Your Hometowne July 2013

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Your Hometowne July Cover.qxd


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JULY 2013


From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

For Advertising Info: 265.1105

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From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

A message from As I write this column looking for the bright side of things it is once again raining. We have had more than our share of rain this year and unfortunately it has taken its toll on our local celebrations. Scotia had to cancel their Memorial Day parade; Burnt Hills cancelled the Flag Day Parade. Jumpin Jack's cancelled their fireworks, moving the date out to July 12. We still have The Ballston225 celebration to look forward to, that will be held on July 13th at Ballston Town Hall- Charlton Road. I hope Mother Nature gives us a break on this one, the community needs to see each other's faces beyond picking up kids at school and saying hi at the grocery store. The rain has “dampened” more than spirits. We Upstate New Yorker's rely on the seasons to boost commerce. Summer tourism is huge in our area, from the Racetrack to the Rivers and Lakes people flock to our area because it is spectacular. Right now the waterways are swollen to the point that the Erie Canal between Lock E-2 in Waterford and Lock E-22 in New London is closed to navigation indefinitely. Mariners from all over the country are trapped on our rivers and canals. There is a couple “stuck” in our marina; Ron and Judy from Florida who sought safe harbor there on June 11th. They left Florida on their Catamaran on March 23rd planning to make a loop through the waterways and take in the sights of the Eastern and Middle U.S. All was going according to plan until they reached The Schenectady Yacht Club. Their itinerary included taking canal system to Oswego, up to Canada following the Trent-Severn Canal to Georgia Bay on Lake Huron. Cross over to Michigan, head south to Chicago, through Illinois to the Mississippi River then follow the Ohio River to the Tombigbee Waterway which flows through Tennessee to Alabama then back to the Florida Panhandle, down the Gulf and back home to Fort Myers. Being an upbeat couple Ron and Judy have made the best of their trip interruption. They are avid bicycle riders; and since that is their only form of transportation they have ridden their bicycles to the Saratoga Battlefield, Altamont and everywhere in between! While all the members enjoy their company I hope the canals open up soon to let them and all the other trapped Mariners get to their destinations. Fort Plain took a huge hit last week due to the same flooding. Once again people sprang into action and helped rescue trapped residents with any piece of equipment that would get through the water. From bucket loaders to canoes people yanked up their boots and saved the lives of neighbors, strangers and animals that had no way out. Sadly one woman is presumed dead, her entire home washed away into the floodwaters. Our prayers go out to those who have lost so much. The 4th of July will be behind us when you read this but to Paul and me every day is Independence Day in our country. We proudly display our flag in our front yard and at our boat. We appreciate the sacrifices made by our soldiers and their families throughout the centuries to keep us a free country. We are proud to live in a country of resilient people willing to lend a hand to strangers; doing the right thing for the right reason.

“I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.” - Adali Stevenson

ABOUT THE COVER... Once again we are using Ken Rohlings work to adorn our cover. This piece was created using a technique called Fractal Art. Fractal Art is the combination of geometrical shapes with colors and graphics art to illustrate the imagination. Ken’s style is especially unique because he uses pieces of his own photos in combination with the computer generated images such as the flag and the stars in the eagle’s eye to create spectacular results. To see more of his work check out is website at phone: 518-495-2915 email:

Comments and Input – Paul and Cheryll 280.5260 Advertising – or 265.1105 Photography – Design – or 883.3872

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From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

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From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

Grilled, Rubbed, Sautéed Creative Seafood Specialties Encompassing Fresh Veggies, Savory Herbs and Delicious Handcrafted Sauces for your Afternoon or Evening Dining Experience

399-9951 745 Charlton Road, Charlton Bridal Showers • Rehearsal Dinners Intimate Couture Weddings • Luncheons


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2011 New Grumman Pontoon w/ 50hp 4 stroke, full cover and galv trailer $14,995

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19 AWESOME REASONS TO EXERCISE TODAY I know it's summer and you have exciting places to go and things to do. But wait! Did you forget about your workout? Again? Lots of people fall off the exercise wagon during summer months due to vacations, taking care of kids home for the summer months, and other warm weather distractions. I get it, I really do, but what about all the amazing perks that you're missing out on? Just in case you needed a little reminder that will motivate you to lace those shoes back up and get your workout back on, here are 19 Awesome Reasons to Exercise Today! 1. Exercise makes your clothes fit better: Consistent exercise will tone and tighten your body, and this means that your clothes will not only fit better they will also look nicer. 2. Exercise reduces your stress: Let's face it, you have enough stress in your life-so take a break. A challenging workout invigorates your muscles and leaves you relaxed and less stressed. 3. Exercise boosts your energy: Research routinely concludes that exercise increases energy levels in sedentary people. 4. Exercise makes you stronger: Who doesn't want to be stronger? With consistent, challenging exercise, your body will naturally become stronger. 5. Exercise burns calories: Extra calories end up stored on your body as fat. Fight back by eliminating loads of calories with fat-blasting workouts. 6. Exercise gives you confidence: By exercising consistently you're able to increase your natural confidence. 7. Exercise can be fun: Whether you believe it or not, exercise can be really enjoyable. Remember how fun it was to run and jump as a child? 8. Exercise reduces your blood pressure: Exercise is so powerful that it has been proven more effective than medication in reducing high blood pressure. 9. Exercise tightens your problem areas: With exercise you can reduce flab on your arms, legs and waistline. 10.Exercise increases your insulin sensitivity: Research continues to prove that exercise dramatically improves insulin sensitivity. 11. Exercise improves your sleep: Tired muscles encourage your body to quickly fall asleep in order to get overnight repair work done. 12.Exercise lowers your risk of heart disease: Exercise strengthens your heart and protects it against disease. 13.Exercise lowers your risk of diabetes: Research has shown that exercising as little as half an hour each day can dramatically reduce your risk of diabetes. 14.Exercise improves your BMI: Maintaining a healthy BMI is key in disease prevention, and exercise is the best way to keep your BMI under control. 15.Exercise increases your endurance: Don't ever get out of breath from walking up stairs or through the mall again. I hope it goes without saying that I am your go-to point for all things exercise. It's my passion to see each and every one of my clients reach their fitness goals and improve the quality of their lives. Please call or email today to come in for your free consultation. Together let's turn this summer into your time of transformation. Just think of how amazing you could be looking after working with me! 424-7878 or email to get started today with a free consultation.

If you cannot get people to listen to you any other way, tell them it's confidential. - PatrickMurray



From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

WRENCH TALK with Ken Maynard Appreciation: 1. Gratitude; thankful recognition. 2. The act of estimating the qualities of things and giving them their proper value. 3. Clear perception or recognition. With Ken's approval I am going to take over the reins on this month's article of Wrench Talk. Having spent a reasonable amount of time in Ballston over the past few years, I have grown to know Ken Maynard pretty well along with many of our advertisers in Ballston Spa. Ken's article in our paper comes about in a special way- since we have become friends it is like story-telling day for me. We sit and chat about different aspects of his business and the industry as a whole. His knowledge and fair handedness impresses me and makes it a pleasure to craft his article based on the conversation. Over the past year of hanging out with Ken and his team, I have come to appreciate his mechanical ability and how he interacts with his customers. He does not take his success for granted and values his customers. One thing I noticed is that there very few people who show up at his door in a good mood; short of those just paying for gas and even a few of them have their grumpy pants on for some reason. Having a broken vehicle is never good and people need to get their transportation back ASAP. Ken get's that. He understands that the cranky mood is because his customer is frustrated; their life will be interrupted until the vehicle is fixed. Ken handles it with a smile and gets started on the repair. He gives realistic time frames based on parts availability and how much work may have already been scheduled. People like that, they can plan around it. He doesn't tell them it will be finished tomorrow when he knows the parts have to be shipped or he already has several jobs in front of them. That is the art of estimating the quality of things and assigning value. Realistic expectations hold a lot of value.

Rarely do you see anyone in this garage sitting around with their feet propped up like the characters you see on re-runs of Andy Griffith in Mayberry. Ken's guys are buried under a dashboard, under the hood or busting knuckles on a stuck bolt while fixing a problem. And this is where the “appreciation” part enters the picture. During the course of the day, at any given time; it is a given that SOMEONE will show up with a problem looking for Kenny to help them out, and he will-. He is generous with his time, stopping the show on whatever project he is into and attempt to offer a solution or schedule an appointment. I have seen with my own eyes, people walk in, interrupting a job and getting advice then walk out with not so much as a thank you. I have seen the emotion in Ken's eyes as he wishes them a good day REGARDLESS of the fact that they did not acknowledge his time and advice. He just goes back to work on a vehicle in order to show HIS appreciation for a customer who trusts him. The point in this article is broad based, as it not only pertains to Ken Maynard's business. It speaks to the big picture; a small business owner taking the time to build trust with their clientele. Its' actually quite simple, show a little respect and “appreciation” for those you choose to do business with and be assured that respect and appreciation will be returned 10 fold. I know Ken appreciates his customers and it's amazing what a thank you and a smile up front will buy you down the road. On behalf of everyone at Kens Sunoco, have a safe and enjoyable summer and if your ever in need of good automotive advice or quality service and products, Stop by Ken's Sunoco and don't forget to bring your smile, They will appreciate it!

Fo r A d v e r t i s i n g I n f o : 2 6 5 . 1 1 0 5 • y o u r h o m e t o w n e @ g m a i l . c o m • w w w. y o u r- h o m e t o w n e. c o m



From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

Fo r A d v e r t i s i n g I n f o : 2 6 5 . 1 1 0 5 • y o u r h o m e t o w n e @ g m a i l . c o m • w w w. y o u r- h o m e t o w n e. c o m



From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

Fo r A d v e r t i s i n g I n f o : 2 6 5 . 1 1 0 5 • y o u r h o m e t o w n e @ g m a i l . c o m • w w w. y o u r- h o m e t o w n e. c o m

ASSET PROTECTION TRUST: WHAT DO THEY PROTECT? What type of creditors and predators can you use an Asset Protection Trust to protect your home and other assets from? Most people are primarily concerned with protecting a person's home and other assets from Nursing Homes and Department of Social Services. When a person needs to apply for Medicaid Assistance while they are in the Nursing Home there are two main areas of concerns. First, Medicaid has a set of standards for determining eligibility. Second, Medicaid reviews transactions for the last 5 years. This is called a Look Back Period. DSS reviews 5 years of financial and banking transactions to see if you have made gifts that would make you not eligible for Medicaid while in the Nursing Home. Asset Protection Trusts can protect your eligibility for Medicaid if you funded it with your Home and other assets more than 5 years ago. Such a Trust may permit the Trustee to pass a home and other assets to your children and other persons who you may care for. The Trust also will protect against other general creditors in the future. You must however make sure you keep enough money to care for yourself. Such a Trust also can protect against the creditors and predators of your children while you are alive and the Trust is in effect. Asset Protection Trusts are a good device for you and your family to protect your home and other assets if the circumstances are right. You should consult an attorney about your situation. Please contact me to consult on planning for yourself or someone in need. It will be my pleasure to help.

Burnt Hills and Schenectady (518) 370-4645 • jfantauzzi@ecmlaw .com FOR INDUSTRIAL STRENTH UN-POPPABLE SUMMER FUN BUBBLES! Mix 6 Cups of Water with 1 Cup of Corn Syrup and 2 Cups of Regular Strength JOY Dish Soap!

JULY SALE! 10% OFF your Entire Purchase Every Monday in July! Must mention this ad.

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From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

Fo r A d v e r t i s i n g I n f o : 2 6 5 . 1 1 0 5 • y o u r h o m e t o w n e @ g m a i l . c o m • w w w. y o u r- h o m e t o w n e. c o m



From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

Customized Retaining Walls • Walkways and Patios Landscape Design and Installation Sprinkler Systems • Night Lighting Hydro-Seeding • Spring Cleanups Lawn Maintenance • Renovation

Pro-Cut Landscaping has been sprucing up lawns for 25 years!

Family owned - Kerby and Cindy Loukes

Fo r A d v e r t i s i n g I n f o : 2 6 5 . 1 1 0 5 • y o u r h o m e t o w n e @ g m a i l . c o m • w w w. y o u r- h o m e t o w n e. c o m



From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

Fo r A d v e r t i s i n g I n f o : 2 6 5 . 1 1 0 5 • y o u r h o m e t o w n e @ g m a i l . c o m • w w w. y o u r- h o m e t o w n e. c o m

BALLSTON TOWN HALL - CHARLTON ROAD - 11:00AM-4:00PM 11-4: • Chuck Curtiss' restored 100 year old sled. • History Exhibits: Tons of pictures of Ballston including pictures of the Ballston Lake amusement park of 100 years ago; authentic ice cutting saw from Ballston Lake from 100 years ago; and more • Tractors from the past: See the variety, sizes, and ages • Local artisans: potter, painter, woodcarver, quilter, spinner and weaver, butter maker; the paintings of George Shorey, who, 100 years ago, painted in the little cottage in the woods across from Stevens School; and more! • Exhibits by the Town of Ballston Community Library, the Parks and Recreation Committee of the Town of Ballston, and the BHBL Education Foundation. • Brookside Museum- old-time toys from the Chris Morley collection; old-time games that you can play; artifacts and old books, too. 12-2: • Reenactor Matt Zembo and friends “doing” the OTHER side of the Revolution, the British side 1:00 • Unicycle demonstration by Jeff Pease and others Music by the Burnt Hills Melody Makers from 11:00-1:00 and by Tunefolk from 1:00-3:00 3:15-4: • Short reenactment of some of the events of early Town Board Meetings and FREE ice cream afterwards! MERCHANT FARM - JUST WEST OF TOWN HALL Mini horses (Unbelievable!), chickens, goats, rabbits on a real working farm! Tinsmith - in the barn. BALLSTON CENTER ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, CORNER OF MIDDLELINE AND CHARLTON ROADS - 11:00AM-3:00PM 11-3: • Kids' games from the past • Tours and pictures of the church will be available. Eliphalet Ball founded this church in the early 1770s. 11:30-1:30: •Old fashioned church picnic. Enjoy the food! Donations accepted to help defray the cost. 12-3: • 1850's Town Ball, an ancestor of today's baseball-but VERY different. Come and play. “BALLSTON 225 WEEK” PARTICIPANTS JULY 7-13TH • Special Anniversary Introductory Rate on Home Equity Lines of Credit available at Ballston Spa National Bank • Creekside Café and Coffee House- special blend of coffee • Discount registration for the August 10 “Dan Ran 5K” available at all three venues on July 13. Cost: only $17.88! You can also register on line at • Fo'Castle Farm Country Store and Lakeside Farms and Cider Mill- selling official Ballston225 teeshirts • Gil's Garage- $2.25 tire rotation • Greater Glenville YMCA- will be giving away 225 free one-day passes to the Greater Glenville (Parkside) YMCA, starting at 12 Noon, Saturday, at Town Hall • Lakeside Farms and Cider Mill- special Ballston225 sandwich • Mail 'n' More- $2.25 items on sale all week long • Spataro Insurance Agency- donating to the Home Delivered Meals of Saratoga County, which serves the Town of Ballston • Terry's Floors- $2.25 per sq foot: includes carpet, pad and installation. Limited to in-stock carpet only


MORRIS FORD IN BURNT HILLS was the location of the latest fundraiser for the Blondes vs Brunettes Northeastern NY Flag Football League. June 15, 2013, the Brunettes team gathered together on Route 50 in front of the Morris Ford dealership waving in passers by to have their vehicles washed by their team. A total of 26 vehicles were hand washed and over $480 was raised in a 4 hour span of time. Morris Ford is the proud sponsor of the Brunettes and welcomed the team to their dealership for the day to assist in their fundraising efforts. Charlie Morris, President of Morris Ford, said he is proud of the team he sponsors and the concept of the league of women who have made a commitment to raise money for the Northeastern NY Alzheimer’s Association. “1 in every 4 adults will be overcome by this disease. It is critical for all of us to work together to find a cure.” Said Mr. Morris when talking about the Blondes vs Brunettes Flag Football League.


From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

MORTENSEN MOTORSPORTS UPDATE for the lead on lap 11. On lap 12 After rain washed away the Memorial Mortensen took the lead on the Day racing program at the Fonda outside of turn four but Cleveland Speedway the first three racing wasn't about to give up as he retook programs in June didn't show the the lead on the inside of turn four with finishes that the Mortensen only five laps to go. Motorsports Racing Team #1M driven by Mark Mortensen are used to. With Mortensen continued to keep his the car being just a little bit off on the momentum up on the outside and took setup as the track gets dry and slick in over the lead again on lap 16 with the summer months Mark managed Cleveland whose car was good down finishes of 15th, sixth, and eighth in low not letting Mortensen get away. that three week stretch. With three laps to go Cleveland went into turn two too low and bounced to After the racing program on June 15 the outside of the track allowing the Mortensen Motorsports crew went Mortensen to get away for his second to work on the Your Hometowne Photo courtesy of Bill McGaffin Photography win of the season and the ninth of his sponsored race car, changed it around career in the division in the Your totally, and got some help from modified driver Erik Nelson as well. The result was a celebration in victory Hometowne sponsored #1M Teo car. lane on Saturday, June 22 in a very exciting event. "The first couple of weeks this year we were fast but we lost it after that," The exciting 602 sportsman feature began with rookie Connor Cleveland Mortensen said in victory lane. "I have to thank Erik Nelson for all of his taking the lead at the drop of the green flag to start the 20-lap event. An help this week along with my crew, family; friends that come and watch early caution on lap six slowed the field when Tony Farone slowed in me race every week, and my sponsors." between turns three and four. In victory lane to celebrate with the crew and Mark were sponsors Bill Mark Mortensen started the event in the seventh position and on the Terry, Tom Coughlin, Kelly and Brent Harvey along with friends of the restart got by both Tim Hartman Jr. and John McAuliffe for the second family Cheryl and Ken Crispin and a brand new fan that Cheryl and Ken position and at the halfway point of the event the top five consisted of brought along with them a couple of times this year Lynne Ludwin. Cleveland, Mortensen, McAuliffe, Rocky Warner, and Hartman. Car owner Bonnie Mortensen would also like to say thank you to Mark, Cleveland was protecting his lead on the bottom of the race track while Brett, and Bob Mortensen for all of their hard work to get the car Mortensen was hanging it all out on the outside with the two side by side straightened out along with Erik Nelson for all of his help.

Fo r A d v e r t i s i n g I n f o : 2 6 5 . 1 1 0 5 • y o u r h o m e t o w n e @ g m a i l . c o m • w w w. y o u r- h o m e t o w n e. c o m


Gift Certificates Available


From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

Fo r A d v e r t i s i n g I n f o : 2 6 5 . 1 1 0 5 • y o u r h o m e t o w n e @ g m a i l . c o m • w w w. y o u r- h o m e t o w n e. c o m



From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

TYLER ZEPF Local Falconer “A falconer is one who trains raptors (wild birds of prey) for the purpose of hunting. Proof of Faconry dates back to 722-705 BC, a carving was found in the ruins of the palace of Sargon II, ruler of the Kingdom of Babylonia It's a lengthy process to become a licensed falconer. Tremendous knowledge about these birds must be obtained to pass a government issued test, which includes identifying the characteristics of the different species, their natural history, care, maintenance, inherent diseases and equipment used for training. One also has to learn the Federal and State regulations involving the allowed season, source and method of capture for each species. After passing the exam a prospective falconer must find a general or master level falconer willing to mentor him through the application process and a two year apprentice program. Next is the building of the cage and mews to contain the bird once captured. Again there are strict regulations that must be adhered to and the completed containment must pass a State inspection before a license application will be accepted. In New York a prospective falconer must obtain a state license before applying for a federal license. After both licenses have been attained, the apprentice must then capture a bird from the wild.�

Tyler Zepf of Burnt Hills has always enjoyed animals and has a special affinity for wild animals. His interest in birds began as a young boy when he found a baby bird that had fallen from an unreachable nest. He took it home, cared for it and when ready, released it. Since then he's been fascinated with birds. As he matured this fascination developed to include birds of prey. Tyler credits his parents who taught him to find and follow his passion in life. He's found that passion in working with Phoenix the Red Tailed Hawk you see above. Tyler completed this process earlier this year, at the age of 21, and became a falconer apprentice. He captured his red-tailed hawk on the last day of the season, January 28. and named her Phoenix, she is approximately ten months old and is still classified as a juvenile. Hawk gender is determined by weight, with females weighing 25% more than males. Phoenix weighs about a pound and a half, which signifies a female. Tyler is eager to watch her growth through the summer as she matures and molts into her adult feathers, especially the signature red tail feathers. Since January, Tyler has been working with Phoenix and she now flies to him, eats from his hand and is comfortable walking in the neighborhood and being with small groups of people. Through these walks he's learned that people are very interested in learning more about birds of prey and he would like to eventually bring Phoenix to different community venues for educational purposes. His training for hunting is just beginning and he looks forward with excitement and trepidation to when he can allow her to fly free again. All falconers live with the possibility that when released their birds may not return, but it's a risk they take for the privilege of working with these majestic birds. Tyler is extremely grateful to have found two falconers locally who are willing to share their knowledge, experience and time with him. Ken Gibbons of Scotia is Tyler's mentor. Ken is a general falconer who has been working with raptors for seven years and has been working with his red-tailed hawk for three years. Bud Murtlow of Burnt Hills is a master falconer who's been working with raptors for over thirty years and has the dubious distinction of being the first licensed falconer in New York State.

Fo r A d v e r t i s i n g I n f o : 2 6 5 . 1 1 0 5 • y o u r h o m e t o w n e @ g m a i l . c o m • w w w. y o u r- h o m e t o w n e. c o m

THERE'S AN APP FOR THAT! Smart phones and tablets are great tools to help us learn more about our eyes, often while having some fun at the same time. Some applications are designed to let you use your camera in ways you might not have expected. Others are just fun ways to pass the time and maybe learn a thing or two about optics at the same time. Regardless, all of these applications and more are available right now for your downloading pleasure: Your Magnifying Glass: Magnifies text or anything else, with a large clear view (the quality and the zoom level of the image depends on your phone's camera). You can choose the zoom level with a slider or using your phone's volume up and down buttons, invert the image (helps nearly blind people to see text better), freeze the image, or even turn on the light (on phone's with a flash for their camera) to make it brighter. Night Vision Camera: This app was designed to enhance your device camera's ability to take photos in the dark. It has adjustable light sensitivity and lets you control the flash as well. Again, that final image quality will depend on your phone's camera. VisionSim: The Braille Institute developed this app to let people with healthy vision see what the world looks like to someone with macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma or cataracts. It uses the camera in the Android and applies special filters to the scene to simulate the symptoms of the disease. This is one of my favorite educational app's! EyeDROPS: This eye medication reminder includes several great features, such as the ability to take and view a photo of each bottle. It can be used for eye nutrition supplements, too. LensFacts: This app reminds you when it's time to discard your contact lenses and change your lens case. It also stores your eye doctor's contact details. Other features include Contacts 101 videos that provide information you should know about wearing contact lenses. The Eye Browser: This try-on app is a fun, convenient way to see how various styles of eyeglasses and sunglasses look on you. Just upload your photo and try on the eyewear. You can save your picks to a "wardrobe”. For more information contact Kristen Cameron, Burnt Hills Optical, 793 Rt. 50 Burnt Hills, 399-6130 or visit

I wouldn't have to manage my anger if only people could learn how to manage their stupidity.



From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor


16. Adhesive strip 17. Allow 18. Wreckage 19. Vipers 20. Self-denial 22. Heavy, durable furni-

DOWN 1. Epic 2. Parsley or sage 3. Historical periods 4. Fluff

5. Malodorous 6. Concord 7. Boasted 8. Sweeping story 9. Fail to fulfill a promise 10. Applied mathematics 11. Fertile areas 12. Dismay 13. Annoying 21. Daughter of a sibling 25. Backwards "Door" 26. Poultry 27. Monster 28. Bridle strap 29. Tympani 34. Destroy completely 36. Chat 37. Decorative case 38. Marsh plant 40. Hard work 42. Coral island 45. Control and direct 48. Break out 51. Something of value 52. Tally mark 53. Menacing look 55. Midday meal 58. By mouth 59. A period of discounted prices 60. Notion 61. Ampule 62. Makes a mistake

Answers can be found on page 33

ACROSS 1. Mantelpiece 6. Affirm 10. A cleansing agent 14. Eagle's nest 15. Stare

ture wood 23. Weight loss plan 24. Shockingly repellent 26. Not a spoon 30. An uncle 31. Dawn goddess 32. Curved molding 33. Formally surrender 35. Aquatic mammal 39. Inscribed 41. Emit 43. Slowly, in music 44. Not this 46. Hint 47. Get prone 49. Big fuss 50. Slip 51. Cherubim 54. Small brook 56. Auctioned 57. Definitive 63. Sun 64. Region 65. Point of greatest despair 66. Beige 67. Long ago 68. Transparent 69. Not us 70. If not 71. Makes well

Fo r A d v e r t i s i n g I n f o : 2 6 5 . 1 1 0 5 • y o u r h o m e t o w n e @ g m a i l . c o m • w w w. y o u r- h o m e t o w n e. c o m

DECORATING TIPS FROM THE SPECKLED HEN Each month I share “Decorating Tips from The Speckled Hen” and introduce you to new ways to decorate your home with primitives. Last month I told you about a distressing technique for rusting tin, this month I have another great project to share - making primitive candles. These wonderful primitive candles are easy to make and can be burned in your home. You can use this method on votive, pillar, and taper candles. Take an old jar candle, place the jar in the oven on the lowest setting possible (~170 degrees) and wait for the wax to melt. If you don't like the color of the existing wax, change it! You can add scents too! Carefully pull the jar from your oven once all the wax has melted with an oven mitt, and set it on a hot pad that you don't care about anymore (you will drip wax on it). Let the wax set for a few minutes out of the oven before the next step. Take your candle and dip it into the melted wax, then immediately run it under cool water, or dip into another container that contains cool water. This will help harden the wax quickly. If the candle doesn't fit all the way in the jar, flip it over and dip the other end. Repeat these steps until you achieve the look you are going for. They will get lumpy and bumpy because of the water cooling the wax quickly (try not to add too many layers, it won't burn properly and it won't fit into your candle holder if it's a taper candle). You can also roll the candles in cinnamon, coffee, or other fine spices while the wax is still warm. Dip in wax, roll in spices, and dip again to hold the spices on, then run under or dip in cool water. If you choose to roll in spices, I do not recommend burning (the spices might spark). Once the candle is to your liking, lay it on aluminum foil to finish cooling. Also lay aluminum foil under where you are working, that way any drips can be peeled off and thrown back in the wax to melt again. Good luck! Remember, I'll be closed Sundays in July and August; also closed the week of August 3rd - 13th. I look forward to seeing you during your next visit to The Speckled Hen! Maureen Culver • 369.8771 38 Saratoga Road, Scotia•



From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

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LOOK BEYOND U.S. BORDERS FOR INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES Are you traveling abroad this summer? If so, you won't be alone. Increasingly, Americans seem to have gotten the “travel bug.” In fact, over one-third of the population now holds valid passports, according to the U.S. Department of State. Of course, seeing the world can help broaden our horizons in many aspects of life - including how we invest. Investment prospects now exist in every part of the planet. However, you might wonder why you should invest globally. Aren't there enough good opportunities right here in the United States? The U.S. does indeed provide a wealth of investment choices. But you can still receive at least two key benefits from international investing. Let's take a quick look at them: Growth potential - As you know, the United States is a highly developed economy. That doesn't mean that we have no “upside” here. We do. Nonetheless, you can also find growth opportunities in foreign stock and bond markets. Which ones? There's never any one “right” answer. In one year, a particular country, or region might lead the way, as far as performance. Then, the very next year, a different country or region could top the list. Since it's almost certainly futile to try to guess which areas will perform the best in any given year, you're much better off looking for solid investment opportunities in all regions of the world. Diversification - By investing internationally, you can help diversify your portfolio. The world's financial markets are connected to each other, but they don't always move in unison. In any given year, the U.S. markets may be down, but international markets might be doing significantly better. Consequently, if, during that year, you had only invested in U.S. companies, your portfolio would have taken a hit, but if you had spread your investment dollars around the world, your year-end results might have looked considerably different. Keep in mind, though, that while diversification can help reduce the effects of volatility, it can't guarantee profits or protection against all losses. Although international investing does provide some key benefits, it also carries some unique risks. For example, when you invest in companies based overseas, you may encounter political instability, which could threaten the financial markets of a country or an entire region. You could also experience currency risk, which means that an increase in the value of the U.S. dollar, relative to foreign currencies, could harm the value of your investments. In any case, you probably won't want international holdings to ever take up a majority of your portfolio. Your investment mix should be based on your risk tolerance, time horizon and individual goals. _Due to the complexities involved with foreign markets, you may well want to work with a financial professional with the expertise and resources to evaluate the pros and cons of international investments. By looking past U.S. borders for investment opportunities, you can expand your horizons for potential investment success. Bon voyage! Christopher Nyhan runs the Edward Jones office in Burnt Hills, NY. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Chris can be reached at 399-5087 or



From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

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Once again I ask Don Wilcock do the talking in this month's Stay Tuned as we were both at the table for this show and he graciously agreed to review it from his perspective which is always a treat to read.


Answers from Crossword Puzzle on page 28

Rhett Tyler's fingers flew across the fret board like a whippoorwill's wings in flight. “How you all feeling tonight,” he asked, grinning like that 85year-old woman who won half a billion dollars in the lottery. The response was a chorus of hearty yeahs, but they weren't as loud as Rhett's Fender benders. “How you all feeling tonight,” he asked again, and the crowd at T. J.'s Flightline ripped him a new one. He giggled and shot back, “Me, too!” It's Saturday night prime time in Glenville and the sweat is soaking through to Rhett's vest as he puts his power trio through a rigorous workout of Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix and original pump action automatic power plays. A veteran of both Juilliard and Berklee School of Music, Rhett can dance across the hot coals of any of these crowd pleasers all the while adding nuances and subtleties that have the crowd almost spastic with delight. His hay-like hair pushing out from under his broad-brimmed velvet hat, the rail thin rocker resembles the demonic Batman foe Scarecrow. His

mouth yawns cavernously, and his face distorts into an uncontrollable visual manifestation of dazzling guitar licks that sweep through the bar, a bubbling hot fluid cauldron that brings back memories of Stevie Ray Vaughan playing up the street three decades ago. Two songs into his first set, Tyler bends strings through the blues chestnut “Further On Up The Road,” remaking Roy Buchanan's Telecaster majesty on his Fender guitar accompanied by bass player Doug Howard who matched Tyler's manic enthusiasm with rock and roll flash and finesse. Howard backed D.C. Telecaster master Buchanan on his last tour before he died in 1988. Howard is a fifth generation entertainer who spent six years with Edgar Winter, is a veteran of Todd Rundgren's band Utopia, The Crystals and was the singing narrator in the Master of The Universe Power Tour that sold out 18 consecutive shows at Radio City Music Hall. Tyler changes band members like my mother changed coats, but Howard and drummer Joe Prescott is the first band he's had that can not only keep up with him but who showcase his genius like the setting of a diamond ring. Tighter than squiter's tweeter, this band moves as one. A master showman with 40 years experience, Tyler knows how to please an audience and at the same time exercise his musical muscle. If Bach were alive today, he'd be Tyler. He brings John McLaughlin-inspired fusion to “Blow Wind Blow,” turns Delbert McClinton's “Shaky Ground” into a psychedelic rainbow. He makes you forget John Fogerty's version of “Bad Moon Rising” and tips his hat to the Marhsall Tucker Band on his encore, “Can't You See.” “I haven't had this much fun since this afternoon,” he stated. Moving toward the mike he added, “My cord is getting longer,” and his lady grinned knowingly. It's amazing that he's alive, let alone capable of doing three sets that exhaust an audience just listening to him, A diabetic, he casually admits to having five near death experiences in the last seven years. “The first time put my blood sugar at 12,070. I shouldn't be alive. The second time, my blood sugar dropped to almost zero, and I drove the car for 45 minutes completely unconscious all the way from Hudson to Millerton. I did not hurt anybody at 65 MPH, and then I rolled it at the top of the hill three times over, and I came out of it with nothing but a scratch, even though they had to cut me out with the jaws of life. Then I had another episode where my blood sugar dropped to two or three. Then, I got Lyme disease and was pronounced dead in the hospital. I don't exactly remember when.” Rhett Tyler lives to play. Not the other way around. Having him play a spacious redecorated Flightline Pub with its gracious host T.J. and a menu that's not only copious by bar standards but delicious to boot is simply a wonderful reflection on our community. Stay Tuned.


From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

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From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

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WHAT IS MODERN DANCE? Dance has become very popular with the increased presence of various dance shows on television. Even so, people still ask me to explain exactly what modern dance is. The modern dance movement began in the early 1900s as a rebellion against the formality and structure of ballet. Dancers wanted to move more freely and naturally through space, not just vertical high as was typical of ballet. They wanted to be free of toe shoes and grasp the floor with bare feet. They wanted to involve the whole body in their dance, using torso, shoulders, head, arms, hands, even fingers, not predominantly legs and feet. They wanted to incorporate the facial expressions that accompany the feelings and emotions of dance. And most importantly, they wanted dance to be not just an intellectual and physical endeavor, but a creative one as well! Thus Modern Dance, sometimes called Barefoot Dance, was born; a dance discipline retaining a lot of basic ballet technique, expanding upon it and freeing it to encompass the exciting world of total body involvement and creative expression. Creative Movement, for youngsters just beginning to dance, is a simplification of Modern Dance, focusing not so much on set technique but more on the natural movements that evolve through the basis of feelings, emotions, and creative intuitions of a particular mood being explored. Simply, Modern Dance is communication without words - a creation of movements to match a dancer's feelings and purpose. Any moves are fine as long as you learn to execute them well and with meaning. Through modern dance any idea can be turned into a purposeful dance. Much of the dancing in the Broadway musical, The Lion King , is creative modern dance at its best. Ginny Martin • Modern Dance with Ginny Martin 518-399-5802 •




From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

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DETAILS ABOUT SURGE PROTECTORS With the thunderstorm weather heading our way, I decided to give some details about surge protectors. Computers, printer, stereo equipment and TV sets have internal circuits sensitive to voltage fluctuations and are often protected by surge protectors. Surge Protectors are designed to trap the excessive voltage that occurs due to power spikes. As more surges are diverted, the surge protector’s life span shortens, and failure becomes imminent. Most surge protectors will continue to function as a power strip, even though the surge trap mechanism may have been destroyed by the power spike. This presents two possible dangers: 1. If another power surge should occur, it can damage the equipment or appliances that are plugged into this surge protector, and 2. If sufficient voltage passes through the surge protector due to a second power spike, a resistant short may have been formed, allowing heating to occur and a fire to ignite. Everybody knows that computers and other expensive electronic equipment should be protected by a surge protector. What many people do not know is that not every surge protector is the same, and that ALL surge protectors, regardless of their price, wear out after a period of time. As a general rule, the more you spend the better off you will be. Of course there are exceptions, but typically you should buy a more expensive surge protector to protect more expensive electronics. Around twenty dollars is a good price. Some surge protectors have a “protected” light, but often times this light is just a plain old LED that will remain lit as long as power flows through the strip. Keep in mind that even if your surge protector has shielded you from one surge, the protector is now damaged slightly. The purpose of a surge protector is to take the electrical beating so your expensive electronics don’t have to. If you can’t remember the last time you replaced your surge protector, it is probably time to do so. When leaving your home, unplug the cord from the power source, especially this time of year. Another tip is to tie knots in your power cord to prevent surges from damaging your equipment. Is your computer running slow?

SPECIAL! SPRING PC TUNE-UP $49! Includes a registry and start-up clean-up, virus and malware scans, free anti-virus software and much more! As always... Safe Computing! Cheap Geek Computer Services • Maggie Faltskog • 399-8886



From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

SUM-SUM SUMMER TIME SUMMER TIME SUMMER TIME! As I write this I am sitting at my kitchen table. Facing our backyard. The big bow window opens up to the backyard and all it has to offer. I glance at the grass and the deep green color it has taken on with the rain and warm sun. The octagon picnic table sports a big green umbrella. Soon it will be filled with family and friends enjoying burgers and dogs from the grill. The smell of BBQ wafting through the neighborhood. The wishing well my dad built many, many years ago is on its last leg and leans on the fence more than it stands on its own. Even in its dilapidated state it bring a big smile to my face. The blackberry bushes are growing high along the back row of the yard. Their lime green leaves reaching towards the sky ready to burst with buds and fruit as the summer goes on. The pear tree is full and accents the corner of our property. The apple tree right outside the window seems to be getting closer to the house each and every year. It holds many memories. It was the shade for my sons first swing set and is the final resting place for "Peanut" our beloved guinea pig. The swing is gone now and yet, sometimes, I glance over and see it there with my boy flying high with a big smile and yelling to me... "hey, mom, mom, mom, hey mom, watch, watch, watch this." He would pump his legs so fast I thought he would eventually go flying right over the top. It doesn't seem that long ago. He now chooses to drive a car rather than swing on a swing set. Time flies, doesn't it?! We enjoy the patio as often as possible. Eating dinner and hanging by the fire pit. The smell of the peony is undeniable as you walk along the path that leads towards the front yard thru the wrought iron arch. The arch is rusted and has taken on a reddish brown color and matches the brick in the house better now than when we first got it. I think of all the adventures ahead. Excited that the summer time opens up a whole new world. Looking forward to plopping down on a beach and down loading some new books on my kindle to occupy my time between starring at the ocean view and walking along the sandy shores. I plan on honing my kayaking skills and enjoying some time with family and friends at the lake. Even with a lifted spirit for the adventures ahead, I look forward to just being here. At my kitchen table, looking out and soaking in the beauty of our home. Like I have always said (and I am sure I have said this to you) is "It's always good to go away and its always better to be home!" This summer I shall venture away and take pictures, relax and play. I will however, always be glad to be HOME! Enjoy the long warm summer days and venture out and do something new. And when you're done, you can head back home. As always, I wish you peace, joy and a wonderful sum-sumsummer time, summer time, summer time! Pattie Rakvica •

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory." - Steven Wright

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172 Years of Heritage and Traditions

The origin of the Fair actually goes back to 1819 when state legislation created County Fairs. Basically a one day cattle show, this early version was discontinued after 1824. The modern version of the Saratoga County Fair began when the Saratoga County Fair Association was formed June, 24, 1841 at the Saratoga County Court House in the Village of Ballston Spa; County Clerk Archibald Smith was named the first Fair Secretary. The next year, it expanded to two days. More than a century and a half later, agriculture remains one of the largest industries in Saratoga County, and the annual County Fair stands as an important event on a busy summer calendar, featuring hundreds of vendors, a large amusement midway and 30 acres of activities for young and old. Thousands of people will pass thru the gates of the Saratoga County Fair the week of July 16-21. There is something for everyone at the fair! The Miracle of Animal Birth in the Townley AgriCenter, an Operating Train and Circus Display in Antiques Building, Living History with “Dan Dan” the Mountain Man, AKA Ron Surdyka, Music by Markellis Haskell Maul on the Caboose Deck, Music by Seth & the Moody Melix in the Conservation Area. Crafters will be throughout the fair including Wood Turning by Spa Woodturning Artists Guild, in Conservation Area, Loom Weaving with Diane Epting, Lazy Day Farm, in Lewis Building. There will be Blacksmith Demonstration and Culinary Demonstration, a 4-H Horse Show, Chainsaw Sculpting, and a Huge Demolition Derby! There will be several pageants to recognize and honor local babies, toddlers and young ladies. These contestants gain poise, confidence and build their self-esteem through onstage presentations and friendly competition. One lucky girl will be crowned Miss Saratoga County Fair Queen of 2013.

My favorite attraction is Rosaire's Royal Racing Pigs! Rosaire's Royal Racers are billed as the "Ultimate in Racing Pigs", and many families head straight for the infield to see them first once they enter the gates of the Saratoga County Fair. With daily post times and with all the prestige of the Kentucky Derby's famous "run for the roses" but lots more fun, these "racing oinkers" will be back this year! I can honestly say I laughed so hard I was crying as the pigs “raced” cheered on by Pig Rooters who cheered for their porky athlete to cross the finish line first so they could win prizes. If you are wondering are the pigs treated well the answer is yes. The pigs travel in a specially equipped $30,000.00 trailer called the Porcine Palace. All training is done by a bait and reward system. They run in a $100,000 aluminum track that is carefully put together to ensure their safety. According to the Rosaire family, pigs are very intelligent, easily trained, and really enjoy performing for audiences. Of course there will be all the best fair food delicacies available! Cotton Candy to Fried everything will be available to chow down on. It's only once a year so leave your calorie counter home! Fair Hours (Daily) 9:00am - 12:00pm Midnight Concession Buildings (Daily) 10:00am - 10:00pm Animal Exhibits (Daily) 9:00am - 10:00pm You can see the entire schedule at


From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

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From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

Now that you have read about my ongoing success at losing weight AND changing my lifestyle because of Javita Coffee; I am offering you an opportunity to do the same. Remember; I have lost close to 30lbs in 4 months; I have quit smoking and my bank account is much happier. If you have been looking for a way to achieve the same goals I have; here is an opportunity to try Javita and see how easy it is to take the step toward a better future. If you think it’s too good to be true check out my before and after pic at And remember, I live here. No smoke and mirrors, this is what I looked like before I decided to make a change with the help of Javita coffee. This is no ordinary cup of Jo! Try a 7 day trial pack for $15, I will ship, and add an extra packet if you "like" my Facebook page Or order a box that will last for 24 days - pick up in Scotia for $45 or online auto ship price of $35 (not charged if canceled after 1st order). Call at 858-8786 or visit, -Jaime Hill, changing lives one cup at a time!

Stop by for some cool reading! Visit for our Summer Schedule

518-399-8174 •

HOURS: M-Th 10AM-8PM / Fri 10AM-5PM / Sat 10AM-2PM ONLINE or YOUTH SERVICES • E-mail:

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WHO WANTS A FREE T-SHIRT?! Participate in our

SAUSAGE QUEST 2013 and fill up your "Quest Card" by the end of this year, and you win a free shirt! It's that easy. There are 12 different sausages that you must buy, you must get at least one pound of each and then one of our store clerks will stamp your card! So whose ready for Sausage Quest?! The 12 varieties are: Sweet Italian • Hot Italian Fresh Kielbasa • Smoked Kielbasa Chorizo • Andouille Chicken Pesto • Bratwurst Breakfast Sausage Veal Sausage Lamb Sausage German Style Hot Dogs

GRILLING SEASON IS HERE! Use HUMPHREY's Charcoal for your grilling needs. Nothing but the best at Garofalo's!

I wanted to take the time to recognize the Garofalo family for their friendship over the years. Garry, the gentleman in the inset picture and I go back well over 40 years, we rode our Harleys together and I lived over their store next to his Aunt Mary. Aunt Mary is the wonderful woman with him in the picture who cooked the best darn meals anyone could ask for! I was there when his kids were born and I was with him almost every day in a medical rehab center after a tragic health incident that took his life. He and Mary are together along with his Brother, his Mother and his Father; they treated me like family and I miss them - God Rest them and I know they are smiling over their kids who have taken over the business and run it with the dignity that the family established in 1904. The summer recipes below deserve grilling on the best charcoal you can buy as each of these products are crafted with love from a family that I respect and admire THE CLASSIC: a Garofalo's 6oz beef patty topped with American Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato and Onion. THE BLACK AND BLUE: Garofalo's fresh ground beef patty with Garofalo's thick cut Bacon and Imported Blue Cheese. THE ITALIAN: use loose homemade Garofalo's sausage instead of ground beef and top with mild provolone and roasted red peppers. PAUL'S HELL YEAH BURGER: a Garofalo's beef patty topped with sautéed onions, a slice of their bacon, Garofalo's signature Pulled Pork and BBQ sauce, You cannot get a better burger anywhere! SPICY BURGER: Use Garofalo's Good Stuff seasoning to spice up their fresh ground meat (to taste). Form a 6 oz patty and grill. Top with Hot Pepper American Cheese.

Garafalo's, the taste people travel for!

Stop in and visit the 4th generation, serving QUALITY ITALIAN PRODUCTS since 1904.


From Scotia to Ballston Spa, covering the Route 50 Corridor

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