1 minute read

Pencil Drawing by Pollyanna Pickering

It’s that time of year again where farmers fields have blossomed into pretty yellow flowers, these plants are called rapeseed. Although it may be tempting to place your dog in the mist to take a scenic photo, please avoid this at all costs!

Rapeseed is extremely poisonous for dogs, especially in highly sensitive canines.


Rapeseed is listed by Dogs Trust as toxic to our dogs if ingested and can cause symptoms such as:

• Haemolytic Anaemia • Blindness • Damaged Nervous System • Digestive Disorders • Breathing Problems

Even walking through these fields should be avoided! Dogs have been reported to suffer from severe open wounds after running through a crop of rapeseed.

Please seek immediate vet attention if your dog shows any signs of rapeseed poisoning.

Car Boot Update

We have attended 6 sales so far and raised just over £1600, we’ve received lots of donations which has been fantastic and do keep them coming. Also thanks for the donations towards a new storage shed for to store all the items, we really appreciate it. A big thanks to Sandra Clayton, Chris Bush, John and of course Kiki and Dexter for their help.

We are still taking donations - dog items, puzzles, children and adult games, just drop me or Sandra Clayton a message if you want to check what we need

Debbie Bush