Berita Yayasan Sabah Vol.16, No.4 (Julai-Ogos 1994)

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Free DistributionlPercuma

Rol. 16 No.4




Budaya Kerja YS/ICSB Shangri·La's Tanjung Aru Spreads Its Kinabalu Wing


YSIICSB Plays Host to Yayasan Selangor Visit to Sabah


Official Opening of Sinora's Plymillii


Act Fast in Case of Fl;e

10 Pemangku PengaraIJ Yayasan Sabah, Datuk (Datu! Khalil bin Datu Hj. Jamalul (kid) menyerahkan teks Budaya Kerja Baldi Ikh/as kepada Tan Sri Sakaran

Program Cuti Sekolah Pertengahan 1994


Patuhi Semua Peraturan Asrama: Dr. Kassim


Mike Tyson· the telephone man


Paulus· bakal usahawan bunga


Pasaria Ria Bakti Ikhlas


Bengkel Kebangsaan Mengenai Perusahan Komuniti Di Malaysia




CDC Annual Sports Day


Misi dan falsafah Yayasan Sabah dan Kumpulan Anak Syarikatnya perlu digubal semula untuk menggabungkan aspek pembangunan kemanusiaan yang menyeluruh dan seimbang sebagai pendekatan holistik khususnya dari segi insan itu sendiri, Khalik yang Maha Pencipta dan persekitarannya menerusi falsafah SAKTI IKHLAS. Ketua Menteri Sabah merangkap Pengerusi Lembaga Pemegang Amanah Yayasan Sabah, Tan Sri Datuk Hj.Sakaran Dandai berkata demikian di Majlis Jamuan Petang bersama-sama Ahli-Ahli Lembaga Pemegang Amanah Yayasan Sabah, Lembaga Pengarah Innoprise Corporation Sdn Shd dan Ketua-Ketua Sahagian/Jabatan YS/ ICSS di Ibu Pejabat Yayasan Sabah pad a 18 Julai lalu.

Menurut beliau, Sakti Ikhlas adalah satu falsafah yang mengambil kira aspek kendiri Insan itu sendiri; hubungannya dengan Tuhan Pencipta Alam atau KHALIK dan hubungan Insan dengan alam sekitar dan persekitarannya - atau ringkasnya IKHLAS. IKHLAS jelas beliau adalah singkatan kepada INSAN, KHALIK dan ALAM SEKITAR dan PERSEKITARAN. ' "lkhlas dalam erti kata yang lain bermaksud setiap sesuatu yang kita laksanakan itu bukan kerana mengharapkan sebarang pembalasan daripada mana-mana pihak atau dalam apa-apa bentukjuapun, TETAPI sebagai suatu sumbangan, serta perjuangan, atau pergorbanan yang berpunca dari satu NILAI ROHAN I yang MURNI," katanya.

Tan Sri Sakaran menambah pendekatan ini adalah perlu demi menuju ke arah Kemajuan Rakyat, Negeri dan Negara. Menyentuh tentang fasa-fasa Pembangunan Yayasan Sabah sejak 28 tahun yang lalu, Tan Sri Sakaran berkata Yayasan Sabah tidak lagi boleh melihat kemajuan dan pembangunan itu dari perspektif Insan sahaja sedangkan Insan itu wujud dari kehendak Pencipta, dan hidupnya dalam satu masyarakat dan persekitaran yang berbeza-beza dan berubah-ubah. Dari itu, katanya, kita perlu menekankan dan menanamkan satu asas yang berpunca dari kemantapan nilai hidup yang murni untuk membolehkan mereka menghadapi berbagai liku dan cabaran hidup.

menekankan kemajuan sosio-ekonomi, nilai-nilai murni pula akan memberi sebab mengapa kemajuan sosio-ekonomi itu perlu. Jika matlamat utama (the bottom line) satu-satu usahaniaga itu ialah keuntungan, nilai-nilai murni tersebut dapat menghubungkan keuntungan tadi dengan tanggungjawab sosial," katanya. "BAKTI IKHLAS adalah FALSAFAH perjuangan kita, pengorbanan, khidmat, aspirasi, cita-cita, pemikiran, tindaktanduk dan ketrampilan kita," tambah Tan Sri Sakaran. Tan Sri Sakaran berkata Bakti Ikhlas juga merupakan satu peralihan paradigma (paradigm shift) dan satu peningkatan daripada perspektif yang berasaskan manusia, kuasa, kebendaan, wang ringgitdansebagainya kepada sesuatu yang berasaskan nilainilai murni seperti keikhlasan,

pengorbanan, kasih sayang, kemuliaan akhlak, keluhuran budi, ketinggian moral, kesungguhan dan kesinambungan yang akan menjadi teras kepada jiwa kita, pemikiran dan perilaku kita. "Bakti ikhlas juga melangkaui batasan ideologi, perkauman, kedaerahan dan kebudayaan," katanya. Tan Sri Sakaran juga menggesa semua kakitangan Yayasan Sabah dan Kumpulan Syarikat-Syarikatnya, terutama mereka di peringkat kepimpinan dan pengurusan, untuk terus meningkatkan produktiviti dan menghasilkan kerja-kerja yang sempurna, profesional dan cemerlang.

SABAH STATE AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE The 5th Sabah State Award for Excellence (ABCNS) 1994 graced by Tan Sri Datuk Hj. Sakaran bin Dandai took place at the Yayasan Sabah Auditorium on June 25. The awards were presented to the top 15 1993 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia students. Five of the 15 awards are specifically for Bumiputera students. There are today 55 recipients of the award studying at institutions of higher learning at home and abroad.

Endk Eldie Aaron Justin, ABCNS recipient of Sekolafl Menengah Kebangsaan, Tenghilan. Bdie wants to be an accountant

Two of the 1990 recipients of the award completed their studies and are currently working in Sandakan and Labuan. The two graduates are Mr. Chiang Pang Ngan dan Mr. Ku Chee Phing.

25 S8bafl State Award for Excellence as of next year, says Tan Sri DaM Hi Sakaran bin Oandai

Director of Education, Or. Hasbu//ah Haji Moho'. Taha at tfJeAward Ceremony




One of the finest resorts in Malaysia, the ShangriLa's Tanjung Aru Resort officially opened its newly-completed extension, the deluxe "Kinabalu Wing." The ceremony was performed at a cocktail held at the resort's Melati Ballroom on May 8. The Official Opening Ceremony was graced by the presence of Datuk Mohd Salleh bin Tun Said, the Deputy Chief Minister and Sabah Minister of Finance, who officiated on behalf of the honourable Chief Minister of Sabah, Tan Sri Datuk Haji Sakaran bin Dandai. Five hundred invited guests attended the ceremony, which started at 4.00 pm 1 the afternoon. Guests arrived and alighted atthe Kinabalu Wing's port cochere and ascended the steps up to the resort's second lobby accompanied by the colourful sights and sounds of a traditional cultural troupe. A red carpet welcome extending from the lobby to the Melati Ballroom took the guests through a profusion of cultural activities and performances such as the Kompang and Bunga Manggar display, the Dragon Dance, the Lion Dance and much more. The Official Opening was formalised with the unveiling of the plaque, to commemorate the occasion, by Datuk Mohd Salleh bin Tun Said. Tokens of appreciation, silver dessert holders shaped like coconuts, were presented to Datuk Mohd Salleh bin Tun Said and Encik Tham Nyip Shen by General Manager, Mr Terry Ko. Commemorative give ways of leather travel wallets were presented to the invited guests.


The resort now has 500 guestrooms and suites, six restaurants and bars, a state-of -the-art Health Club, an uptodate Business Centre, the Melati Ballroom, a second lobby, two multi-purpose funcllon rooms, two boardrooms, a selection of smaller function rooms, children's playground, shopping arcade, Leisure Centre, Sunshine Club, two free-flow surface-tension swimming pools with jacuzzis, a children's wading pool,

the Marina watersports centre, three floodlittennis courts and a nine-hole pitch-and-pUlt course, all nestled within 25 acres of landscaped gardens. With the completion of all expansion and renovation projects, the Shangri-La's Tanjung Aru Resort is poised to establish itself as one of the finest resorts in the region.

RM50,OOOgrant to UKM Sabah Campus Chief Minister cum Chairman of the Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees, Tan Sri Datuk Haji Sakaran bin Dandai, presented a RM50,000 Yayasan Sabah grant to UKM Sabah Campus on July 9. The grant was presented to UKM Deputy Chancellor, Prof. Dato Dr. Sham Sani atthe

Launching ofthe Matriculation course at UKM Sabah Campus. The Grant is in support of 130 students sitting for the UKM Sabah Campus matriculation course, These students may become the first batch of students to join the new Sabah University once it is ready to take in students.




Ten officials from Yayasan Selangor led by its General Manager, Hj. Mohd Shahibi Mohd Sharif visited Sabah from July 9 - 13. Among others, the visit was aimed at promoting closer support between the two foundations.

[)anum Valley FItJ/d Centre, fourth from thtJleft Tengku 0. Z Ad/in and Hajl Mohamed ShaI1ibi




Tuan HajlMoIIamed ShallilJi's balancing act at thtJ OBS, Kinarut

Yayasan Selangor going fI1rough fI1e 'spider web: OBS, KinallJ!

FEDERAL MINISTER VISITS DANUM Federal Minister of Science, Technology and Environment, Datuk Law Hieng Ding became the first Federal Minister to visit the Danum Valley Field Centre on June 30.

Accompanied by high powered officials from his Ministry, Datuk Law visited the site of the Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) and the FACE (Forest Absorbing Carbon Dioxide Emission) Foundation nursery. He was also briefed on the progress of the centre by YS Deputy Director, Tengku D, Z, Adlin and officers from the Forestry Division, New England Power Company from Boston is undertaking the RIL project in two areas -parcel 'A' comprising 430ha" outside the Danum


Valley and Parcel 'B' consisting of 958 ha, at Simpang Tiga near Luasong Forestry Centre, Parcel 'A' was harvested in mid 1993 while harvesting at Parcel'S' began in 1994, The FACE Foundation of the Netherlands has a contract with ICSS to plant trees on logged-over forest. The initial contract will fund a trial 2,000 ha, of enrichment planting over three years. A large scale operational nursery has been set up to supply 600,000 plants per year of different species of dipterocarps,


DatlJk Law viewing the exhibition display of the DVFC activities

Datllk Law(second from leff) listens to a briefing on meteorological data collection at DVFC by TengklJAdlin and Project Manager, Jikos Gidiman (right)


Majlispenyerahan tugaskepada Encik LamjinAtohsebagai Pengurus Cawangan baru dari En, Jainuddin Jaibidin diadakan pada 8Jula~ di Bilik Operas~ Pejabat Cawangan Kuala Lumpur. Encik Jainudin kini bertugas sebagai Setiausaha Eksekutif kepada Timbalan Pengarah. Little darlings of YSKL staff participated in the Hora Parade 1994 recently. The Sabah Government's wedding gihs won the Jury's Special Award.



2~1 .~


Ini pula sesuai dengan identitinya tersendiri yang mendukung dasar dan wawasan pendidikan kebangsaan, bagi menyumbang secara aktif dan positif ke arah pencapaian matlamat Wawasan 2020. Beliau juga turut berbangga dengan kejayaan pelajar-pelajar kolej tersebut yang berjaya menduduki tempat kesebelas daripada jumlah dua puluh lima penyertaan dalam Pertandingan Kemahiran di IKM, Lumut, Perak yang mana membuktikan tahap kemahiran yang mereka perolehi dari kolej tersebut adalah setanding dengan yang diperolehi dari institusi-institusi lain di negara kita. Manakala itu menurut Pengetua Kolej tersebut, Dr. Kassim Ali, seramai 157 orang pelajar telah berjaya menamatkan pengajian. Dari jumlah ini hanya 20% yang masih menganggur.

Datuk Khali7membuka tirailatar untuk menyempumakan pe/ancaran nama baru /nstitut Pembangunan /nsan kepada Ko/ej Komuniti Yayasan Sabah

Era baru dalam. pendidikan menunggu masyarakat tempatan yang ingin melanjutkan pelajaran mereka ke peringkat tinggi, demikian menurut Pemangku Pengarah Yayasan Sabah, Datuk [Datu] Khalil bin Datu Haji Jamalul ketika merasmikan Sesi Pengajian 1994/95 serta Pameran Kerja Tangan Pelajar Kolej Komuniti Yayasan Sabah [sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Institut Pembangunan Insan] pada 30 Julai lalu. Menurut beliau, kalau dulunya kolej ini menumpukan perhatiannya kepada bidangbidang pengajian teknikal dan vokesyenal, kini ianya mula meluaskan tumpuannya bagi merangkumi bidang-bidang pengajian yang lain. Beberapa bidang lain seperti Pemandu Pelancong, Kewartawanan, Keusahawanan dan "Creative Arts" telah dirancang untuk ditawarkan secara beransur-ansur mulai sesi pengajian 1995/96 dan berikutnya. Di samping itu bidangbidang akademik dan profesional seperti Pengajian Pra-Universiti, Ijazah Berkembar dan Pengajian Lanjutanjuga sedang dirancang untuk ditawarkan di kolej ini. Disamping itu, Yayasan Sabahtelah pun mendapat persetujuan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia untuk berusaha sama mewujud dan mengendalikan Pusat Matrikulasi Sastera di kolej ini. "Ini merupakan petanda dan langkah-Iangkah kemajuan yang positif ke arah pencapaian matlamat penubuhan kolej ini,"jelas Datuk Khalil. Sehubungan dengan perkembangan ini, Lembaga Pemegang Amanah Yayasan Sabah

telah memberinamabarukepadainstituttersebut iaitu Kolej Komuniti Yayasan Sabah (KKYS) atau dalam bahasa Inggeris - Yayasan Sabah Community College. "Nama baru ini mencerminkan falsafah, orientasi, fungsi dan peranannya yang mana bersesuaian dengan bidang dan skop pengajian yang kian meluas ditawarkan oleh kolej ini,"kata Datuk Khalil. "Ianya adalah sejajar dengan wawasan kolej ini yangmanapadatahun2000ianyaakanberfungsi dan beroperasi sebagai sebuah institusi pengajian "Post-Secondary" yang unggul di Negeri Sabah," tambah Datuk Khalil.

"Ada diantara mereka yang memegang jawatan supervisor dalam syarikat-syarikat binaan dan ada pula yang menjadi kontraktor. Kolej ini pada akhir-akhir ini menjadi tumpuan agen-agen pekerjaan untuk membuat tempahan tenaga mahir bagi berbagai industri di Semenanjung," kata Dr. Kassim. Dr. Kassim juga berharap masalah kemudahan penginapan, ruang-ruang pembelajaran dan bengkel dapat diatasi memandang kolej tersebut terpaksa menolak permohonan yang banyak. Kolejtersebuttelah mengambil seramai 53 orang pelatih dari sejumlah dua ratus enam puluh lapan permohonan untuk sesi ini. Menurut Dr. Kassim , daripada jumlah tersebut seramai 14 pelatih menyertai kursus Program Teknol( Kayu, 26 Program Teknologi Automotif dan ,,,

Program Keusahawanan. mempunyai 168 pelajar.


ini kini

Antarahasilkerjatangan pelajaryang dipamerkan ialah beberapa perabot dalaman dan luaran, model rangka bangunan serta beberapa enjin kereta. Unit Penerbitan juga mempamerkan beberapa risalah kolej tersebut termasuklah maklumat mengenai falsafah dan wawasan dengan menggunakan komputer serta sedutan video mengenaikolej inidan aktiviti-aktivitipelajar dalam kampus. Sebahagian besar daripadahasil kerja tangan pelajar berkenaan telah dijual kepada kakitangan YS/ICSB.

Datuk Khalil memotong riIJfJnbagi menyempumakan perasmian Pameran Kelja Tangen Pelajar KKYS


Endk MiHon BaminggalJ [kanan} sedang menerangkan da/am le/mologiaulomolil


Sinora's Plymill II

SINORA· TOWARDS ACHIEVING GREATER HEIGHTS IN ITS QUEST FOR EXCELLENCE Sinora Sdn. Bhd has undergone a series of expansions and diversifications. This includes a new company, Innora Sdn. Bhd. which was incorporated in April, 1990 to undertake secondary timber processing activities, such as moulding, finger joint and joinery timber products to cater for the export market. With the financial and management support of Sinora, the Sinora Particle Board Sdn. Bhd. was incorporated in February, 1991 to produce raw particle board from wood waste. The plant will start manufacturing in the fourth quarter of 1994. Currently the machinery and equipment is in the process of installation and commercial production is expected to commence in November 1994. Sinora's plymill II started trial run and commercial operation in April 1994. The mill will be able to produce an additional 30,000m3 of panel products in a 3'x6' dimension which is intended to complement the existing production line designed only for 4'x6' plywood. This new mill is expected to capture overseas markets especially Japan for thin panels and floor-based panels. The new production line caters mainly for the high premium Japanese thinner panel market with an estimated annual sales turnover of RM30.0 million. The expansion project employs 300 workers. Todate, Sinora's capital investment has increased from RM22 million to RM82 millionwith fourfold improvement insales revenue.

TanSri DaM Haji Sakarangiving his opening address. Seatedat right is Encik Francis Fung and TuanHaji Kadir

TanSri Datuk Haji Sakaranpressing the button to start operationof the (:J'x6)plymill II

Sinora Sdn. Bhd. started operation 15 years ago in response to the government's call for downstream processing of timber products. Since becoming a wholly-owned company of ICSB in 1989 with a fUllyMalaysianized management, the company grew to become a reputable leading producer of quality timber products in the international market.

GO FOR VAl ECONOMICA( There is a need for ~ added economic ac tain its long term pial ards of living. The r and the present el push Sabah further 1 states. This was di Minister, Tan Sri Dandai atthe official Sdn. Bhd. Plymill II at Batu Sapi, Sande Headded that the go the export of logs to its studies on how b resources in wi est management sy "In the past the fore~ ment was not prope ance with the natio resource managem no doubt, is affectec private wood sector problems temporari accelerate the proc hope to formulate forest management commented. The Chief Minister other states in term! He said Sabah un' lagging behinrl at 4. Malaysia is, ;'inl growth at 8.1%. 11 (GDP) in 1993 wa pared to the re RM5,300.00. Tan Sri Sakaran v learn that Sinora ha achievements over financial performan tional expansion. H of Sinora intofurther ing activities has Yayasan Sabah anc ICSB, but also thE terms of employme: bution to the state's r

Following the new m ronment, the Chief

ADDED ITIES: eM to go for value , in order to atlility and standllitical scenario lic growth will t par with other d by the Chief ~ Sakaran bin 19 ofthe Sinora production line n June 24. 3nthad banned ! it to complete Jtilisp. its forest -SL led for-

Jrces manageIned in accordolicy on forest ayasan Sabah ban as well as will encounter ,wever, we will research and r guideline on learfuture", he

ired Sabah to !nomic growth. tely has been hile the rest of rar Jnomic capita income 3,600.00 comMalaysia at

'ry pleased to 'Tlplished great ars in terms of well as operathe expansion tream process11y benefitted ding company, in general in ted and contri)mic growth. ment and enviter hopes that

Yayasan Sabah will fulfill its original objectives more effectively which is to assist the people of Sabah in various fields including education. He congratulated the new management of YS/ICSB for its contribution towards improving the quality of life of the people in line with its corporate objectives and mission. He stressed that the new management should not forget to instill moral values based on gratitude, truth and honesty as well as to uphold the law. "I believe in these values and together we can form a tradition of well-disciplined staff who will be responsible to the people, nation and particularly to Yayasan Sabah", he said. The Chairman of the Executive Management Committee, ICSB, Tuan Hj. Kadir Hj. Damsal in his speech said that the concerted upstream and downstream activities augur well for ICSB's corporate image as a socially responsible organisation. "While our activities in forest plantation and development, rehabilitation and conservation have gained international recognition, we are on the right track to become one of the largest exporter of further downstream wood products in the Asia Pacific Region", he added. According to Sinora's General manager, Encik Francis Fung, Sinora now produces not only raw sawntimber and plywood but also dried lumber and moulded products while plans are underway to look into the secondary processing of other products such as overlay plywood, marine plywood, laminated veneer plywood and other semifinished and finished wood products.

Chief Minister gives fI1e finishing touch forfl1e laying of fI1e foundation stone of the phase :Jpanel product pfO/Y'.~.~ing mill

Sinora's diversification and expansion programme has capitalised on the various government's tax incentives available and the government's policy to promote the Batu Sapi area as one of the six designated integrated timber complexes in Sabah The Chief Minister later laid the foundation stone for the phase 3 panel product processing mill. About 300 people attended the opening ceremony.

by Phillis Majanggil

Tan Sri Sakaran inspecting

Tan Sri Sakaran receiving a memento from Francis

lIJeplywood product

Fung aller the laying of the foundation slone


ACT FAST IN CASE OF FIRE Fifty-two YS/ICSS employees and three civilians who adequately acquired the basic correct procedures and methods of fire-fighting during a two-day briefing-cum-training on 'Fire Prevention and Fire Drill' held at Keningau, were urged to act fast to inform the Fire Department should they spot any outbreak of fire in their vicinity. Keningau Fire Department assistant officer, Encik Ariffin Harris who made the call, said the public must subscribe to civic-mindedness, adding that there were always negative criticisms against the authority who had discharged their duties accordingly.

'Similarbriefing-cum-trainingwill be held in other districts like Kudat, Tuaran, Ranau and Kota Marudu soon,' he said. The two-day briefing-cum-training held from June 28 was conducted by Capt (Rtd) Awang Damit and Capt Arullah Imam Shuib. The participants were later presented with certificates by Encik Ariffin Harris and Capt (Rtd) Awang Damit respectively.

He elaborated that recent complaints in local mass media about firemen arriving late at the scene of fire, were baseless. He pointed out that if the public could react fast by informing the Fire Department of any outbreak of fire in their surrounding, the Fire Department could at least minimise the damage of the property.

A participant receiving her certificate from Encik Arillin Harris (right) A participant trying out his skill by using a wet gunny sack to put out the fire

He, however hoped the participants with the acquired knowledge could playa role in helping the Fire Department and the community at large. ICSS Enforcement Manager, Capt (Rtd) Awang Damit bin Mohamad said the briefing-cumtraining was aimed at creating an awareness of fire prevention among YS/ICSS staff from Keningau, Tenom, Tambunan and Nabawan. "--


A participant trying out a fire extinguisher during practical training

A participant receiving his certificate from Capt (Rtd) Awang Damit (right)


.Public Speaking for YSOfficers

Participants of the course with YS Deputy Director, Tengku D. Z Adlin and YS Group Personnel and Admin Manager, Encik Kamis Ag. All Sitting next to the Deputy Director in dark suit is Encik Jalaludin bin Hi MoM. Nor

About thirty Yayasan Sabah officers from Headquarters and regional officers attended a public speaking course organised by the YS Training Department on July 5 - 7.

The 3-day course was conducted by Institute Kerja Raya Malaysia Training Officers, Encik Jalaludin bin Hj. Mohd. Nor, at the Yayasan Sabah Training Room.

Encik Christopher Man/a/i of the Accounts Division - "I completed the course too" Encik Tawith Sungkit of Kota Marudu receiving his course certificate from Tengku Adlin

PROGRAM CUTI SEKOLAH PERTENGAHAN 1994 Program Pembangunan PelajarYayasan Sabah anjuran Institut Iqra' dirangka khususnya untuk para pelajar tajaan Yayasan Sabah di Semenanjung sempena cuti pertengahan tahun 1994 dari 20 Mei hingga 19 Jun lalu.

Aktiviti-aktiviti yang agak berbezatelah diadakan seperti Minggu Bahasa Inggeris, Malam 'Campfire' dan BBQ, Majlis Pesta Menuai, Hari Keluarga Pelajar Yayasan Sabah dan sebagainya.

education' dalam usaha menggalakkan proses pembelajaran dan pembangunan diri. Kursus seumpama ini juga membolehkan pesertapeserta berkenaan untuk berinteraksi dan meningkat kefahaman diantara satu dan lain.

Seramai 159 orang pelajar tajaan dan persendirian telah menyertainya di Kolej Kediaman ke 5 di Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang.

Disamping program Pembangunan Pelajar Yayasan Sabah, para pelajar tingkatan I dan IV telah mengikuti kursus 'Children's Adventure Course' dan kursus 'YouthAdventureChallenge' anjuran Sekolah Latihan Bina Semangat pada 8 hingga 17 Jun.

Sebanyak 94 peratus responden borang soal selidiktelah mendapati program cuti pertengahan 1994 berfaedah dan menyeronokkan. Pihak Pejabat Cawangan dengan sokongan dan kerjasama pihak Bahagian Pembangunan Pelajaran akan berusaha merancang programprogram cuti yang menarik untuk masa-masa akan datang.

Berlandaskan kepada rasional cuti penggal persekolahan, program ini tidak menekankan kepada akademik dan 'formal teaching' supaya tidakberasajemu dan membebankan pemikiran.

P8fllpelajarseclang bersorakdengangembiranya sempena Had KelU8rga Pelajar Yayasan Sabah di 811MEkspo UPM Berriang

Setiap kllmpllian menyampaikan persembahan masingmasing sempena Minggll Bahasa Inggeds

Sesi pemahaman cedta selepas tayangan video Ilntllk pelajar· pe/ajartingkatan / dikenda/ikan o/eh dlla orang lenagapengajar dad Instwt Iqra '


Kedua-dua kursus yang bercorak belajar sambil bersukariaadalahmengikutkonsep'experimental

Para pelajar Yayasan Sabah menyambllt Majlis Pesta Menllai pada Mei 30, di Dewan Makan KolejKelima, UPM Berriang

Penyampaian sijiloleh Major Steven Pan, Timbalan Warrien, Beko/ah Latihan 8ina Semangat Lllmllt (08S) pada t 7JIln

PATUHI SEMUA PERATURAN ASRAMA : Dr. KASSIM Para pelajar Kolej Komuniti, Yayasan Sabah digesa mematuhi semua peraturan asrama.

SibiJk", Begini/ah keadaan semasa har! pendaftaran pe/ajar KKYS

Gesaan ini dibuat oleh Pengetua Kolej Komuniti, Yayasan Sabah, Dr. Kassim Ali dalam ucapannya ketika perhimpunan pertama Sesi Pengajian 1994/95 kolej tersebut pada 27 Julai lalu. Dr. Kassim berkata para pelajar haruslah bersyukur kerana diberi tempat tinggal dengan sentiasa menjaga kebersihan asrama seperti bilik sendiri , Beliau mengingatkan para pelajar untuk berada dalam kampus mulai jam 10 setiap malam dan menutup semua lampu di asrama pada jam 11 malam. Tindakan akan diambil kepada mereka yang didapati melanggar peraturan berkenaan, tegas beliau. Katanya kalau seseorang pelajar itu terpaksa keluar atas sebab-sebab yang munasabah, pelajar berkenaan dikehendaki menulis surat kepada pihak yang berkenaan.

Dr. Kassim sedangmemberipenerangan kepada para pe/ajar bariJ

pelajar diminta supaya mengambil berat tentang pembayaran yuran berkenaan iaitu RM75,OO sebulan. Katanya mereka yang gagal menyelesaikan pembayaran yuran tidak akan menerima sijil/diploma setelah tamat ku rsus nanti, Dr. Kassim juga mengucapkan tahniah kepada para pelajar kolej ini atas kejayaan cemerlang



Tahan Lasak ke Gunung Trus ~Madi

Seramai tiga puluh orang pelatih Kolej Komuniti Yayasan Sabah (termasuk penulis artikel ini) telah mengambil bahagian dalam perjalanan tahan lasak ke Gunung Trus Madi pada 26 Jun yang bermula dari batu 8, Tambunan. Berikut adalah catatan penulis, HBerto/ak pada puku/ 8.30 pag~ kami te/ah menerusi Banjaran Crocker sepanjang perja/anan kami ke Gunung Trus Madi. Kami berehatpadajam 12.30 tengahhari untukmakan tengahari. Mat/amat kami pada hari pertama ia/ah sampaidi kakibukitgunung tersebu!. Kami tiba di sana pada jam 4.30 petang.

mereka dalam Pertandingan Pesta Perahu Naga Sabah ke 9 bahagian pelajar di Kota Kinabalu pada5Jun lalu, Walau bagaimanapun, beliau mengingatkan para pelajar yang terlibat supaya mempastikan pelajaran mereka tidak akan terjejas, Beliau juga mengucapkan tahniah kepada wakil-wakil kolej ini yang telah menyertai Pertandingan Kemahiran di IKM, Lumut, Perak yang mendapat tempat ke 11 dan 12 dalam pertandingan berkenaan daripada sejumlah 25 peserta.

beraneka bentuk dan berwarna-warn~ bunga-bungaan yang berjenis tumbuh dengan suburnya tanpa gangguan, dan tidak ketingga/an juga pacat) memang suka hidup di tempat Yctl/g /embap. Kami berehat sementara waktu di perhentian pertama untuk makan. Di sana yang nampak bukit-bukau yang /ersergam indah. Kami meneruskan perja/anan dan apabi/a kami t/ba di Ke/etihan",,,tetapigembira keranaberjayamendakisampaike piJncak GiJniJng TriJs Madi taman bunga kami terpaksa me/a/ui /embah yang curam. Di sana kami menga/ir dari a/as buki/ yang begi/u sejuk. Di /erpaksa berha/i-ha/i kerana /embah tersebut sana kami menginap untuk berma/am sebe/um sangat merbahaya. Wa/au bagaimanapun, kami berto/ak untuk meneruskan perja/anan. dapat me/intasi curam tersebut dengan se/ama!. Sepanjang perja/anan, kamite/ah me/a/ui9 buah bukityang tersedai indah di banjaran berkenaan. Kami sampai dj kemuncak pada jam 5petang, dankabusmengge!llingipuncak gunung tersebu!. Kami berma/am di puncak. Wa/aupun /et/h Kam/juga te/ah me/a/uihutan teba/ dibanjaran tersebutdi mana kami te/ah me/ihatbanyakjenis namun kami gembira kerana berjaya menak/uk kemuncak Gunung Trus Madi dengan se/ama!. H tumbuh-tumbuhan yang jarang ditemui di /uar dari tempat tersebut seperti periuk kera yang

"There's something wrong in your telephone booth, who doyou wantto call?"

''No,Mike Tyson - Salleh Hussin of the Maintenance Section. "


the. }VIan

Salleh Hussin or more popularly known as Mike Tyson has become a house-hold name in YSI ICSB.

Group Manager, Public Affairs. Encik Bob Rashid Mohd. Salleh exchanging souvenirs with Information Department Team Leader, Encik Fred Alus, after a friendly badminton match on July 14. PAD lost 4-3 to Information Department,

Salleh who is an Assistant Technician with the Maintenance Section has been with the organisation for 14 years. He joined the organisation in 1980 as a gardener and was promoted to his present post six years later.

'It's great to see them happy and smiling,' said Salleh, 'And that's why I'm going to stay on in this organisation until I retire,' he added. However, retirement is still.a long way off for him. It seems Salleh would have to fix a lot more telephones for YS and ICSB.

Jt Mike or Salleh has more than those, he is friendly and very obliging. That is why he is wellliked by the YS/ICSB public.

Four more new but familiar faces were promoted to General Managers effective July 15 this year. They are Encik M. Y. Ibrahim, Encik Kassim Hj. Abd. Rahman, Encik Abas Lamat and Encik Mahani Sawal. Encik Ibrahim was made General Manager of Transportation Division replacing Encik Robert Cheong while Encik Kassim was promoted to General Manager of Real Estate "'''!velopment Division replacing Encik John J.nson. Encik Abas, on the other hand, was promoted to Group Manager of the Administration and Personnel Department replacing Encik Vincent Chung while Encik Mahani was promoted to General Manager of Pacific Hardwoods Sdn Bhd replacing Encik RUdy Kinajil. Former GMs, Encik Robert, Encik John, Encik Vincent and Encik Rudy are now Special Assistants cum Advisors to the ICSB Executive Management Committee.

'Patiah and I spend most of our spare time gardening,' said Salleh, smiling.

He said he loved every minute of his job. At the end of the day he would feel satisfied if he had helped people to get their telephone working.

Why Mike Tyson? It is because of his build and look which are quite similar to Mike Tyson - the boxer.

This 36-year old guy hails from Kampong Rugading Tuaran. He is married to Puan Patiah

Besides that, there is also a softer side of Mike • gardening.

Hobbies? Guess what? Weightlifting of course!

Incoming GM, Encik M. Y. Ibrahim (right) presenting a memento to outgoing GM, Encik Robett Cheong, during a simple ceremony organised by the Transportation Division to welcome the new GM and bid farewell to the fonner GM. In attendance was Icsa Group General Manager, Datuk Kong Yin Loong.

Outgoing GM, REDO, Encik John Manson, welcoming his successor, Encik Kassim Hj. Aba Rahman, in a simple ceremony matking the handing-over of the post

winning two men's double and one mixed double while losing two men's double, one ladies double and one mixed double. The match was part of PAD's on-going media relations programme.

So next time you have a problem with your telephone, JUST CALL MIKE TYSON

Berita Bergambar PASAR RIA BAKTIIKHLAS PIX!: Demonstrasi pennainan "KUlr di/aklJkan o/eh PenglJflJs KlJmplJ/an Bahagian PembanglJnan Sosio-Ekonomi IBPSE/, Encik Do//ah MahmlJd dan Encik Ghani/in Hj. Hashim

P/X2: PemangklJ Pengarah dengan miringi pegawai· pegawai BPSE menyaksikan demonstrasi menganyam tikar P/XJ: Pertandingan memblJat ketlJpat

P/X4: Barang perfJiasan dari slJklJ kalJm RlJnglJs, Kota MafIJdlJ yang mendapat samblJtan hebat P/X5: Acaraaerobik yangpertamaka/idiadakansemasa Pasar Ria Bakli /kh/as pada 6 Ogos /a/IJ P/X6: Acara makan epa/ • memerllJkan kecekapan masing-masing

BENGKEL KEBANGSAAN- MENGENAI PERUSAHAAN KOMUNITI 01 MALAYSIA Institut Kajian Pembangunan (Sabah) [IDS] dengan kerjasama Yayasan Sabah, CommaetMalaysia dan Yayasan Konrad Adenaeur, Jerman telah menganjurkan buat pertama kalinya Sengkel Kebangsaan Mengenai Perusahaan Komuniti Di Malaysia pada 11 dan 12 Ogos lalu di Shangri-La's Tanjung Aru Resort. Lebih kurang sembilan puluh peserta dari jabatan serta agensi kerajaan dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan telah menyertai bengkel itu yang menyaksikan lapan kertas kerja dibentangkan. Pengurus Kumpulan Sahagian Pembangunan Sosio-Ekonomi, Eneik Dollah Mahmud telah membentangkan kertas kerja bertajuk "Pengalaman Yayasan Sabah Dalam Mempromosi Perushaan Komuniti."

Ketua Menteri merangkap Menteri Kewangan, Datuk Mohd. Salleh Tun Said. Encik Do//ah membentangkan kertas kelja Yayasan Sabah

Sebahagian dari pegawai Yayasan Sabah yang menghadiri bengke/ terseblJt

YS/ICSB Sertai "Larian Amal Bosnia"

Kejohanan Badminton Tertutup YS/ICSB

Seramai 21 orang kakitangan YS/ICSB telah menyertai "Larian Amal Bosnia" yang telah diadakan pad a 17 Julai lalu bermula di Kompleks Sukan Ukas . Menurut Ketua Pasukan YS/ICSB, Saudara Andrew Sandah, mereka menyertai larian tersebut untuk menyumbang kepada Tabong Bosnia. "Sebagai sebuah negara penyayang, kami prihatin dengan masa depan Bosnia dan mengambil berat dengan apa yang berlaku di negara tersebut," jelas Andrew. Manakala 'udara Jinol Bokusin, seorang pelajar Kolej I'\omuniti Yayasan Sabah pula menyertai larian tersebut atas kesedaran dan keinsafannya terhadap kesengsaraan masyarakat Bosnia. Saudari Beatrice Lajawa pula be rasa puas hati dengan pencapaiannya yang mampu menghabiskan larian sejauh 10km itu dengan masa 48 minit dan berjaya menduduki tempat ke-6 dalam acara wan ita terbuka.

Abdul Agus /kananj,johan lelaki peseorangan terbuka menerima hadiah dad Andy Majimbun

Peseorangan Lelaki [Novis]

Bergu Lelaki [Terbuka]

Andrew Sandah Iwn. Nicholas 15-10,15-7

TrisukmaiAbas Ali lwn. Abdul AgusiSaiful Sigu 17-18, 15-1,15-6

Bergu Lelaki [Novis]

Peseorangan Wanita [Novis]

Batil SintanlMohd. Wasil Iwn. Andrew Sandah/George Tay 15-5,18-14

Jackie Wong Iwn. Georgina Michael 11-4, 8-11, 11-3

Peseorangsn Lelaki [B) Joisin Romut Iwn. Nicholas Junius 15-3,15-12

Jackie WongiRovina Stambullwn. Jenny KungNeronica Urn 15-5, 15-5

Bergu Lelakl [B)

Peseorangan Wanita [Terbuka]

Pg. HalimlTri Sukma Iwn. Allan Masuhur/Joseph Crispin 17-15,3-15,15-8

Khoo Chui Eng Iwn. Chin Mui Kee 11-4, 11-3

Bergu Wanita [Novis]

Bergu Wanita [Terbuka] Peseorangan Lelaki [Terbuka] Abdul Agus Iwn. Abas Ali 11-15, 15-12, 15-0 [Berhenti]

The Battery (car) What it does and what can go wrong Your car battery provides electricity forthe starter motor and spark plugs. It also stores the electricity produced by the alternator or the generator. When you start up the car, the electricity passes through a coil, which increases the voltage, and then goes to the distributor, which sends bursts of electricity to the spark plugs at each cylinder at the exact moment of compression. Once the engine has started, the electrical provided by the generator (alternator) driven by

a belt connected the engine, and the battery is no longer needed. In fact, the battery is recharged by the alternator while the car is being driven. A voltage regulator insures that the battery is not damaged by overcharging. Battery failure is usually caused by problems with alternator replenishing the electricity, low water level, corrosion around the cables, or age (although a well-cared for battery can easily last five or six years).

Khoo Chui Eng/Jane Kantod Iwn. Chin Mui Kee/Clarice 15-11, 15-8

Sometimes a car battery that is dead will start immediately if you jump it. If the battery is not that old, the problem could be dirty battery cables, so be sure to check them.

CAUTION Do not smoke near the battery or expose it to flame or sparks. Battery acid gives of hydrogen, a flammable and explosive gas. Do not allow battery electrolyte (acid) to contact skin, eyes clothing or painted surfaces. Extract from: How to make yourcarlastalmost forever, page 20. Author: JackGi/lis. Published by ThePutnam Publishing

Group, 200 Madison Avenue, New York 1008.

CDCANNUALSPORTSDAY Children of Tadika and Taska had a joyful day on Thursday,June 30. This being their Annual Sports Day, they participated in numerous challenging and exciting games.

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