lives.

Most people have socia l media such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and more. However, sometimes people get bullied on social media for how they look, dress, or speak.

This causes people to hurt themselves or commit suicide. People sometimes make mean comments or talk badly about other people, which causes people to commit suicide. People can sometimes get threatened on social media. Some people ask other people for photos, money, videos, or to meet up. So, people sometimes do what they are told because they get scared. Not only that, but people also get threatened.

Not everything or everyone on social media is real. Some people catfish other people. They fake their age or use false photos, which leads to other people. This can lead to terrible consequences. So, for all the people out there, be careful who you trust and who you talk to.

It may seem easy to talk to people because you think you know them. But just because you talk to them doesn’t mean they have good intentions.

So me people have depression and don’t

know how to deal with it. Something you can do to deal with depression is to cry out and let everything go. Sometimes it feels good to let everything go. You can also think of happy thoughts or do something to keep yourself entertained. You can listen to happy songs or songs that make you dance or sing. You can also try therapy if you feel like taking your own life. Therapy can be a big help.

Sometimes people deal with depression because of problems at home or at school. So, the best thing to do is to not be scared and talk to someone about it. I know people who have dealt with depression and have overcome it. Sometimes they like to go out and have fun to forget about it and be happy.

Sometimes it is nice to talk to someone that you know who is dealing with depression to let it go and that everything is going to be okay. You can also help them forget about it.

Im proving conditions in southwest

Fresno requires a multifaceted approach that addresses various social, economic, and environmental factors. This includes engaging and empowering the community through active participation in decision-making processes and providing opportunities for leadership and skill-building.

Investment in education is crucial to improving outcomes for residents, as well as fostering economic development by attracting businesses, supporting local entrepreneurs, and creating job opportunities. Affordable housing initiatives and policies are needed to address the shortage of affordable housing and prevent displacement and gentrification.

Health and wellness initiatives should focus on improving access to healthcare services, promoting healthy lifestyles, and addressing environmental factors that impact health.

Environmental justice efforts should address pollution, waste management, and access to clean water and air. Cultural preservation and celebration are important for honoring the rich cultural heritage of southwest Fresno, and collaboration and partnership among stakeholders are essential for implementing solutions that address the needs of the community effectively.

And that’s how we could help southwest Fresno.

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