Berita Yayasan Sabah Vol.5, No.1 (Januari-Februari 1983)

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For Reference Only

J'lot To Be Taken




VOL 5 NO 1



Sabah FoundationTo Spend


Ion On Education

emphasis on education for the betterment of our people" , he added.

('80% for the provisions of


for higher education"

The Chainnan of Sabah Foundation, YAB. Datuk Harris Mohd. Salleh, who is also the Chief Minister of Sabah, atinounced today that the Sabah Foundation will spend $31 million this year on its education programmes.

Budget This is more than 50% of the Sabah Foundation's total budget for overall programmes this year. It involves the prOVlSlons of scholarships/ loans for higher education

(universities), scholarships for lower education (seconda­ ry) and activities undertaken by the Career, Guidance and Counselling Department and the Child Development Centre. Out of the $31 million, 80%will go towards the provisions of scholarships/ loans for higher education .

New Awards Datuk Harris said about $10 million will be spent on new awards alone, which incor-

In line with the "look East Policy" of the Malaysian Government, Datuk Harris said that more students will also be sent to Japan an South Korea.

Counselling Datuk Harris Mohd. SaJleh

porate higher education scholarships, study loans, grants-in-aids and lower education scholarships.

Datuk Harris ~ .-.: tha t there was an _:,:,ent need for proper co . _~ ~ g of the students.

"For the on-going awards, the Sabah Foun 'ation will .be spending about S21 million", said Datuk Harris.

"I have dire -: -::' the Sabah Foundation : _ place full emphasis on 0 :-oper career guidance an" 'ounselling", he said.

"This clearly shows that the State Goverrunent, and the Sabah Foundation in parti­ cular, is pu tting strong

The Saba!". F undation last year spent ut $18 million on its edu tion prograrrunes alone.

XI FA CAl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jan/Feb 1983




Puan Asnah Satimln, pemenang pertandingan Syarahan menerlma troft dari Timbalon Pengarah, Tengku D,Z. Adlin.

Bersempena dengan Perayaan Maulud Nabi Mohammad SA.W. 1403 Hijrah,lawatan­ kuasa Perayaan telah mengan­ jurkan MajJis sambutan Nabi bertempat di Oditorium Yayasan Sabah pada lanuari

8, 1983. Majlis sambutan ini adalah pertama kali diadakan di samping menyertai perhim­ punan dan perarakan di padang. Tujuan sambutan iill diadakan ialah untuk mengeratkan lagi talisilatura­ him dan muhibah diantara kakitangan yang berugama Islam di Yayasan Sabah. Upacara perasmiannya telah dilakukan oleh Yang Mulia T engku D. Z. Adlin selaku Timbalan Pengarah Yayasan Sabah. Dalam ucapan ringkas­ nya beliau telah menyeru kepada semua kakitangan yang berugama Islam supaya

turut serta dalam perhimpunan dan perarakan di pactang di­ masa hadapan demi mem­ buktikan taat setia kita dan cintakan kepada ugama Islam yang telah diwarisi oleh kota Nabi junjungan Mohammad SA.W. Mengenai dengan Pertandingan Penulisan Puisi dan Cerpen ini, diadakan bertujuan untuk mencungkil bakat yang ada pada diri kakitangan dalam berbagai bidang penulisan yanE tidak mendapat perhatian dan tidak ada peluang untuk mencuba bakat mereka. Walaupun mereka mempunyai cita-cita untuk menjadi seorang penulis atau pengarang tapi terkandas. Tetapi kalau disertai dengan azam yang kuat dan daya­ usaha yang gigih insya-Allah cita-cita itu akan tercapai.

telah mengumumkan bahawa Yayasan Sabah telah menye­ diakan kenderaan bagi memu­ dahkan kakitangan yang ber­ ugama Islam untuk pergi men unaika n sembahyang Fardu, setiap hari Jumaat. Oleh itu diharaplah kakitan­ gan dapat menggunakan itu demi kemudahan meninggikan lagi imej dan syior ugama Islam. Lebih 300 orang kakitangan dan keluarga serta jemputan khas menghadiri majlis yang meriah itu. Antara aturcara yang diadakan adalah persem­ bahan lagu-lagu Nasyid oleh Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah, pertandingan syarahan, per­ sembahan tablo, syarahan ugama dari MUIS dan pengu­ muman pemenang pertandin­ gan penulisan puisi dan cerpen yang diadili sebelunmya. Keputusan pertandingan ada­ lah seperti berikut:Bahagian Cerpen lohan - Yunus Ambar ("Ber­ mula Petang Itu") N/lohan - Asnah Satimin ("Insaf") Pemenang Ketiga - Maya Ong ("ltu Kehendak Mu") P/Sagu hati - LHS Bahagian Puisi lohan - Yunus Ambar ("Lambaian Addin") N/lohan - Asnah Satimin

("Waktu Sesingkat lni Menebalkan Ingatan Ku Pada Ilahi") Pemenang Ketiga - Maya Ong ("Doa") P/Sagu hati - Azizan Hussin, Sabrin Syarahan lohan - Asnah Satimin ("Hak Asasi Wanita Didalam Islam") N/lohan- Jalita Jamari

("Muhammad Pejuang

Ikutan Yang Baik")

Pemenang Ketiga - Gulam

Hassan (''Pandangan Islam

Terhadap Wanita")

P/Sagu hati - Azizan Hussin,

Yunus Ambar, Ahmad


Puan Asnah Satimin dar, Bahagian Amanah telah megondol tiga hadiah, johan " dan naib-naib johan. Semen­ tara Yunus Ambar dari Bahagian Sosial menjadi johan dalam bahagian puisi dan cerpen. M('reka telah menerima piala dan hadiah ­ sampingan berupa buku-buku ugama, antologi cerpen dan puisi. Diharaplah di tahun hadapan ramai lagi para peserta tampil untuk menyertai pertandin­ gan-pertand;ngan yang diada­ kan. Kepada yang menang diucapkan SY ABAS dan kepada yang kalah jangan putus asa cuba lagi hingga (A. Hannre) berjaya.

Tengku D. Z. Adlin juga



Kumpulan Nasyid Yayasan Sabah dibawah Seksi Nasyid telah ditubuhkan kira-kira tiga bulan yang lalu yang dianggotai oleh seramai lebih 40 orang kakitangan Yayasan Sabah dari semua Bahagian di Ibu Pejabat.

penyanyi utama Kumpulan ini. Penasihat Kumpulan ini ialah Encik Awang Damit Mohamad juga selaku Timbalan Presiden SAFOND SRC dan juga Tim. Pengerusi I Unit Kebudayaan Yayasan Sabah.

Kumpulan ini diketuai oleh Puan Dg. Amnah Mayassin selaku Ketua Seksi juga

Walaupun Kumpulan ini baru tetapi ia telah dapat menun­ jukan persembahan yang menarik, ill majlis sambutan

Page 2

Yunus Ambar, pemenang Sejak dan Cerpen menerima hadlahnya dari Datin Mariam, isteri Timba/an Pengarah Yayasan Sabah.

Maulud Nabi yang telah di adalah baru-baru ini bertem­ pat di Oditorium Yayasan Sabah. Kumpulan ini telah dapat membawa empat buah lagu Nasyid dan telah menawan dan menarik perha­ tian ratusan penonton yang menyaksikan majlis tersebut.

Ini adalah sebahagian dari­ pada aktivitinya pa<1a tahun ini dan Kumpulan 'ini sedang mencipta dan mengubah lagu­ lagu mereka sendiri dalam persediaan untuk menyertai Pertandingan Nasyid yang di­ anjurkan oleh RTM Kota Kinabalu tahun ini.



Jan/Feb 1983

In any organisation, be it big or small, a giant conglomerate with world wide connections or a local importer and exporter firm , the administration department is one of the most important departments of the organisa­ tion which is responsible for its smooth and efficient running. ~t

is the department that ...............plans, coordinates, imple­ ments, monitors and adminis­ ters all activities of the organisation.

The Sabah Foundation Group of Companies Administration Section headed by our Administrative Manager,Encik A L. Ryan, is located on the 19th floor of our Head­ quarters building. The Administrative Manager is assisted in Kota Kinabalu by 10 staff - an administrative officer, one typist, six clerks, a storekeeper and a messenger. "Basically, this section is responsible for maintaining - personnel records of all staff of the Group of Companies", said EnCik Ryan.

"It prepares monthly statis­ tical records of staff incre­ ment certificates, leave records, recruitments, promo­ tions and issuing letters of appointments and drawing up

Abas, who has 11 years service with the Foundation is well versed and thoroughly equipped for the job. "The Foundation is like a family to me and I pratically grew up with it", said Abas. Encik Abas said ," we also keep and file all personnel records and confidential documents of staff and other matters related to the Companies" .



~. Checkinlthroulir penonnel ~COrdl

service contracts for newly a ppoin ted staff"


Mr. Ryan further stated that his section maintains a close rapport with the Branch Offices at Tawau , Lahad Datu and Sandakan to ensure all administrative records are maintained in the order as outlined by the Group Managing Director. As Secretary to the Board of Directors, Mr . Ryan provides secretarial and administrative services to the Board in the form of preparing agenda, minutes, resolutions, Board papers, etc., for the Directors ' meeting.


Mr. Ryan also Iiaises closely with the Registrar of Compa­ nies regarding filing of periodic statutory documents

with the Registrar . Another aspect of his respon­ sibilities is to be in constant touch with the Foundation Legal Advisors on all Company Secretarial and other related matters pertain­ ing to the Group of Companies.

"Besides, the Section also monitors personnel activities of the Foundation and keep abreast of Labour Laws and Regulations" , added Encik Abas.


"Effective December 1982", he said, "the Foundation Group has a staff strength of 1 ,542, majority of which are based in our timber camps. " Carrying out these heavy responsibilites is no easy job for anyone.


ASSisting En. Ryan is Encik Abas Lamat, the Adminis­ trative Officer.

Encik A bas Lamar

The Administrative Manager attributes the smooth and efficien t rillll1ing of his section mainly to his team of dedicated and hardworking staff.



Florence ,crutilllzbrg the /fIel

Linda at the telex machine

Page 3






r - - -- - - - -'---.,----



. Having a family is FUN Being part of a family

is FUN and in the Sabah

Foundation y u don't ~. have to have a family

to hav FUN




(fun-filled) FAMilY'S DAY SOON I . .


Page 4

Jan/Feb 1983



Ai;' Jual receive, award from Tan Sri Datuk Ben Stephens

The Public Relations Section last year initiated a Long Service

Award scheme for staff of Sabah Foundation and its group of


The Awards are divided into two categories: the Ten Years and

Fifteen Years Awards .

In recognition for their services, the Foundation presented them

with specially designed gold-plated plates mounted on Red

Seraya woods, which come from the Foundation's own timber

~ product. One hundred and thirteen (113) staff from all over the State received the Ten Years Award plaque while there was only one recipient for the Fifteen Years Award. The sole recipient was Chief Clerk, Ajis Jual from the Career, Guidance and Counselling Department, who joined the Foundation on October 1,1967. Following are names of the recipients for the Ten Years Award:Mohd. Safari Manan Kota Kinabalu 1.3.1969 EsthauHk Haji Mohd . Kota Kinabalu 1.3.1968 Jafar Jambol Kota Kinabalu 153.1972 Hussein Hj. Yaacob Kota Kinabalu 1.4.1971 Kassim Ali Kota Kinabalu 6.3 .1972 Hj. Ramli Mohd . Noor Kota Kinabalu 1.1 0.1970 Hj. Mohd. Zain Simamah Kota Kinabalu 15.1.1971 Vincent Chung Kota Kinabalu ·1.12.1972 Tan Tze Wah Kota Kinabalu 1.5 .1972 Grace Chan Kota Kinabalu 1.4 .1971 Raymond Tan Kota Kinabalu 1.2.1971 Gan Lai Cha Kota Kinabalu 1.6.1971 _ A.L. Ryan Kota Kinabalu 22.11.1972 Midoh Basinau Kota Kinabalu 1 .11.1971 Francis Mojinun Kota Kinabalu 18.8.1972 Abas Lamat Kota Kinabalu 26 .6.1971 Mohd. Taib Hamid Sandakan 15.1.1971 Soh Kui Jong Sandakan 15.1.1971 Margaret Chin Lai Yun Sandakan 1 .4.1971 Chang Puey Siang Sandakan 1.4.1971 Ismail Bin Majid Sandakan 21 .4 .1971 Bakariah Sandaludin Sandakan 15.2 .1971 Otu Bin Karim Sandakan 14.5 .1971 Hassim Din Kassim Sandakan 1.4 .1971 Hassan Ali Akhbar San d akan 23.4.1971 Mawit Ab dullah Sandakan 15.5 .1972 Wahid Latip Sandakan 8 .2.1972 P. Lipison Nointeen Sandakan 15 .7.1971 Sapar Ali Sandakan 1.1.1971 Ama t Adol Sandakan 15.1 0 .1971 Salleh Ibrahim Sandakan 1.1 .1971 Mohammad Jumadil Sandakan 1.8.1971 Abd. Hakim Balahim Sandakan 4.5.1971 Rusman Sidin Sandakan 1.4.1971 Talib Egasan Sandakan 18 .2.1972 Ag. Jamal Duramit Sandakan 9.3 .1971 Otoh Ondain Sandakan 18.2 .1971 Mustapha Sanuh Sandakan 15.4.1972 Ibrahim Undine San d akan 17.5 .1972 Aluidin Padin Sandakan 18.4.1971

Birin Taniyar Ag. Damit Asmat Misuwari Mohamad Abd. Mutalib Dani Asagari Ali Wahad Tawan Ibrahim Aman Tinggal Mating Hassan Kassim Wan Kipli Shukor Martina Sim Wai Ram RM.Patel Jacob Chin Chee Vui Thien Kon Yin Mundu Buji Chee Kon Su Dayah Pemutar Marajin Gantok Maznan Sales Gidius Botutik Enrico Simeon Utok Ning Amping Salam Aping Ampotok Walter Lainki Bain YusofDamai Jakran Badullah Aping Sarna Jaikul Sunsuluk Hassan Malihi Renaldo J. Fulgencio Sudiro Namong Rooney Edwin Omar Hassan Bayon Juri Ghani Ahmad Injau Hj. Abdul Wahab Ibrahim Akom Bunana Madun Matusin Rakman Boloh Marjaini Ellah Engkee Ak. Degol Ungut Jalian Tong Chun Fook Abd. Tarasan Sasapan Samin King Kiang Lokad Malandi Asaral Ujail Joannes Henry Sinit Orou Felix Sitom AningAhmad Damsah Ayan Jundam Aliama Lain Saribon Chalana Piliu Kamin Duin Janaani Jabani Kulin Orow Ismail Tassang Kaping Subulmana Tudok Pinuh Musneh Rukut Hj. Mohd. Noor Jaafar Lipaeh Abbah Adin Pulau Judi Sabastian Ismail Hj . Said Gabrin Amad Bani Tarid Dalimpas Ansilang Jamli Bernard

San dakan Sandakan Sandakan San d akan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan San d akan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Tawau Tawau Tawau Tawau Tawau Tawau Tawau Tawau Lahad Datu Lahad Datu Lahad Datu Lahad Datu i..;iliad Datu Lahad Datu Lahad Datu Lahad Datu Lahad Datu Lahad Datu Lahad Datu Lahad Datu Lahad Datu Lahad Datu Lahad Datu Lahad Datu Lahad Datu Lahad Datu Lahad Datu Beaufort Kudat Beluran Kuala Penyu Penampang Kudat Keningau Lamag Pensiangan Tuaran

11.4.1971 14.5.1971 2.8.1971 2.8.1971 21.10.1971 6.5 .1972 15.5.1971 15.2.1971 6.4.1972 1.6.1971 1.5 .1971 15.2.1971 1.6.1971 9.3.1972 7.2.1972 1.5.1971 13.1971 1.6.1971 22.2.1971 15 .2.1971 1.4.1972 6.2.1971 4.2.1972 2.10.1972 13.3.1972 16.4.1971 1.4.1972 1.9.1972 13.4.1972 10.0.1972 G.9.1971 1.12.1972 1.5.1972 1.12.1972 9.8.1971 15.1.1971 1.1.1971 18.2.1971 2.1.1971 1.6.1971 2.8.1971 1.5.1972 13.3 .1972 13.9.1972 12.11.1972 15.8.1972 8.4.1972 12.8 .1972 15.2.1972 3.8 .1972 1.8.1972 7.2.1972 1.11.1971 1.9.1972 10.8.1972 10.8.1972 7.10.1972 17.1 0.1972 8.11.1972 2.8.1972 2.10.1972 3.9.1972 15.1.1971 1.10.1970 15.1.1971 15.1.1971 1.1.1971 16.2.1971 16.4.1971 10.4.1971 1.1.1972 15.1.1971 PageS

.• t

Jan/Feb 1983


ransfer &Promotio

Dr. Kassim Ali, the fonner Scholarship/Loan Officer from the Sabah Foundation has resumed duty as Head of the Group Human Resources Development Department in January.

As Head of this new Depart­ ment, Dr. Kassim is basically responsible for coordinating of the the activities Scholarship/Loan Depart­ ment, Student Welfare Depart­ ment, Career, Guidance and Counselling Department and also the Child Development Centre. Dr. Kassim obtained his Doctorate in Educational Administration from the Southern Illinois University, USA.

Senior Clerk, Joseph Ng, from the Property Section has been transferred to the Investment Section.


Larry, from Manila, is a "graduating music student" from the University of Santa Thomas, Philippines. Prior to coming here, he was teaching elementary music to students at the University. Music Instructor, Larry Cadiz was employed by the Tadika Ria in February. Statistics Clerk, Jenny Tsen Foundation joined the Timber Operations Section in December. From Kota Kinabalu, Jenny was a Salary Clerk with a private fIrm before joining us.

Joseph, who had just returned from the United Kingdom after completing a one-year course in Development Administration last year, was also promoted as Assistant Investment Officer.

Rosalia Ja ikuI , a Typist joined the Foundation Group Accounts Section in January. From Kinarut, she received her secondary education at SMK Maktab Sabah, Kota Kinabalu. Narida Usin, a former Lift Operator from the Maintenance Division, has been transferred to the Group Accounts Section as Typist.

The Canadian Trade Mission who visited the State recently made a courtesy call on our Director, Tan Sri Datuk Ben Stephens (Iefi) at his office.

Page 6

Larry has also teamed up with the Cakarawala band. He plays the piano.

Driver, Damin Marigi, was employed by the Foundation Services Section in January. From Kampong MangkuIat, Kota Belud, he was formerly with Kian Mei Furniture Sdn. Bhd.

Group Public Reilltions Manager, Enclk Edward Sung Burongoh (extreme left), showing youth members of the lohore Bahru Maillysian Indian Congress (MIC) around our Headquarters building.


Jan/Feb 1983

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1. What is the immediate action at the scene of an accident? To

Do not run to

car and the injured






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if the car is on fire or there is of explosion or fire.

6. How should a moved from the site accident? As as IJU~~lUl'"

be the

and as




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... mmmmmm Ambulll!i

9. What immediate should be taken?


Switch off the better still, disconnect the the hand if use necessary; DO NOT allow smoking anyone; DO NOT remove the unless locate the fire, if the smoke and


..... t


'+I ...

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•• ltH!.'.'. ••

Ensure his foot is not held under the car of seat or twisted the car has to be lifted make sure that those to do so do not it and allow the car to back care should be taken that when one side of the car is lifted that the other side of the car is not on to any bystanders.


13.How should a blanket lift be nrenared'! attack

a fire extin­ blanket or earth.


3. When does a risk have to be taken? The

When the heart or breathing


retained in

7. What would you do in the case of a Dell.esttialn

5. When may it be necessary to move an unconsious casualty


If the is conscious and can be reached he should be and exa,mlJned' any bleeding found must be controlled and any fractures immobi­ Used by the limbs to each other or' to the trunk; if a neck injury

Send someone to put out relfective warning triangles on both sides of the accident, commencing 200­ 400 or metres away; if no fl1,tg down this make use of bystanders to do they will then have less time to interfere; DO NOT well ­ bundle the cars and

He should be left in the vehicle and no be made to move him unless the situation is dangerous.

,,".u •••••


• • • • '"~ • • ~.~ . . . . . . . . . 6ij • • • • "~ • • iII . . . . . . . . .,, • • • • ,

give exact. location of the the number of injured, and any relevant information, such as trapped casualties.

4. If a casualty is uncon­ scious in a crashed vehicle, what should be done?

!J • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


1t" .... f"* ....

car driver to

When a proper examina­ tion of the casualty is difficult or impossible; when he may be uncon­ scious; or when he may be having multiple


.~ : ; Contributed by Peddddmatu . Sabab IUAYS) ,.' ' .•• , •.•.• .: , ~ :• \1··

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Accidents Involving Those Outside a Vehicle

the scene.

2. How can this be carried out?


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vehicle immobilised applying the hand the wheels with stones to prevent slipping and to ensure that the vehicle makes no uncon­ trolled movement.

8. I f a what


is removed be done?

A note should be made of the exact position of the casualty, also the time and place of the accident as this information may be by the police, should be informed of all accidents. Accidents mvolving Occupants of Vehicles .

10.1f there is no should you remove a sever­ ly injured No: this should be left to the emergency services which have been trained to deal conditions. II. If it is essential to remove a casualty because of how should this be done? Ensure there is adequate help to all parts the casualty and aim to make the removal from the car in one continuous smooth operation. 12. How should the casualty be prepared for removal?

care the or overcoat.

' ' ' ' ' ....WLll"


avoid in coat

14. What other action should be taken? Malntain observation on and make comfortable, moving him as gently and as little as possible; reassure him and him from cold; ensure that all un­ conscious casualties are carried in the recovery. position.


Jan/Feb 1983


(Fhere nthereW Gifts for Widow

Executive Secretary, Encik Safari Manan presented a package containing school uniforms to the wife of the late Rahman Raj ali , Puan Rokiah Sobill at our Head­ quarters recently. Rahman, an employee of the

YS Staff Participates Muslim Foundation staff led by the Deputy Director, Tengku D. Z. Adlin partici­ pated in the Maulud Nabi Celebrations held at the Kota Kinabalu Municipal padang.

Later, our entourage which was accompanied by our Kompang and Bunga Manggar group walked from the Municipal padang to the State Mosque at Sembulan.

Foundation passed away after a short illness last year. Encik Safari, who is also the Chairman of KOYASA Sdn. . Bhd. presented a cheque for the late Rahman's share to Puan Rokiah.

- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ - ­

Tan Sri signs Loan Agreement

Chairman for Sabah Melale Wood Industries ;' Sdn . Bhd. and Sabah Foundation Director, Tan Sri Da tuk Ben Stephens recently signed a $17.3 million loan agreement and an overdraft of $5 million with the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corpora­ tion, Kota Kinabalu. The Bank was represented by its Area Manager , Mr P. M. Parsons at the ceremony which was held at the Sabah Foundation Headquarter~ building. Sabah Melale is ajo-int venture company set up between the Sabah Foundation and Sta. Ines Melale Forest Products Corporation of the Philippines. The Foundation holds 66 per cent equity.

Weddings Heartiest congratulations to Clarence Estrop , an Accounting Officer in the Sabah Foundation , on his marriage to Biline Inggam on December 29, and also to Basri Hassan ,a Library Officer at the Tun Fuad Research Library to Sithi Rasheeda, a Stenographer at the Foundation Social Services Department on December 19 .

ctorerrce Estrop and BO/ne Ingram

Page 8

May the years ahead be prosperous and filled with pleasant memories.

Ball'I Hllsson and Sithl Rallhe«kl


Jan/Feb 1983

Menteri British, di Malaysia Puan Datin Paduka Aisah Ghani, Menteri Kebajikan Masyarakat dan tidak kurang­ nya seperti jadi Peguam, Kaptan Kapal, Tentera Laut, seperti wanita di Indonesia dan lain-lain jawatan yang tinggi, apakah ini dipandang lemah? Begitulah pendapat gadis sunti yang mengisi ruangan gadis berita keluaran tahun barn 1983 ini. Gadis yang dimak­ sudkan ialah Cik Magner Maria Philip atau dia lebih suka dipanggil dengan nama penanya "Mar-83" sahaja. Berasal dari daerah Papar, ia dilahirkan kira-kira 19 tahun yang lalu dibawah naungan bintang Libra yang menjadi kesayangan kedua ibu bapa­ nya.

Bila ditanya apakah benar kaum wanita dipandang lemah oleh setengah-setengah golongan, dengan tidak sabar­ sabar dia menjawab, dia tidak setuju sama sekali. Sebenarnya peranan wanita adalah sama dengan kaum

lelaki. Bagi pendaptnya, di, zaman dulu, ianya mungkin benar, tetapi di zaman Sains dan Teknoloji ini kaum wanita adalan berlumba-Iumba dengan kaum lelaki iaitu mencabar. Sebagai contoh Puan Indra Ghandi, Perdana Menteri India, Puan Margaret, l>erdana

Sebagai seorang yang pernah mendidik kanak-kanak selama tujuh bulan di sekolah Tadika St. Mary Papar, memang sesuai dengan kegemarannya suka membaca buku-buku Teks untuk rujukan dan menambahkan lagi pelajaran­ nya disamping mendengar

radio, berkelah, mengemas rumah dan berjogging. Mar-83 memulakan pendidi­ kan awalnya di sekolah St. Mary Limbahau dan menamat­ kan sekolah di St. Joseph Papar, hingga tingkatan lima. Dalam segi makanan Mar tidak banyak cerewet, dia tidak memilih makanan asal­ kan jangan terlalu pedas. Mar-83 baru sahaja bertugas di Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah di bahagian Amanah sebagai kerani dua bulan yang lalu, dan bertukar ke bahagian Operasi Kayubalak sebagai kerani Statistik. Dalam usianya yang masih remaja Mar ingin memijakkan kakinya hingga ke Universiti selain dari membantu adik­ adiknya dalam persekolahan mereka.

Mengenai soal rumahtangga, belum terlintas lagi di fikiran Mar, tapi ingin mencari teman yang jujur dan setia serta ber­ tanggongjawap kerana itulah kunci kebahagian bila berumahtangga.

lGakitangan lGompI&tel' Tel'i Kakitangan Yunit Komputer di Ibu Pejabat telah mengikuti kursus "Basic Computer Con­ cepts" dan "Introduction to Basic Programming" di Sabah Institute of Studies di Kota Kinabalu selama sebulan. Keputusan pada akhir kursus itu adalah memuaskan dimana antara 11 orang yang mengikuti, tiga orang telah mendapat pangkat A dan yang lain mendapat pangkat B. Mereka yang mengikuti kursus tersebut ialah seperti berikut :Mariam Bte Pg. Bagul Mary Chong Mary Thien Lilian Chang Lily Lim J odah Hj. Zain Evelyn Boudville Alice J amin Rani

Asiah Hj. Manan Yunus Salleh Sidayang Kasi Sebelum itu mereka telahpun dihantar mengikuti kursus singkat di Singapura pada akhir tahun 1980 iaitu se­ belum pembelian komputer dan sekali lagi dalam tahun 1981 di Kuala Lumpur selama dua minggu dimana keputusannya juga adalah me­ muaskan. Demikian di terangkan oleh Pengurus Pembahagian Kumpulan Amanah Rakyat Sabah , Encik Awang Damit Mohamad, selepas penyam­ paian sijil kepada mereka ini oleh Setiausaha Kerja, Encik Mohd. Safari Manan di pejabatnya pada 7 Februari, 1983. Yunit komputer sekarang ini mempunyai seorang Pengurus Pemprosesan Data Berelek-

tronik, Encik Abdul Rauf Alipuddin, dibantu oleh seorang J urn Analisa Sistem, Encik Sylvester Fung, seorang kerani kanan, dua orang Operator komputer dan sem­ bilan orang Operator Input.

Amanah Rakyat Sabah di tingkat 21 dan akan ber­ pindah ke tingkat bawah bangunan Ibu Pejabat apabila pembenaan bilek tetap yang sedang diurnskan sekarang ini selesai dalam bulan Jun, 1983.


Encik Mohd. Safari Manan telah mengucapkan talllliah atas kejayaan mereka.

Komputer untuk ini masih lagi di­ bawah pentadbiran Jabatan



Encik Yunus Salleh menerima sijiJ Komputer dari Set/ausaha Kerja, Encik Safari Manan.

Page 9

Jan/Feb 1983


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Staff from the Sabah Founda­ tion Group of Companies will now enjoy the benefit of a housing loan scheme launched this year. This was definitely one of the best news in years which was announced by our Director, Tan Sri Datuk Ben Stephens at the annual staff party last year. The scheme will be handled by the Group Staff Housing Committee. Tan Sri Datuk Ben further stated that the Staff of the Sabah Foundation or commonly known as the "Foundation Proper", will also enjoy the benefit in line with the provisions of the Cabinet Committee Report. Tan Sri Datuk Ben further stated that 1982 was a rather difficult year for the Founda­ tion because of the world wide recessions. "Certain measures had to be

taken and cutbacks in expen­ ditures were also introduced," he added. "However, 1 am very grateful and thankful to all of you for your understanding and patience in this matter," said the Director. ·Tan Sri Datuk Ben also said that the Foundation has been initiators in most of its activities and he was proud to be counted among such "leaders of innovation" for the ,betterment of the people of Sabah. "1 am happy indeed to say that we are living up to the spirit of progress for the benefits of the people of Sabah. It is my hope that we continue with this spirit and uphold our philosophy of continued progress for the people of Sabah in the coming new year," he added. Tan Sri Datuk Ben later presented long service awards to Kota Kinabalu staff who

Executive Secretary, Encik Safari Mana'll receiving the Long Service A ward from Director, Tan Sri Dutuk Ben Stephens.

have been with the Foundation for ten years or more. Sixteen staff from Kota Kinabalu received the Ten Years Awards

while Ajiz Jual was the sole recipient for the Fifteen Years Award. Tan Sri also gave away prizes to the winners of the inter­ district games. The evening was also high­ lighted by the presence of Malaysian Elvis Presley, Marciano Franco from Penin­ sular Malaysia and Miss Bella Dimayuga from the Philip­ pines. ;

Beside these, there were also games and other interesting programmes to keep everyone busy and happy.

Section of the crowd at the gathering

Page 10

The "Cakarawala" band provided entertaining music for a while but then regretful­ ly, resorted to taped music in the end.


Jan/Feb 1983


"The Sweet Angels" ill action

Tan Sri performing a duet with Miss Bello

Volleyball trophy for Towau team

Sandakan Is District Champ

The annual inter district tournament in Kota Kinabalu last year was organised differently from previous years.

Last year, only the fmals were held here, while the preliminary rounds were held earlier in Tawau and Sanda­ kan.

Lahad Datu converged in Kota Kinabalu for the fmals.


Kota Kinabalu played Tawau in Tawau whileLahad Datu played Sandakan in Sandakan.

Tawau also met Sandakan in the sepak takraw final which was won by Sandakan 3 - O. Sandakan again beat Tawau in the table tennis final with a 5 - 2 score.

the past, all games competed by the four districts, Kota Kinabalu, Tawau, Sandakan and Lahad Datu, were carried out on a knock-out basis at Kota Kinabalu.

Winners of the various games between Tawau and Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan and

The football final between Sandakan and Tawau was won by Sandakan 2 - O.

Volleyball, on the other hand, was won by Tawau when they subdued Lahad Datu 4 - 1. Meanwhile, host Kota Kinabalu emerged champion in the badminton fmal, beating Sandakan narrowly 4 - 3. However, the Overall Cham­ pionship Trophy was deser­ vingly won by Sandakan. Of the five contested games, they emerged winners in three football, sepak takraw and table tennis. Page 11

Jan/Feb 1983


.", ~,

'jPerSeverance PAYS ~ Leonard Perseverance finally pays off for Leonard Injim when he won the 1982 Inter District Bakat Safond trophy in Kota Kinabalu recently. Leonard, a Hospital Assistant in the Flying Doctor Service made his first attempt in Bakat Safond in 1981 but was not placed in the final. However, defeat did not deter or discourage him from participating ~gain.

Leonard !njim

Activities of 83

"I took it as a challenge and strived to improve myself", he said with determination.

SAFOND SRC Kota Kinabalu has outlined numerous programmes and activities for members in Kota Kinabalu this year. The Club's Vice President, Encik Awang Damit said tentative schedules and pro­ grammes for the events have been worked out. "Activi ties have been planned only for the first half of the year while the rest of the year's programme will be looked into by the new committee after the Club's AGM in July," stated the Vice-President.

the following month, April. The trip to the National Park will probably include scaling the majestic Kinabalu and maybe a visit to the Poring Hot Springs. Encik Awang also disclQsed that preparations are under­ way for a trip to Brunei in May .

At the Kota Kinabalu fmal last year, Leonard came in second. In



Leonard gave his best and won the trophy by beating seven others with a comfor­ table majority. He described his success as no overnight sensation or a fluke shot but rather as a result of hardwork, perseve­ rance and patience. Leonard is no greenhorn t o ­ the local ·music scene. He had done some recordings with RTM Sabah and was once a finalist in the State Bintang RTM. Meanwhile, the Group singing was won by the Rena Group from Sandakan. Following are the results of the inter-district finals:-


SOLO Leonard Injim Roslan Ag. Damit Eusebius SupaI

First Second Third

Kota Kinabalu Sandakan Lahad Datu

First Second Third

Sandakan Kota Kinabalu Lahad Datu


"If all goes well, we will probably have a series of friendly matches with the home team," he added.

Rena Group DJJ Group Mixed Group

For the month of January, a barbeque night will be held at the Headquarters building on the 29th at 7.00 p.m. A walkaton to raise funds for the club will be held in February. The six miles route from Kota Kinabalu to our Headquarters building will commence at the Municipal padang at 7.00 a.m. on February 27.

"With the help of members, I am sure we will be able to overcome all obstacles and ensure the smooth imple­ of these mentation programmes," said Encik Awang.

A picnic to one of the islands is being planned for March. There will also be a trip to the Kinabalu National Park

SAFOND members are kindly requested to give their full cooperation in making these events a success.

Page 12

The RENA Group

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