Women%27s frontline magazine issue women%27s frontline magazine march 2017

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celebrating the spirit within

MARCH 2017





















APRIL 2017















answers or confirmation…perhaps you have been was taken with discouraged in a certain Luke 5 today as I was season…almost in a preparing for this place of confusion. coming weekend of ministry. My pondering Perhaps there is a tiny ended up once again on thing the Lord has to show us today…A tiny paper in my time with Him. Take some time to thing that could mean everything… go look at this story in The Word. So many nuggets hidden within..I “Nevertheless..At Your Word…” could go on for some time at all I felt the Lord Has it been indeed a put His finger on. Oh, long night? how we must ponder The toil of fishing has more…………….sit more……………listen…….. left you empty? may some of that which And you catch nothing..? poured into me also speak to your deepest heart need. Perhaps you So you begin to wash your nets…preparing to have been awaiting

go home…pondering another failure…you’ve worked hard..spent your finances preparing for the big catch…the beautiful dream launch… ….and ….nothing…. happens… Yet the Master climbs into your now idle and stranded boat…”put me out a little from land.” From here He taught the multitudes… Then he merely says “Launch into the deep Simon..and let down your nets for a catch…”

Then he merely says “Launch into the deep Simon..and let down your nets for a catch…” I can almost picture his weariness and discouragement. His eyes are blood shot from an all night work and his shoulders are slumped from the wear and tear from the push and pull of the heavy nets..he is physically and emotionally spent. I wonder what he was thinking that he never said aloud..

fishing all along without the Master in his boat with him…for his skill and self reliance surely would be enough… Perhaps he realized he had kept safe staying too close to the shore..when Christ was calling him to go into the deep places of his heart and Kingdom…he was in shallow water trying to catch that which can only be caught out in the deep. Simon would need different tools and a different mindset for deep sea fishing…

“What’s the use…let’s just clean our nets and head home..we are exhausted. All of this work has cost us so dearly. .yet we have nothing to show for it…perhaps this dream wasn’t mine after all…” But Simon’s heart is to obey the Master…so he gently responds: “Nevertheless…at Your word..I will let down the net..” Suddenly the net was about to break with the fullness of fish..and Simon couldn’t reel in the net alone. So he called his partners in the other boat to help him. The catch was so large both boats began to sink… Immediately Simon fell in sorrow of

Perhaps he realized he had kept casting the nets on the wrong side of the boat…he kept going left when Jesus said go on the right side! His vision was not in line with the Lord’s yet…for in the past and present the left was always the side he dropped the nets..he was stuck in a familiar pattern…yet going nowhere….only coming up empty time and time again… Perhaps he saw he was trying to catch the wrong things…money, success, prestige, or acknowledgement…when Christ was calling him to catch men….. Yet..the one moment when simple obedience overruled his emotions, his fatigue, and his lack of faith…he said…”Nevertheless. ..at Your Word..”

heart at his lack of trust in the Master. Surely at also his lack of sight…discernment…and his ears that and the rest is history.. seemed to not hear. A Pondering of Luke 5:1-11 Perhaps he realized he had been

ABOUT ANGELA Angela Edwards is featured on the cover story, where she shares her journey of Restoration, Joy and Peace. Angela is a Christ-centered woman and Worship Presenter with a vibrant personality! Using her superb communication skills, she employs her keen insight to reach people of all ages and levels. Read her inspiring story and give us your feedback. I hope you enjoy reading through the magazine as it fills you with the knowledge and love of living our lives...Christ-centered.. WWW.WOMENSFRONTLINEMAGAZINE.COM




Woman of God, let me ask you this: What do the Words restoration, joy and Peace have in common?


ithout a doubt, you may quickly dive into the recesses of your mind and reference passages of Scripture from the King James Version of the Holy Bible, such as, Psalms 51:12 RESTORE unto me the joy of thy salvation or Nehemiah 8:10 The JOY of the Lord is your strength, or even Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of PEACE, and not of evil, to give you an expected end

However, as I sought God's guidance on how to present Restoration, Joy, and Peace to His daughters, He simply stated: Tell them YOUR truths. Let she who is without sin cast the first stone. Its awesome how He makes it plain. In the telling of MY truths, I pray you will connect with what is for you, grow from it, and find that sweet spot of harmony within your own soul. Amen? Amen!


''I pray you will connect with what is for you,''


was also suave, cunning, and.. (I later learned) full of deceit.''


RESTORATION 101 Recently, I was in conversation with one of the co-authors of the upcoming book collaboration (the third in a series) entitled God Says I am Battle-Scar Free: Testimonies of Abuse Survivors. During that conversation, she shared with me one of her ''ugly truths''. She had a baby by a married man. I cannot go into ALL that her story entailed here (as that is being reserved for the book release), but I had to stop and do a quick reality check on myself. See, many moons ago, I was dating a married man. Hold on. Wait. Stop. Put down the stone. He was legally separated from his wife - and had been for about a year before we met. The ISSUE was this: I was deceived by him. He never made mention that he was STILL married. Conversations about that particular topic were vague - which should have sent up flares…but they did not. Not only was that man STILL married; he had a child with her. Let me backtrack for just a moment. When he and I met, I was freshlydivorced and FREE! If you can relate on ANY level to being FREED from any toxic relationship - friend or romantic - that

was not designed AND ordained by God, you know that feeling is nothing short of being able to inhale and fill your lungs with fresh air. Well, that's where I was when he and I met (for the sake of the remainder of this story, let's name him ''Victor''. I was breathing…freely. He was tall, dark, and handsome - literally. He was also suave, cunning, and (I later learned) full of deceit. How did I come to learn that he was STILL married? His sister found it HER place to tell me. That is a whole other story, but rest assured: Her intent was not one of concern or love for ''Victor'', his wife, nor me. Even after finding out he was ''technically''off the market, I continued on with the relationship - much to his sister's disappointment.

Moving along… The relationship with ''Victor'' was unhealthy. It was apparent early on that both of us were dealing with unaddressed internal issues that would not allow for proper growth of our professed love for one another. He was running from his, and I (being the nurturer I am) was enabling his behavior. It was a LONG seven years of being together, breaking up, and getting back together again. Yes. I said SEVEN YEARS.

The end came by way of me one day taking a stand for myself and my children (none by him). I simply said, ENOUGH! - and that was it. I walked away and never looked back. Once I allowed God to RESTORE my peace and sanity, two years later, HE sent me the man who is now my husband of 10 years: James Edwards.

Everywhere you turn, there are uplifting quotes that speak of being joyful. The Holy Bible instructs us to ''Make a JOYFUL noise unto the Lord

James is my rock, a fabulous stepfather, my biggest cheerleader, and ride-or-die supporter. I am grateful for him and all that GOD designed him to be in my life.

Well, I, for one, can attest to a time when I wasn't joyful and despised being around those who were. I was suffering from undiagnosed depression and didn't know what to do to get out of the ''funk of depression's grip.

Restoration 101: Complete. Restoration 101: ''Victor'' learned his wife Complete. had filed for and was ''Victor'' learned his wife had filed for granted a divorce and was granted a divorce roughly two years into our roughly two years into our relationship, butdidn't she didn't relationship, but she share the news untilwith after our final sharewith thehim news him split. She told him rather pointedly, until after our final split. I didn't want you to marry her, so I She told him rather didn't tell you. pointedly, To her I say, ''Thank I didn't want youyou!'' to marry her, so I didn't tell you.

(Psalm 98:4, KJV). There's a gospel song that says, ''I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. ''Who doesn't appreciate JOY?

How did I get there? It's all a bit fuzzy now, but I will do my best to tell my ''ugly truth.'' The first thing to note is that at the time, I wasn't in close fellowship with Christ or His family of believers. To keep it plain, I had backslidden into a ''comfy place'' where I felt I didn't NEED Christ (a lie and trick of the enemy).

JOY 101 To her I say, ''Thank you!'' JOY is contagious! Did you know?


''I was suffering from undiagnosed depression and didn't know what to do to get out of the ''funk of depression's grip. ''

I had it going ON: A good job, a stable relationship, children were healthy, I owned a home, and the list goes on and on. I was PROUD of all I had accomplished Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall Proverbs 16:18, NIV). I knew the Word. I knew I was operating in error. I couldn't help myself, though. I felt I had strayed too far away from the Father. I soon found myself at the bottom looking up. I was looking up, but not reaching up. I slowly but surely turned into a ''functioning closet alcoholic'' . I I was drinking my breakfast, lunch, and dinner (Fuzzy Navels were my choice). I never allowed myself to get sloppy-drunk, but the spirit of alcoholism was present and counted for in my life. Together, alcoholism and I could turn away from any problem while making it appear as if it was nonexistent. IIn truth, I knew the issues I was dealing with were not going away, but in the moment, ignoring them seemed to be the ideal fix!

Score: 1 for the enemy, Angela zero Much like I mentioned before, one day, I said, ''ENOUGH!'' That day came when I literally looked into a mirror (something I had purposefully been avoiding) and HATED who I saw peering back at me. I had lost a tremendous amount of weight, my normally healthy and long hair was brittle and falling out, and I LOOKED unhappy (all stress-related complications coupled with NOT providing proper nutrients to God's temple). I am grateful to God that He kept me during that phase in my life. I asked for forgiveness for my prideful ways. I prayed for Him to restore my JOY. Our Faithful Father blessed me with GREAT JOY! Today, I am SO full of JOY, there are many who ask, ''How do you do it? How do you ALWAYS smile? My answer is this: ''If you knew where I've been and how GOD restored joy to my soul, you would be JOYFUL, too!

Score: 1 for the enemy, Angela TWO (God gave the increase!)


''in truth, I knew the issues I was dealing with were not going away, but in the moment, ignoring them seemed to be the ideal fix!''


MORE THAN conquerors! We are STILL here!

Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ.

Glory to God! Hallelujah!

~ Sheila Walsh ~ Having peace in our lives every second of every single day is difficult. Situations come along to bump us off of peace's path. Hurts, heartbreaks, loss of jobs, children not ''acting right''loved-ones passing away, and countless other circumstances can quickly wipe a smile off of our faces and prompt a flood of pain-filled tears. At those times, it's important that we remain mindful of where our peace comes from. It's imperative that during those times of pain, we continue to focus our hearts, minds, and souls on Christ and approach His throne in earnest prayer, as well as fellowship with Christ-centered believers.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ esus; (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV). I leave you with this closing passage of Scripture spoken by Jesus Christ Himself: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid (John 14:27, NIV). My sincerest desire is that my personal message blesses and encourages you. May you continually grow and be a blessing to others, Woman of God!

We will be dealt a [perceived] losing hand from time to time in life, but just as during times past, we are


''My sincerest desire is that my personal message blesses and encourages you''










Hello Redefined Women! Hopefully the past two weeks have been great in laying up some foundational Truths which we often need to be reminded of. Get in touch and let’s find out how it’s been for you!

Lets go ahead and continue building the foundation and allow the text for the next two weeks to inspire us to keep “Pursuing the Light”… What if we went back to Jesus’ time and reimagined a letter He wrote to the Woman at the Well…FOR US (a poetic one at that)! Let’s dress up the story in John 4:1-42, with some Fiction and hopefully be inspired by Jesus’ (imagined) letter addressed to the Woman at the Well for her “future daughters” (us millennial women). WWW.WOMENSFRONTLINEMAGAZINE.COM This letter would have been written a few

Eve Redefined Ministries is a para-church organization made up of Christ-centred young women, for all young women, with its headquarters in Accra, Ghana. Our Mission is to inspire young women to lead full, authentic and empowered lives in Christ. Louise Des Bordes Founder






will always be remembered in history as the first evangelist who testified of my Name and brought many to Salvation in Samaria. I know how thankful you are, each day, for that time we met at the well..when your life changed forever. For this reason, I urge you to share these important truths with your daughters, and let them pass them on to their daughters’ daughters. Those future daughters will be known as millennial women, and these millennials will live in a world you could never have imagined in this lifetime. Do you remember that day- when you walked out in broad day light by yourself? Your intention was to show up at noon to draw water from Jacob’s well…many saw you leave the town in the middle of the day, as you hid from yourself and the other women who knew about your dark past and your: Flight from responsibilities. Your five previous husbands.

The man you lived with (who wasn’t your husband). you walking in the daytime but living in darkness.. Yet the beauty of your story is that as soon as you encountered Me- you immediately confessed to your deviant past. You weren’t afraid to be exposed in the Light. You let my light shine in your darkness and that day, consumed by the Light, you walked away a new Woman. Never stop testifying of this day, for your future daughters will often need to be reminded of your story. Just like you, some Millennial women will walk in broad daylight, this time, with ‘perfectly contoured faces and outfits that slay’. Most, will be drenched in darknesswith a presumption that they actually have a relationship with me. They’ll preach to themselves a message of grace without a need for righteousness.




They’ll chase ‘Purpose’ without Purity and blend within a culture where sin is normalized. Instead of running to the Light they’ll mask their secret sins and self-medicate on arbitrary Bible Verses pulled out of context like bandaids on bullet wounds that only I can heal.. but Remind them of my Light. Remind them that after their 1000th confession to me, I will still receive them with opened arms. Remind them that the power of repentance and confession destroys darkness. That though the darkness threatens to drown them My Light Shines a million times brighter. Remind them of how Truth found you.

Remind them. That you too- had questions as to whether I was enough. How you could not believe that someone would have ‘Living Water’, or anything comparable to Jacob’s well, where your ancestors and their ancestors had drawn water from for years. Let them know that it is okay to have questions, but just like you believed, My Word should be enough to drown every one of their doubts… That generation of women, you see, will have more distractions than you could imagine. They will thirst for new things and constantly chase after the novelties of life. Remind them to guard their hearts.

How I set You ablaze in an instant. How you became the spark that set the City on Fire. How the Fire from you lips turned Souls into bearers of Light and ignited every heart once lost in darkness.


Remind them that I AM enough, that they will be most satisfied in Me, when they seek Me wholeheartedly and keep me at the center of their lives. I AM not an afterthought. Nor a medium to be used to seek “earthly success”.




I AM not a means to an end.

every two/three days.

I am the End.

Write down what the Holy Spirit reveals to you for every verse and let’s allow His Spirit to unveil new mysteries to us as we journey together with Him!

The Only One to be sought. And so remind them,

how you thirsted after me. How you Stay Blessed! became the Woman With a Well. How Scriptures: your belly became a well spring of life defying gravity, Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of her heart as the truth of my Word came will flow rivers of living water.’ John gushing out of your lips, to a land 7:38 living in a season of drought it was not even aware of. I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in Remind them, that they too, in their darkness, but will have the Light of persistent pursuit of Me, in their Life. John 8:12 passionate pleas for grace and mercy, in their constant quests for …whoever drinks of the water that I intimacy with Me, they too will will give her will never be thirsty become rivers of Living Water to a again. The water that I will give her dark and lost generation.. will become in her a spring of water welling up to Eternal Life.” John 4:14 Yours Truly, …you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s *Sigh. Pause. Recap. thank You Jesus! special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called For the next two weeks, we’re taking you out of darkness into His on 4 Scriptures..Write them down in wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 your notepad/prayer book/phone/ wherever it’s most convenient, and let’s meditate on ONE Bible verse Jesus Christ.








Establishing a Spiritual ON POINT Foundation in Your Business




There is freedom to attend the kids’ school activities, freedom to travel, and freedom to take time off when a family member is sick.

An entrepreneur can change the way they run their business by introducing spirituality into their business. Instead of f you are relying on grind alone, passionate about your Sometimes which can leave them goals, or you are on a entrepreneurship does frustrated and worn out, vision quest, or you are not automatically come entrepreneurs can count resilient, or you engage with all these freedoms. on the power, in soul-centered decision Hard work and long presence, passion, and making, or you love hours are common as the purity of God in the hustling, and you can entrepreneur marketplace. take calculated risks, plays many roles to get then you are an the business off the It does not matter entrepreneur. ground. The business can whether one is religious swallow an entrepreneur or prefers spirituality Entrepreneurship plays a whole, leaving no time since there is only one significant role in the for family, friends and Universal Power. The growth of individual the idea is to put the financial freedom. With self. This can lead to business in the hands of financial freedom, you burnout, family Spirit and let spirit run it. can do anything you want breakdowns and whenever distance from you want, and with friends. whomever you want.

Focus on Service

to that business which came out of its way to help. They know that Spirit-centered satisfied entrepreneurs seek to customers will keep serve above all else. The provision of quality coming back and tell others about the goods and service to customers and to keep products and the business. customers happy is their aim. They go out of their way to make sure Values the customers are happy Spirit-centered even if a particular entrepreneurs are effort does not bring values-centered. They immediate monetary believe that ethics and rewards. profits need not be mutually exclusive to However, they know achieve success in that every kind gesture business. is a seed sown into the In fact, they believe customer’s mind and that principles and when the customer is values should go hand finally ready to buy, in hand. they will go


Integrity, mutual respect, enjoyment, teamwork, diversity, and flexibility are some of the values that spirit-centered entrepreneur live by. Everyone who works for such entrepreneurs has to adopt these values as well and apply them in their relationships with each other and with the customers they serve. These values have the result of building trust in the minds of all stakeholders, and this is a seed that brings abundance in future.

Integrity, mutual respect, enjoyment, teamwork, diversity, and flexibility are some of the values that spirit-centered entrepreneur live by. Everyone who works for such entrepreneurs has to adopt these values as well and apply them in their relationships with each other and with the customers they serve. These values have the result of building trust in the minds of all stakeholders, and this is a seed that brings abundance in future.

at the business objectively and to look for ideas to grow it. This is the only way they can stop working in the business and start working on the business to build it. Once they focus on building the business and on continuous improvement, the business thrives.

THE HARDEST THING FOR ENTREPRENEURS Decision Making TO DO IS TO TRUST When spirit centered OTHERS ENOUGH entrepreneurs make TO decisions, they look for answers DELEGATE from within. They take RESPONSIBILITIES.

the time to think about the problem from every angle and to Delegation of meditate on it. During Authority meditation, they ask for answers. They may The hardest thing for get answers in the entrepreneurs to do is form of the gut feel or to trust others enough as words spoken by to delegate someone or random responsibilities. Spiritwords spoken on centered television or the radio. entrepreneurs will The entrepreneur coach others to always recognizes the take over some of their words as the answer functions so that they sought. have more time to look


EVERY MORNING UPON GETTING UP, THEY GO INTO MEDITATION. Alternatively, they ask a question to Spirit at bedtime and ask to be given answers during dream time. Usually, the answer will come through the dreams. This is how great inventors used to get their answers

Visualizing Daily Results Spirit-centered entrepreneurs do not force results. Because they delegate work to others, they have time to look at the business from outside without stress. Every morning upon getting up, they go into meditation. They decide what results they want to hear from the managers for the day and they

visualize exactly that. If there is a particular meeting with a customer or the bank or some other important stakeholder, they decide the outcome of the meeting and visualize that in advance. This is the prayer of faith in which the answers are determined and accepted as received in advance. In most cases, the faith is so absolute that the results of the day as reported by the managers are what the entrepreneur decided upon and visualized. .


Visualizing the Future

growth of the business. This is al determined, visualized and Spirit-centered entrepreneurs also accepted as received. look at the long term, say five years in advance. They determine Events will be organized the state of growth that they want mysteriously in such a way that to be reported at a particular time what is envisioned takes place. For at a particular event five years on. the entrepreneur, this is not a miracle. It is the result of working Naturally, the in partnership with God or Spirit. entrepreneur decides on profitability, expansion of markets For those who hear from outside, it may sound like a miracle. for the goods, international branches, and overall

This article was written by Dr. Cozette M. White. Dr. Cozette M. White inspires individuals to live in purpose, embrace passion and achieve personal greatness through a balance in work and life. A leading authority on personal finances and business strategies. White is the Founder and CEO of My Financial Home Enterprises, a financial management firm helping organizations and entrepreneurs develop solutions that fuel business growth and transform products into accelerating profits. Her advice has been called upon by ABC and FOX television stations. She’s been featured on the radio, Black Enterprise, Women of Wealth Magazine, Upscale Magazine,

The Huffington Post and countless newspapers across the country. Women of Wealth dubbed White, “Wealth Builders Extraordinaire.� In addition, White is the recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award under Barack Obama. Learn more at http://www.MyFinancialHome. com and follow her on Twitter @cozettemwhite.


Sweetness For The Soul

mary priddy blog restoration joy peace


and Joy.

he Love of God in so immensely powerful that it can take anyone from brokenness to wholeness, from sick to healed, from deeply troubled to overwhelmed with peace, and from lost to found!

However, we have to move out of the way and allow Him to be God so that He can do what he needs to do within to allow the Peace and Joy to flow through our lives, and so that we can truly live a Restored life abundantly.

He longs so deeply to show His powerful love to all, and Restore them to a life filled with Peace



BLOG ''Unforgiveness can be a very nasty thing''


ods love can restore us back to Him, back to who we were created to be before life got in the way. So many of us have had our hearts broken over and over and this has left that part of us dead, so to speak. That part of our inner most being has to be revived and restored so that we can tell our Heart to beat again and to allow love in. We have to get to a place where we trust again and know that not everyone is out to hurt us. This happens by letting go and allowing God to heal us and to strengthen us so that we can forgive. This is the life-force that will resurrect that part that has died and will restore it back to the place where love is waiting.

Once we get restored back to the place that love is waiting then we are able to feel the Joy and the Peace that only comes from God. Because see while we harbor unfogiveness within, this blocks the peace of God to flood over us. Unforgiveness can be a very nasty thing. This can stay within us long enough to lead into offense and then bitterness. You have to forgive in order for you to have peace and joy once more. Once the forgiveness takes place God will restore all to you that was lost while you were in the never ending pit of Unforgivenss. He will restore to you peace, love, joy and also will restore to you the feeling of a revived heart and spirit. God loves us so much that he never



''He is standing nearby to catch if you stumble or to answer you if you call.''

and that He would never answer me. But He did and He did in such a gently and loving way, It was like He or years I had such anger and reached down from Heaven and unforgivenss, but not at a person, it wrapped His loving Fatherly arms was at God. I felt He had left me around me and just held me as I many years before and that is why all wept. I felt His love, at first it was the bad stuff had happened to me. I strange, but then it engulfed me and I was so angry that my brother had didn’t fight it but welcomed it. Gods died at such a young age and I was so love is everlasting, No matter how far Angry that my parents left me so in the depth of this worlds darkness many times. you may be or no matter if you too, like me, was or is angry at God for This anger and unforgivenss whatever reason He still Loves you. separated me from God for many years. In these years of separation I He will take all your anger, and all was searching for that peace and joy your hurt, and He will wrap you in His I had once known with God. arms and just let you cry and cry.


I searched nonstop with drugs and men for this peace and joy and never found it. I lost myself to the drugs, while I was searching. I was like a race horse running around and around the same track but never to reach the finish line, which to me was that peace and joy. Until one night I had reached my point of desperation for freedom from the drugs, that I swallowed my pride and cried out to the God of my childhood, the God I was so angry at. I just knew that He had forgotten me

Then He will release you to stand on your own once more, but He is not far away at all. He is standing nearby to catch if you stumble or to answer you if you call. That is the Amazing, unending, unconditional Love of our Father God! Our God is the God of Peace! The God of Love! The God of Joy! The God of Restoration! And with him Nothing is ever impossible! -Mary Priddy







It was the year of 2007 and life was really good for me. I was working a job that I truly loved and had just been promoted with a great opportunity! God had already proven Himself to be so very faithful to me but it was something special about this promotion. A couple of months prior, I distinctively remember in my time of prayer expressing my love to God and, asking Him for a closer walk with Him. I could feel a greater tug to move towards the things of God and allow Him to use my life fully. I had no clue what was about to take place but here is my story.

When I stood to pray for the people, my entire right side was in pain. On a beautiful day while sitting in my office, out of nowhere, I remember feeling pain and numbness shoot through my body at the same time. It was something I’d never felt before. The next day, in a Wednesday night service at my church, I began to feel quite light headed for a moment but, it soon went away. When I stood to pray for the people, my entire right side was in pain. It caught me off guard and I nearly lost my balance. I managed to continue my assignment and then took my seat. After service ended, I shared with a couple of members what I was experiencing. After praying with me, one suggested I go to a nearby medical facility.

facility. I was feeling a little better and drove myself as they followed me. Later, I learned that alone was a miracle. After I was checked out at that facility, I was told I should go to the closest hospital emergency room. Not the news I wanted to hear but I took the advice and went. After several tests, I was then told to follow up with my PCP. This visit led me to several visits with a neurosurgeon because I was told my spine was deteriorating. I was so afraid and really didn’t know what to expect. I was told I had a 50/50 change of ever walking normal again if I did not have the surgery. Then, I was told I would always need some kind of aid or device to help me walk even if I did have surgery.

I was told I had a 50/50 change of ever walking normal again if I did not have the surgery.


Company Statistics

I thought each day would get better but, it seemed to get worse! Then, I was told I would always need some kind of aid or device to help me walk even if I did have surgery. Not really understanding those kind of options, I began to ask the surgeon if she knew Jesus? I was afraid but not too much to mention the name of Jesus. I was just not going out like this! She told me verbatim, “I do now because you really shouldn’t be able to walk at all and this has to be His work!” I told her to do what she knew to do and I was going to talk to my Savior and let Him do the rest. This began a chapter in my life that I had not planned for. I knew about planning family gatherings, social events and even vacations when I needed to get away.

But this, I had not planned for! What do you do when your life changes right before your eyes? Sitting in the neurosurgeon’s office, I was given all of the side effects that I could possibly receive and sure enough, I did. I had more numbness as a result which prevented me from walking normal, having any feeling on my right side and unable to return to work. What was supposed to take six weeks to heal turned into six months of immobility! I thought each day would get better but, it seemed to get worse!

Through the mouths of prophets, I heard what God was doing and, what He was about to do in my life. Family and friends had to come and care for me which was really hard to accept. As much as I love them all, I wanted to be able to take care of myself. My car sat in the garage while I laid on the floor trying to stay in a comfortable position for six months. However, it was at this time that God began to speak to me in a way I had never heard Him before. Through His word, I could hear the scriptures come alive and make so much sense to me. Although I was raised in a Christian home and my father was a pastor, it was something about this experience that caused me to

hear God in a way I had not experienced for myself. Through the mouths of prophets, I heard what God was doing and, what He was about to do in my life. I didn’t want to hear what I was hearing; I just wanted my old life back! I began to feel fear as my job was now on the line. Although the physicians were sending in all the appropriate documents regarding my health, my job still needed and wanted me there. Unfortunately, I was unable to return in the time that was allotted for me, even after the grace of more and more FMLA’s, I just couldn’t do it! A month later, I was faced with nother surgery to check for degenerative nerve damage.


It was at this time that I cried out and asked God what was really going on and He reminded me of my prayer to Him, “Lord, I just want a closer walk with you!” Lord have mercy, I didn’t mean I didn’t want to walk but God knew His plans for me. Despite all the pain of not being able to walk and care for myself, the loss of my corporate job, the friends that walked away or, never showed up, and the financial issues that followed and even, the fear of losing control of my life, GOD SHOWED UP! This time in my life pushed me to a dependency on God that NO ONE could ever give to me. I watched God take care of me day by day. People I didn’t know would encourage me and help me in ways I never thought possible. My prayer life increased and I trusted God on a whole new level.

This was all taking place WHILE I was going through and here it where I told God I would do anything He wanted, wherever He wanted me to go and say whatever He wanted me to say. I stopped worrying and began to worship God on a whole new level. I was witnessing and writing from a place I’d never been. Physical therapy was difficult 3 time a week. It was so hard that after a couple of month, I stopped going.

I stopped worrying and began to worship God on a whole new level.

My therapist was so worried about me that he came to my house to check on me. I told my mother I was just going to trust God. I trusted God and just crawled around when I could and pulled up to the furniture and walls the best I could. It was so bad that my mother told me she wished she could take my pain but just like the Psalmist David, God knew I needed this affliction. I was DETERMINED to walk on my own again! My story ends with this, God healed me! I was not back to normal, I was better than before! My mind was elevated, my gratitude was better and my life was changed. Just as the prophets had spoken over my life, it happened. I was teaching and preaching on a regular basis

I was DETERMINED to walk on my own again

and sharing of the goodness of Jesus! It seemed to happen overnight but it was not, it was a process; a painful learning process. Nine years later, God has allowed me to launch a full-time ministry schedule that is still growing each day. I have been afforded the opportunity to travel to several countries including Rio de Janerio, razil, Ontario and Toronto Canada, Hamilton, Bermuda and Narobi, Kenya to preach His word!


I tell it everywhere I go, “God IS a healer!” I learned to only call Him who He is to me! I am a believer on another level. I never imagined this in a million years, but God! I can’t say I have not experienced setbacks but God has remained faithful to me. My life has and never will be the same, not just because of what I went through but rather, the grace, mercy and healing power that God has shown towards me and is able to do for you. I tell it everywhere I go, “God IS a healer!” I learned to only call Him who He is to me! I am a believer on another level. Sometimes, God will allow us to go through things that no one can handle but Him.

Yes, I cried, yes, I lost nights of sleep, yes, I worried but I learned to put ALL of my trust in God. The slogan of Cyndi4REALMinistries, the ministry God gave me became, “All I have is what God said”. He said I was healed and I had to believe it even before I saw it! May I encourage someone today to keep believing that God will come through for you, too, no matter what you are facing today? There is no way He will leave or forsake you. Every obstacle in our lives can be used as an opportunity for a greater testimony. I promise you, better days are ahead.



''There is no limitation in your life and this is not the season that you settle for less than God’s best concerning your purpose''







here comes a time when we face difficulties and must have a clear understanding of who God is in our lives. He gives us an assurance that his guidance will be with us every step of the way. When you have faith that is unmovable it will allow you to walk in a place that you are confident in finishing your purpose in God. My question to you is: what does it mean to be a person walking in confidence?

Confidence according to Webster’s dictionary is “faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way”. There are many things in life that challenges our level of confidence, such as, pursuing a higher level of education, being a public speaker, starting a business, or even launching a new ministry. We must develop a confidence in God that says, ''I can do anything with Him guiding me through the process.'' This reminds me of a scripture Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

There are many examples in the bible that demonstrates a person dependency on God for strength such as Esther, Paul, and even Jesus at His crucifixion. We are destined to walk in greatness and the authority of God that brings about results.

This was one of the most difficult things I ever tried to accomplish, but I realized that God had to give me strength to move forward. There were so many challenges and it came to a point where I almost wanted to throw in the towel, but I remembered that '' I can do all There is no limitation in your life things through Christ that and this is not the season that you strengthen me. '' settle for less than God’s best We can’t do it on our own and must concerning your purpose. You don’t have confidence to know that ''with have low self esteem issues, God, all things are possible.'' because God is with you and for you. You will not fail as long as you The one thing I can assure you is have the will power to not give that confidence is a way to stop upon your God given purpose. second guessing yourself, manage Failure is not an option for you. your fears and become able to do more than you can ever imagine. I remember in my own life starting a Knowing what you are skilled at, the vision God gave me in 2007 for value you provide, and acting in a starting my nonprofit to help those way that shows to others. that are hurting to be healed in every area of their lives.

You are not arrogant in anyway and there is always a drive to do better. When you are confident, that places you in a position to inspire others. I know from my own life it is a joy to help others build their self worth. These tools are necessary to bring about transformation, that will help them realize their full potential. They will be confident in themselves and in return help others. A person that is confident does not have an ''identity crisis'' of who they are and know that their life is worth something. We

Dr. Yolanda Sherman D.C.C., M.A. Board Certified Christian Counselor As Founder and Executive Director of Break Free Release Ministries (founded in 2007), Yolanda Sherman has inspired many to embrace spiritual change and live a more fulfilling life, free from bondage. Yolanda was ordained in January 2009 as a licensed minister. Yolanda is a graduate of the Grace Bible Institute where she became a Certified Christian Counselor. Yolanda attended the College of Biblical Studies in Houston, Texas. She also received

are driven to reach our highest peak and won’t allow anything to stand in our way. I want to encourage you to finish the goals you have set and failure is not an option for you. You need to know that God is with you every step of the way and there is no room for fear. You can do anything that your heart desires and he will give you the power to accomplish it. Remember you are a person walking in confidence.

a bachelor's in 2012 in Christian Counseling from International Kingdom Christian Counseling and Bible Seminary. Yolanda has recently completed a Masters Degree in Christian Counseling from Juliana King University, ( an affiliate of University of Family Bible Institute College and Seminary) in 2016. In the summer of 2017, she will receive her doctorate in Christian Counseling.






Evangelist Salena Williams /Author/Actress/ Illustrator/ Songwriter/Singer


Restoration Joy Peace


he first educational goal I achieved was earning a four year degree in Business Education in 1982 at Virginia State University in Ettrick, Virginia outside of my native home of Richmond and Petersburg, Virginia.

teacher. I have made myself available for handling a variety of other duties.

changed to Modified Instructional Program (M.I.P).

I have had the On the lighter, responsibility of being extracurricular side, I the JHS Business can make mention of Department Head or being a cheerleading Lead Teacher for at least coach, a sophomore ten years, a coach to less class advisor experienced business and a club sponsor for student teachers who the creation of JHS were trained on how to Grooming for Success prepare professional Club to service most the lesson plans, and a school’s coordinator of the JHS The above degree student body. Business Partnership opened the first door for Program after it had me to work as a business On the professional been allowed to lapse teacher in Jefferson side, besides serving as for a number of years. County, WV for 34 years. a curriculum specialist who created the I am a self-publisher of a I have always intended curriculum for In School sci-fi novel She’ra to go beyond the Suspension (I.S.S) for published in 2010 with positions of my own student’s behavior Xlibris0VCQA.com and I basic position, and to problems afforded me a have completed the incorporate into my paid stipend of $500.00. second saga “She’ra II experience a number of Dangerous Secrets” to supplemental roles in The name of the above be published addition to the duties of discipline program has a full-time business


interacted with my three published songs as message presented from a songwriter with a biblical and secular HillTop Records in stance encouraged and California. pushed me to lead by the foundation that God had placed in me to ' It was a joy to have become the leader he been given an had always known I had opportunity to be a inside of me. Motivational Guest Speaker on February 12, I have been re-instated 2017 for Black History in another role on Month at 3:30 p.m. from February 14, 2017, my mentor in which will help me to 2000-2009, Dr. Gertrude work to improve others Dixon, Senior Pastor and when I re-instated Joseph B. T. Dixon, Jr., myself as a member in Pastor of the Church “An the local chapter of the House of Prayer for All NAACP organization in People Deliverance Jefferson County, West Ministries, Inc.� to learn Virginia. about the Spiritual World at 116 East Race As for my mission today, Street, Martinsburg, I will continue to take West Virginia 25401. stock over the importance of positive The reception of all who leadership skills needed were in attendance in schools, local showed me how each churches, businesses one was engaged to and family living. what I had to speak on. I am working to help The audience of the restore the harmony, the Christian Saints had effectiveness of all restored my faith, my entities to work peace and my joy. To see together as a team to and watch the Christians better service all as a as they participated and form of an educational WWW.WOMENSFRONTLINEMAGAZINE.COM

process that will empower all communities of people within the surrounding counties in West Virginia. It is important for me and everyone to invest into the lives of the youth and adults through good leadership. I have also noted the impoverished and uninspired experiences our people can face and have face under poor or inept leaders within various organizations that were designed to have stability. I have sensed through my personal relationship with God, that my ability to listen to his voice, to adhered to the Holy Spirits helps me with my purpose in life to work on the vision and the mission to make a difference in people with the skills, the knowledge that he has allowed me to obtain with this scripture

distributed to all teacher to keep account of all John 14:26-27 “But the Helper, the Holy students when teachers had their yellow school Spirit, whom the Father registers stolen, drawing will send in my name, he up a form and presenting will teach you all things the usage of the form to and bring to your the school board for the remembrance all that I evident of students and have said to you. parents being able to see their child’s mid progress Peace I leave with you; results before the end of my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I a grading period and many more projects give to you. Let not your which has gone unhearts be troubled, noticed by leaders who neither let them be were out for themselves. afraid.” which I keep in my mind I am constantly seeking daily. God’s way and God’s Each and every day when I guidance as he prepares ask God to let his mind be me to assume the responsibilities for my mind, I seem to excel in excellence in whatever bringing people such as I task, problems, trials and have mentioned to a place of competent, tribulations I may face. My destiny is a path I have caring, nurturing others who are lead to fulfil their found to be like no other goals in any given climate as I have had to battle of his or her environment some evil spirits within without jealousy and my world of everyday strife. living, whether it’s my home life or my work life. I can only thank God for The educational gain with him developing my sense of being, which calls me God as my to help motivate, leader has projected challenge all who pursue peace that has allowed me to conquer and defeat leadership positions. the adversaries that had Philippians 4:9 denied me “What you have learned credit for projects I had and received and heard provided within my seen in me-practice these workplace, such as creating a system of color things, and the God of peace will be with you. coded cards to be

This scripture has helped me accomplished the goals of completing two graduated degrees such as: Mountain State University, Martinsburg, West Virginia, a Master’s Degree in Strategic Leadership Organizational Structure in May of 2008 and a Principal Certificate Post Graduate Program from American Public University (APU) in January 1, 2016 in excellence. I have been restored with God’s potential and with God’s promotion unlike mankind that enables me to feel like a champion and for me to be a warrior for the Kingdom of God.

What God has bestowed upon me invaluable and no one can make me feel any less confident to do what God has ordained me to do, when it comes to the leadership of others and of myself.



For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.




Frazier Elementary jazzminmonet@gmail. com Objective: To create an environment where stories are told through lively movements, passionate sounds and spirited expressions, thus music and dance is appreciated, health and fitness is the lifestyle. Academic Background: Columbia College Chicago (September 2012Current) Music Major -Vocalist/ Songwriter Dance Minor -African

Dance Coach, Facilitator - Chez Elite (dance team )Experience:

Employment: Lawndale Fitness (2010- 2015) Dance Instructor - Hip Hop Dance and Stomp (Youth) - Afro-Fusion/ Dancehall (Adults)J Monet Studio (2015current) Dance Instructor Founder of Chez Elite (youth dance team for girls)

Training at Bryant Ballet (CMDC; 2002, 2004-2005) - Ballet with Homer Bryant - Hip Hop Dance (CMDC) - Jazz (Columbia College) Modern(Columbia College) - Tap (CMDC) Workshops in East St. Louis under the late Katherine Dunham (Summer of 2004) - Cultural Dance (African Diaspora) Modern Dance Technique as African and Caribbean Dance

Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center (September 2008- June 2012)

- DanceLab (adult fitness classes, AfroCaribbean, Hip Hop, ) BTB Program of Northwestern God Get's the Glory, University at Michele Gospel Recording Clark HS (2015-current) Group

Founder of F.I.Y.A. (school dance team) Ed Kotler Leadership

Dance Coach, Facilitator - Founder of FEMMES (dance team)

-Jazz - Modern


Scholarship (Von Steuben Alumni Scholarship) awarded based on leadership and talent

MEET JAZZMIN MONET HUGHES - Performed in Ohio, Alabama, Volunteer Work: and Georgia - Sang behind Fred 18 th District Peer Jury and Hammond in Gospel Fest Explorers Voluptuous Divas Pageant Dance Choreographer

Hosting various events dedicated to the community

Annual 5k Run at Lawndale Miss Beautiful Nurse Pageant - Fitness Dance Choreographer Assisting the participants with Wedding - Dance supplies, water, etc. ChoreographerQualifications/ Skills: References: Peer Jury & Explorer Passion for Dance and Music Scouts Consistent with Responsibilities

Officer Mary Kay Ferguson (312) 742-5778

Great stamina and Body Movements Commitment to Work

Richard Adams (312) 771-3698Columbia College Chicago

Excellent with Building and Maintaining Relationships Optimistic and Receptive to Develop Adequately and Holistically

Malik Camara (African Dance Instructor) Keesha Beckford (Jazz and Modern Dance Instructor) Jazzmin Monet Hughes





God is all about restoring our lives.

are faithful with little, God will make us When God restore us of all our losses., ruler over much. The way of developing he gives us the ability to create and in God is knowing that God will restore invent things so they manifest in our us in his perfect timing. Sometimes the lives. wait can be so long, however it is always worth it. God knows the end from the The book of Nehemiah shows us how to beginning. God is faithful to do what he rebuild the broken down walls of our says he will do in his word. The promises life. God rebuilds our character in the of God will be fulfilled in our lives. It times of difficulties, and as we wait on requires us to take simple steps of him. This is one of the greatest ways walking in faith regardless of what we that God restores our lives from all the see. God is all about restoration and broken pieces. recovery. We can believe to recieve full recovery from the Lord. God promised All the disappointment, and setback we Job that he wiould give him double for go through, or are going through can be his trouble. And God restored Job for all restored by God. Gods restoration l his losses and more. allows us to enter into his favour of The book of Isaiah says, ''For all the multiplication . shame the beloved of God go through, He multiplies our resources, wealth and God will reward them with double all that we need to fulfill our God given honor.'' Believe in the impossible. mandate, purpose and vision. The Nothing is impossible to them who restoring hand of God restore us into believe. It takes trusting in God to do becoming like Christ. God transforms us what only he can do. God is able to do into the character and the likeness of exceeding above and beyond what we him. God uses this opportunity to hope or imagine. teach us how to be slow to speak and quick to listen. He teaches us how to be When God restores his beloved people, still and quiet in his presence. He shows they recieve great joy and peace. Their us how to take one step at a time and joy is everlasting and overflowing. The not rush the process. kind of joy that comes from God is beyond understanding. It truly brings Everything we ever go through in life it restoration and great glory. I hope that is not to harm us, but it is to build us, you experience the glory of God better us and develop our character. through the joy of God. God cares about every details of our lives. He wants to restore our lives. As His joy is comforting and brings peace we learn to wait on him, we learn to and gives us a sound mind. It is so trust him. refreshing when Gods peace is poured into our life. God is the Prince of peace. The bible says that, nothing is too hard who brings peace that surpasses all or too difficult with God to them that understanding. His peace is a place of believe. It is a time of completely rest for the soul. What a great joy God trusting In God at his word and wait on brings with his presence. I surely hope his tming. The scriptures says, when we that his beloved people walk in his





y client name is Faith. Faith is currently 14 years of age extremely promiscuous and filled with depression. She especially seeks attentions from men or boys who greatly compliment her. Faith being 14 years of age and

promiscuous propose a variety of issues. Faith resides, in Providence, Rhode Island, with her impious parents. She has a passion for singing, modeling, and dancing. She is very intentional or ...calculating with her actions when she sees something or someone that sparks her desires for attention.


From time to time, Faith lashes out to her peers and teachers. She's always in a defensive mode protecting her demeanor. She lacks adult guidance and directions. Talking to her is actually complicating. Often she looks for love and attention in the wrong places by surrounding herself with those who have bad characters and supports or persuades her to pursue unethical acts which often push her into a state of hopelessness.

easily and is not aware of her true identity as a result of the negative distractions that are within her boundaries.

Faith can attend a local neighborhood church, available after school programs or seek guidance counseling with efforts of being an example and not the sample. The immediate action is to get her to participate in school or church activities where she can explore her talents and have a change of She has a good heart but it is heart by interacting with positive harden. She has a huge network of influential individuals who will family, so-called friends and make a difference in her precious acquaintances plus she has a great life for years to come. connection with her dance teacher. She is always practicing her dance routine in the absence of others (kind of out of site - out of mind mindset). She loses focus

Isaac Harrison Gyan is my name. I was born in Kwesimintsim in the Western Region of Ghana in West Africa. I had my formal education at Ambassadors Preparatory School and furthered my studies at Takoradi Senior High School where I had my college education in Pure Science. Currently I am in Takoradi Technical University studying HND Civil Engineering. After my three years in college before entering into the tertiary education in 015, I taught in my former school Ambassadors Preparatory School as the Science and Mathematics teacher from 2013 to 2015. Isaac Harrison Gyan is a prophet of God who has desire in teaching and training



This implies that we can never deny ourselves of them as estoration, peace and joy humans because in our everyday are terms which are mostly used endeavor to fulfilling divine in the field of religion, philosophy purpose, we will have to live by and culture. They are integral part them. of human existence. The word ‘restore’, ‘peace’ and ‘joy’ can be found written in the Bible 101, 191 and 183 times respectively.

by Isaac Harrison

The term Restoration was first used

Therefore these three entities – in the 14 th Century to mean the restoration, joy and peace work act or process of returning hand-in- hand to make a person something to its original condition whole and give him complete by repairing it according to the soundness of mind befit creature in Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Peace the image of his Creator. is also defined according to the English Dictionary as the state of In most situations, one will realize being free from oppression and that most of the negative actions unpleasant thoughts and emotions we portray on the outside are as a whiles Joy is the feeling of extreme result of the reactions within. happiness or cheerfulness. Sometimes one can be annoyed From the various definitions above, with a friend on a no-reasonable one can notice that before a person ground. When such circumstance can have peace of mind and joy, he happens, the person that is or she will have to be restored angry is confused within or battling from every state of distortion or with an issue in his inner man. In confusion. this state of incompleteness and troubling As humans, most of the battles we within, he can never relate very fight are the battles within – the well his colleagues, family or even battle of the mind. When one is with himself. This in the end will confused within, he cannot relate leave him in a complete state of well with his surrounding because confusion, depriving him the joy he who we are outside as humans is as deserves. a result of who we are on the inside.

women's frontline mgazine march 2017

restoration joy peace

be altered. Making peace with the past will give one a free mind and spirit to plug into what the future holds. So Paul said in


herefore, the question is, how can one be restored to give him peace and joy? For one to be Philippians 3:13 that, “but this one restored after a state of confusion, thing I do, forgetting those things anxiety and pain, below are some which are behind, and reaching things he can do; forth unto those things which are before”.


Life has been an endless unfolding; babies unfolding into children, children into youths, youths unfolding into men and men into old men. As this unfolding continues there are many mistakes that are bound to take place of which one can never erase. Some of them leave a mark in one’s life whiles others transform a person totally. When that happens one may end up living in the past which in effect will constantly leave one in a state of fragmentary. However one will have to accept all the happenings of the past and make peace with it because it can never

ACCEPTING ONE’S FALWS For one to be restored so that he may have peace, he will have to accept his flaws as human because they are things that make up who he is. Being too hard on one’s self will leave the person in absolute displeasure and confusion. As the saying goes, “to err is human, to forgive is divine”, one will have to accept how he was made because that was the Creator’s decision to make you so. Therefore, whatsoever pothole that needs to be filled have to be filled so that there can be total soundness in the life of a person.

women's frontline mgazine march 2017

restoration joy peace


our Lord who is well able to sustain the person.

We will wrap up from the To be complete, sound and have various points by saying that if wholeness of mind, heart and one is not restored he can never life, one will have to always have peace (within or without), seek divine grace through and if one does not have peace prayer. Grace termed as charis he can never have joy and if one in the Greek is defined does not have joy he can never according to the Strong’s live a fulfilled life. This means Concordance as the divine that, restoration of life brings influence upon the heart, and its peace and peace brings joy. We reflection in the life. can never run away from reality because no matter how fast a There are some things in life person runs, reality will still that cannot be achieved by catch up with him. human tsength so they have to be granted by divine grace. We cannot divorce ourselves of the importance of God’s grace in our lives so for one to have a complete soundness of mind and peace, he will have to surrender his all to Jesus Christ

women's frontline mgazine march 2017



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