Weekly Market Update - WSB.One Week 16

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enauta resumes production

Enauta resumed production from well 7-ATL2HP-RJS (“2HP”), in Atlanta field having returned after an interruption that began in March, forced by a failure of a surface equipment. The company informed that production was resumed after the replacement of a pump on the seabed. The production unit Petrojarl I installed at Atlanta field produces around 30,000 barrels of oil per day with storage capacity for 180,000 barrels. The company stated that it will keep the market informed about the matter.

prio with new psv

PSV 3500 CBO Ana Luisa has been fixed by PRIO for 9 months firm plus an optional period of 3 months with commencement expected for July, 2023. The award was given in connection to the tendering process for contracting of a small fluid carrier vessel. She will support the upcoming drilling activities of PRIO in some of their offshore assets. She has previously operated in the integrated logistics contract between CBO and Petrobras.

karoon done with rig oceanica new vessels

Karoon Energy announced this week that it has completed the drilling program in Santos Basin, offshore Brazil, with drilling rig Noble Developer from owners NobleCorp. The vessel mobilised to Brazil in April, 2022 to carry out the Company´s first workover campaign and field development in Brazil. Interventions were made in the Baúna, Patola and Neon fields. It is now expected that the drilling unit will be mobilised to Shell.

The Norwegian shipyard Green Yard Kleven AS has signed a retrofit project with the Brazilian shipowner Oceânica. This is the fourth contract signed between them. The AHTS is now named Oceanicasub X. The vessel will be rebuilt for operations off the Brazilian coast. The new contract follows the deliveries of Oceanicasub VIII and Oceanicasub IX last month, both vessels recently arrived in Brazilian waters.

Phone: +55 21 3545-0350 | E-mail: comercial@wsb-advisors.com | Address: Av. Rio Branco, 12, 19º andar - Centro, Rio de Janeiro WEEKLY NEWS WEEK 16 2023 a WESTHON company
Advisors is a leading advisory group with central offices in Rio de Janeiro, Houston and Paris. WSB is a Westhon Company. © WSB.One all rights reserved. 2022.
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Petrojarl I Drilling Rig Noble Developer
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