2 minute read

Pair of Racers GIL - pencil-framed

Jonjo, racing name Black Falcon, had happily lived with Peter and Polly, since they’d purchased him from Eire over three years back, as a four month old pup. He regularly raced at Yarmouth Race track.

One race night Jonjo fell, crossing the whole field, they all recovered quickly and ran on, except Jonjo. He was carried off straight to the Vets room where the duty Veterinary Surgeon diagnosed a fracture in his off fore. Strapped up and made comfortable, Jonjo was transported to the 24 hour care unit at CVS in Gorleston, to await a scan and full diagnosis the next day. Joint owner Polly travelling in the back of the van beside Jonjo, just in case! Peter and Polly moved their racing greyhounds to Yarmouth after Mildenhall ceased racing. Still fairly new to the area, they didn’t fully understand Yarmouth Greyhound Homefinders Veterinary Assistance Scheme, inaugurated by the group in 2000. Wanting to do the best for Jonjo, Peter and Polly were concerned as to how they could fund his care. They phoned Homefinding Co-Ordinator Corinne next morning, to say they could raise £1000 to support Jonjo’s treatment, £2000 at a push. Corinne immediately jumped in stating Jonjo was now under Homefinders’ wing and working with Peter and Polly, the charity would fund the veterinary costs, prior to homing him as a pet once fully recovered. Unable to supply the op Jonjo needed, Gorleston CVS emailed the images to their Fakenham specialists. He was transferred across, and assessed ready for surgery. To everyones surprise after arriving the Vet announced, “Jonjo can stand” and that he was fine for the op tomorrow. Whilst appreciating the high level of veterinary expertise at The Grove, it still came as a bit of a shock to sign a form on behalf of Yarmouth Greyhound Homefinders covering costs of £5000 (plus or minus 10%). Next morning, it was good news from the operating Vet, all had gone well. Over the weekend Jonjo would be receiving specialist care and physio-therapy to ensure he used the leg. Peter and Polly could take him home on Tuesday morning. Thrilled, they stopped on the way home to buy extra meat, chicken, and fish to feed him up. One Week Later Jonjo wasn’t in the least fazed to be back to have his stitches out, the nurse did remark ‘there were a lot’! He is due to return in eight weeks, to have a final x-ray and check, prior to being signed off. Even now his scar is remarkably fine, once the fur grows back, I doubt it’ll be visible. The prognosis is that when the bones all healed, he’ll be able to use the leg as if nothing had happened. It’s being left to Peter and Polly to tell Jonjo he won’t be returning to racing though! Written by Stephen Franklin.
