Meditation and chakras

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Know More about Meditation and Chakras Most people (spiritual and non-spiritual) go through their lives without knowing about Chakras. Others look at them sceptically, thinking that such notions are meant for the mystics. It is absolutely not essential to have any knowledge or belief in the Chakras to receive the benefits of a regular meditation practice. However, during a meditation, it is the Energy Body that aligns itself and the Chakras move in the direction of balance and therefore you emerge feeling wonderful. In fact any quiet, soothing practice such as meditation, music, painting, gardening actually works on the Energy Body and the Chakras, whether we choose to focus on them or not. At Yes 2 Life! Meditation Center in Baner, Pune, we focus explicitly on the Chakras. When we focus on a Chakra in a peaceful, relaxed way, we are directly and gently nudging it towards balance and harmony. When we go about something in a direct, explicit manner, our focus gets sharper, the process becomes clearer and more effective. At our Meditation Center in Baner, Pune we have created an ambiance with a Chakra background and conduct Chakra Balancing meditations and practices regularly. The intention is that the concepts of Chakras and Chakra Balancing stay in the back of your mind as go through the session. Energy Flows Where Attention Goes. What are chakras? The word Chakra comes from Sanskrit, meaning wheel or disc. Chakras are spinning wheels of energy located in the Energy Body. As they spin, they are constantly taking in and putting out energy into the environment. They can be likened to Energy Hubs that govern the collection and distribution of energy, within a complicated energy network. The human body has seven major Chakras and numerous minor ones. The seven Chakras are described as spinning vortices aligned along the spine Each Chakra is said to rotate at a particular frequency which gives it its specific colour. The higher Chakras of the head and chest region have higher frequency colours and the lower ones rotate at lower frequencies and have denser colours. There are many descriptions of Chakras in various disciplines, including Yoga and Buddhist philosophy, Reiki and even in Gnostic teachings.

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Energy work of any kind is impossible without consciously or unconsciously working on the Chakras.

The goal of all programs at the Yes 2 Life! Meditation Center in Baner, Pune is to bring about a balance in the functioning of the Chakras of the body. We use crystals and chanting to influence the Chakras and the Five Elements of the body. For e.g. we place the Earth stone of Jasper over your 1st Chakra for a period of 20+ minutes. In that time, the subtle vibrations of Earth element of the stone have an effect on the Earth element in your body which results in balancing of the 1st Chakra. We believe that each of us is blessed with incredible internal technology for self-healing. At our Meditation Center in Baner, Pune, we simply help you to connect deeply with yourself so that the body can activate this innate intelligence.

Balanced Chakras produce feelings of freshness, vitality, contentment and peace-what we call being in "Higher Vibration". Most people feel as if they are in a trance or in a very deep, tranquil place as they lie down with the crystals for a period of time. The goal of all our programs at the Yes 2 Life! Meditation Center in Baner, Pune is to get lots of people to experience feeling of being in and operating from a 'Higher Vibration' on a regular basis.

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B-1204, Aloma County, Near Medipoint Hospital and

DAV School, Aundh, Pune


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