Innoprise Newsletter Vol.1, No.3 (Mei-Ogos 2002)

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The MaHau BasinManagement Committee [MBMC], an inter agency committee comprising various government departments, agencies and institutions of higher learning signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Harvard UniversityHerbaria [HUH]of Massachusetts, USA on July 9, 2002 at the 3" FloorConference Room, Wisma Innoprise. Under the MoU, both parties have agreed to pursue a ,. relationship to ensure mutually beneficial collaboration in the study and conservation of the Maliau flora and in particular to increase knowledge of Maliau flora; enhance local research capacity, and promote research by Harvard's work together to ensure that access to plant material is in accordance with all relevant state and federal laws and regulations besides ernational conventions that any benefits arising from :l ch access are share fairly and equitably. The MaHau BasinConservation area, which isconsidered as one of the most important protected areas for biodiversity conservation in Malaysia is managed by Yayasan Sabah through Rakyat Berjaya Sdn. Bhd., a wholly-owned company of Innoprise Corporation Sdn. Bhd [an investment arm of Yayasan Sabah] on behalf of theMBMC. In the signing ceremony, MBMC was represented by its Chairman who is also the Director of State Forestry Department, Daniel Khiong and a Member of MBMC, Patricia Regis,while HUHwas represented by its Director, Prof. Donald H. Pfisterand the Chief Technical Advisor of YS-DANCED(Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development)/ DANIDA (Danish International Development Assistance) for the management of Maliau Basin Conservation Area Project. Hans Skotte Moeller. Ministerof Finance, Datuk Haji Musa HajiAman witnessed the signing ceremony.


May - August


British High Commissioner to Malaysia, His Excellency Bruce Cleghorn accompanied by his wife and two sons who were recently in Kota Kinabalu for a. familiarisation visit. visited Danum Valley Field Centre (DVFC) and Borneo Rainforest Lodge (BRL) in Lahad Datu on August 16 and 17,

2002. On hand to receive His Excellency and entourage were Member of the ICSB's Board of Directors, Datuk John O.T. Ghanie and Chairman of Danum Valley Management Committee,Tengku Datuk (Dr.) Zainal Adlin. During his visit to DVFC, His Excellency was briefed on the collaboration between ICSB and the Royal Society by the Senior Manager of Environmental and Conservation Services of ICSB, Dr. Waidi Sinun and the Senior Scientist of Royal Society of London, Glen Reynolds. The group later visited the INFAPRO nursery and proceeded to Malua Forest Reserve. At Malua, His Excellency met with the 30 Trekforce volunteers engaged by Royal Society to do a planting task known as Sabah Biodiversity Experiment.

His Excellency

watering the plant while Datuk John looks on.


May - August 2002


Sempena Hari Alam Sekitar dan sambutan Hari Bumi 2002, satu upacara penanaman pokok telah dianjurkan bersama oleh ICSB, Persatuan Wartawan Sabah [Sabah Journalists Association] dan Sabah Shell Petroleum Co. Ltd. ~ di Lembah Danum pada 21 Mei lalu.

Giliran Penasihat Teknikal DANCED, Hans Skotte Moeller menghijaukan alam sekitar.

Wakil SHELL,Basil Low, Pengurus BesoT, Unit Perniogoon Sobah, SHELL menunaikon tonggungjawob berbakti ?pada olom sekitor.

Dr. Mohd Fowzi, sewaktu melawat di persekitaran bangunan. Presiden SJA Joniston Bangkuai sedong menyirom pokok yang baru r/itonom.

Rombongan SJA juga melawot Bangunan Pendidikan don /nterpretasi A/om Semu/ajadi Shell di Pusat Luar Lembah Donum. Bongunan yang digunakan untuk kounter pelawat ini dibiayai o/eh Shell sebagai sumbongon kepada pembangunan Lembah Danum.

Lawatan Kerja Ketua Eksekutif Kumpulan ICSB, Dr. Mohd Fowzi Mohd Razi telah mengadakan lawatan kerja ke Pangkalan Sungai Udin Tawau pada 20 Mei,2002.

Pengurus Pemosaron Wi/ayah Tawou, Thaijuddin Jemon sedang memberi penerangan kepodo Dr. Fowzi sewoktu berada di PangkaJan Sungai Udin.

Rombongan SJA menikmoti suasano nyaman selepas menjoyokon aktiviti penanoman pokok. Kilong Papan Serpoi Saboh Softwoods yang beropersi di pongkalon tersebut.


I May - August



PARTICIPANTS OF CPA AUSTRALIA 2002 SABAH STATE CONFERENCE VISIT IWPSB Innoprise Wood Products Sdn. Bhd. (IWPSB),a wholly-owned company of Innoprise Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (ICSB) was honoured by a visit from the participants of the CPA Australia 2002 State Conference at its factory in Inanam on August 17, 2002 . On hand to welcome the participants were the Group Chief Executive of ICSB, Dr. Mohd. Fowzi Mohd. Raziand IWPSB's General Manger, Mahany Sawal. The hundred over participants from throughout Malaysia and Australia who are professionals, advisers, decision makers and business people were briefed by Mahany on the overall operations of the company at itsshowroom. The participants were later taken on a tour of the company's factory by its Production Manager, Leonard Milip. IWPSBwhich is one of the largest exporters of outdoor furniture in Sabah isrenowned for its furniture with aesthetic features and quality solid wood garden furniture and also its wide range of new product lines. The company's manufactured product are exclusively of tropical hardwood species, Shorea Spp., Barbata and Ciliata that belongs to the Dipterocarpaceae family and is commonly known as Balau orSelangan Batu. IWPSB which was incorporated in 1990 has been assessed under the QUALIFORprogramme and is a FSCCertified Manufacturer of Garden Furniture. Its products are widely accepted and sold in U.K., U.S.A.,Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

Mahony (standing left) briefing the participants on the overall operations of the company. Also in the picture is Dr. Fowzi (right).


I May - August


Yayasan Sabah Shipping Sdn. Bhd. (YSSSB), a wholly-owned company of Innoprise Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (ICSB) created history by becoming the first shipping company in Sabah to be accorded with the International Safety Management 'ISM) Document of Compliance -.lnd Safety Management Certificate.

Director General of the Marine Department of Malaysia, Raja Datuk Malik Saripulazon bin Raja Kamaruzaman presented the award to the Group Chief Executive of ICSB, Dr. Mohd. Fowzi Mohd. RazL witn"essed by the Chairman of ICSB, Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Haji Jamalul.

The certificate was accorded by the Morine Deportment of Malaysia. Lloyds Register of Malaysia, an International association of Classification Society was assigned to conduct the external audit on the ships for the Safety Management Certificate; whilst the Marine Department of Malaysia conducted the internal and external audit on the office and a sample audit on the ship for the Document of Compliance.

ISM stands for International Safety Management which is the International Management Code, for the safe operation of ships and for pollution prevention. This Code is adopted by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), an organisation under the auspices of the United Nations dealing specifically with maritime affairs. IMO has made the ISM Code become mandatory in phases and isto be fully complied with by July 1, 2002 for all general cargo vessels and others above 500 gross tonnage.

A ceremony on the presentation of the award was held on June 10, 2002 at the YS Training Room, Menara Tun Mustapha. The

For the Safety & Environmental Policy, YSSSBrecognises that safety is the concern of all and has no rank. To this end, Management is

committed to making all personnel more safety conscious and encourage all to become actively involved in identifying possible risks, implementing corrective action and constantly monitoring all facets of their working environment to ensure safety conditions prevail. YSSSBwas incorporated in 1979 initially with a fleet of 15 log vessels. The company's initial involvement in the shipping industry was to provide regular and efficient shipping services for carriage of logs in the international as well as domestic trades. With the decline of the state round logs export. YSSSB which comes under the purview of the Transportation Division of ICSB embarked on a diversification programme where the emphasis was shifted to other shipping market sectors i.e. palm oil, petroleum and chemical trades. In time, with this exercise, several of the log vessels were disposed and the division had purchased a chemical tanker, M.T. Danum of 7,000 kiloton. Thisvessel is presently on a time charter business.

Satu majlis makan malam penghorgaan telah diadakan sempena lawatan Putera Henrik ke Kawosan Konservosi Lembangan Maliau don Lembah Danum pada 16 don 17 Mac, 2002. Majlis tersebut telah di adakan di Pusat Luor Lembah Danum pada 21 Mei; di Pusat Perhutanan Luosong pada 22 Mei don di Kota Kinabalu pada 6 Jun. Majlis ini diadakan bagi menghorgai komitmen tinggi yang diberikan oleh staf yang bertugos membuat persia pan menjayakan lawatan tersebut. Kos perbelanjaan makan malam tersebut dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh pihak DANCED(Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development).

Ketua Eksekutif Kumpulan ICSB, Dr. Mohd Fowzi menyampaikan surat penghargaan kepada Ibubapa salah seorang pe/ajar Sekolah Antarabangsa Kota Kinaba/u yan turut terlibat da/am lawatan tersebut.



Penyampaian sura t pe . k d Lembah Danum oleh Dr. FowZi epa l-. PengurusProjek,Hamzah Tangkl.

Dr. Fowzi diiringi o/eh Pen gurus Perhutanan Wi/ayah Tawau, Thadeus Sibir bersalam mesra dengan kanakkanak yang te/ah mengambi/ bahagian dan menjayakan lawatan Putera Henrik.


ap terima kasih. UC

May - August



Program Latihan • Cekap & Berpengetahuan Pengurusan Projek Konservasi Maliau Basin telah mengodokan beberapa program latihon untuk stafnya. Objektif utama program latihan tersebut adalah untuk membolehkan semua staf mempunyai kecekapon yang tinggi serta berpengetahuan luas untuk melaksanakan pengurusan konservasi biodiversiti dan pembangunan berkekalan. Sepanjang tempoh insepsinya (1999-2002) beberapo latihan dalaman teknikal dan bukan teknikal telah diadakan. Pada 24 Jun hingga 2 Julai, 2002 ltihan bertajuk "Excellence in Workplace via Personal Effectiveness" telah diadakan di Agathis Camp. Seramai 59 peserta terdiri daripada staf Maliau Basin dan Pusat Luar Lembah Danum telah mengambil bahagian. Bengkel tersebut bertujuan memupuk budaya kerja cemerlang yang

merupakan penggerak utama organisasi serta menonam semangat profesionalisme. Kursus "Nature Interpretation" telah diadakan selama lima hari pada 8 Julai - 12 Juloi, 2002 bertempat di Agathis Camp. Kursus ini bertujuan untuk melatih kakitangan mentafsir alam sekitar secara lebih sistematik dan berinformasi. Seramai 13 orang kakitangan daripada Projek Luar Konservasi Maliau Basin menyertai kursusterse but.

Dalam bengkel ini, peserta menghadapi cabaran selama lima hari dalam memperbaiki diri dengan menumpukan kepada peningkatan skil komunikasi individu don berkumpulan. Seramai 19 peserta yang terdiri daripada kakitangan pengurusan kanan dan pertengahan Bahagian Perhutanan, menyertai bengkel tersebut.

Pada 22 - 26 Julai, 2002 Bengkel "Communication Skill" telah dianjurkan di Pusat Luar Lembah Danum.

Mentafsir jenis tumbuhan yang tumbuh di batang pokok.


May - August 2002


THE PHOTOJOURNALIST: VOYEUR OR EYEWITNESS Professor Steve Raymer, a National Geographic Magazine staff photographer for more than two decades gave a talk to PR practitioners, journalists and photographers at the Multivision Room, Menara TunMustapha on May 17.

From famines in Bangladesh and Ethiopia to the collapse of the Soviet Union, Professor Rammer's photographs have illustrated

Professor Raymer who teaches photojournalism, media ethics, and international news gathering at Indiana University in Bloomington gave a talk titled "The Photojournalist : Voyeur or Eyewitness".

some 30 National Geographic articles. His newest book, "Living Faith: Inside the Muslim World of SEAsia", was published in 2001 by Asia Images Editions of Singapore. (http://www.asiaimages .com/livi ngfaith/) In 1976, the National Press Photographers Association named Raymer "Magazine Photographer of the Year"one of photojournalism's most coveted awards.

Professor Raymer who shared PrOfeSSor hisexperiences in photojournalism bOOk as a RaYmer during the talk, also showed some Sa//eh memento t preSenting h· . 0 Abdu/R .IS of his personal slides taken in ashld different countries.

A seminar, "Road to Success" was organised by Persatuan Pekerja Wanita YS/ICSBon June 11 at Wisma Innoprise. About 30 women staff attended this half day course. The speaker for the seminar was Megat Yusof Haji Sharif from Kuala Lumpur. "Success Begins m Home"-one of messages from speaker to the rticipants.

We are not dancing ..... buf' doing some exercises to improve our concentration.

Among those who attended the talk were the President of Sabah Journalists Asscociation, Johniston Bangkuai and Manager, Corporate Communications, Abdul Rashid Salleh.



May - August 2002

Aktiviti Persatuan Pekerja Wanita YSjlCSB

13Jun,2002 Persotuon Pekerjo Wonito YS/ICSBteloh mengodokon kunjungon hormot kepodo isteri Ketuo Menteri Soboh Dotin Ivy Chong. Sewoktu lowoton tersebut, Dotin Ivy teloh menyotokon persetujuon untuk menjodi Patron persotuon tersebut.

Yang Dipertua Persatuan Pekerja Wanita YS/ICSB, Rosmawati Haji Lasuki bersama dengan Datin Ivy

27 Jun, 2002, Persotuon Pekerjo Wonito YS/ICSB don rombongon teloh melowot ke Bongunon Porlimen. Sewoktu lowoton ini, ohli rombongon teloh diberi to klimat ringkos mengenoi totocoro Sesi Dewan Bersidong. Sebahagian ahli persatuan bergambar bersama dengan Timbalan Menteri Perusahaan utama, Datuk Anifah Aman dan isteri.

27Jun,2002 Rombongon juga teloh melowot PutroJoyo don kediomon rosmi Perdono Menteri Malaysia ioitu Sri Perdono.

28Jun,2002 Ahli-ahfi membuat Pejabat Yayasan Lumpur.

persatuan lawatan ke Cawangan Sabah Kuala


May - August 2002


jessel berposongon dengon Samson meneubo nosib d%m kotegari leloki terbuko don kotegari navis.

Romsino don Stephanie turut mengombil bohogion dolom oeoro bergu wonito.

Lelaki Perseorangan Novis Johan - Asgan Sinyor N. Johan - Lawrence Fredrick Separuh Akhir - Walter Francis - Majid Yusof Bergu Campuran Johan - Andy Majimbun Ramsina Hansaram N. Johan - James Wong Georgina Micheal Separuh Akhir - Saiful Sigun Lonia Adam, Andrew Sandah Gem Asildo Bergu Lelaki Terbuka Johan - James Wong Edmund Jaikol N. Johan - Saiful Sigun Samat Kosil Separuh Akhir - Andy Majimbun Engkong Dulosim, Abd. Thani Hossim Majid Alex Bergu Lelaki Novis Johan - Lawrence Fredrick Cosmos Ong N. Johan - Vitus Lawrence Metter Kayangoh Separuh Akhir - Madrus Kassim Wasli Mahmud Majid Yusof Ag. Damit Jahir Bergu Wanita Terbuka Johan - Siti Hayun Padan Florence Yap N. Johan - Jacqueline Wong Georgina M. Separuh Akhir - Emily Toyong Lonia Adam Irene Vung Quintin Bansanan

Sitoh Saiking - juoro bogi kotegari wonito.

Kategori Lelaki Johan - Inja Hj. Dahlan N. Johan - George Limbatok Separuh Akhir - Pius Gilod Nordin Hj. Injam

/njo Hj. Doh/on - juoro kotegari le/oki.

Kategori Wanita Johan - Sitah Soiking N. Johan - Georgina M. Separuh Akhir - Victoria B. Amy Kong








Kategori Keseluruhan Johan - Ramsina Hansaram N. Johan - Ibrahim Mahali Ketiga - Bati! Sinton Kategori A Johan - Andrew Sandah N. Johan - Catherine Ong Ketiga - Bati! Sinton


Kategori B Johan - Vera Ligadun N. Johan - Shairi Sallun Ketiga - Beatrice Shim Kategori C Johan - Catherine Marcus N. Johan - Lakau Ribu Ketiga - Sailan Jeman

Ibrahim merupakan naib johan bagi kategori keseluruhan, menerima hadiah yang disampaikan oleh Catherine Ong.

Seronok bila mendapat hadiah ... Ramsina (kiri) menjuarai kategori keseluruhan. Catherine (kanan) yang menjadi johan bagi kategoriC.

Welcome To YSjlCSB Golf Driving Range A new golf driving range located behind the football field is open for use since September 2,2002. The business hours is from 7.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. daily. Rates for the purchase of balls are RM2.00 for a maximum of 25 ball, and RM8.00 for 100 balls. This price is only applicable to YS/ICSB staff.

Annie Kimbian, Pegawai Perhutanan Ke/ab Pencinta Sabah turut memberi penerangan yang terperinci ten tong aktiviti Ke/ab Pencinta A/om Sabah kepada para pengunjung.







Pengetua Maktab Sabah, Julio Jock (duo dari. kana;k bersama Dr. Chua Kim Heng, Ketua enga:~~ ~~dn me/uangkan masa bersama-sama mengm a persekitaran sekolah.






~ ~''''.

':a. r:' ~ ~ Pengerusi PIBG M (kiri sekali) be aktab Sabah, Hj Ut h . Jabatan rsama-sama para' 0 Hi. Said kawasanse~/~m Sekitar turut :egbawa! dari o ah Maktab Sabah. em erSlhkan

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