The Drum Issue 02

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Issue 02, March 24th 2023

Woodford’s Got Talent


Last Saturday, 18 March, the annual talent show, ‘Woodford’s Got Talent’, was hosted in the school hall. Here an array of students showed off their aptitudes and skills and performed for an incredible panel of judges and excited audience.

The grand event started off with an adorable skit dance by our Year 1s. After this came singers Keila Ziru (Y3) followed by Joshua Pryor (Y12). Ajeanette (Y3) and the group PJayz (Y10) got our feet tapping with their energetic dance routines. More memorable singing performances cam next with the unforgettable Allison Artiga (Y2) and brother and sister duo Valisah (Y4) and Suafalu (Y12), who made us wish we could sing as good as them.

Singing and dancing was not the end of the massive display of talent the Woodford students had to offer. Entertainment like a Fashion Show by the Year 11 girls, Magic Shows by Year 4s, Matilda Bredeck and Maceo Jakosa, back to back piano duets of Elle Angikiamo and her dad, and Lauren + Tanya (Y11), not excluding the amazing gymnastics act by sisters Soraya (Y3)

Woodford International School

Hello There – Welcome Back!

Hello again, and welcome back to another issue of The Drum. We are so grateful for all the feedback we have heard and all the encouragement – readers this is for you! This issue is going to include events, interviews, topics of interest and so much more. We are very excited to announce the first ever student input – take a look below to see a Theo Kuan publication.

and Darya (Y6). The last songs of the night was sung by Brianna and Alexandria (Y3), and Aria Ziru (Y5). The remaining entertainment would make anyone with two left feet jealous as performance after performance wowed us with their unbelievable dancing. Wayneta’s (Y5) graceful island dance, S Sisters (Y3) adorable moves, Chris (Y9) amazing solo performance, and to cap it all off our very own member of The Drum Tafadzwa (Y12) and her mum showed us a beautiful mix of modern and traditional African dances. Now that’s a lot of talent under one roof!

Fashion Girls. But let’s not forget, everybody can have a talent, but the most amazing things is having the courage to showcase it. A big thank you to the participants who put their heart and soul into preparing for this event and I encourage everyone to take part next year. Not forgetting to also thank

Congratulations to our first prize winners: Valisah and Suafalu, Aria Ziru, Tafadzwa, Chris, Soraya and Darya, Elle Angikiamo, Maceo Jakosa and the

our amazing MCs, Indamali and lang Ying (Y9), the Woodford’s Got Talent Committee who worked hard to arrange everything, and finally to the parents, friends, and guardians who came to watch and cheer us on. This was truly a night to remember.

Student News

Student Ed.

School is an essential part of every person’s life. It is a place where students learn about various subjects and acquire knowledge that will help them succeed in their future careers.

In addition to educating us in academic skills using various topics such as, mathematics, Mandarin, ICT etc., school also teaches social skills such as communication, teamwork, and conflict resolution.

It also provides extracurricular activities that allow students to explore their interests and develop skills outside of the classroom.

School plays a significant role in preparing individuals for the challenges of the real world and is a crucial institution for personal growth and success.

The Drum Logo Competition Editor’s Note

You may be wondering what all the question marks are about: The Drum is yet to have logo. Given the abundance of talent (Woody’s Got Talent!!) here at Woodford, we thought it best to leave the art to the professionals.

We call on anyone, of any age or class, primary through to secondary to start thinking of designs for our logo.

This little competition will run from the release of this issue on Friday March 24th (Term 1 Week 9) through to Friday April 21st (Term 2 Week 1).

We know there are plenty of aspiring artists out there –this is your chance. We will accept all submissions at

Student News 2

Japanese Foreign Minister Visits

Solomon Islands

Japan’s Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi arrived in Solomon Islands, for his first visit, on March 19th. Mr Hayashi was here to discuss global security with the Solomon Islands - to provide assistance in maritime security and also possible future partnerships with other Pacific Island countries.

Safe and Green Games

As we all know, Solomon Islands we be hosting the 2023 Pacific Games. Our government has taken the initiative to make our country cleaner and greener. Thus, on March 3rd the strategic planning was launched by Hon. Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, dubbed “Safe and Green Games”.

The plan is to beautify the Solomon Islands in the months leading up to the games in November, to create awareness and receive support and sponsors for the games.

Solomon Islands will welcome more then 8000 visitors over the course of the Pacific Games, which will also be broadcast worldwide. Thus, this new green campaign is to make a good impression of our country.

Each and every one of us, as citizens of this great nation, should do our part and help make Solomon Islands safe and green. A few ways in for us to become start safe and green practices are to throw our rubbish in bins provided instead of just anywhere, use fewer one-use plastic containers, bags and bottles, and use integrity: it may not be your rubbish, but it is still our job to help pick it up.

Prime Minister Sogavare urged his citizens to help make Solomon Islands a much greener, cleaner and safer nation. These small acts of service can go a long way in making our country a better place for us to live in; so, we hope that you will do your part to make this initiative successful.

Student Council 2023

Please give a warm welcome to our student council members for 2023. We are very thankful to every member of this council, as they have given up their free time, and put it their hard work, which is already showing off. For more information about our student council please see our next issue, due to release on 21st April.

School Captains: Ronnie Hakopes & Richard Holmes Head Girl and Boy: Safya Shameem & Jaymin Fa’amauri

Word Search

and to do some Easter egg hunting.

Representing our Year 5 students is Mikayla. She is going on her first ever trip to Australia where she hopes she will get the chance to explore the Outback. Another hard worker from Year 5 is Taurean. He hopes to eat his favourite food in the whole world: pizza, and to go swimming.

Happy Term Break!

• Perform

• Group

• School

• Talents

• Team

• Duet

• Parents

• Audience

• Piano

• Got

• Dancing

• Singing

• Gymnastics

• Magic show

• Skit Baby

• Credit

• Twenty

• Fun

• Fashion

Once complete, look carefully and you will find a secret message.


Yay! The term break is in just one week’s time, and in the spirit of the holidays, we asked several students around school what they were planning to do over the two-week break. Here is what they had to say:

First up to the plate, we asked Salome from Prep. She tells us she will be heading overseas to Brisbane, where she will be watching movies, playing with her dolls and more. Aiden, also from Prep, is also heading to Aussie, to visit his grandparents

Now from our wonderful High School students, is Fernando. Fernando, from Year 9, plans to stay home, and travel the beautiful Solomon Islands. Our last interviewee, Charisma from Year 11, plans to hang out with the girls, play golf and most importantly sleep!

As much as we all love learning, it’s almost time for our two-week break. Our next publication will be in Week one, Term 2, so we won’t see you till then. Let’s take this time to reflect on Term 1, revise, study, spend time with family and friends, but most importantly to get lots of well-deserved rest.

Thank you for your support for the Drum’s first publications, we appreciate you all. Have a great break and goodbye for now!

For more WIS student news, check us out online:

Student News
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