Windsor Olympus Academy Family Handbook 2023/2024

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Windsor OlympusAcademy

Part of WindsorAcademyTrust

Family Handbook

Family Handbook


Welcome message from the Headteacher, Sally-Jo Wilkinson

Introduction to Windsor OlympusAcademy

● Our Philosophy

● Being a Part of the WindsorAcademyTrust Family

The School Day

Academic Information

● Curriculum Framework

● DigitalApproach

School Policies

Student Support

● Connect

● SEND Provision

Community and Parent Engagement

● Home-School Communication

● Parent Involvement Opportunities

● School Events


Term Dates and Holidays

Contact Information

● School Contact Details

● Staff Directory


Dear Families,

Hello and welcome! I'm Sally-Jo Wilkinson, your Headteacher Designate at Windsor Olympus Academy, a proud new member of the renowned WindsorAcademyTrust. Our school is nestled in the heart of the Winson Green community, and it's a pleasure to greet you.

Windsor OlympusAcademy stands for growth, nurturing not just academic excellence, but also the emotional and physical well-being of our students. We focus on individual progress, celebrating each small triumph along the way.

In anticipation of our first term with the inauguralYear 7 cohort, we have assembled a dedicated team of educators.Together, we're excited to inspire our students and equip them with the necessary skills for future success.

Our students will have access to state-of-the-art facilities in a welcoming, inclusive, and respectful environment.At the heart of it all, we are a community, learning and growing together, supporting each other through every step of this journey.The response from you, our families, has been incredibly encouraging. We look forward to building strong relationships that will fortify our community and allow our students to thrive.

Our philosophy at Windsor OlympusAcademy is simple: Children First. Our moral purpose is "Thriving, Together". We firmly believe in the potential of each child and in our collective strength as a community.

This handbook provides an introduction to ourAcademy, offering a glimpse into what it means to be part of the WindsorAcademyTrust Family. Inside, you'll find important information on term dates, the school day schedule, uniform expectations, and much more.

Thank you for considering us for your child's education. We eagerly await September 2024, when we can warmly welcome you to the Windsor OlympusAcademy family.

Best regards,

Family Handbook

Our Philosophy

At Windsor OlympusAcademy (WOA), our fundamental mission is to foster an environment where students and the community thrive together. We believe that the true essence of thriving encompasses two primary aspects: individual prosperity and collective success.This applies to both academic achievements and personal growth.


WOAaims to create a nurturing atmosphere that stimulates a love for learning and ignites a passion for academic exploration. We achieve this through a robust, knowledge-rich curriculum that offers a wide array of opportunities for students to discover their interests and potentials.The resources and facilities we provide are carefully curated to offer the best academic and sporting environments, serving as a safe haven for our students to express their individuality.

Thriving Personally

Personal growth is a cornerstone of our philosophy at WOA. We are committed to inspiring our students to aspire beyond their comfort zones, build self-belief, and foster the courage to dream. By forming community partnerships and fostering mentorship, we create life-changing experiences that unlock students' personal potentials, thus enabling them to thrive personally.

Thriving Community

Our students are not just individual learners; they are vital members of a thriving community. By promoting understanding of wellbeing, health, and environmental consciousness, we equip them to navigate and contribute to an ever-changing world. Our curriculum extends beyond the traditional, incorporating sport, environmental studies, and civic engagement to prepare our students for the demands and opportunities of the wider world.

Our Values

Our guiding principles of Responsibility, Courage, Equality, and Excellence

As we welcome our first intake ofYear 7 students, we invite you to join us on this journey.Together, we will thrive, prosper, and make a difference to our world. Welcome to Windsor OlympusAcademy, where we cultivate scholars, champions, and active citizens of tomorrow.

Family Handbook 2023/2024

Being Part of the Windsor Academy Trust Family

Our Trust Dividend - the value derived from our shared moral purpose and the collective responsibility we uphold, amplifies our capabilities to create an exceptional educational environment for our students. Being a part of the WAT family doesn't just mean belonging to a school; it means joining a purpose-driven community dedicated to nurturing both academic and personal growth.

Our shared 'why' is firmly rooted in the belief that every student can succeed academically and personally, regardless of their background, and that schools play a vital role in unveiling this potential. The WAT family stands as a testament to this belief, demonstrating how we strive to balance both aspects of student development, thus reinforcing the value of inclusivity and community.

As a significant civic actor and a contributor to the education system, the WAT family goes beyond seeing schools as individual units. We recognise the transformational power of education and advocate that it can be better unleashed through schools in families, as opposed to stand-alone schools.

By choosing a WAT family school, you are joining us on a journey towards unlocking potential, fostering dreams, and creating a brighter future. We look forward to welcoming you into our thriving community.

Family Handbook 2023/2024

The School Day

Mondays / Wednesdays / Fridays 8.00am-8.15am: Breakfast 8.15-8.45am: Morning meeting 8.45am-9.35am: Period 1 9.35am-10.25am: Period 2 10.25am-10.45am: Break 10.45am-11.35am: Period 3 11.35am-12.25pm: Period 4 12.25pm-1.15pm: Period 5 1.15pm-1.45pm: Lunch 1.45pm-2.10pm: DEAL/R 2.10pm-3.00pm: Period 6 3.00pm-3.10pm:Afternoon meeting
Family Handbook 2023/2024
Tuesdays / Thursdays 8.00am-8.15am: Breakfast 8.15am-8.45am: Morning meeting 8.45am-9.35am: Period 1 9.35am-10.25am: Period 2 10.25am-11.15am: Period 3 11.15am-11.35am: Break 11.35am-12.25pm: Period 4 12.25pm-1.15pm: Period 5 1.15pm-1.45pm: Lunch 1.45pm-2.35pm: Period 6 2.35pm-3.25pm: Period 7 3.25pm-3.35pm:Afternoon meeting

Curriculum Framework

Our curriculum enables all students to unlock their academic and personal potential. The curriculum is structured to interleave and build on knowledge and skills from previous key stages and is powered by digital technology to ensure students lead their own learning.

Our curriculum framework covers:

● Year 7 - Year 9 Threshold Curriculum: Builds on the primary curriculum and lays the foundation for academic success in examinations.

● Mastery/Deep Learning: Focuses on mastering key areas (Threshold Concepts) through repeated sequencing, leading to deep learning and development of expertise.

● Long-term Memory: Through sequencing, storytelling, and meaningful schemata, material is committed to long-term memory.

● High Challenge For All: Ensures students engage in deep thought and healthy struggle, fostering a high-challenge, low-risk culture.

● Tier 2 and Tier 3 Vocabulary: Exposes students to rich vocabulary for deep subject knowledge and social mobility.

● ASPIRE Character Framework: Identifies six character virtues taught explicitly through the curriculum.

● Learning Skills: Equips students with metacognitive skills for full curriculum engagement.

● Key Stage 4: Undertakes accredited courses for success in national qualifications and life beyond school.

● 360 Cycle: Allows students to revisit learning and correct misunderstandings.

● Our curriculum is a roadmap to success for all our students, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and character virtues necessary for thriving in life beyond school.

Family Handbook 2023/2024

Digital Approach

At Windsor Olympus Academy, we're committed to harnessing the power of technology to cultivate a modern, engaging, and diverse educational environment. Our Digital Approach is based on the 1:1 Device Scheme, which ensures students have the requisite technological resources for a dynamic, future-facing learning experience.

Scheme Benefits

Bespoke Learning: The scheme facilitates personalised learning, enabling teachers to develop lessons to cater to individual students' unique needs and learning styles.

Critical Thinking & Creativity: Access to personal devices opens up a vast array of digital resources, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

Digital Literacy: Students gain proficiency in digital literacy, learning how to effectively and responsibly use technology, including understanding online safety and digital etiquette.

Collaboration & Communication: The 1:1 device approach enhances collaboration and communication between students and teachers, with digital platforms enabling group projects, idea-sharing, and peer reviews.

Parental Involvement: The scheme supports increased parental engagement in their child's education, enabling progress tracking, assignment oversight, and improved teacher communication.

Device Responsibility

With the benefits of the 1:1 Device Scheme comes responsibility. Students are expected to care for their devices, use them responsibly for educational purposes, adhere to the academy's Acceptable Use Policy, and uphold the principles of digital citizenship.

We eagerly anticipate the continued enhancement of learning experiences at Windsor Olympus Academy through the 1:1 Device Scheme, priming our students for the digital future that awaits them.


School Policies

At Windsor Olympus Academy (WOA), we have a robust set of policies in place to ensure the wellbeing, safety, and academic success of our students. These policies guide the standards and expectations of behaviour within our school community, ensuring that we create an environment that's conducive to learning and growth.

Below are some of the policies that will be made available on the school's website in the coming weeks:

● Admission Policy

● Anti-Bullying Policy

● Assessment Policy

● Attendance Policy

● Behaviour Policy

● Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

● Homework Policy

● Internet Safety Policy

● Mobile Phone Policy

● Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education Policy

● School Uniform Policy

● Special Educational Needs (SEN) Policy

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and we may add other relevant policies as necessary. Each policy will provide a comprehensive understanding of our school’s guidelines and what is expected from our students, staff, and parents.

We encourage parents to familiarize themselves with these policies, as they form part of our commitment to ensuring a safe and conducive learning environment for all our students.

We understand that you may have questions or need clarification on specific aspects of our policies. Please feel free to contact our school administration directly via email or phone, or set up an appointment to speak with a relevant staff member. Our team is always available and happy to assist you with any queries you may have.

We believe that transparency and open communication are key to building a successful school community. Together, we can ensure that our policies reflect our shared commitment to create an environment where every student can thrive.

Family Handbook

At Windsor Olympus Academy, our 'Connect' initiative functions as the essential cornerstone of our pastoral care and safeguarding system. This pivotal resource establishes an accessible avenue for students to foster meaningful relationships with mentors, sparking open channels of guidance and support.

Our identity as a relationship-based academy prompts us to prioritise the cultivation of a secure and nurturing environment. Here, students are encouraged to freely express their thoughts, emotions and concerns, without fear of judgement or reprisal. This promotes the development of a strong sense of self and enhances their resilience and personal growth.

Our 'Connect' team, comprising committed and caring professionals, works synergistically with students and their families. We place a strong emphasis on mental health and well-being, acknowledging its fundamental role in overall student development. We believe that students perform best academically when they are also emotionally and mentally sound, and we strive to foster this holistic growth.

In addition to the ongoing support provided, we offer family advocacy services to provide specialised assistance to families when they need it most. This includes comprehensive support encompassing academic, emotional, and social aspects, ensuring that no student or family feels left behind or unsupported.

Further, we provide guidance towards external agencies when necessary. We understand that sometimes families need support beyond what the school can offer, and in these instances, we work in close partnership with our New Begin Community Hub. This collaborative approach enables us to connect families with a wider range of services, ensuring they have access to the right support at the right time.

Together, all these elements weave together to form a strong and supportive network around our school community. Our 'Connect' initiative underscores our dedication to fostering a thriving community, rooted in shared understanding, mutual support, and collective growth. At Windsor Olympus Academy, we believe that we are not just educating individuals, but nurturing a community that will thrive together.

Family Handbook

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Windsor Olympus Academy upholds a set of key principles that shape our approach to inclusivity and the provision for pupils with SEND:

Collective Responsibility: Supporting students with SEND is an overarching responsibility shared by all members of the Windsor Olympus Academy, assuring necessary support is at hand.

Inclusive Environment: Our commitment is to create an inclusive atmosphere where pupils with SEND can actively participate in all facets of school life, fostering a sense of belonging.

Collaborative Approach: We acknowledge the significant role of collaborations between home and school in achieving successful outcomes for pupils with SEND. We encourage open communication and collaboration with parents and caregivers.

Student-Centric Decision Making: Students' views, needs, and interests play an integral role in our decision-making process. This student-centric approach guarantees that individual needs are met effectively.

Early Identification and Optimal Support: We are devoted to early identification of pupils' needs, providing superior support. We collaborate with parents, caregivers, and external agencies when needed to ensure the highest quality support for pupils with SEND.

These guiding principles construct the basis of our methodology at Windsor Olympus Academy, nurturing an encouraging and inclusive educational environment that caters to the unique needs of all our students.

Handbook 2023/2024

Community and Parent Engagement

Home School Communication

At Windsor Olympus Academy, we firmly believe that open and ongoing communication with our families is crucial to ensuring the success of our students. Recognising the diversity of our community, we endeavour to use plain English and avail the services of translators and interpreters when necessary. This commitment to clear communication allows us to keep parents and carers well-informed about their child's progress, upcoming events, and the general happenings of the school. We are keen to foster a welcoming and approachable environment, wherein our staff are readily accessible for any queries or discussions pertaining to the academic or personal development of our students.

Parent Involvement Opportunities

We warmly encourage parental involvement at Windsor Olympus Academy, recognising the immense value that active parent participation can bring to our community. Parents are welcome to engage in a variety of ESOL, Reading and Maths classes, as well as attend various workshops hosted by the school. We believe that such involvement not only enhances the support system for our students, but also allows parents to connect with other members of our community, thereby enriching the overall Windsor Olympus Academy experience.

School Events

Windsor Olympus Academy holds a variety of school events throughout the year, designed to celebrate our rich and diverse community and foster a strong sense of school spirit. These include cultural festivals, sports events, academic exhibitions, parent-teacher meetings, and workshops, amongst others. We strongly encourage parents and families to attend these events to not only support their child but also to engage with the wider community. We celebrate our students' achievements in these events, cherishing the opportunity to applaud and appreciate the unique skills and talents they bring to our school. The dates and details of these events will be communicated well in advance through various channels to ensure maximum participation.

Family Handbook 2023/2024


At Windsor Olympus Academy, we firmly believe that providing an enriching environment and state-of-the-art facilities is a cornerstone in enabling our students to realise their potential. Our school has been meticulously designed to offer an optimal setting for academic success, creative exploration, and personal growth. Our students are encouraged to embrace their creativity in our dance and music studios, explore the wonders of science in our labs, and partake in a wide array of physical activities using our extensive sports and fitness facilities. We also provide ample dining, social and outdoor spaces for students to unwind and connect with their peers.

Here is a snapshot of the wonderful facilities your child can look forward to:

Sport and PE

Our academy prides itself on elite facilities for sports and PE that enable our students to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle. These include a full-sized artificial 3G pitch, a Multi-Use Games Area, an indoor sports hall, and a fully-equipped fitness studio.

Performing and Creative Arts

Our performing and creative arts spaces are designed to inspire creativity and enhance artistic expression. These include a spacious dance studio, a theatre, various performance spaces, and dedicated music rooms.

Art and Design

Windsor Olympus Academy offers state-of-the-art workshops and studios for aspiring artists and designers. These include a 3D art room, graphics room, kiln room, and a design technology workshop - all carefully designed to foster creativity and innovation.

Family Handbook 2023/2024

Learning Resource Centre (LRC)

The LRC is a bustling hub for supporting student learning, filled with resources that aid in academic research, coursework, and overall learning.

Dining and Social Space

Our impressive dining hall serves as a vibrant space at the heart of the school, where students can enjoy a diverse range of meals. Additionally, we offer a multitude of outdoor social spaces where students can unwind, relax, and socialize with friends.

Eco Hub

We believe in connecting our students with nature and instilling the values of sustainability and positive change. Our beautiful eco garden provides a serene setting for students to interact with the environment and learn the importance of conservation.

All these facilities have been thoughtfully integrated into our school to offer a well-rounded educational experience that is conducive to the intellectual, physical, and emotional development of our students. We are excited for your child to make the most of these facilities and look forward to nurturing their talents and aspirations.

Family Handbook 2023/2024

Family Handbook 2023/2024

Term Dates

Windsor Olympus Academy: Term and Holiday Dates for 2023/2024

We recommend that students and parents take note of the following term dates and holidays for the 2023/2024 academic year. Please ensure to verify these dates, particularly before scheduling any holidays.

Autumn Term 2023

Term Starts: Monday, 4 September 2023

Half-Term Holiday: Monday, 30 October 2023 - Friday, 3 November 2023

Term Ends: Friday, 22 December 2023

Christmas Holiday: Monday, 25 December 2023 - Friday, 5 January 2024

Spring Term 2024

Term Starts: Monday, 8 January 2024

Half-Term Holiday: Monday, 12 February 2024 - Friday, 16 February 2024

Term Ends: Friday, 22 March 2024

Easter Holiday: Monday, 25 March 2024 - Friday, 5 April 2024

Summer Term 2024

Term Starts: Monday, 8 April 2024 (Please note, Bank Holiday falls on Monday, 6 May 2024)

Half-Term Holiday: Monday, 27 May 2024 - Friday, 31 May 2024

Term Ends: Monday, 22 July 2024

Summer Holiday Starts: Tuesday, 23 July 2024

In addition to the standard term dates, we will also be observing the following Bank Holidays:

Good Friday: Friday, 29 March 2024

Easter Monday: Monday, 1 April 2024

Early May Bank Holiday: Monday, 6 May 2024

Spring Bank Holiday: Monday, 27 May 2024

We urge our Windsor Olympus Academy community to plan around these dates to ensure a seamless academic year.

Family Handbook 2023/2024

The School Team

Senior Leadership Team

Sally-Jo Wilkinson Headteacher

Craig Mortelmans Assistant Headteacher

Lauren Martin PAto Headteacher

Tracy Cockayne SENDCO/DSL

Louise Jones Community Pastoral Lead

Curriculum Team

Sally-Jo Wilkinson Headteacher

Craig Mortelmans Assistant Headteacher

Lauren Martin PAto Headteacher

Tracy Cockayne SENDCO/DSL

Louise Jones Community Pastoral Lead

Family Handbook 2023/2024

The School Team

Connect Team

Sally-Jo Wilkinson Headteacher

Craig Mortelmans Assistant Headteacher

Lauren Martin PAto Headteacher

Tracy Cockayne SENDCO/DSL

Louise Jones Community Pastoral Lead

Professional Services

Sally-Jo Wilkinson Headteacher

Craig Mortelmans Assistant Headteacher

Lauren Martin PAto Headteacher

Tracy Cockayne SENDCO/DSL

Louise Jones Community Pastoral Lead

Family Handbook


School Contact Details

At Windsor Olympus Academy, we maintain open lines of communication and encourage an ongoing dialogue with our student families. This ensures a cohesive approach to learning and contributes to the overall success of our students.

Please find below our official contact details for your convenience:

School Address: Windsor Olympus Academy Perrott St, Smethwick, Birmingham, B18 4LX

Telephone Number: (To be provided)

Email Address: (To be provided)

School Website:

School Social Media





Should you require contact details for specific staff members, please refer to the relevant pages within this handbook.

As a reminder, all communication should adhere to the terms of our Home/School Agreement, which promotes respect, understanding, and effective collaboration between all parties. We look forward to a continued partnership in supporting your child's educational journey at Windsor Olympus Academy.

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