Berita Yayasan Sabah Vol.11, No.2 (Mac-April 1989)

Page 1

It's UNTUK RAKYAT by Syed Haron

aims to solve the socio-economic problems of rural communities and unemployment in the State, has become a new direction of Yayasan Sabah since 1988. The Director of Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan had earlier said it was the responsibility of Yayasan Sabah to instill the spirit and message of People Development to the people in Sabah and one way of doing it was communication through video. Senior music lecturer with Yayasan Sabah, Soegiantoro bin Nojowintono @ Yanto, 33, who was placed second, received $3,000 cash, a trophy and a certificate for his song "Penduduk Berdikari". His song was performed by the Sekolah Menengah Lok Yuk Kota Kinabalu choir group.

Syed Haran (centre) showing off his winning song trophy. At left is Shahrul and Siti (right). (More pictures on Page 9)

Syed Harun Ahmad's composition "Untuk Rakyat" has won the People ....:.welopment Theme song Competition at the Yayasan Sabah Auditorium on March 18, 1989.

Annuar and Siti Rohaini, singers from Kuala Lumpur.

A total of 13 songs by 10 composers were submitted for the competition and they were judged according to the lyrics which Syed Harun, 39, who is Assistant Regis- had to incorporate the People Developtrar at Universiti Malaya in Kuala Lum- ment concept, music appeal for video pur, walked away with $5,000 cash production as it will be the theme song in prize, a·trophy and a certificate. a video programme on People Development, and music composition. He submitted two songs for the competition which were performed by Shahrul

The third placing went to Wah Abdul Hamid bin Idris, 33, of Ipoh whose song "Ke Arah Kemakmuran Rakyat" was performed by Emma Simon of Public Affairs Department, Yayasan Sabah . He received $2,000 cash, a trophy and a certificate. The competition officiated by Deputy Chief Minister, Datuk Ahmad Bahrom Datuk Abu Bakar Titingan (who represented Chief Minister, Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan), was highlighted by three guest artistes, Jay Jay, Stella Ansibin and Dayangku Intan.

Jamuan Tahunan Kakitangan Yayasan Sabah Lahad Datu

Turut hadir di majlis tersebut ialah Perhutanan Beliau menambah,· Majikan juga Pengurus-Pengurus mengambil berat soal kebajikan kakitan- Wilayah Sandakan dan Tawau. Disegannya dan sekiranya prestasi cemer- belah paginya pula diadakan perlalang yang ditunjuk oleh mereka akan wanan bulu tangkis persahabatan diberupaya meningkatkan kecekapan dan antara kakitangan Yayasan Sabah produktiviti sudah tentu pihak Majikan Sandakan yang diketuai oleh Pegawai

Datuk Or. Jeffrey (left) receiving a memento from the Director-General of MTlB, Encik Baharuddin Haji Ghazali during the two-day Malaysian Timber Industry Board Marting Seminar at Kuala Lumpur. (See story on ).

Encik Nick Seaward (right), a business correspondent with Far Eastern Economic Review Limited, based in Kuala Lumpur having a light moment with Datuk Dr. Jeffrey on February 28, 1989.

Encik K. J. Joseph (left), Executive Chairman of Sabah "f,ipyard Sdn. Bhd., calls on Datuk Or. Jeffrey at his office _. j February 25, 1989.

Datuk Or. Jeffrey (left) presenting a memento to Deputy Chief Minister and Minister of Local Government and Housing, Datuk Ahmad Bahram Datuk Abu Bakar Titingan during the Final People Development Theme Song Competition on March 18, 1989.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey (centre) who is also the President of United Sabah Taekwondo Association (USTA), chairing the association's central executive meeting at the Palace Hotel, Kota Kinabalu on March 4, 1989.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey (right) having a light moment with Father David Boileau of Kuching when the lattercalled on him at his office on March 29, 1989.

Bright prospects for wood based industry in Sabah ••••••


The prospects for current and future wood based industry in Sabah are bright, Director of Yay asan Sabah, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan said.

metres oflogs annually and processed about 2 to 2.5 million cubic metres locally into veneer, plywood, sawn timberand some other related products.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey's remarks were based on the 10 million cuqicmettebf wastage in the forests.

"Those figures leave us with a lot potentials for more value added processing, " he said. . •••.•.••




According to him, out of the annual production of 10 Datuk Dr Jeffrey said both the State<attd Fed~rali .. million cubic..11.'l~tresoflogs,2.5 million cubic metres ,?overnments encouraged the domestic processing of .....•• were being processed while the remaining 7.5 million tImber. ««< .. ....•.. cubic metres exported Japan, Taiwan and Korea, « ... .....«< could be a~otential fOrpf()cessing. He cite~ the Federal Government under itsS%k~rel1e1'ls~vt . ............<.. .. ·.·.·.·.<rromot~?n()fInvestmentA.ct 1986 asa.Il~~lllllgle,""l1icl1< ./ Datuk Dr. Jeffrey, however, added that for every cublcl1as deSIgnated most of the\voodprqqUcisaspromoted .•.•... .f&~r,e0f1og~~Uacredft()m.m~n~tural fgrests in Sabah, products qualifyillgf()fin.c~ntiveS~PsQaspioneersstat1.lS{


ifo=e;:W:O:U1~d~~ fm'~d~a cubicmetteleft ii;i<?>







in,y~§tmeo,tt<lx~llo\Vance,abatementof income and expgrt allowance. < ...••... <i < .......<



''This means youhave in,SabahlO milliorlcubic metres Th~lndustrial Master PlaI1(IMP) alsOpr()~ided.anareaiJ:l •••••••.••• f6f.·pf()c~~.sing~.·.··nfBffi~r.wprdsi •• weh~y~~tqtal of 11.5 Sabah····for<.developing •••••• timber·· ••••• industrial /•••• zonj~·.·. an4 ••••• i.l mill.iollcubic metreforprocessing'With()utq~§turbiI1g /cOIIlPlexes,hesaid. •.•.•.• , •.•.•..•.•.•........ ··.......»«1 >thel()ca1PfQSt~si*~fuil1Swhi~l1l:lrepr~s~Pt1Yiengagedi/ \/>. _i_<// · . <#\\ ihprocessing the2.5miUi8ricllpipmetreS, "ll~~~id.< ~part JromtheS abah State Government' spqIicy tQ/. . ..... . . >< / .. i/} . .. ••....•. encouragen1.df~dowIJ.Stream pf()Cessing and eXP9rtin~less •••••••



expqrtIpgs()me Stol0 IIllllIoncUQlCJeffrey




leSB buys over Yuasa shares in Sinora Sdn. Bhd.


YAYASAN SABAH STUDENTS DO WELL IN SPM Yayasan Sabah students studying in Peninsular Malaysia have made another success by scoring a 97.5% pass in last years SPM examination. According to the Director of Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan last year's passes represented a great improvement as compared to the previous years figure 91.7%. In last years SPM examination, 85 students obtained Grade One (53.1%), 34 Grade Two (21.3%), 37 Grade Three (23.1%), three GCE (1.9%) with one failure, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey said. Among the 85 students who obtained Grade One was 18year old Fabian Sipaul who scored 8A 1s. Fabian who is the eldest son of Encik Vincent Sipaul, a technician with the TB Ward, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, scored A1 in Bahasa Malaysia, Geography, English Language, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Fabian who hails from Penampang, was studying at Maktab Rendah Sains, MARA, Kuala Terengganu.

"I did put a lot of effort in preparing for the SPM examinatio' by going to bed after 12 midnight everyday. But I did not expect it to be so good," he quipped.

Meanwhile, three Yayasan Sabah students in Peninsular Malaysia, scored five principals in last year's STPM examination. They are Halim Bidin of Kota Marudu (Kolej Ugama Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Terengganu), Saidi Lukin of Kudat ( also from Kolej Ugama Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Terengganu), and Adnan Judin of Sipitang (Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Ismail Johor Bahru). The trio were among the 46 Yayasan Sabah students who sat for the STPM examination last year.

Visiting hours of YS Library Rescheduled In conjunction with the fasting month (Ramadhan), the visiting hours of the Yayasan Sabah Tun Fuad Stephens Research Library has been rescheduled. The public are advised to take note that the library will be open from 8.30 a.m. to 4.15 p.m. from Mondays to Fridays and from 8.30 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. on Saturdays. The library will be closed to the public on Sundays


public holidays. Meanwhile, the library will extend effect from May 15, 1989.

its visiting

hours with


Deputy Director, Tengku O. Z. Adlin (centre) briefs Encik Jaul Samion (2nd from right), a senior official from the Ministry of Industrial Development, Sarawak.

French Ambassador to Malaysia, Encik Perris J. (right) calls on oatuk Or. Jeffrey on March 23, 1989.

Ten British visitors, representing various educational institutions in United Kingdom paid a visit to Yayasan Sabah on March 15, 1989. They were briefed on various educational activities and objectives of Yayasan Sabah by Tengku Adlin.

oatuk Or. Jeffrey (left) having a light moment with New Zealand Forestry Adviser, Or. S. O. Richardson when the latter called on him on March 4, 1989.

Two senior officials from the Japanese Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Encik H. Kanbe (Second Secretary) and Encik Y. Suzuki (First Secretary) call on oatuk Or. Jeffrey (left) February 24, 1989.

Sabah Regional Manager of Standard Chartered Bank, Encik Graham Honeybill (right) calls on oatuk Or. Jeffrey at his office on March 10, 1989.

Kursus menganyam dan mengukir Program Pembangunan Insan Kursus kraftangan tajaan Yayasan Sabah melalui Program Pembangunan Insan Tambunan yang bertempat di Dewan TVRC Tambunan selama sebulan ini, merupakan kursus lanjutan khasnya kepada peserta Program Pembangun~n Insan Projek Kraftangan dan para golongan belia menganggur tempatan yang turut menyertai kursus ini. Kursus yang bermula pada 17 Mac 1989 baru-baru ini, dikendalikan oleh empat orang tenaga pelatih dari Thailand yang

Per~{embangan Program Pembangunan Insan Tambunan menunjukkan reaksi positif Program Yayasan Sabah bertempat di TVRC Tambunan merupakan salah satu strategi baru yang pertama kalinya diperkenalkan di Sabah. Dan ianya dikendalikan sendiri oleh Pengarah Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan. Program yang diilhamkan oleh beliau sendiri ini, adal.ah selaras dengan peranan pihak Yayasan Sabah yang bertindak sebagai katalis bagi menokoktambah usaha pihak kerajaan bagi menyerap serta mempertingkatkan tarat hidup masyarakat khasnya di luar bandarterutamanya golongan para belia yang merupakan tulang balakang yang bakal mempelopori perkembangan ekonomi di negeri ini.Di dalam program ini seramai dua puluh empat belia Iepas an sekolah dan penganggur telah menyertainya. Program yang bermula pada 15 November 1988 ini, memberikan pendedahan dan bimbingan kepada

dijemput khas, khusus dalam bidang kepakaran mengukir dan menganyam menggunakan bahan-bahan tempatan seperti bambu, rotan dan kayu. Program yang disertai oleh dua puluh enam peserta luar dah empat belas peserta Program Pembangunan Insan ini mengkhususkan kemahiran bagi membuat kraftangan dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan tempatan. Tambahan pula bahan-bahan bagi membuat kraftangan ini mudah para peserta berhubungkait dengan segala aspek ekonomi yang boleh diceburi serta berpotensi untuk dimajukan khasnya di daerah Tambunan ini, bagi mengujudkan suatu golongan para belia yang mampu' berdikari cJengan adanya bimbingan yang diperolehi melalui program ini. Di samping itu juga, secara tidak langsungnya memberikan peluang pekerjaan kepada mereka dan mengurangkan kadar penghijrahan serta pengangguran. Selaras dengan intipati program ini pada minggu pertama dan kedua para peserta didedahkan dengan ceramah-ceramah yang begitu menarik di samping menyedarkan para peserta tentang hakikat kehidupan serta segala aspek yang perlu untuk melengkapkan diri di tengah-tengah kolompok masyarakat dan menyakinkan diri mereka bahawa kehidupan ini bukannya hanya bergan-

Pihak Yayasan Sabah berharap kepada para peserta, dengan adanya kemahiran serta pengalaman melalui kursus ini dapat memberikan manataat kepada para peserta. Tambahan pula, selepas kursus ini tamat para peserta akan diserapkan ke Pusat Kraftangan sebagai pekerja yang dikendalikan oleh para peserta Program Pembangunan Insan Projek Kraftangan.

Di samping pendedahan melalui amah-ceramah yang di sampaikan olen Datuk Dr. Jeffrey, aspek luar kuliah program ini juga adalah seperti aktiviti lawatan sambi! belajar, tinjauan, sukan dan aktiviti gotong-royong samada mengetam padi mahupun membersihkan kawasan TVRC. Di sini juga para peserta dibahagikan kepada empat kumpulan sebagaimana dalam sesi-sesi perbincangan, memasak dan di dalam aktiviti yang lain dengan tanggungjawab masing-masing di samping memudahkan lagi penyelarasan program ini berjalan dengan lancar. Ini adalah suatu konsep bagi mendedahkan kepada para peserta berkerjasama mahupun berdikari bagi menjayakan sebarang aspek di d"" -, program ini. Setakat ini, perkembangan program ini menunjukkan reaksi yang positit dengan pendedahan serta bimbingan yang diselaraskan oleh Datuk Dr. jeffrey G. Kitingan melalui konsep ini ke arah kenyataan.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey keUka memberikan ceramah kepada para peserta Program Pembangunan Insan. Tinjauan oleh para peserta ke gerai penjualan sayur-sayuran Kundasang, Ranau.

Projek Program Pembangunan Insan kini mula menunjukkan kejayaannya Keempat-empat buah Projek Program Pembangunan Insan di Tambunan yang dikendalikan oleh peserta projek ini, kini mula beroperasi dan menunjukkan perkembangan yang positif.


Panel of judges headed by Deputy Director of Yayasan Sabah, Tengku D. Z. Adlin (right).

jek ini bawah naungan Syarikat ;:;ukataria Sdn. Bhd. ini, iaitu projek tapai, pertanian, kraftangan dan restoran mula beroperasi pada pertengahan bulan Januari dan awal Mac 1989. Projek ini telah memperolehi pendapatan melalui hasil keluaran projek yang mereka usahakan. Kejayaan ini adalah berkat kegigihan para peserta di samping bimbingan serta pendedahan yang diberikan oleh pihak Yayasan Sabah demi mengujudkan suatu golongan belia yang dinamik dan berdikari bagi mempelopori perkembangan sosio-ekonomi yang berpotensi untuk dimajukan amnya di negeri Sabah ini. Kesan as as pendekatan konsep prom yang diilhamkan oleh Pengarah ) ayasan Sabah, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan ini menunjukkan suatu pencapaian ke arah kenyataan dan kejayaannya yang membanggakan. Selaras dengan objektit utama Yayasan Sabah menyumbang serta mempertingkatkan lagi tarat kehidupan masyarakat luarbandar, mengurangkan pengangguran dan penghijrahan luarbandar ke bandar dengan mengujudkan peluang-peluang pekerjaan. Dengan ini, bebanan menunaikan permintaan dan harapan masyarakat luarbandar akan beralih daripada kerajaan kepada rakyat sendiri. Kini, syarikat yang dikendalikan oleh para peserta melalui program ini ber-

cadang menambahkan lagi tenaga pek·

Yanto (left) receiving his prizes from Deputy Chief Minister, Datuk

erjanya khasnya daripada para belia menganggur di daerah Tambunan.

Ahmad Bahrom Datuk Abu Bakar Titingan. Looking on is Datuk Dr. Jeffrey.

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celebrates World Forestry Day

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To celebrate the 18th World Forestry Day, Yayasan Sabah's Luasong Forestry Centre at Tawau, planted 230 trees on March 20, 1989.

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The 230 trees, comprising 35 species were planted as the first trees in a 20 hectare site which is being developed into an arboretum at the Luasong Forestry Centre. The Executive Chairman of Innoprise Corporation Sdn. Bhd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan, led the tree planting. Also present was the former Director of Yayasan Sabah, Tan Sri Datuk Ben Stephens. The tree planting was among various activities organised by the Luasong Forestry Centre for the World Forestry

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey planting a demor minyak seedling at the Luasong Forestry Centre arboretum.

YayasanSabah/lnnoprise Corporation Sdn. Bhd.stole the limelight when it beat seven ·otherst0Y.'inin a float procession held in <x>njuncti6nWith the 25thYear Anniversary celebrations at LahadDatu on March 11,


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Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan viewing the exhibits with joy when he visited the Yayasan Sabah stall during the 25th Year Anniversary celebrations at Nabawan on March 18, 1989

Staff-members of Yayasan Sabah participating at the 18t~} World Forestry Day at Sandakan.

~ ~

tandard Chartered Bank granted M$62 million Banking Facilities to Pacific Hardwoods Sdn Bhd

Pacific Hardwoods Sdn Bhd (PH), a wholly-owned subsidiary company ofInnoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd, has successfully obtained M$62 million loan from Standard Chartered Bank to refinance its US dollar-denominated loan. Pacific Hardwoods had earlier obtained a US$28.6 million loan from a consortium of banks in Singapore and the International Finance Corporation, the private investment arm of the World Bank, to part [mance the development of PH's integrated wood-processing complex in Silam, Lahad Datu. The various agreements related to the M$62 million loan were signed on March 14, 1989 between Encik Stan L. Golokin, Director of PH and Mr. Graham Honeybill, Manager Sabah of Standard Chartered Bank, at the Yayasan Sabah Conference Room. PH's sawmill was completed in 1984 with an annual production capacity of 58,000 cubic metres of sawn lumber. Its plymill was completed in 1985 with an annual production capacity of 72,000 cubic metres of plywood. Both mills are now fully operational. The refinancing exercise will benefit PH in terms of interest cost savings and reduced foreign currency exposure.

Encik Stan Golokin (right) signing the loan agreement on behalf of Pacific H ardwoodswhile Encik Graham Honeybill (left) who signed on behalf of Standard Chartered Bank. looks on.



------------Listening isbyfarthe most important communication skill.SttidieSshow that spend about 80 percent of our work day c()n1lli6riicating with people in the workplace. Of that time, 9. percent is spent writing, 16 percent is spent reading, 30 Percentisspent speaking with others, and 45 percent is spent listening. Unfortunately, tests show thatthe average listener remernbers only 25 percentto 50 percent of what he or she has . .. h.ear d'// ..•.•.•.•.•.•... . .•.•..••.••• <;onsid~r tps:}\25 to 50 percept efficiency rating \ilOlll<1betJ1)acceptableinmostjob skill areas; nevertheless, poor listening habits are tolerated in the workplace. Some studiesltaye indic~te<1plat p<x>t listening skills cost organizations billions of doUarsevery year. Ybucan improve your listening skills by practicing these foufstrategies: ..•.. l~Reduce tile amount of talking you do. AIthoughtfiisstatementma§seem trite, it's harder to accomplish thannio~fpeople susl'<'CtAlso, we often practice "inner ta1lcipgnWhen,inst~dOfIist~ningto what a speaker has to say, \V~silentIYPractice()ur~~l'Onse to.••his or her words. . Someumes,rather thaillistening to a speaker, we conceiltrate· on ourrn~rtilLobjectiolls to~hat the speaker is saying. And



nitiate Management/Employee



Management has two important priorities: to earn a profit and to develop people, suggests Martin Feinberg, founder and principal of Profit Planning Associates. Generating profit and developing people mandate getting management and employees involved in the business. However, the first step should be to remove the "demoti vators" which destroy incentive and spur negative attitudes. The demotivators include inadequate salaries and benefits, poor working conditions, and lack of recognition. The next step should be to establish a "mastermind group" and a "listening committee." The first is a management team, the second an employee group. The mastermind team should develop plans, consider alternate decisions, and review results. Meeting once every week or two for approximately one hour, it is a formal group that can help implement decisions while improving profit and developing worker potential. The listening committee should consist ofthe president or owner and four to six nonmanagement employees. It should meet once a month, and its membership should be rotated so that all nonmanagement employees within the company become involved. Like the mastermind team, it should publish reports or meetings and the actions taken in response to the suggestions. Martin Feinberg, Management Administrative


World, September/October

Society, Trevose, PA 19047

1988, p.


many times we tum our attention away from the speaker and instead think about our own problems or personal matters. If you're victimized by any of these "inner conversations," turn them off so you can listen more effectively. 2. Focus all your attention on the speaker .Effective listening requires full attention. To listen well, avoid keeping your body and mind busy with lots of other activities. Also, try to hold your conversations in a quiet environment. 3. Examine the speaker. A speaker's facial expressions,hand gestures, body posture, and tone of voice can tell you as much ashis or her words. 4. Stop for "clarity checks." Sometimes people assume that they know what a speaker means when in fact they don't.' On the surface the speaker's words make sense to the listener, but not in the way that the speaker intended. The best way to overcome this listening error is to reflect what you hear by saying something like "What I hear you saying is Is that correct?" Perform a clarity check at least once at the end of a conversation, or more often if the subject is an important one.


Come on, let's run! Hop, hop! This is what the students of Tadika Ria are doing in a frogjumping race at their sports day on April 5, 1989.

This is what the participant at left, seems to be saying to the participant at centre in a sprint race at the Tadika Ria sports day on April 5, 1989.

People of Sabah are urged to cooperat~ with teachers'from Peninsular l\IIalaysi~ The Director of Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan urged the people of. Sabah to render their cooperation and assistance to the Peninsular Malaysia teachers and educators, currently teaching in Sabah. He made the call at the close of the 4th Inter-Educational Insti~utions Sports Carnival (PESAIP) at the Y::lvasan Sabah auditorium on ch 12. Datuk Dr. Jeffrey hoped the teachers and educators would continue to provide their excellent services in Sabah. "On behalf of the people of Sabah, I extend my highest appreciation and thanks to the teachers and educators, particularly those from Peninsular Malaysia who are currently teaching our children in Sabah".

was confident that members of the six institutions could be able to guide students especially those in the rural areas. He said like any social projects implemented by the Yayasan Sabah such as the People Development programme, the overall efforts of the six institutions would create a learned community, adding that sooner or later, less dependant community would come into being. Datuk Dr. Jeffrey also said the best team in certain events could be chosen to represent PESAIP for the Sports Tour in Sarawak and Brunei, adding that it was not only an incentive for the team to win but also a curtain-opener for PESAIP - BORNEO as inspired by the Chief Minister. He added that PESAIP could play the role of "encourager" to those di-

rectly or indirectly involved in the improvement of sports management and implementations. Yayasan Sabah played host for this year's Sports Carnival which was aimed at creating close rapport and goodwill among the staff and officials of the six institutions and a better understanding of the mission, objective and programmes of each educational institution besides promoting sports development. The six institutions taking part were Yayasan Sabah, University Kebangsaan Malaysia Sabah (UKMS), YS-ITM, Kent College, Gaya College and Education Department. Education Department clinched the overall challenge trophy after obtaining 12 wins including two friendly football and volleyball matches.

"We cannot deny that there is a sacrifice on your part. As an organisation involved in the same field, we always extend our full support to Y'-,J", Datuk Dr. Jeffrey said.

, •• :11

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey also said PESAIP has created history in the development of sports in Sabah following a successful attempt to reunite almost all the six educational institutions in the West Coast. He said the six institutions involved in the sports carnival, have the same goal in improving the quality of education in Sabah. The Sports Carnival was officiated by the Chief Ministerof Sabah, Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan on January


Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan (right) presenting the PESAIP overall chal-

lenge trophy to Encik Ahmad Murad, leader of Education Department contingent.



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.yaYasanSab~h,'Nhich was among tHe six institutions ..» !~~ingp'arttrna[ag~d ~ograb three Winsin men's badmiri- ..••••



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>¥ayasan Sabah table tenni$ummgaPtal~ri""I'lb~airolllnie!!!!l ••I]il4~' 'ce c;cc<,JU (Jtfh"'rfeft)receivingthecha/lengetrophyfr6lT1Encjk"'Cl~I~ '[ennIS (l..8dles...,'~.12t'l9'l'C1yasa~Fabah sfY~y~~a.nSabfl'l··.··· ..••..••.•.• ....• ~PfJJlJdMuradof EdqcafiodDepa'1rrJ~et,). j,-, < 2nd)UKMSy .......•....



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.".., .

·DANUM VALLEY Fe JUARA BOLASEPAK TUJUH SEBELAH ··LAHAbbATU - Pasukan Oanum Valley FC muncul sebagai juara p~l'tandingan Bolasepak Tujuh Sebelah anjuran Kelab SUkciridan Rekreasi Yayasan Sabah Cawangan Lahad .••.. batu,setelah mengalahkan Pasukan Renjer United FC 2-0 (:iafarrtpertandingan akhir yang telah diadakan di Padang ··K()r11PI~k$§lJ~cm Pacific Hardwoods Silam baru-baru ini. §~~~Hy~~en~~pasYkanm~ngambilqahagian yang mana t~laQ9i\V~kilrQJeh tiap-tiapbal)~giahlLJnit antara kakitangari ¢~wariganini.Per1andingan lalah diadakan secara"Liga ~eH<4mP4fan" . ~~~Jk~~banum ValleyFC telah menempah tiket ke per'indjng~h~khir setelahrllenumpaskanPasukan Innoprise unileddel1gan tendarygan penalti 3-2. Sementara itu Pa~Ukarff1enj~rLJC1iledFC dariKurTlPulan B memasuki

num Valley FC yang terdiri daripada gandingan pemain Aning Ahmat, Waidi Sinun dan Bahara Tony. Pergelutan sengit telah berlaku dihadapan pintu gol Pasukan Renjer United FC dan disebabkan kesilapan pertahanan Pasukan Renjer United FC salah seorang pemain mereka.menanduk masuk bola ke pintu gol sendiri. Pada minit kelima separuh masa kedua Pasukan Oanum Valley FC mengukuhkan lagi kedudukan mereka dengan menambah satu gollagi menerusi penyerang Bahara Tony menjadikan keputusan 2-0 sehingga tamat permainan . Manakala Pasukan Innoprise United meraikan tempat ketiga setefah mengalahkan Pasukan Security" A" dengan . jaringan 1-0. . ,'.-.


Hadiah-hadiah kernenangantel~hdisampkikanOleh Encik« Dahlan Buduk.Pialapusingantelah didermakan oleh Encik Utok Ning disampiilgPtala,jOhan, NaibJohan dan tempat ketiga. ... _ ..._. .._ ..._...~_. -

Tendangan sepak- ... . mula dilakukanoleh Encik Dahlan BOdiJk cja1wn<perlawanan pernbukaan ...·antara<1 Danum ...ValleyEP< ··melawan Sevei#Vp

i';lrwl',lt~M~['lit~~\i~i~~k:~a:'~:Jt~e;~: /8~1~~~~H~hd;~ngahakhirsekali ·Iagi pasukan· Danu m Val•••• ··Iey FCm~llunjuN<an kehandalannya menggasakbertubitUbjk~r5intl!gol laWan. Barisanpemain pertahanan Pasukah8~njer United FC yang klJrang bersefahainan sering~~~If~apat dit~rrbusi olehpenyerangf>~§u~an Oa'--.-.


:-:.:.:-:.:.:-:-:-:-: .:.>







Kefua Danuri7ValleYFC, EncikAning Ahrt7~t . secJang menedr17



·················..?b~(Jk.· ·y ..·.i./ ...Y•••••••••••••••••• ,

Danum Valley Fe, Juara Perlandingan Bolasepak Tujuh Sebelah bergambar bersama piala kemenangan.

Naib Johan Pasukan Renjer United setelah kalah Pasukan Danum Valley Fe 0-2. ..


iMI\THEW MJASINwir.s hole-in-oJle ••••• . .............•••••••....• •••••••••>.


..••. ".



ii."iT 4th l:~~!l;:verus '5th:~h~qS()onpaj!.

A total of 150 golfers took part in theGha.mpionShip.>/ ..........i///






: Pondren Nawa· 76' •.....••••••••.. MEN'S BESTGR()SSi


1stoary~lllll:lli JacK8ullah ..68 2nd Day : KhalidMohd .• 69 ............/ 11. LADIESBESTGROSS 1sroaY __ ' Rokfah Oaud- 90 . 2nd Day : Rokiah Oaud· 91

• Peter Tsen - 164


. 13.

NEAREST THERIN . Men : Heerah singh Ladie$): Eveline Urn

14. LONGEST DRIVE '. . «Men : RosranYahya Ladies> :P~nnY$c6tt 15.

LADIES.NETT CHAMPIONSHIP . Champion : Eveline Ltm >149 Runnet~Up:MargaretNg+ 151 . 3rd : DatirfT E Um - 165

MEN'S TEAM EVENT"'!NET1' TeantA8C :. AlfredEyau . RonniePan

HenrY Hing Clarence Koh 16.

VIP'S NETT.EVENT. . .... ' .. '.wMriijf'j"?JoatukRerman Lupin9S'l3 aca RJriri~'I'-UP:' DatUkNichOlasFung;; 73 . 3rd' . OatukCharles NgF'l4' . 4th. . Turi.MdAdnan AobertN75 CCB 5th : . Tan Sri Ibrahim 8 -75 ..


:_~ 1

12.. L.ADIESBEST.NETT.' . 1stoat'<: EvelineLim ~75 . . ih.d Day : Mar~gia~rjet Ng ~72-


tNVITEDGUESTS NETT"EVENT Winner) : . Rahlmlsmail"69 . Runner-Up: OthmarfOmafK70 . 3rd "v'-':l<6~n'li~~B Majeed~ 12 aQ§



1S Day ,fOa,Ylt Altfed'Eyau -74 J73 2nd . :: AnthonYSamy '. to./MEN'S BEST NETT

L.ADlES GROSS CHAMPIONSHIP Champion' ..8WBokiatiOaud/1S1 . Rl,lnnet"Upe$hirleyte~\196 3rd ": Lucy Tsenf202


Aman Sham· 72 - 73 aCB

3;1~d..................... .................: Cbua PinHui"158i 4th i: Chad/Soon PaiZ160 aCB 5th : John Math§16?~ 6th :KevirlTsen~ 163


. '.

YAYASAN SABAH'SSTAFF NETT EVEN]: Winner/ :.Anthonyl CWOhg"730CB JimmyTayY730CB .


MEN'S NETT CHAMPIONSHIP Champion . AlfredEyau,..140 Runner-Up: AspatYacob 0145 3rd' Jack8ullah.~146 4th .. WongSl,lKiongc 148 aCB 5th : TehSung Nam>148 aC8 6th • . HenrYHingF148 'Ztti . .. Eddie Chin ...149 OC8 8t~ . Chisom JaafarA 149 aca 9U"!: HeeraSingh"149 10th • KhatidMohd ~ 150 aC8. 11th CharlesYong <150OC8 12th . Paul Tom 1mbayan- 150//


3rd; :: Hj ~ BuhiminAdzmin -• 75 73 .. '. . 4th•••••••••••••••••.•.•.•••.•.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Kamaruddinlsmail . 5th . .: DatukDr. JeffreyG. K.-76 aCB 6th:MikEfMcMyn"760CB.

E6I1crWing are the full results:-






MEN'S GROS§ CHAMPIONSHIP Champiot:eetefWong?152> Runner-Up/X,Anthony\VongH157/


. .


BnCik Mathew Miasin of. Keningauhaswon himself a/ ibrand new vehicle • a M$45,OOOIsuzLJTrooperbeing /m~prize for the hole-in-one in theAthYayasan Sabcihi <Amateur Open Golf Championship held at Kenil)gau GolfCol.lrsefr6m February 16':' 19, 19S9.// .•.•••...•..... ........./iBunner.:.up:



..•........ ················i

MEN'S TEAM EVENT· GROSS< .. TeaniSGCC .Chat.lSoOhpai·· ..... . AnthOny$amy . . .•.......... petel'wop§-t . •.... .•.'.• Oatuk NiC!l61~~ Fung\ .'.. . .

·1Z~HOLE IN ONE Mathew Miasin (HOleNO;6).. 'f8.MEWS WOOOEN SPOON Andrew Lai\202 DCB .







PATRICK gr,1?~ Datuk:

Dr. Jeffrey's C~~~nge



PATRICK KHOO of Tawau stofe the IimefJght when he beat other golfers to clinch the Datuk Dr. Jeffrey's Golf Challenge Trophy on March 19. 1989. The Comp~tition which was' played over 18 holes at Tawau Golf Course, attracted a total of 92 golfers. Heading the guests list was Tan Sri Ben Stephens, followed by ... Encik Stan t. GOIOkin, Datuk Abd. Ghani Rashid and the President of the Tawau Golf Club, Encik James Pang.

Golfers registering themselves for,the Competition.

Tf)e full results of the competition are as follow:

Overall Nett .



Patrick Khoo KSMiew S Shimuzu RiChard Tai DatUk Hj. Ghani Rashid



1. 2. 3.

Gross.·. 1f\ \$6~hmugam 2. 3.



Jimmy Tay

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey giving ita



69 70

72 ••

73 740CB




~•...... 85 OCB

850CB 85

Ladfesf'jett>. 1~ Lydia Wong 2~


Sally Lee Connie Wong

.~.M~~~'\. . 1. 2. 3.

S(¢phen Gan


Dr'V. K. Lo PaUlKan

74 aCB


: .;Q.~~~!! ../ . .LSBChoi 2. 3'.


Be'f.rlardtoong .:/:


C<>M~.~~I:::. 1,




ASne Kadir



73 74


Encik Stan Golokin warming up before the competition kicks-off.

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