What is Meditation? Can you meditate from home?

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What is Meditation? Can you meditate from home? I am the founder of the Yes 2 Life! Meditation Center in Baner, Pune. At my center, I conduct regular meditation classes in Baner and Aundh in Pune. I get a lot of queries about meditation. Here I describe what meditation is and if you can meditate from home. Meditation is nothing but the training of the mind. It describes the process of getting to a state of mind where there is a stopping of the thought chain (meditative state). The mind is free of all scattered, random, discursive and any other kind of thinking. As such, there are only two ways of getting the mind to stop all active thinking. One way is to wholly focus the mind on one single thing such that there is no space for anything else to show up or the second way is to completely let go of ANY effort related to active thinking so that you experience the meditative state in the blank spaces between thoughts. In my meditation classes in Baner, Pune I focus on getting members to experience these blank spaces, these meditative silences which is a great stress management technique. I get a lot of questions from people if they can meditate at home. If you can meditate, you can meditate anywhere. And if you can’t meditate, you can’t meditate anywhere. That being said, some types of environments are more conducive to meditation than others. The best type of environment for meditation is a natural setting. It is much easier to meditate near the ocean or in the mountains that when you are in the city. The second best place for meditation is a meditation center, where people come to meditate regularly. While it is difficult to prove this, such places where people meditate regularly become infused with positive and healing vibes and one can feel it in the energy of the place. This helps to calm the mind and reduce its anxious chatter. At our meditation center in Baner, Pune we have also added crystals and crystal trees in our setting as we have noticed that it adds to the positive and serene energy of the place. Like any other thing, meditation is a matter of training of the mind. When one has accomplished a certain degree of stability of mind, it is very much possible and beneficial to meditate at home. Until then, one should meditate with a group at a center. When you meditate with others, especially with an instructor giving you instructions; the instructor is always reminding you of focusing on your breath. It is very easy to get distracted by your thoughts. When you meditate in a group, everyone’s energy contributes towards creating a peaceful, calming environment which helps to calm your mind further. You also get an opportunity to discuss any doubts you may have and any notes you wish to exchange. At our meditation center in Baner, Pune we also provide our members with guided audio so that they can use that for home practice.

Contact us:  B-1204, Aloma County, Near Medipoint Hospital and DAV School, Aundh, Pune  +91-9158487992  y2lstudio@gmail.com

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