Rasa: Volume 01

Page 24

P r i d e , P l ac e an d P i th a Fo r B a n g l a d e s h i s t h e w o r l d o v e r, t h e r i c e - b a s e d dishes called pitha offer a tangible and tactile c o n n e c t i o n t o t h e i r c u l i n a r y h e r i t a ge .


Dina Begum

The gastronomic map of Bangladesh is laden with

importance throughout life, in places such as Sylhet, there

many delights. However, few are more treasured than the

is a tradition of distributing chaler ruti pitha or flatbreads

rice-based sweets and savouries collectively called pitha. A

made of rice, along with a coconut and banana halwa

practice that spans hundreds of years, pitha is made with

called Allah rohom shinni, to mark death anniversaries and

unique regional inflections across Bangladesh. While it is

request blessings both in times of grief and good fortune.

impossible to put a number to the varieties of pitha, my guess is that it could stretch into the hundreds. They range

Pitha making is a culinary tradition rooted in rural

from crêpes and fried and steamed cakes, to steamed

Bangladesh. It holds a special place in people’s lives and

dumplings and milk-based puddings.

livelihoods. Bangladesh is an agrarian country with rice at the heart of its production. The consumption of pitha

Woven into the social fabric of Bangladeshi culture,

organically derives from this.

pitha-making facilitates a way for generations to interact, socialise and honour time. The tradition justifies the

Nabanna, which is drawn from the Bangla words naba (or

popular Bengali adage, “baro mashe tero parbon” (or 13

new) and anna (grain or food), is the winter rice harvest,

festivals in 12 months), which not only describes the food

which takes place in late autumn. It heralds a season of

culture of Bangladesh but also the place of food in social

festivals, fairs and general pitha mania. The season typically

interactions and celebrations.

begins in late autumn, lasts throughout the winter months and then gently segues into Boishakh or the Bangladeshi

The best known varieties of pitha are patishapta pitha (sweet,





pastries with a sweet filling), chitoi pitha (savoury rice

While the core ingredient for pitha is rice, wheat flour,

crumpets), bhapa pitha (steamed coconut and jaggery

semolina, lentils and potatoes are also included in doughs

cakes) and handesh or teler pitha (fried cakes made of

and batters. Coconut is used widely in sweet pithas, and

molasses and rice flour). From staples on the everyday

date molasses is the sweetener of choice. Savoury pithas

meal table to snacks to socialise with; and from foods that

include noonta (salty) or jhal (hot) versions, where chillies

are shared during times of grief to elaborate delicacies

and other spices are used along with vegetables in the

proudly presented during wedding festivities, pithas play

dough or batter.

many roles in Bangladeshi society. As testament to their


summer in April.


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