Y-SAV Country report Poland, 2012

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Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012

INTRODU UCTION In 2010,, a Europea an project addressing a Y Youth Sexuall Aggression and Victim mization (Y-S SAV) was launched d. Y-SAV is a three-year project co-ffinanced by the Europea an Union in tthe framewo ork of the Health P Programme to t address th he issue of s exual aggresssion and vic ctimization aamong young g people. The projject aims to build a multtidisciplinaryy network off European experts in varrious membe er states, bring to ogether the knowledge on youth se exual aggresssion and vic ctimization iin a state-o of-the-art database e, develop a more harmonised way of measuring these issue es and provi de recomme endations for strattegic action to t address th he problem oof youth sex xual aggressio on under diff fferent circumstances in different EU mem mber states. ort is part off the Y-SAV knowledge k b base. The knowledge basse presents innformation regarding r This repo youth se exual aggresssion and viictimization for each EU E member state. This report pressents the current ssituation in Poland regarrding policie es, legislation n, organisations, prevaleence, risk fac ctors and evidence e-based interventions in the area of youth sexua al aggression and victimizzation. port was co ompiled by the Y-SAV p principal inv vestigators at the Univversity of Sttockholm This rep (Sweden n), Rutgers WPF W (The Ne etherlands) aand the Univ versity of Pottsdam (Germ many). We would w like to ackno owledge Proff. Dr. Zbigniiew Izdebski (University of Zielona Góra/ G Unive rsity of Warrsaw) and Ms. Joan nna Rogowsk ka (University of Zielon na Góra) forr their important contriibution to th he Y-SAV report on Poland.

This report arises from th e project Y–SAV which has receiveed funding from the n in the fram mework of the Health Pro ogramme. Eurropean Union

Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012


Govvernment and policies ....................................................................................... 1 Leggal situation ................................................................................................... 2 Insttitutions, org ganisations and a services ...................................................................... 5 Ressearch on pre evalence, rissk factors an nd evidence based b interv ventions ............................. 10

Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012

A. GOV VERNMENT AND A POLICIES S i. Ministries nistries in Poland responsible for yyouth issues are The Miinistry of Edducation (ed ducation, The min sport, ca are of childrren and youtth), The Min nistry of Labo our and Sociial Policy (e mployment) and The Ministry of Health (w welfare for families, f you uth and child dren). The Ministry of Ed ucation has a special Expert T Team of the Polish Minisstry of Natioonal Educatiion that dev velops a youtth strategy based on cooperattion between all actors in i the field aand coordina ation of measures. y counciil in Poland, but there are a a few asssociations th at can be co onsidered There is no official youth good you uth initiative es: Associatio on Poland off Youth (Stow warzyszenie Polska MĹ‚oddych), Projek kt: Polska Association and Pro ojekt: Polska a Foundatio n (Stowarzy yszenie Proje ekt: Polska i Fundacja Projekt: Polska).1 Research Centre of Warrsaw Univerrsity (Osrode ek Badan There iss also a ressearch centrre, Youth R Mlodziezzy przy Uniw wersytecie Wa arszawskim) . ii. Policcies The Pollish governm ment has a National Y Youth strate egy with th he purpose of providin ng equal developm mental oppo ortunities an nd promotingg social activity. Within the framew work of the strategy, many na ational actio on plans and d programme es are develloped, e.g. on youth joobs, drug pre evention, security and safety, cultural participation, but so far no n action pla an has been elaborated on youth sexual aggression an nd victimizattion. iii. Currrent discussiion The currrent legal de ebates on ch hild sexual ab buse concen ntrates on the compatibi lity of the Polish P law with the e proposed Directive D COM M (2010) 94 ffinal, which is going to substitute s thhe Council frramework Decision 2004/68/JH HA of 22 Dec cember 20033 on combatting sexual exploitation e oof children and a child aphy and implementation of the Cou uncil of Euro ope Conventiion on the P rotection of Children pornogra against SSexual Explo oitation and Sexual S Abuse e, which Poland did not yet sign nor ratify.


www.prrojektpolska.p pl/english/abo out-us/ 1

Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012

B. LEGA AL SITUATIO ON i. Law w and legal definitions In Polish h Criminal Code C sexual offences are e regulated under the heading h ‘Offfences against sexual freedom m and moralitty’ in Chapte er twenty-fivve. onstitutes co oercion of a person thrrough the use u of violen nce, threat or deceit to t sexual Rape co intercou urse or otherr sexual activ vities. It alsoo covers sexu ual intercourrse with the offender an nd a third person ((Section 197), the abuse e of the incaapability of the victim to t resist andd to react caused by mental iillness or diisability (Sec ction 198) aas well as abuse of the position off trust or po osition of depende ency (Section n 199).2 It iss sufficient tto prove tha at offender’s unlawful bbehaviour re esulted in the victiim being mentally paraly yzed.3 Spikin ng the victim m’s drink is co onsidered deeceit.4 97 rape prov visions was the redefiniition of the notion of rrape, which actually The novvelty PC 199 distinguiishes ‘sexuall intercourse e’5 punished with more severe s penalty (ranging ffrom 2 up to o 12 years of deprivation of lib berty) from ‘other sexu ual activitiess’ (with punishment fro m 6 monthss up to 8 years). utral with reg gard to perp petrator and victim gender and includdes marital rape. The defiinition is neu exual abuse: regulated in Section 2000 which re efers to sexu ual intercourrse and othe er sexual Child se es with minorr person und der the age oof 15.6 activitie ng towards an a adult perrson as welll as minor person p unde er the age oof 15 is regu ulated in Groomin 7 Section 2 200a since 2010. 2 ence describ bed in Sectiion 197 can be prosecu uted only with a writteen statement from a The offe victim. If there is no n written charge c on th he part of th he victim, no n legal meaasures can be b taken. more, minors are not en ntitled to m make such a charge; only y parents orr legal guard dians are Furtherm entitled to do so. Th his law there efore fails to protect juve eniles at the e age of 15 too 18. 2010, an am mendment of the penal coode was mad de. The penalties for ceertain sexual offences In June 2 against m minors were increased. Due to this cchange, Secttion 197 §3 additionally a ppenalises the rape of persons under 15 yea ars of age (2 2) and perpeetrators of incest (3). Vic ctims below tthe age of 15 are not arges. This provision p is aat odds with h the regulattion of child sexual abusse (below entitled to press cha the age of 15) is already pen nalised in Se ection 200 PC without any requirrement of a written statement from the victim.8


www.po olskieustawy.ccom/norms.ph hp?head=0&acctid=474&adate=20080101& &norm=200&laang=48#vor (October 17, 2011). 3

Judgme ent of Appellatte Court in Po oznań of 14 Juune 1999, II Ak ka 184/99, OS SA 1999 , no. 111-12, item 80 0.


Warylew wski, J. (2004). In Kodeks karny. k Część sszczególna.t.I - Penal Code Commentaryy. Eds. Wąsek, A., Beck, C.H., Warszawa, p. 771. 5

Polish te erm ‘obcowan nie’ has a broa ader meaningg than penetra ation or interc course.


See note e 2 above.


www.ms.gov.pl/pl/dzialalnosc/prz zeciwdzialaniee-przemocy-w wobec-dzieci/ochrona-dziecci-przed-hand dlemludzmi-i-p przestepstwam mi-seksualnym mi/ (October 117, 2011). 8

Platek, M. (2011). Po ozorna ochron na dziecka przzed wykorzysttaniem seksua alnym (po now welizacji k.k.)). Panstwo i Prawno, 2, 1-16. (Ap pparent/Imag ginary protecttion of a child d from sexual abuse. Afteer the novelty y of Penal Code). 2

Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012

ii. Officcial statistic cs Accordin ng to the European E Sou urcebook th here were 6 rape reports per 1000.000 person ns in the population in 2005 and a 5 reportss in 2007, (w which is low compared c to o the Europeaan mean of 11). 1 neties, a systematically decline of sentences s In the first years of the XXI century, just likke in the nin berty withoutt conditiona l suspension of execution can be obsserved (out of 73% in to deprivvation of lib 1990 to 55% in 199 96). In the years 19999-2002 the percentage p of such punnishments amounted a approxim mately 65 % whereas in the t years 20003-2006 only 57%. Even worse, also in cases of qualified rape, an n increase off punishments with cond ditional susp pension of ex xecution cann be observe ed (in the years 19 989–1990 the e percentage e amounted 1%, in 1995 5 it increase ed to 9%, inn 1999 it rea ached its peak, am mounting to 23%. After issuing i of diirectives for prosecutorss in 2000 it ddecreased in n 2001 to 9.5% onlly to raise again a in 2003 and the n next years to o 18%. Even n in 2006, affter the san nction for qualified d rape has been severed d the percen tage still am mounted to 15%, in 2007 and 2008 itt dropped to 10 and 7.7%.9 e statistics regarding the e number of reported rap pes in 2008-22010: There arre also Police  in 20 008: 2.041 ca ases;  in 20 009: 1.816 ca ases;  in 20 010: 1.759 ca ases. ender was found in aroun nd 81-83% off the cases. The offe web page of the Police there are alsoo statistics of o domestic violence, v youuth crimes, crimes in On the w schools a and other ed ducational in nstitutions.100 iii. Lega al studies Court fille studies co onducted by Instytut Wyymiaru Spraw wiedliwości (IWS)11 on caases of qualified rape for whicch suspended d sentences were given showed outtrageous results. There were justified fears, that the reduction of o the penaltty for qualifi ed rape to 2 years would d lead to furrther liberaliisation of the pen nal law (thu us classifyin ng qualified rape as misdemeanou m ur instead oof crime) while w the maximum m term (15 years) remained unchaanged) This liberalisatio on has long lasting effe ects. Any attempts to change the situatio on through llegislature or o policy, ha as not yet pproduced the e desired e noted that the 2009 amendments of the pen nal code (beeing in force e from 1 results. It should be e applied to the sex offeenders. The court c can January 2010) requirred specific security me asures to be decide tthat an offe ender, who is i mentally ill and has committed a sexual offfence due to o certain sexual p predilectionss, must be placed in a psychiatric setting to prevent sim milar offence es in the future. SSuch a decission is taken after havin ng heard exp pert opinionss of psycholoogists and se exologists (Article 93 PC). The e same meassure may be e applied (po ost penalty) to the offennder apt to bear the esponsibility (Article 95a (1)). penal re


Zielińskka, E., Reportt on Poland, (2010). In Feeasibility Stud dy to Assess the Possibilitties, Opportun nities and Needs to Standardise National Legiislation on Viiolence Againsst Women, Viiolence Againnst Children and a Sexual Orientatiion Violence. European Com mmission, ava ilable at www.ec.e europa.eu/jusstice/funding/daphne3/dap phne_feasibility_study_2010_en.pdf 10

www.sttatystyka.poliicja.pl/portal/st/944/508663/Przemoc_w w_rodzinie.htm ml

www.statystyka.policja.pl/portal.php p?serwis=st&dziial=942&id=50256&sid=c5eac c4ddeca7918daab4e2ab8e0b28 805b

and www.stattystyka.policja.pl/portal/stt/950/50868//Przestepczosc c_w_szkole_i_ _i_innych_placcowkach_osw wiatowych. html 11

The Insstitute of Justtice www.iws.org.pl/indexEEN.php 3

Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012

The Pen nal Code con ndemns deprivation of lliberty witho out a condittional suspe nded senten nce for a sexual o offence due to the offe ender’s deviiant sexual preferencess. However, the court may also decide tthat the offe ender after having h served d his sentenc ce is placed in a closed oor ambulatorry setting to receivve pharmace eutical or psychiatric trreatment in order to dim minish his seexual desire es. In the case of rape of a minor m or in the case of iincest, this measure m hass a mandatoory character (Article eatment ma ay already start during g the servin ng of the ssentence, under the 95a (2) PC).This tre nts or, in caase of the lac ck of consen nt, the penittentiary court agrees condition that an inmate consen o execution n of punishm ments). Therrefore, the court finally y decides to it (Arrticle 117 off the Code on whetherr to take this measure or not 6 m months beforre the end of o the senteence or the planned prelimin nary conditio onal release from prison . Since spec cial treatmen nt programm mes for sex offenders o are still being develloped it is too early forr evaluating its effective eness and inn particular potential preventiive influence es on the victims. Howe ever, it shou uld be stresssed that thee introductio on of this measure e was accom mpanied by a debate, du uring which experts expressed doubtts as to its potential preventiive impact. Neverthelesss, Members of Parliame ent voted in n favour of this measurre almost unanimo ously (only one o vote aga ainst), whatt may indica ate that thiss proposal h ad a political rather than a p pragmatic cha aracter.12 eys show that the dark fiigures in the e case of sex xual violencee in Poland are more Victimollogical surve than 90% %. The fact,, that the PC C of 1997 p preserved the e motion-ba ased mannerr of prosecutting rape offencess hampers combating c th his type of offence. Ho owever, thiss way of prrosecuting has h many supporte ers. They cla aim that it corresponds with liberty y oriented understandin u ng of sexual offences (Article 205 PC)13 and a it helps protect the e privacy of the raped person, thhus giving prriority to al interests over social ones.14 It alsso protects victims from m reliving thhe tragic eve ents once individua again, as well as otther forms of repeated vvictimization n. However, this idea iggnores the fact, f that petrator or his h family may m influence e the victim in order to o prevent heer from repo orting the the perp offence.. The fact, that t Article 12 §3n CCP , in case off rape regula ated in Articcle 197 PC, does not bility to with hdraw a mootion by the injured perrson, prevennts this only to some provide for a possib ainst the motion-based mode of prosecution in cases oof rape (eve en when extent. Opting aga d, that it leads to a situation, in which aggravatting circumsstances occur) it shou ld be noted perpetra ators feel sa afeguarded against a punisshment. It also a plays qu ualified rapee down in th he public opinion as the one serious offe ence that is prosecuted upon motion.15 It also provides pro osecuting xcuse (abso olution) to refrain from proper action to eeliminate secondary bodies with an ex ation of rape e victims.16 victimiza


Zielińska, E., Reporrt on Poland, (2010). In Feeasibility Stud dy to Assess the Possibilitties, Opportun nities and a Sexual Needs to Standardise National Legiislation on Viiolence Againsst Women, Viiolence Againnst Children and Orientatiion Violence. European Com mmission, ava ilable at http://ecc.europa.eu/jjustice/fundin ng/daphne3/d daphne_feasib bility_study_20 010_en.pdf. 13

Marek, M., (2004). Prawo P karne, Warszawa, W 5thh edition, p. 490. 4


Waryle ewski, J. (2004 4). In Kodeks karny. k Część sszczególna, t. 1. Komentarz z do art. 117--221. Eds., Wą ąsek, A., on, p. 946. 2nd editio


It is ttherefore con nsidered to be b a crime w within legal classification n of offencess into two categories: misdemea anors and crim mes Article 6P PC. 16

Zielińsska, E., (2007 7). Wnioskowy y tryb ścigannia w przypad dku przestępsstwa zgwałceenia: ochrona ofiar czy przyzwole enie na bezk karność spraw wców i bezczzynność wymiary sprawied dliwości? (Inittiating prosecution on ms or consentt to let the offfenders avoidd punishment and allow motion off the injured person: prote ection of victim the enforcement agen ncies to remain idle? (in: ) Nauki pena alne wobec współczesnej w przestępczości. Księga Jubileuszzowa z okazjii 70 rocznicy y urodzin proofesora Andrzzeja Gaberle. Wolters Kluuver Business, Kraków, p. 345. 4

Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012

INST TITUTIONS, ORGANISATI O ONS AND SE ERVICES m-oriented institutions, organisatio ons and services 1. Victim 1. Nation nal level For Fighting g Against Violence ‘Blu ue Line’ Nattionwide Em mergency Se ervice for Victims V Of Centre F Domesticc Violence. Website Type of organisattion Short descriptiion

www.niebieskalinia.pl w N NGO, partly financed f by tthe Polish go overnment or o communitiies. Run by the In R nstitute of H Health Psych hology of the e Polish Psycchological Asssociation o the orderr of the Staate Agency for on f Preventio on of Alcohool Related Problems. P M Main servicess:  the Blue Line Phone--hotline espe ecially for victims v of doomestic viole ence (few helplines in several re egions of Poland);  interdisciiplinary assisstance progrram for peop ple involved in domestic c violence and initia ating modern n methods off domestic violence prevvention;  informatiion centre;  education n and trainiings for all the public services suuch as local trainingcounteraction againsst the familly violence, Counteractiion College (Studium emocy w Rod dzinie). Przeciwdzialania Prze N informatio No on about spe ecial actions dedicated to youth.

F - Fundacja D Dzieci Niczy yje Nobody’s Children Foundation Website Type of organisattion Short desscription

www.fdn.pl/en w N NGO.

The Nobody’ss Children FFoundation iss a non-gove T ernmental noon-profit org ganisation w working towa ard the goalss of protectin ng children from f abuse aand providing help for a abused children, their ffamilies, and d their caregivers. The facilities ru un by the F Foundation offer o psychollogical, med dical, and le egal help to victims of abuse a and their caregiv vers. It actts for the improvemen nt of the ssituation of children p participating in legal proocedures as witnesses. The T organisaation runs preventive p a activities to reduce threaats to childrren on the in nternet and organises sp pecialised training programmes add dressing the problem of child abuse for various groups of p professionals and for in nterdisciplin nary teams. It also connducts rese earch and a analyses to expand the kn nowledge ab bout the prob blem of childd abuse. 1.2 Regional/local le evel C Crisis Inttervention Centres Website

Type of organisattion Short

T crisis cen The ntres are loccated in diffe erent cities. Krakow: www K w.oik.krakow w.pl G Gdansk: www w.cik.sos.pl/ P Poznan: www w.dik-poznan n.cop.pl/ W Warszawa: www.ctik.pl/ w K Kielce: cik.kielce.caritas .pl/ G managed GO, d and finance ed through public p funds.

T The crisis ce entres are loocated in the bigger to owns in Polaand (Gdansk k, Lublin, 5

Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012


Zielona Gora Z a, Warszawaa, Kielce, Po oznan, Rzesz zow, Lodz). The service es mainly fo ocus on the support of vvictims of crime, especially domesticc violence. SServices:  health ca are/therapy;  counselling;  crisis sup pport;  helpline;  informatiion;  preventio on;  public aw wareness/lob bbying;  research;;  shelter and training. Fields of work: F  male/dom mestic violen nce; use;  child abu  rape; buse;  sexual ab arassment;  sexual ha ng in women ;  traffickin ugee women;  violence against migrrant and refu  violence in the mediaa and the Intternet;  women’s human rightts.

Lubusz Assoc ciation for Women W BABA – L Website Type of organisattion Short desscription

www.baba.orrg.pl/ w N NGO organisa ation – financced and managed from EU projectss, public fun nds, other fo oundation su upport. L Legal assistan nce, victim oof crime sup pport, dissem mination of innformation, trainings, therapy and counselling. c

at Associatio on (Pro-End Child Prosttitution, Chiild Pornogra aphy and Trrafficking off Children Pro-Ecpa for Sexual Purposes) Website Type of organisattion Short desscription

Not available N e. N NGO. The main goa T als of the asssociation are e:  preventio on of child se exual abuse,, child prostiitution, childd pornograph hy and traffickin ng of children n for sexual purposes;  protectio on of rights in ncluded in the United Na ations Conveention on the e Rights of the Ch hild (UNCRC) ;  dissemina ation of know wledge regarding child’ss rights;  organisattion of psych hological and d social group ps of support rt for abused children;  cooperation with oth er national and a international associaation/institu utions ork within thhe same field d; which wo  cooperation with thee authorities of justice on n the nationaal and local level;  implemen ntation of trrainings, mee etings and co onferences ffor/with insttitutions dealing with w the prevvention of CSSA, child pro ostitution, chhild pornogra aphy and traffickin ng of children n for sexual purposes;  cooperation with assoociations dea aling with th he preventio n of HIV/AID DS as well o w working it th he field of se exual violencce against women and as with organisation men.


Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012

2. Perpe etrator-orien nted instituttions, organ isations and d services 2.1 Natio onal level ntercourse C Counselling in Warsaw Sexuologgical and Pathology of In Website

www.szpitaln w nowowiejski..pl/index.ph hp?option=co om_content& &task=view&id=18&It e emid=53 H Hospital.

Type of organisattion Short D Diagnosis and d therapy of all sexual diisorders. Descriptiion 2.2 Regional/local le evel There are around 12 male prrisons wherre sexual offfenders the erapy is coonducted. Also A some ort-term pro ograms for p perpetrators (e.g. Association of Soccial Integracy y in years associations have sho 03). 2001-200 ning, health education aand research h 3. Professsional train 3.1 Natio onal level N group of vo olunteer pee er sexual ed ducators PONTON Website Type of organisattion Short descriptiion

http://ponto h on.org.pl/pl w www.federa. org.pl/indexx.php?option n=com_conte ent&view=arrticle&id=291 1:reportso of-the-ponton n-group-of-ssex-educatorrs&catid=64:other&Itemiid=127 N NGO. PONTON is a group of vo lunteer peerr educators affiliated wiith the Federation for P W Women and Family F Plann ning. The main focus of PONT T TON is to provide sexua al educationn and counsselling for teenagers on issues of pu uberty, contrraception and reproductiive health. Itt offers:  sex educa ation in schoools (sessionss focus on co ontraceptionn and STIs, but also on topicss related to rrelationshipss, responsibility of partneers, assertiv veness and patie ents’ rights. Topics referrring to sexual violence aare not inclu uded in the sched dule);  online co ounselling;  phone ho otline (speciaal hotline forr teenagers);  street actions (only in n Warsaw);  conference (conferen nces and worrkshops of re eproductive rights and se ex education n);  informatiive website ffor youth.

YOUTH ASTRA Y Website Type of organisattion Short descriptiion

www.astra.org.pl/?news,,72 w N Network of NGO’s N in Centtral and Easttern Europe.. Itt is a region nal network of NGOs and d individualss advocatingg in a collecttive voice fo or sexual and reproducctive health and rights in Central and Eastern n Europe.


Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012

ASTRA suppo A orts women’ s right to free f and info ormed choicce on and access a to: a abortion, full range off modern contraceptive c es, informaation, educa ation and services on sexual s and re eproductive health and rights. Speccial attention is given to youth and other underrserved groups. The Polish member of th T he network iss the PONTO ON group of vvolunteer pe eer sexual e educators-see e above. men’s Right Centre (Cen ntrum Praw Kobiet) The Wom Website Type of organisattion Short descriptiion

www.cpk.org w g.pl N NGO, funded d through d donations as a well as by state annd several European in nitiatives. T main goa The als of the Ce ntre are to:  change th he law and tthe application of law, as well as thoose customs and habits of the culture at large whiich violate gender equaliity;  ensure th hat a genderr perspective e is included in the creattion and implemen ntation of laaw, as well as a in governm mental and nnon-governmental projects and program ms;  foster the e recognition n of women’’s rights as human rights ;  educate and a sensitise e society abo out discrimin nation and viiolence again nst women, particularly p w within the le egal commun nity;  raise wom men’s aware eness of theirr rights throu ugh publicattions and by providing legal assiistance to woomen who are victims off discriminattion and violence. The Centre iss accomplish T hing these go oals by:  monitorin ng and analyysing existing g and propossed legislatioon and policy y from a perspectiive of gendeer equality an nd equal opp portunities foor women an nd men;  conductin ng research, developing independent analyses annd proposing g legislatio on on genderr equality and issues of specific impoortance to wo omen;  monitorin ng the imple ementation of o internation nal conventi ons and agre eements signed by y Poland whi ch specifically affect wo omen and cooncern gende er equality;  educating g society aboout gender equality e thro ough publicattions, organiising conferences and wor kshops, and utilising the e media;  providing g legal counsselling and psychological support to w women who are victims of discriminattion and viollence;  cooperating with Wom men’s organisations arou und the worlld and coordinating a of the East-Easst Legal Com mmittee. regional activities

W and Family Plan nning The Federation for Women Website Type of organisattion Short descriptiion

www.federa.org.pl w N NGO. The Federatio T on consists oof member organisations o s such as:  ‘Pro Femina’ Associattion;  NEUTRUM M - Associatioon for Ideolo ogically-Free e State;  Polish YW WCA - Young Women Chriistian Association;  League of Polish Wom men;  Democrattic Union of Women (Pozznan Branch);  Associatio on ‘Assistancce Centre fo or Families’;  Family De evelopment Association.


Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012

The Federatio T on acts to prromote:  gender eq quality by de efending women’s and girl’s reproduuctive rights which include: ormation and d services; o accesss to family p planning info o reliab ble and com prehensive sex s education; o accesss to high qu uality prenatal diagnosis;; o right to legal and d safe abortio on; omen’s repro oductive heaalth services aimed at  high quallity, gender- sensitive wo fulfilling specific heaalth needs off women (e.g g. legal aborrtion, contraceptives, ART); n’s rights as health services users (ri ght to dignitty,  observance of women informatiion, privacy,, informed co onsent, conffidentiality).. 4. Otherr institutionss minist Organ nisation eFKa Fem Website Type of organisattion Short descriptiion

www.efka.orrg.pl w N NGO. eFKa is a fem e minist organ nisation, fou unded in March 1991, w whose main goal is to support solidarity and ind dependence among wom men, to counnteract discrrimination a against wome en, and to de evelop wome en’s culture. N informatio No on about spe ecial actions dedicated to youth.


Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012

C. RESE EARCH ON PREVALENCE P E, RISK FACT TORS AND EV VIDENCE BAS SED INTERVEENTIONS Inclusion n criteria: Sttudies from 2000 2 onward ds; only quan ntitative stud dies; only stuudies reportiing youth sexual a aggression (e excluding casses of childh hood sexual abuse, as defined by leegal age of consent). c For exce eptions, see individual sttudies. No.

Year of public.


Study characteristics c Prevalence data

Incidence data

Perpetration data

VictimiV zation data

Heeteroseexual agggression

Sam me-sex aggrression

Riisk facttors/ outco omes


Dünkel, F.,, Gebauer, D., Grzywa, J. & Kestermann, C.






Not speecified

Not N spe ecified



Gruszczynsska, B.










Izdebski, Z.










Doroszewiccz, K., & Forbess, G.B.

















bauer, D., Grzywa, J. & Kestermann n, C. (2006). Self-reportted delinquency and 1. Dünkel, F., Geb eriences of violence am mong juvenile es in the Ba altic Sea Reg gion: The Maare-Balticum m-Youthexpe Survvey. In B. Bykowskiej & M. Szulcca (Eds.), Zagrozenia Z wspóczesnej w modziezy polskiej (S.9 97-126). Gdansk: Fundacjja Rozwoju U Uniwersytetu u Gdańskiego o. Year off data collectiion Type off sample Sample e compossition Design Measurrement of sexual aggression

2003. t Convenienc ce sample: sttudents of 9th grade from m all school ttypes.  N = 632 2 (Total N accross countrie es: 4.861).  n male = 343, n fem male = 282.  Mean age: M = 15,554, SD = .556 6.  Cross-se ectional.  Part off a larger sstudy: Mare Balticum Youth Y Surveey on self-reported delinqu uency and vioolence amon ng juveniles in the Balticc Sea Region. Modified questionnairre originallly develope ed by thee Kriminolo ogisches dersachsen. Forschungsiinstitut Nied

‘ fo orces you –tthrough violence or Question about sexuall violence: ‘Someone being seriously threate ned with vio olence– to en ndure or conndone sexual actions d not wantt (for exam mple rape or someone putting the eir hand that you do between yo our legs).’

Type off data collecte ed

Relatio onship(s) betwee en victim and perrpetrator Inciden nce

Respondentts were askked whether they had ever been victims off sexual violence an nd how often n this occurrred in the la ast twelve m months leadin ng up to the survey.  Victimization reporrts from wom men and men n.  Lifetime prevalence e.  One-year prevalencce.  Sex con etween victiim and perpe nstellation be etrator not sspecified. N/a N/a


Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012

Prevale ence

Findinggs regardiing risk factors Findinggs regardiing mes or outcom consequences

Summary of o prevalencce findings regarding r vic ctimization  Lifetime prevalence e: 4.4%, 3.4% % male victim ms and 5% feemale victim ms.  One-year prevalencce: 2.3%. N/a


B (2007). Przemoc P wob bec kobiet w Polsce. Asspekty praw wnokryminolo ogiczne. 2. Gruszczynska, B. olence again nst women in Poland. Isssues of law w & criminology). Oficyyna Wolters Kluwer. (Vio Warrszawa. Year off data collectiion Type off sample Sample e compossition Design Measurrement of sexual aggression

Type off data collecte ed

Relatio onship(s) betwee en victim and perrpetrator Inciden nce

2004 IVAWS S (Internatio nal Violence e Against Women Survey)). A representtative samplle of Polish women. w  N = 2.009 women.  Age: ag ge range 18-770, 17% of th he sample be etween 18 annd 24 years of age.  Cross se ectional.  Part of a larger stud dy Internatio onal Violence Against Woomen. A culturally y adapted ve ersion of the standardissed researchh tool of IVA AWS was used. Diffferent form ms of (sex xual) violence were measured within (steady/ma arried partn ners) and outside (rela atives, acquuaintances, friends, colleagues, unknown m men) a rela ationship. Th he followingg aspects off sexual ere covered:: violence we  forced sexual interccourse (rape e);  attemp pted rape;  unwantted sexual toouch;  forced sexual activiities involvin ng others (co ollective);  other fo orms of sexu ual violence. Considered correlates:  demogrraphic data;  maritall status and ffeatures of the t female participant; p  experie enced (sexuaal) violence within w and outside of thee relationship;  report on consequ uences, cha aracteristics of experieenced violent acts t relationsship; within the  report on consequ aracteristics of experieenced violent acts uences, cha t relationsship; within the  charactteristics of t he current partner; p  charactteristics of t he ex-partne er;  history of negative e childhood experiences, e , abusive annd violent be ehaviour of fathe er towards m mother;  econom mic status.  Prevale ence (five years and life time prevalencee) in heterrosexual encounters.  One-year prevalencce. men.  Victimization reporrts from wom Sexual viollence comm itted by the e (ex-)partner within thhe relationship and outside the e relationship p through re elatives, acqu uaintances, friends, collleagues, strangers. N/a 11

Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012

Prevale ence

Findinggs regardiing risk factors

Findinggs regardiing mes or outcom consequences

Summary of o prevalencce findings regarding r vic ctimization p Five-year prevalence:  3.6% of o females b between 18 8 and 24 ye ears of agee (n = 248 of o total N = 1.919) experien nced sexual violence by partner andd 14.9% expe erienced v by male strange er. sexual violence Summary of o findings re egarding risk factors for victimizatiion on by partne ers: Victimizatio  negativ ve childhood d experienc ces: the sttrongest preedictors of sexual violence by partn ners were negative ch hildhood exxperiences such s as violence by the moother or fatther. Women n who experrienced viole ence by their parents were e almost three times mo ore likely too experience e sexual partner. Marrried women n were less likely to be e sexual violence by their p victimizzed than woomen who lived l in co-h habitation oor with a bo oyfriend withoutt co-habitatiion. on by strangger: Victimizatio  low lev vel of educattion: being victimized v by y a male straanger was related to lower le evel of educcation;  alcoholl or/and dru ugs: women with w a habitt of heavy ddrinking had a three times higher h risk oof victimizatiion than women who neever drank or o drank only mo oderately (d drinking with hout abuse) Violence of the father towards the resspondent’s m mother: Wom men exposed to domesttic violence by the father toward the mother were three tim mes more likkely to be sexually s d not witness parental viiolence. victimizzed than woomen who did Findings regarding conssequences are a based on the entire ssample no separate s orted for the e relevant grroup of youn ng women (bbetween 18-2 24 years figures repo of age).

ebski, Z. (20 007). The Ba altic Sea Reggional Study on Adolesce ents’ Sexuallity. Nationa al report 3. Izde for Polen. In S. Mossige, M. Ainsaar, & C C. G. Svedin (Eds.), NOVA VA Rapport 188/07 (121-13 39).17 www w.childcentrre.info/proje ects/abused /dbaFile15312.pdf ditional inforrmation rega arding the Poolish sample:: Add Izde ebski, Z. (2 2012). Sekssualność Pollaków na początku p XX XI wieku. SStudium bad dawcze. Wyd dawnictwo Uniwersytetu U u Jagielloński kiego. Year off data collectiion Type off sample Sample e compossition Design Measurrement of sexual aggression

April 2004 – May 2004. Representa ative sample:: secondary school stude ents.  Total N = 5.173, agge range 17-1 18.  n (17) = 2.815 n (188) = 2.347.  Cross-se ectional.  Part off a larger sstudy: The Baltic B Sea Regional R Stuudy on adollescents sexuality. Experiences of being exxposed to se exual activities against yoour will:  somebo ody has expoosed him/herrself indecen ntly towards you;  somebo ody has touc hed your bod dy in an inde ecent way;  you exp posed yourse elf masturbating towardss somebody;  you hav ve had sexuaal intercourse;  you hav ve had oral ssex;  you hav ve had anal ssex.


Norweggian Social Re esearch is a national n reseaarch institute under the au uspices of thee Norwegian Ministry M of Education n and Researcch and basic fu unding is provvided by the State. 12

Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012

Sexually ag ggressive beh haviour:  particip pants were aasked whethe er they had drawn, persuuaded, presssured or forced someone intto sexual acttivities.

Type off data collecte ed Relatio onship(s) betwee en victim and perrpetrator Inciden nce Prevale ence

q Additional questions:  age of victim v at firsst sexual asssault;  age diffference betw ween offender and victim m.  Prevale ence (lifetim me).  Victimization and perpetration ns reports frrom boys annd girls in in n homoencounters. and hetterosexual e Specified in n boyfriendss- and girlfriends; female/male peerr/friend/, sttranger, person know wn to the vicctim (but ou utside the fam mily). N/a Summary of o prevalencce findings regarding r vic ctimization t girls rep ported any kind k of forced sexual acttivity. More boys than 15,4% of th he 17-year-oold and 25,1% of the 18 8-year-old booys reported d having been forced d into sexua l intercourse es compared to 6.8% of tthe 17-year old o 8.4% of the 18-ye ear old girls.. gies used in penetrative e sexual Additional findings reggarding coerrcive strateg acts ebski, Z. (20 012). Seksua alność Polakóów na począ ątku XXI Note: reported in: Izde dium badawccze. Wydawn nictwo Uniwersytetu Jaggiellońskiego o. wieku. Stud The most frrequently exxperienced strategy:  being seduced: 19% % of the boyss and 15% of the girls; p 1 4% of the bo oys and 23% of o the girls;  being persuaded:  being physically p forrced: 1.2% off the boys an nd 17% of thee girls. erpetrator: Relationship between vvictim and pe  boyfriend/girlfriend d: 10.1% of the t boys; 14.6% of the giirls;  peer/frriend: 10% off the boys; 12.5% of the girls;  strange er:1.8% of th e boys; 8.3% % of the girls;  someon ne known to me: 2.0% off the boys; 7.8% of the giirls. o prevalencce findings regarding r pe erpetration Summary of ebski, Z. (20 012). Seksua alność Polakóów na począ ątku XXI Note: reported in: Izde dium badawccze. Wydawn nictwo Uniwersytetu Jaggiellońskiego o.) wieku. Stud b and 44.0% of girlss reported that they had been sexually s 21.2% of boys aggressive toward t anotther person:  their first sexually aggressive act a occurred between 166 and 17; the e victim nd 17; was bettween 15 an  17% of the perpetraators reporte ed that alcoh hol was drunnk by the vic ctim and essive acts were w heterossexual; only 13 boys 21% by themselves . Most aggre and 5 girls g reported d same-sex aggression. a The most frrequent aggrressive acts included:  touchin ng (85.8% of the boys; 79 9.6% of the girls); g  sexual intercourse: 24% of the boys; b 14.6 of the girls); o clothes: 18.7 of the boys b and 24.3 of the girlls).  taking off


Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012

Findinggs regardiing risk factors

The most frequently f u used strategy (all sexua al aggressivee acts classified as: non-penetrrative/penettrative):  seduction (no sepaarate data for boys and girls): 56% in penetrattive and 62% in non-penetraative acts;  persuassion: 42.1% i n non-penettrative and 62% in penetrrative acts;  physica al force: 6.8% % in non-pen netrative and d 9.3% penettrative acts;  adminisstration of alcohol/drugs: 12.8% in non-penettrative and 20% in penetra ative act. Summary of o findings re egarding risk factors for victimizatiion n rate increasses with agee). Risk marker: age (the vvictimization ctimization. Additional risk factors rregarding vic ebski, Z. (20 012). Seksua alność Polakóów na począ ątku XXI Note: reported in: Izde dium badawccze. Wydawn nictwo Uniwersytetu Jaggiellońskiego o. wieku. Stud

Findinggs regardiing mes or outcom consequences Comme ent

Participants who reportted sexual viictimization reported moore:  daily to obacco use;  sexual experiencess (defined as a age at th he first sexuual intercourse and partners); numberr of sexual p  lower grades g at sch hool. N/a

Further pub blications baased on the NOVA - measurement arre in prepara ation by Maria Lukasszek who did d her PhD un nder the supe ervision of Zbbigniew Izde ebski.

es with dating aggressionn and sexual 4. Dorroszewicz, K.., & Forbes, G.B. (2008).. Experience ercion among g Polish colle ege students . Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23, 58-73. coe Year off data collectiion Type off sample


Sample e compossition

 Total N = 201.  n male = 101, n fem male = 100.  Age M (male) ( = 22.665 SD (male)) = 1.82.  Age M (female) ( = 222.39, SD (fem male) = 1.62 2. Cross-sectio onal. Polish versiion of the R Revised Conflict Tactics Scale-2 (CTSS-2; Straus, Hamby, Boney-McCo oy, & Sugarm man, 1996)I includes i thre ee aggressionn scales:  psychollogical aggre ession scale;  physica al aggression scale;  sexual coercion scaale: four item ms measuring g coercive accts (insisting g on olve physical force or thhe threat of force f sexual activity) thaat do not invo ercive acts ussing threats or (minor coercion), foour items measuring coe direct physical p forcce (hitting, holding h down n, or using a weapon; sev vere coercio on) describe an act that would w be considered sexxual assault.  One-year prevalencce. men and men n.  Victimization reporrts from wom men and men.  Perpetrration reportts from wom Specified: unmarried participantts who had d been in dating (p probably east 10 montths. heterosexual) relationsships for at le

Design Measurrement of sexual aggression

Type off data collecte ed Relatio onship(s) betwee en victim and perrpetrator

Convenienc ce sample: u niversity stu udents.


Coun ntry Report Po oland, 2012

Inciden nce


Prevale ence

Summary of o prevalencce findings regarding r vic ctimization & perpetrattion

Minor coercion Severe coe ercion Findinggs regardiing risk factors Findinggs regardiing mes or outcom consequences

Victimization F Female Male 57.0% 38.6% 11% 5.9%

Perpetration Femaale Male 39.0% % 41.6% 6.0% % 4.0%

N/a N/a

References studies M. A., Hambyy, S. L., Boney-McCoy, SS., & Sugarman, D. B. (19 996). The revvised Conflic ct Straus, M Ta actics Scaless (CTS2): Dev velopment an nd prelimina ary psychome etric data. JJournal of Fa amily Isssues, 17, 283 3-316.


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