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Monotype I.N.S.P. Flack Street Paper Redesign

Alongside the typeface shown previously, the layout and cover were redesigned with an emphasis on more educational subject matter with an appeal spanning multiple demographics. A greater emphasis was also placed on the street sellers themselves.

Included in the magazine proposals were sections which provided access to digital copies through an online redemption code. Scratch cards with the code were also proposed as a sellable alternative to printed material.

Competition Brief


why pay for the gym?

stairs are free










D.E.C.C. Campaign Targeted Posters

Alongside the app proposed earlier, posters would be installed in locations where energy can be easily saved. Use of simple tag lines with consistent colour and logo placement would ensure that the campaign is immediately recognisable.

The placement of material within an elevator and at a bus stop allows direct relation to the subject matter depicted. Such locations and others also provide the benefit of being areas with little other stimuli where audiences will wait for an unspecified amount of time.

Competition Brief


D.E.C.C. Campaign App Concept

Set by the Department of Energy & Climate Change, this brief asked for a varied campaign which engaged young people to reduce carbon emissions and change the way we use energy. A further requirement of the campaign was digital compatibility.

Building on the concept of energy conservation as a money saving technique, an app was proposed which allows users to view and cross off potential energy saving techniques.

Competition Brief


D.E.C.C. Campaign Stairway Type

A further aim of the D.E.C.C. brief was to encourage businesses to adopt more of the energy-saving techniques advised on their website. To attempt to include renewable resources in the campaign, stairway messages were designed to fit most office stairwells.

Being marginally shorter than the average height of office steps, these messages would be distributed in high-traffic stairwells of environmentally aware businesses, not only providing tips to employees but also showing green credentials to potential clients.

Competition Brief


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