Free Distribution
July - September 2010
Volume 3/2010
Gambar berkumpulan peserta pertandingan boling
Unit Sukan Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah telah menganjurkan Pertandingan Boling Siri ke-2 pada 30 Julai 2010 bertempat di Centre Point Sabah Bowl, Kota Kinabalu. Seramai 35 staf Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah menyertai pertandingan ini termasuk penyertaan staf daripada Zon Pedalaman Selatan Beaufort dan Zon Pedalaman Utara Kudat. KATEGORI (A)
Nama Pemain
TPF (Ten Pin Fall)
HCP (Handicap)
Humprey Madani
Naib Johan Francis Omamalin
Shairi Sailun
Yunis Sandadar
Nama Pemain
TPF (Ten Pin Fall)
HCP (Handicap)
Ramsina Hansaram
Naib Johan Alastair Nicholas
Andrew Sandah
Shafiq Ashraf
TPF (Ten Pin Fall)
HCP (Handicap)
Berikut adalah keputusan rasmi Pertandingan Boling Dalaman Siri-2, Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah. Juara Keseluruhan Nama Pemain Johan
Ibrahim Mahali
Nama Pemain Somineh Sipin
Naib Johan Syisy Mohd Yaasin Ketiga
Justin Sipin
Abd. Majid Bakar
Siti Shariffah
TPF (Ten Pin Fall)
HCP (Handicap)
Naib Johan Dr. Karim Samsuri
Satiman Amin
Norjie Busu
Linda Lorraine
Nama Pemain Zainurin Sahat
HCP (Handicap)
Pudin Ibrahim
High Series Pudin Ibrahim
High Game Pudin Ibrahim
Naib Johan Jeffrey Sigoh Ketiga
The highlight of the night was the homage paid to the Chief Minister through the poem written by Ms. Sri Yuyan binti Husin of Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Hadiah Istimewa Nama Pemain
TPF (Ten Pin Fall)
Once again The Right Honorable Chief Minister of Sabah cum Chairman of Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman attended a breaking of fast with Sabah students studying in Semenanjung Malaysia at Putra World Trade Centre on 26 August, 2010. This is a yearly function of the Chief Minister organized by Yayasan Sabah Group. About 1400 Sabah students from various private and public institutions of higher learning attended the function.
TPF (Ten Pin Fall)
HCP (Handicap)
Maurice Yong
Sofiah Walter
EDITORIAL BOARD ADVISOR Hjh. Rosmawati Hj. Lasuki, J.P. CHIEF EDITOR Linah Robert ASISTANT EDITOR Izan Awang Razli COPY EDITORS Farrah Fadzil Mairon, Veronica Lim, Lucy Yee LAYOUT DESIGN, PHOTOGRAPHERS Tan Na Na, Alastair Nicholas, Samson Lawrence, Jeffrey Baxter & Sailan Jeman CONTACT INFORMATION AND DISTRIBUTION : Corporate Communications Division Yayasan Sabah Group, Level 15, Menara Tun Mustapha, Yayasan Sabah Headquarters Complex, Likas Bay, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Tel : 088326427 / Fax : 088326424 Website: E-mail:
Produced by Yayasan Sabah Group, Corporate Communications Division. Printed by Percetakan Demasuco Sdn. Bhd (467054-K) Tel: 088 436111,088 436555
pin, pencetus legasi ny Lahirmu sebagai pemim amanah Negara, Hatimu ikhlas memegang an yang bertimpa, Di bahumu tergalas beb skan 1 Malaysia, Pentadbiranmu berlanda t dan juga budaya, Keharmonian kaum, ada n sama rata, Tiada perbezaan, namu egala, Bagimu rakyat adalah s a, Tunjang harapan bangs g Kinabalu, un un G ggi etin Hasrat dan impianmu s sepanjang Sungai Matlamat dan laluanmu Kinabatangan, … angan sederas arus Padas Walaupun pelbagai rint yat yang tertindas, Mencurah jasa kepada rak e samudera nan luas, Dari denai yang kecil k as, l ke bandaraya nan beb Dari desa yang terpenci
The Right Honorable Chief Minister of Sabah cum Chairman of Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman (in black songkok and blue attire) leading the Sabah students in “1 MALAYSIA”
as… Namun, semua itu berbal adan, Hatimu setulus Pulau Sip g,, ah Kundasang Jasamu mekar sesegar Tan uli, agah Jambatan Tampar Semangatmu kental seg melangkah, Jauh manapun kakimu ar tidak jua lelah, Hatimu tidak pernah gus i kehebatan Tamu Pagi, Kesibukanmu mengatas Banjaran Crocker, Tunjanganmu sekental m, yat setulus Lembah Danu Kasih sayangmu pada rak mberi udara, Yang hijau terbentang me jelata, Pada setiap nafas rakyat rasa, t mi elu sek Tanpa meminta a k ang ng kera, Kerana tanah yang sek berwibawa, Memerlukan pemimpin urunan bangsa…. Yang berjasa kepada ket
Sri Yuyan Binti Husin Universiti Putra Malaysia
RM17 million for Yayasan Sabah Education Scholarships and Loans for 2010 At the Majlis Berbuka Puasa bersama para pelajar Sabah di Semenanjung Malaysia, at Putra World Trade Centre on 26 August, 2010 the Director of Yayasan Sabah, Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Haji Jamalul, J.P. said that for 2010, Yayasan Sabah Education Development Division's budget for scholarships stands at RM14 million and loans at RM12.8 million. The priority courses for Yayasan Sabah scholarships and loans this year are in Medicine, Nursing, Biotechnology, Agriculture, Maritime Studies and Bahasa Arab. Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Haji Jamalul, J.P. (Left) Director of Yayasan Sabah handing over a heartfelt thank you to The Right Honorable Chief Minister of Sabah cum Chairman of the Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman (right) for gracing Yayasan Sabah Group’s annual Majlis Berbuka Puasa Bersama para pelajar Sabah di Semenanjung Malaysia at Putra World Trade Centre.Standing next to The Right Honorable is Datuk Masidi Manjun, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment cum Education Exco for Sabah.
“Baiti Jannati”....”My Home My Paradise”, The Yayasan Sabah Hostel in Alexandria, Cairo, Egypt.
In complying faithfully with the stated strategies of the Sabah Foundation Enactment 1966 to provide education and educational facilities to the people to uplift their quality of life, Yayasan Sabah achieved another milestone in purchasing its second hostel in Egypt for Sabahan students to pursue their education comfortably and safely so far away from home. This second hostel of Yayasan Sabah was purchased at a cost of about USD1.5 million last year in Alexandria, some 300km away from Cairo, the capital of Egypt. It was officially declared opened by Chief Minister cum Chairman of the Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman on 5 August, 2010. In the opening ceremony of the Hostel, The Right Honorable Chief Minister advised the students to support the State Government's efforts and commitment in producing quality human capital for the development of the State. Datuk Musa commended Yayasan Sabah Group for its proactive move and responsibility to provide the hostel facility for the Sabah students in Egypt. 2
At the opening of the Yayasan Sabah Iskandariah Hostel, Director of Yayasan Sabah, Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P. advised the students to treat the hostel as “Baiti Jannati” which translates into 'My Home My Paradise'. The two blocks six storey hostel have 24 units for three students per unit. The hostel is equipped with bedrooms, study rooms, reception area, kitchen, cafeteria, cyber café and suraus. They are 246 Sabah students out of the about 6,000 Malaysian students currently studying in Egypt. The first Yayasan Sabah Hostel in Nars City Cairo, Egypt was purchased in 1977 at a cost of about USD1.2 million and officially declared opened in 2000. Today, this hostel is worth about USD7 million. Yayasan Sabah students are pursuing not only religious studies but also medicine in Egypt. These hostels are a necessity for the students as during school holidays most tenants prefer to rent out their rooms for heavier sums. With the hostels, the students will not have to face this problem of getting new accommodation every holiday. Other States that have their own hostel buildings in Egypt are Perak, Johor and Kedah.
Berikut adalah keputusan rasmi Pertandingan Bolasepak Dalaman 9-Sebelah Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah :
Sebanyak 8 pasukan menyertai pertandingan ini. Kedudukan Johan Naib Johan
Pertandingan diadakan secara 'double knockout' pada pusingan awal dan pertandingan seterusnya dijalankan secara kalah mati. Pertandingan ini bermula dari jam 7:30 pagi dan tamat pada jan 2:30 petang.
Unit Sukan Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah telah menganjurkan Pertandingan Bolasepak Dalaman 9Sebelah Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah pada 7 Ogos 2010 bertempat di Kompleks Sukan Tun Adnan Yayasan Sabah.
Separuh Akhir Separuh Akhir
Pasukan Tawau FC
Pemain adalah staf daripada Luasong & RBJ Tawau
Forestry KK
Pemain adalah staf daripada Forestry & RBJ Tawau
FC Black Knight Kilang Mee & Tepung
Pemain adalah staf daripada Unit Keselamatan Pemain gabungan staf daripada Sumber Manusia & Perkhidmatan Korporat (Kumpulan), Perkhidmatan Kewangan & Pelaburan (Kumpulan), Bahagian Komunikasi Korporat dan Shangri-La’s Tanjung Aru Resort
Tawau FC
Kelab Bolasepak Tawau bersama Pengurus wilayah Bahagian Perhutanan Tawau Encik Gregory Mosigil (tengah) berbaju putih dengan Piala Kejohanan.
The Right Honorable Chief Minister of Sabah,Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman, cutting the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the new hostel while looking on the right in black jacket is Yayasan Sabah Director YBhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P.
Aksi-aksi hebat Kejohanan Bola Sepak Dalaman 9-Sebelah anjuran Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah.
Ustaz Abu Hurairah Abdurrahman, Pengarah, Dakwah Pertubuhan Islam Seluruh Sabah (USIA) menyampaikan ceramah ramadhan bertajuk’ Pemantapan Akidah dan Cabaran
Sepanjang bulan Ramadan tahun 2010 / 1431 H, Badan Kebajikan Islam Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah (BAKIYS) telah menganjurkan beberapa sesi ceramah ramadhan untuk kesemua pegawai dan kakitangan Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah khususnya yang beragama Islam. Salah satu sesi ceramah tersebut telah diadakan pada 19 Ogos 2010, bertajuk Adab dan Akhlak dalam Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa. Ceramah ini telah disampaikan ole UstaZ Abdul Manap Lakariba , Pengarah, Jabatan Hal ehwal Khas Negeri Sabah (JASA).
Corporate Communications Division celebrated its own Hari Raya Aidilfitri quietly at its office on the 15th Floor of Menara Tun Mustapha on 27 September, 2010. It was a time to enjoy for the staff without having to be on duty during a typical festivity or activity. There was no pomp or ceremony but just plain enjoyment of good food and good company for a much needed few short hours. SELAMAT HARI RAYA TO ALL, MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN.
Ceramah 'Adab dan Akhlak dalam Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa oleh Ustaz Abdul Manap Lakariba, Pengarah, Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas Negeri Sabah (JASA)
Manakala ceramah ramadhan pada 2 September 2010 bertajuk Pemantapan Akidah dan Cabarancabarannya telah disampaikan oleh Ustaz Abu Hurairah Abdurrahman, Pengarah, Dakwah Pertubuhan Islam Seluruh Sabah.
DANUM VALLEY FIELD CENTRE IS WORLD'S TOP THREE FORESTRY RESEARCH STATION “Thanks to Yayasan Sabah for having voluntarily spared Danum Valley as this world's oldest and richest lowland Dipterocarp forest ”. Said, Chief Minister cum Professor Lorna said, the role of the Royal Society is to Chairman of the Yayasan support and promote excellent science and excellent Sabah Board of Trustees, scientists not just in the United Kingdom but across the Datuk Seri Panglima Commonwealth. She said, throughout the history of Musa Haji Aman at the the Society's 350 years existence, no collaboration have signing ceremony of an been as successful or lasted nearly as long as its South extension of The Royal East Asia Rainforest Research programme (SEARRP) S o c i e t y, L o n d o n ' s in the Danum Valley. collaboration with the Yayasan Sabah Group in The fact that the Royal Society is renewing its programme for an unprecedented sixth occasion speaks the Danum Valley. volumes both for the quality of the facilities and The Chief Minister said, “Danum Valley, being the support provided by Yayasan Sabah Group in the largest and last stronghold of undisturbed lowland Danum Valley especially at the Danum Valley Field Dipterocarp forest in the State, readily serves as an Centre. ideal natural “laboratory” for researchers on forest ecology and conservation'. He said, “The uniqueness Yayasan Sabah and The Royal Society, United of the forest ecosystems has made Danum Valley an Kingdom celebrates its 25 years of collaboration on important site for advance research in green house Rainforest Research and Training in the Danum Valley gases, climate change, and biodiversity. It is for this Conservation Area. The celebration was highlighted reason that the State Government classified Danum with a Signing of Memorandum of Understanding for Valley 43,800 ha with the highest protection status. an extension of another five years of working together Thanks to Yayasan Sabah for having voluntarily in the Valley. spared Danum Valley, as this world's oldest and richest lowland Dipterocarp forest now totally protected that This five year extension is appropriately themed “The has enabled long-term research to be enjoyed till Future of Tropical Rainforests in a Changing today”. Landscape and Climate”. The efforts and achievements of Yayasan Sabah Group are testimonies of the State Government's openness and commitment to promote research in the State with the aim to realize Sabah as the 'Centre of Excellence for Tropical Biodiversity Research' in the world. This bodes well for the Government of Malaysia's vision to transform Malaysia into a world centre of excellence in conservation, research and utilization of tropical biological diversity by year 2020.
Chief Minister cum Chairman of the Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman witnessed the Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding at the Shangri-La Tanjung Aru Resort and Spa Hotel, Kota Kinabalu on 27 July, 2010.
Representing The Royal Society at the signing ceremony is its Foreign Secretary and Vice President Professor Lorna Casselton.
The Signing of the memorandum of Understanding in progress, witnessed by Chief Minister of Sabah, YAB. Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman.
The birthdays of its staff from right Samson Lawrence, Alastair Peter, Rosly Jr, Stephen Jilimin and Mawi Hj Hassan was also celebrated with a carrot cheese cake. CHEERS buddies.
Kakitangan Yayasan Sabah yang turut serta mendengar ceramah Ramadhan.
The MOU was signed by Datuk Sam Mannan, Director of the Sabah Forestry Department cum Member of the Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees in his capacity as the Chairman of the Danum Valley Management Committee. Professor Lorna Casselton signed for The Royal Society.
Foreign Secretary and Vice President, Royal Society, Professor Lorna Casselton.
Accor Group, one of the world's largest hotel companies paid a visit on 17 August, 2010 to the Director of Yayasan Sabah, Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P. Accor Group in Kota Kinabalu is operating the Novotel Hotel at 1 Borneo along Jalan Sulaman. The delegates comprised Mr. Gerard Guillouet, Vice President of Operations for Malaysia, Indonesia & Singapore, Mr. Jacques Leizerovici, General Manager, Novotel Hotel, 1 Borneo Kota Kinabalu and Ms. Shanti Doraisingam, Communication & Quality Control Manager, Novotel Hotel, 1 Borneo Kota Kinabalu. They were briefed on Yayasan Sabah Group's portfolio followed by discussion on possibilities of future business partnerships.
40 staff from Yayasan Sabah Group led by Hjh Rosmawati Hj Lasuki, Senior Group Manager, Human Resource & Corporate Services (Group) participated in the 7K Sunset Charity Run 2010 organized by Sutera Harbour Magellan Hotel on 10 July, 2010. Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P. (right), Director of Yayasan Sabah and Mr. Gerard Guillouet, Vice President of Operations for Malaysia, Indonesia & Singapore discussing the challenges of hotel and tourism industry.
Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P. (right), Director of Yayasan Sabah presenting a memento to Mr. Gerard Guillouet, Vice President of Operations for Malaysia, Indonesia & Singapore.
“LARIAN 1MALAYSIA” KUMPULAN YAYASAN SABAH 3rd September 2010, wife of The Right Hon. Chief Minister of Sabah cum Chairman of the Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees, Yang Amat Berbahagia Datin Seri Panglima Hajah Faridah Haji Tussin launched the “Larian 1Malaysia” organised by Women Employees Association of Yayasan Sabah Group at Multivision Hall, Menara Tun Mustapha. In conjunction with the fasting month, the launching marks the initiation of gathering funds to be donated to Rumah Anak Yatim Darul Aman, Kota Belud. Over 2,000 donation cards were distributed by Yang Amat Berbahagia Datin Seri Hajah Faridah Haji Tussin to staff of Yayasan Sabah Group. Although the main objective of this program is to collect funds, it is also organised as part of the club's social contribution to society. Another objective of the run is to encourage the club members to exercise and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Larian 1Malaysia Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah is expected to be held on 20 November 2010. It is open to the public. The run is 6 kilometer starting from Menara Tun Mustapha to University Malaysia Sabah and back.
Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P. (right), Director of Yayasan Sabah and Executive Chairman of ICSB discussing the challenges of hotel and tourism industry with Mr. Jacques Leizerovici (centre), General Manager, Novotel Hotel, Kota Kinabalu. Also in the meeting was Mr. Yongto Wongso, Business Development Manager (Indo-Malaysia), Accor Hospitality Indonesia.
Novotel Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, led by its General Manager, Mr. Jacques Leizerovici, paid a visit on 23 July, 2010 to the Director of Yayasan Sabah, Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P., at Menara Tun Mustapha. The delegates were briefed on Yayasan Sabah Group's portfolio followed by discussion on possibilities of future business partnerships. Mr. Jacques Leizerovici (left), General Manager, Novotel Hotel, Kota Kinabalu presenting a memento to Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P. (right), Director of Yayasan Sabah and Executive Chairman of ICSB.
Yang Amat Berbahagia Datin Seri Hajah Faridah Haji Tussin, Advisor of Women Employees Association of Yayasan Sabah Group putting down her signature to launch the “Larian 1Malaysia” Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah. Also seen in the photo is YBhg. Puan Sri Khairiah Khalil (right), wife of Yayasan Sabah Director and Puan Hajah Rosmawati Haji Lasuki, J.P (centre), President of Women Employees Association of Yayasan Sabah Group.
Heads of Division of Yayasan Sabah Group with Yang Amat Berbahagia Datin Seri Hajah Faridah Haji Tussin (middle) flanked on the right by YBhg.Puan Sri Khairiah Khalil and on the left by Puan Hajah Rosmawati Haji Lasuki, J.P.
Raya Goodies for those working away from their families during Hari Raya Holidays. For the second year running, Yayasan Sabah Group participated in the government organized event of contributing Hari Raya goodies to personnel of Royal Malaysian Airforce, Royal Malaysian Navy, Fire and Rescue Department, State Police Contingent, Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency and the Fifth Infantry Brigade. Yayasan Sabah joined 16 other Government Linked Companies and Federal Agencies in the effort to show appreciation to those who have to work and be away from their families for the safety of the people and the country during the Hari Raya Holidays.
Yayasan Sabah Senior Group Manager, Human Resource & Corporate Services The Yayasan Sabah Group through its Child (Group), Hjh. Rosmawati Hj. Lasuki, J.P., ( in white headgear) joined in and officiated Development Division successfully organized World the program amidst fun and laughter of all those who participated in the program. Children's Day simultaneously with the 4th yearly Reading Month Festival and Merdeka Month at its This annually held program also aims to discover and highlight the talents of children as well as Tadika Ria Multi Purpose Hall on 25 September 2010. strengthening the relationship between the children's This triple-celebration was designed especially for both parents and the staff of the Yayasan Sabah Group's the children studying in The Yayasan Sabah Group's Child Development Division. Tadika Ria and Tadika Kristal including primary and secondary students within the Kota Kinabalu vicinity. Children gathered as early as 7:00am around the Values of patriotism through Poetry Reading, Poem Yayasan Sabah Group's Tadika Ria Multi Purpose Hall at the Yayasan Sabah Group Complex to participate in the fun-filled competitions designed to tease their interest and motivate them. These include Drawing and Colouring, Cute Baby, Children Body-Building, Modern Fashion Design, Lego, Carom, Dart and other competitions.
Kolej Yayasan Sabah, inked a Memorandum of Understanding with Australia's Box Hill Institute of TAFE (technical and further education) to collaborate in human capital development at Pacifis Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu on 19 July 2010. Kolej Yayasan Sabah was represented by Sabah Foundation Director, Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Jamalul J.P., and KKYS Sdn. Bhd. Chairman, Datuk Kamal Quadra while Box Hill Institute was by its Chief Executive Officer, John Maddock and Vice President, Noel Lyons.
Director of Yayasan Sabah, Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P. (long sleeve batik shirt) presenting a symbol of Yayasan Sabah Group's contribution to The Right Honorable Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman. The Chief Minister later presented the Hari Raya Contribution to the heads of the six safety teams.
The Right Honourable Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj. Aman, who is also the Sabah Foundation board of Trustees' Chairman, witnessed the event. Datuk Kamal Quadra said the MoU aimed to provide training opportunities to the staff and students in the field of automotive technology, building construction technology, tourism and hospitality. “It is also to create a synergy with more advanced and experienced partner to enhance the competitiveness of our technical skills through the transfer of modern industrial technology and practices,” he added. Maddock said the MoU set out strategic direction for both institutions to work together to provide high class graduates to the local labour market.
Children flexing their muscles during the Children Body-Building Competition
Recital, Patriotic Songs and Drawing Competition were amongst the highlights of the day. 12
The best of creativity at work - Children Colouring Competiton.
The wrapped up 12 boxes of “raya” goodies from Yayasan Sabah Group for the Security Forces.
He added that Box Hill Institute, with over 70 years experience in delivering vocational and higher education in Australia and globally including Kuala Lumpur, would work strategically with Kolej Yayasan Sabah to provide the best practice on cutting-edge and
The function attended by more than 1,500 government and non-government agencies' staff was held at the Menara Tun Mustapha Auditorium on 26 August, 2010. 5
LAWATAN SAMBIL BELAJAR KE MENARA TUN MUSTAPHA, KOMPLEKS IBU PEJABAT YAYASAN SABAH Lawatan sambil belajar ini adalah merupakan salah satu program sampingan Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Tawau, Sabah.
b) To come up with a 'Virtual Reality” of Maliau
Basin incorporating a game concept; c) To afford those who cannot make it to Maliau Basin an opportunity to be exposed to the Conservation Area and its environmental/educational importance; d) To collaborate with government and non government agencies in other related IT development projects; and e) To establish and enhance Yayasan Sabah Group's IT development as a significant income generating entity. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding is also to spearhead the development of creative multimedia content industry in the State of Sabah. It is timely for Yayasan Sabah Group to undertake such as effort to be current as the mass media especially cinemas and home televisions are today already using 3Dimensional concepts all over the world.
Director of Yayasan Sabah, Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Datu khalil bin Datu Haji Jamalul, J.P., Explaining the importance of Maliau Basin and how it should be brought to the attention of the world.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Yayasan Sabah Group Sunwise Crystal Sdn Bhd and Astronautic Technology (M) Sdn Bhd of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) to design, supply, deliver, test and commission a Virtual Reality Centre for Maliau Basin to be located at the Multi-vision Room of the Menara Tun Mustapha complex. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Haji Jamalul, J.P. on behalf of Yayasan Sabah Group and Y. Bhg. Dato Dr. Ahmad Sabirin Arshad, the Chief Executive Officer of Astronautic Technology (M) Sdn Bhd at the Conference Room, 27th Floor of Menara Tun Mustapha on 18 August, 2010.
Rombongan daripada Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Tawau
Seramai 38 pelajar Tahun 6 dan 8 guru pengiring dari Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Tawau, Sabah telah melakukan lawatan sambil belajar ke Menara Tun Mustapha, Kompleks Ibu Pejabat Yayasan Sabah pada 29 September 2010.
Semasa lawatan ini, para peserta rombongan telah diberi taklimat mengenai aktiviti Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah serta taklimat mengenai bantuan biasiswa/pinjaman bertempat di Bilik Multivision, Yayasan Sabah. Para pelajar juga berpeluang membuat lawatan ke Galeri Tun Mustapha.
Satu sesi taklimat bersama Pelajar-Pelajar Biasiswa Kejururawatan dan Biasiswa Perkapalan tajaan Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah telah diadakan pada 5 Julai 2010 bertempat di Teater Tun Hamdan.
Gambar berkumpulan Pelajar Pelajar Kejururawatan dan Perkapalan tajaan Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah.
Untuk Pelajar-pelajar Biasiswa Kejururawatan, seramai 15 orang telah dihantar untuk mengambil kursus Diploma Kejururawatan di Kolej Antarabangsa Nilai, Negeri Sembilan dan 10 orang lagi dihantar ke Kolej Poly-Tech, Kelantan. Manakala 4 pelajar yang mengambil kursus Diploma Perkapalan dihantar ke Akademi Laut Malaysia (Alam).
The objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding are to work together to: a) To come up with a “Virtual Reality” of Maliau Basin here in Kota Kinabalu which will enhance Maliau Basin further as a tourist destination;
Lawatan diatur khusus untuk memberi pendedahan kepada para pelajar mengenai kemudahan yang ditawarkan oleh Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah selain peranan Yayasan Sabah dalam menguruskan aktiviti organisasi seharian serta memberi peluang kepada pelajar melihat keunikan dan kecantikan Bangunan Yayasan dan juga mengetahui syarat-syarat kelayakan untuk mendapat biasiswa/pinjaman Yayasan Sabah.
Director of Yayasan Sabah, Tan Sri Datu khalil bin Datu Haji Jamalul, J.P. (Left) exchanging the signed Memorandum of Understanding with Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Sabirin Arshad,(right) Chief Executive Officer of Astronautic Technology.
Sesi taklimat berserta sesi soal jawab kepada semua pelajar ini telah disampaikan oleh Puan Bahiwata S. Haji Mulia, Pengurus Unit Biasiswa, Bahagian Pembangunan Pendidikan Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah.
Puan Bahiwata S. Haji Mulia, Pengurus, Unit Biasiswa, Bahagian Pembangunan Pendidikan Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah (bertudung merah jambu) beramah mesra dengan pelajar-pelajar.
Congratulations to Y.BHG DATUK DR. JOHAN ARRIFFIN DATUK HJ. ABDUL SAMAD Deputy Director Of Yayasan Sabah Group On being conferred the Panglima Gemilang Darjah Kinbalu (P.G.D.K.) which carries the title DATUK by the Yang D-Pertua Negeri Sabah Tun Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Ahmadshah bin Abdullah on his Excellency's 64th birthday 2010. Y. Bhg. Datuk Dr. Johan Ariffin Datuk Haji Abdul Samad was appointed the Deputy Director of Yayasan Sabah in 2004. Under his aegis, socially, are the Yayasan Sabah Education Development Division, Child Development Division, and Tun Haji Mohd Fuad Stephens Borneo Research Library. In the commercial sector, Datuk Dr. Johan spearheads the Oil and Gas business development of the Yayasan Sabah Group. It is envisioned that the Oil and Gas business will be a major contributor to the coffers of the Yayasan Sabah Group in the not too distant future. Datuk Dr. Johan is the Executive Chairman of Petrosab Sdn Bhd and the Borneo Flying Academy Sdn Bhd. He sits on the Board of Directors of Shell Timur Sdn Bhd, Kimanis Power Sdn Bhd, NRG Consortium Sdn Bhd., Yayasan Sabah Shipping Sdn Bhd, Safond Shipping Sdn Bhd., GS Tanker, and Sepangar Sdn Bhd. His portfolio includes being advisor to the K@Borneo and the Yayasan Sabah Students Alumni Association. Further on the business front, he is a committee member of the Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI). His resume will also show you that he is a committee member of the Sabah Football Association (SAFA). Before coming on board the Yayasan Sabah Group Datuk Dr. Johan's vast working experience includes stints with Harpers Gilfillian, Inchcape Group, Pembinaan Sabindo Sdn Bhd, Gaya Shipping Sdn Bhd, Archipelago Shipping Sdn Bhd, and Exxonmobil Borneo Sdn Bhd. Academically, he has a Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Marketing from Bristol Polytechnic, United Kingdom. He is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing of United Kingdom. He procures his MBA in Strategic Marketing from the University of Hull, United Kingdom and his Doctorate in Business Administration is from the University of South Australia. Once again we join so many from all walks of life throughout the Country to wish Y. Bhg. Datuk Dr. Johan Arriffin Datuk Haji Abdul Samad CONGRATULATIONS on your conferment of the title DATUK that the State has bestowed on you on his Excellency's 64th Birthday 2010. 10
ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA TO LEAD SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION INTO THE YAYASAN SABAH IMBAK CANYON CONSERVATION AREA A team of 150 local scientists, researchers, assistant researchers, and supporting staff will be going into the Yayasan Sabah Imbak Canyon Conservation Area 16 November, 2010 in what is only the 3rd Scientific Expedition into the Conservation Area. This expedition is jointly organized by Yayasan Sabah Group and the Academy of Sciences Malaysia in collaboration with the Sabah Forestry Department, Sabah Parks, Sabah Wildlife Department, University Malaysia Sabah, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, WWF-Malaysia and the Sabah Museum. This expedition will converge at the foot Mt. Kuli on the South West of the Canyon. The Expedition will carry out research of its flora, fauna, physical landscape, water, aquatic life and ecotourism potentials. As there are villages surrounding the Imbak Canyon, a community study will also be carried out. Recognizing its biodiversity importance, Imbak Canyon was designated as a Conservation Area by Yayasan Sabah in 2003. In August 2009, the Area was gazetted as a Class I (Protection) Forest Reserve by the Sabah State Government. Not enough is known as yet about the approximately 30,000 ha and 25 km in length Imbak Canyon Conservation Area. However, through two earlier expeditions in 2000 and 2004, the Canyon has been found to be rich in flora and fauna biodiversity. Imbak Canyon Conservation Area is the third designated Conservation Area of the Yayasan Sabah Group. The second is the 58,840 ha Maliau Basin Conservation Area and the first is the 43,800 ha Danum Valley Conservation Area. As the biggest forest concessionaire in the State, Yayasan Sabah is also a pioneer in Conservation efforts as part and parcel of its Corporate Social Responsibility in managing the forest. The Danum Valley Field Research Centre is now acknowledged as the leading tropical forest field station in South East Asia and one of the top three worldwide. No doubt with the support and role of the Academy of Sciences of Malaysia in the Imbak Canyon Conservation Area, it will be as established as the Danum Valley in the not too distant future. Although only a small part of the Conservation Area has been explored, fauna recorded in the area includes Sabah's most rare and endangered species the Borneo Pygmy Elephant and Proboscis Monkey. More than 69 species of medicinal plants have also been recorded to date in the Canyon, that it may well be dubbed a “living pharmacy”. It will take several more scientific expeditions to unveil the “secrets” that lies within the Conservation Area. The discovery of a new species of the high value timber Keruing in 1992 is just one of the secrets that Imbak Canyon Conservation Area has kept guarded all this while.
Yayasan Sabah Group through its six zone offices once again was successful in organizing breaking of fast with the local community of each zone. Breaking of fast in the holy month of Ramadhan is an annual event of the Yayasan Sabah Group not only with Sabah students in Semenanjung Malaysia but also with the local communities at chosen Mosques in the six zones of Yayasan Sabah office areas. The purpose of having these events are for Yayasan Sabah Group senior officers and local dignitaries to go down to the field to mingle with the community at large. At these functions, Yayasan Sabah Group donates prayer mats, copies of “Iqra” and the “Yasin” for the Mosque, and a small token of “Duit Raya” to orphans or handicapped in the respective areas.
Yayasan Sabah Group breaking of fast with the local communities at the zones PANTAI BARAT SELATAN PANTAI TIMUR SELATAN On 18 August, 2010, at Masjid Ar. Badrul, LAHAD DATU The Guest of Honor Yang Berhormat Datu Suhaili Said, ADUN N49 Tungku was represented by Datu Baniamin Jamaluddin, The People Development Leader. Yayasan Sabah Group was represented by its Corporate Secretary Dr. Karim Haji Samsuri.
On 21 August, 2010, the Yayasan Sabah Group breaking of fast was at Surau Ar-Rahman, MENGGATAL The Guest of Honor was Yang Berhormat Datuk Hajah Zainab Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Ahmad Ayid represented by The People Development Leader Mr. Manja Awang Bahar. Yayasan Sabah Group was represented by Tuan Haji Dollah Zunaidey, the Executive Assistant to the Yayasan Sabah Director.
PEDALAMAN UTARA On 25 August, 2010 at Masjid Kg. Baginda, KENINGAU The Guest Of Honor was Yang Berhormat Datuk Haji Sairin Bin Haji Karno. Yayasan Sabah Group was represented by Mr. Andi F. K. Toyong, Senior Group Manager of Yayasan Sabah Group's Financial Services and Investments Division.
On 1 September, 2010 at Masjid Seri Aman, Pekan Muhibbah, Rancangan Sungai Manila, SANDAKAN The Guest Of Honor was Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman, The Chief Minister of Sabah cum Chairman of the Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees. Yayasan Sabah Group was represented by Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil Bin Datu Haji Jamalul, J.P., the Director of Yayasan Sabah. Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj. Aman gave out aids to the poor, visually handicapped and needy students. The Chief Minister also delivered a mock key to a home for Madam Saadiah Misang under the Yayasan Sabah Group's Housing Program for the Poor. The function was attended by more than 400 people including staff from the Yayasan Sabah Group.
Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman (in red) giving out “Duit Raya” to one of the poor students while Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil Bin Datu Haji Jamalul, J.P., the Director of Yayasan Sabah (immediate right of The Chief Minister) looks on.
Sitting from fourth on the right is Datu Baniamin Jamaluddin and next to him is Dr. Karim Haji Samsuri during the breaking of fast.
On 25 August, 2010 more than 250 people gathered at Masjid Babul Jannah, Kg. Sg. Gading, TAWAU for the Yayasan Sabah Breaking of Fast with the rakyat. The Guest of Honor was Yang Berhormat Datuk Haji Tawfiq Datuk Seri Panglima Abu Bakar Titingan. Yayasan Sabah Group was represented by its Corporate Secretary Dr. Karim Haji Samsuri.
Mr. Manja Awang Bahar (third from right), reciting the Doa before breaking of fast together with Tuan Haji Dollah Zunaidey (fourth from right).
PANTAI BARAT UTARA On 19 August, 2010, at Masjid Tamboliun, KOTA BELUD The Guest of Honor was Y.Bhg. Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Mohd Salleh Tun Said, the Science Advisor to The Right Honorable Chief Minister of Sabah. Yayasan Sabah Group was represented by Yang Mulia Tuan Haji Dollah A. Zunaidey, the Executive Assistant to the Yayasan Sabah Director.
Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Haji Tawfiq Datuk Seri Panglima Abu Bakar Titingan (third from left) together with Dr. Karim Karim (2nd from left) giving out rice and cash to one of the residents of Kg. Wakuba. Y.Bhg. Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Mohd Salleh Tun Said (in white) and Tuan Haji Dollah Zunaidey presenting tokens to about 40 orphans.
Yang Berhormat Datuk Haji Sairin Bin Haji Karno speaking to the residents of Kg. Baginda minutes before the breaking of fast. Immediately to his right is Mr. Andi F. K.Toyong.
PEDALAMAN SELATAN On 20 August, 2010 at Masjid Kg. Pengalat, PAPAR The Guest of Honor for the Breaking of Fast was Yang Berhormat Datuk Haji Ghulam Khan Bahadar. Yayasan Sabah Group was represented by Y.Bhg Datuk Dr. Johan Arriffin bin Datuk Haji Samad, Deputy Director of Yayasan Sabah.
Y.Bhg Datuk Dr. Johan Arriff (fourth from right) handing out donation for Masjid Kg. Pengalat to Haji Hasmail Menditar (fourth from left), the Head Imam of Kg. Pengalat witnessed by YB Datuk Haji Ghulam Khan Bahadar (centre).
Yayasan Sabah Group through its six zone offices once again was successful in organizing breaking of fast with the local community of each zone. Breaking of fast in the holy month of Ramadhan is an annual event of the Yayasan Sabah Group not only with Sabah students in Semenanjung Malaysia but also with the local communities at chosen Mosques in the six zones of Yayasan Sabah office areas. The purpose of having these events are for Yayasan Sabah Group senior officers and local dignitaries to go down to the field to mingle with the community at large. At these functions, Yayasan Sabah Group donates prayer mats, copies of “Iqra” and the “Yasin” for the Mosque, and a small token of “Duit Raya” to orphans or handicapped in the respective areas.
Yayasan Sabah Group breaking of fast with the local communities at the zones PANTAI BARAT SELATAN PANTAI TIMUR SELATAN On 18 August, 2010, at Masjid Ar. Badrul, LAHAD DATU The Guest of Honor Yang Berhormat Datu Suhaili Said, ADUN N49 Tungku was represented by Datu Baniamin Jamaluddin, The People Development Leader. Yayasan Sabah Group was represented by its Corporate Secretary Dr. Karim Haji Samsuri.
On 21 August, 2010, the Yayasan Sabah Group breaking of fast was at Surau Ar-Rahman, MENGGATAL The Guest of Honor was Yang Berhormat Datuk Hajah Zainab Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Ahmad Ayid represented by The People Development Leader Mr. Manja Awang Bahar. Yayasan Sabah Group was represented by Tuan Haji Dollah Zunaidey, the Executive Assistant to the Yayasan Sabah Director.
PEDALAMAN UTARA On 25 August, 2010 at Masjid Kg. Baginda, KENINGAU The Guest Of Honor was Yang Berhormat Datuk Haji Sairin Bin Haji Karno. Yayasan Sabah Group was represented by Mr. Andi F. K. Toyong, Senior Group Manager of Yayasan Sabah Group's Financial Services and Investments Division.
On 1 September, 2010 at Masjid Seri Aman, Pekan Muhibbah, Rancangan Sungai Manila, SANDAKAN The Guest Of Honor was Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman, The Chief Minister of Sabah cum Chairman of the Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees. Yayasan Sabah Group was represented by Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil Bin Datu Haji Jamalul, J.P., the Director of Yayasan Sabah. Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj. Aman gave out aids to the poor, visually handicapped and needy students. The Chief Minister also delivered a mock key to a home for Madam Saadiah Misang under the Yayasan Sabah Group's Housing Program for the Poor. The function was attended by more than 400 people including staff from the Yayasan Sabah Group.
Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman (in red) giving out “Duit Raya” to one of the poor students while Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil Bin Datu Haji Jamalul, J.P., the Director of Yayasan Sabah (immediate right of The Chief Minister) looks on.
Sitting from fourth on the right is Datu Baniamin Jamaluddin and next to him is Dr. Karim Haji Samsuri during the breaking of fast.
On 25 August, 2010 more than 250 people gathered at Masjid Babul Jannah, Kg. Sg. Gading, TAWAU for the Yayasan Sabah Breaking of Fast with the rakyat. The Guest of Honor was Yang Berhormat Datuk Haji Tawfiq Datuk Seri Panglima Abu Bakar Titingan. Yayasan Sabah Group was represented by its Corporate Secretary Dr. Karim Haji Samsuri.
Mr. Manja Awang Bahar (third from right), reciting the Doa before breaking of fast together with Tuan Haji Dollah Zunaidey (fourth from right).
PANTAI BARAT UTARA On 19 August, 2010, at Masjid Tamboliun, KOTA BELUD The Guest of Honor was Y.Bhg. Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Mohd Salleh Tun Said, the Science Advisor to The Right Honorable Chief Minister of Sabah. Yayasan Sabah Group was represented by Yang Mulia Tuan Haji Dollah A. Zunaidey, the Executive Assistant to the Yayasan Sabah Director.
Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Haji Tawfiq Datuk Seri Panglima Abu Bakar Titingan (third from left) together with Dr. Karim Karim (2nd from left) giving out rice and cash to one of the residents of Kg. Wakuba. Y.Bhg. Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Mohd Salleh Tun Said (in white) and Tuan Haji Dollah Zunaidey presenting tokens to about 40 orphans.
Yang Berhormat Datuk Haji Sairin Bin Haji Karno speaking to the residents of Kg. Baginda minutes before the breaking of fast. Immediately to his right is Mr. Andi F. K.Toyong.
PEDALAMAN SELATAN On 20 August, 2010 at Masjid Kg. Pengalat, PAPAR The Guest of Honor for the Breaking of Fast was Yang Berhormat Datuk Haji Ghulam Khan Bahadar. Yayasan Sabah Group was represented by Y.Bhg Datuk Dr. Johan Arriffin bin Datuk Haji Samad, Deputy Director of Yayasan Sabah.
Y.Bhg Datuk Dr. Johan Arriff (fourth from right) handing out donation for Masjid Kg. Pengalat to Haji Hasmail Menditar (fourth from left), the Head Imam of Kg. Pengalat witnessed by YB Datuk Haji Ghulam Khan Bahadar (centre).
Congratulations to Y.BHG DATUK DR. JOHAN ARRIFFIN DATUK HJ. ABDUL SAMAD Deputy Director Of Yayasan Sabah Group On being conferred the Panglima Gemilang Darjah Kinbalu (P.G.D.K.) which carries the title DATUK by the Yang D-Pertua Negeri Sabah Tun Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Ahmadshah bin Abdullah on his Excellency's 64th birthday 2010. Y. Bhg. Datuk Dr. Johan Ariffin Datuk Haji Abdul Samad was appointed the Deputy Director of Yayasan Sabah in 2004. Under his aegis, socially, are the Yayasan Sabah Education Development Division, Child Development Division, and Tun Haji Mohd Fuad Stephens Borneo Research Library. In the commercial sector, Datuk Dr. Johan spearheads the Oil and Gas business development of the Yayasan Sabah Group. It is envisioned that the Oil and Gas business will be a major contributor to the coffers of the Yayasan Sabah Group in the not too distant future. Datuk Dr. Johan is the Executive Chairman of Petrosab Sdn Bhd and the Borneo Flying Academy Sdn Bhd. He sits on the Board of Directors of Shell Timur Sdn Bhd, Kimanis Power Sdn Bhd, NRG Consortium Sdn Bhd., Yayasan Sabah Shipping Sdn Bhd, Safond Shipping Sdn Bhd., GS Tanker, and Sepangar Sdn Bhd. His portfolio includes being advisor to the K@Borneo and the Yayasan Sabah Students Alumni Association. Further on the business front, he is a committee member of the Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI). His resume will also show you that he is a committee member of the Sabah Football Association (SAFA). Before coming on board the Yayasan Sabah Group Datuk Dr. Johan's vast working experience includes stints with Harpers Gilfillian, Inchcape Group, Pembinaan Sabindo Sdn Bhd, Gaya Shipping Sdn Bhd, Archipelago Shipping Sdn Bhd, and Exxonmobil Borneo Sdn Bhd. Academically, he has a Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Marketing from Bristol Polytechnic, United Kingdom. He is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing of United Kingdom. He procures his MBA in Strategic Marketing from the University of Hull, United Kingdom and his Doctorate in Business Administration is from the University of South Australia. Once again we join so many from all walks of life throughout the Country to wish Y. Bhg. Datuk Dr. Johan Arriffin Datuk Haji Abdul Samad CONGRATULATIONS on your conferment of the title DATUK that the State has bestowed on you on his Excellency's 64th Birthday 2010. 10
ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA TO LEAD SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION INTO THE YAYASAN SABAH IMBAK CANYON CONSERVATION AREA A team of 150 local scientists, researchers, assistant researchers, and supporting staff will be going into the Yayasan Sabah Imbak Canyon Conservation Area 16 November, 2010 in what is only the 3rd Scientific Expedition into the Conservation Area. This expedition is jointly organized by Yayasan Sabah Group and the Academy of Sciences Malaysia in collaboration with the Sabah Forestry Department, Sabah Parks, Sabah Wildlife Department, University Malaysia Sabah, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, WWF-Malaysia and the Sabah Museum. This expedition will converge at the foot Mt. Kuli on the South West of the Canyon. The Expedition will carry out research of its flora, fauna, physical landscape, water, aquatic life and ecotourism potentials. As there are villages surrounding the Imbak Canyon, a community study will also be carried out. Recognizing its biodiversity importance, Imbak Canyon was designated as a Conservation Area by Yayasan Sabah in 2003. In August 2009, the Area was gazetted as a Class I (Protection) Forest Reserve by the Sabah State Government. Not enough is known as yet about the approximately 30,000 ha and 25 km in length Imbak Canyon Conservation Area. However, through two earlier expeditions in 2000 and 2004, the Canyon has been found to be rich in flora and fauna biodiversity. Imbak Canyon Conservation Area is the third designated Conservation Area of the Yayasan Sabah Group. The second is the 58,840 ha Maliau Basin Conservation Area and the first is the 43,800 ha Danum Valley Conservation Area. As the biggest forest concessionaire in the State, Yayasan Sabah is also a pioneer in Conservation efforts as part and parcel of its Corporate Social Responsibility in managing the forest. The Danum Valley Field Research Centre is now acknowledged as the leading tropical forest field station in South East Asia and one of the top three worldwide. No doubt with the support and role of the Academy of Sciences of Malaysia in the Imbak Canyon Conservation Area, it will be as established as the Danum Valley in the not too distant future. Although only a small part of the Conservation Area has been explored, fauna recorded in the area includes Sabah's most rare and endangered species the Borneo Pygmy Elephant and Proboscis Monkey. More than 69 species of medicinal plants have also been recorded to date in the Canyon, that it may well be dubbed a “living pharmacy”. It will take several more scientific expeditions to unveil the “secrets” that lies within the Conservation Area. The discovery of a new species of the high value timber Keruing in 1992 is just one of the secrets that Imbak Canyon Conservation Area has kept guarded all this while.
LAWATAN SAMBIL BELAJAR KE MENARA TUN MUSTAPHA, KOMPLEKS IBU PEJABAT YAYASAN SABAH Lawatan sambil belajar ini adalah merupakan salah satu program sampingan Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Tawau, Sabah.
b) To come up with a 'Virtual Reality” of Maliau
Basin incorporating a game concept; c) To afford those who cannot make it to Maliau Basin an opportunity to be exposed to the Conservation Area and its environmental/educational importance; d) To collaborate with government and non government agencies in other related IT development projects; and e) To establish and enhance Yayasan Sabah Group's IT development as a significant income generating entity. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding is also to spearhead the development of creative multimedia content industry in the State of Sabah. It is timely for Yayasan Sabah Group to undertake such as effort to be current as the mass media especially cinemas and home televisions are today already using 3Dimensional concepts all over the world.
Director of Yayasan Sabah, Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Datu khalil bin Datu Haji Jamalul, J.P., Explaining the importance of Maliau Basin and how it should be brought to the attention of the world.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Yayasan Sabah Group Sunwise Crystal Sdn Bhd and Astronautic Technology (M) Sdn Bhd of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) to design, supply, deliver, test and commission a Virtual Reality Centre for Maliau Basin to be located at the Multi-vision Room of the Menara Tun Mustapha complex. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Haji Jamalul, J.P. on behalf of Yayasan Sabah Group and Y. Bhg. Dato Dr. Ahmad Sabirin Arshad, the Chief Executive Officer of Astronautic Technology (M) Sdn Bhd at the Conference Room, 27th Floor of Menara Tun Mustapha on 18 August, 2010.
Rombongan daripada Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Tawau
Seramai 38 pelajar Tahun 6 dan 8 guru pengiring dari Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Tawau, Sabah telah melakukan lawatan sambil belajar ke Menara Tun Mustapha, Kompleks Ibu Pejabat Yayasan Sabah pada 29 September 2010.
Semasa lawatan ini, para peserta rombongan telah diberi taklimat mengenai aktiviti Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah serta taklimat mengenai bantuan biasiswa/pinjaman bertempat di Bilik Multivision, Yayasan Sabah. Para pelajar juga berpeluang membuat lawatan ke Galeri Tun Mustapha.
Satu sesi taklimat bersama Pelajar-Pelajar Biasiswa Kejururawatan dan Biasiswa Perkapalan tajaan Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah telah diadakan pada 5 Julai 2010 bertempat di Teater Tun Hamdan.
Gambar berkumpulan Pelajar Pelajar Kejururawatan dan Perkapalan tajaan Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah.
Untuk Pelajar-pelajar Biasiswa Kejururawatan, seramai 15 orang telah dihantar untuk mengambil kursus Diploma Kejururawatan di Kolej Antarabangsa Nilai, Negeri Sembilan dan 10 orang lagi dihantar ke Kolej Poly-Tech, Kelantan. Manakala 4 pelajar yang mengambil kursus Diploma Perkapalan dihantar ke Akademi Laut Malaysia (Alam).
The objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding are to work together to: a) To come up with a “Virtual Reality” of Maliau Basin here in Kota Kinabalu which will enhance Maliau Basin further as a tourist destination;
Lawatan diatur khusus untuk memberi pendedahan kepada para pelajar mengenai kemudahan yang ditawarkan oleh Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah selain peranan Yayasan Sabah dalam menguruskan aktiviti organisasi seharian serta memberi peluang kepada pelajar melihat keunikan dan kecantikan Bangunan Yayasan dan juga mengetahui syarat-syarat kelayakan untuk mendapat biasiswa/pinjaman Yayasan Sabah.
Director of Yayasan Sabah, Tan Sri Datu khalil bin Datu Haji Jamalul, J.P. (Left) exchanging the signed Memorandum of Understanding with Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Sabirin Arshad,(right) Chief Executive Officer of Astronautic Technology.
Sesi taklimat berserta sesi soal jawab kepada semua pelajar ini telah disampaikan oleh Puan Bahiwata S. Haji Mulia, Pengurus Unit Biasiswa, Bahagian Pembangunan Pendidikan Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah.
Puan Bahiwata S. Haji Mulia, Pengurus, Unit Biasiswa, Bahagian Pembangunan Pendidikan Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah (bertudung merah jambu) beramah mesra dengan pelajar-pelajar.
Raya Goodies for those working away from their families during Hari Raya Holidays. For the second year running, Yayasan Sabah Group participated in the government organized event of contributing Hari Raya goodies to personnel of Royal Malaysian Airforce, Royal Malaysian Navy, Fire and Rescue Department, State Police Contingent, Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency and the Fifth Infantry Brigade. Yayasan Sabah joined 16 other Government Linked Companies and Federal Agencies in the effort to show appreciation to those who have to work and be away from their families for the safety of the people and the country during the Hari Raya Holidays.
Yayasan Sabah Senior Group Manager, Human Resource & Corporate Services The Yayasan Sabah Group through its Child (Group), Hjh. Rosmawati Hj. Lasuki, J.P., ( in white headgear) joined in and officiated Development Division successfully organized World the program amidst fun and laughter of all those who participated in the program. Children's Day simultaneously with the 4th yearly Reading Month Festival and Merdeka Month at its This annually held program also aims to discover and highlight the talents of children as well as Tadika Ria Multi Purpose Hall on 25 September 2010. strengthening the relationship between the children's This triple-celebration was designed especially for both parents and the staff of the Yayasan Sabah Group's the children studying in The Yayasan Sabah Group's Child Development Division. Tadika Ria and Tadika Kristal including primary and secondary students within the Kota Kinabalu vicinity. Children gathered as early as 7:00am around the Values of patriotism through Poetry Reading, Poem Yayasan Sabah Group's Tadika Ria Multi Purpose Hall at the Yayasan Sabah Group Complex to participate in the fun-filled competitions designed to tease their interest and motivate them. These include Drawing and Colouring, Cute Baby, Children Body-Building, Modern Fashion Design, Lego, Carom, Dart and other competitions.
Kolej Yayasan Sabah, inked a Memorandum of Understanding with Australia's Box Hill Institute of TAFE (technical and further education) to collaborate in human capital development at Pacifis Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu on 19 July 2010. Kolej Yayasan Sabah was represented by Sabah Foundation Director, Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Jamalul J.P., and KKYS Sdn. Bhd. Chairman, Datuk Kamal Quadra while Box Hill Institute was by its Chief Executive Officer, John Maddock and Vice President, Noel Lyons.
Director of Yayasan Sabah, Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P. (long sleeve batik shirt) presenting a symbol of Yayasan Sabah Group's contribution to The Right Honorable Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman. The Chief Minister later presented the Hari Raya Contribution to the heads of the six safety teams.
The Right Honourable Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj. Aman, who is also the Sabah Foundation board of Trustees' Chairman, witnessed the event. Datuk Kamal Quadra said the MoU aimed to provide training opportunities to the staff and students in the field of automotive technology, building construction technology, tourism and hospitality. “It is also to create a synergy with more advanced and experienced partner to enhance the competitiveness of our technical skills through the transfer of modern industrial technology and practices,” he added. Maddock said the MoU set out strategic direction for both institutions to work together to provide high class graduates to the local labour market.
Children flexing their muscles during the Children Body-Building Competition
Recital, Patriotic Songs and Drawing Competition were amongst the highlights of the day. 12
The best of creativity at work - Children Colouring Competiton.
The wrapped up 12 boxes of “raya” goodies from Yayasan Sabah Group for the Security Forces.
He added that Box Hill Institute, with over 70 years experience in delivering vocational and higher education in Australia and globally including Kuala Lumpur, would work strategically with Kolej Yayasan Sabah to provide the best practice on cutting-edge and
The function attended by more than 1,500 government and non-government agencies' staff was held at the Menara Tun Mustapha Auditorium on 26 August, 2010. 5
Accor Group, one of the world's largest hotel companies paid a visit on 17 August, 2010 to the Director of Yayasan Sabah, Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P. Accor Group in Kota Kinabalu is operating the Novotel Hotel at 1 Borneo along Jalan Sulaman. The delegates comprised Mr. Gerard Guillouet, Vice President of Operations for Malaysia, Indonesia & Singapore, Mr. Jacques Leizerovici, General Manager, Novotel Hotel, 1 Borneo Kota Kinabalu and Ms. Shanti Doraisingam, Communication & Quality Control Manager, Novotel Hotel, 1 Borneo Kota Kinabalu. They were briefed on Yayasan Sabah Group's portfolio followed by discussion on possibilities of future business partnerships.
40 staff from Yayasan Sabah Group led by Hjh Rosmawati Hj Lasuki, Senior Group Manager, Human Resource & Corporate Services (Group) participated in the 7K Sunset Charity Run 2010 organized by Sutera Harbour Magellan Hotel on 10 July, 2010. Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P. (right), Director of Yayasan Sabah and Mr. Gerard Guillouet, Vice President of Operations for Malaysia, Indonesia & Singapore discussing the challenges of hotel and tourism industry.
Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P. (right), Director of Yayasan Sabah presenting a memento to Mr. Gerard Guillouet, Vice President of Operations for Malaysia, Indonesia & Singapore.
“LARIAN 1MALAYSIA” KUMPULAN YAYASAN SABAH 3rd September 2010, wife of The Right Hon. Chief Minister of Sabah cum Chairman of the Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees, Yang Amat Berbahagia Datin Seri Panglima Hajah Faridah Haji Tussin launched the “Larian 1Malaysia” organised by Women Employees Association of Yayasan Sabah Group at Multivision Hall, Menara Tun Mustapha. In conjunction with the fasting month, the launching marks the initiation of gathering funds to be donated to Rumah Anak Yatim Darul Aman, Kota Belud. Over 2,000 donation cards were distributed by Yang Amat Berbahagia Datin Seri Hajah Faridah Haji Tussin to staff of Yayasan Sabah Group. Although the main objective of this program is to collect funds, it is also organised as part of the club's social contribution to society. Another objective of the run is to encourage the club members to exercise and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Larian 1Malaysia Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah is expected to be held on 20 November 2010. It is open to the public. The run is 6 kilometer starting from Menara Tun Mustapha to University Malaysia Sabah and back.
Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P. (right), Director of Yayasan Sabah and Executive Chairman of ICSB discussing the challenges of hotel and tourism industry with Mr. Jacques Leizerovici (centre), General Manager, Novotel Hotel, Kota Kinabalu. Also in the meeting was Mr. Yongto Wongso, Business Development Manager (Indo-Malaysia), Accor Hospitality Indonesia.
Novotel Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, led by its General Manager, Mr. Jacques Leizerovici, paid a visit on 23 July, 2010 to the Director of Yayasan Sabah, Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P., at Menara Tun Mustapha. The delegates were briefed on Yayasan Sabah Group's portfolio followed by discussion on possibilities of future business partnerships. Mr. Jacques Leizerovici (left), General Manager, Novotel Hotel, Kota Kinabalu presenting a memento to Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P. (right), Director of Yayasan Sabah and Executive Chairman of ICSB.
Yang Amat Berbahagia Datin Seri Hajah Faridah Haji Tussin, Advisor of Women Employees Association of Yayasan Sabah Group putting down her signature to launch the “Larian 1Malaysia” Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah. Also seen in the photo is YBhg. Puan Sri Khairiah Khalil (right), wife of Yayasan Sabah Director and Puan Hajah Rosmawati Haji Lasuki, J.P (centre), President of Women Employees Association of Yayasan Sabah Group.
Heads of Division of Yayasan Sabah Group with Yang Amat Berbahagia Datin Seri Hajah Faridah Haji Tussin (middle) flanked on the right by YBhg.Puan Sri Khairiah Khalil and on the left by Puan Hajah Rosmawati Haji Lasuki, J.P.
Ustaz Abu Hurairah Abdurrahman, Pengarah, Dakwah Pertubuhan Islam Seluruh Sabah (USIA) menyampaikan ceramah ramadhan bertajuk’ Pemantapan Akidah dan Cabaran
Sepanjang bulan Ramadan tahun 2010 / 1431 H, Badan Kebajikan Islam Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah (BAKIYS) telah menganjurkan beberapa sesi ceramah ramadhan untuk kesemua pegawai dan kakitangan Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah khususnya yang beragama Islam. Salah satu sesi ceramah tersebut telah diadakan pada 19 Ogos 2010, bertajuk Adab dan Akhlak dalam Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa. Ceramah ini telah disampaikan ole UstaZ Abdul Manap Lakariba , Pengarah, Jabatan Hal ehwal Khas Negeri Sabah (JASA).
Corporate Communications Division celebrated its own Hari Raya Aidilfitri quietly at its office on the 15th Floor of Menara Tun Mustapha on 27 September, 2010. It was a time to enjoy for the staff without having to be on duty during a typical festivity or activity. There was no pomp or ceremony but just plain enjoyment of good food and good company for a much needed few short hours. SELAMAT HARI RAYA TO ALL, MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN.
Ceramah 'Adab dan Akhlak dalam Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa oleh Ustaz Abdul Manap Lakariba, Pengarah, Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas Negeri Sabah (JASA)
Manakala ceramah ramadhan pada 2 September 2010 bertajuk Pemantapan Akidah dan Cabarancabarannya telah disampaikan oleh Ustaz Abu Hurairah Abdurrahman, Pengarah, Dakwah Pertubuhan Islam Seluruh Sabah.
DANUM VALLEY FIELD CENTRE IS WORLD'S TOP THREE FORESTRY RESEARCH STATION “Thanks to Yayasan Sabah for having voluntarily spared Danum Valley as this world's oldest and richest lowland Dipterocarp forest ”. Said, Chief Minister cum Professor Lorna said, the role of the Royal Society is to Chairman of the Yayasan support and promote excellent science and excellent Sabah Board of Trustees, scientists not just in the United Kingdom but across the Datuk Seri Panglima Commonwealth. She said, throughout the history of Musa Haji Aman at the the Society's 350 years existence, no collaboration have signing ceremony of an been as successful or lasted nearly as long as its South extension of The Royal East Asia Rainforest Research programme (SEARRP) S o c i e t y, L o n d o n ' s in the Danum Valley. collaboration with the Yayasan Sabah Group in The fact that the Royal Society is renewing its programme for an unprecedented sixth occasion speaks the Danum Valley. volumes both for the quality of the facilities and The Chief Minister said, “Danum Valley, being the support provided by Yayasan Sabah Group in the largest and last stronghold of undisturbed lowland Danum Valley especially at the Danum Valley Field Dipterocarp forest in the State, readily serves as an Centre. ideal natural “laboratory” for researchers on forest ecology and conservation'. He said, “The uniqueness Yayasan Sabah and The Royal Society, United of the forest ecosystems has made Danum Valley an Kingdom celebrates its 25 years of collaboration on important site for advance research in green house Rainforest Research and Training in the Danum Valley gases, climate change, and biodiversity. It is for this Conservation Area. The celebration was highlighted reason that the State Government classified Danum with a Signing of Memorandum of Understanding for Valley 43,800 ha with the highest protection status. an extension of another five years of working together Thanks to Yayasan Sabah for having voluntarily in the Valley. spared Danum Valley, as this world's oldest and richest lowland Dipterocarp forest now totally protected that This five year extension is appropriately themed “The has enabled long-term research to be enjoyed till Future of Tropical Rainforests in a Changing today”. Landscape and Climate”. The efforts and achievements of Yayasan Sabah Group are testimonies of the State Government's openness and commitment to promote research in the State with the aim to realize Sabah as the 'Centre of Excellence for Tropical Biodiversity Research' in the world. This bodes well for the Government of Malaysia's vision to transform Malaysia into a world centre of excellence in conservation, research and utilization of tropical biological diversity by year 2020.
Chief Minister cum Chairman of the Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman witnessed the Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding at the Shangri-La Tanjung Aru Resort and Spa Hotel, Kota Kinabalu on 27 July, 2010.
Representing The Royal Society at the signing ceremony is its Foreign Secretary and Vice President Professor Lorna Casselton.
The Signing of the memorandum of Understanding in progress, witnessed by Chief Minister of Sabah, YAB. Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman.
The birthdays of its staff from right Samson Lawrence, Alastair Peter, Rosly Jr, Stephen Jilimin and Mawi Hj Hassan was also celebrated with a carrot cheese cake. CHEERS buddies.
Kakitangan Yayasan Sabah yang turut serta mendengar ceramah Ramadhan.
The MOU was signed by Datuk Sam Mannan, Director of the Sabah Forestry Department cum Member of the Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees in his capacity as the Chairman of the Danum Valley Management Committee. Professor Lorna Casselton signed for The Royal Society.
Foreign Secretary and Vice President, Royal Society, Professor Lorna Casselton.
RM17 million for Yayasan Sabah Education Scholarships and Loans for 2010 At the Majlis Berbuka Puasa bersama para pelajar Sabah di Semenanjung Malaysia, at Putra World Trade Centre on 26 August, 2010 the Director of Yayasan Sabah, Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Haji Jamalul, J.P. said that for 2010, Yayasan Sabah Education Development Division's budget for scholarships stands at RM14 million and loans at RM12.8 million. The priority courses for Yayasan Sabah scholarships and loans this year are in Medicine, Nursing, Biotechnology, Agriculture, Maritime Studies and Bahasa Arab. Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Haji Jamalul, J.P. (Left) Director of Yayasan Sabah handing over a heartfelt thank you to The Right Honorable Chief Minister of Sabah cum Chairman of the Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman (right) for gracing Yayasan Sabah Group’s annual Majlis Berbuka Puasa Bersama para pelajar Sabah di Semenanjung Malaysia at Putra World Trade Centre.Standing next to The Right Honorable is Datuk Masidi Manjun, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment cum Education Exco for Sabah.
“Baiti Jannati”....”My Home My Paradise”, The Yayasan Sabah Hostel in Alexandria, Cairo, Egypt.
In complying faithfully with the stated strategies of the Sabah Foundation Enactment 1966 to provide education and educational facilities to the people to uplift their quality of life, Yayasan Sabah achieved another milestone in purchasing its second hostel in Egypt for Sabahan students to pursue their education comfortably and safely so far away from home. This second hostel of Yayasan Sabah was purchased at a cost of about USD1.5 million last year in Alexandria, some 300km away from Cairo, the capital of Egypt. It was officially declared opened by Chief Minister cum Chairman of the Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman on 5 August, 2010. In the opening ceremony of the Hostel, The Right Honorable Chief Minister advised the students to support the State Government's efforts and commitment in producing quality human capital for the development of the State. Datuk Musa commended Yayasan Sabah Group for its proactive move and responsibility to provide the hostel facility for the Sabah students in Egypt. 2
At the opening of the Yayasan Sabah Iskandariah Hostel, Director of Yayasan Sabah, Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P. advised the students to treat the hostel as “Baiti Jannati” which translates into 'My Home My Paradise'. The two blocks six storey hostel have 24 units for three students per unit. The hostel is equipped with bedrooms, study rooms, reception area, kitchen, cafeteria, cyber café and suraus. They are 246 Sabah students out of the about 6,000 Malaysian students currently studying in Egypt. The first Yayasan Sabah Hostel in Nars City Cairo, Egypt was purchased in 1977 at a cost of about USD1.2 million and officially declared opened in 2000. Today, this hostel is worth about USD7 million. Yayasan Sabah students are pursuing not only religious studies but also medicine in Egypt. These hostels are a necessity for the students as during school holidays most tenants prefer to rent out their rooms for heavier sums. With the hostels, the students will not have to face this problem of getting new accommodation every holiday. Other States that have their own hostel buildings in Egypt are Perak, Johor and Kedah.
Berikut adalah keputusan rasmi Pertandingan Bolasepak Dalaman 9-Sebelah Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah :
Sebanyak 8 pasukan menyertai pertandingan ini. Kedudukan Johan Naib Johan
Pertandingan diadakan secara 'double knockout' pada pusingan awal dan pertandingan seterusnya dijalankan secara kalah mati. Pertandingan ini bermula dari jam 7:30 pagi dan tamat pada jan 2:30 petang.
Unit Sukan Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah telah menganjurkan Pertandingan Bolasepak Dalaman 9Sebelah Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah pada 7 Ogos 2010 bertempat di Kompleks Sukan Tun Adnan Yayasan Sabah.
Separuh Akhir Separuh Akhir
Pasukan Tawau FC
Pemain adalah staf daripada Luasong & RBJ Tawau
Forestry KK
Pemain adalah staf daripada Forestry & RBJ Tawau
FC Black Knight Kilang Mee & Tepung
Pemain adalah staf daripada Unit Keselamatan Pemain gabungan staf daripada Sumber Manusia & Perkhidmatan Korporat (Kumpulan), Perkhidmatan Kewangan & Pelaburan (Kumpulan), Bahagian Komunikasi Korporat dan Shangri-La’s Tanjung Aru Resort
Tawau FC
Kelab Bolasepak Tawau bersama Pengurus wilayah Bahagian Perhutanan Tawau Encik Gregory Mosigil (tengah) berbaju putih dengan Piala Kejohanan.
The Right Honorable Chief Minister of Sabah,Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman, cutting the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the new hostel while looking on the right in black jacket is Yayasan Sabah Director YBhg. Tan Sri Datu Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul, J.P.
Aksi-aksi hebat Kejohanan Bola Sepak Dalaman 9-Sebelah anjuran Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah.
Free Distribution
July - September 2010
Volume 3/2010
Gambar berkumpulan peserta pertandingan boling
Unit Sukan Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah telah menganjurkan Pertandingan Boling Siri ke-2 pada 30 Julai 2010 bertempat di Centre Point Sabah Bowl, Kota Kinabalu. Seramai 35 staf Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah menyertai pertandingan ini termasuk penyertaan staf daripada Zon Pedalaman Selatan Beaufort dan Zon Pedalaman Utara Kudat. KATEGORI (A)
Nama Pemain
TPF (Ten Pin Fall)
HCP (Handicap)
Humprey Madani
Naib Johan Francis Omamalin
Shairi Sailun
Yunis Sandadar
Nama Pemain
TPF (Ten Pin Fall)
HCP (Handicap)
Ramsina Hansaram
Naib Johan Alastair Nicholas
Andrew Sandah
Shafiq Ashraf
TPF (Ten Pin Fall)
HCP (Handicap)
Berikut adalah keputusan rasmi Pertandingan Boling Dalaman Siri-2, Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah. Juara Keseluruhan Nama Pemain Johan
Ibrahim Mahali
Nama Pemain Somineh Sipin
Naib Johan Syisy Mohd Yaasin Ketiga
Justin Sipin
Abd. Majid Bakar
Siti Shariffah
TPF (Ten Pin Fall)
HCP (Handicap)
Naib Johan Dr. Karim Samsuri
Satiman Amin
Norjie Busu
Linda Lorraine
Nama Pemain Zainurin Sahat
HCP (Handicap)
Pudin Ibrahim
High Series Pudin Ibrahim
High Game Pudin Ibrahim
Naib Johan Jeffrey Sigoh Ketiga
The highlight of the night was the homage paid to the Chief Minister through the poem written by Ms. Sri Yuyan binti Husin of Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Hadiah Istimewa Nama Pemain
TPF (Ten Pin Fall)
Once again The Right Honorable Chief Minister of Sabah cum Chairman of Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman attended a breaking of fast with Sabah students studying in Semenanjung Malaysia at Putra World Trade Centre on 26 August, 2010. This is a yearly function of the Chief Minister organized by Yayasan Sabah Group. About 1400 Sabah students from various private and public institutions of higher learning attended the function.
TPF (Ten Pin Fall)
HCP (Handicap)
Maurice Yong
Sofiah Walter
EDITORIAL BOARD ADVISOR Hjh. Rosmawati Hj. Lasuki, J.P. CHIEF EDITOR Linah Robert ASISTANT EDITOR Izan Awang Razli COPY EDITORS Farrah Fadzil Mairon, Veronica Lim, Lucy Yee LAYOUT DESIGN, PHOTOGRAPHERS Tan Na Na, Alastair Nicholas, Samson Lawrence, Jeffrey Baxter & Sailan Jeman CONTACT INFORMATION AND DISTRIBUTION : Corporate Communications Division Yayasan Sabah Group, Level 15, Menara Tun Mustapha, Yayasan Sabah Headquarters Complex, Likas Bay, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Tel : 088326427 / Fax : 088326424 Website: E-mail:
Produced by Yayasan Sabah Group, Corporate Communications Division. Printed by Percetakan Demasuco Sdn. Bhd (467054-K) Tel: 088 436111,088 436555
pin, pencetus legasi ny Lahirmu sebagai pemim amanah Negara, Hatimu ikhlas memegang an yang bertimpa, Di bahumu tergalas beb skan 1 Malaysia, Pentadbiranmu berlanda t dan juga budaya, Keharmonian kaum, ada n sama rata, Tiada perbezaan, namu egala, Bagimu rakyat adalah s a, Tunjang harapan bangs g Kinabalu, un un G ggi etin Hasrat dan impianmu s sepanjang Sungai Matlamat dan laluanmu Kinabatangan, … angan sederas arus Padas Walaupun pelbagai rint yat yang tertindas, Mencurah jasa kepada rak e samudera nan luas, Dari denai yang kecil k as, l ke bandaraya nan beb Dari desa yang terpenci
The Right Honorable Chief Minister of Sabah cum Chairman of Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman (in black songkok and blue attire) leading the Sabah students in “1 MALAYSIA”
as… Namun, semua itu berbal adan, Hatimu setulus Pulau Sip g,, ah Kundasang Jasamu mekar sesegar Tan uli, agah Jambatan Tampar Semangatmu kental seg melangkah, Jauh manapun kakimu ar tidak jua lelah, Hatimu tidak pernah gus i kehebatan Tamu Pagi, Kesibukanmu mengatas Banjaran Crocker, Tunjanganmu sekental m, yat setulus Lembah Danu Kasih sayangmu pada rak mberi udara, Yang hijau terbentang me jelata, Pada setiap nafas rakyat rasa, t mi elu sek Tanpa meminta a k ang ng kera, Kerana tanah yang sek berwibawa, Memerlukan pemimpin urunan bangsa…. Yang berjasa kepada ket
Sri Yuyan Binti Husin Universiti Putra Malaysia