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“Some Picture” David French - framed

What a change in the weather! Having suffered rain, gales and constant grey skies in May we have been treated to a wonderful warm Bank Holiday weekend. Let it be an omen for the rest of summer.

It has been good to be able to welcome all the volunteer walkers back and now to allow a very sociable coffee afterwards. Most of you will not imagine how dedicated the walkers have been paddling through ankle deep mud to walk the dogs for most of April and May. An extra special thanks you to you all.


We are optimistically continuing to organise a bumper Open Day on June 27th. We are holding the Auction of Greyhound Memorabilia that was cancelled last October and will have the usual stalls, BBQ and refreshments. We hope as many as possible of you will come as it will be good to meet up again with all your lovely hounds. Covid restrictions hopefully being relaxed a bit by then.

July 25th we are hoping to hold our Greyhound Show. Start getting your boy or girl ready to look their best, not that they ever look anything less than beautiful!

The track at Caister has now reopened to the public all be it with a limited number of visitors allowed. We have begun to collect at the gates and restaurant door on Monday, Wednesday and Saturdays and folk have been very generous in filling our collection pots. If you would like to join our small band of collectors, you would be made very welcome just contact me and I will arrange for one of the regulars to show you the ropes. We are not yet able to collect at Taverham Garden Centre or Jolley’s, but we will also need collectors for them soon.

Many of the shows we attend with our stall promoting greyhounds as pets are beginning to organise dates to restart and we have managed to book most weekends out in August. Elsewhere in the Newsletter you will find a list of events we hope to attend, we always love to have you visit our stall with your greyhounds.