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略谈“止”和“观” 法源法师

2013 年 09 月 21 日

佛陀教导我们众生一切的修 法,都是要熄灭我们心中的烦 恼痛苦为目的,在这些修法中 有“止”和“观”;“止”是 修定,就是保持正念。有了定 之后,再进一步作正确的动念 思维,使我们的心更成熟, 称之为“观”,也就是正知 正见,通过“止”和“观” 的修法,熄灭我们心中的 烦恼和痛苦而解脱。

时 间: 7.30pm —9.00pm

地 点 : 海印学佛会 4 楼千佛殿


以身安住正念 法音法师

2013 年 10 月 12 日

动或静中,你我都 能清楚自己吗?

随缘开示 法华法师

2013 年 10 月 19 日 法相缘起法性空,性空缘起果报 现;万法因缘而得生,唯有顺因 就缘成;随缘开示即此拟,今用 已用后亦用;往来莫须忧拟题。

5 Lorong 29 Geylang Singapore 388060

Tel: 6746 7582

四事供养就是恭敬供养 僧众们衣物、卧具、医药及饮 食,其主要目的是让佛弟子们 广修供养,积福增慧,护持三 宝。集众人的愿力祈求世界和 平、国泰民安,藉此感化十方 一切的众生,并早日成佛道。

日 期 : 24/12/2013 (星期二)

时 间 : 7.30pm 地 点 :海印学佛会 ( 1 楼大菩提岩)

内 容 • 88 佛 • 加持甘露水

• 祈福 • 四事供养仪式

• 供灯 • 茶点

• 《四事供养》每套 $28 , 每名供养者不限套数。

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苦乐逼迫 觉知受

观受身心是苦 悟真乐



16/08/2013 农历七月初十(星期五) 11am - 6.20pm


17/08/2013 农历七月十一(星期六) 10am - 8pm


18/08/2013 农历七月十二(星期日) 7am - 4.20pm

日期 : 16/08 农历七月初十(星期五) 至

18/08/2013 农历七月十二(星期日) 地点 : 海印学佛会 Sagaramudra Buddhist Society


• 小莲位 $22 可超荐一位先人或历代祖先

• 大牌位 $150 可超荐六位先人或历代祖先

• 如意功德主 $1000 三个大牌位可超荐十八位先人和历代祖先

• 护坛大功德主 $5000 五个大牌位可超荐三十位先人和历代祖先+大禄位 (大禄位的名字依大牌位写的阳上者为准)


• 供佛 随喜供养

• 供斋 $100

• 延生小禄位 $38 祈福者(一人或合家)

• 延生大禄位 $138 公司宝号或祈福者(一人或合家)

欢迎至4 楼柜台处报名、致电询问或上网查询

Please register at our reception counter at level 4. For further enquiries, please call 6746 7582 or visit our website at

办公时间 Office Hours: 星期二至星期六:中午12 时至晚上8 时 星期日:上午9 时至下午5 时 Tuesday to Saturday : 12noon – 8pm Sunday : 9am – 5pm

5 Lorong 29 Geylang Singapore 388060 Tel: 6746 7582



的形式来诠释佛法,从 而达到自他身心净化的 目的。


解读观受是苦图:近乎抽象的 眼睛表示“正念”。在眼珠中的 是牙痛之苦,表示观受是苦 (正知)。

目前 心轴

- 四念处系列 之受念处

2 四念处之受念处

4 The Four Foundations of Mindfulness - Mindfulness of Feelings

6 身苦心不苦

7 Afflicted in the Body, but Not Afflicted in the Mind

10 从十二因缘观修“受念处”

12 Mindfulness of Feelings

13 苦与乐携手同行

衲子 心迹

14 鱼子语 - 声色

15 Daily Chan Reflection

16 惠能禅法与四念处禅观之间关系的探讨(二)

20 四十二章经(二)

23 The Practice of Reciting the Buddha’s Name

缁素 心语

26 人生的另一个阶段 一一“老”

27 Food for Thought

28 在平淡中长智慧

30 Body, Speech and Mind Mastery

31 为谁辛苦为谁忙

32 姐乘慈航渡彼岸

33 生命由自己掌握

妙笔 心画

34 漫画 - 国王乐师空欢喜

顾 问 : 释法梁 杨国梁 编辑顾问 :释法谦 陈伯汉 编 辑 :释法庆 Kim Ong 封面设计 :释法梁 美术设计 :刘朋达 廖俪轩

Publisher :

Sagaramudra Buddhist Society 海印学佛会

Printed by : Stamford Press Pte Ltd


MCI (P) 144/02/2013

花絮 心吟

Mindfulness of Feelings - The King and The Musician

36 韩国朝佛圣之旅

38 排毒与活力饮食

39 无限感恩

40 般若信箱

42 健康食谱 - 健康素丸子配豆泥 Healthy Falafel with Hummus

43 课程招生

44 海印例常活动表 星期六佛理开示表

PAGE 1 目前

目前 心轴


文◎ 释法梁

“感受”是眼、耳、 鼻、舌、身、意这六根与外 境接触时产生的。感受有身 受的乐受、苦受和不苦不乐 受,也有心受的忧受和喜 受,总共五种。往往因为我 执(认为有“我”,产生自 我保护的心态),我们贪爱 乐受(爱乐、爱玩、爱享 受),排斥苦受(怕痛、怕 苦、怕失去),因此我们容 易被感受牵制,而使贪嗔痴 在心里升起,情绪也跟着不 稳定、不平衡,这时便会造 身、口、意的善与恶业,而 后业力又促使我们继续轮回 六道。修“受念处”让我们 学习放慢身心的脚步,平定 我们的心,观察自己的感 受,觉察感受的升起和灭 去,并慎防受它牵引;还要 觉察感受的无常、缘生缘灭、 无我空性。该如何修“受念 处”呢?本期《目前》的心 轴文章与大家分享,希望能 对大家有所帮助。

在观受是苦之余,要去体会有一个 “真乐”,那才是真正的你所要的 觉受。这“真乐”事实上就是回归 到正念(觉)时所产生的觉受,

只是这时的正念已经是经过观受是苦 这个过程,是“见山还是山”。

处在这样的心境就是让自己处在一个 无苦的世界,就是极乐世界。

什么是四念处?简单而言,就是四个保持 正念的处所。通过身体来保持正念(觉知)叫 做“身念处”;通过感受来保持正念(觉知) 叫做“受念处”;通过内心的烦恼来保持正念 (觉知)叫做“心念处”;通过念来保持正念 (觉知)叫做“法念处”。

修法共有三个层次:(一)通过身、受、 心、法保持正念(觉知)。(二)思维并认 清身、受、心、法四者的不净、苦、无常、 无我,产生正知见。(三)悟真净、真乐、真 常、真我。


觉知身 行住坐卧 观身内外不净 悟真净 觉知受 苦乐逼迫 观受身心是苦 悟真乐 觉知心 贪嗔痴等 观心无常变异 悟真常 觉知法 念生念灭 观法虚幻无我 悟真我

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“受”指的是感受,其中有身体的感 受和心的感受。然而,不论是身或心,所 产生的感受只有三种:苦受、乐受、不苦 不乐受。

什么是苦受?举个例子;病痛是身 体的苦受。在面对此苦受的当儿,内心排 斥,于是就烦躁、发脾气,这就是心的苦 受。

什么是乐受?能令身体上感觉到的舒 服或是自己喜爱的感受就是乐受,再加上 内心为此而愉悦就是心的乐受。

什么是不苦不乐受?没有能令身体、 内心产生苦与乐的感受就都是不苦不乐 受。

活在这世间的每一个人都有身体,也 都会有感受。身念处让我们通过身体来认 清人这个生命体,受念处则比较抽象,是 比身念处更细的修法。

受念处修法的第一个层次的要求是: 通过感受来保持正念(觉知)。首先我们 必须对身心上的苦受、乐受、不苦不乐 受,保持在一种觉知的状态。

面对身体上的苦受,自己必须知道; 内心上的苦受,自己也必须知道。这时你 可以在心中跟自己说:“知道”,“知 道”。

面对身体上的乐受,自己必须知道; 内心上的乐受,自己也必须知道。这时你 可以在心中跟自己说:“知道”,“知 道”。

面对身体上的不苦不乐受,自己必须 知道;内心上的不苦不乐受,自己也必须 知道。这时你可以在心中跟自己说:“知 道”,“知道”。

通过身心上的三种感受,让自己时时 刻刻保持在一种觉知的状态,这就是“受 念处”,也就是通过感受来达到“保持正 念”的要求。

受念处修法的第二个层次的要求是: 思维并认清身诸受是苦。完成了通过感受 来保持正念之后,观受是苦是我们接着所 要修的。在第一个层次里,我们说过身心 上各有苦受、乐受、不苦不乐受三种。事 实上,在面临无常的逼迫,老、病、死来 到的那一刻,乐受、不苦不乐受都会转变 为苦受,而苦受就会变成更苦。这是观受 是苦的理论依据,明白了这点,就明白为 什么佛把世间称为苦海。

于是,当我们在感受着身心所产生 的三种受时,都必须在内心想着:“受是 苦,应该放下对受所产生的执着”,这就 是“观受是苦”。

受念处修法的第三个层次的要求是: 悟真乐。在身念处的观身不净,我们曾经 提到有些修行人会在修了这个法之后选择 放弃生命,因为他会认为一切都没有意义 了,这一点在受念处也会出现。因此,在 观受是苦之余,要去体会有一个“真乐”, 那才是真正的你所要的觉受。这“真乐” 事实上就是回归到正念(觉)时所产生的 觉受,只是这时的正念已经是经过观受是 苦这个过程,是“见山还是山”。处在这 样的心境就是让自己处在一个无苦的世 界,就是极乐世界。

PAGE 3 目前心轴

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness — Mindfulness of Feelings

When meditating on feelings are suffering, there is a need to experience the “ultimate bliss”, because that is the real feeling that one needs to experience. This “ultimate bliss” is actually the feeling that arises when we return to Right Mindfulness (Awareness), however, the mindfulness of this moment has already gone through the process of meditating on “feelings are suffering” and in the state of “seeing the mountain still the mountain”. When we are in this state of mind, we are in a state of non-suffering, and that is pureland.

What are the Four Foundations of Mindfulness? Simply it refers to the four bases to establish right mindfulness.

• Leveraging on the body to maintain right mindfulness (awareness) is known as ‘mindfulness of body (Pali: kaya)’.

• Leveraging on feelings to maintain right mindfulness (awareness) is known as ‘mindfulness of feelings (Pali: vedana, not referring to emotions)’.

• Leveraging on mental afflictions (various states of mind) to maintain right mindfulness (awareness) is known as ‘mindfulness of mind (the state of one’s mind, Pali: citta)’.

• Leveraging on thoughts to maintain right mindfulness (awareness) is known as ‘mindfulness of dharma (phenomena, Pali: dhamma)’.

There are 3 levels in the practice:

• Leverage on the body, feelings, mind states and dharma to maintain Right Mindfulness (Awareness).

• Contemplate and clearly recognize the impurity, suffering, impermanence and non-self of body, feelings, mind states and dharma to develop Right View.

• Realise the ultimate purity, ultimate bliss, ultimate permanence and ultimate self.

Verses of Dharma:

Maintain awareness of body — walking, standing, sitting and lying down;

Observe that the body is impure externally and internally; Realise the ultimate purity.

Maintain awareness of feelings — pleasant and unpleasant feelings are coercive; Observe that bodily and mental feelings are suffering; Realise the ultimate bliss.

Maintain awareness of mind states — attachment, aversion and ignorance;

Observe that mental states are impermanent; Realise the ultimate permanence.

Maintain awareness of phenomena — thoughts arise and cease away;

Observe that all phenomena are illusory and non-self; Realise the ultimate self.

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Mindfulness of Feelings

“Feelings” refers to sensations of the body and of the mind. Regardless of which, there are three kinds of feelings, namely, feelings of 1) suffering, 2) pleasure and 3) neither suffering nor pleasure.

What is suffering? For example, sickness is a suffering of the body. When we are suffering, our mind feels rejection, and we will become irritated and ill-tempered, this is the suffering of mind.

What is pleasure? It is a feeling experienced when the body feels comfort or when we have feelings that we like, and on top of that, the mind feels happiness, which is a feeling of pleasure.

What is neither suffering nor pleasure? It refers to feelings that do not cause the body or the mind to experience suffering and pleasure.

Every living person has a body and has feelings. Mindfulness of body lets us perceive our life through our body, while mindfulness of feelings is more abstract and is a more subtle method of practice as compared to mindfulness of body.

The first level requirement of practicing mindfulness of feelings is : To maintain mindfulness (awareness) through feelings. Firstly, we must be fully aware of the feelings of suffering, pleasure and neither suffering nor pleasure of our body and mind.

When our body is suffering, we are aware; when our mind is suffering, we are aware. We can recite to ourselves: “aware”, “aware”.

When our body feels pleasure, we are aware; when our mind feels pleasure, we are aware. We can recite to ourselves: “aware”, “aware”.

When our body feels neither suffering nor pleasure, we are aware; when our mind feels neither suffering nor pleasure, we are aware. We can recite to ourselves: “aware”, “aware”.

Thus, we maintain awareness at all times through these three feelings of the body and

mind. This is “Mindfulness of Feelings”, that is, one achieves the requirement of abiding by right mindfulness by leveraging on feelings.

The second level requirement of practising mindfulness of feelings is : To contemplate and clearly recognize that all feelings of the body are suffering. When we are able to maintain mindfulness through feelings, the next step is to practice meditating on feelings are suffering. At the first level, the body and mind experience three feelings: suffering, pleasure and neither suffering nor pleasure. In actual fact, when we are faced with impermanence, when old age, sickness and death is impending, the feelings of pleasure and neither suffering nor pleasure will all become suffering, while the feeling of suffering becomes even more intense. This is the basis for meditating on “feelings are suffering”. When we understand this, we will understand why this world is called the ocean of suffering.

Therefore, when we are experiencing the three feelings of the body and mind, we must contemplate: “Feelings are suffering, therefore, we must let go of attachment to feelings”, this is the practice of “meditating on feelings are suffering”.

The third level requirement of practising mindfulness of feelings is : To realize ultimate bliss. In the practice on mindfulness of body, regarding contemplation on the impurities of the body, we discussed that some practitioners may forsake their life during this practice as they think that everything is meaningless, this may also happen on the practice of mindfulness of feelings. Therefore, when meditating on feelings are suffering, there is a need to experience the “ultimate bliss”, because that is the real feeling that one needs to experience. This “ultimate bliss” is actually the feeling that arises when we return to Right Mindfulness (Awareness), however, the mindfulness of this moment has already gone through the process of meditating on “feelings are suffering” and in the state of “seeing the mountain still the mountain”. When we are in this state of mind, we are in a state of non-suffering, and that is pureland.

PAGE 5 目前心轴


文◎ 释法尊

佛陀告诉我们,世间任何事或现象, 都是无常的,即使有快乐,也不能持久, 结果还是苦。无常性、逼迫性使得我们身 心不能自主,所以佛说人生是苦海。我们 在这世间活着,必然要面对身、心所带来 的痛苦。只要有这个身体和意识,就一定 会有疼痛;不论接触什么人、事、物,都 难免会产生感受。种种的感受可分为生理 层面的苦、乐、舍(不苦不乐)受,以及 心理层面的忧、喜或舍受。怎样让我们身 体虽然受苦,心却不觉得苦呢?

在杂阿含经(175经)中,有位一百 二十岁高龄的长者,名叫那拘罗,因为身 体健康欠佳,经常为病痛所折磨,于是向 佛陀请益。佛陀告诉他:应该训练自己这 么想:“虽然我的身体受着痛苦,但我的 心不会随着受苦。”虽然那拘罗听了还不 太明白其中的道理,但心情开朗了许多, 气色好转。过后,他转向坐在不远处树下 的舍利弗尊者请益。

舍利弗尊者为那拘罗长者作了进一 步解释:一般人把五蕴(色、受、想、 行、识)看成是“我”,或者是“我所拥 有的”,而去执取。因此,当五蕴起变 化,衰败时,愁忧苦恼也就跟着来了,这 叫做:心随着身苦而苦。这样他的身心都 受苦。反观那些听闻正法的圣弟子就能明 白这个道理,不会视五蕴为自己。所以当 五蕴发生变化时,心不随之变化,心中不 会产生愁忧苦恼,这就叫做:身苦而心不 苦。

透过第二念处“受念处”的修法, 我们可以训练心把身苦作为禅修的对象: “感觉苦受时,觉知自己正在感觉苦 受。”有了这个身体,我们将无可避免地 面对疾病和老化的问题,受到无常性和逼 迫性所带来的痛苦。但是我们不要像那拘

罗长者那样,等到又老又病时才开始学。 我们现在就可以开始做思想建设,养成习 惯,那么当身体受苦时,就能体会到苦受 是无常的,也没有一个所谓的“我”在感 受苦。


另一篇阿含经(杂阿含733经)也用 了毒箭作比喻,来解说佛陀的圣弟子是怎 么做到“身苦心不苦”。经文提到听闻正 法的圣弟子与一般凡夫一样,都有苦受、 乐受与不苦不乐受,但是差别在于圣弟子 对快乐的感觉不生起贪欲,对苦的感觉不 生起嗔心。他们能够做到“大苦逼迫,乃 至夺命,不起忧悲称怨,啼哭号呼,心 乱发狂,当于尔时唯生一受,所谓身受, 不生心受。”就好象圣弟子只被射中一支 毒箭(身苦),不会再被第二支毒箭(心 苦)射中一样,因为他们已经不被贪与嗔 所驱使,远离了贪、嗔、痴的束缚。这就 是圣弟子与凡夫的差别所在。

一般人对来自于色、声、香、味、触 等所生成的五欲,产生快乐的感觉时,就 会迷恋这种感觉,而为贪欲所驱使;如果 遇到不顺心的,就产生痛苦的感觉,容易 起嗔心,为嗔恚所驱使。正所谓“顺我则 贪,逆我则嗔。”我们有了这色身,必然 免不了被第一支毒箭射中,但我们可以学 习避免再让第二支毒箭射中,以免“苦上 加苦”。

正念与正知 修习“四念处”能让我们通过身体、 感受、内心生起的烦恼,以及意念来保持 正念。“正念”(sati) 这个字在经典中经 常出现,不论何种法门,都需要“正念”, 它贯穿整个修行历程。“正念” 是指对于 发生在我们内心和外在的一切现象清楚的

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觉知,念念相续。它只是单纯的记录所观 察到的事实,而不作出身、语、意的主观 反应(喜欢、厌恶等)。好比说“此刻感 到头疼”,就清楚知道头疼,而不要连带 生起负面情绪,令自己苦上加苦。这就做 到了保持正念。

然而,我们还必须进一步体悟到“头 疼”这种“苦受”是属于无常性的,它 会过去的。就如当你躺下睡着了,你就 不再感到头疼了。等到一觉醒来,或许 “疼”就消失了,你不再因头疼而感到心 情恶劣。为什么睡着的时候就不感觉头疼 了呢?“受”是依靠“触”而生起的,真正 的“触”发生在心里。心必须在保持清醒的 状态下,才能接收从五根传来的“触”。在 沉睡时,我们的心意识暂时不起作用,但 在意识清醒的状态下,感受则会很强烈, 又去执著这身体是“我”,所以“我头 疼”。

因此除了保持正念,还需要建立“正 知”(sampajanna)。“正知”就是清楚 地、完整地、平等地关照一切现象,这就 是智慧。当我们保持正念时,我们开始看 到感受的变化是那么快速,感受只是感 受,不是“我的感受”,感受不是“我” 所能控制的。透过佛法的分析,我们体会 到无常、无我的真理,产生了“正知”。

正念与正知使我们从模糊到清楚,从只对 单一事件的认知到发现它们的因果关系, 从错误或有偏见的认知到清楚与不扭曲的 认知。

如果我们能继续安住于正念,守护 身、口、意行为,以平常心看待一切现象 的变异、生灭,令心抽离,不与贪、嗔、 痴烦恼心相应,那么心就不会随境而转, 就能做到身苦而心不苦了。

Afflicted in the Body, but Not Afflicted in the Mind

◎ By Venerable Fa Zun

The Buddha told us that all events and phenomena in this world are impermanent. Even if there is happiness, it is only temporary and will still end in suffering. The characteristics of impermanence, being coercive and beyond one’s control causes our body and mind to have no control over things, hence, the Buddha said that life is of the nature of suffering. Living in this world, it is inevitable that we need to face the suffering that this body and mind bring. As long as we have this body and mind consciousness, we will experience pain and suffering. It is inevitable that feeling arises whenever we come into contact with people, objects or deal with situations. All these feelings can be classified into bodily and mental feeling, the former being those unpleasant, pleasant and neutral sensations experienced by the body, and the latter being those emotions of sorrow, joy and equanimity experienced by the mind. So how do we not experience mental suffering when our body is suffering?

In the Nakulapita Sutta1, it is mentioned that there was a 120-year old elderly man, named Nakulapita, who had a weak health and was always suffering from sickness and pain; hence, he went to the Buddha to seek for advice. The Buddha told him to train his mind to think in this way: “Even though I may be afflicted in body, my mind will not be afflicted.” Although that elderly man could not fully understand the essence of this teaching, his mind was more cheerful and he looked better. He saw Venerable Sariputta sitting under a tree and went to seek his advice.

Sariputta explained to him further on what the Buddha taught: Generally, people see the five aggregates (form, feeling, cognition, mental formations and consciousness) as “I” or “mine”, and grasp at them with attachment. Hence,

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when there are changes or degeneration of the five aggregates, the mental affliction of worries and sorrow will arise. This is known as the mind experiencing suffering as a result of following the suffering of the body. In this case, both the body and mind experience suffering. However, those well-taught noble disciples, who have understood this, will not see the five aggregates as themselves. Hence, when there are any changes in the five aggregates, their mind state will not be affected and there will be no arising of the mental affliction of worries and sorrow. This is known as the body is suffering, but not the mind.

Through the practice of “mindfulness of feelings”, we can train our mind to make use of the physical pain of our body as an object of meditation. As mentioned in the Satipatthana Sutta: when experiencing a painful feeling, he knows, “I experience a painful feeling”. With this body, it is inevitable that we will encounter problems associated with sickness and old age, and experience sufferings as a result of impermanence. We should not follow in the footsteps of the elderly man and wait till we are too frail and ill to start learning the Dharma. Right now, we can start to prepare ourselves mentally and make it become our habitual way of thinking, so that when pain arises, we will realise that it is impermanent and there is no “I” that experiences suffering.

The Simile of the Poisonous Dart

The Sallatha Sutta2 uses the analogy of a poisonous dart to explain how the noble disciples of the Buddha managed to achieve: “Even though I may be afflicted in the body, my mind will not be afflicted”. The discourse mentioned that the noble disciples, just like any ordinary worldly beings, experienced unpleasant, pleasant and neutral feelings too, but they do not arise

attachment and craving to pleasant sensations or arise aversion to unpleasant ones, that is, “when he is touched by a painful feeling, he will not worry nor grieve and lament, he will not beat his breast and weep, nor will he be distraught. It is one kind of feeling he experiences, a bodily one, but not a mental feeling.” It is like when a noble disciple is being shot by a poisonous dart (bodily pain), he will not be shot again by another poisonous dart (mental suffering). This is because he is no longer propelled by attachment and aversion, but has become free from the entanglement of attachment, aversion and ignorance. This is the difference between noble disciples and untaught ordinary worldly beings.

Most people, when they experience the five sensual desires that are induced by form, sound, smell, taste and touch, which may give rise to pleasant feelings, become mesmerized and manipulated by this type of compounded happiness. However, if they encounter unfavourable situations, they will experience sorrow and unhappiness instead and are easily afflicted by aversion. As the Chinese saying goes: ‘Satisfying one’s wish, attachment arises; going against one’s will, aversion arises.’ Since we have already possessed this physical body, it is inevitable that we have been shot by the first dart of physical suffering, but we can learn and train ourselves not to be shot by the second dart, so that it will not add on to the suffering that we are bearing now.

Right Mindfulness and Right Understanding

The practice of “The Four Foundations of Mindfulness” enables us to develop mindfulness through paying complete attention to our body, feelings, mental afflictions and thoughts. The word “Mindfulness” (Sati) always appears in the

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various discourses. Regardless of the method of practice, one has to remain mindful. It runs through the whole path of cultivation towards Enlightenment. “Mindfulness” refers to being clearly aware of the changes that take place inside our body and mind, as well as in the world around us. It simply captures whatever we observe as they are, without any subjective response (like or dislike) expressed through our body, speech and mind. For instance, “I’m having a headache right now”, one just simply need to be aware of “pain” and need not develop any negative emotions, which otherwise add on to the pain we are already going through. By so doing, one is said to have develop Mindfulness.

However, we have to go one step further to realise that the “pain” of a “headache” is impermanent in nature and that it will go away. For instance, when we have fallen asleep, we no longer feel the headache. When we wake up, maybe the “pain” is gone and we no longer feel upset due to the headache. Why do we not feel any headache when we have fallen asleep? This is because “feeling” is dependent on “contact” to arise and the actual “contact” occurs in one’s mind. The mind must remain conscious in order to receive the “contact” which was passed along by the five sense bases. During deep sleep, our mind consciousness temporarily stops functioning, but when the mind is clear, the feeling arising from the mind contact is strong. As we are attached to this body as “I”, therefore, we feel “I am having a headache”.

Hence, besides staying mindful, there is also the need to develop “Right Understanding” (Sampajanna). “Right Understanding” means watching every phenomenon with clarity, completeness and equanimity. This is wisdom. While maintaining Right Mindfulness, we will

start to notice that (1) feeling changes very fast, (2) feelings are just feelings and not “my feelings”, (3) feelings are beyond “my” control. By analyzing feelings with the Dharma, we will realize the truth of impermanence and non-self, and develop “Right Understanding”. Right Mindfulness and Right Understanding will dispel our fogginess and bring us clarity; enable us to see that it has arisen dependent on causes and conditions, instead of just seeing the event in isolation; rectify our wrong and bias understanding to bring about clear and undistorted understanding.

If we are able to remain mindful and guard our body, speech and mind, and observe the changes (arising and ceasing away) of all phenomena with equanimity; and be detached from attachment, aversion and ignorance, then the mind will no longer be affected by external circumstances. In this way, though one may be afflicted in the body, but he is not afflicted in the mind.

1 See Samyutta Nikaya, “Nakulapita Sutta: To Nakulapita” (SN 22.1), translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Access to Insight, 29 June 2010, sn22.001.than.html

2 See “Sallatha Sutta: The Dart” (SN 36.6), translated from the Pali by Nyanaponika Thera. Access to Insight, 14 June 2010, http://www.

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文◎ 志学

修“受念处”前的准备工作:先认 识《十二因缘观》

在《大念处经》里,佛陀向比丘们开 示了受念处(受随观念处)的方法:

⋯⋯复次,诸比丘!比丘如何安住于 受,随观感受?


比丘感受到乐受时,了知:“我感到 乐受。”

比丘感到苦受时,了知:“我感到苦 受。”

比丘感到不苦不乐受时,了知:“我 感到不苦不乐受。”

比丘感到世俗的乐受时,了知:“我 感到世俗的乐受。”

比丘感到非世俗的乐受时,了知: “我感到非世俗的乐受。”

比丘感到世俗的不苦不乐受时,了 知:“ 我感到世俗的不苦不乐受。”

比丘感到非世俗的不苦不乐受时,了 知:“ 我感到非世俗的不苦不乐受。”

如是,他安住于受,随观内受;或 安住于受,随观外受;或安住于受,随观 内、外受。他安住于受,随观生法;或安 住于受,随观灭法;或安住于受,随观 生、灭法。

或他建立起〈唯爱受〉的正念,如此 建立正念,只为了更高的智慧于正念 。

他于渴爱与邪见,无所依而住。他亦 不执著五取蕴世间如何事物。

就比丘!比丘如是安于受,随观感 受。

这里要指出:“受念处”的修法比“身 念处”较为微细。我们如果从十二因缘去 观照及探讨“受”,就对修“受念处”很 有帮助。

“爱”促使我们对事物产生执着; “爱”缘自“受”,“受”缘自“六触”, “六触”缘自“六根”(六入):

• 眼根与色境为缘,产生眼识。


• 耳根与声境为缘,产生耳识。


• 鼻根与香境为缘,产生鼻识。 这一组因缘叫鼻触。

• 舌根与味境为缘,产生舌识。


• 身根与触境为缘,产生身识。


• 意根与法境为缘,产生意识。 这一组因缘叫意触。

这“六触”、“ 六根”、“ 六境” 识俱产生了“受想行”。由于对缘生法的 “无明”,就生起了“爱”,很容易将这五 阴“色受想行识”认为有一个“我”。不知 道缘生法的“苦(受)、无常(心)、无 我(法)”,就生起了贪爱。有“爱”就

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想“取”,妄见臆想五阴是“我所”,有 了“取”就产生“占有”的结,喜攀缘《色 受想行》就有了生和老病死忧悲恼苦。

当佛陀在菩提树下领悟到“无明缘 行”的关系时,他起身,完成正等正觉 (成佛了)。“无明”是造成我们烦恼 (忧悲恼苦)的根本问题,于是佛陀通过 《十二因缘观》告示世人这宇宙万物的真 理实相:

(十二支缘起)→ 无明 → 行 → 识 → 名色 → 六入 → 触 → 受 → 爱 → 取 → 有 → 生 → 老病死忧悲恼苦 → (重复轮回)

《十二因缘》就有如一串难以解断的 枷锁让烦恼轮回不已。十二支缘起的化解 痛苦在于转“无明”为“明”,我们才能 离苦得乐。


“受”可分为粗细及较为微细的 “受”。粗细的感受是指“六根”接触 “六境”后所产生的“六识”后,这三事 和合生触所引发的感受。我们的贪、嗔、 痴,就是由感受生起的。这感受就反应出 喜和乐。感受到喜欢的就贪爱,感受到不 喜欢的就嗔恨。微细的“受“是指禅定的 喜乐,或从正念正见所生起的不苦不乐, 就是指心情平衡、寂静的感受。

《受念处》的修行注重于感受,我们 就要时时警觉感受。在感受中保持正见, 不要落于我见。正知凡事的产生都是因缘

的变化及影响而呈现的,它会生起也会消 灭。这样我们就不让贪、痴的习性生起, 清楚当下的身心处于快乐与苦的状态,体 验到苦乐的无常、苦、无我,就能从过去 的执着与苦乐受中解脱出来。

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Mindfulness of Feelings

Happiness, sadness, joy, bitterness, anger, anxiety... when we feel, what is the nature of the feelings? What is the nature of the mind that perceives the feelings that arose? Where do the feelings come from? When the mind no longer perceives the feelings, where do they go to?

Our six senses that perceive this world, give rise to a myriad of feelings in our mind. The feelings are actually harmless if the mind stops at that. However, this is not the case for most of us. With the feelings perceived, the mind gives rise to attachment and aversion. This is the real crux of the problem — we give rise to attachment to pleasant feelings; we give rise to aversion to unpleasant ones. This attachment or aversion by a grasping mind forms the basis of samsara. It sustains samsara; it creates more karma; it strives hard for existence in the bardo (intermediate state); it causes suffering to continue.

We should try to maintain mindfulness at all times, and especially whenever a feeling arises. It could be anger; it could be happiness; it could be sadness; it could be anxiety. It does not really matter. These feelings are projections of the mind. If we are mindful, the feelings will dissolve by themselves and will not accumulate more karma. This is the underrated point which not many people realised. Yet, this is the underlying principle beneath all the Dharma doors expounded by the Buddha.

If mindfulness of feelings is important, how can we aid the development of mindfulness? We need to remember the Buddha had taught that when one observes vows and precepts, one will attain stability in mindfulness; with stability in mindfulness, prajna paramita (perfection of transcendental wisdom) will naturally arise in the mind. So it is important to pay some attention to aid the development of mindfulness. In our day-to-day living, try to live simply and lightly. Keep Dharma practices simple and sincere. Do not embark on too many projects. This will set

the environment such that we will not be plagued with unnecessary feelings.

If we read through the Heart Sutra, we are reminded of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s understanding of the feeling skandha (aggregate) to be no different from emptiness. To help us see the futility of grasping to any of our feelings, this is really a key piece of knowledge. Feelings, as we know it, do not exist inherently! It is not different from emptiness, and yet, not separated from emptiness! Even if we could not maintain mindfulness to observe the rise and dissolution of feelings when they arise, by trusting the Heart Sutra, we will not really take those feelings seriously. Once we stop taking feelings seriously, equanimity start to follow suit — happiness is good; sadness becomes not so bad; anxiety is manageable, etc.

However, there is a point about feelings that must not be misunderstood. When we are following Buddha’s teachings as beginners, the Buddha skillfully taught us to constantly remind ourselves of the love and sacrifice of our parents. All beings in samsara (cyclic existence) have been our parents in a previous life. Right now, not realising the nature of emptiness, they are all suffering throughout the six realms. The love and compassion that we feel for them will give rise to the altruistic intention to liberate all sentient beings from their suffering. This altruistic intention is bodhicitta — the basis of all Dharma practices. Without which, our practices would be unfruitful.

To sum it up and to put it simply, having given rise to bodhicitta, it comes down to only this — habituate mindfulness when feelings arise; do not accept or reject. Let any feelings be just as they are.

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文◎ 莲华髻

不少常人,总觉得世界上所有的一切 都是为了让人享受的。无论是精神上或物 质上,大家所追求的总是美好的。总之能 够“享乐”才是最重要的。

于是,五光十色、声色犬马、夜夜笙 歌就是为了“享乐”,殊不知乐极生悲的 事不时发生;譬如狂欢酒醉之后所产生的 不良反应,诸如意识不清、视线模糊,不 只伤害自己的身心,也可能危害他人的生 命安全。

其实,一切“苦”与“乐”的感受都 是由自己身心对境所生起的感受。世人认 为“乐”的事,往往和佛法所说的恰恰相 反,因为世人所谓的“乐”,只注重眼前 的感受。贪爱世间的名利财色,往往因为 得不到而生起巨大的烦恼。这烦恼的升起 连带而来的是无穷无尽的痛苦。但是由于 我们的愚痴与无明,不能好好地思维,也 没有能力去辨别造成痛苦的缘由,就让这 种不良意识蔓延,就成为理所当然。反正 世人都朝向这条大道走,我为什么要背道 而驰?结果为了眼前的“乐”,而种下无 穷的“苦”果。

佛法所说的“乐”是舍弃眼前的贪 爱,如“亲友书”上所说的:“如于一切 安乐中,永尽诸爱为乐主。”在智者的眼 中,一切事物的形成或毁灭都有它的缘 起,当因缘和合时,造就了一切,当因缘 破灭时,所有的一切也就烟消云散了。因

此,眼前的一切事物不会永久不变。时事 变化莫测,沧海桑田也就不足为奇。一旦 失去心中所牵挂的,无论是人或物,痛苦 不舍的情绪也就产生了。所以“乐”和“ 苦”仿佛是孪生兄弟,总是携手同行,最 多只有先后之分。

要如何才能得到真正的“乐”呢?世 人都以眼前的荣华富贵为根据,但是我却 认为只有“舍”才能得到真正的“乐”。 因为有“舍”,才能放下心中的“执”。

当所有的物质或财富在眼中似见非见,有 或无不当一回事,谁还会为它起烦恼呢? 所以,何乐不为?

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衲子 心迹


文◎ 释法梁



松、竹本无声,得风吹而成曲;钟、磬 1 本无音, 遇敲击则成响。然而,不论是何缘而生,其声始终不滞 于一物,声声自在。


山青因林绿,为雪而白头;水清因沉积,为风而皱 面。烟雾、云霞本无相,遇空气中的水分则成烟雾、云 霞。这些,都是因缘而生,因缘而灭,其本质是虚幻不 实,这就是法空。

在六根中,以耳、眼二根最为常用,耳听的是声,眼 见的是色。面对着声、色我们会因为执着而生起七情六欲。 拉回眼前,认清楚声、色,你就会发现声、色二者皆自在都 是空。只是,当我们对声、色生起执着时,烦恼紧接着便油 然而生,痛苦于是便接踵而来。所以,一定要养成拉回眼前 的习惯,因为只有这样你才能从声、色之中体会解脱。

除了外在的声、色,你还必须要面对内在的声色。远 离声响,闭上双眼,把腿盘起来,你就进入另一个声、色的 世界:一幕幕影像(色)的出现,可以是过去事情的拼凑, 也可以是当下所动的念的延续。当然,除了影像之外,你还 可以听到声音(声),就像是看电影一般,可以很逼真,逼 真到连情绪都会被带动起来。于是,你妄失了“眼前”, 接着把盘着的腿放下,“轮回”去了。这时,声、色依然自 在,依然是空,不自在和空不了的是自己。养成拉回眼前的 习惯,你才能从内在的声、色之中超越而出,盘起双腿,继 续打坐。

怎么知道自己已经养成拉回眼前的习惯?除了平常生 活和打坐时面对声、色的反应之外,就是在梦中——你在梦 中的反应。

在梦中,一切都太真了。在真的同时,如果你感觉到 好像自己是在做梦就对了,就是说你在梦中也在拉回眼前, 更进一步的,如果你愿意放下对梦境的执着,梦就会中断。 这时梦是自在、空,梦中的你也是自在、空。这是一个小小 的悟。接着怎么办?再参究!

〜释法梁写于壬辰年十二月初〜 1 磬:佛门法器,引磬、大磬。

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Daily Chan Reflection

Compete to Lose

The following is a Zen story.

A Zen Master from Zhao province was sitting face to face with his disciple. The Zen Master pointed to a biscuit and said to his disciple: “Let’s have a competition. Whoever can speak more lowly of himself wins and gets to eat the biscuit.” The disciple agreed.

The Zen Master started: “I am a donkey.”

The disciple replied: “I am the donkey’s stomach.”

Zen Master: “I am the donkey’s faeces.”

Disciple: “I am the worms in the faeces.”

The Zen Master asked: “What are you doing in the donkey’s faeces?”

Disciple: “I am spending my vacation there.”

Zen Master: “Well said. You have won.”

The Zen Master had lost. So he grabbed the biscuit and ate it. They were competing to lose. The losing party gets to eat the biscuit.

What is winning and what is losing? The disciple won a ‘losing’, therefore he lost. The Zen master lost a ‘losing’, therefore he won.

Those who are anxious to win cannot afford to lose, while those who can accept losing may not be the loser. The disciple constrained his view from the perspectives of winning and losing, thus, he was trapped by this mindset. The Zen Master transcended beyond winning and losing, thus he got to eat the biscuit.

Such is the flexibility and free spirit of Zen.

Why such flexibility and free spirit? This is because there is no blockage in our mind.

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与四念处禅观之间关系的探讨 (二)

文◎ 释法梁


《坛经》全称《六祖惠能大师法宝坛 经》,是中国禅宗最为重要的一部经典。

《坛经》在佛教史上,除了从释迦牟尼佛 的说法所编集的称佛“经”外,《坛经》 是惟一以“经”见称的中国佛教经典。根

据历史记载,《坛经》的内容曾多次被后 人修改和填补而形成多个版本,但一般认 为真正独立的、有代表性的只有四种;即 敦煌本、惠昕本、德异本、宗宝本。本文 所采用的是最为原始的敦煌本,并旁及现 今佛教流行贯用的宗宝本,此二版本皆收 集于《大正藏》中。下文通过《坛经》来 分析惠能的禅学思想。


直趣人心是禅门修行特色,“识本 心”、“见本性”的直探心源本空寂则是 惠能禅学思想最根本的修行依据。沿续五 祖弘忍“守本真心”1 的禅法特征,《坛 经》道出了“不识本心,学法无益。识 心见性,即悟大意”2 的修心要诀。对于 “心”与“性”之间的关系,惠能有如此 的譬喻:身体是城堡,眼、耳、鼻、舌、 身、意是城门,前五根是外门,意根则为 内门。心即是大地,性则为城中之王。王 若在,城堡得以保存,王不在,城堡则难 保。同理;性若在,身心得以保存,性若 不在,身心则难存。

表面上,惠能虽然把“心”与“性” 做二解,一为大地,一为城中之王,而 王是占了极度重要的位子,是一切的主 宰。但事实上,他又有“识自本心,是见 本性”3 的说法,其意思是:若认识到心 的本质,就是见到本性。由此可知,他并 非把“性”完全的独立化,而是“性”也 是源自于心,是心的本质、本性。依《坛

经》的叙述,“性”亦可理解为“本心”、 “本性”、“心性”、“自性”。

惠能认为所谓的解脱,其根本、终 极要求就在于“识本心”、“见本性”。 所以他说:“若识本心,即是解脱”4 ,亦 引用了《菩萨戒经》“识心见性,自成佛 道”5 的说法。因此,他认为假若不是朝此 方向去下工夫,那任何的修习便失去意义 了,唯有“识本心”、“见本性”,才是 其根本意趣。

2、菩提本俱,心迷不悟 对于佛门所重视的般若,惠能说 道:“善知识!菩提般若之智,世人本自 有之,只缘心迷不能自悟,须求大善知识 示道见性。善知识!遇悟成智。”6 他认 为人人本来就是俱有菩提般若之智,只因 为心迷而无法自悟之故,所以菩提般若之 智无法显现,至于造成心迷的主要原因就 是“邪见障重,烦恼根深”7 。惠能以大云 覆盖太阳为喻,谓见不着太阳皆因被浓云 所掩盖,若“不得风吹,日无能现”8 。

从这里可知,其被喻为太阳的是本来 就俱有的“菩提般若之智”,覆盖太阳的 大云指的是“邪见障重,烦恼根深”,在 经“风吹”就能自然显现,此“风吹”所 指的当然是大善知识。若从此喻去理解, 大善知识的功用就在于“去云见日”, 而令“菩提般若之智”显现,因此,“菩 提般若之智”应该是惠能的重点要求,但 事实却非如此;他说道:“若无尘劳。般 若常在不离自性。悟此法者,即是无念无 忆无著。莫起杂妄,即自是真如性。用智 慧观照,於一切法不取不舍,即见性成佛 道。”9 惠能所要的是通过“菩提般若之 智”去观照内、外的一切法,从中又达到 不取不舍的要求——见性成佛道。他又

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说:“故知本性自有般若之智,自用智慧 观照”10 。可见“见性”才是惠能真正的 要求,因为一旦见性就自有“菩提般若之 智”能观照了。因此,惠能后面又说了一 句:“须求大善知识示道见性。善知识! 遇悟成智”。总括一句:惠能所指的迷与 悟,事实上就是见性与否,见性即悟,不 见性则迷。

另者,所欲探讨的就是“心”、 “性”、“智”这三者之间的关系。《坛 经》中惠能所谓的“心”原则上就是人精 神面上的总称,由“心”而得以认识到本 质、见心本性,也就是所谓的“见性”, 而“本心、本性”又本俱有“菩提般若之 智”。以此往前推演,可看出三者间仍 一体三面,或者说“性”为体,“心” 为相,“智”为用。也就是说“性”为 “心”的本体,“智”依“性”而起用。

也因此,惠能有“我此法门从一般若生八 万四千智慧”11 的说法。


“归依、发愿、忏悔”三者一般用 于在为佛弟子进行授戒仪式时;归依者, 为归依佛、归依法、归依僧;所谓归依三 宝,为入佛门的首要行持。发愿者,有小 愿、大愿二者,小愿为自求解脱生死,是 小乘行。大愿则发成佛之心,亦为度一切 众生,为大乘行。忏悔者,忏为陈露先 恶,悔为改过修正,有去疚安心的作用, 可为修定之前行,用于授戒仪式主要借此 以净化身心,继而再领纳戒体。

惠能在为弟子授无相三归依戒时, 对“归依、发愿、忏悔”三者有不同的诠 释,针对三归依,惠能说的是归依自三身 佛,对此,惠能有其独特的表述:“见自 三身佛;於自色身归依清净法身佛,於自

色身归依千百亿化身佛,於自色身归依当 来圆满报身佛。色身是舍宅,不可言归。 向者三身,在自法性,世人尽有,为迷 不见,外觅三如来,不见自色身中三性 佛。”12 他说的归依佛有法身、化身、报 身。此三身佛皆在自法性中,是每个人都 有的,只因为迷而不见,往外去觅三如 来,不见自本性中之三身佛。世人自性本 自净为清净法身佛,由自性起念思量为千 百亿化身佛,由自性起念思量,念念皆善 为圆满报身佛。惠能所说的归依佛,是自 己归依本俱的自性佛,而非外佛。

发四弘誓愿在归依三身佛之后;即众 生无边誓愿度,烦恼无边誓愿断,法门无边 誓愿学,无上佛道誓愿成。惠能认为“心 中众生各於自身自性自度”13 ,意思为,虽 然“自色身邪见烦恼、愚痴名妄”,但“ 本觉性”亦在其中。自性自有本觉性能生 正见,因此,只求见性,一旦见性,则自 知以“般若之智除却愚痴迷妄,众生各各 自度”14 ,邪来正度、迷来悟度、愚来智 度、恶来善度、烦恼来菩提度,此不度 而度之法是为真度,亦为“众生无边誓愿 度”。“烦恼无边誓愿断”者;如何断? 回到之前“心中众生各於自身自性自度” 的说法则是:心中烦恼各於自身自性自 断,所以惠能说:“自心除虚妄”15 。“法 门无边誓愿学”者;可学的“无上正法” 是无边的 16 。惠能依人的心量把法分成四 等——“法有四乘;见闻读诵是小乘,悟 法解义是中乘,依法修行是大乘,万法尽 通,万行俱备,一切不离,但离法相,作 无所得,是最上乘”17 。惠能的分类中, “最上乘”应该是他所说的“无上正法”, 亦为顿见本性之法。“无上佛道誓愿成” 者,惠能的解释是“远离迷执,觉知生般 若,除却迷妄,即自悟佛道成,行誓愿

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力”,其意亦不离其见自本性、顿悟成佛 的说法。

忏悔法是在发四弘誓愿之后,一般 的忏悔法是针对身、口、心三业的恶行加 以发露、认错,进而改过。然惠能却从心 下手,谈的是无相忏悔。他说:“前念後 念及今念,念念不被愚迷染,从前恶行一 时自性若除即是忏悔。前念後念及今念, 念念不被愚痴染。除却从前矫诳心永断, 名为自性忏。前念後念及今念,念念不 被疾染,除却从前疾垢心。自性若除即 是忏。 ”18 他对忏悔一词如此定义:“忏 者,终身不作。悔者,知於前非,恶业恒 不离心。诸佛前口说无益。我此法门中, 永断不作名为忏悔。 ”19 原则上,惠能无相 忏悔的“从前恶行,一时自性若除,即是 忏悔”与四弘誓愿的“心中众生各於自身 自性自度”二者,有异曲同功之处,皆以 “自性”为归依处。所以他说“自性不归 无所依处 ”20 ,一旦回归到“自性”,则自 知前念、後念、今念,念念不执,即不执 则从前诸恶皆断,此即无相忏。

“归依、发愿、忏悔”三者完成之 后,即是正授无相三归依戒。无相三归 依归依的对象是自性三宝,以下为其内 容:“佛者觉也,法者正也,僧者净也。 自心归依觉,邪迷不生。少欲知足,离财 离色,名两足尊。自心归依正,念念无邪 故,即无爱著,以无爱著名离欲尊。自心 归净,一切尘劳妄念虽在自性,自性不染 著,名众中尊。”21 依自性而生万法是惠能 对自性起用的说法,三宝之体为“自性”, 三宝之相为佛、法、僧,三宝之用为觉、 正、净。惠能从其顿法上所得到的觉悟, 演译出一套以“自性”为核心的无相三归 依戒。


惠能对于定与慧二者的看法是“定慧 体一不二”22 ,他并不认同“先定发慧,先 慧发定,定慧各别”23 的说法。他认为修定 之时,慧在其中;修慧之时,定在其中。 确切而言,定是慧之体,而慧却是定之 用,二者乃同体。就犹如亮着的灯般,灯 是光之体,光是灯之用,二者是不可分割 的。定者;止也,慧者;观也。依“定慧 体一不二”的说法,也就是“止中有观, 观中有止,止观体一不二。”

从定慧、止观不二的禅修理路,惠能 对坐禅有自己一套的说法:“何名坐禅? 此法门中一切无碍,外於一切境界上念不 去为坐,见本性不乱为禅。”24 他不把坐 禅局限于肢体盘坐,而是注重心地工夫。 一切时、一切地、于任何身姿,只要做到 念念观照,不随着外境而去就是“坐”, 见自本性不乱就是“禅”。对于禅定 25 , 惠能亦有不同的诠释,他说:“何名为禅 定?外离相曰禅,内不乱曰定。外若有 相,内心即乱。外若离相,内心即定。”26 惠能认为自性本自净自定,当内根与外尘 (相)接触时执取于外尘(相),一执取 即乱,若内根与外尘(相)接触时不执取 于外尘 (相),能于相而离相即是禅, 一离相内在自然就有定。外禅内定故名禅 定。

不论定慧、坐禅、禅定,惠能的根 本核心思想仍是见性,依见性而对定慧、 坐禅、禅定三者重新理解。在回应志诚所 问的戒定慧,惠能亦从自性的角度给于诠 释,他说:“心地无非自性戒,心地无乱 是自性定。心地无痴自性慧。”27 不仅如 此,他甚至认为若见自本性是连戒定慧也 不立:“自性无非无乱无痴,念念般若观 照,常离法相。有何可立?自性顿修,亦 无渐次,所以不立。”28

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无念、无相、无住三者是惠能禅学 思想上的另一特色,亦是契入本性的修行 理论基础。惠能说道:“善知识,我此法 门,从上已来,顿渐皆立无念为宗,无相 为体,无住为本。”29 禅门之法直指人心, 以心念为下手处故立无念为宗,凡人执色 法为实有故立无相为体,解脱之根本在于 内、外皆不执取故立无住为本。

针对无念、无相、无住,惠能有如此 解释:“何名为无相?於相而离相。无念 者,於念而不念。无住者,为人本性,念 念不住。前念、今念、後念,念念相续无 有断绝。若一念断绝,法身即离色身。念 念时中,於一切法上无住。一念若住,念 念即住,名系缚。於一切法上念念不住即 无缚也,以无住为本。”30 什么是无相?知 一切境相非真实,故而不执取。如《金刚 经》所言:“一切有为法,如梦幻泡影, 如露亦如电,应作如是观”31 ,此即“於相 而离相”。什么是无念?于心念不复更动 妄念,是为无念。惠能所要求的是对念保 持观照,从而达到认识心而见自本性。所 以他说:“莫起杂妄,即自是真如性。用 智慧观照,於一切法不取不舍,即见性成 佛道。”32 什么是无住?于任何时侯,对 内、外一切法皆不执取。不执取就无有束 缚,就是解脱。

总结惠能的於相而离相、於念而不 念、一切法上无住的禅学思想,事实上就 是“不执取”。于外不执取相,于内不执 取念,一切时中于外、内一切法皆不执 取。此与《金刚经》的“不应住色生心, 不应住声香味触法生心,应无所住而生其 心”33 的思想是一致的,而惠能也是在弘忍 为他解说《金刚经》至“应无所住而生其 心”时得到觉悟。34 (待续)


2 敦煌本《坛经》第8节。

3 敦煌本《坛经》第16节。

4 敦煌本《坛经》第31节。

5 敦煌本《坛经》第30节。

6 敦煌本《坛经》第12节。

7 敦煌本《坛经》第29节。

8 敦煌本《坛经》第29节。

9 敦煌本《坛经》第27节。

10 敦煌本《坛经》第28节。

11 敦煌本《坛经》第27节。

12 敦煌本《坛经》第20节。

13 敦煌本《坛经》第21节。

14 敦煌本《坛经》第21节。

15 敦煌本《坛经》第21节。

16 以上引文皆出自敦煌本《坛经》第21节。

17 敦煌本《坛经》第43节。

18 敦煌本《坛经》第22节。

19 敦煌本《坛经》第22节。

20 敦煌本《坛经》第23节。

21 敦煌本《坛经》第23节。

22 敦煌本《坛经》第13节。

23 同上。

24 敦煌本《坛经》第19节。

25 禅定:禅为梵语禅那之略,译曰思惟修。新译曰静虑。思惟 修者思惟所对之境,而研习之义,静虑者心体寂静。能审虑 之义。定者,为梵语三昧之译,心定止一境而离散动之义。 即一心考物为禅,一境静念为定也。故定之名宽,一切之息 虑凝心名之,禅之名狭,定之一分也。盖禅那之思惟审虑, 自有定止寂静之义,故得名为定,而三昧无思惟审虑之义, 故得名为禅也。今总别合称而谓之禅定。简单而言,禅与定 二者皆为心体寂静的特质,于欲界、色界、无色界三界之 中,欲界无有“禅”与“定”的心体寂静之特质,因此,欲 界无有“禅”与“定”可言,“禅”为色界之法,“定”则 为无色界之法,而其中又因浅深而各分四个等次,故谓之四 禅四定。请参阅《佛学大辞典》丁福保 编,四禅八定条。

26 同上。

27 敦煌本《坛经》第41节。

28 敦煌本《坛经》第41节。

29 敦煌本《坛经》第17节。

30 敦煌本《坛经》第17节。


32 敦煌本《坛经》第27节。


34 敦煌本与宗宝本《坛经》略有出入,此段是出自宗宝本。

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四十二章经 (二)

讲授 ◎ 释法梁  记述 ◎ 李德钊

从历史的脉 络探索,我们可 以更清楚看到中 国佛教发展至今 天的某些因缘。

时至今日,佛教 已经不可以再依 赖神秘主义走入 人们的心灵;法 师们不能再住在 云深不知处的 山中,佛教的传 播必须与世人沟 通;我们要用智 慧,重新解读经 典中的神话。


《四十二章经》是第一部译成中文的佛经,主要译者 是迦叶摩腾和竺法兰两位印度僧人。事实上,单靠两位初 到中国的印度僧人,是不可能完成这样的事业的,背后一 定有皇家势力和许多文化人的帮助。可以说,一开始,佛 教在中国的立足便和政治力量不可分割。

自东汉佛教东传,两千多年来,佛教有所摒弃,亦有 所吸收,形成别有特色的中国佛教(或称“北传佛教”)。

在进入正文之前,我们可以探讨一下佛教在这方面的破旧 立新。


在中国思想中,有所谓的三教(儒、释、道)思想, 即代表儒家、佛家和道家。长久以来,儒家一直是主流并 占着主导地位。为了在中国的土壤上滋长,佛教不得不配 合这股主流意识。

首先,儒家有所谓的“不孝有三,无后为大”、“父 母在不远游”和“身体发肤,受之父母,不敢毁伤”等思 想,出家落发修行,便与这类思想背道而驰,故而被谓为 不孝。

为了解决思想的对立,佛教大孝的思想,所谓:“ 一切男子是我父,一切女子是我母,生生世世,由此受 生。”也就是表明奉养父母传宗接代纯属小孝,出家修 行,普渡众生,拯救父母于六道轮回中的苦痛才是真孝和 大孝。

最典型的例子便是“目莲救母”的故事,说佛十大弟 子之一目莲之母堕入鬼趣,目莲为了救度母亲,在这个时 节(佛欢喜月)供佛斋僧,这就是后来成了中元超度法会 的由来。除此之外,在传统的祭祖思想上,佛教也进一步 发挥,因此很多寺院也在清明举办超度先人的法会,不仅 超度此生父母,亦超度多重父母。

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出家人名比丘,又名乞士,原来在印 度,出家人过着的是行乞拖钵的生活。在 印度,佛教未创以前,就有这种风气。对

于这种生活方式,出家人并没有选择权, 施主给予什么,就得吃什么。

因此,当提婆达多提出一种极端的素 食主义时,便行不通而被斥为素食外道。


而,行乞的苦行在中国却行不通,因为这 种不事生产的文化在中国是被鄙视的。比


百纳衣变成了华美的福田衣,毕竟中国是 礼仪之邦,要求衣冠端整啊!此外,中国 人提倡入土为安,因此在坟场,对尸体进 行不净观的处理,几乎已成禁忌和绝响!

最重要的是,佛教的生存一直依赖于 政权。进入南北朝,中国出现了一位“菩 萨皇帝”:梁武帝,他颁布僧人必须素食 的召令,以体现大乘佛教长养慈悲心的精 神。之后的几个中国君主亦支持佛教,如 此一来,素食的原则,很快贯彻到全国的 大小寺院。素食文化,终于成为中国佛教 的最重要特色了。

素食文化的扎根有其因缘。在早期 的印度,它一度被认为是“极端而不可行 的”,在中国佛教中却开花结果近两千 年,形成一个不可扭转的传统。今天,当 我们在肯定素食有利于环保时,一定要认 识到吃素与否不是对错问题,一切都是因 缘啊,所以愿意吃素的就吃素,喜欢吃肉 的就吃肉,没有必要争个孰是孰非。


在试图与儒道思想结合的当儿,佛教 与其他宗教之间免不了有许多冲突。在中 国的历史上,也曾经出现像“三武一宗”, 对佛教非常残酷不利的时段。在阅读这些 经文的经序时,我们会发现其中带有非常 浓厚的神话色彩,或者歌颂佛教僧人如何 神通广大击败其对手。我们在赞叹同时, 也不要忘了这些文章都是出自佛教徒之 手,抬高自家,加入超自然描写,是一种 自然心理,也是一种生存需要。

从历史的脉络探索,我们可以更清楚 看到中国佛教发展至今天的某些因缘。时 至今日,佛教已经不可以再依赖神秘主义 走入人们的心灵;法师们不能再住在云深 不知处的山中,佛教的传播必须与世人沟 通;我们要用智慧,重新解读经典中的神 话。

举个例子来说,《佛本生经》中有个 故事,说佛陀在某前世为鹦鹉,为了拯救 受困于森林大火的动物,它一次又一次飞 入大海,用羽毛所沾的水企图扑灭大火。 但是,平心而论,释迦牟尼佛会这么没智 慧,做这样没有意义的事吗?我们都不会 做的事,他又怎么会去做呢?所以,我们 要知晓故事后面的含义其实是要提倡慈悲 和坚忍的精神。

更重要的事,我们不要只做听故事的 人,而是要做讲故事的人,因此故事中的 鹦鹉便变成“活”的,而不是“死”的。 所以,关键在于讲故事的人要如何引导, 如何以自己的智慧,给人们一个方向。

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再举个例子,我们常说,在把经书 端放在桌上时,不要让经书的一角超出桌 面,否则韦驮菩萨便会在那里支撑着,实 在罪过!但是,这种古时侯的教育方式, 今天只能成为一种美丽的神话,而不能深 信,因为对神秘现象的执着,将障碍我们 的智慧。我们更应该观察到眼前的因果, 然后明白,不要把经书随便放的道理,不 是因为让韦驮菩萨工作,而是为了培养一 份尊重。另外,这么做也会让某些自以为 是的人不高兴,所以没有必要。

显然的,从因缘法的角度来理解,我 们应该持有一种“尽信书不如无书”的态 度,对种种的知见,不要过分执着,这才 算是信而不迷!同样的,《四十二章经》 内容朴实无华,虽没有大乘经典的放光动 地的场面,亦无神迹,却道出许多佛法的 重点和真实。


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The Practice of Reciting the Buddha’s Name

◎ Compiled by Venerable Fa Rong

◎ Translated by Yeo Hwee Tiong and Kim Ong

When we do the practice of reciting the Buddha’s name without understanding the theory and methodology behind it, it is easy for us to fall into blind faith and idol worshipping. As such, it is important that we should seek to understand the key aspects of this practice, in order to obtain the maximum benefits.

The Method of Reciting the Buddha’s Name

Reciting the Buddha’s name is not merely verbal chanting. More importantly, we need to maintain right mindfulness and hold the Buddha clearly in our mind. All Buddhist practices are not separated from the cultivation of calm-abidance (concentration) and insight (wisdom). Hence, if one does the action of concentrating on the recitation of the Buddha’s name1, this is just the cultivation of concentration and one will only reap the benefit of concentration.

The benefit of concentration is having a focus and unscattered mind. Our mind often wanders, so it is important to stabilize the mind on a virtuous object. Hence, we are using the Buddha as a virtuous object to stabilize our mind, so that the mind will not wander. Even if the mind wanders, it is alright. Just gently let go of the wandering thoughts and bring our attention back to reciting the Buddha’s name. (How do we know if we have done so? When we can clearly hear and follow our recitation of the Buddha’s name, it is right). Through practice, our mind will focus naturally, free from distraction and the Buddha’s name naturally comes to mind. This is the action of concentrating on recitation.

That which is most important in this practice is not just concentrating on the action of Buddha’s name recitation, but abiding by the truth during the recitation2. This refers to the cultivation of insight to develop wisdom for ultimate realization and liberation, so that the benefit can be obtained in this lifetime. Abiding by the truth during recitation means understanding that the Buddha is the Awakened One, who has perfected loving-kindness, compassion and wisdom, and understanding that all sentient beings in samsara have Buddha Nature, the potential to attain Buddhahood. All

sentient beings have a mind to experience external phenomena, which tends to cause emotional fluctuations in the mind. These afflictive emotions are of the same intrinsic quality as the mind, since afflictive emotions arise from the mind and will naturally cease back to the mind, without any need for repressing or rejecting them, as doing so will only cause stronger afflictive emotions to arise. All that is necessary to know in order to be unaffected by afflictive emotions is that, they have the intrinsic quality of knowing-awareness and clarity; the mind is like the ocean water, which has the nature of clarity, and when it is stirred by external forces, big and small waves will arise, but the nature of the waves is still water. The waves arise from the ocean water and go back to the ocean water as the conditions arise and cease away, hence, all of these lack any substantiality of a Self. The knowing-awareness and clarity of our mindfulness of the present moment is Buddha Nature. “Knowing-awareness” is the knowing and being aware of the arising and ceasing away of our afflictive emotions, and “clarity” is the understanding of the nature of emptiness of all arising conditions and the illusoriness of everything. Thus, it is possible to be unaffected emotionally, in order to respond appropriately. For most people, when afflictive emotions arise, there is no awareness, least to say knowing their illusory nature. In fact, afflictive emotions are believe as real and this leads to overreacting, just like adding fuel to the fire, causing harm to others and oneself. Practitioners should seek to find their true mind, that is, their Buddha Nature, during the practice of the recitation of the Buddha’s name. This is reciting the Buddha’s name while abiding by the truth.

The Purpose of Reciting the Buddha’s Name

Why do we recite the Buddha‘s name? Our mind has the tendency of being occupied with thoughts, hence, if we do not occupied our mind with thoughts of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, our mind will be occupied with thoughts of greed, hatred and ignorance, which may lead to the non-virtuous act of killing, stealing and sexual misconduct, causing no end to cyclic existence. The Buddha guides with expedient

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means; knowing that sentient beings have the habitual tendency of indulging in thoughts, he skillfully taught the method of replacing delusive thoughts with thoughts of the Buddha and cause sentient beings to unknowingly transform delusive thoughts into thoughts of the Buddha and an impure mind into a pure mind, so that rebirth in the Buddha’s Pureland is easier. There is a saying by an ancient master: “When a waterpurifying pearl is tossed into some muddy water, the muddy water has no choice but to become clear. Similarly, when the Buddha’s name merges with one’s unsettled mind, the unsettled mind becomes united with the Buddha.” Great Master Lianchi taught: “Reciting the Buddha’s name is the easiest and most skillful method of transforming and purifying one’s impure mind.” If we do not test out the profound and skillful teachings of the Buddha by using the practice of reciting the Buddha’s name to improve and change ourselves, and just depend solely on the sublime vows of Amitabha Buddha to deliver us to the Buddha’s Western Pureland of Ultimate Bliss, how can we expect to reach the destination? There is a saying by an ancient master: “Through one-sided cultivation (solely dependent on the power of the sublime vows of Amitabha Buddha), rebirth in the Western Pureland of Ultimate Bliss is difficult, but if there is cultivation on both sides (diligence on our part and connection with the power of the Buddha), rebirth in the Western Pureland of Ultimate Bliss will be easy. This is an everlasting famous saying!

The sublime 48 vows of Amitabha Buddha were made when the Buddha was cultivating as Bhikkhu Dharmakara. The Western Pureland of Ultimate Bliss was manifested by him when he attained Buddhahood. Before our practice, we should first make aspirational vows, so that we will be motivated to move in the direction similar to that of the Buddha. When we attain Buddhahood, naturally we will be able to fulfill these vows. Bhikkhu Dharmakara also did it this way. After he became a Buddha, he fulfilled all his vows.

The 48 vows can be divided into 4 main categories:

1. There are three vows that are benefitting to oneself: infinite light, infinite lifespan and praised by all Buddhas.

2. There are three vows that help those who are dying to be reborn in the Western Pureland of Ultimate Bliss:

• The 18th vow: Those sentient beings, who hear Amitabha Buddha’s name and thus awakened the highest faith and aspire towards rebirth in his Pureland, recollect that thought for even as few as 10 times, will be reborn there, with the exception of those who have blasphemed the Dharma, or who have committed the five grave offenses3

• The 19th vow: Those sentient beings, who have directed their thoughts towards the Bodhi (that is, arisen Bodhicitta), accumulated the various stock of merits through the practice of the 6 Paramitas and the propagation of the Dharma for the benefit of others, and have a fervent wish for rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Pureland, the Buddha and his assembly of retinue will appear before him at the moment of death.

• The 20th vow: Those sentient beings, who have constantly kept the Western Pureland in mind, with a strong yearning to be reborn there in every thought, accumulate and dedicate the various essential merits for the purpose of realizing his earnest wish to be reborn there, will be reborn there.

3. There are 12 vows that benefit sentient beings immediately in their present lifetime: for example, causing their bodily actions and mind to become gentle and peaceful, open up their wisdom, causing them to be patient and diligent in practicing pure conduct, moving towards purity and liberation, never to stray from the path, and so forth.

4. There are 30 vows that are related to the amazingly supportive environment of the Buddha’s Pureland, and the excellent state of the body and mind of the beings living there.

What is the purpose of listing these numbers? The purpose is to allow everyone to understand the significance of reciting the

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Buddha’s name. If one merely does the practice out of the wish to be reborn in the Western Pureland of Ultimate Bliss, then the greatness of the vows of Bhikkhu Dharmakara has not been demonstrated by this practitioner. When we do the practice of reciting the Buddha’s name properly and correctly, we need not wait till the moment of death to experience its benefits, but we can reap the benefits even when we are still alive. Hence, it is very important that we should start practicing now, studying more on the Buddha’s teachings, abiding in right mindfulness of the present moment, always being aware of our body and mind state, and careful to monitor the purity of our body, speech and mind and the progress of our threefold training on discipline, concentration and insight, so that we are truly the disciple of Amitabha Buddha.

The benefits of gaining rebirth in the Pureland of Ultimate Bliss upon death are many. Besides being in a perfectly conducive environment and having a perfect mind and body for cultivation without distractions and obstructions, in order not to stray from the path towards Enlightenment, having born from a lotus, our body will not be made of flesh, therefore, will not be subject to hunger, cold, old age, sickness and death, separation from dear ones, meeting those we dislike, the five raging aggregates and other sufferings. However, according to the Sutra of Amitabha Buddha, one must not be lacking in virtuous roots, merits, wisdom and favourable causes to be born in the Pureland of Ultimate Bliss. Hence, we need to possess a strong faith, aspirations and effort, cultivate Bodhicitta, tread the Bodhisattvas’ path, and have a clear and calm mind at the moment of death, in order to be reborn in the Pureland.

Recite the Buddha’s name, practice the Dharma, and aspire to become a Buddha; Benefit others, benefit oneself, and all are happy and well; Nirvana, Samsara, just one thought apart; Practise with faith, the strength of aspiration and diligence.

1 The action of concentrating on reciting the Buddha’s name: Concentration is to counteract a distracted mind. If the Buddha’s name is recited with the mouth, but the mind wanders elsewhere, that is doing the recitation with a distracted mind. If one is able to unite the mind with the recitation, without any discursive or wandering thoughts, but only thoughts of the Buddha’s name in mind, this is concentrating on the recitation of the Buddha’s name. Concentration can have two parts: concentrating on the action and concentrating on abiding by the truth. Concentrating on the action means the mind being focused clearly on the speech recitation of the Buddha’s name.

2 Abiding by the truth during the recitation of the Buddha’s name: “Abiding by the truth” means upon the foundation of concentrating on the Buddha’s name recitation, one seeks to understand the truth of the practice, so as to realize that the reciter and the Buddha are of the nature of impermanence, causes and conditions, and emptiness. Witnessing that the Amitabha Buddha is actually the nature of one’s mind and that the Western Pureland is not anything apart from one’s mind, that is, the manifestation of “the mind’s nature as Amitabha, and the Pureland arises from the mind.”

3 The 5 grave offenses: The 5 grave offenses are considered as the most serious negative deeds in Buddhism and the result is suffering in Avici hell. It includes patricide, matricide, killing of an arahat, wounding the body of a Buddha and causing disharmony in a sangha.

There are 2 types of sangha: One is the monastic sangha, the other is the lay sangha. The monastic sangha refers to the ordained monks and nuns, while the lay sangha refers to the lay practitioners. As long as there is a group of lay practitioners practising harmoniously in a group, it is known as a harmonious sangha or a harmonious community. The 6 ways of living in harmony are the harmony and unity of body, speech, mind, discipline, view and beneficial conduct within a community that shares the same principle, vision, code of conduct and religious practice. A lay sangha is any group of lay practitioners, who believe in the same principle and gathered to practice together, such as the assembly at the Buddhist Lodge. Causing disharmony or division in a harmonious sangha is an offence that is easy to commit.


Jing Tu Fa Men (The Practice of the Pureland), Zheng Zhen Huang

Lue Lun Ming Xin Jian Xing (A Short Thesis on Seeing The True Nature of The Mind), Old Master Yuenyin

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缁素 心语


文◎ 释持果

铃铃铃⋯⋯晚上11点,怎么还有人打 电话来?拿起手机一看,“Father!”心 里立时七上八下。平时这么迟,他没有事不 会找我,赶快接了电话,对方传来了爸爸那 口吃颤抖无助的声音:“阿云!”我提高了 警惕。“什么事?爸爸!”“你还没有睡 啊?”“没有,有什么事吗?”“Starhub 的频道有影像,没有声音,你是不是可以打 电话给他们?”我整颗心放了下来,一股无 明火却冒起来。这种小事!这么晚了!为什 么要这时候打来?我的声量不禁提高了:“ 爸爸!很晚了,他们不会有人做工,明天再 打吧!”“不要紧,你试试看,可能会有 人,如果现在不能够来,你通知他们明天早 一点来做。”“上班时间是八点半,怎么早 也不可能很早。”“试试看吧!可能他们那 里会解决,不需要等到明天。”“好吧!”

拿起电话打到Starhub,一连串的请 按这个请按那个,点击了这个号码那个号 码,终于电话机“回答”:“办公时间已 过,请在明天办公时间打来或电邮给我 们。”


放下电话,想一想,当子女组织自 己的家庭,尽管在经济和物质上照顾父母 的生活,可是也解决不了他们精神上的孤 独。从妈妈过世后,爸爸一个人和女佣在 家里,尽管弟妇邀请他同住,可是爸爸体 谅他们忙碌,婉拒了。爸爸很喜欢看新 闻,尤其是海外的新闻节目,这些电视节 目对我们可能不重要,可是对孤独的老人 来说,这就是他们一天的“享受”。

深一层想,尤其是在老天降下黑幕的 时分,他们如果想到死亡问题,有可能感 到恐惧,更须要一些精神上的寄托,好让 他们度过漫漫长夜。每一个人都会老化, 气弱体衰,动作迟缓,脑筋僵化,有些人 甚至可能顽固难缠,他们应该如何才能安 度晚年呢?当然,老年人自身如果在心理 上早有充分的准备,懂得调整自己的生活 方式,培养多种兴趣爱好充实生活内容, 这是再好不过了。子女呢,每天至少一通 电话问候,有空常回去探望,至少也能让 老人感到还有人关怀,感到温暖。

生、老、病、死乃人生规律;无常 之苦是每一个人都要面对的问题,尤其是 在年老孤独时,想到年轻的健壮,什么都 难不倒他们,如今那种力不从心的悲哀, 不是我们年轻人所能体会的。晚课常诵: “是日已过,命亦随减”。我们如何在这 一期短暂的生命中,好好把握我们的人 生,让我们活得更有意义,很值得我们好 好地思维、探讨。

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Food for Thought

Are you happy?

Remember, only I can make myself happy. Nobody can.

How? Simply let go of the unhappy state of mind and I will be happy.

“Why me?”

Where is the “I”? There is no self.

Have you ever wonder why? Sometimes we enjoy doing a task. Yet, sometimes we find that it is a chore, hoping we can avoid doing it or sometimes feeling negative or uncomfortable doing it.

First, such thoughts will arise: “why me”, “I am always doing it”, “I am doing it for you” or “I am doing a good task”, etc. All these keep on going in our mind, while we are doing the task. The holding on to “why me?”, “not wanting to do it” upsets us. Deep down in us, there is the “rejection” state of mind. “I” is the cause.

Human — One Kind

Being humans, we tend to choose to take the simple or easy way, but we expect another not to take the simple or easy way.

Why is it difficult to choose a way that will benefit oneself and another, rather than following another’s easy way? If you choose to do the easy way, it is advisable to check with that person the reason behind the action. Then, you decide.

How about you?

We can actually change our thoughts to: “I am accumulating my fortune and blessings”, “I am doing for the convenience of another person” or “I am learning to let go of the ‘I’ ”, etc.

Gradually, you will accept and enjoy the task, if only you let go of the “I” and let go of the mental state. Once you have let go, the unpleasantness of performing the same task over and over again is gone and replaced by a sense of being at ease within.

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文◎ 释法谦

耳边不时响起,刚出家时老师教导打大暮鼓的节拍偈 子:办公事、办公事,公事办完办私事。用心活着,看似忙 大众的活儿,已真正在成就自己了。

旁观者清还是迷? 俗话说:旁观者清,当局者迷。

就事态而言,此话当反讲:当局者 清,旁观者却不清。因为大多数事情发生 之后,事情的真相或者症结,最清楚者莫 过于当局者,若他们不坦诚揭开实情,旁 观者最多只能凭个人的经验,猜测一二, 无法全盘了解。

当要解决问题时,清和迷这句话就对 应了。

要知道,当局者的我们在解决问题 时,很难避免其中纠结的情节又勾起怨 愤,以致解决方案也遭猜忌要为己方出口 气,而加以贬抑、打压或凌蔑,反应甚至 可能“过度”而演变成人身攻击。越想要 保护自己,到头来却也反过来伤害了自 己,突显出自己的脆弱、不安、不甘愿 ⋯⋯。

反观旁观者,因为事不关己,较容易 从中抽离而保持客观,态度中立,权衡轻 重之下,倒能设想出不偏不倚、对事不对 人的解决方案,有助于化解纠纷而不是添 乱。

不过,旁观者毕竟还是旁观者,要不 要采纳他的意见,或是坚持己见到底,就 全凭当局者的选择了。


一位从小看到大的聪明伶俐女孩,一 向住私人住宅,最近刚才搬到组屋区。问 她还习惯吗?

“还好!但我并不打算长久住,我只 把这里当住处,没有家的感觉。”最有趣 的回答紧跟在后头:“我告诉自己只是暂 时性,我会住回私人住宅,等以后再住组 屋,这就是能屈能伸。”

好个“能屈能伸”!为什么现在就不 能屈能伸,要等到以后?就像很多小孩到 第三世界国家当志工,他们多数会自我安 慰:这只是短期的志工生活,勉为其难罢 了,之后还是回到舒适的环境。为什么现 在不面对现实?告诉自己,我现在就是身 处在这样的环境,在这样的因缘条件下, 如何让自己的身心安定下来,并进一步发 掘、享受其中的真、善、美。

“有呀!我有看到好处。虽然以前同 住在一个屋檐下,因为是三层楼,大家难 得见面,有事时不是楼下喊楼上,就是传

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简讯。现在一打开房门,大家就在同一客 厅相遇,沟通比以前好多了。家里也布置 得很好,但是一出大门,就在组屋区,不 习惯!”

唉!活在对过去的追忆和对未来的憧 憬之中,白白错失眼前的一切。我们还能 对当下甘之如饴吗?


为什么常见你做午供,又不是你的 职事范围?因为肚子饿,不先供佛我又吃 不下。出家20多年了,说是养成的习惯也 好,执着也好;要吃吗!很简单,就去供 佛,之后就可以安心用餐了,没想是不是 我的职事那么多。

为什么常见你清倒经由过滤器排出 来的大桶“废水”,又不是你负责大寮? 一来常上厕所,用此水来冲洗马桶比较节 约;二来怕水满溢出,考虑到厨房进出的 人很多,地板若湿了,人滑倒的机率也跟 着提高,为安全起见,还是常清倒比较 好。

为什么早课你唱得那么起劲?一是 好好感恩和回向,二是将音乐课学来的技 巧,趁机会好好练习,不但能练习个人发 声,还可以学习协调和声,起腔高我和高, 起腔低我和低,轻重缓急合拍;同时训练 声带和心的敏感性、灵活性和调柔性。除

非是因为感冒咳嗽,唱不声出来,否则就 会很用心唱、很用心听。

那么,大小事都包揽在身上,你不 是很忙?不是这样的,大家分工合作嘛。

课程编排、落实修行、庄严道场、行政管 理、美化绿化环境、健康营养饮食等,这 些已经有人在用心做的事,我完全放心。

你提到的刚好是少人注意到的,我暂时代 劳,过不久就会有人来帮忙,我就放下。

事无巨小,用心就是。一年一回的大 事、大活动、大法会等,容易引起大家的 关注,完成后成就感也大。天天细水长流 的活儿,才真正考验人的耐力、耐心;能 日日做而不“怨”倦,那是人中人;从中 能做出“新意”,更是人上人。

在平淡中长智慧 在烦琐中长慈悲

耳边不时响起,刚出家时 老师教导打大暮鼓的节拍偈子: 办公事、办公事, 公事办完办私事。 用心活着,

看似忙大众的活儿, 已真正在成就自己了。

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Body, Speech and Mind Mastery

We always believe in what we think and we think based on our own preconceptions. What habitually happens to us is this: We receive information or data (visible forms, sounds, smell, taste, touch and mental objects) through our 6 sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind) and create stories of our own in our mind, by mixing these data with our preconceptions and arise continuous proliferation of elaborative and imaginative thoughts to give a unique interpretation of our own, while subtly affirming whatever we think with our egocentricity and this affects our body language, speech and actions, which in turn affect others’ body, speech and mind, and their overall mental well-being, as well as ours. Our interpretations also add on to our store of preconceptions, either broadening and strengthening them or giving them a new perspective, which may be in the positive or negative sense.

The question is: Could our preconceptions and interpretations be just misconceptions? Why do we want to be controlled by our thoughts which may after all be deluded misconceptions? Since the integrity of our preconceptions and interpretations are questionable, how do we avoid unnecessary proliferation of delusive thoughts in our mind?

The practice of the four foundations of mindfulness is the antidote. It will help us to slow down and reverse our wandering, chaotic and congested mind, by bringing back our focus (attention and concentration) from external phenomena to our body, feelings, mind states and dharmas (mental objects) for observation and contemplation. Our objective is to gain insight into what they truly are. We will discover the reality that all physical and mental phenomena and experiences are dissatisfying, impermanent, interdependent and insubstantial (non-Self) by nature. By intellectually and experientially understanding this, we can gradually overcome attachment, aversion and the delusive notion

of “Self”, which in turn increase our inner experience of loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity (the four immeasurables).

Here is an example to show how the training of mindfulness of feelings can be applied to help us. When we have a toothache, we calmed our mind and observed that pulse by pulse, pain arises and ceases away, then arises again to cease away again, going on and on. And when we look for this pain, we find that we are unable to pinpoint the exact location of it. Hence, we become aware that the pain is there, but it is not really continuous, rather the pain is impermanent and has no substantial existence. There is pain, but it manifests as a result of the gathering of temporary supportive causes and conditions. Knowing the nature of pain, we will find it more acceptable, and thus, able to maintain equanimity towards pain.

By understanding the true nature of our body, feelings, mind states and dharmas (mental objects), we will also be able to understand the true nature of the body, feelings, mind states and dharmas (mental objects) of every beings around us. This is because the true nature of the body (form), feelings, mind states and dharmas (mental objects) of all sentient beings in the six realms is the same.

With this understanding and realization as the foundation, later when we observe and contemplate on the true nature of all external phenomena, we will come to recognize and realise that they are also of the same nature of dissatisfying, impermanent, interdependent and insubstantial (non-Self).

Some may ask: Since the nature of all inner and outer phenomena is the same, why do we need to start with ourselves? This is because our body, feelings, mind states and dharmas (mental objects) are of the closest proximity to us for proper observation and investigation. We have full access to them. Whereas in the case of

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others, we do not know what they are thinking or feeling; we cannot do a proper observation and investigation; we can only guess through our perception of their outer actions and speech, based on our own bias preconceptions, established through whatever previous sense impression that we have of them or of the people with the same traits. We would even use what we learnt from watching the movies to judge and label the people and things we encounter in life, while being fully aware that movies are just creative thinking and made-believe productions of man.

Try asking ourselves these questions: Do we believe in what we see in the movies? Are they real? Are they not actresses and actors acting based on a written script? If the movies are not reality, why are we so mesmerized by what we watched, totally being drawn by the plot and the storyline, and even developing different emotions for the victims and the villains? Why is it so easy for us to fall into believing what is not real? The answer: habitual tendency, lacking of mindfulness and being ignorant of the true nature of mind and phenomena.

In fact, life itself is a movie, illusory by nature, and yet, we are so habitually captivated and bounded by it, believing and feeling that everything in it is for real and permanent. Training in the Four Mindfulness allows us to verify for ourselves the truth of the Buddha’s findings and teachings that all compounded things (phenomena) in samsara are dissatisfying, impermanent, interdependent and insubstantial (non-Self / empty) by nature, and this will make us realise that clinging to them as real and permanent will only bring unnecessary disappointment and suffering. We will also learn to become the master of our own body, speech and mind, having control over them, and gain mastery of our life, making it meaningful for others and ourselves.


文◎ 周春花

请问在这世间你们最爱的人是谁?最 怕失去什么?还有活了半辈子,到底为谁 辛苦为谁忙呢?这些都是色身问题。

看看四周的高楼组屋,那是为我们 的色身所建;再看组屋周围的小贩中心、 餐馆、酒楼等,也是为了养活这色身而开 设;还有邻里的商店、购物中心所卖的各 种物品,服装、日用品、工具、装饰品、 玩具等等,五花八门,应有尽有,都是为 了我们色身的需要。此外,只要我们想去 那里,有的是海陆空各种交通工具供我们 使用。我们这个色身就为了衣食住行忙一 生。

老实说,我们与这色身朝夕相处, 形影不离,所以,一旦要和它分开,失去 它,我们会很害怕、恐慌、不知所措,也 就是迷失方向了。

遇到生命起变化,我们应该如何应 付,如何才能勇敢面对、接受变化?佛陀 会告诉我们:放舍对色身的执著,平时就 要以“四念处”来仔细的观察它、认识 它、解剖它、看透它,更要了解它的生住 灭坏,从而改变我们对它的依赖,并在心 理上做好准备,这样当它要离开我们时, 纵然发生于突然之间,我们也不会为它所 动,而会敢于放下,安心自在地“潇洒走 一回”。

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文◎ 江慕兰

深夜接到电话,驱车越过长堤,赶到 国大医院见姐最后一面。病床上的姐姐 气若游丝,我忍住悲伤,轻声唤着姐的名 字,为她拭去眼角的泪珠⋯⋯。凌晨两点 四十分,姐心跳停止。兄弟姐妹忙着讨论 办理她的身后事,我独自留在病房里,抚 着姐的手,轻轻唱:





一直唱到护士前来为姐姐换上白袍。 看着姐姐脸上浅浅的微笑,我心稍宽慰。

总觉得,姐是上天派来我们家的天 使,家里每一个成员都得到她的眷顾和恩 泽。姐在逢年过节时总不忘给爸妈添购新 衣新鞋。她善用巧手妙思,为家居布置新 装,为我们烹调丰盛的年夜大餐。更难得 的是,她为哥哥们的生意事业奉献出宝贵 的青春岁月。

姐生前虽然没有真正接触佛法,但她 的人格修养并不逊于学佛的人。她端庄贤 淑,温恭优雅;处事谨慎,一丝不苟;她 凡事逆来顺受。只因长期内心压抑,加上 长年外食的结果,令我们这位本具芙蓉 质、精神健且丰、眉分新柳碧、脸色夺莲 红的二姐,最终敌不过病魔缠绕,香消玉 殒。在这世间上,与我相知相惜者,非姐 莫属。姐的离世,最伤痛的是我,从此失 去了一个可以依赖、互诉心事、为我解 忧、共享乐趣的人。没有姐姐的日子我过 得好凄寂,良辰美景对我等同虚设,纵有 千种风情,也无人可诉说⋯⋯。

姐姐遗体火化后隔天,我回去上班, 因思念姐姐,独自哭泣。忽然听到“啪、 啪”的声音,不知什么时候办公室飞来一 只小鸟,我连忙把窗户打开,让这只误闯 进来的鸟儿飞出去。可是鸟儿却在室内盘 旋,然后停在窗橼上。我对着它说:“鸟 儿,鸟儿,你快出去,待会儿锁上门,你 会闷死的!”它却驻足不动。我用纸张轻 触它的羽毛,它也不惊慌。我只好拿起字 纸篓想把它罩住,引到窗口,它却飞了起 来,兜了几圈,才飞出窗外。不久之后又 折返回来,我对着它说:“鸟儿啊,这里 不能久留,快飞出去吧!”它飞着飞着, 飞到窗门外,回头望着我,仿佛依依不 舍;我默默对它道别,戚戚离去。

开车途中,回想刚才发生的那一幕, 那鸟儿会不会是火化后的姐姐提醒我快把 安奉骨灰的事办妥?想到这里,忍不住放 声痛哭,心如刀割!我怎么老是要把她赶 走? 在悲痛欲绝的时候,感谢师父托佛友 送来一本“西藏生死书”,让我阅读。在 佛友的鼓励和协助下,我顺利办妥姐姐的 后事。

我选择把姐姐的骨灰安奉在远离闹市 的清静佛寺,姐性格喜静,这儿的环境很 适合她。时值清明时节,道场启动多项法 会,有慈悲三昧水忏法会、梁皇宝忏法 会、大悲忏法会等等,我想:姐姐的中阴 生有幸能在七七四十九天期间,听经闻 法,在不断的薰习中接续佛缘,实在很难 得。

卧病在床的母亲说她在梦中见到姐姐 穿着白袍在屋外徘徊,便向观世音菩萨求

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文◎ 王茵桦

对于“生命”, 要充满无限的希望; 对于“死亡”, 要随时做好往生的准备。

世间上最宝贵的就是生命;蝼蚁尚且 贪生,遑论一切众生;但是有的人却因为 自己的贪、嗔、痴,或为爱恨情仇而伤害 他人,或无法突破逆境时,就自我了断。

有的人因为婚姻破裂、情场失意、财 务困难、久病厌世,或为了其他生活问题 无法解决,就用自杀的方式来结束自己的 生命。自杀并不能解决问题,只会增加活 着的亲人的痛苦和悲伤。

我们的生命在整个宇宙中是何其短 暂,要看、要学、要感受的事,实在太多 了。应当伺机而动,明辨取舍,不要盲目 行止。人到无所求时,心情最快乐,胸怀 最超越。生命的意义就是好好活着。人要 心安,只要有一颗平凡的心、知足的心, 就足够了。宇宙万物都是因缘生,因缘 灭,相互调和,相辅相成,所以面对任何 困境都要以平常心接受它,不要存有悲观 的念头。要相信命运是靠自己去创造的, 没有过不了的难关。只要肯努力,肯振作 精神,你就有美丽的人生。

助说:观音菩萨,观音菩萨,门口的那一 位是我的第二女儿,求求您带她到佛堂去 ⋯⋯听得我好心酸。就在那天,我去参加 梁皇宝忏法会,回来时,妈对我说,她见 到了姐姐穿着花衣裳,站在面前对着妈微 笑。听到妈这番话,大家都为妈能心安感 到欣慰。


有一位著名的社会学教授患了“肌 萎缩性脊椎侧索硬化症”,在当时无药 可治,只能坐等死亡降临。教授得病之 后,知道大限将至,必须分分秒秒把握时 光,因此每天醒来,他都视若重生。教 授说:“懂得如何死亡,才懂得如何生 活。”许多人以为来日方长,所以挥霍生 命,唯有知道来日无多者才能珍惜生命。 教授在病魔纠缠中泰然过活,并关怀社会 大众,积极投入公益活动中。他甚至不曾 卸下教授的职责,若无病痛一般谆谆教导 学生。他在风中残烛之下仍然发光发热, 他认为这样的生命才有价值。最后教授安 祥的去世。身患绝症者尚且如此珍视生 命,身体健全的人们还能浪费时光、自怨 自艾,残害生命吗?

生命之路并非平坦的,遇到困难时, 就把步伐放慢一些,思考一下,什么是我 拥有的?什么是我缺少的?自己做一番调 整,小心谨慎走过转弯处,“柳暗花明又 一村”。危机可以转化为契机,好好掌握 因缘,用智慧和努力使生命绽放出美丽芬 芳的花朵。

三会愿相逢,弥勒佛前亲授记”时,总是 含着眼泪,在心中对姐姐说:今世姐妹缘 虽尽,姐啊,让我们一起来发愿,发愿到 一个善人同居的弥勒净土,我们就在那里 相逢吧!

让时间抚平心灵的伤痛,用感恩之心 继续引导我们向善,以持恒的精神来实现 我们长远的愿心。

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妙笔 心画


整理◎ Kim Ong 画◎ Steve Wan

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花絮 心吟


文◎ 林容祯

4月12日,佛友们兴奋的日子。我们 一行人在法源师父和法尊师父以及康乐部 数位负责人的带领下,带着轻松愉快的心 情踏上韩国佛教朝圣之旅。

在参访中,我们发现韩国佛寺不烧 香和金银纸,每个角落都整理的干干净净 整整齐齐。樱花盛开满树冠,真是花团锦 簇;加上处于幽美的环境中,益发显得鲜 丽娇媚。僧众带领着信众诵经礼佛,大堂 杂声寂然,只有梵呗缭绕,钟磬泠泠,突 显寺院的无比清净,使我们仿佛置身天堂 净土中。然而,让我印象最深刻的却是石 窟庵——佛国寺、海印寺和松广寺。

朝圣的第三天,我们到了石窟庵—— 佛国寺。石窟庵与佛国寺,同建于公元751 年,因在一块自然巨石凿成而得名。石窟 庵的石龛全靠人工将白色花岗岩凿成,龛 内供奉韩国最精美的石雕艺术精品——释 迦牟尼佛像。众人来此一游的目的莫非是 为了要目睹这庄严的佛像,更忘不了膜 拜,求福祈愿。

依据佛经的记载,释迦牟尼佛入灭 后,信众为了怀念伟大的佛陀,便绘画和 雕塑各种各式庄严的佛陀像,象征佛陀还 在人间度化众生,信众看见了,虔诚和欢 喜的意念很自然的涌上心头,而五体投地 顶礼膜拜。

如果从更深一层的角度来理解, “佛”的意思就是“觉”。释迦牟尼佛 是大觉者,他觉悟了世间“无常、苦、 无我、空”的真理,教化世间众生,令

众生觉悟内心的烦恼我执,就是造成我们 生死轮回痛苦的根源,学佛最重要的就是 要清除内心的烦恼我执。师父常提醒我们 “佛法不离世间觉”,修行就是要我们在 日常生活中保持正念和觉知的状态,无论 做任何事情都清清楚楚,了了分明地活在 当下。

朝圣的第四天,我们到了海印寺。 寺建于公元802年,寺中藏经库里保存着 13世纪世界级文化遗产——高丽八万大藏 经版,集中了佛教的经、律、论三大藏, 被认为世界佛教研究的宝贵文献而闻名于 世。

佛教的经典记载,佛对众生依据不 同根器给予适当的修行教导;佛深知众生 要熄灭烦恼和解脱自在,需要有般若智 慧。般若智慧是对“空”的清楚认识和体 会,“空”不是指什么都没有,而是指世 间一切人、事、物都是“无常、因缘、 无我”暂时和合所成的现象,世间一切 的人、事、物都没有一个永远不变的实 体;“无我”是针对我们众生的我执而 言。如果清楚看到这一切,能放下我执, 就能渐渐远离烦恼而解脱自在。

朝圣的第五天,我们来到又称僧宝寺 的松广寺,这里高僧辈出,三国时代培养 了16位国师而享有盛名,至今仍有很多国 外的僧侣前来修道。松广寺是国家级文化 遗产。

僧宝寺的“僧宝”是指发心出家、 续佛慧命、弘法利生的僧人。他们上求佛

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虽然他们知道出家不如俗家自由,也知道 修行艰辛不易,但仍秉持佛陀的教诲,难 行能行,难忍能忍,行菩萨道,度化众 生。

佛陀灭度已有两千五百多年,佛陀 的教导依然流传到今天,因而有修行和有 作为的出家众不少,他们都依照佛陀的遗 言“以戒为师”和“以四念处为住”安住 於正念。我们应该向他们看齐,学佛要懂 得戒、定、慧这三无漏学。修行除了持戒 为根本之外,还要加上“止和观”的运

用;但是,如果我们没有深入探讨持戒的 意义,就会被戒律束缚而不能善巧方便, 灵活的利益广大众生。


一路上,同学们之间都互相照顾、嘘寒问 暖,彼此包容和鼓励,显然都已融入海印 的大家庭中。当我们在琳琅满目的购物商 场中,种种诱惑难免造成心猿意马,有些 同学就及时提醒:“师父们常说:要拉回 眼前,小心不要被外界迷惑了!”

愿大家都以虔诚的心,祈求十方三宝 常住在世,时常点亮我等心中的明灯。

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讲授 ◎ 黄其铫  记述 ◎ 邱秀兰

维持身体健康是圆融生活的基础。换 句话说,如果想要有平和的情绪、良好的 人际关系、成功的事业、财务上的独立和 高尚的心灵修为,那一定要从健康的身体 出发。

什么是身体健康? 有人说健康就是不生病!


许多人不想生病是因为对痛苦和折 磨有所畏惧;然而,如果我们换个角度来 看:生病可以是一种警钟提醒我们纠正生 活方式,重拾健康。(相反的,健康也可 以是一种藉口,让我们放纵招来疾病。)

如果今天我们得病了,肯定会早日求 医,饮食上也会倍加小心,不让自己受风 寒,不到人多的地方去,这无形中大大减 少对病源的接触,所以不要害怕生病。

但有些疾病,例如:肝、肾、脾、 大肠等器官,因为没有神经线,开始病变 时都没有痛楚,一般人都以为自己很健康 而放纵生活,大吃大喝,殊不知道健康会 在一夜之间崩塌,所以生病的肢体,未必 不完美,反而让你加强提高免疫系统的能 力。

宏观而言,健康与疾病同源。健康与 疾病可视为身体状况的表现。健康可定义 为免疫系统和病源之间持续性的平衡。

维持一个健康的身体,可以按两种策 略达成:第一是提升免疫能力,第二,减 少病源(即排毒)。


体毒素,例如病菌、病毒、化学物质、新 陈代谢废物以及一切出现于非时非地的物 质;第二是抽象毒素,例如负面思维,消 沉意志,坏情绪和错误资讯。毒素出现于 身体的每一个部位,身体的排毒机件有: 大肠、肝脏、肾脏、肺、皮肤、眼睛、鼻 子、耳朵和淋巴系统。例如:过量摄取维 他命A,它随血液进入脑部,导致脑细胞死 亡,中毒而死亡。或者,两人因争吵而互 咬对方,其中一方的口水内的细菌进入血 液,也可能会引起死亡。以上两个例子称 之为非时非地的物质。负面能量也称抽象 毒素,终日慌恐,极度悲观,与他人不能 相融,意见相左等。

排毒方法林林总总,但是可以归类于3 大方式。这3大方式必须同步进行,以达到 协同效应。

• 饮食方式

例如:节食(水果排毒)、斋戒、 断食(水排毒、果汁排毒)。

宗旨在于让器官休息,转入“排毒 挡”(Detox mode)。

• 机械方式

例如:灌肠、按摩、刷皮肤、泡温 泉、桑拿。


• 药物方式

例如:草药、活性炭、泡草药澡、 益生菌。

宗旨在于刺激器官以开启排毒机 件;中和毒素以确保排毒顺畅。

排毒成功的要素是以有机健康饮食作 为基础,减少外援性毒素以及储备能量来 排毒。

PAGE 38 花絮心吟

一个生病的个体,丝毫没有 生命力,更缺乏意志力,是很难 作排毒的。例子:一个肝患者, 器官失灵,生命力不好,身体太 弱,系统很紧张,完全推不动, 毒素很难排出来。

要参加排毒者,至少要在 一个月前素食以储备能量;排毒 后,再以高品质和高生物利用率 营养提高排毒绩效。

高生物利用率营养的例子 有:发酵品(碱性),完全有机 豆芽,果汁等。另外适中的运 动,比如气功、瑜伽、呼吸运 动、均能缓和排毒的康复反应。

排毒的好处:减轻体内器官 的负担,预防老化;调理新陈代 谢以管控体重;提升免疫力,预 防疾病;增强体质,更清晰的头 脑,更敏锐的感官,更有耐力, 提高生育能力等。

排毒不是儿戏,它影响你的 整个生活。


布施中法施最胜 法句经

正法的延续,有赖十方的努力。随喜 助印《目前》会讯,能使更多人沐浴在法海 里,共沾法益!

The gift of Dharma excels all gifts — Dhammapada verse 354

Share the words of the Buddha, be part of a pure motivation, give the gift of Dharma. Help us propagrate this quarterly magazine, it would be made possible with your kind contribution.

Eddie Lee


Chong Bee Ken

Lilian Lee & Family

Ong Huay & Family

Sam Phay

Tan Kok Chee & Family 佛弟子

包爱明 卢朝儒合家


吕宇斌 吕敦明合家

吕淑真 周伊臻

巫抒芝 彭丽云合家








林秀琴 林辉明 林 錬 炜合家 林雅佳 柯钫静合家

梁金福 王光 億 王树安合家 王淑卿

王 瑄憶 王骞 憶 罗天桥合家

释法育 钟素蕊合家 陈丽琼 陈妹娇

陈思颖 陈惜莲 陈柏汛 陈汉炎 陈淑慧 陈鹏羽 颜惠玲

魏亚华 魏可维 魏蓓心 黄印生合家 黄 檥萳

黄素玲合家 黄荣鸣合家

故 林龙眼

故 沈丽贞 故 王为科 故 羅 玉兰

故 蓝玉明 故 蔡发金

故 谢月英 故 鍾 集平

故 高侨留

故 黄秀銮 故 彭宗文 故 彭观喜

故 林亚香 故 骆淑玉

PAGE 39 花絮心吟


答复◎ 释法荣 翻译◎ To Kuo Ling


Q:What is an inauguration?

在一般世人的观念中,佛堂或家里无 论大小,在正式供养佛菩萨形像之前,都 要举行一个开光仪式,此传统由来已久。


现代一般开光,已经流于形式化, 带有迷信色彩,把开光的意义完全丧失掉 了。实际上,开光这桩事情非常重要,它 真正的意义就在于说明我们供养佛菩萨形 像的意义所在。佛家的开光仪式,实际上 就是一般人所说的启用仪式。当有新的建 筑物、新的设施启用时,通常都会接待社 会大众,举行启用仪式;目的就是要告诉 大众,新建筑物、新设施的社会功能,以 及对大众将带来的好处等等。佛家供奉佛 像,或寺庙落成所举行的仪式,就称作“ 开光”;譬如观世音菩萨的佛像造好之 后,正式供奉的时候,我们要郑重向大众 说明供养的意义:藉这尊佛像,开发我们 自性的光明,所以不是人替佛菩萨开光, 而是佛菩萨形像为我们开光,意义就在 此。

再举个例子补充说明,譬如供养观世 音菩萨,观世音菩萨代表的是慈悲,把菩 萨大慈大悲救度一切众生的大愿,在开光 仪式中宣说出来,这就做对了。我们供养 佛菩萨,供养观世音菩萨,就要学习佛菩 萨大慈大悲、救苦救难的宏愿。所以见到 观音菩萨的佛像,听到观音菩萨的名号, 就把我们大慈悲心引发出来。我们对于一 切人、一切事、一切物,都要以大慈大悲 的胸怀,真正去爱护、关怀、帮助一切生

命,这是这一尊观世音菩萨名号、这一尊 观世音菩萨形像开发我们自性慈悲、智慧 的光明,这叫做开光。所以是藉佛菩萨名 号,开发我们自心的光明;藉佛菩萨的形 像,启发我们心智的觉悟,就是这个意 思。绝对不能搞错,错了,那就是迷信。

迷,绝对不能解决问题,唯有智才能解决 问题,因为有了光明,黑暗就不见了。我 们的心觉醒了,看清楚问题,处理问题, 烦恼不见了,问题就解决了。这是学佛不 能不知道的。

道场或家里有许多佛友参与开光仪 式,那是一种演示,演示的每个细节,都 内涵深意,都要解说明白,让大家恍然大 悟,这才不至流于迷信。在开光仪式中, 拿一只笔去点佛像的眼睛,笔代表智慧、 文学;拿毛巾擦脸,表示把灰尘擦掉,将 心地里的污垢洗净。拿镜子是照自己,也 可以照别人,表示拉回眼前看清楚自己和 他人,自他不二 1 ,众生、佛平等,都有 很深的意思。这种种形式,有些场合可以 用,有些则可以免了,只要清楚阐明意义 就行了。

开启自己的光明,净化我们的心灵, 看清楚自己和他人,同理大爱大勇敢。

To most people, it is a tradition to hold an inauguration ceremony before worshiping a Buddha or Bodhisattva statue in the temple or at home. What is the meaning of an inauguration ceremony?

In recent times, inauguration has become a mere formality tinged with superstition and its original meaning is lost. In actual fact, an inauguration ceremony is very important

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and its true meaning lies in understanding the significance of worshipping a Buddha or Bodhisattva statue. An inauguration ceremony is similar to the usual opening ceremony for new buildings and new facilities, where the ceremony is attended by members of the public to inform them of the social functions and benefits of the new building or facilities. When we want to start worshipping a Buddha statue or when a ceremony is held for the completion of a temple, it is called an “inauguration ceremony”. For example, when we want to worship a statue of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara after it has been erected, we want to inform the public about the significance of doing so; that is, by worshiping the Bodhisattva represented by the statue, we want to develop our wisdom, hence, we are not inaugurating the statue, but rather, the Bodhisattva is inaugurating us. This is the true meaning.

Here’s another example to further clarify. When we want to worship the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara who represents compassion, we would tell of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara’s great vow of liberating all sentient beings at the inauguration ceremony. If we worship the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, we must emulate the Bodhisattva’s vow of infinite loving-kindness and compassion and alleviate the suffering of those in distress. Therefore, when we see a statue or hear the name of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, we should give rise to lovingkindness and compassion. We should treat all beings, circumstances and things with an open heart of loving-kindness and compassion, having genuine love, care and concern for all living beings and to help them. The name and statue of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is to develop our innate loving-kindness, compassion and wisdom; this is true inauguration. Therefore, we are relying on the Bodhisattva’s name to develop the

clarity of our mind; relying on the Bodhisattva’s image to arouse the awakening of our wisdom. We should know the true meaning, if not, it becomes a superstition. Being superstitious never solve problems, only wisdom does, as darkness only disappears when light is present. When our mind is awakened, we will be able to see clearly all problems and handle them correctly, such that mental afflictions will not manifest and problems are resolved. As Buddhists, we must understand this.

When there are many people participating in an inauguration ceremony, whether in the temple or at home, it is a demonstration, and each detail of the demonstration has a deep meaning which must be explained to everyone to prevent superstition. During the inauguration ceremony, a writing brush is used to dot the statue’s eye, the brush signifies wisdom and literature; a towel is used to clean the face, which signifies wiping off the dust and purifying the defilements that obscure our mind. A mirror is held, which represents reflecting oneself as well as others, which signifies returning to the present moment and looking clearly at oneself and others with non-dualism2, and understanding that sentient beings and buddhas are equal. All these actions and details hold a deep meaning. Some of these practices may or may not be performed at the various inauguration ceremonies; however, what is important is the meaning behind them.

We should awaken the brilliance of our mind, purify our heart, see ourselves and others clearly, and empathize with loving-kindness and courage.

1 不二:乃指超越相对之差别,而入於绝对平等之境地。略作 入不二门。

2 Non-dualism: means to transcend beyond opposing/relative concepts, and achieve a state of absolute equality.

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Healthy Falafel with Hummus

指导◎ 黄其铫

此道菜是从中东佳肴 Falafel 经过改善而成 的。素丸子含有丰富的蛋白质、矿物质和优质脂 肪酸。原方的素丸子不是炸的,就是煎的,所以 特此改为用蒸的方法制作,使得更为健康。

所配上的豆泥一般上是熟食的。这里也特别 介绍生食豆泥。

Falafel is a popular dish in the Middle East and this recipe is an improved healthier version. Falafel is rich in proteins, minerals and essential fatty acids. The traditional Falafel is usually either deep fried or panfried. For this recipe, steaming is used for the sake of wellness.

The complimenting hummus is usually eaten cooked, but a raw method is suggested here as a healthier option.

健康素丸子 [材料]

催芽埃及豆300克,包菜(切细)2汤匙,小 茴香+芫茜粉1小匙,意大利香芹(切细)3汤匙, 辣椒粉少许,黑胡椒粉少许,橄榄油3汤匙, 糖 蜜½汤匙,岩盐少许。

健康素丸子 [做法]

1) 将埃及豆在搅拌机里搅成细泥。

2) 拌入其他材料,然后捏成丸子。

3) 蒸七分钟。


豆泥 [材料] 催芽埃及豆2杯,水 ¼ 杯,柠檬汁1粒,芝麻 酱1汤匙,橄榄油1汤匙,岩盐少许。

豆泥 [做法]

1) 将所有材料置入搅拌机,搅拌至细糊状。

2) 即可配素丸子上桌。

Healthy Falafel [Ingredients]

Soaked chickpeas 300g, Cabbage (diced) 2 tbsp, Mixed cumin and corriander powder 1 tsp, Parsley (finely chopped) 3 tbsp, Chili powder a pinch, Black pepper a pinch, Olive oil 3 tbsp, Molasses ½ tbsp, Rock salt to taste.

Healthy Falafel [Method]

1) Blend the chickpeas in a blender until smooth and transfer to a mixing bowl.

2) Mix all the other ingredients into the chickenpea batter and shape into small balls.

3) Steam for 7 minutes.

4) Serve warm with the hummus.

Hummus [Ingredients]

Soaked chickpeas 2 cups, Water ¼ cup, Lemon juice 1 pc, Tahini 1 tbsp, Olive oil 1 tbsp, Rock salt to taste.

Hummus [Method]

1) Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.

2) Serve with falafel.

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授课法师: 法宣法师


华语基础学佛课程单元 1 】


• 认识正信的佛教,佛教的人生观。

• 佛教创始人 - 佛陀的生平,佛教简史及佛陀证悟的内容。

• 简介南、北、藏传佛法及各个宗派的教育重点(包括寺院参访)。

• 澄清对佛教常见的误会:什么是佛教?佛教是迷信的吗?

• 简介海印及海印的修行系统及如何策划每日学佛的功课。

• 佛教仪轨及佛教文化的常识,包括大乘佛教的梵呗及法器简介。


课 程: 第20-2届,20课

日 期: 2013年8月27日(每逢星期二) 时 间: 7.30-9.30pm 教材费(获得赞助后): 会员$10,非会员$30 付费之后方保留学额。

我们庆幸有善心人士认同海印的佛法教育理念,发心捐助款项赞助 2013年的教育经费。这课程获得赞助课程讲义、修持本和$20教材费。

Introduction to Meditation - English Relax Way of Learning Meditation

Course Outline:

• What is meditation? The purpose, benefits and the ultimate goal in practicing meditation

• How to do breathing meditation?

• How to do walking meditation?

• Workshop

• Cultivate awareness of mind through meditation

Administrative Information:

Duration : 10 lessons

Date : 01 November 2013 (Every Friday) Time : 7.30 – 9.00pm

Fee (after sponsored) : Member $5, Non-member $15 (Enrolment is confirmed upon fee payment.)

In recognition of Sagaramudra Buddhist Society’s educational teaching of Buddhism, we are blessed to receive sponsorship for our Dharma Course for the year 2013. The sponsorship for this course is $10 course fee.


• 什么是静坐?学习静坐的目的、益处与终极目标。

• 数息的方法。

• 经行的方法。

• 禅修静坐坊。

• 通过静坐看清楚自己的身心。


课 程: 10课

日 期: 2013年10月31日(每逢星期四) 时 间: 7.30-9.00pm 教材费(获得赞助后): 会员$5,非会员$15 付费之后方保留学额。

我们庆幸有善心人士认同海印的佛法教育理念,发心捐助款项赞助 2013年的教育经费。这课程获得赞助课程讲义、修持本和$20教材费。

办公时间 Office Hours: 星期二至星期六:中午12 时至晚上8 时 星期日:上午9 时至下午5 时 Tuesday to Saturday : 12noon – 8pm Sunday : 9am – 5pm

PAGE 43 花絮心吟
Lecturer : Ven. Fa Qing
【 华语静坐入门 】 授课法师: 法谦法师
5 Lorong 29
Singapore 388060 Tel: 6746 7582

星期一休息 Closed on Monday

第20-2届基础学佛课程 (华语)单元1

20th-2 Intake Fundamental Dharma Course (Ch) - Module 1

法宣法师 Ven. Fa Xuan 27/08/13 — 14/01/14

第3-2期学佛成长课程 (华语)单元2

3rd-2 Intake Dharma Progressive Course (Ch) - Module 2

法梁法师 Ven. Fa Liang 27/08/13 — 14/01/14

第2期学佛成长课程 (华语)单元8

2nd Intake Dharma Progressive Course (Ch) - Module 8

法谦法师 Ven. Fa Qian 27/08/13 — 14/01/14

第8届基础学佛课程 (英语)单元2

8th Intake Fundamental Dharma Course (Eng) - Module 2

法尊法师 Ven. Fa Zun 27/08/13 — 14/01/14

第20-1届基础学佛课程 (华语)单元2

20th-1 Intake Fundamental Dharma Course (Ch) - Module 2

法源法师 Ven. Fa Yuan

28/08/13 — 8/01/14

第1期学佛进阶课程 (华语)单元2

1st Intake Dharma Discussion

Course (Ch) - Module 2

法梁法师 Ven. Fa Liang

28/08/13 — 8/01/14

太极拳班 Taiji Class

林世昌老师 Mr Lin Shi Chang

丘宇老师 Mr Chiou Yee

Thu 四 7.30pm - 9.30pm

第19-1届基础学佛课程 (华语)单元4

19th-1 Intake Fundamental Dharma Course (Ch) - Module 4

持果法师 Ven. Chi Guo 29/08/13 — 9/01/14


Introduction to Meditation (Ch) 法谦法师 Ven. Fa Qian

7.30pm – 9.00pm

31/10/13 - 2/01/14

第18-2届基础学佛课程 (华语)单元5

18th-2 Intake Fundamental Dharma Course (Ch) - Module 5

法源法师 Ven. Fa Yuan 30/08/13 — 10/01/14

第3-1期学佛成长课程 (华语)单元2

3rd-1 Intake Dharma Progressive Course (Ch) - Module 2

法梁法师 Ven. Fa Liang 30/08/13 — 10/01/14


Introduction to Meditation (Eng) 法庆法师 Ven. Fa Qing

7.30pm – 9.00pm 1/11/13 - 3/01/14

PAGE 44 花絮心吟
8/9/10 月每周活动
2013 Tue 二 7.30pm - 9.30pm Wed 三 7.30pm - 9.30pm Fri 五 7.30pm - 9.30pm

Sat 六 Sun 日

佛理开示 Dharma Talk 7.30pm - 9.00pm

法源法师 Ven. Fa Yuan 略谈“止”和“观” 21/09/13

法音法师 Ven. Fa Yin 以身安住正念 12/10/13

法华法师 Ven. Fa Hua 随缘开示 19/10/13


Taking Eight Precepts Retreat (Ch) 法师 Venerable

Sat 21/09/13 8.00am — Sun 22/09/13 8.00am

第19-2届基础学佛课程 (华语)单元3

19th-2 Intake Fundamental Dharma Course (Ch) - Module 3 法音法师 Ven. Fa Yin

7pm - 9pm 1/09/13 — 12/01/14

第7届基础学佛课程(英语) 单元4

7th Intake Fundamental Dharma Course (Eng) - Module 4 法尊法师 Ven. Fa Zun

7pm - 9pm 1/09/13 — 12/01/14


12th Batch Teenage Dharma Class 第18期儿童学佛班

18th Batch Children Dharma Class 法宣法师 Ven. Fa Xuan

10am - 12noon

慈悲三昧水忏 San Mei Shui Chan (Samadhi Water Repentance) 法师 Venerable

9.30am - 4.15pm 01/09/13, 06/10/13


Prostration to 88 Buddhas 法师 Venerable

2.00pm - 4.00pm

8, 15, 22, 29/09/13

13, 20, 27/10/13

一日修 One Day Retreat

法师 Venerable

8.00am - 5.00pm 13/10/13


Pu Men Pin & Offerings to the Buddhas

法源法师 Ven. Fa Yuan

10.00am - 12noon 22/09/13, 27/10/13


Birthday Blessings & Offerings to the Buddhas 法荣法师 Ven. Fa Rong

10.00am - 12noon 15/09/13, 20/10/13


Community & Welfare Service

福利部 General Welfare

9.30am - 12noon 08/09/13, 13/10/13


Mac Ritchie Walk 每月的最后一个星期日 地 点:麦里芝蓄水池 集合地点:蓄水池前车站 7.30am 29/09/13, 27/10/13

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