Weekly Market Update - WSB One - Week 49

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a WESTHON company


WEEK 49 2022

petrobras OSRV tender

petrobras PSV tender

Petrobras’ tender for the contracting of up to four OSRVs closed yesterday with the offers delivered. Owners are granted 120 days to mobilize the vessel with commencement scheduled for October 2023. Contract period is of 1460 days firm. Bram Offshore stroke the first four positions (C-Ambassador, C-Admiral, C-Sailor, C-Aclaim) at USD 18.222,00 followed by Marlin Yare and Singrar from Marlin Navegação and Navemestra respectively at USD 18.300,00 and USD 19.000,00. Petrobras’ final tender results with awards shall come out in the following weeks with rounds of technical approvals followed by negotiations.

At the end of last week, Petrobras received the offers for 3 of the 4 issued PSV tenders. The public opportunity for up to 20 PSVs had a total of 34 vessels (PSVs 3000, 4000 and 4500 DWT amongst them) presented in 17 of the 20 batches available for bidders’ choice. The most competitive offers were presented by CBO at USD 29,990.00/ day, on the 4 years firm contract period batches, and rates ranged all the way till just above USD 40,000.00/day. The smaller vessels (DWT 3000) averaged a daily rate of USD 26.000,00 with the most competitive offer from WSUT at USD 24.990,00/day. Although both Brazilian and Foreign flag vessels were allowed to bid, most of the offers came from Brazilian/REB units with just 4 vessels presented under foreign flag. The Mero and ‘Búzios/Roncador’ opportunities were closed invitation processes (SEP) therefore all offers, and details are not publicized, although we have sent our closest clients the required information. Participants expect that the Brazilian flag tonnage will prevail, Petrobras to move fast and negotiate all opportunities in parallel.

OSRV C-Admiral

3D project in santos basin


The Norwegian offshore seismic specialists PGS and TGS are working together to develop a multi-client 3D project in the southwest of Santos Basin. For this survey, the companies will mobilize Ramform Tethys to cover more than 15.000 km2. The high-quality data that this survey shall provide will be essential for the new exploration blocks. Ramford Tethys is a 2016-built research vessel with 9000 tons DWT sailing under Bahamas Flag.

Transocean announced it has secured two contracts worth USD 1.04 billion by Petrobras for its ultra-deep-water drill ships Deepwater Corcovado and Deepwater Orion. The Deepwater Corcovado was awarded a four-year firm contract expected to commence within the third quarter of 2023 in direct continuation of the rig’s current contract with the National Oil company. On the other hand, the Deepwater Orion should start her operation in the fourth quarter of 2023 for three years firm after being idle since 2019.

WSB Advisors is a leading advisory group with central offices in Rio de Janeiro, Houston and Paris. WSB is a Westhon Company. © WSB.One all rights reserved. 2022. Phone: +55 21 3545-0350 | E-mail: comercial@wsb-advisors.com | Address: Av. Rio Branco, 12, 19º andar - Centro, Rio de Janeiro

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