Berita Yayasan Sabah Vol.20, No.1 (Julai-September 1998)

Page 1

Market Info for Consumers Producers Skim Biasiswa Nasional

Extension Collaborat


and 2 lntegrasi 3

of ICSB and FACE ion

Seminar Kemahiran Keibubapaan Bahasa.llmu


dan Budaya

Penti ng


Belia Berperanan Masjid Keluarga Generasi

Martabatkan •

Bahagia Lahir Cemerlang

Podium YS akan Berwajah Baru Exce]]ence





Award Motivates


RM5 Million


For Your

HeM Bahagian Pemasaran Tawan Kinabalu

£~'change of documents. Daluk Musa Haji All/all flefl/ and Juhan Stellebo, Personal Assis!aJU 10 Ihe Founder and Chaimlan of IK EA Group ofCol11panies, witnessed by DallIk Pundikar All/in Haji Mulia.

]8 Balak 19

Rakyat Beljaya Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary ofInnoprise Corporation Sdn. Bhd signed a memorandum of agreement with the Fund Raising Foundation-sow a seed. a company within the lKEA group of companies on June 2 recently. The occasion was witnessed by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries cum Chairman of the State Forestry Policy Implementation Committee.

Datuk Pandikar Amin Haji MuJia. According to the Chief Executive of Innoprise Corporation Sdn. Bhd. Datuk

Musa Haji Aman. under this agreement, Rakyat Berjaya will undertake a rehabilitation project in the Sabah Foundation Concession Area with contribution from lhe IKEA foundation for a minimum duration offive years. TKEAfrom Sweden, will contribute an amount of US$750,000 per year. The five-year duration fonTIsthe first phase of the project, which is aimed at rehabilitating 5,000 hectares of a total project of 14,000 hectares. which has been affected by logging and was seri-

I July

- Sept 1998


ously damaged by fire in the early 80s. IKEA has 40 trading offices in 70 countries and retail stores in 30 countries.

serisimilarproject with the FACE Foundation of the Netherlands. In this project, more than 5,000 hectares oflogged over

"The concession of Yayasan Sabah is a single block of 972,804 hectares which is about one seventh of the land area of Sabah. In managing such a large area of the remaining Borneo rainforest, Innoprise Corporation Sdn. Bhd is aware of its obligations to fund Sabah Foundation's various educational and social programmes vis-a-vis its environmental responsibilities for the future generation,"he stressed.



Datuk Musa noted that Yayasan Sabah would continue to be largely dependent on its timber industry. The sustainability of this revenue source hinges directly on the availability offorest resource. "Economic needs, coupled with the increasing awareness on the role of the forest in maintaining the ecological balance and bio-diversity are the biggest compulsion to the corporation's commitment to conservation, reforestation and rehabilitation of its forest," he elaborated. Datuk Musa also said through the project, both IKEA and Innoprise Corporation Sdn. Bhd would contribute towards improving the status of tropical forests in Malaysia in particular, and in the world as a whole. Among others, the many benefits of the project would include the restoration of biodiversity of the local habitat, besides generating employment oppOltunities.



Kamis Haji Ag. Ali signing the latest issue of the marketing magaz.ine. Looking on is Dalahan Buduk, Group Manager Log Markeling Dil'ision.

YSIICSB will provide relevant and reliable market information on price, demand and supply situation to producers and consumers of timber products within and outside Sabah. This was disclosed by the Chief Executive oflnnoprise Corporation Sdn. Bhd Datuk Musa Haji Aman at the launching of the Log Marketing Division's Market News Scan for forest products in Kota Kinabalu on April 22 1998. His speech was read by Kamis Haji Awang AIi, Group Manager Corporate Services Division.

In fact he added, not only big corporations but every responsible citizen of this world has an urgent responsibility to protect and to restore the forest.

He said the Market News Report is a monthly publication which is a reflection of YS/ICSB resilience and conviction to address the uncertainties in the market place. "It is also an effort of YS/ICSB to achieve the objective of improving the marketing and distribution oftropicaJ timber from sustainably managed forest under the International Tropical Timber Agreement (1994) of the International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO)," he added.

Innoprise Corporation Sdn. Bhd., 'in the context offorest rehabilitation has had six years of experience through another

According to him, the publication is timely in view of the current depressed market and prices of tropical timber

He highlighted that restoration of degraded forest is an urgent global concern. It has been reported that the deforestation rate of natural forest is in the region of 13.7 million hectares throughout the world per year.

forest had been successfully rehabilitated through enrichment planting.

products due to the financial crisis and economic slowdown experienced by both producer and consumer countries in the region. "Positive and discipline measures need to be undertaken by the Timber Industry in Sabah in order to overcome the considerable constraints and challenges in the market. These changes of survi val will be greater for those efficient and far sighted producers which shall emerge stronger to enjoy the long ternl returns and prospect of the timber business" he opined. He also called on the industry not to be ignorant of their ability to turn threats into opportunities. Datuk Musa added it is highly possible to achieve competitive edge in the sales and marketing of tropical timber products with a better knowledge and understanding of market sentiments and forces to be supported with cost effective measures required to enhance value and quality production. He urged the timber industry to continue to play an important role in the sustainable and balance growth of the economy.

oleh Hing Yetm Feun Pelatih Universiti Malaysia Sabah

Para lJela' !jar yang

k a an "b erhijrah" k

Skim Biasiswa Menengah Semenanjung dan Sarawak dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk membantu mempercepatkan proses integrasi nasional. Demikian menurut Pengarah Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Musa Haji Aman di Majlis Perjumpaan Ibubapa dan Para Pelajar Tingkatan I ke Semenanjung Malaysia di Teater Mini Yayasan Sabah pada 13 Februari, 1998. Beliau menegaskan penghantaran pelajar ke Semenanjung Malaysia dan Sarawak memberikan peluang kepada pelajar-pelajar Sabah untuk menikmati kemudahan pembelajaran yang lebih lengkap dan sempurna.




dihantar telah mencatatkan kelulusan yang cemerlang dalam peperiksaan. Selain itu, pelajar-pelajar Sabah juga mendapat pendedahan yang membolehkan mereka mengenali makna sebenar hidup dalam masyarakat berbilang kaum di Malaysia," sambung beliau lagi. Dalam majl is tersebut, seramai 159 orang pelajar cemerlang UPSR telah menerima tajaan biasiswa Yayasan Sabah untuk melanjutkan pelajaran mereka ke Semenanjung Malaysia dan Sarawak di sekolah-sekolah yang terpilih.

seramai 146 orang pelajar sedang mengikuti pengajian menengah mereka di MSRM Kuching, Sarawak." Para pelajar berkenaan telah diingatkan agar memanfaatkan pengalaman yang diperolehi, sentiasa menunjukkan sikap positif, hormat-menghormati dan bertanggungjawab di samping menjaga nama baik Yayasan Sabah dan Negeri Sabah. Beliau menyeru agar ibu bapa untuk bersama-sama berganding bahu dengan Yayasan Sabah berusaha meningkatkan kecemerlangan pendidikan anak-anak

"Pada masa ini, seramai 459 pelajar

mereka. Dengan sebab, ibubapa adalah

tajaan biasiswa menengah Yayasan Sabah sedang menuntut di sekolah menengah di Semenanjung Malaysia, semen tara

bertanggungjawab untuk mengubah nasib keluarganya dan penentu corak kehidupan anak-anak.

I July

- Sept 1998

Investors· support needed

There is a need for cooperation and support of everyone including foreign investors to cushion the repercussions of the economic downturn that has hit the country, said the Director of Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Musa Haji Aman. "We should take it as a challenge to our resilience and as an opportunity to prove our capabilities during this difficult time," he said during a dinner reception for the members of the Kobe Municipality Assembly and investors to Sabah at a leading hotel here on May 20. Datuk Musa who is also the Chief Executive ofInnoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd said the current economic situation no doubt is the most opportune time for the organisation to examine its situation objectively in order to adjust and plan our next move. "Although the state is feeling the pinch because of the economic slowdown but on the whole there is no cause for panic, or undue alarm as the situation is under control," he added. He further stressed that a lot can be done to weather the adverse prevailing condition which started with the right frame of mind and spirit to withstand the period and the challenges that come with it. "We hope, the major industrial countries in the Far East which still constitute the Foundation's most important export markets will bear with us during this tough economic battle," said Datuk Musa. He assured the delegation that the economic problems that has hit this region, in particular Sabah would not last forever and investments would definitely continue. He said that the state will continue to welcome foreigners as investors or as tourists to this land of opportunities and hopes their visit here would serve as an eye opener for new investments. He also hopes the prominent role that members of the delegation play in their Government and companies would help disseminate correct information about

Datuk Musa [Ieftl presenting a memento to DalO'Saburo Sakurai, Japanese Consulate for Sabah who represents the Japanese delegation.

Sabah and the opportunities to foreign investors.

it offers

He said Sabah in particular is safe and stable and is eminently suited as a profit centre for all kinds of business activities. The visit itself demonstrates very clearly the attractiveness of Sabah for investment even in this difficult time. He is confident that Japanese business enterprises in this region would grow

and develop into more so with the place in this establishment of Growth Area.

long-term ventures, development taking region with the the BIMP-East Asia

In terms of trade and industry, he said what they put in may be a drop in the ocean, but little things go a long way even in business.

WOODCHIPS MAIDEN SHIPMENT Sabah Softwoods Sdn. Bhd (SSSB) a wholly-owned subsidiary ofInnoprise Corporation Sdn. Bhd made its first shipment of 12,740 green tonnes of plantation woodchips on March 21,1998 fora pulp and paper mill in Japan. Although Sabah has produced and shipped woodchips (mangrove and others) in the 70's and the 90's nevertheless this is the first time where man-made plantation woodchips of Acacia mangium are produced and shipped on a large scale. The SSSB plantation woodchips are homogenous in quality, command a higher premium, highly sought after by overseas buyers and are considered environmentally friendly. To date 35,000 hectares have been planted with fast growing Acacia magium and Acacia hybrids, Gmelina arborea and Albizia fa!cataria and 5,000 hectares with oil palm. SSSB's objectives are to sustainably produce enough plantation timber for its chipmill and sufficient hectarage of oil palm for its intended crude palm oil mills in Tawau. SSSB is capable of sustainably producing up to 500,000 m3 of plantation tim-

Woodchips being transferred to the vessel for shipment.

ber a year. A proportion of this larger size diameter plantation timber is also sold at higher value to local and overseas markets as raw matelials for downstream products.


YB LAHIR 106 PENDI Datuk Musa (tengah) salang menyampaikan sijil kepada salah seorang pelatih program. Tunlt kelihatan ialah Prof Data' D,: Abu Hassan Othman dan Pengurus Kumpulan Pusat Perkembangan Kanak-Kanak Yayasan Sabah, Nabsia Yunus.

Langkah Yayasan Sabah bergabung tenaga dengan Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) untuk menjalankan program sijil pendidikan prasekolah merupakan era baru dalam mencapai objektif Yayasan Sabah menokoktambah usaha kerajaan untuk meningkatkan taraf pendidikan di negeri ini khususnya peringkat prasekolah. Demikian menurut Pengarah Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Musa Haji Aman sempena ucapan beliau di Majlis Penutupan dan Penyampaian Sijil, Program Sijil pendidikan Prasekolah UMS- YS sesi 1997/98 di Dewan Besar, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka pada 29 Jun lalu. Datuk Musa menambah program yang dijalankan oleh labatan Latihan Pusat Perkembangan Kanak-Kanak sejak tahun 1993 telah melahirkan seramai 106 pelatih yang telahpun bertugas sebagai guru tadika dibeberapa buah tadika swasta dan kerajaan. Katanya di an tara objektif kursus yang ditawarkan selama sembi Ian bulan ini ialah untuk menghasilkan guru-guru prasekolah yang terlatih dan berkelayakan untuk mendidik anakanak di samping membekalkan mereka dengan pengetahuan dan kemahiran

Persembahan dikir barat daripada para pelatih.

Hasil kerjatangan pelatih yang dipamerkan pada majlis tersebut.

kaedah teknikal dan strategi pengajaran pendidikan prasekolah.

Pad a majIis itu juga, Datuk Musa turut menyampaikan sijil kepada seramai 73 orang pelatih yang telah berjaya menamatkan kursus mereka. Para tetamu juga turut dipersembahkan dengan berbagai acara kesenian oleh para pelajar program di samping pameran hasil kerjatangan mereka selama mengikuti kursus tersebut.

Datuk Musa melahirkan harapan agar satu perjanjian kerjasama dan persefahaman dapat dibuat dengan segera di antara Yayasan Sabah dan UMS agar jalinan kerjasama ini dapat didasarkan kepada satu persetujuan yangjitu dari kedua belah pihak. Beliau juga berharap agar jalinan kerjasama dengan Universiti Malaysia Sabah akan

Turut hadir pada majlis ini ialah Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Prof. Dato Dr. Abu Hassan Othman,

mempertingkatkan lagi keyakinan pusat jagaan atau pengusaha tadika terhadap program kursus pendidikan prasekolah

pegawai-pegawai kanan Yayasan Sabah dan Universiti Malaysia Sabah serta ibubapa para pelatih program.



I July

- Sept 1998

A Manifestation of caring Society - DatukMusa DalUk Raymond (left) pouring the one cent coins to symbolically launch the One Sen Fun campaign. Looking on are New Straits Times representative, lohniston Bangkuai (middle), and Haji Safari.

The unfortunate should be given the opportunity to celebrate and enjoy the 16th. Commonwealth Games as a manifestation of Malaysian being a truly caring society. According to Director of Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Musa Haji Aman, to realise this the One Sen Fun was mooted. He was speaking during the launching of Sabah One Sen Fun on April 24 at a leading hotel in Kota Kinabalu. The launching was officiated by the Minister of Social Services, Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah. The project was initiated by the New Straits Times with the co-operation of TV3, The Association of Banks and Financial Institutions, Bank Negara, Sukom Ninety Eight Berhad and the Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports. It is to assist the underpirivileged, old aged, volunteers and children to watch the Commonwealth Games which is to be held for the first time in Kuala Lumpur, this September. "Although it was started in Peninsular Malaysia last June, the One Sen Fun campaign has not been given wide and adequate publicity in Sabah. As such there were no directinvolvement from the corporate b9dies or individuals particularly in the state, " he remarked

in his speech read by Yayasan Sabah Corporate Secretary, Tuan Haji Safari Manan. As such he said the launching was significant as it will attract the public especially the corporate sector to contribute to the One Sen Fun.

in a multi-racial society like ours are capable of generating interest among the public to make this project a success. "As we have the same aspiration in serving the society, this project will no doubt enhance our social responsibility towards the society," he added.

"Our target groups are banks and finance companies, fast food operators such as Kentucky Fired Chicken, Burger King, Mac Donald, Jolibee, Sugar Bun and Pizza Hut and nongovernmental organisations namely Lions Club, Rotary, Jaycess and others," he added.

"On the part of Yayasan Sabah, we will place coin boxes at strategic places like the Yayasan Sabah headquaters building in Likas and Innoprise Coporation Sdn. Bhd. office in Sadong Jaya and other places which are deemed appropriate," he elaborated.

He said besides that, other private companies, are also welcomed to fulfil their social responsibilities by donating one sen shillings as many as possible.

He added Yayasan Sabah would also have an internal publicity drive to create awareness among its staff on the One Sen Fun.

He expressed hope that the launching will generate extensive and active participation from the corporate bodies, non-governmental organisations and individuals in ensuring the success of this noble project.

He reiterated Yayasan Sabah was proud to be given the honour to real ise the launching in Sabah.

"In this sense, we also hope the local media will play their role by giving continuous publicity on the campaign," he urged. He said the media which has an important role in discharging their duties

"I would like to thank the New Straits Times and TV3 for providing the opportunity for Yayasan Sabah to pioneer the campaign in Sabah. This noble effort is an extension of network cooperation which has always been maintained between Yayasan Sabah and the media," he enthused.




:Extension of • : ICSB and Face · Collaboration



s .forest reh ' abtlltat' ton .. ,Slgnin

Datuk Musa (right) exchanging documents with G.J.R Wolters while Dafuk Pandikar Amin looks 011.

.p Ogress

•• • •

' g tn

• •• ••

With the signing of a third agreement between Rakyat Berjaya Sdn Bhd (RBJ) and Face Foundation of the Netherlands on June 25, 1998, at Shangri-La's Tanjung Am Resort, Kota Kinabalu another 4,500 ha of logged-over forests within the Yayasan Sabah Concession Area will be reforested and rehabilitated. In his speech at the function, Datuk Musa Haji Aman, the Chief Executive of Innoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd (lCSB), the holding company of RBJ, said the agreement is for a three-year term and is part and parcel of RBJ and Face Foundation on-going collaborative effort called INFAPRO or Innoprise - Face Project.

undertake the planting of dipterocarp species, and has invested in research and development programme to establish techniques for vegetative propagation and suitable planting regime. The collaborative project is aimed at offsetting carbon dioxide production from power companies through absorption of the carbon dioxide during photosynthesis by tropical forest thereby contributing positively to the reduction of global greenhouse gases. This is also in line with the government's policy of environmental preservation and sustainable forest management practices.

parties was signed in 1992 for the rehabilitation of 2,000 ha of logged-over forests near the Danum Valley Conservation Area, followed by a second agreement signed in 1995 for the rehabilitation of 3,000 ha within the conservation area. The signing ceremony was graced and witnessed by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries cum Chairman of the State Forestry Policy Implementation Committee, Datuk Pandikar Amin Haji Mulia. Datuk Musa Haji Aman signed on behalf ofRBJ while GJ.R. Wolters, Board Member of Face signed for Face Foundation.

I July

- Sept 1998

Seminar Kemahiran


•• Keibubapaan Berlandaskan





membangunkan kemudahan

semasa, usaha




so sial dan

ekonomi, tidak akan melupakan agenda pengukuhan





tegas Timbalan






Jaafar, di Majlis Perasmian Kemahiran Keibubapaan Perkembangan

Salah seorang penceramah, Nurfadhilah Abdullah membentangkan "Kesihatan dan Pemakanan Yang Baik Untuk Keluarga dan Anak".




anjuran Pusat




dan benar-benar


kuaJiti kehidupan

30 April 1998.

negeri Sabah.

rakyat Malaysia




dan misinya untuk mempertingkatkan

Sabah di Dewan Bersatu, Tuaran pada





akan dapat melahi pintar, berwibawa dan m

Beliau berkata, Yayasan Sabah sebagai


satu agensi Kerajaan


yang terbesar di

Tahir menambah


penting untuk dipelajari

nilai keperibadian yang te menjadi

pelapis dan pe

negeri Sabah menyedari keluarga adalah

oleh setiap individu yang bergelar 'ibu'

dan negara

kita di mas





dan 'bapa' kerana proses pembentukan

Datuk Tahir.





sahsiah anak berJaku bermula sejak ia berada dalam rahim hinggalah ke akhir


hayat. "Keluarga cemerlang

akan melahirkan









negara cemerlang. cita-cita ini pemimpin keluarga diberi Tahir.

masyarakat menjadikfin

ellau berkata peranan

ibubapa juga

mustahak sebagai pembina masa depan angrk-anak menerusi pendidikan.

DntuR mencapai dalam sesebuah

adalah sasaran ut



a u tuk ata Datuk

"Ibubapa kepada akan

harus keperJuan



prihatin semasa


dan peka dan yang


demi kemajuan



ini merupakan

PPK yang dijalankan





mempelajari berbagai-bagai kemahiran men,didik


yang pastinya



tahun di

yang terpiJih khas untuk

ibu bapa, belia-beliawanis '~ta


daripada program dan aktiviti terancang




dan bakal ibu


Bahasa, ilmu dan budaya adalah sarna penting dengan bidang-bidang lain seperti politik dan ekonomi dalam memajukan sesebuah negara. Demikian menurut Timbalan Pengarah Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Mohd. Tahir J aafar semasa merasmikan Pertandingan Akhir Pesta Pantun antara Kursus anjuran ITM cawangan Sabah pada 13 Februari lalu di Dewan Rekreasi ITM, Menggatal. Menurut Datuk Tahir yang diundang selaku tetamu kehormat di majlis itu, sejarah menunjukkan bahawa suatu

tamadun maju dengan adanya gabungan yang man tap antara bahasa, budaya dan ilmu. "Jika kita menoleh ke zaman silam rantau ini, kita dapati kegemilangan empayar Melayu pada zaman dahulu bukan hanya terletak pada kekuatan politik dan ekonomi semata-mata, tetapi d iimbangi oleh kekuatan mental pujangga Melayu antara lain seperti Tun Seri Lanang dan Hamzah Fansuri di samping beberapa tokoh lain selepas itu yang meneruskan tradisi ilmu ini seperti Abdullah Munshi," katanya.

9 I Menurut beliau siswa-siswi institusi pengajian tinggi berperanan dalam membantu menanamkan semangat cintakan budaya bangsa kita. Ini adalah kerana mereka adalah penyambung di an tara satu generasi dengan satu generasi yang lain dalam melahirkan graduan yang berbudaya dan beridentitikan Bangsa Malaysia yang berteraskan Budaya Melayu. "Jika warisan ini tidak dipelihara dan dikembangkan, kita mungkin kehilangan teras identiti Bangsa Malaysia dan lenyap begitu sahaja. Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk memelihara budaya kita yang mempunyai dinamismenya tersendiri sebagai warisan peradaban masyarakat. Untuk itu kita harus membebaskan diri dari segal a rupa bentuk pengaruh luar yang negatif mempengaruhi pemikiran kita," jelas beliau. Bersesuaian dengan suasana majlis itu, Datuk Tahir juga telah menyampaikan sebuah puisi bertajuk "Bahasa Bonda" nukilan Usman Awang. Pasukan Kursus Diploma Perbankan muncul juara di pertandingan tersebut yang turut disertai oleh lima pasukan lain yang mewakili pelbagai kursus di ITM cawangan Sabah.

~"""""""""~""""""~""""""~,\,S Dl pES'TA ~ ~ ~


Pejabat Kawasan Yayasan Sabah Kuala Penyu (PKYS-KP) turut memeriahkan Pesat Rumbia Kesembilan 1998 melalui gerai pameran berkonsepkan informasi teknologi. Pameran berkomputer merangkumi laman web YSIICSB dan aktiviti pembangunan PKYS-KP. PKYS- KP juga dilantik sebagai AJK Kecil mengendali pertandingan, demonstrasi, pameran dan jualan kraftangan. Pes at Rumbia kesembilan yang berlangsung dari 31 Julai - 2 Ogos

lalu oleh Ketua Menteri Sabah Tan Sri Bernard Dompok.

. ,.





R\JM.B ~

SAHAB SEOBElfABl "TO CHALLENGE THE CHALLENGES' , ore than 100 secretaries from Yayasan Sabah, other statutory bodies and the private sector throughout the State attended the Sabah Secretaries' Conference '98 at a leading hotel here from April 20 - 21. The two-day conference with the theme To Challenge The Challenges Without Sacrificing Values was officiated by the then Chief Minister, Datuk Yong Teck Lee. On his speech, the Director of Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Musa Haji Aman said, he hopes the conference will be able to create conscious awareness among conference participants of the innate power that they have for personal development. Besides that he hopes the conference will stimulate them to develop their full potential towards being the best they can be as career women, wives, mothers and useful members of society. His speech was delivered by the Group Manager of Corporate Services, Kamis Haji Awang AIL According to him, the conference is designed to impart knowledge about what one can do for one's own personal development. "It is hoped that the overflow effect of such positive attainment would also benefit the environment in which you work," he added. He said the conference topics cover a wide range of interesting issues from utilizing the human mind for personal development, to addressing contemporary issues involving challenges, ethics and dilemma, all of which are perti.nent to career women of the day.

F0ur papers w ere presented at the conference, namely Possible Human: Playing M i n d Games Win by Ernest Wong, the founder n d P r i n c i pal Consultant of Ernesco Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur; Domestic Violence and Family Values: Issues and Challenges for Career Women by Ivy Josiah, the Executive Secretary of Women's Aid Organisation, Kuala Lumpur; The Balance Between Ethics and Being Practical: The Secretaries' Dilemma by K. C. See, the Managing Director of Quest Consulting Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, and To Be The Best I Can Be by Li Yo Wei, a renowned speaker, known for her prolific ideas and presentation skills. Datuk Musa also said he was happy to note that the conference, which was organised for the first time by Yayasan Sabah, has made some improvement compared

to previous


"In terms of methodology, there is a significant departure in thi s year's conference from similar conferences in the past where on the part of the participants, this conference is being organised in the form of seminar where syndicate discussions and plenary session are held," he said.

One a/the speaker, Ernest Wong stressing a J presenting his talk.

participants to dissect each sul discuss the issues concerned, and, up with constructive resolutions I on the results of experiences exchc in the syndicates. "All resolutions and ideas abou identified subjects will be pr 'nte further elaboration by the (;vnfel speakers for the benefit of ever: This method will also provide invab feedback pertaining to the degn receptiveness of participants with n to the issues raised in the confere! he added. As opposed to previous conferenCe the speakers of this year's confel

are Malaysians. Thus, they problems from the local perspect which will give advantages to the relate their ideas within the Mala: context as well. In this sense believed that they are equally if not t than those from outside the countr The conference is held in conjunl with the International Secretaries' V which is observed annually durin, last week of April.




here is a need to shape our attitude and behaviour

accordingly if we are to meet our goals in life.


'This is because personal development in whatever form is always based on the basic tenet of human desires, i.e. our "needs" as well as our "wants" in life," said the Director of Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Musa Haji Aman at the closing of the two-day Sabah Secretaries' Conference '98. His speech was delivered by the Group Manager of Corporate Services, Kamis Haji Awang Ali.

"This is because of the quality of the speakers who have been carefully chosen. Besides that the methodology applied was designed for optimal absorption of what's been presented as well as maximising the utilization of one's thinking power through syndicate discussions," he said.

He said, in order to achieve these goals, we would consciously behave to maxi mise the opportunity to fulfill our "needs" and "wants" and at the same time strive to minimise whatever hindrances that come between our goals and us. "Since we live in a society, we must act within permissible societal values, so that there will be less chaos resulting in our incapabilities to cont~in the hindrances," he added. According to him, this year's conference has benefited the participants better in terms of their understanding of the topics presented. He believes that learning has taken place especially in the process of stimulating consciousness, which allow us to understand something in a new way.

Kamis Haji Awang Ali presenting a certificate to one of the parlicipants.

"The conference had successfully stimulated the participants to organize themsel ves resourcefully towards new heights in their career besides embarking on the crusade of optimising the opportunity to attain their respective goal s in life,'1"J'le added.

I July

- Sept 1998 Kepimpinan Unit Belia Masjid Zon

Belia Berh ""Marfabaf'Areranan Kan Masjid

Pedalaman Bawah anjuran Yayasan Sabah di Masj id Daerah Beaufort pada Julai lalu.

Menurut beliau, penglibatan para belia dalam program keagamaan seumpama itu akan menjadikan mereka generasi yang proaktif dan sentiasa berusaha mencari pendekatan baru untuk memastikan kegemilangan masjid dapat dipertahankan.

3•• !:.


Seramai lebih 200 orang belia daripada daerah sekitar Zon Pedalaman Bawah menyertai program selama tiga hari tersebut.

Belia memainkan peranan penting dalam memartabatkan masjid melalui penglibatan terhadap program keagamaan yang melibatkan masjid.

Haji Ahmad, Pembantu Menteri kepada Ketua Menteri merangkap Pengerusi Majlis Ugama Islam Sabah (MUIS) dalam ucapan perasmian beliau sempena Konvensyen Mini dan Latihan Penggerak Komuniti

DERMA KEPADA STAF Yayasan Sabah memberi sumbangan derma kepada dua orang stafnya bagi meringankan beban tanggungan mereka akibat kebakaran yang memusnahkan kediaman mereka di Sembulan Kota Kinabalu bulan Jun yang lalu. Staf yang terlibat ialah Pudin Ibrahim dan Zubaidah Ekalali, kedua-duanya dari Pusat Kajian Borneo. Pellgurus Kllmpulall Bahi:lgian Kesihatan dan Kebajikan, Hassan Haji MOl1lollgmenwmpaikan cek sumbangan kepada ZlIbaidah Ekalali.

Turut hadir dalam majlis perasmian konvensyen ialah Timbalan Pengarah Yayasan Sabah Datuk Mohd Tahir Jaafar dan pegawai kanan Yayasan sabah yang lain.

KELUARGA BAHAGIA LAHIR GENERASI CEMERLANG Demi kesedaran bahawa institusi keluarga bahagia merupakan aset penting dalam melahirkan generasi cemerlang, Pusat Perkembangan Kanak-Kanak Yayasan Sabah menganjurkan satu ceramah ekeluargaan yang bertemakan "Keluargaku Bahagia' di Rumah Rehat Kerajaan Beaufort pada 28 Mac 1998. Demikian kata Pengarah Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Musa Haji Aman dalam ucapan beliau yang disampaikan oleh Pengurus Kumpulan Pusat Perkembangan Kanak-Kanak Yayasan Sabah, Puan Nabsia Haji Yunus. Beliau juga menambah, ceramah seperti ini bertujuan untuk mewujudkan ibu bapa yang berkualiti dalam menjalankan peranan dan tanggungjawab berkeluarga, serta membekalkan pengetahuan yang berguna kepada bakal suami atau isteri dalam menerajui :am rumahtangga.

Selain dari itu, para peserta ceramah juga dapat menimba ilmu dan bertukartukar pengalaman dan pengetahuan dalam menangani permasalahan gejala sosial dan keruntuhan moral di kalangan keluarga yang semakin membimbangkan sejak akhir-akhir ini. Dengan adanya ceramah seperti ini, ibu bapa akan menjadi "role model" atau idola bagi sesebuah keluarga dan sekaligus dapat melahirkan generasi yang dinamik dan harmoni yang akan merealisasikan wawasan negara.

Walaupun negara dilanda masalah kegawatan ekonomi, namun Yayasan Sabah sentiasa terlibat dalam menangani masalah semasa. Justeru itu, bahagian Pusat Perkembangan Kanak-Kanak Yayasan Sabah yang berfungsi sebagai penasihat dan pusat sumber khusus yang berkaitan dengan prasekolah, penyelidikan dan pembangunan peringkat awal kanakkanak turut menggandakan programprogram yang melibatkan pembangunan keluarga khususnya institusi kekeluargaan. Ceramah sehari tersebut dihadiri lebih kurang 100 orang penduduk dari daerah Beaufort, Sipitang, Papar dan Kuala Penyu. Turut hadir pada ceramah tersebut ialah Penolong Pegawai Daerah Beaufort, wakil-wakil kerajaan serta pegawai-pegawai Yayasan Sabah.

I July

- Sept 1998 Gamharan plaza podium apabila siap kelak.

_ ... -·I~ --~~ ---IIJ!!!IJTII,..

·um--"'" S akan [llberwajah II

BAKU Bangunan berwajah Pembaikan sedang sepenuhnya

Yayasan Sabah akan baru apabila Projek Plaza Podium yang kini giat dijalankan siap pada awal tahun depan.

Projek yang dijadual mengambil masa 56 minggu itu, bermula pada akhir tahun 1997 kini telahpun 70 peratus siap. Menurut Penolong Pengurus Kumpulan Bahagian Hartanah Perkhidmatan Bangunan, Mohd. Jaafar Haji Ibrahim objektif utama kerja pembaikan tersebut ialah bagi memperbaiki dan mengatasi masalah struktur, kebocoron dan rekahan pada tembok, kerosakan kemasan lantai plaza, pembentukan stalaktit dan stalagmit dan pemendapan. Kerja pembaikan ditumpukan kepada pengukuhan struktur podium dengan mewujudkan penggunaan celahan dan penghubung gerakan serta pengalisan air. Menurut beliau masalah struktural pada podium disebabkan oleh gerakan terma, bebanan kitaran trafik, getaran peralatan pada bilik mekanikal serta masalah pada penghubung struktur. Apabila siap nanti, plaza podium bukan saja akan bertambah kukuh malah akan lebih menarik dipandang dengan kemasan lantai yang berkualiti. Tempat-tempat yang terlibat deogan kerja-kerja pembaikan termasuklah keseluruhan plaza podium, kawasan

teras besmen, kawasan bilik plant, kawasan besmen perpustakaan, kantin, teater mini, kawasan star besmen, pejabat Bahagian Hartanah Perkhidmatan bangunan, Bilik Kawalan Kebakaran dan juga tempat letak kereta besmen. Beliau menambah beberapa pejabat seperti Klinik Dalaman, Unit Kenderaan YS/ICSB dan Perpustakaan Penyelidikan Tun Haji Mohd. Fuad Stephens telahpun dipindahkan buat sementara ke Pusat Sukan Yayasan Sabah. Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat pula ditempatkan di Tingkat 24. Di samping itu, beberapa perkhidmatan penting kepada penghuni bangunan terpaksa dihentikan sementara atau dipindahkan. Mesin pengeluaran wang segera Sabah Bank (ATM) telahpun dipindahkan ke Pusat Sukan manakala Pejabat Pos ditutup sementara dan akan dibuka semula apabila kerja pembaikan siap. Mohd. Jaafar berharap penghuni bangunan agar bersabar dengan ketidakselesaan atau gangguan yang wujud dalam masa kerja pembaikan dijalankan. Beberapa ruang masuk ke bangunan telahpun ditutup dan beliau

Sebahagian dari podium sunset plaza yang hampir siap.

berharap penghuni akan mematuhi arahan yang diberikan bagi memastik< keselamatan mereka. "Di samping itu juga, bunyi bising, getaran, habuk dan asap tidak dapat dielakkan dalam kerja pembaikan, namun kita berusaha sedaya upaya agar para staf dapat meneruskan tugas mereka dalam keadaan gangguan yang minima," sam bung beliau lagi. Sistem hawa dingin juga juga kadang kala terjejas, justeru beliau berharap staf akan memaharni situasi sedemikian jika timbul. Walau bagaimanapun, semua ketidakselesaan ini hanya bersifat sementara saja kerana apabila kerja pembaikan plaza podium siap nanti kita akan berbangga dengan kekukuhan dan kecantikannya.


The ninth Anugerah Biasiswa Cemerlang Negeri Sabah 1998 award ceremony held last July at the YS auditorium was graced by the Chief Minister Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Bernard G. Dompok. Another 25 became recipients of this prestigious award since it started in 1990.

Yayasan Sabah Director Datuk Musa Haji Aman, in his welcoming speech said, RM15.4 million was spent on this programme berefting to date 142 recipients. Thirty nine has so far graduated, out of which eight obtained first class honours degrees. Their excellent achievement is an indicator that the award is prestigious.

It will be viewed as a motivator for students to excel in their studies, he added. However, the new recipients will be required to pursue their studies locally in line with the Ministry of Education Policy to overcome the country'sv economic downturn.

~--------_I Bahagian Pembangunan Pelajaran Yayasan Sabah bersama S. K. Pengalat Kecil, Papar menganjurkan Seminar Kecemerlangan Pel ajar dan Ibubapa di SK. Pengalat Kecil, Papar pada 16 Julai lalu. Majlis telah dirasmikan oleh Yang Berhormat Datuk Abdul Rahim Ismail, Pembantu Menteli kepada Ketua Menteri.


I July

- Sept 1998

RIEFING TO eM The Chief Minister cum Chairman of Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees, Tan Sri Bernard Dompok attended a briefing on Yayasan Sabah's Activities on July 29 recently at the Multi Vision Room. The briefing, presented by the Director of Yayasan Sabah/Chief Executive ICSB, Datuk Musa Haji Aman was to update the Chief Minister on the on-going activities and financial position of the organisation. The briefing was also attended by members of YS Board of Trustees, ICSB Borad of Directors and senior officials of Yayasan Sabah. . Tan Sn Datu briefing.

k Seri Panglima Bernar

. I' d (far left) listening attentive y




TlIan H." . aJI Safari briefing

Yayasan Sabah received a delegation from neighbouring Indonesia on August 26 recently. The delegation comprising 15 wives of senior officers of the Indonesian National Army led by Nyonya Ir. Rataya Ketjanawathy . The group was briefed on YSI ICSB activities by the Corporate Secretary, Tuan Haji Safari Manan and later feted to a luncheon. the d I . . eegatlon

M OFFICE SEC VISIT YS/ICSB Secretaries headed by Rosmawati Lasuki entertained Secretaries from the Prime Minister's Office to a luncheon at the 18th t100r Yayasan Sabah Building recently, while on a familiarisation visit to Sabah.

Rosmawati (centre) flanked by Zaiha Abd. Rahman (left) and Fatima Abu (right) posing with the other secretaries during the visit.

Four officials and two students from University Brunei Darussalam called on Yayasan Sabah Deputy Director Datuk Mohd. Tahir Jaafar at his office, at Yayasan Sabah Building on June 26, 1998. The group led by Pengiran Dr. Haji Abu Bakar bin Pengiran Haji Sarifudin were in Sabah for a one week educational tour. They visited places of interest which included the State Museum and Archive. Datuk Mohd. Tahir Jaafar (right) expressing a point to the visitors.

Fifty members of the Persatuan Suri dan Anggota Wanita Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia (PUSPANITA) of Sabah Branch led by its Chairman, Puan Sri Datin Seri Panglima Hajah Khairah Khalil attended a briefing on the Roles and Responsibilities of Yayasan Sabah presented by the Director/Chief Executive Datuk Musa Haji Aman at the Multi Vision Room, Yayasan Sabah building here on June II recently. The delegation, which comprised district branch chairmen and wives of senior civil servants, were also feted to a luncheon after the briefing. Datuk Musa enlightens the delegation members with Yayasan Sabah functions and activities.

YS SEC CLUB AGM Incumbent President of YS Secretaries' Club, Rosmawati Hj Lasuki retained her post unopposed during the Club's Annual General Meeting at YS Multi-vision Room in February 26, 1998. Mariana Quadra is the new deputy president for community affairs while Inah Hj Latiff is deputy president for training affairs. The deputy president for international and social affairs went to Ann Otigil. The other Board of Directors for 1998 include honorary treasurer Sharifah Hj Omar Curreem, assistant honorary treasurer Teresa Siambun, honorary secretary Rosnah Yahya, assistant honorary secretary Norbaini Hj Jifli and

Public Relations Yamin.


is Puspa Hj

members for their continous support and urged them to be fully committed in the Club's activities.

Best Decorated Booth .'.~ Proud moment for staff of Borneo Nature Tours Sdn Bhd [BNT] when the BNT exhibition booth won the Best Decorated Booth prize for the fourth consecutive year during the Sabah Fest - Travel and Trade Fair Exhibition 1998 held at Wisma Merdeka from May 22 - 24. BNT is a whollyowned subsidiary of Innoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd, the investment arm of Yay as an Sabah. Picture shows staff of BNT posing with the prize.

RMS MILLION FOR YOUR Innoprise Corporation Sdn. Bhd. contributed RM5 million to Sabah Medical centre (SMC) to start the open heart surgery project soon. The contribution is in the form of RM2.5 million in equity and RM2.5 million in interest free loan. The setting up of the open heart surgery unit at SMC will enable patients from Sabah and neighbouring Sarawak to make use of this facility. The operations to be conducted in SMC will be done by Institut J antung Negara (UN) who will be sending their heart surgeons, cardiologists and related other personnel for the purpose. Chief Executive ofICSB, Datuk Musa Haji Aman presented the contribution

Datuk Chan. Bakar Abdul

Musa (right) presenting the mock cheque to Datuk Dr. Michael K.c. Looking on arejrom left Datuk Yong TeckLee, Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Abu Sulaiman, Director General ojHealth Department and Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Hamid Pawanteh, Chairman ojllN.

to the Chairman of SMC, Datuk Michael K.C. Chan in a simple ceremony witnessed by the then Chief

Minister, Datuk Yong Teck Lee on April 6 at the SMC Complex.

Bahagian Pemasaran Balak Tawan Gunung Kinabalu Seramai 25 orang kakitangan Bahagian Pemasaran Ba1ak [LMD] dengan seman gat 'Yakin Bo1eh' dan bermotokan 'Sabah Boleh', 'Yayasan Sabah Boleh', 'LMD juga bo1eh' te1ah berjaya mendaki puncak Gunung Kinabalu 13 Mac, 1998 yang 1a1u. Pasukan tersebut yang terdiri daripada tujuh orang wanita dan se1ebihnya 1e1aki ada1ah waki1 kakitangan Bahagian Pernasaran Balak dari Wilayah Kota Kinaba1u [14 peserta], Keningau [2 peserta], Sandakan [5 peserta] dan Tawau [4 peserta].

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Official results for 2nd YS In-House Golf: : Competition played at Keningau Golf Club I : on April 8 - 9, 1998 : I


Overall Nett

1st 2nd 3rd

Ghani Affendy Semion La1ung James Wong

150 151 OCB 151

• • •

Overall Gross


G. S Au1uck


• • • •

A Medal

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Keith Funk Edwin Tan John Manson KamaruddinIsmai1

155 162 164 167

• • • •

•B Medal

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Abd. Karim Wahit Dos Panggal Joanes Tingga1 Mohd Aiunuddin Edward Sung Burongoh

152 153 154 156 158


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Dzulkifli Mohamed KamisHj.AwangAli Trisukma Arshad Aris Pairan Engkong Dulasim

152 156 158 OCB 158 167

• •

• •

I • • •

• •

C Medal

I • • •


Pen gurus Kumpulan Bahagian Pernasaran Ba1ak, Da1ahan Buduk da1arn ucapan ringkasnya sernasa me1epaskan para peserta berkata bahawa aktiviti riadah seperti ini akan menguji ketahanan mental dan juga fizika1 kakitangan di sarnping akan mengga1akkan cabaran, mernbina keyakinan dan ketahanan diri bagi mempertingkatkan semangat berpasukan. Beliau juga te1ah menyampaikan 'Sijil Pendakian' yang dikeluarkan oleh Taman Negara, Sabah kepada 25 orang kakitangan berkenaan yang te1ah berjaya sampai ke puncak setinggi 4,095.2 meter pad a 14 Mac 1998 da1am satu jamuan makan tengahari di Kinaba1u Park.

. Peserta-pesert


uk sebelum berlepas.

Dalahan Bud a ekspe d·ISI .bersama



.~ •.: . ·.\~rI£1'J~\




';" q,:,


YAYASAN SABl\.H . -d' puncak Gunung . peserta I Ik an .... sebahagian dan Pbar;;Bahagian pemasaran Ba a Dalam kenang . Boleh Yayasan Sa a Kinabalu. MalaysW ' Bolch!

• •

• • •

• • • • • •


Dayllngan juara ..... pasukan lelaki YS mendahului pasukan lain menuju ke garisan penamat.

Pasukan Yayasan Sabah menguasai Pesta Perahu Naga Sabah ke-13 apabila menggondol empat hadiah daripada lapan kategori yang dipertandingkan, awal Jun baru-baru iill.

Pengurus Pasukan, James Wong menerima Piala Yang DiPerfua Negeri daripada Yang DiPerfua Negeri Sabah, Tun Datuk Seri Pang lima Haji Sakaran Dandai.

Pasukan Yayasan Sabah yang menjuarai [kategori antarabangsa] dan satu tempat ketiga [tempatan], menerima saingan bukan sahaja daripada pasukan-pasukan tempatan, malah dari negara-negara luar, seperti Darwin-Australia, Brunei dan Denmark. Tiga kategori yang dimenangi oleh pasukan ini: Piala Yang Di-Pertua [Lelaki] dengan rekod baru 3:08:02 saat, menewaskan pasukan Oriental A dan Brunei Darussalam, Piala Gunung Kinabalu [Campuran], dengan catatan mas a 3:06:08 menewaskan pasukan Putera-Puteri Kg. Mengkabong dan Oriental D, serta perlumbaan khas 'Darwin Challenge' [Campuran] menewaskan pasukan DBNT Darwin-Australia dan DHI Viking-Denmark dengan catatan masa 3: J3:03. Pasukan ini turut memenangi satu tempat ketiga datam kategori PiaJa Presiden SCCA [Lelaki] dengan catatan masa 3:07:02. Pasukan Perahu Naga Yayasan Sabah berhasrat untuk terus mencipta kegemilangan dalam arena sukan perahu naga pada masa-maia yang akan datang,

Horaay!!! para pendayung YS bersorak kegnnbiraan selepas menerima piala-piala yang dimenangi.

Pengarah YS, Datuk Musa Haji Aman menerima Piala Yang Dipertua daripada James Wong pada Majlis 'Makan Malam meraikan kemenangan Pasukan Perahu Naga YS pada 24 hi/ai.

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