Present 9

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21/08/2015 农历七月初八(星期五) 11.00am - 6.20pm


22/08/2015 农历七月初九(星期六) 10.00am - 8.00pm


23/08/2015 农历七月初十(星期日) 9.30am - 4.20pm

日期 : 21/08/2015 农历七月初八(星期五) 至 23/08/2015 农历七月初十(星期日) 地点 : 海印学佛会 Sagaramudra Buddhist Society


• 小莲位 $22 可超荐一位先人或历代祖先

• 大牌位 $150 可超荐六位先人、历代祖先

• 如意功德主 $1000 三个大牌位可超荐十八位先人、历代祖先

• 护坛大功德主 $5000 五个大牌位可超荐三十位先人、历代祖先+大禄位 (大禄位的名字依大牌位写的阳上者为准)


• 供佛 随喜供养

• 供斋 $100

• 延生小禄位 $38 祈福者(一人或合家)

• 延生大禄位 $138 公司宝号或祈福者(一人或合家)

欢迎至4 楼柜台处报名、致电询问或上网查询

Please register at our reception counter at level 4. For further enquiries, please call 6746 7582 or visit our website at


5 Lorong 29 Geylang Singapore 388060 Tel: 6746 7582
Tuesday to Saturday
Office Hours: 星期二至星期六:中午12 时至晚上7 时30 分 星期日:上午9 时至下午5 时
Sunday : 9.00am – 5.00pm

浴涤尘垢何处惹 佛性湛然未曾失

海印学佛会至诚敬贺 2015 年 5 月

佛理开示 • 4楼千佛殿 法谦法师:做个不著相修的学佛人

30/05/2015 (星期六) 7.30pm 至 9.00pm

法 木梁 法师:点灯

31/05/2015 (星期日) 7.30pm 至 9.00pm

浴佛、点灯祈福 • 1楼大菩提岩

01/06/2015 (星期一) 农历四月十五 点灯祈福 普供大佛 10.00am 浴佛 10.00am - 2.00pm


• 个人延生祈福 一个人 $10

• 合家延生祈福 一位长辈之名加“合家” $20

• 公司宝号祈福 一个公司宝号 $30

• 平安吉祥大禄位 一个人或一位长辈之名加“合家”或 一个公司宝号 $168

• 供斋 $100

• 供佛 随喜功德

佛 光 普 照 佛 日 增 辉



的形式来诠释佛法,从 而达到自他身心净化的 目的。


近乎抽象的眼睛表示“正念”; 捧着莲花灯的手表示供养, 莲花灯表示智慧之光。整体构图 所要表达的是:活在“正念”的 状态,以开智慧的法供养众生。

目前 心轴 - 四摄法系列之布施摄

2 四摄法之布施摄

4 The Four Methods of Enthrallment to Win Over Others - Enthrallment through Giving

6 虽然只是1毛钱

8 Even though it is only 10 cents

10 从生活中探索布施摄

12 布施和般若

衲子 心迹

13 鱼子语 - 智慧宝剑

14 四十二章经(九)

16 浴佛的功德(上)

19 Daily Chan Reflection

20 活在现在

缁素 心语

21 老果树和千年胡杨

23 Food for Thought

24 灵澈《归湖南作》

25 体会“二入四行”

26 眼界大开

27 放下就是快乐

28 老吾老以及人之老

29 封棺阿姆

30 美德是一朵心花

31 用什么心去接受

32 My First Encounter - Dhana in Laos

33 Reflections of a beginning practitioner –The power behind every statue

34 An Unexpected Visit to PEI XIU TOMB

顾 问 : 释法梁 杨国梁 编辑顾问 :陈伯汉 编 辑 :释法谦 释法庆 协 调 :李抒芬 封面设计 :释法梁 美术设计 :刘朋达 廖俪轩

Publisher : Sagaramudra Buddhist Society 海印学佛会

Printed by : Stamford Press Pte Ltd


妙笔 心画

36 Misconception of Old Age

花絮 心吟

38 漫画 - 一收十 Tenfold Return

40 新春法会花絮

42 参访老人院我感恩

43 健康食谱 - 白菜上汤 Cantonese Soup

44 般若信箱

45 【目前】征稿启事/无限感恩

46 学佛课程招生

47 星期六佛理开示表

48 海印例常活动表

PAGE 1 目前

目前 心轴


文◎ 释法梁

佛法中的六度和四摄法 都以布施为先;世间法中的 布施,在人际互动善行中也 扮演着重要的角色。如何将 看似人间善行的布施,向上 提升与解脱道相应?答案在 本期文稿中。


catva ri sam graha-vastu ni, 即布施摄、爱语摄、利行摄、



爱语摄的善言抚慰、利行摄的善行 利益众生、同事摄的

亲近众生同其苦乐这四个管道去感化 众生,获取信任并使其依附。


“先以欲钩牵,后令入佛智。” 四摄法可以个别完成,也可以



去行四摄法,摄受了众生之后, 至终目的就是要引入佛智。

要切记的是:若没有了正念正知 做为根本依据,以及引导众生

入佛智做为目的,四摄法则会沦为 世间权贵的手段。

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通过三种布施法来摄受众生,即财 施、法施、无畏施。

(一)财施有内财、外财两种。内财 指的是我们身体的器官、血液、劳力等。

外财指的是色身之外的财物,如金银财 宝、房屋、饮食、医药等物。

(二)法施有世间法、出世间法两 种。世间法指的是世俗人的智慧,可解决 衣食住行等问题。出世间法指的是朝向解 脱的修行方法,如四谛、十二因缘等。

(三)无畏施:施与众生无畏惧。可 有两种方式:一是修行人本身持戒,众生 不会畏惧被伤害;一是助人离开不安和恐 惧。

表面上看起来布施摄只单纯是摄受 众生的方便,事实上却非如此;通过布施 摄,修行人于己达到自利,于人则达到利 他的成效。何以如此?修行人在行布施摄 时保持正念,过程中正知无我、无人、无 所施,一切都是因缘而生因缘而灭,这就 是自利。修行人在行布施摄时,多方面的 给与协助,提升对方的智慧,引导令得觉 悟,这些都是利他。

若只有自利,则利他的智慧、慈悲 心无法圆满;若只有利他,至终不是被外 在的众生所度就是被自己的烦恼所转。自 利、利他有如鸟之双翼,缺一不可。

“拉回眼前”放下万缘,让自己往外 的心内收。“活在眼前”让自己的心延续 内收的状态,长时间活在觉醒之中。“运 用眼前”看清因缘时机,动念思维如何完 成布施才能起到摄受对方的作用;更进一 步的,就是在摄受了对方之后,如何借机 缘开启对方的智慧。“回归眼前”放下万 缘,不论是否摄受、成就得了对方,都得 放下,回到眼前觉醒的心。


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The Four Methods of Enthrallment to Win Over Others [

Four all-embracing (Bodhisattva) virtues]

The Six Parimitas and Four Methods of Enthrallment (Four allembracing (Bodhisattva) virtues) emphasize the practice of giving (Dana). Human relations and charity plays a large role in the practice of giving in our mundane world. This issue of the magazine focuses on how we can elevate our practice of giving to correspond with our liberation.

The Four Methods of Enthrallment to win over others, catva ri sam graha-vastu ni (in Sanskrit), include enthrallment through giving, enthrallment through affectionate speech, enthrallment through benefiting conduct, and enthrallment through cooperation with others.

Simply put, the purpose is to influence other sentient beings and gain their trust and reliance through the four channels of enthrallment through giving, enthrallment through affectionate speech to pacify them, enthrallment through virtuous conduct to benefit them, and enthrallment through cooperation with them, so as to be close to them and share with them their sorrow and joy.

This is similar to the teachings of Vilamakirti of “First lure them with desire, and then lead them to the ultimate wisdom.”

The four methods of enthrallment can be conducted separately or together. Either way, the fundamental bases are right mindfulness and right wisdom. Only through engaging them and winning them over with right mindfulness and right wisdom can we lead them to the ultimate goal of Buddha wisdom. In practising the four methods, we must remind ourselves that without the bases of right mindfulness and right wisdom, and the aim of leading sentient beings to the absolute truth of Buddha wisdom, the four methods of enthrallment could degenerate into a tool for the pursuit of mundane power and status.

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Enthrallment through Giving

We practise enthrallment through giving in three ways – the giving of material wealth, the giving of dharma, and the giving of no-fear.

(i) Giving of material wealth - Material wealth can be divided into internal wealth and external wealth. Internal wealth refers to matters related to our body, such as organs, blood, and labour. External wealth refers to material things such as money, valuables, food, houses, and medicines.

(ii) Giving of dharma - It can be divided into the giving of mundane and supra-mundane dharma. The former refers to the mundane wisdom that helps solve such problems as those related to food, clothing, accommodation and transport. The latter refers to the teaching of practices leading to liberation, such as the Four Noble Truths and the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination.

(iii) Giving of no-fear – The giving of nofear to sentient beings has two aspects. One is to observe the precepts ourselves, so that sentient beings would not have the fear of being harmed. The other is to help keep them away from fear and dread.

Enthrallment through giving may appear merely as a convenient way to engage sentient beings to win them over but it is not so. Through the method, a practitioner can achieve the effect of benefiting oneself as well as others. This is because in practising enthrallment through giving, one would be maintaining right

mindfulness and in the process, attaining the right wisdom of no-self, no-others, and no-giving as the arising and cessation of everything is a result of causes and conditions. This is how the method benefits oneself. On the other hand, practising enthrallment through giving offers others all kinds of assistance, and in so doing elevate their wisdom and help them to experience awakening. This is how the method benefits others.

With only self-benefiting, one would not be able to achieve perfection with the wisdom and compassion of benefiting others. Similarly, with only benefiting others, one would be constantly influenced by either other sentient beings externally or his own defilements internally. Self-benefiting and benefiting others are like the wings of a bird, which cannot afford to lose either one of them.

By practising ‘Focusing on the Present’ and letting go of all attachments, we direct our mind inward instead of allowing it to drift outward. ‘Living in the Present’ allows us to continue directing our mind inward and maintain being in the state of awakening. ‘Applying the Present’ allows us to observe the right opportunities and generate the right thoughts on how to enthrall others with the appropriate giving, and in addition, after enthrallment, on how to elevate their wisdom with the right conditions. With ‘Returning to the Present’, we let go of all attachments, regardless of whether the enthrallment is successful or not, and return to our awakened mind at the present moment.

This is how to practise enthrallment through giving.

PAGE 5 目前心轴


文◎ 释法谦


而不是“得”;透过舍外在的 具相物质,转向深层的提升,进而舍去 内在抽象的感受、情绪、心念的执着。

因为执着我的1毛钱、我的感受、我的 情绪、我的想法,让我们与烦恼心相 应,反而不得好报--布施后因嗔心而 更不快乐。这不是受者的问题, 是施者本身因为执着而得的“果报”。

我们习惯往外看;往往重视结果,忽 略了过程。让我们养成新的“内窥镜”习 惯:在往外看的同时,也往内看;在重视 结果的同时,也时时检视过程。刚开始时 会不自在,这是因为没有养成习惯,当习 惯养成之后,就最自然不过了。

完成了布施1毛钱给乞丐,看似小 事;如何处理一件小事,可预见我们如何 面对、处理人生中一切的事。见到乞丐, 在整个布施过程,强调清楚知道身心每个 片刻的变化,就好像有两个镜头,一是对 外的录像镜头;更重要是还有一个“内窥 镜”,扫描身心。我们是否保持清醒,养 成注意自己身心的习惯?若有,这就是用 心过日子;若无,这又是错失良机,白白 过日子了。真正现实的生活,是没有办法 倒带、重来、重作的;因此,不要浪费每 个机缘。

将“内窥镜”倒带,“看到”: 眼睛看到外色尘双腿已锯,穿著还 蛮齐整,坐在路旁的乞丐。

看到“念”:“会不会是乞丐集 团?”


看到往前的脚步有意放慢了,在争 取思考空间。

又看到“念”:“会不会因为我的 布施,助长了他的贪心?”

看到困烦的“情绪”起来,给还是 不给?

又看到“念”:“只是1毛钱而 已,想这么多。”

看到自己“很不好意思”的弯下腰 “匆匆地”将1毛钱放到乞丐面前的碗 里。

“回看”了乞丐一眼:什么表情也 没有,更没有感谢的言词和举动。

看到情绪夹杂着念:“哼!看不起 我的1毛钱,早知道就不给。”

清楚看到,这就是我,我的水准就 是这样:不给不安,给了又生气;在给 不给的过程中,又带动这么多的感受、 情绪、心念。

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真的是“好心没好报”!为什么这么 说?

首先,我们没有养成往内看的习惯, 若不是靠“内窥镜”的“倒带”,根本不 清楚知道身心每个片刻的变化,还只是耿 耿于“早知道就不给”的怀,迷失在烦恼 中而不自知。

再者,我们忘了布施的真正目的在 于“舍”而不是“得”;透过舍外在的具 相物质,转向深层的提升,进而舍去内在 抽象的感受、情绪、心念的执着。因为执 着我的1毛钱、我的感受、我的情绪、我 的想法,让我们与烦恼心相应,反而不得 好报--布施后因嗔心而更不快乐。这不是 受者的问题,是施者本身因为执着而得的

“果报”。我们还得感谢乞丐的不回应, 他让我们有机会看清楚我们的烦恼和智慧 不足之处。

反之,布施后快乐,是因乞丐向我们 表答感谢。我们还是得“内窥”一下:是 否因为“舍”了1毛钱而“得”了善行后 的回报,这还是与“贪心”相应的快乐。 如果“贪心”得不到满足,或是回报达不 到我们的要求,我们又会从快乐转成痛苦 了。

生活就是修行,要善用我们的“内窥 镜”在一件件的小事上积累“功力”。

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Even though it is only 10 cents

We forgot that the real purpose of giving donations (dana) is to “relinquish” and not to “gain”; by relinquishing material things, we cultivate our mind within; to take a step further, we relinquish the attachment we have to feelings, emotions and thoughts. If we are attached to our 10 cents, our feelings, emotions and thoughts, then we correspond with the afflictions, which defeats the purpose of giving dana since anger arises after giving and we are more unhappy. This is not a problem of the person receiving the donations, rather, the problem lies with the donor because he/she is attached and therefore bears the “fruit of suffering”.

We are used to focusing on the outside; we focus more on results rather than the process. Let us cultivate a new habit of “introspection”: when we focus on the outside, we should also focus within; while focusing on the results, we should also constantly inspect the process. We may not be used to this in the beginning as this is something new and a habit has not been formed. Once this becomes a habit, it will come naturally.

It seemed a small matter to donate 10 cents to a beggar; how we handle a small matter reflects on how we face and handle all things in life. From the time we met a beggar to the time we made the donation, during this process, the focus is being aware of each and every change in our body and mind, just like there are two cameras, one aiming at the outside; and most importantly, the one aiming within, scanning our body and mind. Are we discerning enough and have we cultivated the habit of being mindful of our body and mind? If yes, then we are passing our life attentively; if not, we are missing out a good opportunity to live life meaningfully. There is no rewind, re-take

or reverse for the real life, therefore, do not waste any opportunity.

Rewind our “introspective camera”, we “see” the following:

The eyes saw the external sight of a beggar by the roadside, with his legs amputated but dressed tidily.

We saw the “thought”: “is this a syndicate?”

We saw our mind “hesitate”.

We saw our footsteps slowing down in order to contemplate.

Then we saw the “thought”: “Would I contribute to others’ greed because of my donation?”

We saw the troubled “emotions” arise, do we give or not?

Then we saw the “thought”: “It’s just 10 cents, why think so much?”

Then we saw ourselves feeling “embarrassed”, then bending down to “hurriedly”

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put in 10 cents in the beggar’s bowl.

We “turned and looked” at the beggar: he was expressionless and did not show or say any word of gratitude.

We saw our emotions mixed with the thought of: “Hey! Does he think my 10 cents is too little? I wish I didn’t donate.”

Look clearly, this is me. This is my standard. If I did not donate, I feel uncomfortable, but when I donated, I felt angry; during this process of contemplating between “giving and not giving”, so many feelings, emotions and thoughts arose.

The adage of “good deeds do not beget good returns” really holds true in this case, why is that so?

Firstly, we did not cultivate the habit of introspection, if we did not “rewind” our “introspective camera”, we were not aware of each and every change in our mind and body, and we were still focused on the feeling of “I wish I didn’t donate”; we were lost in afflictions and not being aware of it.

Secondly, we forgot that the real purpose of giving donations (dana) is to “relinquish” and not to “gain”; by relinquishing material things, we cultivate our mind within; to take a step further, we relinquish the attachment we have to feelings, emotions and thoughts. If we are attached to our 10 cents, our feelings, emotions and thoughts, then we correspond with the afflictions, which defeats the purpose of giving dana since anger arises after giving and we are more unhappy. This is not the problem of the person receiving the donations, rather, the problem lies with the donor because he/she is attached and therefore bears the “fruit of suffering”. We should be thankful for the non-response from the beggar because he

gives us a chance to discern our afflictions and our lack of wisdom.

Conversely, if we are happy because the beggar thanked us for the donation, we have to “inspect” ourselves: does the happiness arise because we “relinquish” the 10 cents, that is, it is the return for doing a good deed? Or is it happiness associated with “greed”? If our “greed” is not satisfied, or if the returns is not up to our expectation, our happiness will turn into suffering again.

Practice takes place in our daily lives, therefore we should make good use of our “introspective camera” on every little matter to hone our skills.

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文◎ 志学

我们每天在滚滚红尘中翻腾,每个 人都有自己的工作态度及处事方法,人与 人相处,总会碰到许多问题。碰到与我们 相合的人与事物,我们就很高兴,执取不 放,但又担心会变异、败坏或离去;碰到 与我们不相合的人与事物,我们就很痛 苦、烦恼、忧虑或恐惧。

世尊在《吉祥经》和《善生经》里, 开示众生如何以正确的态度与方法去面对 生活问题和处理好人际之间的关系,四摄 法就是其中的一个方法。四摄法包括布施 摄、爱语摄、同事摄与利行摄。这里与大 家分享布施摄。

布施是与他人分享自已所得,亦接受 别人给予我们的布施。这是我们与人互动 及结缘解怨的良方,在没有敌意的情况下 建立起和谐的人际关系,这是利他也利己 的。

我们行布施,希望他人得到快乐、 解除他人的痛苦,自己也得到喜悦,用平 等心事去对待他人,这能断除我们的嗔恨 心,能克制我们的残忍行为,克制我们的 妒忌和自私等心理。

由此可见,布施摄巳涵盖了慈悲喜舍 的心怀。布施可以柔和我们的心意,改掉 自己的坏习气,降伏自己的自私心和傲慢 心,消除敌意,懂得尊重与关怀他人,与 他人和谐共处。

布施的方法可归纳为三大类:财施、 法施、无畏施。


决种种困难,摆脱饥寒之苦;这可以破除 我们内心的悭贪,培养我们的怜悯及利世 之心。

财布施包括内财布施和外财布施。内 财布施是钱财以外的布施。一个微笑,一 声问好也都是布施。当排队或在电梯里, 碰着左邻右舍时,主动给人一个微笑,与 他人打招呼或问好,不但可以让生活的环 境更温馨,也可以增强邻里的凝聚力。

我们去当义工,去捐血,宣誓个人 死后捐献个人器官,都是很高尚的内财布 施。

例如有越来越多母亲乐意捐献婴儿 的脐带血。要知道,许多病人生命危在旦 夕,急需脐带血,却往往无法在血库中找 到合适的配对。

脐带血可用于治疗白血病和淋巴瘤等 血癌、血液失调症、免疫缺陷和代谢性疾 病。所以捐献脐带血至关重要。

刘慧女士和依思雅妮两位女土都育 有四个孩子,在丈夫支持下,她们将孩子 的脐带血都捐献了出来,没危害自己的健 康,又利人也乐己! 外财布施: 将自己所赚取的钱财去救济需要我们 帮助的人。对于那些坐过牢的犯罪者,我 们也应该伸出援手,帮他们寻求工作,让 他们有机会改过自新,勇敢地面对未来。 由此,我们可以明白布施是慈悲喜舍心的 一种表现,让我们舍下敌意和嗔恚,自已 与他人保持都快乐。

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法施就是以佛法来布施他人。佛法作 为世间和出世间最为殊胜的法门,能去除 人们内心的烦恼与痛苦,并将解脱痛苦与 烦恼的修行方法告诉迷悟的众生,让他们 明白如何修行,如何广种福田,如何待人 处世。

办教育事业也是一种法施。教育的目 的在于德、智、育的培养,也就是世间福 慧的培养和修行。


在生活里,我们难免遇上一些难题, 不是自身所能解决,我们就会产生疑惑、 忧郁及恐惧。如果有人以无畏的精神拔刀 相助,减少或消除我们的恐惧与惊慌,这 就是无畏的布施。现今世界恐怖主义肆 虐,世局不安,自然灾害频发,几乎人人 都没有真正的安全感。由此可见无畏施在 现今社会上的重要性。

父母不应该过于注重追求物质上的享 受及成就,忽略了孩子心灵的教育。身为 父母,我们应该多“布施”一些时间给孩 子,培养他们的正见与正念,培养他们平 静无畏的心,对他们处事待人,都会有很 大的帮助。这也是一种无畏施的应用及表 现。

从布施中,我们可以感受自己和众生 的感受,尤其是喜悦的感受。

《法句经》说“普爱贤友,哀加众 生,常行慈心,所适者安。”我们若能博 施仁爱于广友贤德,将哀悯之心献给众 生,经常行使慈心,我们所到之处皆能和


《法句经》又说:“履行仁慈,博爱 济众,有十一誉,福常随身。”就是教我 们履行仁慈之德,博爱苍生救济众人,如 此行事将有十一种益处,福报亦将永恒地 随身。

《法句经》又说:“仁无乱志,慈 最可行,愍伤众生,此福无量。”就是说 仁慈之人没有杂乱心志,慈悲情怀最为可 行,哀愍同情芸芸众生,这种福德无法计 量。

这也说明了真诚、无私、无所求的 布施最殊胜。我们的心就可以时时保持寂 净法喜,我们所到之处就会受人欢迎及爱 戴,处处都有朋友无敌人,我们有困难或 疑惑时,他人也会来扶持解难,这就是 福!


四摄法之布施摄包含了无量慈心、无 量悲心、无量喜心及无量舍心。它融通了 佛教的核心教育及佛教以人为体的精神, 将我们个人修行与实践的心得,溶化成无 量的爱心与他人分享。它能柔和我们的 心,让我们的心种下善根,与善法相应。 它降伏我们的贪嗔痴、我执与我慢,让我 们能克制敌意,与他人和谐共处。它不分 阶级、不分种族、不分国界。它是不求任 何回报,是超越宗教的。这都发轫于释迦 牟尼佛的超越宗教的佛教教育与佛教理 念。

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文◎ 李德钊

行布施波罗密时,想得通也是完成般 若波罗密。


布施的开始,在于有所给而给;般若 的意味,在于无放下而放下。

分别来看,则布施和般若是两个名 词。实际上,都是一心的运用。

初学佛法,给你一样东西说是你的, 要你给出去,这叫布施。后来,你明白不 仅东西不是你的,一切都是因缘,这叫般 若。

《般若波罗密多心经》说“观自在菩 萨”。观自在菩萨就是我们的觉照。在行 布施时,要确保观自在菩萨在心头,不失 觉照。

我们也常听到:“布施时要三轮体 空”,这才是布施的最高境界。但我们在 布施时真的可以“一切皆空”什么都不想 吗?

很多时候我们都会心有所回向,或回 向这个,或回向那个。有一些人呢,会认 为布施是有意义的,所以布施。有些人, 听佛经说舍一得万报,所以才布施。另外 有些人会想:“哦,我要培养我的心量做 个大菩萨!”,所以布施。

所以说,人总是有动机的,在布施 时总怀着美好希望或执持一种理念。不可 能什么都不想。三轮体空的道理,不是叫 你不想,而是叫你不要一直想,不要求回 报,也不要认为自己很了不得。

为什么呢?因为一直想,求回报, 觉得自己是个什么菩萨,当下就不开心了 嘛,就丢了觉照,变成就有挂碍了嘛,怎 么还会是观自在菩萨呢?所以说,布施波 罗密要成为般若波罗密,关键在于我们怎 么去思考,怎么去看待自己布施的行为。

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文◎ 释法梁

佛门以宝剑比喻智慧,这是因为宝剑 锋利。

打造一把锋利的宝剑需要诸多因缘, 首先是从铁矿提炼出钢铁做为原材料,然 后是加热、锻造、淬炼、磨利,再配上剑 柄和剑鞘等等,这是一个由劣到优、粗到 精的过程,一个从矿铁到宝剑的过程。如 果我们只是看到宝剑而忽略了其制造过 程,那表示我们并不真正认识这把宝剑。

同理,智慧并不是一个单一存在的 个体,而是由信力、精进力、念力、定 力、慧力这五种力量所组成的。把依止、 提升智慧当成修行的目标就是信力的展 现。对这信力一而再的要求,不让它停滞

于信仰,而是感觉自己越来越理智就是精 进力的展现。在保持理智的过程,更进一 步体会到内心除了贪嗔痴的烦恼之外,还 另有一觉照能力的存在,那觉照的能力就 是念力。念力能够得到长时间的延续就是 定力。内能降伏烦恼,外能善观因缘以应 对,内外皆自在,这就是慧力,也是智 慧。如果我们只是从字面上去认识智慧, 而不去探讨形成智慧的过程,那表示我们 并不真正认识智慧。

正所谓“如是因、如是果”,掌握好 过程是因,宝剑、智慧的成就就是果,这 是一个水到渠成的道理。

你就大力 磨吧,否则 我怎么成为 好剑。
衲子 心迹

四十二章经 (九)

讲授 ◎ 释法梁  记述 ◎ 李德钊

‘ 无常是佛教的根本教义。


对无常有深刻的了解, 不仅可以生起出离心,

也能令人舍去内心的执着, 令其解脱。观照自己的心, 了解念的无常生灭, 很快便能觉悟。 ’

第十七章 明来暗榭

佛言。夫见道者。譬如持炬。入冥室 中。其冥即灭。而明独存。学道见谛。无 明即灭。而明常存矣。

佛陀说:明白真理的人,譬如手握 火炬,进入暗室,黑暗立即消失,独存光 明。同样的,修行而能明白真理,无明去 除,智慧便常显于前。

黑暗出现,光亮就消失。然而,真 的有光明和黑暗分别出现吗?光明的出现 意味着黑暗的离开吗?实际上,光明没有 到来,黑暗也没有离开,明暗之间并无来 去,只是因缘的改变,明与暗的关系,就 如同空跟有的关系。

第十六章 舍爱得道

佛言。人怀爱欲。不见道者。譬如 澄水。致手搅之。众人共临。无有睹其影 者。人以爱欲交错。心中浊兴。故不见 道。汝等沙门。当舍爱欲。爱欲垢尽。道 可见矣。

佛陀说:人心中有爱欲,不能明白真 理,譬如澄净的水,用手在其中搅动,尽 管水就在众人眼前,大家却始终看不见水 中的影像。人因为有爱欲在心中纠缠,心 中就恰如浑浊之水,真理便不能显现。既 身为沙门,就应割舍爱欲,爱欲的垢染舍 弃后,真理自然显现。

在这章里,佛陀说明贪欲这种执着让 我们不见空性。佛陀非常直接的告诉我们 障碍见道的因缘在于爱欲,虽然这是佛陀 对出家人的要求,实际上,让所有人痴迷 颠倒的也就是爱欲。

假若现在有张手帕,手帕是因缘和 合而成,由布料、染料、手工与名称所构 成。由于是各种因缘所组成,所以“手 帕”的本性是空。“因缘所生法,佛说即 是空。”不是说没有手帕,而是它没有一 个独立的自性。既然没有自性,它便是假 的,我们便不应该执着。能不执着,就是 一种智慧。

第十八章 念等本空

佛言。吾法念无念念,行无行行。 言无言言。修无修修。会者近尔。迷者远 乎。言语道断。非物所拘。差之毫厘。失 之须臾。

佛陀说:佛法是不执著于念,不执着 于行为,不执著于语言的。修行也不执着 于修行。道理明白了就显得平易,不明白 就很遥远。语言不能诠释真理,真理也不

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被任何事物所拘束。对真理的领悟,稍微 有一丁点的差异,便会偏离很远。



譬如说,我们每天要倒一杯水供佛,如果 我们对供水这个法执着了,那么一旦没有 水,我们就没辙了。如何能让法灵活起来 呢?我们不仅要明白供养的意义,还得善 于观察。供养的重点在于舍去与付出,明 白这点就是智慧。有智慧便不会执着,不 执著才能善于观察,懂得变通。此时,假 如没有水,我们可以用别的饮料,比如用 茶或果汁代替,就不会一筹莫展。知其 然,更知其所以然,法就变成灵活的,没 有固定不变的点,亦不执着有一个在做 的“我”,所以说行无行行,修无修修。

言语道断,语言的表达是有局限的。 有时越想说清楚,越说不清楚。这不仅关 系说者的表达能力,也关系听者的理解能 力,因为凡有所演说,皆不能全面,所以

佛陀说法45年,却又说自己什么都没说! 对道的领悟,稍有偏差,就会偏离很远, 恰如太空船轨道的偏差,0.0000001角度 的差距,就会飞向截然不同的银河系!所 以说,有时不要怪佛陀说得不清楚,太抽 象,而是不能太清楚。太具体就容易形成 执着,造成障碍!

第十九章 假真并观

佛言。观天地,念非常。观世界。念 非常。观灵觉。即菩提。如是知识。得道 疾矣。


的。观察世界,明了它不是永恒的。观照 自己的觉性,明了这就是觉悟的道路。能 这样思维,便能迅速得道。

无常是佛教的根本教义。刹那思维无 常,即有无量的功德。对无常有深刻的了 解,不仅可以生起出离心,也能令人舍去 内心的执着,令其解脱。所谓“灵觉”是 早期对觉性的翻译。观照自己的心,了解 念的无常生灭,很快便能觉悟。

第二十章 推我本空

佛言。当念身中四大。各自有名。都 无我者。我既都无。其如幻耳。

佛陀说:我们要提醒自己身体内的 四大,一切各有其名,却没有“我”的存 在。连“我”都没,其他的能加就不是真 实的了。

我们常执着自己的色身,但仔细分 析 ,在每个部位,如“头”、“身”、 “四肢”、“心脏”、“肺”、“肝”、 “眼”、“耳”、“鼻”⋯⋯乃至“地”、 “水”、“火”、“风”四大,其中都 没有一个所谓“我”的存在。一切只是 假名。连最亲密的身体上,都没有一个 “我”的存在,外在的山河大地,更是如 幻如化,不足挂齿,无须执着。内外的执 着能放下,就能超越生死,超越苦乐。 (待续)

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浴佛的功德 (上)


讲授 ◎ 释法梁  整理 ◎ 李宝叶

大家请合掌;南无本师释迦牟尼佛, 南无本师释迦牟尼佛,南无本师释迦牟尼 佛。请放掌。各位晚上好,今天,我们为 了配合卫塞节而讲座,在还没开始之前, 我先祝福大家卫塞节快乐。


我们要讲的题目是《我今灌沐诸如 来》。

在《浴佛功德经》里,佛对清净慧菩 萨说,浴佛有以下五种的功德:

(一)现受富乐,无病延年:富贵、 快乐,年老长寿无疾病。

(二)於所愿求,无不遂意:能够满 足所求的愿。

(三)亲友眷属,悉皆安隐:亲戚、 朋友能够得到安稳。

(四)长辞八难,永出苦源。以下解 释什么叫八难:

佛教的所谓八难:一地狱,二饿鬼, 三畜生;这三个是属於三恶道。

四北拘卢洲,以乐报殊胜,而总无苦 故也:殊胜享乐的环境容易堕落,不容易 开发智慧。

五长寿天,色界无色界长寿安稳之 处:长寿天只有享用福报而不能闻修佛 法,福报用尽还是会在六道轮回。佛教徒 应该选择到西方极乐世界或弥勒乐菩萨兜 率内院听闻佛法增长智慧。


不到和咀吧讲不出话是学佛的障碍,所以 这也是一种难。

第七世智辨聪:聪明有学识,便自以 为是,以自己的思考方式去辨解佛理或直 接排斥佛法,所到之处不受欢迎。

第八佛前佛后难:佛之前或佛之后 出世,听不到佛法是一种难,因为找不到 像佛那样有智慧的善知识来引导我们。不 过现在虽然见不到佛,但还是能够听闻佛 法,所以当我们浴佛后就能长辞八难,永 出苦源。

(五)第五种功德不受女身,速成正 觉。

在二千五百多年前佛陀时代的印度, 重男轻女的观念非常严重,妇女身份地位 低,所以说女身不能成佛是必然的。经典 里提到女身障碍比较大,要成佛一定要女 转男身,所以要发愿在下一世投身为男 身。当正念浴佛之后,就能够不受女身的 约束,速成正觉。


我今灌沐诸如来 净智庄严功 德海

五浊众生离尘垢 同证如来净 法身

浴佛偈的意义是以浴佛来发愿,以清 净的智慧来庄严道场,也希望五浊恶世的 众生都能够远离尘垢,一起成佛。


一劫浊:灾害频繁,资源枯竭是名劫 浊。

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劫浊是指天灾人祸,天灾令人无可奈 何;人祸却是可以避免,所以应该要反思 一些人为的灾难。


浊是污垢的意思,见浊是指思想上的 污垢。概念也称之为见,见浊是指怎样以 智慧看待问题。所谓的好跟不好是相对的 概念,针对问题时要是能够打破概念,以 不同的角度处理问题,久而久之智慧也跟 着提升了。


烦恼共二十个:八个大随烦恼,二 个中随烦恼,十个小随烦恼。六个根本烦 恼是贪、嗔、痴、慢、疑、不正见。贪、 嗔、痴也称之为三毒。贪:贪得无厌。

嗔:排斥不顺眼的事情,丢弃讨厌的物品 或容不下不喜欢的想法。痴:要就要、不 要就不要,不知道为什么贪和嗔,就是 痴。


众生浊是指众生造恶、种种污浊的 地方。当我们对自已的行为掌控不好时, 容易造以下的恶业:第一杀生,第二是偷 盗,第三邪淫,第四妄语,第五愚痴。


佛教吸收了早期婆罗门教对人寿命 的思想之后,以天人的寿命来证实人的寿 命比天人短。天人的寿命可以很长,从几 千岁到几万岁,除了岁数,还有人间一百 年、天上一天的差别。

今天所讲是要让各位更清楚佛所说的 《浴佛功德经》,要怎么做才能够达到以 上的五种功德。

浴佛--自我身、心的净化 身:不杀生、不偷盗、不邪 淫。

口:不妄语、不两舌、不恶 口、不绮语。


浴佛的仪式不只是浴外在佛相,还要 浴到我们的内心里。正念浴佛是在浴我们 的身、口、意,自我身心的净化。

第一、身业的净化。要净化身业,佛 要求我们不杀生、不偷盗、不邪淫。不杀 生以人为主,慢慢做到不同层次到一切有 情众生。不偷盗是不要占有他人的财物, 早期在印度法律上偷盗是犯法的,佛教也 就这样把它制定在戒律里。不邪淫是人跟 人的一种尊重。

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妄语:一般上生意人觉得不讲骗话就 做不成生意,事实上是可以选择婉转或其 他的方式来表达。最根本的要求是做到不 妄语,如果你有智慧,就能够掌握得好, 也会发现到它其实有很多的空间。

不两舌:要从本身做起,把正能量 的范围慢慢扩大到工作环境。人是物以类 聚,当大家都生活在不两舌、不搬弄是非 的环境里就比较健康,所以真正浴佛的功 德是要浴到心里面去。

恶口:恶口是恶毒的语言,它并不只 是局限在骂人而己。有些恶口是没有理由 的漫骂,一开口就是粗俗不文雅的语言。 另一种恶口是不明显的讽刺,暗地里像针 那样刺进别人心里。还有一种恶口是表面 上讲的话很好听,但都是指引到不好的地 方。

绮语:讲一些让人想入非非的话。当 这四种口业都能够掌握得好,你肯定能做 到一诺千金,讲的话很有份量,人家愿意 听,也赢得人与人之间可贵的信任。

第三:意业的净化。意业净化之后, 成为一种不贪、不嗔跟不痴的心理状态。 贪是贪得无厌,别人的东西你也想占为己 有。嗔是排斥性很强,不顺眼或心里不舒 服就不让它出现。痴是昏昧、不清楚,脑 筋里在想什么都不知道。当你处在这种状 态就要小心,所做的决定都会造成错误。

希望通过灌沐如来来净化我们的身和 心。净化我们的身口意没,身业就是不杀 生、不偷盗、不邪淫。口业也要净化到不 妄语、不两舌、不恶口、不绮语。意业也

要得到净化而不贪、不嗔、不痴。只有从 这样的角度来浴佛,前面的五种功德才有 可能实现,净化之后把内在的自性佛(觉 性)找出来。


PAGE 18 衲子心迹

Daily Chan Reflection

◎ Translated by Yeo Hwee Tiong

Speaking the Truth

Even if we were to speak the truth, we would not be able to help others if the time and place were inappropriate.

A chicken seller and a Buddhist had the following conversation.

“I have been in the business of selling chickens in the market for twenty years. I understand that Buddhism prohibits killing and there is retribution for killing. What should I do?”

“Change your profession. Otherwise you will be reborn into a miserable realm,” said the Buddhist.

The chicken seller said, “In that case I better change my religion. Otherwise my family will starve to death.”

He was obviously upset as he left.

The outcome could be quite different had some slight adjustments be made to the reply.

“I have been in the business of selling chickens in the market for twenty years. I understand that Buddhism prohibits killing and

there is retribution for killing. What should I do?”

“Is it possible to change your profession?” the Buddhist asked.

“I don’t think so. If possible, I would have done it long time ago,” the chicken seller replied.

“How about working fewer hours on the 1st and 15th day of each month, so that less chickens would be killed?” the Buddhist asked.

“That is not a problem. In that case I can return home and rest early. The only difference is the slightly reduced earnings.” The chicken seller replied.

The importance of a speech lies in its practicability. Otherwise, the speech has little significance even if we were speaking the truth. By suggesting doing less business on the 1st and 15th of each month, the Buddhist had performed two virtue deeds: firstly the chicken seller’s bad karma of killing had been mitigated; and secondly, he saved the lives of a few chickens.

Even if we were to speak the truth, we would not be able to help others if the time and place were inappropriate.

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活在现在 (佛理开示后记)

讲授/整理 ◎ 释持果

活在当下就是活在现在,而不是回忆 过去,盘算未来。哈佛大学心理学家的一 项研究发现,人们在清醒的时候,大脑有 46.9%是在漫游;人们会用将近一半的时间 做白日梦、畅想未来和反思过去。研究结 果又发现,当一个人心不在焉,手上做一 件事情,心里却想着另外一件事情,这些 人都不快乐;只有全神专注在当下所做的 事情是最快乐的。专注于当下就是佛教所 说的活在现在,“Live in the Present”; 活在当下就是把心放在现在,专注于正在 做的事情。

我们学习佛法的目的是要离苦得乐, 但现实的人生却有种种的问题与困难须要 面对和解决,所以我们必须着眼于现实, 发现问题就应用所学习的佛法加以解决, 该调整的就调整,该融合的就融合,这样 才能离苦得乐。比如说,我们到小贩中心 想要吃一餐,当我们面对美食,六根(眼 耳鼻舌身意)对着六尘(色身香味触法) 时,如果生起贪念,我们就必须加以灭 除,不得放纵。佛法就是教导我们要懂得 回归现实,一发现问题,马上解决,不要 拖延。可是在事实上,我们常常在面对问 题时,都是追溯过去,期待未来,而不是 当下就想办法,好好解决。

我们只是人生路上的匆匆过客,谁 也不知道几时会在这个世间消失。有些人 活了一辈子,都没有真正快乐过。他们不 是追忆过去,就是期待未来,因而在生命 中留下太多的遗憾,白白虚度时光。佛法 说知足常乐,生活本来就很简单,可是我 们想要的太多,总是不满足的追求物质享 受,越是追求越不知足,结果以不快乐告 终。佛陀说:“不悲过去,非贪未来,心 系当下,由此安详。”

我们要如何活在现在呢?《中阿含 经》卷24〈因品4〉1 :“比丘者,行则知

行,住则知住,坐则知坐,卧则知卧,眠 则知眠,寤则知寤,眠寤则知眠寤。”

“比丘者,正知出入,善观分别,屈伸俯 仰,仪容庠序,善着僧伽梨及诸衣,行、 住、坐、卧,眠寤语默皆正知之。”佛陀 在阿含经教导弟子在行、住、坐、卧,保 持正念正知,随时观照自己的起心动念, 放下妄想抛弃执着,好好活在当下。很多 时候,我们都在自寻烦恼,吃饭时东挑西 挑;睡觉时辗转反侧,走路的时候,边讲 手机边想事情,如此心不在焉,如何快乐 得起来?

活在现在并非不思考、不计划未来, 而是不要把时间浪费在妄想中。规划生活 最好就是规划现在,只要我们认真把现在 的事情做好,就是为将来做好准备。生命 中有很多事是强求不来的,是可遇不可求 的,往往无心插柳柳成荫,就是认真对待 现在成了习惯得到的。人生的重点不在得 与失,顺境与逆境,而是面对问题时,我 们是不是尽了力,是不是认真在当下就去 解决问题。

心理学家建议活在现在是最快乐的 生活方式,但是有很多人却为不可预知的 未来而恐慌。经常担忧未来,很容易陷入 不必要的苦恼和焦虑。请想想,过去的已 经无可挽回,未来又不可知,与其如此 度日,倒不如专注活在当下,处理当下的 事、面对眼前的人。

金刚经:“过去心不可得。现在心不 可得。未来心不可得。”“应无所住而生 其心”说的正是这意思。所以放弃对过去 的怀念,放弃对未来的幻想,好好把握现 在,活在现在就是决定我们未来的助缘。 当生命走向尽头的时候,我们不必问自 己:我这一生有没有任何遗憾,我真正快 乐过吗?

1 大正01,p582,b19-29

PAGE 20 衲子心迹

缁素 心语

老果树和千年胡杨 1

文◎ 释法谦



不去梦想遥远的未来,只要踏实的过每一天, 准备好身心,接受小小悟的启发。



门前一棵30至40年的老果树被瘦身 了。园艺工人爬上满是红蚂蚁的树身,在 粗大的分支,用锯子使劲地锯,间中稍作 停歇、喘气,顺一顺气再锯,整个过程很 费功夫;锯下的枝叶,装满整辆罗厘车。

这让我联想到千年古树能保存下来, 真的是很难得。

地点,至少要在近郊,不能在闹市 中。这回老果树得瘦身,就因为前几天大 风大雨过后,把一段很粗大的枝干硬刮下 来,掉到路旁,幸好没砸伤来往的路人或 车辆,否则后果不堪设想。

再者,树本身要能承受起风吹、雨 淋、日晒、虫害等自然考验。这棵老果

树,因为长得特高,而且又长在高坡上, 五年前还曾被雷劈中,本以为活不下来, 结果只是树干焦黑而已。老果树变“矮” 了,不再往上生长,改向四周扩展,树荫 更茂密了。两年前,又开始结果实,虽然 比雷劈之前少,还是引来偷吃的小鸟和不 时来拣、来讨果实的路人。

三者,所处的地段没有发展的潜能, 不须让位给现代化的进程。或者树木是某 名人栽种,或者具有见证历史的重要意 义,才会考虑移植。但移植后的水土适应 性,将决定存活率,越老越大的树木,移 植是很大的工程,考量的难题也越多。



不去追问三千年前,我是谁?只知 三千年后,我们在一趟丝绸之路上相遇。 在新疆看到沙漠最美丽的英雄树,它如此 得文人、摄影爱好者的眷爱,它让我看到 历史的沉淀、岁月的痕迹;看到自己的渺 小,引发无限的遐思。

在岁月的长河中,我们在此刻相遇。 记取老果树教了我们千年“留”传的不 易;有幸遇见中华传统文化,有幸遇见佛 法,有幸遇见胡杨。万幸!

五千年中华文化,“留”传下来的, 确实不易;传统的美德,教了我们怎样做

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人。二千五百年的佛法,“去芜存菁, 教了我们颠簸不破的真理:无常、因缘、 空。千年胡杨,铮铮铁骨,让我们认识了 恶劣环境磨练出坚韧不屈的生命力。

千年有千年的因缘,最根本的是由 一刹那一刹那串联起来。唯有把握好每个 刹那,才有千年的传奇。在一刹那间,预 见千年;在千年中,再现刹那的伟大。不

去追忆千年的过去,只要踏实的活在每一 刹那,让每一刹那活力充沛,人生就不再 白过。不去梦想遥远的未来,只要踏实的 过每一天,准备好身心,接受小小悟的启 发。也许作不了千年胡杨,最少可作一棵 老果树。

1 胡杨生长在沙漠,它耐寒、耐旱、耐盐碱、抗风沙,有很强 的生命力。人们赞扬胡杨是“生而不死一千年,死而不倒一 千年,倒而不朽一千年,三千年的胡杨,一亿年的历史”。

铮铮铁骨千年铸,不屈品质万年颂。它曾经广泛分布于中 国西部的温带暖温带地区,新疆库车千佛洞、甘肃敦煌铁 匠沟、山西平隆等地;如今,除了柴达木盆地、河西走廊、 内蒙古阿拉善一些流入沙漠的河流两岸还可见到少量的胡杨 外,中国胡杨林面积的90%以上都蜷缩于新疆,而其中的90% 又集中在新疆南部的塔里木盆地。

但从20世纪的50年代中期至70年代中期的短短20年间,塔里 木盆地胡杨林面积由52万公顷锐减至35万公顷,减少近三分 之一;在塔里木河下游,胡杨林更是锐减70%。在幸存下来 的树林中,衰退林占了相当部分。造成这种结局的原因,主 要还是人类不合理的社会经济活动。胡杨及其林下植物的消 亡,致使塔里木河中下游成为新疆沙尘暴两大策源区之一。


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Food for Thought

Are you one of them?

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文◎ 何奕恺



诗僧灵澈本姓汤,字源澄,“禀气 贞良执操无革,而吟咏性情尤见所长” (《宋高僧传》),诗豪刘禹锡更誉其诗 “独雄于诗僧间”,但吊诡的是灵澈会为 人熟悉却应该不因他自己的诗作,而是由 于刘长卿的著名送别诗《送灵澈上人》。 刘诗“苍苍竹林寺,杳杳钟声晚。荷笠带 夕阳,青山独归远。”为我们刻画了一位 在黄昏独自上山归寺、戴着斗笠的孤僧背 影。送别、赠答之作往往如此,不但写对 方,也写自己。当时刘氏被贬失意郁闷, 而灵澈正在云游江南,也不得意。刘诗四 句对于境遇心情只字未提,但从意境可感 受到。

灵澈与皎然、道标二位诗僧齐名并 称,有谚云:“ 霅 之昼(皎然字昼),能 清秀;越之澈(即灵澈),洞冰雪;杭之 标(即道标),摩云霄。”灵澈之“洞冰 雪”,也可参考权德舆《灵澈上人庐山回 归沃洲序》加以体会:“上人心冥空无, 而迹寄文字,故语甚夷易,如不出常境, 而诸生思虑,终不可至。其变也,如风 松相韵,冰玉相叩,层峰千仞,下有金 碧。”或因此“耸鄙夫之目,初不敢视, 三复则淡然天和,晦于其中,故睹其容、 览其词者,知其心不待境静而静”。要耐 心领略,有不同层次,也或许正因如此, 白居易才会觉得灵诗“言句怪”(《读僧 灵澈诗》)。从权序我们还得知灵澈如何 作诗,境界如何达至——“予知夫拂方 袍,坐轻舟,溯沿镜中,静得佳句。”作 诗对于这位诗僧甚至有心灵的安抚慰藉之 效,得句后“深入空寂,万虑洗然”。说 灵澈诗“洞冰雪”、“冰玉相叩”,从他 的作品确实可见,如:


五月有霜六月寒,时见山翁来取雪。 (《简寂观》)

简寂观是道教名山古迹,在庐山南部 的金鸡峰下,据说是南朝时庐山最大的道 观。还有其他的诗:

天寒猛虎叫岩雪,林下无人空有月。 千年像教今不闻,焚香独为鬼神说。 (《宿东林寺(一作云门雪夜)》) 古墓石棱棱,寒云晚景凝。

空悲虎溪月,不见雁门僧。 (《远公墓》)

说到灵澈,今天最为人所知的或许是 人家赠他的送别诗,其实他自己送人的也 可见他“洞冰雪”的特点,如:



贯花留净室,咒水度空山。 谁识浮云意,悠悠天地间。


林间出定恋庭闱,圣主恩深暂许归。 双树欲辞金锡冷,四花犹向玉阶飞。 梁山拂汉分清境,蜀雪和烟惹翠微。 此去不须求彩服,紫衣全胜老莱衣。 (《送鉴供奉归蜀宁亲》)

本文所选的虽是灵澈名作,未必就 见“洞冰雪”,但据《宋高僧传》所言, 却是他的诗作中最为皎然与中丞包佶最看 重的,甚至“使老僧见欲弃笔砚”。灵澈 因得罪了人被贬,后遇赦而卒于宣州, 此诗当是被贬时有感而发的。“暂向人间 借路行”,诗僧虽自觉脱俗,但“水无行 路”,难免仍能感其被贬之消极,可联系 刘长卿所描绘的“夕阳荷笠独归林”的身 影感受。但愿诗僧其后有幸能像诗佛王维 般,得以在“水穷处”“坐看云起”。

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文◎ 楚俗

根据《二入四行》之说,解脱的 途径有两种,那就是理入和行入。就如爬 武吉知马山,有的途径比较长,有的比较 短;有的可以看到远方的风景,有的只是 在树林里走;有的要上上下下,走起来比 较吃力;有的却平坦。这些途径却有两个 共同点:(1)需要自己去走;(2)目的 一样,修行相似。


理入是比较直接的方法。先要建立 正确的信念,那就是众生皆有佛性。要相 信 我们各人都有佛性,然后就要“舍妄 归真”,也就是放舍妄念而回到我们的觉 性、佛性。在觉性里,没有执著“我”, 就不会分别“我”和“他人”,也不会有 相对的概念。如此长时间的静坐来保润, 坚持住在觉性里而不去执著外界的人和事 物,心就能够寂静、不造作。


行入是比较间接的方法,就是利用我 们面对外境的人事物来引导我们,通过佛 法的思维和修持而到达理入的境界。

行入又分出4行:报怨行、随缘行、 无所求行、称法行。

我觉得这四行最初是要让我们的心能 够安下,然后愿意回到内心的觉性里而且 安住在此。我们各人到底比较适合哪个方 法呢?我觉得这要看各自的因缘,在不同 的时候也需要用不同的方法。

如果能够的话,就时时保持在觉的状 态,看着念头和心的变化,从而体会我们 自己因为这么做而产生什么样的改变。如 果发觉自己对于烦恼更加有办法应付,就 会对理入更加有信心。


头,这些念头太过强了,以致我无法只是 看着,反而会让它一直影响我的情绪。在 这时候,我就会用上其他的四行。


比如说,当我遇到很不如意的事的时 候,可以思索这些事发生在我的身上是因 为我以前所造的业,不能够怪别人。这么 一想,我就能够接受,心就会安静下来。

(二)随缘行 有时候,我也会思索自己和外境的 “无我”性和因缘,因而了解事情为什么 会这样发生。有了一个答案之后,心就比 较能够接受因缘的变化。

(三)无所求行 再思索下去,会看到种种痛苦是由 自己的执著、贪、嗔、痴等所造成的。有 一天,在吃完晚饭之后,突然想到不管过 去、未来,不生其他念头的话,此时此刻 我饱了,没有别的欲求,我满足了,于是 有点“无所求行”的感觉,心里就平静、 安乐了。

(四)称法行 当心比较稳定之后,看看别人还在 受苦,还和先前的我那样祈求快乐摆脱痛 苦,所以就要把心展开来,接受其他人、 关怀他人。当我把注意力转移到关心他人 的利益而不是只一直想着自己的问题的时 候,心里会比较舒畅。通过做利他的事情 来挑战自己的执著点和烦恼。在做这些事 的同时又必须时时拉回来保持觉性,并检 讨世间的实相是否佛法传授的“空性”。

这四行的任何一个思维都可以让心很 快就平静下来,就容易“舍妄归真”,回 到我们本有的“真性”里。


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文◎ 云欣

《维摩经》说:“是身如电,念念 不住,此身刹那刹那,代谢不住。”当四 大,地、水、火、风不调时,就会引生种 种的病痛。世间一切事物皆无常,没有永 恒不变的,这是自然界的规律。我们的身 体是由这四大所组成,它时刻都在面对着 生灭变异,终究有一天会坏、会空。

随着年龄的增长,身体器官逐渐老 化、染病。几个月前刚动了视网膜与白内 障的手术的我才察觉,眼睛:这所谓的心 灵之窗也一样免不了会失去功能和光彩; 我就逃不过这一关。

发现左眼有异常是在一两年前一次外 出时,车子在路上行驰,我与往常一样欣 赏车外的风景,偶然间看到行人道上的一 个人瞬间变得又大又扭曲,吓了一跳,以 为在光天化日之下看到鬼,原来是左眼当 右眼看物体时不同的结果。后来在眼科医 生详细检查之后,证实是视网膜有问题, 但当时没决定要动手术。

日子一天天过去,视力日益减弱,看 到的景物越来越模糊不清。一次晚上,由 于灯光不足没看清楚路面的高低而一脚踩 空摔倒了!所幸没跌伤,但由于这一摔, 心里更不踏实了。

回去复诊时,在医生的劝说下终于决 定动手术。一向不善于安排生活的自己, 在修养的那几个星期内,日常作息大乱, 甚至连简单的家务事也无法胜任,只能坐 着或躺着,一起身便感头晕目眩,全身乏 力站不稳,呼吸也不顺畅,有如生了一场 大病,更别说看书看报了,懊恼沮丧,苦 不堪言,正如《大宝积经》所说的:“身 为苦器,苦所迫故。身为苦聚,五蕴生 故”。

静心一想:“既来之,则安之 吧!”“境随心转则生喜悦,心随境转则生 烦恼”,“一切唯心造”。学佛,熏习了佛 法,就应该知道如何去应付困难,懂得怎样 去调整自己的心态,拉回眼前,把握当下。

与其发愁,不如好好利用这段时间吧!于 是想到几张还没听的光碟,从橱里拿出来, 如获至宝!其中一张不正是这次课程里的 “八大人觉经”吗?高兴地即刻开来听。一 开头的第一觉知就谈到:“世间无常,国土 危脆,四大苦空,五阴无我,生灭变异,虚 伪无主,心是恶源,行为罪薮;如是观察, 渐离生死。”不正是我当下的写照吗?

仔细听了两遍,对它的内容有了更深 一层的了解,得到很大的启发。透过外境 事物的映照,我们了悟无常、因缘、空。

不论遇到顺境或逆境,只要时时刻刻都保 持在正念(觉)的状态,清清楚楚地看 着,心里就坦然。

转眼间五个月过去了,左眼的视力其 实并没有完全恢复,看物体时依旧大而且 歪,就好像玻璃破了无法完好无缺地补回 去一样;不过两眼置入了晶片之后,视界 就明亮多了。

这次的手术更让我体会到盲人的处 境,他们活在黑暗的世界里,多么渴望重 见光明,与常人一样地生活。患有视障的 人,他们看不清眼前的事物,处在痛苦与 不便之中,感到多么无奈!“八大人觉 经”之第八觉知云:“生死炽然,苦恼无 量;发大乘心,普济一切,愿代众生,受 无量苦,令诸众生,毕竟大乐。”所以当 我们拥有一双正常健全的肉眼,确实是一 种幸福,我们应该珍惜它、爱护它,好好 利用它,在我们能力所及的范围内,多做 有益于大众的事,协助那些需要帮助的 人,在我们人生的旅程中,才不会有所遗 憾,不会白过。

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文◎ 王茵桦

人生的确有许多百般无耐的事情,比 如许多人有许多牵挂与担忧,导致快乐的 活源闭塞,常常郁闷。人啊,不要把悲伤 的事放在心上吧,既然人生不如意的事十 有八九,为什么不常想那一二呢?总要想 得开,以理智克制感情才对;心胸如豆, 快乐何处寻?只要能以淡泊的心境面对生 活,就会发现人间处处有温情。美好的心 境可以茁壮善念,每一件事都开开心心去 干,快乐一路都会伴随着自己,精神自然 抖擞,容光焕发。

孙 思邈,享年102,他在论述养生良 方时说:“养生之道,常欲小劳,但莫大 疲,莫忧思,莫大怒,莫悲愁,莫大俱, 勿把忿恨耿耿于怀。心理负担都有损于健 康寿命人生。”有的人感到生活的累,未 老先衰,终日无精打采,将一些压力吊在 自己脖子上,结果可想而知。心从未放轻 松,放不下的事情太多了,生活何时才会 出现阳光?自己脸上哪里会有笑容!

人生的道路上,几乎每一个人都有 一个包袱,积累了名、利、地位、财富、 亲 情、人际关系、健康、知识、烦恼、 忧愁、沮丧、压力等等东西,有的早该丢 弃,有的则可以筛选,该储存才储存;不 好好清扫,就会把自己弄得疲惫不堪。其 实放下包袱,让生命里不知不觉填入的东 西越少越好;要明白人生无常,万物皆有 生灭,至少要学会在人生各个阶段,分辨 什么东西已经形成心理的包袱,果断加以 解开,让自己的身心获得自由,岂不是快 乐无比?拿得起,放得下,一个人才是

真正的智者勇者价值,你才有力量获得幸 福。

讲个家喻户晓的故事与大家分享。 有一个富翁背着许多财宝,到处去寻找快 乐,结果走过千山万水,也未能寻找到 快乐。他沮丧地坐在山道旁,不禁感叹 地说:“令人羡慕的富翁为何没有快乐 呢?”他看见一个农夫背着一大捆柴草从 山上走下来,放下沉甸甸的柴草,揩着汗 水,无比舒心。啊!快乐就这么简单!原 来放下就是快乐呀!富翁顿时开悟,自己 背负着那么重的珠宝,怕丢了,怕有人来 偷了、抢了,忧心忡忡,快乐从何而来? 于是,富翁开始接济穷人,慈悲为怀,他 终于尝到了快乐的滋味。

在曲曲折折的人生路途中,喜、怒、 哀、乐、贪、嗔、痴,百味杂陈,一旦净 空,心如明镜,无挂无碍。对万事万物只 要保持一个适当的距离,做该做需要做的 事,不必奢求十全十美,圆圆满满,因为 人非万能,只要做什么像什么,只要勇于 自我调整,自我检讨,自我提升,不要执 着自己的成见思想,执着就被世界抓住 你,放下自我才能抓住世界。

放下是一种解脱。放下身段,路越 走越宽;放下执念,心越来越宽;什么都 能放得下,身心全无挂碍,快乐的鲜花绽 放!

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文◎ 刘衍源

那是个风和日丽、适合出门的美丽星 期天,我们基础学佛班单元二班的同学在 法源师父和两位师兄的带领下,来到了位 于汤申路一带的李亚妹安老院。参访老人 院也是这个单元的课程之一,大家都怀着 愉悦和感恩的心情参加这个活动。想不到 上课之余还有机会参与这样温馨的活动。

在老人院负责人的简短介绍中,我们 才了解到经营这样的慈善组织,需要相当 的资金,如果没有善心人士的大量资助和 官方机构的鼎力支持,难以维持,这些都 不是我们外人所能够理解和明白的。在我 的观念中,老人院里住的应该都是老人才 对,可是经过负责人说明后,才知道有一 些体能上、精神上,生活不能自理的人士 也在其中,真可谓“老”这个字眼未必人 老了才适合。

院里分了男女单位,他们的行动都 需要他人协助。我留意到走廊围墙外挂满 了衣服,走道打扫得干干净净,护理人员 态度亲切友善。一个卫生条件好,环境清 幽,这个老人院经营得如此妥妥当当,住 在里面才能感到祥和平静。

“阿婆吃饱了吗?”“Uncle,你好 吗?”此起彼落的不同方言问候语不时在 各个角落响起。老人们快乐活泼,大家互 相关怀,有些则显得呆板,对来访者的问 候没有反应。最让人难过的则是静静躺在 床上等待他人照顾、不能走动的老者或被 遗忘者。每个人都有各自的辛酸故事,这 就是众生都不能逃避的苦吗?任何人都要 经历生、老、病、死这个轮回,这种世间

苦最令人难过,看到这样的情景,我更觉 得唯有勇敢越过这“苦”,才是真正的勇 敢。

我在一位八十多岁的阿婆床前停住, 跟她闲聊,听她以爽朗开心的语气跟我谈 笑,我感觉到她思路清晰,头脑敏捷。她 说她有儿有女,住在这里觉得快乐,可是 当我拥抱她跟她道别的当儿,我觉察到她 依依不舍,眼泪在我的眼珠里滚,我好心 疼,好无奈,那一刹那很想马上回家亲吻 我的老母。所谓“花无百日红,人无千日 好”,花儿再香、再美、再千娇百媚,也 会有枯萎凋谢的时刻。生灭无常,人都无 法活到千岁万岁,再怎么好,也会有坏、 有灭的一天。

“时日已过,命亦随减”,时间一天 天过去,岁月一日日流逝,多光辉多快活 的日子迟早会跟你道别离。我们的生命跟 随着时间的脚步,渐渐走近死亡。你有选 择权,要无所事事的挥霍生命,或想定下 目标往前冲,都要想到“老”这个敌人, 你要善待她,更要小心照顾她,她会是你 我这一生中最想舍又最无法舍的最后情 人。


要快马加鞭,把握当下,拉回眼前。善用 当下的每分每秒,珍惜任何在我们生命中 遇到的缘。唯有踏实的、不胡乱践踏的人 生,才是我们应该追求的。

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文◎ 莲华髻

认识一位老人家,年纪看来有七八 十岁;那是在海印每个月举行的水忏法会 上。老人家总是拎着一把雨伞当拐杖。她 体型瘦小,却有坚毅的眼神,满头白发短 而整齐;见人总是很和气,有时点点头, 有时问声好。

让我印象深刻的是她每次来拜忏时, 总是带着一小袋一角至一元的银角,慢慢 地投进福田箱。那清脆的银角声,声声窜 入我心房。那是她省吃俭用,日复一日慢 慢储蓄而得的。然后拿出一张写着好些人 名有点发黄的硬纸,让我照着抄写在消灾 供佛的名单 上。她总是说不好意思,孩子 们收入不多。我总是带着敬意回答,没 关系,随缘!

有一次,她问我想要交代办理后 事,如何处理?因为她恐怕万一她 往生时,孩子们不懂得处理。我

向她提议不如找法师谈谈,过 后她很高兴的告诉我一切都 办妥了。

有次,她悄悄地递给我一 个糕点,说是她亲手做的。我怀着 感激的心接受了。

在上一次的水忏法会,由于 要 找一位收据号码错误的老居士 而上七楼的禅堂,无意间坐在 这位老人家的旁边。她手上虽 拿着经书,但和所颂的篇章不 符。于是我把自己经书的页数 给她看,提示她颂到那一行。

可是当需要翻到下一页时,她还不知道。 我只好用手指着她的经书,一字一字、一 句一句和她一起颂,直到中卷结束。她十 分高兴对我道谢,说她自己没念过书,不 识字。我也非常欢喜的对她说,是她给了 我机会体会虽不识字,用心听闻也能有所 领悟。

其实,应该道谢的是我。因为她让我 心无旁骛,非常专注的颂经文,那心灵的 清净与祥和是我从未感受到的。

从她的身上,我看到虔诚、朴 实,求上进的心是那么有力 和 坚强,与她瘦弱的身躯正 好成反比。

我问她叫什么名字,她回 答:封棺阿姆。

百无禁忌、豁达开朗的老 人家。我由衷的佩服! 师父说:当你给人正能量 时,你所得到的是更大的正能 量。我真正领悟到这句话的意 义。

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文◎ 明若

当人们习惯沉浸在自我满足的甜美 中,往往忽略了偏执和邪恶已经侵蚀了自 己的心灵,甚至被欲望占据了头脑。

公司内部没有卫生间,员工都去使 用大楼的公用卫生间。在公用卫生间入口 处有一位老伯在收费,他将整卷的厕纸放 在桌面上,旁边总放着一些硬币,不用讲 话,进去的人们都会自动放上两毛钱,然 后撕下几张厕纸就进去了。日子久了,老 伯难免见到一些贪婪自私的行为,例如有 人拉扯着整卷的厕纸,恨不得全部撕走; 然后,你会发现厕缸里填满了厕纸。造孽 的人们啊!

一天,有个年轻男子洗了手要用纸 擦干,只见他用左肘压住整卷纸,右手稍 一使力,就撕下自己所需的两三张。他这 样做,保证了剩下的纸不会弄湿。他擦好 手,把废纸放进纸篓中才走开,真令我 感动,我想:“还是有替别人着想的人 呢!”

美 德的表现,映衬出自私狭隘的心有 多么丑恶。感受着呼吸,我每一次被美德 感动的瞬间,都发现一颗跳跃的心灵,随 着热诚的呼吸,把贪欲消融。

生 活中蕴藏着佛法,布施更是在生活 中彰显了佛法,布施说明了“舍得”的道 理。舍得舍得,有舍有得。人们常常因为 舍给和失去才有所收获,所以我们必须学 会放弃私欲,把美好的东西奉献给他人;


下班后,匆忙赶往学校。学校大楼的 第一层和第二层是医院门诊部,往往都有 很多病人进出,因此后门也成了通往学校 的一个途径,学生更视为捷径,我也不例 外。这天,就在我接近转向后门的时候, 看到班上一位台湾籍的同学的背影,便快 走几步想追上他;没想到他朝前走去,并 没有转向后门方向,我心想也许是身影相 像,使我认错人了。我穿过门诊大厅,推 开前门就是通往学校的电梯,在我刚刚按 下按钮的时候,这个同学又出现了,他一 边跟我打招呼,一边拿出手帕擦着前额的 汗,“真热啊!”

“是啊!”我忙应着,却又好奇地问 他:“刚刚看到你在我前面,为什么不走 后门呢?”

他轻轻笑了一下,平静地说:“那是 病人的通道,不跟他们抢。”

我很惭愧,恨不得有个地缝可以钻进 去,同时我更感动,他的心地多么善良、 多么美好。美德是一朵心花,盛开在平日 的行、住、坐、卧之中,盛开在智者的心 中!


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文◎ 禅明

多年前,有个艺人遭人拍下裸照。这 件事原本没人知道,可裸照后来被人在网 上公开流传,各类媒体也争相报导,事件 迅速传遍街头巷尾。这位艺人在躲避多日 后,出来证实,并解释了来龙去脉。

报章读到她之所以敢出来面对传媒, 是因为友人鼓励她的八个字:接受、面 对、处理、放下。(后来我才知道这八个 字来自圣严法师的一个共勉语:四它)

我很欣赏这位艺人的勇气,也对这八 个字产生了莫名的兴趣。我问自己,如果 是我,我要用什么心去接受、什么心去面 对、什么心去处理、什么心去放下这尴尬 事呢?这个问题在我脑里断断续续、反反 复复地盘旋了几个月。

—天,从地铁站走回家的路上,我 忽然有所领悟。每个人都只愿意接受好的 事,不愿接受不好的事。如果我们愿意接 受所有好与不好的事,那么事本身就只是 事,而没有好与不好之分了。当事发生 时,我们就如实地接受、平静地面对、果 敢地处理。

领悟后,我决心付诸行动,去接受 所有所有的事。此时,我感觉心突然打 开,—只手不自觉地举至胸前,感受到完 全开放坦荡与平静。

当你能接受时,你也就放下了。接受 与放下其实是一体的两面。

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My First Encounter – Dhana In Laos

Every learning starts with a cause arising, as what I understand from the Dharma perspective. The act of Dhana, about more than 10 years ago, was just contributing a token amount to the monastery.

While staying in Vientiane, Laos, and observing the sincerity of families doing dhana when monks came around for offering, I decided to experience it myself.

The night before, I mentioned my intention to my sister-in-law and she prepared the offering items; glutinous rice, eggs, packet milk and a little stack of new notes (kip – Lao currency). Lay the mat in front of our shophouse, I sat waiting for the monks to come by at 0530am. Some of the neighbours were also seated and waiting with their offerings.

Waited for a while and being distorted by defilment, I decided to wait inside the house while doing some reading. Seated facing outwards, I was confident that I would not miss the sanghas. When I

next looked up from my book, I was shocked to see the family opposite rolling up their mat and walking into their house. I rushed out only to see the back of the monks, walking back to their temple and my offerings remain untouched. I called out to my sister-in-law who immediately helped me packed the offering items and rushed to follow behind the monks back to their temple.

At this point the monks were seated around the woven round serving tables and getting ready for the meal which a few male laypersons had served. My sister-in-law spoke to one of them who then seek permission from the senior monk to allow us to dhana before their meal.

I was relief when I saw all the monks moved and sat in a straight line and I followed my sister-in-law in the dhana process, moving along the line of sanghas on our knees. Though it was difficult and rather painful on the knees but I was contented that my intention was accomplished.

I had learnt through this painful encounter that defilement carries a great impact in distorting your action and intention. Always stay mindful.

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Reflections of a beginning practitioner –The power behind every statue

I grew up watching movies that portrayed powerful deities and Buddhas residing in magnificently carved statues. Then each time any sincere devotees were to meet any mishaps, these powerful beings would manifest their prowess and appear to save them. I started believing that all statues had a powerful deity living in them. At home, whenever my parents prayed, I would hear them asking the Buddhas and gods to protect our entire family and bless me with intelligence to do well for my examinations. Naturally, I followed suit.

This belief was further entrenched in me when I witnessed how Taoist priests performed the consecration ceremony and “opened the eyes” of statues. I also had the opportunity to observe how a medium in trance communicated to a fellow deity through a statue, which he had previously blessed. Hence whenever my parents brought me to temples to pray, I always prayed wholeheartedly with the prettiest flowers and sweetest fruits, wishing that the supreme beings that inhabited in those statues, would be delighted with my offerings and grant all my prayers.

I participated in chanting sessions at the temple, with the belief that that would make the Buddhas and gods, residing in the statue, happy. I thought that the happier I made them, the more blessings they would bestow upon me. However, there was something about those chanting sessions that I was upset about. We had to do transference of merits at the end of every session. Why would I want to give random strangers, or people I dislike, a portion of my merits? This notion to me meant that I could only enjoy a small portion of these merits, which I have so painstakingly accumulated, because I had to give the rest to others.

Thankfully, these misconceptions were addressed by Venerable Fa Zun during the first module of the English Fundamental Dharma

Course that I attended here at Sagaramudra Buddhist Society. She explained that there were no supreme beings living in those statues. Whenever we bowed to the statue of the Buddha, we are really paying respect and showing gratitude to the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha, reminding us of the teachings.

In Buddhism, we practise cleansing the mind rather than “opening the eyes” of the statues. It really made more sense to me. Who are we as humans to summon powerful beings and lock them up in a stone? I learned that no supreme beings would manifest from the statues to eat the offerings that we made during prayers. In fact, as Venerable Fa Zun explained, these offerings serve as reminders to the teachings. For example, fresh flowers were a reminder of impermanence.

The chanting sessions are opportunities for us to recite the sutras and the mantras so that we may one day comprehend the underlying teachings in them. We remind ourselves of these teachings and to generate loving kindness. It is the collective positive vibes and good merits accumulated at such sessions that we are blessed with.

Another venerable shared with me the analogy of switching on the lights in a dark room to sharing merits. When we switch on the lights in a dark room, everyone in the room gets to enjoy the light equally. The light will not diminish just because there are more people in the room. Sharing our merits is similar to sharing the light with everyone in the dark room. The merits I have accumulated are not going to deplete just because I am sharing them with others. Additionally, I soon learnt that the act of sharing our merits with others itself accumulates merits.

Now, I partake in prayer rituals with better understanding of what these chanting sessions are about, and I readily share my merits with all sentient beings.

PAGE 33 缁素心语


The recent 8 days trip to Hunnan(湖南) has given us lots of memories. The sights were awesome and the scenery breath-taking.

There were many interesting spots to visit, some involved long journeys and queueing as most of the places were teeming with people.

Perhaps the most memorable was the visit to the tomb of Pei Xiu (AD791-864), the distinguished Prime Minister in Tang Dynasty who organised and recorded Zen master Huang Bo’s teaching, “Chuang Xing Fa Yao. It is from this recording that we are able to learn about the Zen master’s teachings today.

On the 2nd day of the tour, our itinerary was to ascend Hengshan to visit Zen Master Huai Rang residence at Fuyan temple and the famous Grinding Mirror mill. This was the place where Zen Master Ma Zu was enlightened by Master Huai Rang. We could also visit Nan Tai temple, named by Zen Master Xi Qian which is considered the birthplace of one of the Japanese Buddhism Caodong school.

We were excited to visit these places as we have heard of these great masters’ teachings during our Dharma Progressive class. The prospect of visiting the sites where these famous masters had given us many Koans is inspiring.

Unfortunately, the road leading to Hengshan was closed as the local residents has blocked the road as a form of protest. The trip has to be aborted.

Next day, we wanted to visit Pei Xiu’s tomb in Weishan. But we were told to lower our expectations as the local guide only knew the town but not the actual location of the tomb.

Casting our doubts aside, we set off for the journey. 2 hours into the journey, we were still in the outback passing through remote towns and villages.

After another 2 hours drive, we finally arrived at Weishan. It’s a quiet town but the presence of a golden thousand arms Avalokitesvara statue on a mountain top was a magnificent sight to behold.

As we took in the fresh air and settled down for a simple vegetarian lunch, we were elated to hear that the tomb could be found. Apparently, during the drive, our guide had been making calls to obtain the actual location of the tomb. First, with the tourism board which was not able to offer any help. Through a friend, she managed to obtain the contact number of the province chief which redirected her to the secretary who has good knowledge of the historical records of the town.

As the road leading to the tomb is not accessible by coach, the secretary had arranged for 3 passenger vans to take us there. After a short bumpy drive, we arrived at a small village and alighted from the van.

The trek itself was enjoyable but tiring. Initially we were surrounded by lush bamboo. As we went higher, we saw more pine trees. The wild shrubs that grow freely on both sides of the path emit a unique scent which helped to lift our flagging spirit.

As we ascend, the air became cooler and fresher. At times, it threatened to rain, but thanks goodness, it was only passing clouds which disappeared as fast as it came.


At mid-point, it became too strenuous for some of the aunties and after being advised by Venerable and the local guide, they decided not to continue.

At every turn of the path, it became steeper and our energy began to sap. To spur us on, someone in front will shout “reaching soon”. But very soon, we realised it was just another word of encouragement for us to move faster. The locals realising we city folks who were not used to walking on steep mountain paths, broke sturdy branches and gave them to us to aid as walking sticks.

After about an hour climb, we finally reached the tomb site. We were excited beyond words as we have finally reached our goal. The view from the top was amazing. It overlooked the beautiful valley below and gave us a birds-eye view of the town.

It’s a simple, well maintained tomb, but big enough to signify it belongs to a person of significant status and importance. We prostrated and stood in silence to pay respect to this great Prime Minister.

Looking around, it seems time has stood still and there is a sense of aural marvel hanging in the air. It taught me to slow down and enjoy the moment. It was just surreal to be there.

After some serene chanting and meditation lead by Venerable Fa Rong, followed by some photo taking, it was time to descend.

Trekking down was not an easy task either. Luckily we still had the walking stick with us which came in handy again.

Having settled comfortably in the coach, we began our journey to the next destination. During the drive, as I recalled the activities for the day, it dawned on me that our fruitless attempt to visit Hengshan and our successful visit to Pei Xiu’s tomb could well be ascribed to the teaching of impermanence, causes and conditions. It taught me to strive for the best and be prepared for the worst so that I will treasure and live every present moment.

As I looked back, I felt elated and happy that I could visit the tomb of such a legendary and devout Buddhist. It may not be possible without the hard work put in by so many people, especially the secretary. I could felt he was also touched by our actions and the respect we have given to master Pei Xiu whom was nearly forgotten by the locals.

On our last day of the trip, while travelling to the airport, we were fortunate to stop by White Deer Temple in Changde. Coincidentally, this was the temple that Pei Xiu had frequently visited and served as a volunteer. Somehow, it has inspired me to be more diligent with my studies and practices. It was indeed a memorable moment.

As I was not feeling well during the trip, I wish to take this opportunity to thank our brothers and sisters who have showered and touched me with their care and concern and for bearing with my persistent coughs. Thank You.


Misconception of Old Age

The misconception of coming to old age is a common phenomena. When we are young and energetic, the idea of birth, decay, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair has never been in the domain of our consciousness. Thus, we are ignorant of why we are here in the rounds of rebirth, wandering in samsara. However, as we grow into old age, we develop the fear factor; e.g. the fear of getting old, the fear of not getting what we want, the fear of rejection, the fear of financial insecurity, the fear of sickness and diseases, and the fear of dying with many much more. As such, many are not ready yet to accept old age and start to ponder on how to live our lives? Whom should we depend on? Some view that getting old is simply down the hill process and the feeling of uselessness. These negative thoughts are very fearful that explicitly described the true nature of life to much painful suffering or un-satisfactoriness with little happiness of human life. Thus, life is equate to be meaningless except waiting for death at old age. Such were the perceptions in early minds and until today it still exist among the masses.

The facts of life

Often in life it is as if we are caught between death and something worse, with day and night chewing away at our precarious grip of life. These are the reality of human existence. The facts of birth, decay, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair are real and cannot be avoided. The moment we are born, we are getting older each day until we face decay, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and despair in our cyclic existence.

In reality, the problem is not getting old but a misconception that needs to transform the


pattern of our thoughts, our way of life and the facts that we have to face coming to old age. It should be viewed as a gift to old age having live life to its fullest with experiences which many have not.

What is old age

Old age is the human condition, a dynamic biological process which has its purpose and often beyond our control. A transition from childhood to youngster, youngster to adult and eventually to old age in our life journey. It is a natural process that degenerate our body and mind in the ageing process that affects our life. Failing in physical health such as poor eye sight, hearing dysfunction, immobility, chronic pains, sickness and diseases are the nature changes that cannot be avoided. Worse of all the mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, dementia that build up the fear in getting old, the fear of rejection, the fear of financial insecurity, and the fear of dying which are pessimistic view of life. Thus, one should train how one is afflicted in body but un-afflicted in mind.

What is explained here is the way life is lived at the base level by the run-off-the-mill person (puthujjana) that resulted in human suffering. The Self image created by the mind that relates to the external world experience through the senses. It is the perception that resulted in attachment. Perception binds us to the world whereas mindfulness liberates us from the tendency of getting attached to things. Until one become an Arahat, nobody is free from suffering or from the risk of becoming mentally ill.

Thus, the more we should train ourselves even though the body is afflicted, the mind will be un-afflicted.


An Optimistic view of life

An optimistic outlook will reduce stress and improve our immune system. Optimise whatever unexpected that confront us, be it difficulties, failures or misfortune, and make life style changes to come to term with ourselves. As such, we have to adopt a pragmatic outlook in life transforming in order to overcome or lessen the misery in life.

Firstly, maintaining a healthy life style with regular exercise and stay mentally alert through meditation to slow down the ageing process. Adopt a positive attitude towards the ageing process and face the reality in arranging one’s mind set to socialize with the family and society.

Secondly, take a definite step towards preparing for the future retirement. There are two categories of people involved; namely, those who are in employment and those who are selfemployed. For the employed, one should indulge in planning for a healthy life style, accumulating savings and coping with stress. For the selfemployed, one can continue to work as long as health permits. The sudden departure from the daily activities can be judgmental ending in sicknesses and diseases like anxiety, depression and dementia.

The elderly should be self-reliance in planning for self-sufficiency. One should be thrifty and stay prudent and not to be spendthrift in order to save. Continue to maintain a healthy life style and stay active with mind and body.

Cultivate life long learning and develop an un-ending process and should continue as long as health permits.

When preparing for old age, the most important is to be financial independent. A prime

importance especially in the modern society as population is on the decline and dependence on the younger support is hard. It can circumvent by self-sufficiency. It imply savings, taking up insurance policies, maintaining central provident fund and thrifty in expenditure. These are steps to take in preparing for old age.

Lastly, to play an active role in society and stay relevant. One cannot pull other out of the mud when one is stuck in the mud. Thus, to stay relevant one must keep up with the time with modern scientific technology for advancement.

The acquiring of knowledge is necessary in un-ending process. It helps one to be mentally alert and the old concept, old ideas of the aged are frail and dependent on others will diminished.

In this way the aged are independent, selfsufficient and contribute to society – a meaningful life in graceful living.


The right view on Life (living and dying) by Dr. Mehm Tin Mon.

In the Buddha’s words by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Nakulapita Sutta - Samyutta Nikaya. – SN 22.1

Mindfulness and Psychotherapy by Ratmalane Somaloka


妙笔 心画


整理◎ 编辑部 翻译 ◎ Yeo Hwee Tiong 画◎ Steve Wan

PAGE 38 妙笔心画
PAGE 39 妙笔心画

花絮 心吟


图◎ 影音部 s



s 法师们带领大众虔诚唱颂大乘金 刚般若忏法。

PAGE 40 花絮心吟

s 供僧意议着供养三宝,男女老少皆虔诚参于。

PAGE 41 花絮心吟
s s 祥龙点睛之后,龙狮就可以欢腾雀跃的舞起来了。 财神爷祝贺大众“大吉大利,财源广进”。


在我的脑海里,当我退休后,身上一 定要有钱,就像我父母亲一样健康生活, 当个积极的乐龄人士,经常出国旅行,感 受异国的风土人情。假设在新加坡的话, 也会把时间规划好,如参加会馆活动、当 义工、学唱歌或与其他乐龄人士喝茶吃饭 聊天;有空时,也会去寺庙诵经。

一踏进“李亚妹安老院”,我整个人 傻住了!

第一次看到老人活得那么辛苦!他们 身体退化到与小孩差不多了,不能自理, 什么事都要靠别人帮助,还要看别人的脸 色,活着好像失去了尊严。

终于了解到师父开示时,一直鼓励我 们要行善。要我们把握人生目标,不要等 到连呼吸也困难时再发愿,那时可能太迟 了。

观察到大家在自己的范围内尽量的付 出:

(一)院长:他继承母亲的善举,尽 心收留那些被抛弃的老人。

(二)商家:他们知道到我们要帮 孤苦伶仃的老人时,都非常热心替我们送 货,还多送“Wet Wipes”,卖给我们的熟 食也多打折扣。

(三)同学们布施金钱和日常用品。 (四)菲律宾人趁休闲时间做义工。

(五)海印学佛会的师父们带我们参 访,让我们具体体会到无常、因果这些佛 理。

所以这次的活动令我感触很深。不 需要担心父母亲的健康和分担生活费用, 还有时间上佛学课,有时间才去做那么一 点点义工,福报却那么好,我觉得自己很 幸福。我应该珍惜我所拥有的,更积极行 善。我希望学佛能领悟更多佛理,让我更 有智慧,深刻理解人生的无常,凡事都要 放下,不与人争。

只有两个字可以形容我此行的感想, 那就是“感恩”。

P AGE 42 花絮心吟

白菜上汤 Cantonese Soup

指导◎ 黄其铫


白菜 4 棵,冬菇(干) 2 朵,松茸菇(干) 4 朵,腰豆 30 颗,海盐 ½ 茶匙,葡萄籽油 2 汤 匙,水4碗。


预先泡软冬菇和松茸菇 20 分钟。把所有 材料混合,大火煮开后,封盖,用文火焖一 小时,即可上桌。


Bai-cai 4 bunches, Shitake mushroom (dried) 2 pcs, Song-rong mushroom (dried) 4 pcs, Cashew nuts 30 pcs, Sea salt ½ tsp, Grapeseed oil 2 tbs, Water 4 bowl.


Presoak shitake and song-rong mushroom for 20mins to soften. Mix all ingredients, bring to boil, put on the lid and simmer for 1hour. Serve while hot.

PAGE 43 花絮心吟

《目前》 征稿启事

欢迎社会各方僧俗大德、学 佛者针对特定主题,踊跃投稿, 分享学佛修心体验与心得,以便 增加读者对佛法的认识。

新系列主题:四摄法 以布施成就佛法,以爱语善 言抚慰,以利行利益众生,以同 事亲近众生,同享苦乐。


布施摄: 01/02/2015 (已截稿)

爱语摄: 01/05/2015 (已截稿)

利行摄: 01/08/2015

同事摄: 01/11/2015

每一天的点点滴滴,生活 中的花花絮絮,引发自内心的感 触,领悟出生活的佛化,无论小 品、诗词、散文、漫画创作,一 律欢迎!


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布施中法施最胜 — 法句经

正法的延续,有赖十方的努力。随喜 助印《目前》会讯,能使更多人沐浴在法海 里,共沾法益!

The gift of Dharma excels all gifts — Dhammapada verse 354 Share the words of the Buddha, be part of a pure motivation. Give the gift of Dharma through your kind contribution to this quarterly magazine.

Joyce Loo & Family

Eddie Lee

鍾 素蕊合家 黄印生合家


吕孙强合家 吕宇斌合家



陈惜莲 陈鹏羽


黄 檥萳 合家

包爱明合家 周聪景合家

楊 家伟合家 罗天桥合家 彭如意




魏亚华 魏可维 魏蓓心 王贵娘合家

简浣好 黄文 榮 黄婧善 黄婧美 十方法界 李诚嘉合家 李宗凤合家

林雅佳 黄文北 黄文进 颜惠玲 颜水财 吴优 吴为 吴凡 王树安合家 彭丽云合家

许子浩 释法育 林秀琴合家 周佳臻 吕细瑛合家 回向 故 黄衍朝 故 林美妹 故 林喜隆 故 熊兆瑾 故 蔡发金 故 林莲枝 故 彭宗文 故 林亚香 故 彭观喜 故 陈清秀 故 黄秀銮 故 林龙眼

PAGE 45 花絮心吟


答复◎ 释法源 翻译◎ Yeo Hwee Tiong 问:布施能否造成“正能量”的循 环?

Q:Does the practice of Giving (Dana) generate positive energy?

一般上,我们学习通过布施的修行方 法,放下心中的贪、嗔、痴烦恼我执。当 我执烦恼减少后,我们在日常生活中的言 行举止,和别人交往时会更亲切和温和而 产生“正能量”的循环。

In general, when we practice Giving (Dana), it is to let go of our afflictions relating to greed, hatred, delusion and letting go of our self-grasping. When our self-grasping affliction is reduced, it will be reflected in our daily speech and actions. Our interactions with others will be more sincere and gentle and hence generate positive energy around us.

问:布施就是“给予”,在什么情况 下,“不给予”也是一种布施?

Q:When we talk about the practice of Giving (Dana), we generally refer to the act of giving. Are there circumstances where non-giving can also be a form of Giving (Dana)?

我们清楚的了解布施的目的,是要 我们放下心中的贪、嗔、痴烦恼我执,所 以当观察布施的因缘未成熟而却执意要布 施,反倒成就了我执烦恼,在这样情况之 下,“不给予”也是一种布施,是要我们 不要因为行布施而使我们的心跟我执烦恼 相应。

The objective of practicing Giving (Dana) is to let go of our afflictions relating to greed, hatred, delusion and self-grasping. However, there will be times when the conditions are not ready. When we force ourselves to practice Giving (Dana), this may cause our afflictions to increase. Under such circumstances, “non-giving” is also considered a form of Giving (Dana) as this is to prevent our mind to correspond with our self-grasping.

PAGE 44 花絮心吟


【 华语基础学佛课程单元 1 】


• 认识正信的佛教,佛教的人生观。

• 佛教创始人 - 佛陀的生平,佛教简史及佛陀证悟的内容。

• 简介南、北、藏传佛法及各个宗派的教育重点(包括寺院参访)。

• 澄清对佛教常见的误会:什么是佛教?佛教是迷信的吗?

• 简介海印及海印的修行系统及如何策划每日学佛的功课。

• 佛教仪轨及佛教文化的常识,包括大乘佛教的梵呗及法器简介。


课 程: 第22-2届,20课

日 期: 2015年8月30日(每逢星期日) 时 间: 7.00pm-9.00pm 教材费(获得赞助后): 会员$10,非会员$30 付费之后方保留学额。

授课法师: 法宣法师 课程纲要:

我们庆幸有善心人士认同海印的佛法教育理念,发心捐助款项赞助2015年的教育经 费。这课程获得赞助课程讲义、修持本和$20教材费。

【 华语静坐入门 】

• 什么是静坐?学习静坐的目的、益处与目标。

• 数息的方法。

• 经行的方法。

• 工作坊。

• 通过静坐看清楚自己的身心状态。 课程行政资讯:

课 程: 10课 日 期: 2015年10月04日(每逢星期日) 时 间: 7.00pm-8.30pm 教材费(获得赞助后): 会员$5,非会员$15 付费之后方保留学额。

授课法师: 法谦法师

Lecturer : Ven. Fa Qing

我们庆幸有善心人士认同海印的佛法教育理念,发心捐助款项赞助 2015年的教育经费。这课程获得赞助课程讲义和$10教材费。

Introduction to Meditation - English Relax Way of Learning Meditation

Course Outline:

• What is meditation? The purpose, benefits and the ultimate goal in practicing meditation.

• How to do breathing meditation?

• How to do walking meditation?

• Workshop.

• Cultivate awareness of mind through meditation.

Course Administration Information:

Duration : 10 lessons

Date : 04 October 2015 (Every Sunday) Time : 7.00pm – 8.30pm

Fee (after sponsored) : Member $5, Non-member $15 (Enrolment is confirmed only after payment is received.)

In recognition of Sagaramudra Buddhist Society’s educational teaching of Buddhism, we are blessed to receive sponsorship for our Dharma Course for the year 2015. The sponsorship for this course is $10 course fee.

办公时间 Office Hours: 星期二至星期六:中午12 时至晚上7 时30 分 星期日:上午9 时至下午5 时 Tuesday to Saturday : 12noon – 7.30pm Sunday : 9.00am – 5.00pm

PAGE 46 花絮心吟 5 Lorong 29 Geylang Singapore 388060 Tel: 6746 7582


清净的心 法源法师

2015 年 06 月 20 日 在日常生活中, 若能时常保持清净觉 照的心,烦恼生起 时,就能很快的发 现,通过深呼吸把 烦恼减弱和平息。

修行需要持久的 信心和耐心, 才能成就佛道。



2015 年 07 月 18 日 五蕴与生活中的修行。

时 间: 7.30pm 9.00pm

地 点 : 海印学佛会 4 楼千佛殿

谁系缚了谁?(下) 法尊法师

2015 年 06 月 27 日

我们的心到底被什么所系 缚了呢?

借事练心, 借假修真。


2015年07月25日 当孩子不麻烦你的时 候可能已长大成人远 离你,当父母不麻烦 你的时候可能已不在 人世,当爱人不麻烦 你的时候可能已去麻 烦别人,当朋友不麻 烦你的时候可能已经 有隔阂!人其实就是 在麻烦之中解决事 情,在事情之中化解 麻烦,在麻烦与被麻 烦中加深感情, 这就是生活!

5 Lorong 29 Geylang Singapore 388060

Tel: 6746 7582

PAGE 47 花絮心吟

05/06/07 月每周活动

第20-2届基础学佛课程 (华语)单元4

20th-2 Intake Fundamental Dharma Course (Ch) - Module 4 法源法师 Ven. Fa Yuan 17/03 — 04/08/15

第3-2期学佛成长课程 (华语)单元5

3rd-2 Intake Dharma Progressive Course (Ch) - Module 5

法梁法师 Ven. Fa Liang 17/03 — 04/08/15

第10届基础学佛课程 (英语)单元1

10th Intake Fundamental Dharma Course (Eng) - Module 1

法庆法师 Ven. Fa Qing 17/03 — 04/08/15

第8届基础学佛课程 (英语)单元5

8th Intake Fundamental Dharma Course (Eng) - Module 5 法尊法师 Ven. Fa Zun 17/03 — 04/08/15

第22-1届基础学佛课程 (华语)单元1

22th-1 Intake Fundamental Dharma Course (Ch) - Module 1

法宣法师 Ven. Fa Xuan

18/03 — 05/08/15

第20-1届基础学佛课程 (华语)单元5

20th-1 Intake Fundamental Dharma Course (Ch) - Module 5

法源法师 Ven. Fa Yuan

18/03 — 05/08/15


Dharma Discussion Course (Ch)Module 5

法梁法师 Ven. Fa Liang

18/03 — 05/08/15

太极拳班 Taiji Class

林世昌老师 Mr Lin Shi Chang 丘宇老师 Mr Chiou Yee

第21-2届基础学佛课程 (华语)单元2

21th-2 Intake Fundamental Dharma Course (Ch) - Module 2 持果法师 Ven. Chi Guo

19/03 — 06/08/15

第5期学佛成长课程 (华语)单元1

5th Intake Dharma Progressive Course (Ch) - Module 1

法谦法师 Ven. Fa Qian

19/03 — 06/08/15


9th Intake Fundamental Dharma Course (Eng) – Module 3

法尊法师 Ven. Fa Zun

19/03 — 06/08/15


1st Intake Dharma Progressive Course (Eng) - Module 3

法庆法师 Ven. Fa Qing

19/03 — 06/08/15

第4期学佛成长课程(华语)单元3 4th Intake Dharma Progressive Course (Ch) - Module 3

法谦法师 Ven. Fa Qian

13/03 — 31/07/15

第21-1届基础学佛课程 (华语)单元3

21st-1 Intake Fundamental Dharma Course (Ch) - Module 3

法音法师 Ven. Fa Yin

20/03 — 07/08/15

第3-1期学佛成长课程(华语) 单元5

3rd-1 Intake Dharma Progressive Course (Ch) – Module 5

法梁法师 Ven. Fa Liang

20/03 — 07/08/15

PAGE 48 花絮心吟 Fri 五 7.30pm - 9.30pm
星期一休息 Closed on Monday Tue 二 7.30pm - 9.30pm Wed 三 7.30pm - 9.30pm Thu 四 7.30pm - 9.30pm

Sat 六

佛理开示 Dharma Talk

7.30pm - 9.00pm

法源法师 Ven. Fa Yuan 清净的心 20/06/15

法尊法师 Ven. Fa Zun 谁系缚了谁?(下) 27/06/15

持果法师 Ven. Chi Guo 掌握五蕴 18/07/15

法荣法师 Ven. Fa Rong 借事练心,借假修真 25/07/15


Vesak Dharma Talk

7.30pm - 9.00pm

法谦法师 Ven. Fa Qian 做个不著相修的学佛人 30/05/15

法梁法师 Ven. Fa Liang 点灯 31/05/15


Taking Eight Precepts Retreat (Ch)

法师 Venerable

Sat 23/05 8.00am —

Sun 24/05/15 8.00am

Sat 25/07 8.00am —

Sun 26/07/15 8.00am

Sun 日


Introduction to Meditation (Ch) 法谦法师 Ven. Fa Qian

7.00pm - 8.30pm 26/04 — 25/07/15


14th Batch Teenage Dharma Class 第20期儿童学佛班

20th Batch Children Dharma Class

法宣法师 Ven. Fa Xuan

10.00am - 12.00noon

慈悲三昧水忏 San Mei Shui

Chan (Samadhi Water Repentance)

法师 Venerable

9.30am - 4.15pm

03/05, 07/06, 05/07/15


Prostration to 88 Buddhas

2.00pm - 3.30pm




一日修 One Day Retreat

法师 Venerable

8.00am - 5.00pm

10/05, 14/06, 12/07/15


Pu Men Pin & Offerings to the Buddhas 法源法师 Ven. Fa Yuan

10.00am - 12.00noon

24/05, 28/06, 26/07/15


Birthday Blessings & Offerings to the Buddhas 法荣法师 Ven. Fa Rong

10.00am - 12.00noon

17/05, 21/06, 19/07/15

老人院/儿童院服务 Community & Welfare Service 福利部 General Welfare

9.30am - 12.00noon

14/06, 12/07/15


MacRitchie Walk 地 点:麦里芝蓄水池 集合地点:蓄水池前车站 7.30am

10/05, 14/06, 12/07/15

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