Your Hometowne March 2013

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MARCH 2012




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The Freedom Z is designed for commercial and large estate use. Learn more about the outstanding features of the Freedom Z and how it can save you time while delivering professional results.

Let the experts at All Seasons help you find the power equipment to fit your needs! Celebrating 45 years of grooming the Capital District!

The Cheetah is the fastest cat in the Scag zero-turn rider lineup with speeds up to 16 mph! An Operator Suspension System delivers a smooth ride while cutting grass with either a 61" or 72" cutter deck. Your choice of air-cooled engine options up to 34hp.

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Just across the street from Pattersonville Furniture



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A message from

ABOUT THE COVER... March came in like a lamb... Just for fun, try to find the 3 four-leaf clovers hidden in the grass. The little guy on the cover is from Icy Acres is in Galway, NY about 15 miles southwest of Saratoga Springs. Icy Acres is a small hobby farm practicing sustainable, small-scale agriculture with the nice parts of a suburban lifestyle. The little guy is an Icelandic Sheep which they raise along with laying chickens, horses and Labs. They sell wool, eggs and other farm fresh products. Call them at (518) 882-9341 or visit for more information.

WHAT OUR EXPERTS ARE SAYING... Amy Aldrich, State Farm Insurance - Life Insurance: It’s For The People Who Live Burnt Hills Optical - Eat Healthy - Help Save Your Vision Cheap Geek - Internet Tips And Tricks Chris Nyhan, Edward Jones - When Should You Start Taking Social Security? Dr. Roy Oyangen, DMD - Brighten Your Smile Locust Grove Designs - Paint Yourself Into Spring Precise Fitness - Upcoming Vacation? Worried About Your Waistline?

The beginning of 2012 has taken two of Your Hometowne's best. True entrepreneurs, Jim Ferrante and Bob Carney demonstrated benevolence, hard work and love for their family and community. Though different in many ways; Bob and Jim both grabbed the American Dream and made it their own. They will both be missed dearly but their legacy will live on for generations to come- because they cared about people and that never goes away. As we look forward to spring let's not forget to count our blessings and make memories. Turn off the news and your phones during dinner and… I know this is tough…talk to your family. No one is going to remember sitting at the table and hearing about another bail out for Greece. But they will remember when your kid's friend was sitting at the table and her lenses fell out of her glasses into a plate of spaghetti. How you all laughed so hard you talk about it 40 years later. Yup, it happened to me and my friend is going to kill me when she reads this. Be silly, share the chores. When my girls were little we cooked together and picked up the dinner table together. We made birthday cakes for their Dad with little hands squabbling over who gets to write Happy Birthday Dad. So they did every other letter, and they were most beautiful cakes I have ever seen. Lea learned that washing lettuce does not require soap and hot water (she is going to kill me). We cleaned the house together; Beth could clean a refrigerator in mark time. Of course there was nothing left but it was clean! We learned more about each other during dinner time and chore time than we could have any other way. If we heard something troubling, we plated it. No pun intended. But we waited till later to bring it up. That kept our dinner's fun and the chores team oriented not dreaded. In a blink of an eye your family will be grown. Photos may fade but memories will be as fresh and crisp as they day you made them. Make them worth remembering. Hopefully by the time you read this our choice of the lamb on the cover will make sense. Read about him in the “About the Cover” paragraph on this page. Being the optimistic people we are, and not seeing a whole bunch of winter, our decision to change up the old adage, in like a lion out like a lamb was slightly compromised with the arrival of this leap year storm. This winter has been one of the least snowy winters in upstate NY's history, unless you can remember back to the winter of 1912-13. Until today we were tied with that record. I hope you are outside making some memories today. I am headed out to throw snowballs at my dogs! Comments and Input – Paul and Cheryll 280.5260 Advertising – or 265.1105 Photography – Design – or 883.3872

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“Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death.� - Earl Wilson



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LIFE INSURANCE: IT’S FOR THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE Life insurance is a practical way to protect your family’s financial hopes and dreams. The death of a family member can be devastating to survivors both emotionally and financially. Life insurance can provide cash to help with your family’s immediate and longterm needs. • Immediate needs include funeral expenses, unpaid medical bills and taxes. • Long-term needs include care for a disabled child or elderly parent expenses and, in general, the chance for members of your family to continue to live the life to which they are accustomed. Life insurance is not for the people who die, but for people who live. It's wise to explore options while you are still healthy; health problems can make life insurance expensive or unavailable. Three forms of life insurance are most common today Term life insurance - this is temporary life insurance for a specific time period (one, five, 10 or more years). It can provide short-term coverage on a limited budget. Term insurance, however, costs more to buy as you get older. There are two common types of term life insurance: • Level term: the amount of protection remains the same during the coverage period. • Decreasing term: the amount of protection gradually declines during the coverage period. Whole life insurance - premiums are generally level with cash value growth throughout the life of the policy. • Cash values can be borrowed (with interest charged) during the insured person's lifetime to help meet temporary or emergency needs. • Funds borrowed reduce the death benefit and cash surrender value. Universal life insurance - this offers many traditional advantages of whole life insurance (such as protection for life), but also offers flexibility. Coverage amounts and premium payments are flexible to help meet changing needs during an insured person’s lifetime (subject to certain conditions). When you buy life insurance, you buy a promise of protection against financial loss caused by death. The promise is only as good as the company that stands behind it. In today's marketplace, life insurance buyers should be concerned about: • The financial strength of the insurer. • Customer service. Contact an insurance professional for information about life insurance. Amy M. Aldrich 123 Saratoga Road Glenville, NY 12302 518-384-2692



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WHEN SHOULD YOU START TAKING SOCIAL SECURITY? If you've reached your 60's you're that much closer to a day you may have anticipated with a combination of humor and resignation - the day you're eligible for Social Security. But just because you can take Social Security, it doesn't mean you must take it. So, should you? Before we get to that question, let's review the basic rules governing Social Security payments. You can typically start collecting benefits at age 62, but you'll get only about 75% of what you'd receive if you waited until your “full� retirement age currently age 66 (in 2012). You'll get even bigger monthly checks if you delay collecting your payments until age 70. So, should you start collecting Social Security sooner, receiving smaller checks or later, when your checks will be bigger? I recommend you view your decision through a LENS: L: Your projected lifespan - You can't see into the future, but given your family history and general health, you can make an educated guess about your projected longevity. If you're fairly confident that once you will live well into your mid 80's or beyond, you may want to delay taking Social Security until age 66 or later. E: Your employment status - If you reach your full retirement age, you can earn as much as you want without losing any benefits. But, if you're under full retirement age - between 62 and 66 - then for every two dollars you earn over $14,640 (in 2012), you'll lose one dollar in Social Security benefits. In the months before you reach your full retirement age, for every three dollars you earn over $38,880 (in 2012), you'll lose one dollar in benefits. Long story short, if you are still working, you should probably wait until full retirement age to claim your benefit. N: Your need - including your other sources of retirement income - If you have a pension, or you've built a substantial IRA, 401(k) or other retirement plan, and you can support your income needs with modest withdrawals from these accounts, you might decide it's worthwhile to delay taking Social Security to maximize your benefits. S: Your spouse/marital status - If you're single, you basically just need to think of yourself when making this decision. But it's a different story if you're married. If you die first, your spouse can keep receiving his or her own Social Security benefit or receive yours - whichever is larger. You will want to coordinate when you claim your benefits so you can maximize the payments for the longest living spouse. Though each family is different, usually it pays to take the smaller of the two benefits as soon as possible and the delay the larger payment as long as possible. The choice of when to start taking Social Security can affect your lifestyle throughout your retirement years - so weigh all the factors and make the choice that's right for you. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Christopher Nyhan runs the Edward Jones office in Burnt Hills, NY. He can be reached at 399-5087 or

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Irish Dinners and Songs to bring in the weekend starting Friday March 16th-Doors open at 11:30 on Saturday, St. Patrick’s Day. Lenten Dinner specials thru Easter-reservations for Easter Dinner suggested

Baby Showers • Bridal Showers • Weddings • Any Special Occasion 399-9951 • 745 Charlton Road, Charlton •



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PAINT YOURSELFINTO SPRING Paint has been on my mind lately since I'm renovating my master bedroom. I am drawn to deep, bold colors but for my bedroom, I wanted to have a space that was a little different and more peaceful than the rest of my rainbow of colors. Picking a color from my new duvet, I pulled out my Benjamin Moore deck to find the perfect color. I was drawn to blues, even though blue is not one of my favorite colors. I fought my choice but felt it was best because I wanted to use punches of red, and I love red and blue together. It's a pretty bold blue, but strikingly different than the rest of my home. The paint is up and I couldn't be happier with my choice. When picking paint colors, do you choose what feels safe and familiar, or do you take chances with new and different hues? How do you pick your colors? Where do you find inspiration? Spring is a great time to start thinking about paint colors. It's a great way to lift your spirits for a little bit of money. But, if your home is an homage to beige and taupe, how do inject some color in your life? With my tips, you can have a home that shows your true colors (pun intended!). 1. Find inspiration in something you love. Look at your linens, favorite artwork, a flower, or even the clothes in your closet. What colors are you drawn to, what colors make you feel happy or inspired? Find something you really love and make it work for you. 2. Don't pick your paint color from a chip at the paint countereven you think it's perfect. Buy a few paint pots, paint large samples and hang them around your room. 3. Like my blue, a new color may make you uncomfortable but sit on it for a while and see how you feel about it after you've seen it in different types of light, with your fabric, against trim paint, and next to adjacent rooms. Paint is one of the least expensive ways to update your home, and probably one of the most fun things you can do in a weekend. Need some inspiration? Check out photos on my Facebook page and website. Happy Painting! Locust Grove Designs Dawn DiLorenzo 222-9551



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UPCOMING VACATION? WORRIED ABOUT YOUR WAISTLINE? Does your upcoming vacation have you worried about your waistline? The average person gains almost a pound a day while on vacation. Most of the time extra pounds sneak up on you when you least expect it, so decide right here and now that your vacation will leave you slimmer than when you left. All you have to do is have a plan. As you embark on your next vacation adventure, use these 7 tips to come home fitter than when you left. Trick #1: Cut Your Carbs Vacation days are notorious for carbohydrate rich meals, and it's a wellknown fact that too many carbohydrates will quickly add up to unwanted pounds. Combat this fat-trap by choosing one meal per day to go carb-less. • Breakfast: Since breakfast often involves breads, pastries or pancakes. Skip the toast and fill up on egg whites and lean breakfast meats. • Lunch: A great carb-less lunch is a salad with lean meat. • Dinner: Since you're on vacation, you don't want to feel deprived, so dinner is the hardest meal to go carb-less. But if you've indulged at breakfast and lunch then make it a point to cut the carbs at dinner. Stick with veggies and lean meats. Trick #2: Be Active If your travels keep you too busy for a workout, or if your hotel does not have an exercise room, go on a brisk walk after your day's activities, take the stairs instead of elevator in your hotel and any other buildings you visit. Go on a short jog in the mornings or evenings of your stay. If your hotel has a pool, swim a few laps each morning or evening.

“The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all your time.” - Willem de Kooning

Trick #3: Indulge with Control Eating out is a must while on vacation. Whether you're visiting 5 star restaurants or fast food diners, you are faced with the same problem: large portions. While the easiest thing to do with a large portioned meal is to simply eat it all - you are on vacation after all...right? - that isn't the best for your waist. When you order your meal ask the server to bring you a togo box. Take half of your meal and place it safely into the box before you even begin to eat. Trick #4: Don't Eat Late One of the easiest tricks for preventing weight loss is to simply stop eating 3 hours before you go to bed. So skip that late night indulgence and wake up looking and feeling great. Trick #5: Snack Healthy Have you ever noticed how travel days create the perfect opportunity for snacking? A coffee and muffin before your flight, a snack on the plane and then before you know it - it's lunch time! Cut unhealthy snacking off at the pass by brining along your own healthy options. Dried or fresh fruit, unsalted nuts, health bars, cut veggies and low fat crackers are a good start. Trick #6: Avoid Fried Foods While fast food restaurants are definitely convenient, with their low prices and quick service, this convenience is not worth the additional pounds brought on by chips and fries. While vacationing you will likely burn fewer calories each day than you would burn at home, and you are consuming more calories due to your schedule of eating out. Trick #7: Team up with a Pro - Yours Truly! Well, fitness is my specialty...and since you are serious about creating a healthy and fit physique - guarantee your results by teaming up with me. Together we will come up with a fitness plan that is uniquely yours, one that fits your lifestyle and brings you promptly to your goals - something that you will appreciate while on vacation and at home. Call 424-7878 or email to get started today with a free consultation.

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HOMETOWNE OPPORTUNITIES Internet Do’s and Don’t’s WHILE SEARCHING FOR THE PERFECT CAREER DO CREATE AN ONLINE PRESENCE LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook When you're looking for a job or positioning yourself for career growth, it's important to have an online presence where you can showcase your skills and experience. Your online profiles will also help you connect with contacts who can expedite your job search and assist you with moving UNDERSTAND USING SOCIAL MEDIA works BOTH WAYS Social media when used the wrong way can backfire and jeopardize a job offer or even your current job. I am amazed that people still post "I hate my job" on Twitter or complain about their boss without thinking of the possible ramifications. Then they're surprised if, all of a sudden, they don't have a job.

PERSONAL CARE AIDES & HOME HEALTH AIDES Are you interested in working 3 days and having the other 4 off? We have immediate live-in aide positions available. Call Concepts of Health Care at (518) 885-2020

BE CONSISTENT Does the employment history on your resume match what's on your LinkedIn profile? Does the information you have on your Facebook page (if it's public) match up with the information you have elsewhere online? If your job titles, companies, and dates don't jive. That's a red flag GOOGLE YOUR NAME. Your perspective employer will. Use your Facebook Privacy Settings. While you should never put anything on-line you don’t want your Mom to read be sure you set your profile info to private. Knowing the number of children you have, if you are pregnant or having family issues is nobody’s business. Especially if you are job hunting.

LOCAL JOB FAIRS Hudson Valley Community College Job Fair

COMMERCIAL ELECTRICIANS NEEDED! We are looking for 2 good lead and mid-level helpers for commercial installs Start Immediately • Work in the Capital Region Must have a valid driver's license Great Pay • Benefits Available Must have references

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012 • 10am - 3pm McDonough Field House 80 Vandenburgh Avenue Troy, N.Y. 12180 For more information contact: HVCC Center for Careers and Employment (518) 629-7326 •

Job Discovery Career Fair & Business Expo Thursday, March 15, 2012 10am - 5pm SUNY Adirondack 640 Bay Road Queensbury, N.Y. 12801 For more information contact: Kimberly Haviland, (518) 743-0925

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MARCH SCHEDULE 518-399-8174 E-mail:

The March meeting of the library board of trustees will be at 7PM on Wednesday, March 28 in the library community room. These meetings are open to the public and we'd love to see you there. COMPUTER CLASSES MARCH 2012 Classes are free unless otherwise noted. Please call 399-8174 ext 2 for more information and to register. Visit for class descriptions. Microsoft PowerPoint Level 1 - Friday, March 2, 12PM-2PM Microsoft Excel Level 1 - Monday, March 5, 6PM-8PM Kindle for eBooks - Wednesday, March 7, 11AM-12PM Microsoft Excel Level 2 - Wednesday, March 7, 6PM-8PM Google for Seniors - Tuesday, March 13, 10:30AM-12:30PM MicrosoftWord Level 1 - Monday, March 19, 6PM-8PM Nook for eBooks - Wednesday, March 21, 4PM-5PM Microsoft Word Level 2 - Wednesday, 8PM Kindle for eBooks - Thursday, March 22, 4:30PM-5:30PM iPad for eBooks - Monday, March 26, 4PM-5PM Microsoft Access Level 1 - Tuesday, March 27, 6PM-8PM Email 1 on 1 - Wednesday, March 28, 12PM-2PM Computer Lap - Friday, March 30, 12PM-2PM Identity Theft Presentation by Ballston Spa National Bank - Thursday, March 8, 10:30-11:30AM in the library community room.. V-Healthy - Tell 2 People - Free community based initiative to provide education and awareness of vascular health sponsored by the Center for Vascular Awareness , Inc. Please register by calling Sharon at 452-1048. CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS All children's programs are free and open to the public. If registration is required, please call 399-8174 ext. 2.

Baby Lap Time - Thursdays at 12PM - Songs, rhymes, and simple board books for pre-walkers accompanied by an adult. Toddler Time - Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:30AM - Read and sing with us to promote early literacy and social skills. For ages 3 and under accompanied by an adult. Preschool Story Time - Wednesdays at 1:30PM and Thursdays at 10:30AM. For 3-6 year olds accompanied by a caregiver. Music with Miss Mona - Tuesdays at 10:30AM March 6-27. Family style sing along followed by playtime. Read to Casey - Wednesdays at 4PM. For children and families. Read to a certified therapy dog. 2,3,4 Book Club - March 29 at 4PM. For kids in grades 2,3, & 4. Registration required. Scribbles & Tales - Stories and crafts for children of all levels of ability in grades K-5. Registration required. 5th & 6th Grade Book Club - Please sign up and pick up a copy of the book at the front desk. For 5th and 6th graders. Teen Advisory Board - March 6 at 1:30PM - (BH-BL half day) - Join our TAB and help us plan our teen space and programs. We will be choosing new books and planning our teen summer reading program. For grades 6-12. Please sign up. Game Design Lab (BH-BL Half Day) Friday, March 23 at 1:30 PM - The Game Design Lab for teens is a teen workshop where attendees will learn some basics about game design while using pieces of software that do not require knowledge of programming languages. We will use SCRATCH Animation at this session. For grades 6-12. Please sign up.

LIBRARY HOURS: Monday -Thursday 10AM - 8PM • Friday 10AM - 5PM • Saturday 10AM - 2PM • Closed Sunday ONLINE or YOUTH SERVICES • E-mail:


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885-6861 15 Prospect Street Ballston Spa

Did you know? Zip code 12345 is assigned to General Electric in Schenectady, New York. Letters to Santa, from all over the world end up here and are answered from volunteers at the plant.

NEW MENU! Everything is Fresh and Made to Order Monday-Thursday • $5 Lunch Specials 1/2 Sandwich and Homemade Soup of the Day

Dinner Special • Feed 4 for $19.99 Large Salad • 1 Dozen Wings/Regular or Boneless PLUS an 8 Cut Cheese Pizza

Build Your Own Pasta Dish starting at $9.99 Friday Fish Specials • Weekly Dinner Specials BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER • FULL SERVICE BAR CATERING • PRIVATE PARTIES


216 Mohawk Avenue, Scotia 12302 Monday-Saturday 7am-9pm •Sunday Breakfast 7am-Noon

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As you read this story we want you to know this was planned a while ago. Bob Carney was still with us and this story was to celebrate their 30th St Patrick's Day in business. On February 16th we tipped a cocktail together and chatted about taking photos for the paper. On Feb. 22nd Bob Carney passed away however; his spirit is alive in the community and always will be. Carney's Tavern has been a landmark in our community since 1840. It has been a tavern, a hotel, a grocery store and returned to being a tavern when the Carney's purchased it in 1982. If the walls could talk they would tell you stories of townspeople, travelers and a future President of the US that gathered there. Vice President Theodore Roosevelt was informed of the assassination of President William McKinley. On his return trip to Washington, the future president stopped at the hotel for food and news.

Fast forward to October of 1982. Bob Carney, a machinist by trade at GE decided he wanted something different for him and his family. Being a tight knit family from Irish descent; Bob called a family meeting and proposed that they purchase what was known then as the Main Street Tavern in Ballston Lake. Rosemary, Bob, and their 4 children were to be in this together. Fortunately for Bob they agreed it was a good idea. And so the plan evolved. Bob left GE in 1983 to run Carney's Tavern.

Rosemary was an experienced bookkeeper and would be in charge of the money. Bob was a fine cook and had a lifelong dream to own a local restaurant where the community could gather and share stories, food and cocktails. The children would grow into their roles, none were exempt. The first thing the Carney's did was change the configuration of the bar. It was long and winding with no opportunity to talk to anyone other than the person next to you. A U shaped bar was

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constructed keeping the original oak barback and tin ceiling that had been seen by so many people in the past. Danny Ward and Kathy Cermak- Smith started bartending from day 1 and did whatever it took to make Carney's a fun place to be. Danny made the chili and soups, Kathy would prepare sandwiches and pub fare. Lucille Isabella cooked, the kids found their niches. The family would grow with the community. They waitressed, cooked, cleaned bathrooms, as a family Alex, the youngest cut his teeth in the kitchen and is now the head chef. Chris, the oldest learned his construction skills from the ongoing remodeling project and keeps the building in working order along with his FT job. Jennifer (#3) loves to bake and is the creator of the famous bread pudding and still makes it along with helping Rosemary with the bookwork. Kate is a Grant Writer and has used her people skills to secure a fantastic position with the Luther Forest Development Team. But they didn't just work together. They took long Sunday drives, trips to Cape May, camping, all the things families do to be together even though they were together 24-7. They bonded as a family outside of the day to day family project known as Carney's Tavern Bob was an avid reader; from Shakespeare to Keats, he read the greats and took it all in and enjoyed life to its fullest. He played with the children that came into the restaurant and had an uncanny way of connecting with them. He spoke to them like people and they responded, even the shyest children would warm up to Bob. He would invite them to sit with him and tell them stories so their parents could enjoy a few peaceful moments with their dinner. Rosemary has remained close to 5 girlfriends she has known since kindergarten! That is such an amazing story in itself. They have always remained in close contact and just this past year they took a trip to Spain for 14 days. What a blessing to have friends for so long. But it is also work; Rosemary has instilled into her children the value of friendship and what it takes to earn the right to have lifelong friends. Time is fleeting. If you live in this community you know Danny Ward passed away in 2009 at the age of 54. Bob, Rosemary, Kathy and the children have honored him with the Danny G. Ward Memorial Old Fashioned Field Day that is held each year to raise money for a scholarship fund in his name. In the spirit Danny would have wanted it, the day is filled with fun, food and music at The Fireman's Field. So from a glimmer of hope, and a lot of hard work the Carney legacy has touched each of us in this community. There were Christmas hayrides that brought people from Carney's to The Old Homestead, Charlton Tavern, Felicias Roadhouse and Poor Johns on hay wagons pulled by a tractor, all organized by Bob and the family. Bob and Danny formed a softball team to play at The Fireman's Field. Bob loved taking trips. He planned numerous trips including one to Ireland and bus trips to places like Nova Scotia where the famous “Bob and the Oxen� picture was taken. If you have not seen it stop in to Carneys, it's on the wall near the bar. It captures his spirit, his sense of humor and his love for adventure and life itself. We will miss his impish smile and quite wit.



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Garofalo's Offers a Wide Variety of Meat Specialties OUR SIGNATURE ITALIAN SAUSAGE SINCE 1904 Hot or Sweet; Rope style or Patties Meatballs and Bragoiles Kielbasa, Chorizo, Andouille, Bratwurst, Daisy Hams & Thick Sliced Bacon

Veal Cutlet Parmesan over Linguini 4 large veal cutlets, 1/2 inch thick, hand sliced at Garofalo's

CUSTOM CUT BEEF Filet Mignon Rib eye steaks choice NY Strip Steaks choice PORK Pork Chops Center Cut Bone in or Stuffed* Pork Tenderloins

2 eggs 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper POULTRY Skinless boneless Chicken breasts 1 cup Garofalo's seasoned bread crumbs Chicken Cutlets or Stuffed Chicken Breasts* 4 tablespoons Garofalo's grated cheese 1/4 cup oil COLD CUTS 1 teaspoon oregano Featuring Battistoni 1 teaspoon. parsley Salami, Capicola, Soppresata 2 cups tomato sauce seasoned with GOOD STUFF & Abruzzi and ESSENTIALS from Garofalo's *Our own bread crumb and sausage stuffing 5-6 slices Garofalo's Mozzarella cheese, Don't forget the Homemade Stuffed thin sliced Cherry Peppers or Freshly Grated Parmesan Linguini from Garofalo's cooked Al Dente 2 slices per person toasted Italian Bread with Garlic Beat eggs well, add salt and pepper; set aside. Mix bread crumbs with grated cheese, oregano, parsley. Dip veal cutlets into the beaten eggs then press into bread crumbs. Gently fry on both sides until golden. Place cutlets in a baking dish. Pour tomato sauce over them. Place Mozzarella cheese slice on each cutlet. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Serve over Linquini with Toasted Garlic Bread.

to complement our large Selection of Pasta & Casa Visco Sauces. A variety of Olive Oils as well as blocks of Sharp Provolone, Fontinella, Asiago, Extra Sharp Canadian Cheddar, Smoked Cheddar, Danish Blue Cheese, Pecorino Romano and Parmesan Reggianito.

Smoked Kielbasa over Red Beans and Rice 2 pounds Garofalo's smoked kielbasa halved lengthwise and cut into 1/4-inch slices 1/4 cup finely chopped onion 3 thick cut Garofalo's bacon strips finely chopped 1 can red beans drained 1 small head Escarole 3/4 cup honey barbecue sauce 1/4 cup packed brown sugar 1 tablespoon prepared horseradish 2 teaspoons water 2 teaspoons minced garlic 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes Hot cooked rice In a Dutch oven, sautĂŠ the kielbasa, onion and bacon until onion is tender; drain. Add the barbecue sauce, brown sugar, horseradish, water, garlic and pepper flakes, escarole and beans. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2-3 minutes or until sauce is thickened. Serve with rice.

Garafalo's, the taste people travel for! Stop in and visit the 4th generation, serving QUALITY ITALIAN PRODUCTS since 1904.

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1.A type of dance 6. Booty 10. Be worthy of 14. Catkin 15. Buckeye State 16. Auspices 17. Basic belief 18. Adriatic resort 19. Farm building 20. Smaller than normal 22. Type of sword 23. Assist 24. An area of Great Britain 26. Unbending 30. Overflow 32. Razz 33. Skin softener 37. Leave out 38. Quaver 39. Chocolate cookie 40. Pass into or through 42. Sweetener 43. Ganders 44. Vacation destination 45. Tapestry 47. Drunkard 48. Diva's solo 49. Commit 56. Awestruck 57. Dogfish 58. Flax fabric 59. Tall woody plant 60. Seats oneself 61. Toward the outside 62. Found on most beaches 63. Flower stalk 64. Relaxes

1A Maori club 2. Portent 3. Extend credit 4. Leg joint 5. Appeal 6. Not fluid 7. Ace 8. Assistant 9. Friendliness 10. Insubordinate 11. Slack-jawed 12. Rubber wheels 13. Feudal worker 21. Seat oneself 25. Completely 26. Cease 27. Docile 28. Wreckage 29. Not segregated 30. Strike 31. Barbershop emblem 33. Historical periods 34. Therefore 35. Close 36. Legal wrong 38. Enter unlawfully 41. Orange pekoe 42. Colonist 44. Caviar 45. A kind of macaw 46. Mature 47. Muscular contraction 48. The products of human creativity 50. Send forth 51. Liturgy 52. Type of cereal grass 53. Picnic insects 54. Nipple 55. Terminates

The Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Business & Professional Association was founded in 1987 to encourage, support, and promote business in the Towns of Ballston and Glenville, as well as in the Burnt Hills School District, and to enhance the quality of life in this area.

COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES We support and participate in a variety of business, civic and networking programs available to members of our association. Our mission is to encourage, support and promote business and our quality of life in The Town of Ballston, Town of Charlton and the Town of Glenville areas encompassed by the Burnt Hills Ballston Lake School District. To accomplish these goals our members: Co Sponsor the Annual “Town Clean-Up Day , Sponsor the Town of Ballston’s Flag Day Parade, Provide scholarships to two Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake High School Seniors, Sponsor several area youth teams, Sponsor the Annual Tree Lighting event in December, Sponsor the Jean Bergstrom Family-in Need Drive We meet the first Wednesday of each month to network and hear guest speakers on topics that include marketing, financing, personal development, and issues of community concern. Contact Membership Coordinator, Cheryll Hill at 265-1105, visit or check us out on goTown!

Answers can be found on page 32




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INTERNET TIPS AND TRICKS When typing an Internet address you do not need to type http:// or even www. in the address. For example, if you wanted to visit Google you could just type and press enter. To make things even quicker, if you're visiting a .com address you can type Google and then press Ctrl + Enter to type out the full address. If you're filling out an online form, e-mail, or other text field you can quickly move between each of the fields by pressing the Tab key or Shift + Tab to move back a field. For example, if you're filling out your name and the next field is your e-mail address you can press the Tab key to switch to the e-mail field. This tip also applies to the buttons, if you press tab the button should be selected and will allow you to press the space bar or enter to push the button. If you have a drop-down box that lists every country or every state you can click that box and then press the letter of the state or country you're looking for. For example, is a drop-down box of States in the United States you could press n on the keyboard to quickly scroll to New York. Make sure to get the most out of every search result. If you're not finding what you want try surrounding the text in quotes. For example, if you were searching for 'computer help' this actually searches for pages that contain both computer and help and not necessarily pages that have computer and help next to each other. If you search for "computer help" with the quotes around the search query this will only return pages that actually have computer and help next to each other. Many new computer users also don't realize that in every search box you can press enter instead of having to move the mouse button over to the Search button. Most computer users use the default browser that comes included with the computer, with Microsoft Windows this is Internet Explorer. There are several great alternative browsers that are all free to download and use and may have features your current browser does not include. Here are two of our favorites: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. And remember to check us first for new or used computer sales and repairs. We are a Dell Authorized Reseller. Prices starting at $399 for new Dell desktops! As always... safe computing!

Cheap Geek Computer Services Maggie Faltskog • 399-8886

PROM DRESSES NEW, VINTAGE AND ONE OF A KIND! La Moda Lisa is your one stop Prom hot spot in Glenville. Not only do they have brand new, consigned & vintage Prom Gowns they are also creating one of a kind custom gowns. For $195.00 you can buy a dress and be part of the design team to finish & customize the dress to your style, body type, and desires.We are creating unique color combinations and using new and vintage jewelry to accent the gowns. In addition to the gowns we have a huge selection of new & vintage jewelry and handbags to complete your look. If you already have your gown and need some alterations be sure to stop by and visit our new seamstress to help you put the finishing touches on anything you need. Bring your red carpet ideas to them and let the dreams begin. La Moda Lisa is open Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 10 - 5, Thursday 10-8 & Saturday 9-5. They accept all credit cards except American Express and even have layaway. Check them out at and like them on facebook to view their new dresses as they arrive.

“The thermometer of success is merely the jealousy of the malcontents.” - Salvador Dali


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“Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.� - Albert Einstein



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STAY TUNED with Paul Hill This year's lack of winter has left us without our regular snowmobile stories, no tails of the trails so to speak! One thing I have noticed is that people are jumping into spring quickly this year. Thoughts of boating, camping and fun in the sun is already top of mind; a full month early. With spring, comes another pastime for those who enjoy sports, Baseball. I have to admit I'm not a fanatic about baseball and outside the World Series which currently resides at a comfortable distance in regards to the calendar; I don't watch a whole lot of it. But in a recent conversation with Rosemary Carney, she pointed out a little known fact that is more than noteworthy, it's a story! Rosemary's great uncle, former Watervliet Police Lt Jack O'Brien not only played baseball, he played in the FIRST WORLD SERIES in 1903 along with Cy Young as a member of the Boston Pilgrims, sometimes called the Boston Americans and you guessed it; the team that would evolve into today's Boston Redsox. The Pilgrims won the series 5 games to 3 winning the last 4 in a row. Jack is pictured above, sitting on the ground, clasping his hands. John (Jack) Joseph O'Brien was born on February 5, 1873 in Watervliet. He was 26 when he started his MLB career as an outfielder on April 14, 1899 with the Washington Senators in the National League, the Cleveland Blues in 1901 before moving to the Boston Americans of the

American League in 1903. At 6'1 165 lbs, he batted left-handed and threw right-handed. He was tough to beat. His most productive season came in 1899 as a rookie, he posted hit .282 and reached career-highs in home runs (6), RBI (51), runs (68), stolen bases (17) and games played (127). But he is best remembered as the first player to pinch-hit in a World Series game for Boston catcher Lou Criger in the 9th inning of Game One of the 1903 series against Pittsburgh. O'Brien was unique in the true meaning of the word; He was a .259 hitter in 326 games, including nine home runs with 133 RBI and 171 runs, making his last MLB appearance on September 28th 1903.

If the Milky Way Galaxy was the size of the U.S.A., Earth would be far smaller than the smallest particle of dust, barely visible through the most powerful microscopes.

After retirement from baseball, he served as Chief of Police in Watervliet from 1912 until 1914 when he relinquished that position and turned to scouting for the Chicago Cubs where he discovered several major league stars including Goose Goslin, Big Ed Walsh and Gabby Harnett before retiring from baseball completely in 1916. Returning home, he again assumed the duties as the Chief of Police in Watervliet under Mayor Edward Foley, withdrawing in 1918. In 1922 he was named city detective, a post he held until 1930 when he was promoted to the Lieutenancy. Jack O'Brien died on June 10, 1933 in Watervliet at the age of 60. For those of you who know Rosemary maybe this should explain where she got her fortitude and never give up attitude.

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EAT HEALTHY HELP SAVE YOUR VISION Our eyes are the windows to the world around us. They are complex organs and we often take them for granted. That is, until they begin to show signs and symptoms of damage and or vision loss. Protecting our eyes goes beyond wearing UV protecting sunglasses and minimizing eyestrain at the computer screen. Many other considerations can affect eye health, including the use of various pharmaceuticals, inadequate water intake, poor lighting and malnourishment. Foods you eat and the dietary supplements you take affect your overall health as well as the health of your eyes. Adding certain nutrients to your diet every day either through foods or supplements - can help save your vision. Vitamin A: The current thinking is that this fat-soluble vitamin may prevent night blindness and dry eye. Found in: Eggs, milk, butter, beef or chicken liver, cod liver oil, sweet potato, winter squash. Vitamin C: May reduce risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Found in: Citrus fruit, cantaloupe, strawberries, kale, sweet peppers, papaya, brussel sprouts, broccoli. Vitamin D: The "sunlight" vitamin may protect against macular degeneration. Found in: Milk, tuna, egg, salmon, sardines, juice fortified with vitamin D. A few minutes of skin exposure to sunlight daily will help your body will produce its own vitamin D. Vitamin E: Another fat-soluble vitamin, this one is thought to reduce the risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration, in combination with carotenoids and vitamin C. Found in: sunflower seeds, almonds, papaya, olives, greens (spinach, mustard, collard, turnip), blueberries. Lutein and zeaxanthin: A pair of nutrients also thought to protect against cataracts and macular degeneration. Found in: Eggs, kale, spinach, turnip and collard greens, Brussel sprouts, romaine lettuce, zucchini Beta-carotene: May protect against night blindness and dry eye. Found in: Sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, butternut squash, turnip and collard greens, kale. Essential Fatty Acids: It's omega 3 that our eyes are looking for. This essential fatty acid is absolutely necessary for good eye health. Good sources of omega 3 are flax seeds, flax oil, evening primrose oil, nuts and seeds such as walnuts, dark leafy green vegetables and cold-water fish. Regular eye exams, too, are essential for maintaining eye health. There's no substitute for the quality of life good vision offers. If eye problems and chronic diseases are detected early enough, appropriate treatment may prevent permanent vision loss. For more information contact Kristen Cameron, Burnt Hills Optical, 793 Rt. 50 Burnt Hills, 399-6130 or visit

Answers from Crossword Puzzle on page 25


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I GOT YOUR BACK! It seems as though "life" is starting to pop its way through the brown ground that has been such a familiar site all winter. The sap is flowing in the trees again and the buds are waiting patiently to burst into the warming sun. The animals that have hunkered down are starting to wake and leave their winter homes. As the sun graces us earlier and earlier, I look outside with anticipation of the first robin and the long awaited Spring. It is a new awakening of the earth, a new opportunity for growth and sunnier days ahead. The Spring bring new beginnings for all us. For me especially. It has been a winter of learning and searching, finding and moving forward. My son and I have become a team; a team of two, but a team none the less. To put this new found "teamwork" into effect, we decided to go rock climbing. Maybe it was a lapse in judgment on my part. As we entered and got strapped in with belts and clips, my heart raced a bit faster. My son already "clinging" to the molded artificial rocks drilled into the steep walls. The instructor showed us how it all worked. She held the rope as he climbed to the top and hit the Staples "EASY" Button attached to the ceiling. As he came down, she handed me the rope to hold him. I was a little nervous, knowing full well I would do anything to protect my son, but this little rope strapped to my little body didn't seem to be enough to boost my confidence. As he climbed again, I retrieved the slack and kept the line tight so if he fell, he would not go crashing to the ground. As he landed back on his feet he said..."ok mom, your turn!" I thought the instructor would come back over to hold my rope...but no, my son strapped in and said "GO!" He was my safety line, my skinny, handsome boy was my safety line?!? I rose up, slowly, one fake rock at a time, I kept asking, "do you have me?" He always reassured me that he did, "mom, I got ya, I won't let you fall." As I reached the "EASY" button on my second attempt I knew my boy had my back. When we got into the car, we high-fived and agreed that it was good teamwork. As we talked over ice cream, we knew that no matter what happened we were always going to be a team, even if it is just a team of two! As the Irish Blessing below says...wind at your back, I know my son will be my wind and I will be his always and forever. ... May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, the rain fall softly upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand. (author unknown) As always, I wish you peace, joy and a gentle wind always at your back. Pattie Rakvica •



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