World Trade Center Montevideo Magazine - Vol.6 Issue 2 - 2014

Page 20

Las personas exitosas también sabían que, para el logro de sus objetivos, necesitarían de la ayuda de otro de los principios que se desarrollaron en la jornada: el principio mastermind o mente maestra, que no es otra cosa que una alianza activa de dos o más mentes, en un espíritu de perfecta armonía para el logro de un objetivo común, es decir contar con una verdadera visión compartida. Cuando una Mastermind se forma apropiadamente, contribuye al bien de todos los interesados. Cada miembro de la alianza trabaja para lograr su parte del proyecto en combinación directa con los demás miembros. No es necesario que los miembros sean amigos o ni siquiera que simpaticen entre sí. Lo esencial es que se respeten mutuamente y sean 100% armoniosos en el trabajo en el que estén involucrados en conjunto. Además, es esencial que cada miembro realice una contribución complementaria – ningún esfuerzo menor al de los demás es tolerable. Es por eso que la membresía tiene que ser selectiva y sobre una base de armonía y capacidad de ejecución. De lo contrario, el proyecto puede flaquear porque el peso del conjunto no se distribuye por igual.

mental image of that objective and what they would be willing to do to reach it. When we speak of Definiteness of Purpose, Napoleon Hill, in his formula to turn his desires into gold, stated that once we design a plan to achieve a goal, we must begin to put this plan into action immediately, whether we are prepared or not. What all this means is that if we begin a project with an objective in mind, the long term result can be seen in the distance as the end, and the short term objectives are the slow process that will take us to that final end. Successful people also know that, to reach their objectives, they need the help of another principal that was developed in the conference: the mastermind principle, which is nothing more than an active alliance of two or more minds, in a spirit of perfect harmony to reach a common objective, in other words to have a real shared vision. When a Mastermind is formed appropriately, it contributes to the good of all the parties involved. Each member of the alliance works to achieve their part of the project in direct combination with the other members. The members do not have to be friends or even like each other. But it is essential that they respect one another and are 100% harmonious on the job they are involved in together. Moreover, it is essential that each member make a complementary contribution– making less of an effort than the rest is not tolerable. For this reason the membership has to be selective on a basis of harmony and the ability to execute. Otherwise, the project can falter because the weight of the team is not distributed equally. To illustrate this principal they referred to people like the famous inventor Thomas Edison, who used it to overcome his lack of formal education, taking advantage of and using the skills and special knowledge of his associates. In this way, he was able to create those great inventions like the electric light bulb and the phonograph. It is the responsibility of the leader of the Alliance to make sure that harmony exists and is maintained among all members, and that the course of action is continuous in the fulfillment of the established main objective. The motto of the alliance must be to fulfill the Defined Proposal, the most important part of the plan, supported by continuous perfect harmony. The principal strength of the alliance lies in the perfect blending of the minds of all the members. The other two related principals that were developed are the ability to believe in oneself, or Applied Faith to reach goals, and the ability to know how to commence the action through personal initiative. The principal of Applied Faith is related to the ability to believe in the goal before it is reached. Applied Faith is practical faith, put into motion. When we get started, we are already beginning to execute the plan and this is a real demonstration that our dreams move us, guide us and act as a compass. Without this ability to be moved and “believe before seeing”, we will never come close to our objectives. Inaction paralyzes us and we usually do not act for fear of failing.


WTC Montevideo Magazine

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