Weekly Market Update - WSB One - Week 45

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a WESTHON company


WEEK 45 2022


AHTS 18000

Petrobras disclosed early this week the partial results for lots A and B of the AHTS TS-TO tender. The opportunity had two winning proposals for each of the two lots. AHTS Haroldo Ramos and Reedbuck were qualified by Petrobras in Lot A while lot B had AHTS Skandi Ipanema and Captain Nicholas Z. This tender had the usual reverse auction but, unlike the recent tender results for AHTS 18000 in which Petrobras disclosed the final day rate (after direct negotiation with the owners), this time Petrobras only informed the vessels that have been qualified. An Appeal phase is open for bidders until November 16th 2023.

Following the tender results issued by Petrobras for lot A and B two weeks ago, Petrobras now disclosed the result for lot C. AHTS Far Sabre, now owned by Oceânica, was awarded at a renegotiated day rate of USD 74.158,70 down from the initial USD 89.243,00. As we previously reported, lots A and B had AHTS Theseus Z and AHTS Apollo Z awarded.

AHTS Far Sabre

enauta drilling campaign


Enauta has begun to drill a new well in the Santos Basin’s Atlanta field. The Brazilian oil company signed earlier this year a contract to hire the semi-submersible drilling rig Alpha Star. The named 7-ATL-5H RJS shall be the fourth production well in Atlanta field and is expected to start its oil production during Q1 2023. For now, FPSO Petrojarl I is the only production unit chartered for the field, however, Enauta plans to charter another FPSO with a Full Development System to be employed at the field.

Petrobras announced the partial results for the OSRV tender that closed end of July. Brasbunker, placed first in lot A with a daily rate of USD 19.900,00 was awarded and will be replacing Viking Thaumas with Olivia, a vessel that will come from abroad. In Lot B, Astro Navegação stroke a new contract for Astro Mero at a daily rate of USD 20.150,00. The rates herein presented are the ones after the reverse auction as Petrobras did not disclose the final day rates agreed after direct negotiations.

new contract for diamond offshore The ultra-deep water semi-submersible rig Ocean Courage of Owners Diamond Offshore has been awarded a 4 years firm contract plus 4 years options with Petrobras. The value of the deal is around USD 429 mio and expected to commence within the fourth quarter of 2023 in direct continuation of its current contract with Petrobras. The 2009 built Ocean Courage first contract with the National oil company started in 2010 and was part of a fleet of six drilling rigs that worked for Petrobras in the past: Ocean Concord, Ocean Yatzy, Ocean Winner, Ocean Baroness and Ocean Valor. Ocean Courage is Diamond Offshore’s only unit that remains operating in Brazilian waters. WSB Advisors is a leading advisory group with central offices in Rio de Janeiro, Houston and Paris. WSB is a Westhon Company. © WSB.One all rights reserved. 2022. Phone: +55 21 3545-0350 | E-mail: comercial@wsb-advisors.com | Address: Av. Rio Branco, 12, 19º andar - Centro, Rio de Janeiro

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