The Drum Issue 06

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Issue 06, June 16 2023

Honiara Vet Clinic

Tafad a Machi id a

As we all know, the Honiara Vet Clinic has recently reopened our fur y babies finally have a doctor too! Our generous Tenaru house team organised a series of fundraising activities to assist in the rebuilding process and purchase of equipment for the clinic.

From the 23rd to the 27th of May, Tenaru held a bake sale; organised a primar y assembly where the students created their own promotional songs, delivered speeches about the importance of animals in their life, shared personal anecdotes about pets and performed a skit Doctor Joyce also attended this assembly to share information about her daily work and insig hts on animal care. They also hosted a movie nig ht for the whole school.

Woodford International School

See ou again soon

I ha been a l ng and e en lled e m and e a e all I m e ead f a nice b eak incl ding he e a The D m N h g h e ill be back g i ing all in e e ing ne and inf ma i n n all f ack ic ne e m I ha been a g ea i ilege e ing hi e m and e can ai ee ne e m Ha e a nice h lida

The clinic is run by Dr. Joyce. She was ver y outdoorsy and grew up with a passion for science Her father, who was the first local veterinarian, inspired her to pursue this career too Aware of the difficulty of acceptance into vet school, not only due to the hig h competition and limited vet schools abroad, but also as a young female growing up in a third world countr y with limited opportunities, she did not let that stop her. In hig h school she began by choosing the relevant subjects, as well as getting work experience

Doctor Joyce was fortunate enoug h to get accepted into James Cook University in 2018 and began her Veterinar y Science studies, which is a 5 year full time course According to her, it was quite daunting, at first, to choose this career path and she encountered numerous challenges along the way, but nevertheless completed her studies earlier this year, returning home to re establish her late father s veterinar y clinic, which is the only one in the countr y

I i e e a ding ide animal heal h ca e b h c m ani n and d c i n animal hich ha e igni can al e e le in a i a he a D c J ce h e ee ng e le ch e hi ca ee b animal heal h in he S h Paci c We all ld al l e hank D c J ce f c n in ing he la e fa he nece a k he e in H nia a an ne h ha an animal be f iend ill nde and h m ch D c J ce i a ecia ed Thank

Student News

T VET Abigail Chang

Can you imag ine a world without chairs, tables, buildings, restaurants, cars, farms, roads, bridges and plumbing ?

W hilst formal education is often viewed as primar y, secondar y school and university, there is also an education option after secondar y school, known as T VET.

T VET stands for Technical Vocational Education and Training.

T VET institutions or providers aim to create or build skills and not just build knowledge. The creation of skills is built on a foundation of learning by doing and learning whilst doing, which is hands on practical learning and assessments, together with theoretical learning

In T VET, there are no marks such as 81/100 or 93/100 when a student is

undertaking training. A student can only be either, competent or not competent. If a student is competent, they are able to consistently demonstrate the required skill. If they have not sufficiently mastered a skill, then they are considered not competent. Competency is ver y important in T VET, because it is the difference bet ween having and not having the required skills

In our world, there is a place for economists, lawyers, bankers and accountants, but there is also an important place for jobs that are

linked to T VET such as mechanics, carpenters, electricians, chefs, bakers, eng ineers, photographers, fashion designers, painters, artists, lab technicians, sound eng ineers, agriculturalists, nurses and plumbers Just as we need university graduates, ever y countr y also needs T VET graduates with strong skills to drive our economy.

T VET has a wide range of skills training opportunities. If you have not heard of T VET before, do find out about fiver jobs not mentioned here, that would require someone to have undertaken Technical Vocational Education Training

You mig ht be quite surprised to learn just how important

T VET linked jobs are for the world in which we live

Victor for Urugua

At the conclusion of the FIFA U20 World Cup 2023, Uruguay was named the victor after scoring 1 against Italy. The FIFA World Youth Championship, as i t was previously named, began back in 1977. This contest is held once ever y t wo years. Argentina holds the record for the most FIFA U20 World Cup ti tles ever won.

Student News

Sogavare commends PNA

In his prime, the lands held by Alexander the Great extended from the eastern Mediterranean to parts of Asia He was believed to have been 32 34 when he died, and it was reported that he felt violently ill prior to his death

1 th of June

The Falkland War formally ended on this date in 1982, following the United Nations involvement and Argentina s surrender The Falkland Islands were returned to the British The British also gained control of a port on mainland Argentina

STEAM Exhi bition

T m ek R e

The ann al STEAM E hi bi i n i a hig hl an ici a ed e en ha h ca e he la e ad ancemen in cience echn l g eng inee ing a and ma hema ic The e hi bi i n e e a a la f m f den c me ge he c llab a e and ha e hei inn a i e idea The STEAM E hi bi i n ha bec me an e en ial elemen in m ing and ad ancing in e di ci lina e ea ch and ed ca i n

P ime Mini e Mana eh S ga a e ha hig hl c mmended he Pa ie he Na Ag eemen PNA g f na i n f i emend leade hi in en ing he eg i n na ck a e managed and ainabl ha e ed and f iding ec n mic and cial bene i e le ince he O gani a i n ince i n The P ime Mini e enc aged he PNA membe hich h ne f he ld la ge na he ie emain ig ilan and inn a i e in ie f h ea an i ing f m Clima e Change and he e e nal e en

June ashbacks

Keilana Bi k

Here we are going to take a look back at the historical moments that took place on these dates in the past:

1 th of June

It is more likely than not that you would have come across the Miranda Rig hts, a set of words along the lines of Yo are nder arres followed by o ha e he righ o remain silen an hing o sa can and ill be sed agains o in a co r of la You may have heard this in a T V show or movie, or you may have read this in a book W hat you mig ht not know is that it was actually passed on this date in 1966

Alexander the Great, the King of Macedonia, died in 323 BCE, in the ancient city of Babylon

1 th of June

The Magna Carta was signed by Eng land s King John in 1215 This greatly limited the political power of the British monarchy He was forced to sign this by his Barons, who felt the King s continuous abuse of power was something that should no longer be tolerated. King John had wanted to raise taxes in order to fund his conquest to retake Anjou and Normandy in France . This made them upset because they did not want to fund a war they did not care about.

1 th of June

Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova began the journey as the first female go to space. At the time, she was a 26 year old eng ineer, with no prior aviation training. She went into space on Vostok 6.

The STEAM E hi bi i n all a ici an gain a dee e nde anding f a i cien i c di ci line and hei in e c nnec edne I e e a a f m f den e l e hei in e e and be in i ed e ca ee in STEAM eld W df d ecen l held hei e hi bi i n he e he middle ch l den in i ed f he ch l c me and i i he e hi bi i n V a Hig h Sch l Sain Nich la Ang lican C llege K k m SDA Hig h Sch l and Tamb k Hig h Sch l The e e e diffe en e f e e imen and e ea che d ne g i e he be e l The e hi bi i n a led b he ch l STEAM eam M A g ine M Wend and n f ge ing M Ale n a e ing Thei e e imen anged f m ing C ke n Men c ea ing en i n b idge The ch l ha i i ed e e in ig ed b h m ch he den had ked ha d n hei jec and a ked a l f e i n ega ding h he managed c me i h he e e imen h ld i be able hel in he f e and he challenge he faced The e hi bi i n ned be a cce and e e ne managed lea n me hing ne a he end f he e en

Student News
T m ek R e
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