Whole Living Journal NovDec14

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FREE Nov/Dec 2014

Great Gift Ideas Five

NEW: The Agreements Game & Chakra Shirts

Be Your Own


The Art of

Alchemy Your Wizard Within New Class Starting in January 2015


Unleashing the Heart Energy



Peace Corps


Become a Local Champion

Nov. 11th & Dec. 9th

November-December 2014

Living W h o l e Journal





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November-December 2014

Living W h o l e Journal


November December 2014

Living Living Happy Living Healthy

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7 8 10 12 14 15 18 19

Personal LeaderShip

BY Carolym Hamilton-Kuby

Become a Champion in Your Community SoulCollage® Therapy for the Soul Be Your Own Guru

Founding Publisher & Editor (2003-2008) Kathryn Martin Ossege BY Robert Buechner

BY Heidi Bright, M.Div

BY E. wayne Adkins

We are Here to Thrive Life Fully Expressed

BY Don Miguel Ruiz

Advertising & Promotions Jennifer Reynolds

BY Jim Phillips

Fight, Flight, Freeze or Flow

Columns 6 EnlightenMeant Cartoon 16 Nutrition and Recipes 20 Herbs ‘n Such 23 Intuitive Insights

Design & Layout Jon Robinson

BY Jackie Millay, M.Ed

Events Calendar Darlene Robinson by C. Pic Michel.

by pama mitchell & mary ann barnes, MD

by mimi tagher, L.ac. by francine haydon & patricia garry

Our Community 24 Community Spotlight 26 Resource Directory 29 Event Calendar

Editor Tara L. Robinson Editorial Consultant & Contributor Heidi Bright

BY Jennifer Schuitemaker

The Five Agreements Game

Publisher Life Dynamics, llc

Departments 6 Infusion Cincinnati 6 Reader Feedback 22 Book Review

Distribution Teri Dettone Kendra Koch Dana Boll Mimi Tagher Francine Haydon Contact Us 10663 Loveland-Madeira Rd, Ste 162 Loveland, Ohio 45140 513.752.9288 info@wholelivingjournal.com Advertising Rates and Submission Guidlines Available Online at www.wholelivingjournal.com Find us on:


Next Deadline: Dec 1 for Jan/Feb issue Email ads to: ads@wholelivingjournal.com Email events to: events@wholelivingjournal.com



Whole Living Journal is printed on recycled newsprint with soybased ink.

© 2014 Life Dynamics, LLC. All rights reserved. The information in WLJ is not intended as medical advice and should not replace the advice of your physician. WLJ is not responsible for misinformation, typographical errors, omissions, or inaccuracies contained herein. The views expressed by our writers may not be shared by WLJ.


Living W h o l e Journal


Letter from the Editor

Tara L. Robinson, editor@wholelivingjournal.com

Magick with a ‟K” ho says Magic isn᾿t Real? Yes, of course there is stage magic which is performed by creating illusion. This kind of magic is used for entertainment...and then there is real magick. According to UrbanDictionary.com, ‟Magick is defined as an effort to make a change in one᾿s life by using one᾿s own personal energy and the energy of surrounding elements. The ᾿K᾿ was brought back into use in the 1900᾿s to differentiate it from ᾿magic,᾿ the slight of hand tricks that had become popular in that time.” In other words, the ‟k” was added to distinguish between illusion and power. When spelled with a ‟k,” the word suggests the application of one᾿s power and ability to change one᾿s life, for real. We are all magickal beings. We possess an astounding ability to co-create our worlds with our thoughts, attitudes and actions. Now whether we make use of that ability or not is a different matter entirely. As an avid seeker of all things related to personal growth, one of my favorite books is The Way of the Wizard: Twenty Spiritual Lessons for Creating the Life You Want by Deepak Chopra, M.D. In this epic manual for life, Chopra uses the iconic characters of Merlin and Arthur to illustrate his lessons. Arthur is the curious student who is forever wide-eyed and asking questions of the wise wizard Merlin who often answers in encrypted code and leaves Arthur to figure out the truth for himself. Throughout the book, Arthur continually discovers that things are not what they first may seem and that he has a great deal of power to change the way he experiences life. That his ‟reality” is greatly affected by the way he chooses to show up, the beliefs he carries, and the mysteries he understands. Some of the lessons Arthur learns are: how to embrace the wisdom of uncertainty, the value of living backward in time, the mystery that a tree is not a tree, what the quest for the Holy Grail really means, and much more. Merlin uses the terms ‟mortals” and ‟wizards” to indicate the difference between those to whom the lessons are a mystery and those who understand the deeper meaning of the lessons. Mere mortals believe they are victims of circumstance. Solely identifying with their physical bodies and this 3-D world, ordinary mortals often struggle and experience life as a force of resistance. Then there are the wizards. Wizards understand key principles for creating lives they love and are skilled at commanding all energies in their space to manifest desired results. Wizards know how to live backward in time and how to harness the wisdom of uncertainty. In addition to mastering these ancient mysteries, wizards also have unlocked the secret of the Holy Grail and have discovered the key to eternal life


by seamlessly traveling back-andforth through the veil between the worlds. Wizards understand the importance of living in the flow and the power of the present. Wizards understand their value and worth and create from that knowing. They expect life to rise up to meet them, and life responds effortlessly, magickally, as such. We all have a personal responsibility to learn about our innate magickal abilities. This is the foundation for a healthy, happy life. We are much more than mere victims of circumstance, and the moment we wake from our slumber and realize we have the ability to change our lives for the good, is the moment we can begin doing just that. In wizard language, the art of personal transformation is called alchemy. Inspired by Chopra᾿s book, and the creative way he illustrates the lessons for creating a life you want, my friend Christine Miller and I created a women᾿s workshop that we affectionately refer to as ‟Wizard School.” Many women who began as wizards-in-training have graduated as Master Wizards and are now living lives they love. Wizard school is held in the Crystal Cave. The sacred circle structure and experiential activities are designed to ignite alchemy in the participant᾿s lives. After graduating two classes of Master Wizards, we turned our focus to the younger generation. Last spring, the first class of Young Wizards graduated from the program and we are now looking forward to beginning another Master Wizard class in January. The class is called The Art of Alchemy - Discover Your Wizard Within and will be held in the Crystal Cave at WholeCare in Blue Ash on Wednesdays from 10am-4pm. This program is unique and has become quite sought after. If this calls to your inner-wizard and you just ‟know” this experience is for you, then heed your intuition and save your seat before all the spaces are full. You can become a Master Wizard and begin creating and living a life you love, one full of magick. Contact info@wholelivingjournal.com for more information and to register. Two other quick random things to add: first, the marketing power of WLJ recently has increased dramatically. Our new website is receiving a ton of traffic and we are averaging 15 new subscribers a day to our newsletter. After just one social media mention to our followers for a new business website, that website received over 1,000 hits in only 5 days! We would love to help grow awareness of your business and help you get new clients, please contact ads@wholelivingjournal.com for details about how you can begin building a valuable relationship with us. The second thing is that Conscious-Con is shaping up to be a monumental event in Cincinnati this May. Please take a moment to read about the vision on page 24. Love and Magick,

November-December 2014

Living W h o l e Journal


Shana Seifert Studios


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Reader Feedback

NEXT MEETINGS: NOV 11 & DEC 9 Infusion Cincinnati, where Whole Living Journal comes to life every month, is one gigantic mastermind group! Through community discussion (town hall style) we connect through music and sharing ideas. Infusion is like nothing else. Infusion is designed to ignite, inspire, empower and infuse every person exactly where they are. In October, Christopher Bueker led the discussion and created beautiful space for connection, creative thinking and heart expansion. The group explored the truth that we all have something to contribute. Members shared how they contribute to others᾿ happiness, safety, health, growth, empowerment, and even how they care for the environment. The lovely Jennifer Fitzwater charmed the audience by singing and playing the guitar. If you haven᾿t made it to an Infusion meeting yet, come check it out. Infusion is only as strong as the people who attend. We want YOU to add to Infusion᾿s strength and diversity. Former police officer and minister Robert Michael Joseph will facilitate the conversation and share the compelling story of his personal journey at the November meeting. Every Infusion meeting is donation basis and includes music, talk and community discussion about living with passion and purpose. 2nd Tuesdays 6:30-8pm at Rohs Street Cafe, 245 W. McMillan St, 45219. Leave extra time for parking, and plan to stay after for coffee and conversation. Be a part of the movement and let YOUR light shine! Join the conversation on Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati

“Thanks, WLJ! Love the new issue. My husband and I are going to visit Blue Rock Medicine Show at Findlay Market on Friday to get some Shungite to help with electrical poisoning. I suffer from this. The health effects of Smart Meters, computers and other ‟smart” technology is very real and can be quite severe and debilitating. Thank you for including this article! (Shungite: A Powerful New Russian Stone, SeptOct ᾿14)” Stacey Leigh Mohr Rising Sun, IN

“Our first order of the day today was a large order of Shungite due to the article and ad in WLJ (SeptOct ᾿14). Thank you for running both.” DAK Cincinnati, OH


Living W h o l e Journal


Personal LeaderShip by Carolyn Hamilton-Kuby


ho do you envision when you hear the word ‘leadership’? My hope is that you’re thinking of yourself. ‘Leadership’ is mainly used in relation to professional leaders holding positions at, or near, the top of hierarchies. However, we all have a leadership role in our lives -- we’re responsible for personal leadership in managing our actions and reactions. In my view, ‘Leader’ identifies the role, and ‘ship’ is associated with the following metaphors:

The Captain: ‘The Captain goes down with the ship.’ Do you remember that phrase? Well, you’re the Captain of your ‘Personal LeaderShip.’ That involves being responsible and accountable for decisions that you make in what you say and do (and how you carry out those choices.)

involves taking our ‘bow’ (being up-front) with integrity and grace, applying learning and growth from our ‘stern’ (past), all the time staying ‘mid-ship’ (centered). Personal Leadership involves being personally responsible and accountable by staying anchored to our best self. It includes managing stress and being open to, and trusting, guidance along the way. It also involves reviewing the journey – what worked and what could change. Finally, when we’re centered in our best self, we’re balanced and aligned -- key aspects of personal leadership and whole living. Bon Voyage! About the author: Carolyn Hamilton-Kuby is the owner of Morningstar Leadership Development based in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. 613.547.4877. www.mstar.ca

The Anchor: An anchor keeps a ship from floating away; it may drift a certain distance, but always returns. In moments when your actions or reactions are drifting off course, make a personal leadership decision to stop and return to your best self.

Stormy Waters: Ships sail into stormy waters that can rock the boat to the point of capsizing. When navigating through (or riding out) life’s storms, it’s important to take personal leadership through self-care which could involve relaxation techniques, physical activity, or whatever helps you manage stress. The Lighthouse: A lighthouse beacon guides ships travelling in storms or fog. During stormy life challenges, or when you are in a fog of overwhelm, remember that no leader has to make the journey alone. In my experience, the best personal (and professional) leaders are those who collaborate with others and/or delegate completely, in a spirit of trust. Who is your beacon of light? The Captain᾿s Log: The Captain’s Log documents the ship’s voyage. Start a ‘Personal Leadership’ journal of your travels. My journey is a work in progress and I enjoy reviewing progress that I wouldn’t necessarily notice, if I hadn’t documented my voyage. It’s important to see how far we’ve traveled. The Mid-Ship: The bow is the front of the ship, the stern is the back and the center is called mid-ship. Personal Leadership

November-December 2014

Living W h o l e Journal


Become a

Champion in Your

Community by Peggy Gruenke

new movement has begun that has the potential to change the world. Local attorney and author Robert Buechner has raised the bar for all of us as he puts forth a compelling call-to-action in his new book, My Winning Season: Becoming a Champion for Urban Youth, which encourages everyone to follow his lead and become champions in their own communities. Best selling author Matthew Kelly says, “(There) is evidence of a real yearning that people of all ages are identifying with more and more. We want to live more meaningful lives, and we want to make a contribution.”

Peace Corps and volunteer in Africa, most people are hesitant to be the only ‘white’ person in the room in America. Why? Is it because there is an air of excitement and adventure around the idea of joining the Peace Corps, but the thought of volunteering in our own urban neighborhoods seems ‘mundane’ and not as ‘important’? Well, that is exactly one of the assumptions I hope to change. There is no need to travel far in order to experience the many gifts of giving our time and talents, as well as to experience the excitement and adventure of engaging with those whose lives are different from ours.”

More Exciting than Visiting India

Dhani Jones and ‟Buddy” LaRosa

Buechner took this sentiment to a new level, and after spending two seasons volunteering his time to affect positive change as an assistant coach for a local inner-city high school basketball team, Buechner chronicles his experiences and says, “I have traveled the world and, surprisingly, my year at Grant High was a richer, more interesting and more satisfying experience (and less expensive!) than visiting India or China or even taking an African safari.”

As a successful lawyer and passionate member of society, Buechner never does anything halfway. As part of his effort to do as much as possible to positively influence the lives of the young men he was volunteering with, he pulled out all the stops and used every resource he had to make it a remarkable season they would never forget. He brought in local celebrity speakers such as NFL player Dhani Jones and Donald “Buddy” LaRosa to ignite and inspire the team. He also arranged a personal tour for the team of a multi-million dollar business, encouraged the team to volunteer at a local non-profit, and more.


Community Peace Corps Affectionately referred to as a sort of Community Peace Corps, Champions for Urban Youth provides a model for others to have the greatest adventure of their lives by becoming involved with the at-risk youth in their own communities. Buechner writes, “It’s an interesting observation that while many people would jump at the chance to join the


Living W h o l e Journal

presence of 10 police cars at the very first game, the suspension of players due to drug use, and the murder of a coach’s son. This book reads like a real-life drama as it follows Buechner and the team through a season rich with last second half court shots and many exciting games, but it also offers the reader deeper reflections and includes the framework for making Champions for Urban Youth a reality. The following is an excerpt from the preface of Buechner’s new book.

Life-Changing and Heart-Pounding

My mission was to bring an outsider’s perspective and values to an outstanding basketball program by volunteering as an assistant coach and – I hoped – positive role model who might influence both the players and coaches. The result was a heart-pounding, life-changing experience, about which I have become passionate in sharing with others. My desire to view and treat all people equally, regardless of ethnic background, has always been part of my life. And I have good reason.

10 Police Cars and a Murder

A Child Lost in the City

However, it was not all roses for Buechner and the team. The season started with the team grieving over the death of a player’s mother and other situations that were encountered included the

I was four years old, on a shopping trip with my mother in downtown Cincinnati, when I wandered off and walked block after block on the city streets. I did not know how to read and crossed


streets only when other people walked. I was crying my heart out for what seemed to be miles without anyone paying any attention to me (you can imagine what a wreck my mother was). In any event, after about four full blocks of wandering, without having any idea where I was going, a couple of African American men stopped me and asked if they could be of help. I told them I was lost. They were kind enough to put me into a car and take me to the downtown police station, where the police treated me like royalty. I was given ice cream, I had my picture taken for the paper, and finally I was hooked up with my parents, not because I knew how to spell my last name (I could only pronounce it), but because I remembered where my father worked. So a couple of African American males saved my day and maybe even my life.

Not a Level Playing Field On top of that, I have been blessed with many wonderful African American

friends, starting with my senior year of high school and going right through college and my professional career. The playing field of opportunity in our society is not level, and although this is not going to change overnight, I believe that collectively we can benefit from each of us reaching out to others and sharing our life experiences. Our country’s diversity enriches us all. Celebrating and enjoying our different backgrounds and life experiences can only make our nation stronger. My time spent with the team was eye opening…I strove to provide equally eye-opening experiences for the players.

The Call-to-Action

Please contact Buechner if you᾿d like him to speak to your school, company, organization, or group about his experiences and to learn more about becoming a Champion for Urban Youth. To order copies of the book, please visit Amazon. For large orders for your

November-December 2014

school, company, organization or group: info@championsforurbanyouth.com To make a donation to Champions for Urban Youth, please make check payable to: Cincinnati Youth Collaborative – Champions. Mail to: Cincinnati Youth Collaborative Attn: Champions, 301 Oak Street, Cincinnati OH 45219. Note: Buechner will be interviewed live on WAIF 88.FM on Tuesday, Dec. 9th, 3:30-4:30pm Eastern. Listen live at www.waif883.org Robert W. Buechner is president of the law firm Buechner Haffer Meyers & Koenig Co., L.P.A, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of others, both by serving as an attorney as well as by being a volunteer in his community. 513.579.1500 rbuechner@bhmklaw.com info@championsforurbanyouth.com

Living W h o l e Journal



Therapy for the


by Heidi Bright, M.Div.


omething was missing, yet I wasn’t sure what. Of the hundreds of images I had sifted through, I had felt organically drawn to pick up pictures of a screaming dragon, the butterfly nebula, a barefoot and serene St. Martha, angelic wings, and a cherub offering resurrection lilies. Carefully I cut out the symbols and laid them on a picture of a burning sky to create a collage. The butterfly nebula erupted behind the dragon as if he were taking flight. A newly winged St. Martha floated serenely in front of the green serpent. Her gaze landed on the cherub who was handing her the flowers. The picture, however, seemed somehow incomplete. Pondering the scene, my mouth formed an “Oh.” The one final piece it needed was a chalice. Back among the piles of pictures, I flipped through a book about angels. My eyes lit up: there it was, a cup of new life held by a winged creature. With sharp scissors, I carefully cut the goblet out of the book and held it over my collage. I had my missing piece, but where to place it? It was too large to fit in Martha’s dainty hand already held up in a gesture of blessing. And the Grail didn’t belong hovering comically, Monte Pythonesque, in the sky. I released a small sigh and set the chalice on the work table next to my collage. Margaret Klein, who had set up her studio for this SoulCollage® experience, offered a snack and conversation to help divert my conscious awareness for a few minutes so my subconscious mind could quietly percolate on the cup. Margaret provides space and a hands-off process so individuals can create collages that speak to their souls. Known as the terrible tearer, she has no fear of ripping pages out of her hardback books if the pictures can touch someone’s deeper essence. As a SoulCollage® facilitator, she had started my evening with a question: Is there an area in my life where I need a breakthrough? I had spent the next hour sifting through image after image, some from books, some from calendars, sensing which pictures seemed to pull at my heart. Gradually her question raised into my awareness an underlying sense of anxiety about promoting my upcoming book. Thriver Soup: A Feast for Living Consciously During the Cancer Journey is being traditionally published by Sunstone Press this year. Although this is my third book, it is the first time I will be taking the lead in publicizing it. While I deeply value the contents of my book, my nature is introverted and I find it exhausting to take my creations out into the world. Somehow I needed to find the energy to get the word out about how, with the help of so many people, I have been free of evidence of cancer for three years, even after being told to get ready for hospice. Sitting with my fear, I had felt myself drawn to the sym-


Living W h o l e Journal

Artwork by Margaret and Keith Klein bols that I picked up, cut, and arranged on paper. I already understood the image of the haloed Martha floating in front of the monster. According to legend, this transformed saint had subdued a dragon in a manner similar to the way I had subdued the cancer dragon in my body. Like the cherub holding lilies at the bottom of the collage, I carried the essence of resurrection from almost certain death. As I gazed again at the goblet next to the nearly completed collage, a spurt of energy moved through my abdomen. I smiled and picked up the chalice. Placing it in the left palm of the dragon’s up-raised talons, I felt goose bumps rise on the back of my neck. In my mind, the cup had inadvertently been drawn for the ultimate purpose of slipping into my collage dragon’s hand. The rim of the goblet pointed toward the dragon’s open maw. Now the subdued serpent is ready to imbibe the wine of the Holy Grail. In much the same way, the cancer is being transubstantiated into an aspect of Christ consciousness that will be offered to others through my new book. I will continue reflecting on this representation of my breakthrough as it gradually reveals its deeper levels of meaning for me. When Margaret Klein heard my story about surviving endstage cancer, she created a SoulCollage for me. The image, later painted by both Margaret and her husband Keith Klein, depicts my remission story. It will be used on the cover of my book and is the image that appears with this article. Margaret Klein offers the SoulCollage® group process in her studio at 251 Main Street, Florence, Ky., 41042. She can be reached at 859.803.7111. About the author: Every Thursday, Heidi Bright, MDiv, combines her journalism and theological background to offer insights about cancer for her Thriver Soup blog,. Thriver Soup will be traditionally published by Sunstone Press. Heidi is the author of two other traditionally published books. www.heidibright.com/blog







Join us for these inspiring events! Mystic Message Event w/ Joanne Franchina, Rose vanden Eynden, guest presenters. Friday, November 7, 7 – 9 pm.

Meditation Sampler for Spiritual Seekers

w/ Joanne Franchina. saturday, November 8, 10 am – 4 pm.

Message Circle Event w/ Joanne Franchina, Rose vanden Eynden, guest presenters. Friday, December 12, 7 – 9 pm.

Forecast Readings Workshop w/ Rose vanden Eynden. sunday, December 14, 1 – 4 pm.

Best Year ever! group Coaching Circle w/ Joanne Franchina. 1st tuesdays in 2015, 7 – 9 pm.

goddess Wisdom Circle w/ Joanne

Franchina. 3rd tuesdays in 2015, 7 – 9 pm.

Mediumship Development Circle w/ Joanne Franchina. Each thursday, 7 – 9 pm.




You will never enjoy the fruits of good health by focusing on avoiding disease. You must turn your attention fully toward the incredible joy of health to actually experience it. - Jack E. Armstrong, D.C.

www.wholecarechiropractic.com November-December 2014

Living W h o l e Journal






by E. Wayne Adkins


lan Watts, a spiritual writer / lecturer / entertainer who wrote in the 1960’s and early 1970’s, wrote, “When you confer spiritual authority on another person, you must realize that you are allowing them to pick your pocket and sell you your own watch.� If we are our own best experts on everything that pertains to us, then why are so many of us drawn to seek out publications like this journal or the teachings of Alan Watts, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer and other spiritual teachers? Which teacher or philosophy is better? Do they work well with your current beliefs? Do they resonate with you? These questions, as they pertain to you, can only be answered by you. You are the only one with your unique perspective who is at this place in this moment of your life right now.

Wisdom Teachings Share Common Truths The great wisdom teachings have many common truths and they also have certain specific viewpoints that resonate differently for each of us at different times in our lives. For example, the 14 year old “me� reacted to spiritual teachings other than Christianity as something to be avoided and feared, but after exposure to other religions and philosophies, I realized that keeping an open mind and an open heart overcomes that fear. Was it wrong for me to be afraid? No. It may not have been healthy for me at the time, but I learned from facing that fear and it now helps me to understand how others’ actions can be manipulated by fear.

Finding Our Paths Through Trial and Error If something resonates with you, you should consider pursuing it and if it doesn’t, you shouldn’t. If a teaching sounds true to you and pertains to you, keep it. Otherwise, just let it go. We find our paths to our authentic selves through trial and error, which is also a reason for us not to judge those who are searching less successfully or in the darker areas of their being. We all need to keep searching for and connecting to our authentic self that knows what’s right for us. Whether you search for yourself through meditation, prayer, nature, art or any other method, one of the best ways to know you’re on the right path is that you are enjoying what you are doing. If you are drawn to try something like learning to play the tuba, try it. If you don’t like it, then do something else. Listen to your authentic self. If you feel the urge to keep the tuba for a few years and you enjoy looking at it, but don’t want to play it, then keep it and display it with pride. If someone asks if you are a tuba player, just proudly say that you are a tuba keeper, knowing that you and your authentic self have made the right decision.


Living W h o l e Journal

About the author: E. Wayne Adkins lives in Mount Healthy, Ohio with two dogs, a cat, and a lot of books, music and musical toys. He is an artist, writer, musician, songwriter, servant and seeker who knows that each moment is a miracle if he allows it to be. He can be contacted at indigo_ether@yahoo.com â€&#x;I don’t want to be like everyone else. I don’t want to try not to be. All I ask is that you be who you are. You can’t find yourself following me.â€? Š 2014 E. Wayne Adkins


Gift Idea Chakra Shirts

After Hay House’s Writing From Your Soul conference attendee, Becca Vaughn, submitted an article with instructions for how to do a chakra balancer meditation to Whole Living Journal, a business was born. “I created a yoga line called Chakraful Expressions that is all based off the chakra system. The shirts correspond in color to it’s matching chakra and each shirt has a supporting “I AM” mantra,” says Vaughn. “Three weeks after submitting the article, I went to Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY for a weekend retreat with Gabby Bernstein. With only a sample on my back (literally) and a full concept in hand, Omega ordered 160 shirts! They were my first customer - no kidding, that really happened.” Vaughn continues, “It with much gratitude that I share this story because without Tara (WLJ editor) extending the offer (to those at the Hay House writer’s conference) to review articles, the business would have never been born. And now the coolest part is, because they are jam-packed with spiritual meaning, they are making a difference in people lives.”

The Chakraful line features classic tanks, flow tanks, burnout t-shirts, and comfy sweaters in the variety of chakra colors and “I AM” affirmations such as “I am abundant” (red, root chakra), “I am bold” (yellow, solar plexus chakra), “I am miraculous” (purple, crown chakra), etc. These shirts make terrific gift ideas for the holidays and can be ordered online at www.chakrafulexpressions.com (P.S. Vaughn’s article is scheduled to appear in the MarApr 2015 issue of WLJ.)

November-December 2014

Living W h o l e Journal







by Jennifer Schuitemaker

hat do you do when you finally get the car, job, house, relationship, or life of your dreams and the first thing that happens is the people around you start to criticize you? “I didn’t know you were so materialistic.” “Wow you’re too good for us little people now.” Or the best one …“I thought you were spiritual.” I refer to best selling author Dr. Wayne Dyer who wrote, “What other people think of me is none of my business. One of the highest places you can get to is to be independent of the opinions of other people.” Any degree of change within you requires different nutrients to thrive and grow. You, like the universe, are always changing, expanding, growing, and awakening to your highest potential. You cannot expect the same environment to sustain this ever-changing you. Even just one degree, over time, takes you onto an entirely different trajectory. Just like if an airplane veered even one degree off course, the result would place the airplane somewhere entirely different than where it originally was headed. The Universal Life force is a force so powerful, so complete, so radical in its ability to expand and grow that we can’t comprehend or understand it in its entirety. Life is naturally abundant. Life is always projected toward thriving. This is why it is naturally so much easier for us to align with a life of ease and abundance than a life of strife, struggle, and lack. Struggling goes against the very force of life that is propelling us forward, towards growth and expansion. Yet it can be difficult to comprehend because strife, struggle, and lack have been so ingrained in us, not just for generations, but for centuries. Aligning with thriving goes against everything we have ever been taught. Your awakening is no different. As you expand, so do your desires and intentions. Your purpose has always been to thrive so that you can be the highest expression of who you are and therefore better serve others and the planet with your gifts. As a result of this purpose, you will desire to have certain objects surround you, or wear clothes and jewelry that match this new expansion and place where you are vibrationally. As you expand, you will enter seasons of your life when you will notice a shedding of old skin in the form of friends, interests, food, conversations, etc. Yet staying in the flow of life will provide the next stream of events, people, and opportunities to you. The Garden of Eden has always been here. It’s just that we don᾿t see it. A Course in Miracles says,“Your exterior world is an interior condition.” Your outside world is a function of your inside world and will be supported accordingly. You will see it when, and only when, you believe it.



Living W h o l e Journal

The force of life doesn’t create in ones, fives, and tens, it creates in billions, trillions, and quadrillions. There isn’t any safety, smallness or lack in the universe. It is ever expanding and growing just as the abundance of life which is you. Your accumulation of material things is no different than a flower or a tree accumulating what it needs: water, sun, air, and soil. It takes what it needs, not just to survive, but to thrive in its purpose. But it does not derive its joy or happiness from these things. These things are a byproduct of knowing and aligning with its purpose. A car does not give you joy but it can help fulfill your alignment with purpose. Alignment with your purpose is what brings you joy because you are aligned with the Universal Flow of Life. The same goes with other inner promptings like organic food, exercise, music, or beauty, whatever your unique formula is. These things act as conduits. To pursue and enjoy these things is why you are having this physical experience. To deny this would be to deny your experience, and therefore, your purpose. It’s a natural and organic part of who you are. So the more stuff you have, the more aligned you are with purpose? Just like too many things will overwhelm you, too much water will kill the flower. The flower is not concerned with the outcome, only its purpose. And that is to thrive. When this is your main purpose you will be able to receive what will allow you to get there. If your only purpose is to accumulate, then your roots will rot just like a flower that is overwatered. Your only purpose is to be the Highest and Best expression of yourself. To know that you are Divine, just like everyone and everything else. And that the only way you can share in that purpose is to be in the flow of life and thrive so that you can give and receive the necessary nutrients that allow you to be your all. You may notice that what surrounds you doesn’t feel right. That’s okay. You are the universe and the universe is you. Answer that calling and listen to your inner urges telling you what you need to help keep you inspired, connected, joyful, grateful, expanding, and thriving. By aligning with the Magnificent Flow of Life, it aligns with the Thriving Universal Material that we all are. About the author: Jennifer Schuitemaker is a visionary, mentor, author and speaker. She is the author of Buddha with Bling: Awaken Your 3° Change. Join the discussion by commenting and following Jennifer on Instagram and Twitter at @MindBlingGURU. Contact her at j.schuitemaker@icloud.com For more inspiration, please visit www.MindBling.GURU


Life Mastery Counseling Judi A. Winall, M.Div., CIH, CLYT The Center for Soul Empowerment 513-899-3115 www.SoulEmpowerment.com

RE-CLAIM the Power & Authority of Your Own Life E-mail: judi@soulempowerment.com

Gift Idea

The Five Agreements Game “The game is a beautiful window to the truth. You cannot play it without feeling more joyful and free. This game is like life. If you play it with love, you are already a winner.” ~ don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements and The Fifth Agreement Our relationships can be our greatest source of joy and present some of the biggest challenges in our lives. Let’s face it, it’s the challenging ones that send us off to the therapist or seeking some kind of peace and resolution. What if a simple game of cards, played with like-minded friends, could open up new ways of seeing those challenging relationships? No doubt you’re thinking it would have to be a very special kind of game, since any form of competition can often exacerbate difficult relationships. Enter The Five Agreements Game an inspired, surprisingly fun-filled adventure game in which every participant is a winner. Brilliantly utilizing the work of shamanic teacher and healer, don Miguel Ruiz and his son, this game promises to transform your relationships with others, with yourself and radically improve your attitude to life. The five agreements, around which Ruiz’s work is based, expose our self-limiting beliefs

and present a simple yet effective code of conduct for life learned from Toltec ancestors. This game makes use of the alchemical power of the agreements in a unique and revelatory way. There are two objects to this game. Everyone begins as a ‟Toltec Knightin-Training.” The outer object is to earn enough points - first, to find the ‟Holy Grail;” second, to be dubbed a fully trained ‟Toltec Knight;” and ultimately to dubbed ‟Lord of Your Own Castle.” The inner object is to use the power of the Five Agreements to transform your life - to become completely happy and free. The true meaning of becoming ‟Lord of Your Own Castle” is becoming master of your own life. All players become ‘warriors’ on the Toltec path and the metaphor of ‘chivalry’ runs throughout. A sword, shield, motto and quest represent the four agreements and the inner accomplishments of the intrepid ‘knight.᾿ During the game, players identify the relationships that make their lives more difficult. Then, with the help of the Agreements and the players᾿ own awareness, these relationships are transformed by ‟slaying the dragon” - namely, one᾿s own shadow - thereby transforming oneself.

November-December 2014

The game helps to deactivate thousands of self-limiting beliefs and establish impeccable relationships with both others and oneself. There is no other game like this. Everyone is a winner and ALL participants leave the table with a gift – the keys to transforming their relationships and their life. The Five Agreements Game, (Findhorn Press, $29.95), is authored by Olivier Clerc, Marc Kucharz and Brandt Morgan. The game comes with an easy to read 80 page explanatory booklet, the game rules, a notepad, 25 relationship cards, 5 agreement cards, 25 prize cards and 25 bonus gift agreement cards. For more information on the game please visit: www.five-agreements-game.com

Living W h o l e Journal


nutrition and recipes from the kitchen of

The Healthy Foodies by Pama Mitchell and Mary Ann Barnes, MD

Getting the Most Nutrition for Your Calories

“An apple a day” reflects the ageless understanding that fruit provides our richest source of vitamins and antioxidants. However, with those wonderful nutrients come the calories from the sweet sugars that make them so tasty. Our current obesity epidemic mandates that we examine how many calories we consume in balance with the numbers of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This is known as the nutrient density, or nutritional value versus calorie content,

of foods. The foods with the highest value of nutrient density are primarily vegetables, fatty fishes (like salmon or sardines), and egg yolks. Many of the antioxidants in vegetables give them colors and strong tastes, such as a bitter flavor, making them a little trickier to incorporate into everyday meal preparation. However, use of other flavors and textures can temper those strong flavors, making the dish more pleasing to those with sensitive

palates. A combination of vegetables and fruits can do just that. We have included an easy recipe full of vegetables, low in calories and packed with nutrient dense foods. Our squash and apple pancakes are served on a bed of watercress, one of the most nutrient dense foods in the supermarket. The balsamic dressing provides a strong taste and sweet contrast to the slightly bitter watercress.

Goat Cheese Stuffed Squash and Apple Pancakes with Watercress (Serves 6-8) Ingredients:

Dash of salt and pepper

2 small yellow squash

6 ounces olive oil

2 small zucchini

3 ounces balsamic vinegar

1 apple

6 ounces goat cheese

1 ½ cups flour (whole wheat

Candied pecans (see recipe

or all-purpose)

next page)

¼ teaspoon baking powder

2 bunches watercress

1 egg

Grated carrots for garnish

Instructions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grate squash, zucchini and apple in a food processor and place in a colander. Press excess water and moisture out with a paper towel and pour into a large bowl. Add flour, baking powder, egg, salt and pepper and mix with your hands. Mixture should be slightly moist but not drippy. If needed, add a little more flour. Divide goat cheese into 10 even parts. Coat the bottom of a rimmed baking pan with 1 – 2 ounces olive oil. Divide the squash mixture into 8 even parts. With one part, make 2 flat patties. Place one part goat cheese on one of the patties and top with the other, sealing the edges to make a stuffed pancake. Place on the greased sheet and repeat the process until all the pancakes are made.


Living W h o l e Journal

Reserve the last 2 parts of goat cheese for garnishment. Bake the pancakes for about 20 minutes, or until the edges begin to brown slightly. Carefully, flip the pancakes over and bake for 15 – 20 minutes, or until they are slightly browned. Meanwhile, cut off hard stems from the watercress and arrange on a serving platter. Whisk together remaining olive oil and balsamic vinegar for dressing. When the pancakes are cooked, arrange on the bed of watercress and garnish with remaining goat cheese, grated carrots, and candied pecans. Drizzle with dressing and serve warm. Top with candied pecans, see recipe on the next page.


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Candied Pecans Moisten 4 ounces of pecans with water, draining any excess. Arrange pecans in a single layer on a foil-lined cookie sheet. Sprinkle pecans with 2 teaspoons of sugar. Broil under high heat for about 10 minutes until the sugar begins to melt, watching closely to make certain they do not burn. Remove from the broiler and cool completely.

About the Healthy Foodies: Pama Mitchell (right) is a journalist and associate professor of communication and journalism at the University of Cincinnati. Mary Ann Barnes, M.D., practices family and complementary medicine, and teaches nutrition, at St. Elizabeth Family Practice Center in Edgewood, KY. Please visit www.healthyfoodie.com and Pama’s blog at www.healthyfoodies.blogspot.com.

November-December 2014

Living W h o l e Journal


Life Fully Expressed by Jim Phillips


IFE is Living In Full Expression. And it is in our living in full expression that the Divine is fully expressed. These statements really get to the heart of two questions asked since humanity first arrived on Earth, “Why we are here?” and “What is our purpose?” We, humanity, are here to allow for the full expression of the Divine through us in all that we experience, and in who we are being. Our purpose is that full expression and experience of the Divine through us through the experiences created for that purpose. Living in full expression is nothing more and nothing less than being true to one’s Self. When we live in full expression, we are true to that which we are. We honor and respect who we know our Self to be in every moment, an expression of the Divine.

Self Denial vs. Accepting Your Authentic Self When we are not in full expression we are in Self denial. And when we are in Self denial we deny the Divine its full experience and expression through us. When we are in Self denial we deny the full experience and expression of all that we are, love, joy, peace and happiness, our very reason for being. Living in full expression is allowing our authentic self, our Divine Self, to be seen, enjoyed, embraced, experienced and appreciated by all. More importantly, it is our accepting, enjoying, experiencing and appreciating our Self for who we are and are in the process of being.

Allowing is a Key Allowing is a key component of the process of living in full expression. We are to allow life to unfold perfectly and effortlessly. We are to allow our Self to be expressed and experienced in whatever form of expression it desires. In other words, get out of our own way and allow life to present to us all that it offers for our fullest expression and experience of Self.

Everything We Desire is Fully Available Everything we desire and require from life to live in full expression is now fully available, has always been fully available, and will always be fully available. Everything exists as pure potential. All we have to do is trust that what we require is available, acknowledge such, call it in, and allow it to be. The paradox of life is that regardless of what life presents,


Living W h o l e Journal

it is always what is needed in that moment for the fullest experience and expression of Self. We are all familiar with the term free will. Free will is one of the greatest gifts we have been given and yet we don’t exercise it. We believe we do, but we don’t, at least not in a conscious way. Consider for a minute why we deny our full experience and expression of that which we are, Divinity. What is it that holds us back? Is it our worries and concerns? Is it fear for what others might say or do toward us if we live in full expression? Or is it our fear of how truly powerful we are?

Free Will Says We Can Do Anything And yet, free will says we can do, be or say anything we want, at anytime. Nothing prevents the fullest expression and experience of Self other than the thoughts and beliefs we hold about who we are and of what is possible. We live in an illusion of who we believe we are, while simultaneously living in the illusion of who we believe we are not. When we trust who we are, and we allow the the experience and expression of the Divine through us, we offer the greatest gift to one another possible, the gift of knowing our Self as Divinity. It is in our living in full expression that the Divine is fully expressed. Be the experience and expression you desire to see in this world. Be joyful, be loving, be happy, be peaceful. And so it is. Note: Jim Phillips will be interviewed on Waves of a New Age on WAIF 88.3FM Tuesday, Nov. 11th, 3:30-4:30pm ET. Listen live at www.waif883.org. Waves of a New Age on Facebook. About the author: Jim Phillips is the author of The Key to LIFE, Living In Full Expression. He lives in Aldie, VA where he continues writing, speaking and coaching. www.prosperitybydesign.com


Fight, Flight, Freeze or Flow by Jackie Millay, MEd.

In our daily lives, we often, knowingly or unknowingly, respond to stress with one or more of these infamous ‘F’ words: Fight, Flight, or Freeze. Given that these, often habituated responses, in most instances lead to Cortisol production, I find it reassuring to have established a practice that allows for, invites in, and cultivates Flow. Through the magnificent variety of choices available in the practical, as well as transcendental art/science of ChiKung (Qigong), I’ve learned to sink my awareness to an eternal ‘elixir field,’ referred to as the ‘DanTien‘ (Tian). This field (Tien) is a remarkable energetic reservoir/resource centered below the navel, deep within the lower abdomen. I experience this ‘field’ as a conduit of energetic flow that can be directed throughout parts of, and/or, my entire body. As I synchronize this with my breathing, my entire body is activated gently, at a cellular level. This may sound foreign, or even difficult yet, the Chi (vital life force energy) can be easily

discovered and felt. Whether the Chi is felt or not, it is still totally present as the living energy that connects us with the Cosmos, nature, and All-That-Is. The word ‘Kung” (Gong) means to cultivate/practice. By using gentle, fluid movements; self-massage; consciously aware deep breathing patterns that lead to deep relaxation and meditation, I’ve restored my health to joyous vitality after almost dying twice. The inner elixir field dispenses, through such practices as “Butterfly Dancing in Front of Flowers,” “Lift the Chi Up/Pour the Chi Down,” the necessary liquid light essences to revitalize and renew at every level of being. I’ve learned to become my own healer. All of us are free to choose to do that. We contain, as has been said, ‘The Kingdom Within.” These ancient, 5000-6000 year old timeless ChiKung practices are empowering for these times we live in now. They are also a beloved staple of traditional Chinese Medicine in bringing harmonious balance to the body, heart/mind, and spirit. We come from infinity. We are infinity as flowing energy of radiant lovelight. About the author: Jackie Millay, MEd, teaches ChiKung/TaiChi classes/workshops. She’s trained in crystal healing/crystal surgery; is a Usui and Egyptian Reiki Master/Teacher; Quantum Touch Practitioner, ordained minister, and is a divinely guided energetic channel. 513.405.1514. www.harmonicpulsewellness.com

November-December 2014

Living W h o l e Journal


Aromatherapy: Holiday Herbs & Spices Herbs ‘n Such, by Mimi Tagher


romatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses aromatic plant materials, oils, and compounds for the purpose of altering one’s mood, cognitive, psychological or physical wellbeing. When the olfactory (smell) receptors are stimulated, they transmit impulses to the brain. This pathway is directly connected to the limbic system, the part of the brain that deals with emotions. That’s why our reactions to smells are rarely neutral - we usually either like or dislike a smell.

Holiday Scents Have Many Health Benefits The holiday season is a perfect time to experiment with the different aromas of herbs and spices. These “odors” affect the deepest part of our brains and can be used to stimulate our immune systems, relieve headaches, improve mood, increase energy, or relax the central nervous system. Try some of these recipes / fragrances to spice up your holiday season this year.

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Living W h o l e Journal

Immune Booster Special: The essential oil blend “Thieves” from Young Living is a combination of clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary. Use in a diffuser (for about 1/2 hr) to freshen up the home or office. Benefits: rids the area of airborne bacteria, boosts the immune system, and is invigorating.

Eucalyptus Vapor/Simmer: Bring a pot of water to boil on the stove, then turn off. Add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil to the water. Use a large towel as a “tent” over your shoulders and head, and slowly inhale the vapor to open your sinuses. Benefits: opening, purifying and invigorating. Lavender Headache Sachets: 1 Tbsp lavender, 1 Tbsp whole cloves. Combine lavender and cloves in a sachet bag and tie shut. To use: inhale vapors at the first sign of a headache. Benefits: relaxing and pain relieving. Peppermint Pick-Me-Up: Use 1-2 drops of peppermint oil in a diffuser, a bath, or even a cup of tea. Benefits: stimulating, clarifying, stress relieving.

Thanksgiving Stove Top Potpourri: 1 1/2 cup apple cider, 1 Tbsp pumpkin spice, 1/2 tsp nutmeg grated, 1 tsp cloves, 1 cinnamon stick, broken in half. Mix all ingredients together and bring to a boil; reduce heat to lowest simmer; add more apple cider as needed. Benefits: refreshing and vitalizing.

Christmas Stove Top Potpourri: 1/2 cup fresh cranberries, 1 orange, sliced, use the peel, 4 cinnamon sticks, broken in half, 1 Tbsp cloves, 1/8 tsp nutmeg, 2-3 cups water. Options - you can also add vanilla, and or rosemary to the simmering pot. Combine ingredients in a small pot and simmer over low heat for as long as desired. Add more water if it gets low. Benefits: whets the appetite and improves the mood. About the author: Mimi Tagher, LAc, LMT is nationally board certified in acupuncture, Chinese herbology and Oriental Medicine. She practices at Synergy Holistic Health Center in Florence, Ky., and in Blue Ash. 859.525.5000, www.synergyholistichealth.com


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The Art of Alchemy

Discover Your Wizard Within

Next Class Forming Now Wizards-in-Training will meet beginning January 2015. When:

Wednesdays, 10am-4pm, Jan. 14th & 28, Feb. 11th & 25th Where: The Crystal Cave at WholeCare in Blue Ash Cost: $595 (payable $150 per gathering) Who: Facilitators Tara L. Robinson & Christine Miller This women᾿s sacred circle is experiential and is designed to ignite personal transformation.

Topics explored include: The Art of Alchemy, Living Backward in Time, The Quest for the Holy Grail, Manifesting Your Destiny, Experiencing Divine Love, The Wisdom of Uncertainty, Living the Mysteries...and More! Spaces fill quickly. Reg. contact Tara at info@wholelivingjournal.com November-December 2014

Living W h o l e Journal


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Book Review Walking Home: A Pilgrimage from Humbled to Healed by Sonia Choquette (Hay House, 2014) Life was falling apart. Within the space of three years, Sonia Choquette had suffered the unexpected death of two close family members, seen her marriage implode, and been let down by trusted colleagues. And sympathy was not forthcoming. “You’re a world-renowned spiritual teacher and intuitive guide,” people jeered. “How could you not have seen this coming?” Having intuitive abilities didn’t make her superhuman, however. Nor did it exempt her from being wounded or suffering the pain of loss and the consequences of our all-too-human traits such as anger, resentment, and pride—traits that can lead even the best of us to stray from our spiritual path. In order to regain her spiritual footing, Sonia turned to the age-old practice of pilgrimage and set out to walk the legendary Camino de Santiago, an 820-kilometer trek over the Pyrenees and across northern Spain. Day after day she pushed through hunger, exhaustion, and pain to reach her destination.


Living W h o l e Journal

Eventually, mortification of the flesh gave way to spiritual renewal, and she rediscovered the gifts of humility and forgiveness that she needed to repair her world. In this riveting book, Sonia shares the intimate details of her grueling experience, as well as the unexpected moments of grace, humor, beauty, and companionship that supported her through her darkest hours. While her journey is unique, the lessons she learned—about honoring your relationships with others as well as with your own higher self, and forgiving all else—are universal. “Many people are attracted to a spiritual life in the hope that it will alleviate the pain and suffering that comes with being a human being. That is naïve thinking and while it is appealing, it isn’t at all the case. What I discovered in my dark night was that often the worst pain and distress often come when our soul is growing the most. That is why listening to our Spirit and honoring all stages of our human experience as holy is so important. Our pain and suffering is not necessarily a reflection of our failures as many spiritual people may be quick to judge. Rather they can be the result of our spiritual courage to face our darkest shadows and bring them to the light. That is what all my pain and suffering did for me.” Sonia Choquette, a world-renowned intuitive guide and spiritual teacher, is the author of 19 international best-selling books as well as numerous audio programs and card decks. Sonia will be a featured guest on Waves of a New Age on WAIF 88.3FM on Tuesday, Dec. 16th, 3:30pm Eastern. Listen live at www.waif883.org. Website: www.soniachoquette.com



Smelling and

Clear Tasting Intuitive Insights, by Francine Haydon and Patricia Garry

I smell trouble…,” said the man as he stepped into the dark, abandoned hallway. Some people can determine when something is amiss or danger is near by using their psychic sense of clairescence or clairolfaction (clear smelling). They detect distinctive fragrances and odors that are not physically present; then interpret what these scents mean, based on their own symbolism and frame of reference, to get the information needed.

Smelling Death Certain individuals can smell disease or even impending death. The negative energy present in the other person’s aura (energetic field around their physical body) with disease can emit an unpleasant or rotten scent. Others smell roses or lilacs when a deceased loved one’s spirit comes into a room. If you smell grandma’s Shalimar perfume in your bedroom when you don’t own any, and she’s never physically been to your house – your clairescence is alerting you that grandma is here to visit. Interestingly, some even say that each soul has its own, unique scent.

Tasting a Good Vibe Other people use clairgustance (clear tasting) to receive their psychic information. Some medical intuitives with clairgustance get a bitter, metallic taste in their mouth when they are around people who have had or need chemo. On the lighter side, you may meet someone new and instantaneously get the taste of peppermint candy in your mouth. This could mean that the person is alert, peppy and sweet; someone that you’d like to get to know. If the air tastes sweet, it can be a sign that good things are going to happen. Intuitive information can come in so many different ways. One friend can occasionally feel two heavy metal bracelets

Patricia Garry • Spiritual Coaching • Reiki Energy Healing • Intuitive Tarot Reading • Dream Interpretation • Teaching Personal Growth Classes

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on each upper arm. She sees them as having a circle of holes all around them, and when Spirit wants her attention there is a sensation of a hot nail being poked through one of those holes, which stops her in her tracks, or makes her pull the car over, while she asks ‘What is so urgent?’ Several times, it has meant she avoided an accident. Another time, she felt drawn to go into the store she had parked in front of and subsequently had a reunion with one of her sons, who had been out of her life for quite a while. Now that she’s paying more attention to her intuition, this painful information arrives much less often.

Your Own Personal Sense of Intuition Some also feel a delicious tingling washing over them which turns out to be a sure sign that good news and / or happy times are on the way. The impending death of someone who has been ill or suffering can bring feelings of calmness and peace to those present who are then often able to support the transition. Each one of us has a unique way to receive psychic / intuitive information, which just demonstrates what a magical Universe this is. Please pay attention to your own feelings – and keep having fun! About the authors: Francine Haydon and Patricia Garry are the authors of Right Brain/Left Brain: Use Everything You’ve Got to Create a Great Life! They facilitate workshops based on their popular book. Francine is an intuitive tarot and palm reader, energy worker, teacher, and owner of Sea Angels Cruise and Inner Wellness Conference. francine.haydon@ fuse.net, 513.248.8772, www.foresthouseofhealing.com Patricia is a spiritual reader, teacher, healer, and writer. patricia@patriciagarry.com , 513.281.6864, www.patriciagarry.com

Rev. Francine Haydon

Reiki ~ Kolaimni ~ Crystal Energy Healing Medicine Wheel ~ Tarot Reader ~ Palmist foresthouseofhealing.com • 513.248.8772

November-December 2014

Living W h o l e Journal



Sp tlight

The Loveland Art Studios on Main is thriving with talented artists. Whether you are seeking lessons to enhance personal growth, wanting to invest in a piece of fine art, or just need to soak in some creative vibes, it’s all possible at the Loveland Art Studios. The studios and artists are open to the public on the second Saturday of every month. So join other art enthusiasts this November 8th and December 13th from 6pm-10pm for an evening of fine art extravaganza in historic Loveland, Ohio. Parking is free. Light fare and beverages provided. 529 Main Street, Loveland, OH 45140. www.studiosonmain.com Gateways to Healing will be holding their annual Holiday Food Drive beginning on Monday November 3rd and ending on Friday November 21st. Anyone who brings in a full bag of non-perishable groceries to Gateways to Healing᾿s location at 4027 Allston St. in Oakley will receive their choice of a free chiropractic examination or nutrition examination for their donation. Last year Gateways was able to donate close to 800 pounds of groceries to the Freestore Food Bank in OTR. All donations are welcome. www.gatewaystohealing.com

Conscious-Con event producer and visionary Patty Goedl says she plans for this event to Unleash the Heart Energy in Cincinnati and beyond. Not quite a conference and not quite an expo, Conscious-Con is a full convention experience to be held at Duke Energy Center May 16th & 17th. A sort of ‟Woodstock” for the consciousness movement, attendees are invited to come soak up and contribute to the energy. Something will be offered for everyone, but not everyone is expected to do everything. This weekend is for YOU.


Living W h o l e Journal

If You like Oprah, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson or Deepak Chopra, you’ll love the New Thought Unity Center of Cincinnati. New Thought Unity welcomed Reverend Michael Brooks as the new minister on Sunday, Oct. 5th. “My objective is to grow compassionately and to practice personal spiritual awakening on a daily basis,” says Rev. Michael. Prior to joining NTUC, Rev. Michael served Unity of the White Mountains in Lakeside, Arizona for the past seven years. Rev. Michael leads Sunday 10:30am and Wednesday 6:30pm services. All are honored and welcome. 1401 E McMillan, 45206. www.ntunity.org Shana Seifert has opened her new studio at the Loveland Art Studios on Main in Studio #202 on the second floor. Featuring contemporary acrylics and mixed media paintings, Shana also does commissioned pieces as well. Find out more at www.shanaseifert.com

Laughter yoga training for health care professionals. On September 20, a group of recreational therapists learned about Laughter Yoga as Judi A. Winall gave the keynote presentation for their continuing education conference. The potential for enhancing well being, empowering patients and accelerating healing with Laughter Yoga was a new concept for most and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Judi is offering a training for health care professionals on Saturday, November 1st, as well as in Spring 2015. This training is designed for those working with seniors, DD individuals as well as those in recovery. Training certificate can be submitted for CEU’s. Contact Judi at 513.899.3115 or www.JoyfulHealingLaughter.com.

If workshops and lectures are what you enjoy, there᾿ll be plenty to choose from. If music is your thing, there᾿ll be live, conscious music both days (including an optional private concert with Charles Holt Saturday evening). If you prefer one-on-one interaction, healers, readers and coaches will be available. Or if you want to circle up with your friends and meditate or do yoga, or sit quietly and journal by yourself, you᾿re invited to do so. Come and follow your heart. Some of the biggest names will be participating in Conscious-Con including: • Panache Desai • Paul Selig • Matt Kahn & Julie Dittmar • Tara L. Robinson • Shawn Gallaway • StoweGood • Charles Holt ... and More! Use promo codes ‟WLJPromo” and ‟WLJVendor” to save $25. Register before Dec. 31st for Early Bird pricing. www.ConsciousCon.com


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Sunday Service: 10:30am



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A Full Service Salon and Wellness Spa


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Sunday Service 10:50 am (513) 385-8889 • www.gardenparkunity.org

November-December 2014

Living W h o l e Journal



t: 9.1335

resource Directory CLASSIFIEDS ART

C. PIC MICHEL. Creative Intuitive, Art Commissions, Murals, Illustration, Classes. 513.549.4607. www.enlightenmeant.com


BEAUTIFUL, ENERGIZED SPACE FOR RENT. $15/hour for lovely consult room, classroom and therapy rooms at WholeCare. www.wholecarechiropractic.com 513.489.9515. lisahjames@yahoo.com PEACEFUL, RELAXING, SPACE FOR RENT on the West Side. $15/ hr for consult rooms, therapy rooms and meditation room. $25/hr for large meeting/classroom. New customers get the first hour FREE! 513.401.5254 www.HarmoniousEnergies.com


Donna Lynne Strong Brott, LAc

ACU PU NCTURI S T Ancient Healing Arts

practiced with compassionate understanding 513-324-0955 s POKYU MAC COM MIMI TAGHER, LAc. Also Craniosacral, TCM. Cincy & N-Ky. 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com


RAINDROP TECHNIQUE, using Young Living Essential oils with Mary Whalen. 513.561.8246

Aquatic Bodywork

CYNTHIA ROTHCHILD, WATSU. www.wavesofbliss.net




Living W h o l e Journal

FOR STILLNESS. Bowen Therapy, Acupressure, Flower Essence Therapy, Reiki. TUE/WED/THUR. 859.750.6790. www.ATimeforStillness.com


Vibrational Healing Healing Sessions Rainbow Children Classes 513.240.1602



GAY PURPURA. Certified CHRIS06/21/13 MCLAREN. Qigong classes Transformational BreathÂŽ Coach, Proof Date: for groups, individuals and sports 513.259.7284. www.breathe2000.comRef: Mil062113_ďŹ nal teams. Personalized, individual Designer: ads@wholeliving... Siz energy healing sessions. Half-day and CHIROPRACTORS Size: 1/32 page (2.25â€?x1)" full-day workshops. 513.200.9667. DR. JACK ARMSTRONG. Beyond the DivineEnergyWorks@gmail.com back for 30 years. Blue Ash. 513.489.9515. www.wholecarechiropractic.com TESS OLSON. EFT. 513.860.3156. Page www.teresaolson.com CLASSES & WORKSHOPS directory – “energy healingâ€?. Please C. PIC MICHEL. Art and Creative Practice. place a box aroundOffering it. BRADEN TRAUTH. Physical, 513.549.4607. www.enlightenmeant.com Emotional and Soul healings through India’s hidden Dattatreya tradition and INNER COMPASS. Meditation, practices. Donation basis. 513.569.2579. mediumship, manifestation, metaphysics. Joanne Franchina, guest instructors. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com PranicHealing HealingTM™ Pranic (See ad page 11.)

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COLONICS of NKY. Colon Hydrotherapy - like Spring Cleaning For Your Body! 859.344.9997 www.colonicsofnky.com

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Mary Ellen Moore, VCSW, BCT Craniosacral practitioner & teacher

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JoanneMiller Miller- -513-687-7465 513-899-4616. Joanne www.pranichealing.com www.pranichealing.com

ROBERT & LINDA VOGES. Energy Healing Systems. Certified ThetaHealing Practitioners/Teachers; Certified Reiki Master Teachers 812.594.2705. rbtvoges@yahoo.com www.risingsunwellnessspa.com


A CHANGE OF CHI. Feng Shui Seminars, Parties or Consultations. 513.625.8888.


STILLPOINT CENTER FOR HEALING ARTS. Massage Therapy, Yoga, Shamanism, Counseling. 11223 Cornell Park Drive, Suite 302. 513.489.5302. www.stillpointtherapy.com

CONSCIOUS HOLISTIC HEALING, LLC. Regina Viars, Advanced Emotional Polarity Technique Practitioner (EPT). Gently eliminate that which no longer serves you. 513.520.6300. www.consciousholistichealing.com

WHOLECARE. Dr. Jack Armstrong, Holistic Chiropractor. Babies to grandparents. Blue Ash. 513.489.9515. www.wholecarechiropractic.com

REV. FRANCINE HAYDON. Reiki, Kolaimni, Crystal Energy Work. 513.248.8772, francine.haydon@fuse.net www.foresthouseofhealing.com

BEHRS NECESSITIES. Seleka Behrs provides Clinical Hypnotherapy, Reiki, and Wellness Coaching services. 513.602.4416. www.behrsnecessities.com



Ad Proof TESS OLSON, CCHT. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com

Mary Ellen Moore, CCHt. Clinical Hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthing®

859-525-5000 www.synergyholistichealth.com

ORGANIZING SPACES The Mess Mender Polly Giblin Hands-on, non-judgmental help with de-cluttering 513-305-0401 www.pollygiblin.com


RON ESPOSITO. Certified life coach. Enneagram teacher/trainer. Addiction recovery facilitator. 513.621.3600. www.GoConscious.com

Declutter your Life the Easy Way   

KENDRA WILBURN. Certified Mind Body Bridging Practitioner; Life & Career Coach. Stress Management Specialist. 513.314.9659 kendra@careerbydesignllc.com


GLORIA ESENWEIN, LMT.Revive-Restore. 513.481.7400. www.ahealingplacemassage.com THE HOLISTIC WELLNESS CENTER. Crescent Springs. Offering many massage modalities. $10 off initial visit. 859.578.8971. www.theholisticwellnesscenter.us ANDREW LANVERMAN, Licensed Massage Therapist, 513.325.1772. Jane Lanverman, Certified Reflexologist, 513.708.6104. Peaceful Gardens Massage & Reflexology Cincinnati, OH. www.peaceful-gardens.com KENDRA NIESE, LMT. Rejuvenating, deep, yet gentle. Blue Ash. 513.646.3689. ROBERT REPASKY, LMT. Oncology


INNER COMPASS. Evidential, insightful readings. Joanne Franchina. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com COLLEEN DOHERTY. Evidential Medium, Intuitive Psychic. 513.515.1751.

Victor Paruta


Psychic Medium


“Accurate & compelling readings” -Cincinnati Magazine 513-929-0406 VictoryofLight.com

INNER COMPASS. Intuitive life coaching, spiritual entrepreneurship. Joanne Franchina. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com C. PIC MICHEL. Creative Intuitive, Toltec Master Teacher. 513.549.4607. www.enlightenmeant.com

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Massage. www.DancingHeartMassage.com 513.505.5737.


JUDI A. WINALL, M.Div., CIH, CLYT. Re-claim the power and authority of your own life. 513.899.3115. www.SoulEmpowerment.com


ANNE STEFFEN-RUSSO. Readings, Intuitive energy practitioner, 513.473.7447, by appointment. www.EnergeticAnswers.com JUDY PEACE-PALMISTRY, ASTROLOGY & TAROT. Tools for transformation and self understanding. In service for 22 years. Available for personal sessions or entertainment. 859.491.7885. silvorwing@aol.com


JACCOLIN FRANCHINA. Certified regressionist; alsopast-life readings. 513.528.5185. www,jaccolin.com


PET SERVICES BY DESIGN. Weekly / Daily / Occasional Home Visits. Jennifer 513.310.5797.


HAPPY SPINE, KRISTEN FRYER. Pilates, Alexander Technique, Theta Healing. Northside. 513.374.1496. www.happyspine.us


GIFT BASKETS MADE BY DESIGN. Wedding, Birthdays, Baby Showers, Any Occasion. Jennifer 513.310.5797 PATTI KESSLER. TRUEHEART ESSENCES. 513.240.1602. www.PattiKessler.com

November-December 2014


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                      LIIFT healings by Brian Eastman Call today: 513.541.1257

CLARK ECHOLS, Licensed Therapist. Specializes in trauma, depression, anger, grief, anxiety using cognitive behavioral, mindfulness and spiritual techniques. 513.284.1236. www.clarkechols.com TERESA OLSON, PSY.D. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com


WAVES OF A NEW AGE, WAIF88.3FM. Hosts Tara L. Robinson and Judy Peace. Tuesdays, 3-5pm on WAIF 88.3FM or listen live at www.waif883.org. Soul-filled sounds and conscious conversation. Archived show recordings on Facebook. www.WavesofaNewAge.org

Living W h o l e Journal


Weekly Radio Show - Waves of a New Age Tuesdays, 3-5pm on WAIF 88.3FM

Conscious Conversations with Today᾿s Leaders LISTEN LIVE ONLINE www.waif883.org Links to recorded shows on FB

LIVING Living Happy

Living Healthy


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“Whole Living Journal”

Advertise with Us! Reflexology MARY WHALEN. Certified Reflexologist 513.561.8246


bodywork. Call 513.722.1917 for appt. www.ShamanicCounselor.com

SPEAKER TARA L. ROBINSON. Keynote Speaker. Corporate, Groups & Schools. Inspirational/Discover Your Passion and Purpose www.TaraLRobinson.com

KIM BLATT / WHITE OAK NUTRITION. Free wellness profiles & meal planning. Free Community Workout Saturdays at 7:45am. 80% Nutrition / 20% Exercise. 513.310.9312


REV. TERI DODD. Any size wedding. Available also at my home. Ceremonies personalized to the couple. 513.625.8888.


TESS OLSON. RMT. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com MARY WHALEN. Reiki Master 513.561.8246

ELEMENTAL OM STUDIOS. Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, and so much more. Mention this ad to receive your first class FREE. Located in Montgomery and Lebanon. www.elementalom.com


Writing & Editing

CYNTHIA ROTHCHILD. www.divineuniontantra.com



GARDEN PARK UNITY CHURCH. Rev. Kathy Engelhardt. 3581 W. Galbraith Rd. 45239. ALL ARE WELCOME. Sundays at 11am. 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org

Writing • Editing


SALON KIM BLATT. Licensed Esthetician, Electrologist/ Permanent Makeup Artist- Serving Cincinnati Since 1991. 513.310.9312.


GARY MATTHEWS. Counseling, journey, soul retrieval, empowerment,


Living W h o l e Journal

CELTIC TAROT CARD & PALM READINGS/PARTIES. Francine Haydon. 513.248.8772, francine.haydon@fuse.net www.foresthouseofhealing.com

BR GHT concepts

Heidi Bright, M.Div. 513-386-9480 heidi@heidibright.com www.heidibright.com

next deadline: Dec 1

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT DR. MARYANN BARNES. Offering a holistic approach to weight management and nutrition. www.maryannbarnes.com


for Jan/Feb issue. Email listings to

ads@wholelivingjournal.com $2/word (phone, website & email each count as 3 words)

calendar of Events NOVember SAT • NOV 1

Finding Your Authentic Self, w/Pamela Thompson, 9:30-4:30pm, $40. Indiana Wesleyan University, Florence, Ky. 859.391.0522. pamann49@gmail.com Laughter Yoga/1 Day Training, CEU's, w/Judi A. Winall & Pam Hall, 8:30-5pm, $115/by Oct 15, after/ $135. Kings Island Conference Cntr. Mason, OH. 513.899.3115. www.JoyfulHealingLaughter.com Light Up The Farm, 6-9pm, $45. Grailville, 932 O’Bannonville Rd, Loveland, OH. 45140. Resv reqd. Joy France 513.683.2340x224. http://www.grailville.org/light-up-the-farm.php Pain as Spiritual Teacher, w/Renee Groenemann & Cathy Barney, 1-4pm, $95. Grace Tree Yoga & Growth Studio, 8933 Cinci-West Chester Rd. 513.638.2738. www.tinyurl.com/painworkshop

SAT • NOV 1 – WED • DEC 31

Art Exhibit and Sale, Colerain Artists, 8-4:30pm/ M-F, 8-noon/Saturday, free. Arlington Memorial Gardens, 2145 Compton Rd, Springfield Twp. 513.521.7003.

SUN & MON • NOV 2 & 3

Gardening Volunteer Day, 12pm, free. Meals & overnight accommodations. Bring your own tools. Hope Springs Institute, Peebles, OH. 937.587.2602. www.development@hopespringsinstitute.org

TUE • NOV 4 – DEC 23

Tai Chi for Adults, 5:30pm, free. Madisonville Branch Library, 4830 Whetsel Ave. 513.369.6029. www.cincinnatilibrary.org Vinyasa Flow Yoga, 5pm, free. Ages 12-18. Bond Hill Branch Library, 1740 Langdon Farm Rd. 513.369.4445. www.cincinnatilibrary.org

THUR • NOV 6, 13, 20 & DEC 4

Beg/Int TaiChi, w/Jacquelyn Millay, 9:30-11am, $50 pre-reg discount. Grace Episcopal, College Hill, 5501 Hamilton Ave. 45224. 513.405.1514. www.harmonicpulsewellness.com


Mystic Message Event, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, guest presenters, 7-9pm, $15. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

FRI • NOV 7 – DEC 5

ChiKung, w/Jacquelyn Millay, 6:30pm, $50 prereg discount. Grace Episcopal, College Hill, 5501 Hamilton Ave. 45224. 513.405.1514. www.harmonicpulsewellness.com


Health and Healing Class, w/Patricia Garry & Shaheen Miro, 10-2pm, $40. Walnut Hills. 513.281.6864. patricia@patriciagarry.com Meditation Sampler for Spiritual Seekers, w/ Joanne Franchina, 10-4pm, $65. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

MON • NOV 10

Beeswax Candle Craft, 6pm, free. West End Branch Library, 805 Ezzard Charles Dr. Pre-reg reqd. 513.369.6026. www.cincinnatilibrary.org

Bldg. ncgr.ohiovalley@gmail www.ncgr-ohiovalley.org

SAT • NOV 22 – DEC 20

Yoga, w/Rosalie, 10:30am, free. Anderson Branch Library, 7450 State Rd. 513.369.6030. www.cincinnatilibrary.org

MON • NOV 24 & DEC • 22

Women Singing In Sacred Circle, w/Shelley Graff , 7pm, free. First Unitarian Church, Linton St. jspowers@cinci.rr.com

TUE • NOV 25

Thanksgiving Service, 7pm. Unity of Garden Park, 3581 West Galbraith Road, 45239. 513.385.8889. www.unityofgardenpark.org


Women’s Winter Retreat Nurturing Mind, Body & Spirit, w/Katherine Stewart, Fri/5pm-Sun/2pm, $295. Hope Springs Institute, Peebles, OH. www.hopespringsinstitute.org/womenswinter.html


SAT • NOV 15

Christmas Bazaar, 10-3pm. Unity of Garden Park, 3581 West Galbraith Road, 45239. 513.385.8889. www.unityofgardenpark.org

Reiki Master Teacher Attunement, w/Patricia Garry, 10-2pm, $125. Walnut Hills. 513.281.6864. patricia@patriciagarry.com

Spiritual Healing/Introduction, 2pm, free. Center for Spiritual Living, 5701 Murray Rd, Cincinnati. Joy 859.816.8918. www.bruno-groening.org/english

Jim Trace and the Makers, 8-11pm, free. All ages. Om Eco Cafe, 329 Ludlow Avenue Cincinnati, OH.

SUN • NOV 16

Read-N-Feed, 12:30-2:30pm, $10 lunch+ reading, $10 additional reading. United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church/USCL, 11006 Reading Rd. Ste. 202, Cinci, OH. 45241. www.uscl.org

SUN • NOV 16 & DEC 21

Healing Energy, 12:30pm. Unity of Garden Park, 3581 West Galbraith Road, 45239. 513.385.8889. www.unityofgardenpark.org

MON • NOV 17 & SAT • DEC 6

Soy Candle-Making Workshop, w/Carisa Hund Bunten, Mon/6pm, Sat/1pm, free. St. Bernard Branch Library, 4803 Tower Ave. & Greenhills Branch Library, 7 Endicott St. Pre-reg reqd. 513.369.6900.

FRI • NOV 21

NCGR Meeting, 7pm, 1st meeting free. Listen to & discuss a recording of a presentation from a past Astrological conference. Maderia Municipal

November-December 2014


FRI • DEC 12

Gala Message Circle Event, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, guest mediums, 7-9pm, $30. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

SAT - MON • DEC 20 - 22

Winter Solstice, 6pm, $275-$75. Ceremonial meal, Solstice ceremony, fire, drumming, lighting of Serpent Mound. Hope Springs Institute, Peebles, OH. www.hopespringsinstitute.org/wintersolstice.html

SUN • DEC 21

Read-N-Feed, 12:30-2:30pm, $10 lunch+ reading, $10 additional reading. United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church/USCL, 11006 Reading Rd. Ste. 202, Cinci, OH. 45241. www.uscl.org Special Holiday Service, 10:30-11:45am. Special Christmas Celebration. United Spiritualists

Living W h o l e Journal


of the Christ Light Church/USCL. 11006 Reading Rd. Ste. 202, Cinci. OH. 45241. www.uscl.org

WED • DEC 24

Christmas Eve Service, 6pm. Unity of Garden Park, 3581 West Galbraith Road, 45239. 513.385.8889. www.unityofgardenpark.org


The Queen’s Cloak, w/Mary Alice Arthur & Quanita Munday, 6pm, $895. Feminine Power. Hope Springs Institute, Peebles, OH. www.hopespringsinstitute.org/queenscloak

WEDS • JAN 14,28 & FEB 11,25

The Art of Alchemy - Discover Your Wizard Within, w/Tara L. Robinson and Christine Miller, 10am-4pm, $595, Blue Ash. The wildly popular "Wizard School" ushers in a new class, group forming now. Wizards-in-Training will meet in the "Crystal Cave" in sacred circle and learn how to harness their inner magick to ignite true alchemy / personal transformation. Topics to be covered include: Living Backward in Time, The Quest for the Holy Grail, Experiencing Divine Love, The Wisdom of Uncertainty...and more. The Cave is located at WholeCare in Blue Ash. Spaces will fill quickly, register info@wholelivingjournal.com


Best Year Ever/Life Coaching Circle, w/Joanne Franchina, 7-9pm, $35/session, $90/3. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

Waves of a New Age, WAIF/88.3FM, w/Tara L. Robinson & Judy Peace, 3-5pm. Conscious Conversations with leading authors and teachers. Listen online: www.WAIF883.org Call show to join the conversation. 513.961.8900. www.WavesofaNewAge.org Archived show recordings on Facebook. Yoga, w/Pam Bronner, 6:30-8:30pm. Erlanger, Ky. Easy poses, breathwork, meditation, veggie meal. 859.391.0522. pamann49@gmail.com


Chair Yoga, w/April Aloisio, 12-1pm, $5. Sycamore Senior Center, 4455 Carver Woods Dr. 45242. 513.205.6353. Inner Divinity/ Knowing the Source Within Radio Show, w/Rev. Louisa Dyer, MA; & co-host Sage Women, 2-3pm, 88.3FM & live on www.waif883.org Archived shows at www.louisadyer.com Yoga, Anusara, w/Gloria Siry, 6:30pm, $60/6 wks/$10/class. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. RSVP 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com


Let Your Yoga Dance, w/April Aloisio, 12-1pm, $5. Sycamore Senior Center, 4455. Carver Woods Dr. 45242. 513.205.6353. Yoga, w/Pam Bronner, 11-1pm. Erlanger, Ky. Easy poses, breathwork, meditation, veggie meal. 859.391.0522. pamann49@gmail.com


Chair Yoga for Parkinsons & Special Populations, w/April Aloisio, 1-2pm, $5. The Centennial Barn, 110 Compton Rd. 45215. 513.205.6353.


Tai Chi for Health, w/Betty Lubrecht, 1pm beginner, 2:30pm intermediate, $66/6 wks. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. RSVP 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com

Adult Learning & Sharing Mastermind Prayer Group, 9:30-10:40am. Garden Park Unity Church, 3581 West Galbraith Rd. 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org Center for Spiritual Living Greater Cinti, 10:30am. See ad. 5701 Murray Ave. 45227. 513.218.2128. www.cslgc.org Divinity Spiritual Church Service, 11:30am. 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014. 513.892.0623. Garden Park Unity Church, w/Rev. Kathy Engelhardt, 11am. All are welcome. See ad. 3581 W. Galbraith Rd, 45239. 513.385.8889. www.GardenParkUnity.org Live Jazz, 11-2pm, free. All ages, rotating arists. Om Eco Cafe, 329 Ludlow Avenue Cinti, OH. Sunday Service, 9:50-10:20am/healing, 10:30am/service. United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church (USCL) 11006 Reading Rd. Ste 202, Cinci. OH. 25241. www.uscl.org




Chair Yoga, w/April Aloisio, 12:30-1:30pm, $5. Sycamore Senior Center, 4455 Carver Woods Dr. 45242. 513.205.6353. Ron Enyard Quartet, 7-10pm, free. All ages. Om Eco Cafe, 329 Ludlow Avenue Cincinnati, OH.


Chair Yoga, w/April Aloisio, 10-11am, $5. Church of the Redeemer, 2944 Erie Ave. 45208. 513.205.6353.


W h o l e Journal

Yoga, Anusara, w/Gloria Siry, 9am, $60/6 wks/$10/class. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. RSVP 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com


New Thought Unity, w/Reverend Michael Brooks leading the services, Sun service 10:30am, Wed 6:30pm. All are honored and welcome. 1401 E McMillan. www.ntunity.org


Goddess Wisdom Circle w/Joanne Franchina. 7-9pm, $15. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com.


Religious Recovery, w/Mary Lynn, 7-8pm, free. MidPointe Library, West Chester, Ohio. mcrawford10@cinci.rr.com www.ReligiousRecovery.org


Infusion Cincinnati, 6:30-7:30pm, free, donations accepted. Talk + Music + Connection. Join the brightest game-changers in town to light up the city! Rohs Street Café, 245 W. McMillan St. 45219. www.infusioncincinnati.com Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati


Meditation class, w/Gary Matthews, 7-8:30pm, $20/class, $30/incl. 2nd Fri. Shamanic Journey class. Stillpoint, 11223 Cornell Park Dr. Ste 302, Blue Ash. 513.489.5302. www.StillpointTherapy.com


Shamanic Journey class, w/Gary Matthews, 6:30-8:30pm, $20/class, $30/incl. 2nd Thurs. Meditation class. Stillpoint, 11223 Cornell Park Dr. Ste 302. Blue Ash. 513.489.5302. www.StillpointTherapy.com


A Course in Miracles Study Group, 6-7:30pm, w/ Jeanne Uhl & Mary Claybon. Montgomery. 309.8377.


Laughter Yoga/Joyful Healing LY Club, w/Judi A. Winall & Pam Hall, 7pm, free. Symmes Township Library, 11850 Enyart Rd. 513.899.3115. www.JoyfulHealingLaughter.com

next deadline: Dec 1 for Jan/Feb issue.Email listings to events@wholelivingjournal. com. We will list 5 events, up to 20 words ea., for FREE as part of our commitment to support our community.

The Art of Alchemy

Discover Your Wizard Within

Next Class Forming Now Wizards-in-Training will meet beginning January 2015. When:

Wednesdays, 10am-4pm, Jan. 14th & 28, Feb. 11th & 25th Where: The Crystal Cave at WholeCare in Blue Ash Cost: $595 (payable $150 per gathering) Who: Facilitators Tara L. Robinson & Christine Miller This womenážżs sacred circle is experiential and is designed to ignite personal transformation.

Topics explored include: The Art of Alchemy, Living Backward in Time, The Quest for the Holy Grail, Manifesting Your Destiny, Experiencing Divine Love, The Wisdom of Uncertainty, Living the Mysteries...and More! Spaces fill quickly. Reg. contact Tara at info@wholelivingjournal.com November-December 2014

Living W h o l e Journal


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        COMPLETE FAMILY DENTAL CARE ontgomery Dental Medicine is like no dental office you’ve visited. Dedicated to your total wellbeing, our staff forms long-term relationships with you and your family built on open, honest dialogue and a thorough knowledge of all the factors that impact everyone’s health. Our approach is successful because it’s a more sensitive process of listening to your thoughts, questions and concerns.


AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO BETTER HEALTH o you wake up exhausted? Are you fatigued during the day even though you get a “good night’s sleep”? Do you suffer Insomnia and CFS? Do you wake up with a headache? Do you have head, neck or jaw pain? For 27 years, Dr. Bosma has enjoyed marked success relieving headaches and migraine symptoms, TMJ pain and dysfunction, stiff and painful neck and shoulder muscles, and an extremely successful natural sinus regimen to ease nasal breathing effort. Our integrated approach combines multiple preventative medicine disciplines. Since our healthcare professionals have over 60 years of combined experience, we’re able to exceed your expectations and achieve our goal of improving your quality of life.



Living W h o l e Journal

BREATHE MORE LIFE INTO YOUR BODY noring and sleep apnea lead to low oxygen levels in the body. In turn, this leads to physical problems people don’t usually associate with sleep issues. They affect your life at home, on the job, and your relationships. Dr. Bosma helps patients who snore through a unique system of evaluation and treatment called Oral Systemic Balance. Breathe more life into your body! Call us for information or to schedule your sleep evaluation.


TRANSFORM YOUR SMILE oes your smile make you feel confident and attractive? Or, do you cringe when you have your photo taken? Have you lived with discolored teeth, chips or cracks, or mottled coloring for long enough? Transform your smile in as few as one or two visits to Montgomery Dental Medicine. Find new confidence and take years off your looks!


New Patient Offer

We’ll repair your older bridgework (cracks, chips and discoloration), and we can close up gaps between teeth. We are committed to making you feel and look your best. WHY CHOOSE MONTGOMERY DENTAL MEDICINE? ur practice is different. Yes, you’ll see us for routine checkups, cleanings, x-rays, whitening, fillings and, yes, sometimes for serious work. But we also are laying the groundwork for a long-term relationship with you and your family—one that will help you all enjoy better health for life. We’re treating you, not just your teeth!


Go south out of Old Montgomery. Cross over Ronald Reagan Hwy. Turn left at 1st light into Montgomery Station Office Condos. Right at 1st stop sign into our lot. Still not sure? Please feel free to call us for directions. 513-891-5860.

New Patient Offer

Free Consult

$159.00 VALUE

$125.00 for Exam

Headache, Jaw & Neck Pain, Snoring, Sleep Apnea and

Cleaning and 4 Bitewing X-Rays

C-PAP Intolerance Some restrictions may apply.

Free Home Care Kit Some restrictions may apply.


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