Berita Yayasan Sabah Vol.5, No.2 (Mac-April 1983)

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\ForReference Only I_.!!!?t To Be Taken BERITA YAYASAN SABAH


\ MarchiApril 1983

~~~ 'BERI~A

YAYASAN SABAH VOL 5 NO 2 pelajaran dan pendidikan itu

bukanlah patut dilihat dari

segi akademiknya sahaja,

TYT Yang Di Pertua Negeri

Sabah, Tun Hj. Mohd. Adnan

Robert menyatakan demikian

semasa merasmikan pem­ bukaan Tadika Ria Yayasan

Sabah yang berharga tiga juta


Xita harus ingat baha'yVa

pendidikan dan pelajaran itu

juga meliputi pengalaman­

pengalaman dan contoh

tauladan dari ibu bapa dan

masyarakat serta suasana

sekitar kanak-kanak itu


Beliau berkata, "pentingnya . pelajar'!J1 yang serupa ini tidaklah perlu kita persoalkan lagi. Tetapi yang pedu kita lihat dan awasi ialah bagai­ mana usaha-usaha ini boleh diselenggarakan supaya dapat memberikan kesan yang cukup baik. Sesungguhnya untuk memperkatakan sesuatu itu memang sangat mudah, tetapi pedaksanaan­ ya hanya dapat dijalankan uengan kesungguhan dan keyakinan diri. "Kita sentiasa sedari bahawa sebagai satu proses di dalam . hidup, pelajaran haruslah di mulakan dan peringkat yang awal. Apa lagi kerana kita telah sedari betapa penting­ nya pendidikan awal ini khususnya untuk kanak­ kanak", tambah beliau_ "Kita juga ketahui akan pengaruh pendidikan ml kepada keWdupan kanak­ kanak kita di masa depan. "Disamping ditubuhkan Pusat Perkembangan Kanak-Kanak ini dan bermulanya Tadika Ria sebagai sebuah taman kanak-kanak experimental, pihak Kerajaan sendiri melalui Kementerian Pembangunan



Pendidikan Bukan Dari Segi Akademik Sahaja: TYT Bandar dan Desa memang banyak memberikan perhatian kepada bidang ini dengan usaha-usahanya menubuhkan Tadika dl seluruh Negeri Sabah. . "Saya sangat-sangat berhara,p agar segala usaha yang telah dimulakan oleh Yayasan Sabah ini akan dapat memberi hasil-hasil yang bermanafaat di dalam bidang pendidikan dan perkembang~ kanak­ kanak semoga ianya juga akan menjadi sumbangan kita bersama terhadap pem­ bangunan negara " , tambah Tun Adncm.

ke arah membimbing anak­ anak mereka supaya menjadi orang-orang yang berguna di masa depan. "Dalam mengejar kemajuan, ibu bapa tidak harus menga­ baikan tanggungjawab mereka dalam pemeliharaan ikatan keluarga yang rapat dan mem­ pengaruhi sifat-sifat yang positif terhadap anak-anak mereka" ,katll beliau. "Kanak-kanak merupakan penyambung nyawa, pembela masa depan, dan kepada merekalah biasanya kita lihat diri kita, kejayaan kita, dan harapan kita.


Dengan penubuhan tadika­ tadika ini tidak bermakna bahawa para ibubapa boleh mengabaikan tanggungjawab mereka terhadap anak-anak mereka. Beliau berkata bahawa bimbingan yang diberikan di tadika haruslah merupakan peringkat pertama yang patut diikuti oleh para ibu bapa

"Pada hemat saya, usaha ini merupakan satu titik berseja­ rah di dalam perkembangan pelajaran dan pendidikan di negara kita ini. Pentingnya, tidak kurang daripada sekolah­ sekolah tinggi kerana disinilah diharapkan bukan ilmu pengetahuannya tetapi akhlak, budi pekerti yang luhur yang menjaminkan anak-anak itu menjadi seorang yang rajin,

bersih, cekap dan amanah," kata beliau. Pengarah Yayasan Sabah, Tan Sri Datuk Ben Stephens yang juga turut mengucap di majlis itu berkata, "Tadika Ria ini hanyalah satu aspek pusat perkembangan kanak-kanak yang mana Yayasan Sabah telah mengamanatkan untuk menubuhnya. Yang lain-lain masih dalam peringkat rancangan - iaitu institut penguruan tadika dan yunit penyelidikan." "Tadika Ria bukan semata­ mata memberi pengetahuan sahaja, tetapi perkembangan kanak-kanak sepenuhnya, terutama sekali dalam pancaindera manusia," tambah Tan Sri Datuk Ben. "Tadika yang kita lihat sekarang ini bertujuan untuk menjadi suatu contoh untuk perkembangan suatu taraf pendidikan dan perkemban­ gan kanak-kanak di periogkat pra-sekolah," jelas beliau



Perpustakaan Sebagai SUlDber IIIDU Pengetahuan : T YT Ujudnya



perpustakaan itu kepada satu­ satu masyarakat, sebagai satu pusat sumber melambangkan

kesempumaan manusia atau lebih tepatnya "The Totality of Mankind·' dan Potensi­ p otensi i1mu pengetahuan yang terkandong didalamnya. Yang Di Pertua Negeri Sabah, TYT Tun Haji Mohd. Adnan Robert berkata dernikian semasa pembukaan Persidangan Pengarah/Ketua Perpustakaan Institusi Penga­ jian Tinggi Milik Pemerintah Negara-Negara Rantau ASEAN di bangunao ibu pej abat Yayasan Sabah baru­ baru ini. Persidangan tiga-hari ini yang telah dianjur dart dibiayai oleh Yayasan Sa bah dihadiri oleh seramai 50 orang peserta dari Negara-Negara ASEAN Tun Adnan seterusnya menyatakan bahawa perpus­ takaan dahuluoya merupa­ kan satu simbol t radisi yang dinikmati oleh golongan yang terpelajar sahaja. Sekarang ianya menjadi pusat tumpuan orang ramai dad semua goiongan dan peringkat. Bellau berkata Sabah telah dapat mengadakan sebanyak 18 buah cawangan perpusta­ kaan dibawah naungan Kementerian Perkhidmatan MasY81'akat. "Sebagai memenuhi kehendak-kehendak kita setempat, Yayasan Sabah telah juga menubuhkan sebuah perpustakaan penyeli­ dikan yang dinamakan Perpus­ takaan Penyelidikan Tun Haji Mohd. Fuad Stephens," tambah Tun Adnan .

semua murid-murid sekolah diseluruh negeri Sabah. KERJASAMA "Hubungan kerjasama antara­ bangsa bukanlah menjadi pokok perbincangan pe[sidan~ gan ini. Tetapi memandang­ kan ilmu pengetahuan i~u 'merupakan satu perkara yang sejagat atau universal dan tidak semua ilmu pengeta­ huan itu kita ada sendiri, kerjasama dati perpustakaan akan tetap diperlukan," kata Tun Adnan. Beliau be(harap supaya para pegawai perpustakaan clapat mengasaskan perhubungan am dan hubungan kerjasama kearah sa-tu sistem perkong­ sian sumber yang berkesan. Pengarah Yayasan Sabah, Tan Sri Datuk Ben Stephens yang juga turut mengucap di majlis itu, memberitahu bahawa per­ sidangan ini t elah dirancang sejak awal tahun 1979 lagi dan pendekatan kepada para peserta telah dibuat pada tahun 1981 . PARA PESERT A Negera-negara yang turut menyertai persidangan ini ialah Indonesia, Thailand , Filipina, Singapura dan Malaysia. Para peserta terdiri dari Ketua-Ketua/Pengarah­ Peogarah Perpustakaan Arkib serta Muzium Negara. Bercakap tentang persidangan ini, Tan Sri Ben berkata bahawa ia di dalam pedaksa­ naan menumpukan perhatian kepada petkembangan dan peranan perpustakaan di negara masing-masing. PAKARUTAMA


Page 2


Yayasan Sabah baru-baru ini t elah melaJc:sanakan program menyediakaD buku-buku bacaan tambahan kepada

"Kami sangat berbesar hati, kerana kita dapat berhimpun eli persidangan ini, sebagai pakar utama, dalam bidang

masing-masing, untuk menyumbangkan llmu , kemahiran, ke arah suatu pelaksanaan cita-cita yang sarna, sebagai putera-puteri, dari bunda alam Asia Tenggara." Tan Sri Ben seterusnya menyatakan bahawa seluruh inti kandungan kertas kerja, seluruh intisari buah fikiran dari persidangan ini, akan dapat disusun, sebagai syor yang Jengkap, dan sempuma. "Rumusan ini, akan kaOO sampaikan kepada institusi yang man-tuan dan puan­ puan wakili, kepada Kementerian Pelajaran Negara masing-masing, Kexnenterian Luar Negeri masing masing, dan sebagai kemuncaknya. kepada sekretariat ABEAN , untuk dipertimbangi<ao , dan dirintis jaJan pelaksanaannya", kata beliau. ZAMAN KEMAJUAN

Dr. James Ongi<ili, Timbalan Ketua Menteri sempena menutup persidangan itu berkata bahawa kita berada dalam zaman kemajuan yang dituru ti dengan ilmu penge­ tahuan yang lebih dan ini boleh kita dapati dari per­ pustakaan dan kemudahan­ kemuclahan yang disediakan oleh arkib negara asalkan kita ingin kemajuan akademik dan penyelldikan ilmu di negara masing-masing. Bellau menerangkan bahawa merumuskan bahan·bahan dan perpustakaan, arkib sumber-sumber yang lain melalui ilmu pengetahuan masing-masing adalah penting, dan sebagai jiran negara­ negara ASEAN, ini patut digalakkan . Timbalan Ketua Menteri kemudiannya menyampaikan cenderamata dan sijil-sijll penyertaan kepada wakil­ wakil dari kelima-lima negara ASEANini.

March/April 1983


The Social Welfare and Services Department is primarily responsible for the various distribution schemes undertaken by the Sabah Foundation except for the Amanah Rakyat Sabah.

The schemes include the distribution of uniform, books, shoes, milk and stationary to benefit all school-going children in the ~tate.

The Department, located on the 5th floor of the Sabah Foundation Headquarters building, is manned by three officers and 35 clerks.

HII/I S/t!IIrltII LiltIf!

Heading the Department is Haji Sjahrial Latiff who is assisted by Encik Dollah Zunaidy.

According to Haji Sjahrial, his Department's objectives are: to upgrade the socio­ of economic standard Sabahans, to uplift the educa­ tional standard of Sabah students, to improve the health of school children for a healthy generation and also to instill the spirit of self reliance among students in line with efforts to improve their socio-economic standard.

The milk is to supplement their daily diet. It contains special food value which is good for the physical and mental growth of children.

Another responsibility of the Department is to provide accomodation for rural students studying in urban schools.

"The social distribution schemes are moderate, realistic and rational with the aim of aiding the community and especially those who are not well off", he added.

Students who are housed in the Foundation hostels are provided with allowance for their personal use and also for payment of examination fees, food and transportation. Hj. Sjahrial said all these aids provided for by the Foundation are not only to help the needy students but also to benefit all students in the State. "For instance", he said, "milk is provided four times 'weekly to improve the health of students especially students under 12 years old in primary and kindergarten schools" .

Haji Sjahrial said the various distribution schemes whether planned on a short or long term basis are based on the views and far sighteclness of the Foundation to benefit the present and futur~ generation.

As Head of the Department, Haji Sjahrial's main respon­ sibility is to plan and coordinate the social opera­ tion and administration of his Department. He is also responsible in diversifying and improving the quality of services and leadership in the social services from time to time . Haji Sjahrial's duties are to maintain and create good relations with Government Department, Statutory Bodies, Government Agencies

and others in relation to social activities. Every once in three months, he holds meeting with officers and staff of his department to assess their performance and also to improve and strengthen the harmony and teamwork in the Social Services. The Social Services Depart­ ment has 23 district branch offices in the State. Each district branch office is manned by an Assistant Field Officer, a General Clerk and an Attendant. The district branch offices are responsible for ensuring the efficient distribution of the various social distribution schemes of the Department and also to obtain all necessary information regarding the scheme. The Assistant Field Officer is a member of the district committee responsible for the administration and main­ tenance of the Foundation district hostels. The educational affairs of Foundation students in their respective district is also their responsibility.

Enclk Doliah Zuruddy

Page 3

March/April 1983

Streamline and


The structural changes aim to streamline the various departments/sections within the Foundation, delineate clearly all functions, balance activities and proper staffing, in addition to intensifying its manage­ ment and supervisory development, and skills training.

r org


·8 R CT The organisation structure of the Sabah Foundation will be reorganised to accommodate the widening socio-economic roles that it is presently assuming. Foundation Director, Tan Sri Datuk Ben Stephens said this when he addressed F ounda tion G rou p Managers and Heads of Departments at the Sabah Foundation Reorganisation Meeting recently.


Tan Sri Ben said the effectiveness of an organisation in fulfilling its objectives depends to a large extent upon the resilience of its organisation structure. He said an extensive and comprehensive study of our organisation structure was undertaken in 1980 by a Management Consultant. "With the implementation of the Board of Trustees recommendations, based on the Consultants study of the Sabah Foundation Organisation, we expect to 'stengthen the existing organisation structure and management and, consequently, to ensure the operating efficiency of the Foundation", said the Director.

Tan Sri Ben said an important recommendation of the study was the creation of a top level Management Committee whose basic function would be to ensure the coordination of plans, strategies and policies of the various groups.


"Another structural change to insure proper coordina­ tion and efficiency in the commonly shared activites, is the centralisation of the accounting and finance functions and the administrative and personne.~ functions of the Sa bah F ounda tion and the G rou p", he added. "The organisation structure to be implemented is one that is fully oriented towards fulfilling the Foundation's purpose, mission and objectives in the most effective and efficient way possible". The Director later elaborated on the objectives and functions of the Foundation which he said was mainly one of supplementing and complementing the State Government and Federal Government in the field of education, health and welfare.


Tan Sri Ben said if the Foundation was to act expeditiously in situations of need, it must maintai r­ '--' sufficient flexibility in its operations so that it would be able to pass on its projects after initiating and nurturing them to the proper authorities and undertake new projects where a greater urgency has risen or has been iden tified. "In this way, the Foundation in addition to the supplementary and complementary roles, would also be able to act as an agent of change", he added. "In summary, the Sabah Foundation has both a social improvement as well as an economic develop­ ment mission. The main thrust of the social improve­ ment mission is on education, the State's prime social problem, while the economic mission is to find the necessary funds for the social programmes. The role of the Foundation in carrying out its dual mission is that of supplemental and complemental and also as an agent of change. As such it is vital that the Foundation maintains a flexible means to undertake socio-economic programmes for the benefit of the State and the Nation"









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Marchi April 1983



Our new Shipping Planning & Finance Manager, Urn Thian Siang joined the Yayasan Sabah Shipping Sdn. Bhd. in March.

Accounts Clerk, Andrew Julain Mansagam joined the Group Accounts Section in February. Andrew, from Tuaran had his secondary education at the St. John Secondary School Tuaran.

Lim, from Klang, Selangor holds a Bachelor of Science degree from University Malaya and a Masters degree (Finance) from the City University Business School, London.

A fairly active guy, he plays football and badminton, and reads in his spare time.

His hobbies are general.

Cultural Officer in the Foundation Cultural Unit, Sairah Haji Antin joined the Foundation in Febraury.

Payroll Clerk, Sharon Yuan Siew Lan, is another new addition in the Group Accounts Section .

Sairah, from Kampong Sungei Padang, Papar was a former student at the Maktab Sabah and later studied at the Institiut Kesenian Jakarta (IKJ·TIM), Jakarta, Indonesia.

Sharon from Kota Kinabalu joined the Foundation in March. Her hobbies are needle work and reading and plays table tennis and badminton.

Her interests are swimming, table tennis and darts.

Research Assistant, Noor Jamela Razi joined the Foun· dation Corporate Planning Unit in February. Noor, from Likas holds a diploma in Business Studies from ITM Shah Alam, Kuala Lumpur. Noor has hobbies.



Another new comer to the Corporate Planning Unit is Typist cum General Clerk, Ann Catherine Otigil. Ann, from Tanjong Aru was employed in February . Educated at St. Francis Convent Secondary School, Ann was working at the Stella Maris School, Tanjong Aru before joining us. She likes gardening, cooking and occasionally travelling.



Supannin Abdullah, a Junior Clerk in the Foundation Administration Department joined the Foundation in March. Also from Kota Kinabalu, he had his secondary education at the La Salle Secondary School, Tanjong Aru. Suparmin plays the guitar and enjoys listening to music.

Typist, Eugenie Nain joined the Foundation Investment Section in March. Eugenie, from Kibabaig, Penampang received her education at the St. Michael Secondary School,Penampang and later studied at the InstitutePertanian Sabah. She does not have any particular hobby but indulges in anything depending on her mood.


MarchIApril 1983


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FOREIGN BODY IN THE EYE What should you prevent the casualty from doing who has a foreign body in the eye'!

t . t . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is the treatment if the foreign body can be seen and is neither on the pupil nor adherent to the eyeball? Seat the casualty facing the light, stand In front of him and pull down the lower lid; then remo"e the foreign body with the comer of a clean handkerchief or a wisp of cotton which has been soaked In a little water.

If the foreign body is under the upper lid how would you proceed? Ask the casualty to look down, grasp the eyelashes and pull the upper lid downwards and outwards o"er the lower lid; the foreign body may thus be dislodged by the lashes of the lower lid. If not, ask the casualty to blink his eye under water.

If the foreign body is still in the eye and medical aid is not immediately available, how would y~u attempt to remove it?

Pre"ent the casualty from rubbing the eye.

When should you not attempt to remove a foreign body from the eye? . When It Is on the pupil of the eye; Imbedded or adheren t to the eyeball, or cannot be seen but the eye is Inflamed and painful.

What treatment should


given in such a case?

Stand behind the casualty, steadying his head against your chest, and ask him to look down; ploce a smooth matchstick c t the base of the upper lid and press It gently backwards; grasp the lashes and tum the lid o"er the matchstick, so e"enlng the eyelid; remo"e the foreign body with the comer of a clean handkerchief or a wisp of cotton wool which has been soaked In a little water.

INJURY TO THE EYEBALL What is the treatment of an injury to the eyeball? Lay the callUalty down at absolute rest; close the lid and co"er the eye with a soft pad of cotton wool, extending to forehead and cheek; apply a bandage lightly; remo"e to hospital as soon as possible.

What is the treatment of strong acids or alkalis in the eye?

Close the eyelids; co"er the eye with a soft pad of cotton wool, extending to the forehead and cheek, and secure lightly In position with a bandage; obtain medical aid.

Hold the casualty's head under a gently running tap or In a basin or bucket of water and get the callUalty to blink his eye repeated­ ly; or, sit or lay the casualty down with head tilted right back and turned towards the affected side, protect the un.lniured eye, flush the injured eye copiously with tepid or cool water, gently opening the eyelids with your fingers (clean milk if a"allable, may be used Initially); If a solid corrosl"e chemical (such as lime) has entered the eye, rinse the upper lid and make sure that none Is adherent to Its surface; apply a dressing lightly o"er the eye; arrange to ha"e the patient remo"e to hospital.


March/April 1983

~ (lffieial open ing of TADIitA


YIP, tmd guen, WIltchlng tke children., perfonnll1lce

It u the teJ1cherl'tum to enterl4in the YIPs

Klndfl"6Ql'ten pupil, perfonnlng

the IUlfftntIU

Pretty i[ftlTUn




reciting II poem

FDlhion show •••• ll1Iother DlPect of their presentation

PupO, In their colourful CMtume, performing the "seflllm Inzmll" dtlIIce

Adntm Robm m:eiJliIfg


"..,ttng from tme 0/ the pupIU

Page 8


March/April 1983


At The Asean Library Conference

TYT Tun Adnan Robert receives a gift from our Director, Tan Sri Datuk Ben Stephens.

Discunion in progrels during the leminar.

The IndOffemm d~tIoIt errtfl't#lltilr¥ tile crowd wldr til"

favourite number.

Minister for Community Services, Toh Puan Rahimah Stephens views painting and photograph exhibits

Dr. Sero/in D. Quaiaon, a member of the delegation from the Philippines receiving the "Bunga telor", a sign of traditional welcome.

"Your lD pIeae .•.•


Rq/JItrGtion 01 ptlrtictp."tI tit NYA 17'.

Page 9

March/April 1983


Vanugopal Transferred


S. Vanugopal, our Senior Investment Officer in the Investment Section has been transferred to the Corporate Planning Unit as Corporate Planning Officer .

Property Section Acquires $18.500 lift The Property Section of the Foundation has recently purchased an $18,500 Genie Personnel Lift .

"Left-Right" of the Sabah Foundation Headquarters suggested that there should be piped music at our Head­ quarters building during lunch break.

The Lift which has a working height of 43 feet will be used for carrying out minor repairs and changing electric light fittings in and around the Sabah Foundation Head­ quarters building.

She is of the opinion that since we have the facility , maybe we could use it if it does not inconvenience any­ one.


kafeteria~l I ~.t&!. ~ ~.,. ''&'];0 e S ~fI- ~ --;~-c-.~~ ••\.. . TT ~ ;.~ ­ ITEM



ONE pc





couple were married at ISeremlban , Negeri Sembilan, of Nor Adida.

Later that year, Mokti left for Florida, United States to pursue a two year professional photography course at the Institute of Fort Lauderdale .



$ 50

Berita Yayasan Sabah the couple many happy years

I ~




FNEpe Besides the celebration in Peninsular Malaysia, the couple held another celebra· tion in Kota KinabaIu for their colleagues and friends at the Sabah Foundatio~ Exld· bition Foyer on April 17.


$ .70

(overcooked sawl or long/short beans)

of our Foundation staff Kom IGnabalu, Awang ""11.",..1.0,+. Awang Tuah of the ..... 'r ..." ••e Relations Section and Adida Mohd. Drus of Tun Fuad Research tied the nuptial knot


$2.00 (metrt)


3" dillmeter

C 'J;t



(overcooked egg)


ahead and best wishes in all

their undertakings. UUWUUIIIIIIIUUJllllUUWJ.WUJJlJWUIIIJ1l.W.IJIll.UWll1111111111IWlWlliIIllllillllWJJJllIWIW.lWWWJJJlIIWWI.IWW_

Page 10




Suzte Secretllrln from Pllriau. Suzte. In MtJltly6ltl wlro were In &I".,. recently for a meeting, attended a briefing on the Sobah Foundation activities at the Foundation Mini Theatre. Deputy Director, Terrgku D. Z. AdUn briefed the JIUIton.

Pbc from L-R : Abdul Grrpar, Dotu Darlw Amlrul, NIlI6I11Iddln and Walter

Four Sabah Foundation students left for Peninsular 'alaysia recently to begin ~their Form One education at Maktab Rendah Sains MARA


will be placed at MRSM lasin, Melaka while Walter Lintanga (Ranau) will attend MRSM Muar,lohore.

Nassiruddin Hj. lohari (Kota Kinabalu), Abdul Gapar (Tawau) and Datu Darius Datu Arnirul (Kota Kinabalu)

The students' parents and Foundation officials from the Secondary and Lower Educa­ tion Department were at the Kota Kinabalu airport to see them off.


Economics. Mohd. Salleh is a Foundation sponsored student since Form Four.



>.tinety nine percent of the --,oah Foundation students who sat for their Sijil Tinggi

Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM)

1982 received their STPM

certificates. Of the 75 students, three students scored five principals, nine obtained four principals, and 18 obtained three principals . Sabah Foundation top scorer was ,Mohd. Salieh Hj. Ibrahim of Kuala Penyu who scored five principals.

A student of Kolej Islam Klang, Selangor, he obtained principal A in Bahasa Malaysia and Syariah. and D in General Papers, Arab and


TIZII Sri Datu" Irnudl KIrtm (cmtreJ, the YIZIII Di hrtu4 DewtIIr N.,. from the Federal DIpital called on our Director, Tan Sri Datuk Ben Stephens at his office recently. Accompanying Tan Sri Datuk Ismail was the Speoker of the State Lefill4tWe Allmlbl)l, IMtuk SWUM MtnD.

Second best student was Mohd. Ali bin Abdul Rahman (Ranau) of Sekolah Menengah Ibrahim, Sungei Petani, Ke<l,ah, who is a Foundation _ sponsored student since Form One . Mohd. Ali obtained five principals, with principal C in General Papers, D in Bahasa Malaysia, Geography and Economics and E in History.

Third best student was Doliah bin Mulok (Kota Kinabalu) of Yayasan Masriyah, Bukit Martajam, Pulau Pinang, who also scored five principals.

A Foundation sponsored student since Form One, Doliah obtained principal A in General Papers, B in History, C in Bahasa Malaysia and E in Geography and Economics.

Group Publk Rdilttol/J MtmI1geT, Mr. Edward Su"I Burongolr brleflnl the Commercial Secretory of the Finland Embassy, Mr P. H. Lindberg. '


Ut(Ub!Ub/t ~

~YiWaJtd ~

Congratulations to 'Our Group Security Officer, Encik Mukhtar Singh Gill on being awarded the Ahli Darjah Kinabalu (ADK) in recogni­ tion for his 29 years service with the Police by the Yang

Di Pertua Negeri Sabah, TYT Tun Haji Mohd Adnan Robert on the occasion of the TYT's birthday last year.

Encik Mukhtar has also two awards. The AMN which was bestowed by his Majesty the Yang DiPertuan Agong in 1977 and BSK which was bestowed by our former Yang Di Pertua Negeri, Tun Alunad Koroh in 1978.


MarchiApril 1983


Picnic at Pulau sapi

By: Lena Robert

7.30 a.m., the Hornbill yatch loomed big and white upfront the jetty behind the Hyatt Hotel. A beautiful Sunday, April 3, 1983, thirty five Yayasan Sabah staff boarded the yacht for Pulau Sapi about five kilometres from Kota Kinabalu. As the yacht went chugging amidst laughter and COnYer-

sation aboard, the island slowly appeared and Kota Kinabalu town was left behind. The water was so clear - as it was not very windy during the morning . that one can see the corals. Alas, we were not the only ones on the island. We managed to find the biggest shed unoccupied, dumped

our gears and rushed to the water.

Roslie Waslie, Ghularn, Chandra and Ahmad Tarnin managed to persuade two lovely girls to part with their big blown tyre tube and performed some fancy acro­ batic acts (so to speak) in the water to the ladies' entertainment. Anna Yong was so tempted by the challenge of the clear green water, she rushed in fully clothed.

Some of us went round the island and a couple or two found their own little nest. Whew, there was so much swimming in the beautiful water, hiking along the mountain paths and relaxing in the comfortable shed, time flew, and it was the rumbling

of several stomachs that prompted us to the shed for our lunch.

Everybody brought their own food, so there was abundance for sharing. Amid the loud Raegge music from Litah's tape recorder, the food was depleted in no time at all and it was back to the water. Some shed their inhibitions and slept, while Joanas treated some of us to a strip show. RJ, the jester, related his tales to one and all. Cigku Awang and his two kids were the fishermen of the trip - not that they caught any. At 2.00 pm., the yatch was back and everybody was ready to go back hom p Tired but happy after such ~ relaxing morning.

f You're Married,Brin Your Family.

If You're Not Married, Bring ·U­

Inow-Who to U-Inow-Where,

For Some Fun, Fun, Fun At Our

Family's Day.

Coming Soon! Next Attraction! Etc.... Etc ... ..

Page 12

MarchIApril 1983


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It was February 14, 1982 at about 1730 hours when PAYS received an emergency caJ] from Sabah Air. It was regarding an accident case on board an oil rig, 96 km from Kudat. From the infonna· tion received, it seemed that one of the workers was hit by a cable wire and sustained serious head injuries.

boarded a waiting helicopter and took off. AU along the flight I felt so excited and a bit afraid as it was my fust time to fly .in a helicopter. I also prayed that the victim's condition would not ~e serious.

fogether with ambulance - officer, Ibrahim Hj. Yunus, we proceeded to attend the case. We brought along our fust aid kit and other related equipment.

It was quite a pleasant flight and we fmally made it to the oil rig in about half an hour's time. The rig's supervisor met us on arrival and brought us straight to the scene of the accident.

We left the base immediately and proceeded to Sabah Air. Upon arriving, we immediately

We examined the casualty who was already on a stretcher and discovered that he

The day begins with the routine cleaning, washing and checking of the ambulance

and the premises.

Everything has to be in tip·

top condition.

Just then ,... the emergency

phone rings !

Everything is halted while

details of the case is taken

by one offtcer.

The other offIcer rushed off

to get the ambulance started.

Within minutes, they are off

to attend the case.

vehicle accidents, fue emer· .. gencies, maternity cases, mountain rescue, suicide attempts and transportation of the disabled and the sick. Quick thinking and decision making is so often required at emergencies and can be quite challenging.


Driving through a trafftc jam




I,IIIt, ". ,' ..


Crowd control at the accident scene is not an easy task. It can get out of hand at times!


11" '"

sustained some head injuries together with some minor bruises on his right knee. The casualty was conscious and his general condition was quite satisfactory. While applying fust aid to his injuries, I gave continuous reassurance to the victim. Patience, understanding and reassurance is so important in a traumatic experience as I have discovered from my . . trammg. After the fust aid was done, we transferred the casualty onto the helicopter. Just then, a tall American man approached us and remarked that I was the ftrst lady to have stepped on that oil rig.



I I 'I I I I '

He ,went further to compli· ment us for the good job that we had done. We thanked him for his compliment and climbed on board the heli· copter. All along the return flight we kept a continuous check on the casualty's condition and made him as comfortable as possible. We landed at about 1930 hours near the hospital compound and J d th e casualty on t 0 tran Sterre a waiting PAYS ambulance. After handing over the patient to the casualty ward at the hospital, we returned back to the base, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction for having done something good for mankind.

can be quite a headache especially when it is at peak hours, But so far the public has lX'0wn to be very co-operative. Maybe this is due to the constant reminder of the $200.00 ringgit fme they would have to pay for causing obstruction.

Then it's back to base again .. but that's not the end! Whatever materials used are cleaned and replenished.

along the way, the patient's vital signs are monitored and recorded. Everything is done to lessen the trauma and the patient is made as comfortable as possible. I

A report is then made to the duty offIcer regarding the case. Then only it's time to relax and have a drink. But just then ... the phone rings again ... another case!


Upon reaching the hospital, the patient's infonnation is orderly transferred to the hospital's casualty ward.

Page 13

March/April 1983





By: SAFOND SRC Secretary

Contrary to all reports, beliefs or otherwise , SAFOND S.R.C. is not sick, dying, dead or in imminent danger of being murdered. There are members who express reservation about whether or not the Club is a worthwhile endeavour for the energies of the Committee members. But assurances have been given that as long as the Club continues to be responsible and as long as Staff (members) want the Club to stay, it will stay. No decisions have been made about changing the Club's status, but staff have expressed a desire to review the relationship of SAFOND S. R. C. to the administration (Le. financial) structure of Sabah Foundation as a whole. As it has been expressed verbally to me, some members feel that SAFOND S. R. C. has nothing whatever to do with the prinCipal task of Sabah Foundation . In q way,

suggestion has been tendered that the club should be financed by the members who are interested in it. However , it must be emphasized that no decision has been made. It also needs to be made clear that members are not gearing up for a confrontation, and it is not their desire to kill the Club. If the Club is important to its members it will continue to function . The one thing which we have to avoid as members is the tendency to react to committee members as if they were our enemies. I have every confidence that SAFOND S. R . C. has been filling a need for the Sabah Foundation employees. The only change I anticipate is turning this job over to someone who knows what he or she is doing . In the mean­ time, it's business as usual. ­

Bookings for badminton, squash and tennis at the Likas Sports Complex returned to normal after two months of disruption. Effective March 1, all bookings will be on a regular basis and in the event of any changes, prior notice will be issued, announced SAFOND SRC Secretary , Cik Lena Robert. Cile Lena disclosed that the temporary disruption was due to the reorganisation and rescheduling of bookings by the Complex Management. "However, there are slight changes on the days and court numbers but the time remains unchanged", added Cik Lena .




Badminton Squash Tennis

Mon/Wed Sat Fri

7 - 9 pm 7 -9 pm 7 - 9 pm


3 2 2

Cile Lena encouraged members to fully utilise the facilities provided for by the Club. She requested all new staff who have not enrolled for membership to join the Club and participate in all its a~tivities. ~ \


tJaose little t hingoo oooo

We are the one-year occupants

.of the Chair_Time only to knock on the door_No time to even start .tp put the foot in. We often feel no one gives a damn at all. Then we think of those thiitgs, those little things, that mean something.

There is a reallon, i can' say

it, deftne i t, clarify it, for me, for us and least orall for you . That doesn't mean you are left out - don 't get me wrong. It just can 't be done_

Every once in a while under­ standing (I should say appre­ ciation) breaks through, alrndSt. by mistake it seems. .

Now and then we get a peek, or receive a feeler. That's

enough for us .because that's all we're going to get. We think that's important. We feel that. That's us and SAFOND and

that's all there can be _That's our -year. Insignificant in

of 'MAJULAH SUKAN UNTUK NEGARA'; miniscule in terms of Sabah


Foundation progress. But it's what's real_ It bas to do with people (Members), a few, a handful and they ~e what this is all about. - That's eQ.ough for us. It has to be

By: SAFOND SRC Secretary ~-

Page 14



Sebagai seorang jurutaip memang sib uk dan kena berhati-hati bila membuat kerja supaya tidak membuat kesalahan kerana kalau kita buat salah bos tentu marah

MarchIApril 1983

dan terpaksa menaipnya sekali lagi dan ini sudah membuang masa.




ferlawanan fersababatan Bengan lelab Sukan Bank fembangunan Sabab. Kelab SAFOND SRC dan Kelab Sukan Bank Pembangunan Sabah telah seri 44 dalam satu siri -lawanan persahabatan ~g telah diadakan di Kota Kinabalu baru-baru ini.


Sebanyak 8 perlawanan telah diadakan, antaranya ialah sepak takraw, bulu tangkis, karom dan bola sepak, keempat-empat ini dimenangi oleh SAFOND SRC. Semen tara bola tampar, bola keranjang, darts dan ping pong dimenangi oleh Kelab Sukan SDB. Antara perlawanan yang menarik ialah bola sepak yang mana SAFOND SRC telah membelasah Kelab Sukan SDB dengan jaringan 7-1. lni adalah kali pertama kelab ini mencapai kejayaan jaringan terbanyak. Menurut setiausaha kehormat SAFOND SRC, Cik Lena

Robert, beliau berpuas hati kerana para ahli yang terlibat dapat menunjukan semangat kesukanan yang tinggi di sam ping kenal mengenal dan bermesra dengan ahli-ahli kelab tersebut. Seman gat seperti itu katanya sangatlah diharapkan demi meninggikan lagi mutu sukan kelab itu. Menurutnya lagi, perlawanan persahabatan dengan kelab­ kelab lain akan diteruskan untuk mengemaskini perse­ diaan lebih awal menghadapi sukan tahunan antara daerah yang akan diadakan kelak.

Untuk maklurnan peminat­ peminat ping pong, harap hantarkan nama mereka kepada Cik Lena Robert kerana jika bilangan peserta rarnai, seorang jurulatih akan didatangkan untuk mengajar cara-cara dan teknik bermain ping pong. Harap ambil perhatian.

sunti yang bertugas sebagai jurutaip di Perpustakaan 'Fun Fuad yang menghiasi ruangan "gadis berita" kali ill!. Dilahirkan 19 tahun yang lalu di daerah Penarnpang, Cik Verna Onoh atau biasa dipanggil oleh teman·teman­ nya Ver atau Na saja, berbin­ tang Virgo, tinggi sederhana, mendapat pendidikan awal di SRK Tansau dan menamat­ kan sekolah menengahnya di SMK Putatan, Kota Kinabalu.

Mengenai dengan fesyen, Ver menjawab "Fesyen "up-to­ date" lebih disukainya, tapi haruslah sesuai dengan diri." Dalam segi masakan pula, Ver suka rendang dan "chinese food". Walau pun Ver masih merahsiakan cita-citanya tapi selain dari itu jika diberi peluang oleh majikarmya ingin melanjutkan pelajaran­ nya di luar negeri.

Di masa lapangnya, Ver lebih banyak membaca buku-buku yang berguna selain dari menolong emaknya menge­ mas rumah dan sekali sekala pergi berkelah dengan teman­ temannya. Dalarn bersukan, Ver adalah anggota bola sepak wanita SAFOND SRC, selain boleh bermain bulu tangkis dan bola keranjang. Sebagai seorang anak temp a­ tan dan sesuai dengan cita­ cita negara untuk memaju dan mengembangkan kebuda­ yaan tradisi, Vema ialah di antara penari unit Kebudayaan Yayasan Sabah.

Mengenai dengan berumah­ tangga, Ver mertjawab buat masa ini belum lagi, menurut Ver seperti kita baca di majalah-majalah, pencerian dan ramai isteri-isteri digan­ tung tanpa tali semakin menjadi-jadi dan ini menye, darkan gadis-gadis zaman sekarang untuk berhati-hati dan mengkaji dengan lebih mendalarn kerana katanya kita bukan mahu bahagia untuk sehari, tapi sepanjang hayat dengan anak-anak serta suami kerana kalau diakhiri dengan duka, siapa yang merana.

Adakah Anda Seorang Yang Bersih Cekap Dan Amanah? 8.00

- 8.30

Mengemas tempat duduk, mencari pen, pensel dan lain-lain benda.


- 9.30

Duduk dibangku buat kerja, tapi ada yang mengira hutang, membaca surat, masih berbual-bual kosong, atau masih bercerita soal rumah tangga.


- 10.30

Bersedia untuk minum, basuh gelas, bergegas kesana kemari mencari makanan.

10.30 - 11.00

Basuh gelas, buang air, makeup dan bergegas kesana kemari.

11.00 - 12.00

Buat kerja dimeja, ada yang masih mem­ buat kerja sendiri.

12.00 - 12.45

Bersiap-siap untuk masa makan.

12.45 - 2.15

Main Karom.


- 230

Bersiap-&iap tempat duduk, belurn lagi mula bekerja.


- 3.00

Buat kerja, duduk dibangku, entah buat kerja atau tidak.


- 3.30

Minum sambil berbual-bual .


- 4.00

Duduk ada yang belum habis cerita.


- 4.15

Bersiap-siap mau pulang, ada yang ketandas, sikat rainbut, ada yang berbedak dan ada yang sudah berbaris untuk men­ getik kad perakam waktu.

Page 15

March/April 1983


SRC Mengutip $4,004,00 Lumba jalan kaki SA FOND yang dianjurkan oleh Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi Yayasan Sabah yang telah diadakan baru-baru ini telah berjaya dan dapat mengutip wang sebanyak $4,004.00. Menurut Encik Awang Damit Mohamad, selaku Pengerusi pertandingan dan juga Timbalan Presiden SAFOND SRC, beliau berpuas hati atas kejayaan menganjurkan per­ lumbaan tersebut. Basil dari perlumbaan itu telah dapat menambahkan kewangan kelab tersebut menjadi kukuh dan stabil. Kejayaan itu ada­ lah juga atas kerjasama dari para ahli yang telah berusaha untuk mendapatkan 'sponsor' selain daripada turut bertanding. Kerjasama seperti itu katanya sangat-sangat di harapkan dan semoga dapat dikekalkan. Dalam bahagian lelaki, Encik Sabli Etong dari Induk telah mengekalkan kejuarannya semen tara naib johan dan pemenang ketiga masing­ masing dimenangi oleh Encik Abd. Thani Hashim dari Bahagian Amanah dan Encik Jastine dari Jabatan Perkhidmatan Sosial.

tempat ketiga dimenangi oleh Bapa Arenawati dari Jabatan Kajilidik. Pemenang 'the best last' bahagian perempuan dan veteran masing-masingnya dimenangi oleh Cik Kasmah Ardin dari Perkhidmatan Doktor Udara dan Encik Bakrin Kamis dari Bahagian Perkhidmatan Perkapalan. Cik Angela Chung, dari Bahagian Akaun berjaya mengutip tajaan (sponsors) yang terbanyak. Beliau menerima tikit kapal terbang pulang batik ke Labuan dan sebuah pewter. Badiah kedua dan ketiga dimenangi oleh Abd. Thani Hashim dan Cik Kasmah Ardin.

Dalam bahagian . veteran, tempat pertama dimenangi oleh Encik Rani Osman dari Doktor Udara, tempat kedua dimenangi oleh Encik Saman Osman dari Bahagian Perkhidmatan Perkapalan dan

Page 16





Doktor Ud(II'Q

Wanlttl-_11lI yang terut mengambll btlhtzgIan

Hadiah hadiah telah disampaikan oleh Encik Safari Manan, Setiausaha Kerja Yayasan Sabah.

Para Pemenang LELAKI Sabli Etong AbdulThani Jastin

1 2 3

LELAKI VETERAN Dalam bahagian perempuan, tempat pertama dimenangi oleh Cik Angelica dari PAYS, tempat kedua dan ketiga masing-masing dimenangi oleh Cik Anna Y ong dan Cik Lita Rita, gadis kedua-duanya Lift Operator.

Sabll Etong ... Itlbtltiln Perlchid· mtlttln SOliaI

Abdul Rani Osman Saman Arenawati

Polis Perondo mengiringi pesertll perlumboan /tlItln lcati

1 2


PEREMPUAN Angelica Anna Yong Lita Rita

1 2



Angela Chung Abdul Thani KasmahArdin




Angelica doripadIJ PAYS menerima hDdfoh dII1ipado Enclk Safari Mf11UI1I

Diterbitkan oIeh BaJuJg;on Perhubungan A II>Ilm. YQ)'astm Sabah DicetiJk oIeh The Key Colour Printing Sdn. Bhd•• KOla Kinobalu

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