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My heart is moved by a noble theme as I recite my verses to the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer. Psalm 45:1 I am happy to be able to release this issue of Women's Frontline Magazine and hope that the articles will uplift your heart and give you courage to write your own story. So many people are walking around with so much hurt and pain. I hope that with the help of these articles and real life stories, God will use them to touch your life . He is the God who heals and gives peace. WFM is published in the spirit of honour to God and all that he is doing in and around he world. Though it might seem like the enemy is winning, we hold on fast to his promises and stand on the nished work of the Cross. As you face your daily challenges, know that you are not alone. You must learn the importance of owning and acknowledging that God is Supreme and that in him you will nd your peace and balance. With his divine help,

Women’s Frontline Magazine, is a digital and print magazine that is devoted to uplifting and edifying the Kingdom of God through writing. We invite all authors, essayists, journalists, persons of letters, poets, scribes, wordsmiths to come and submit your writings, manuscripts, poems and essays as you share the gift of knowledge, comprehension, awareness, revelation discernment, and divine observation with others. As you read this magazine, you will gain insight, grow in understanding, mature and gather wisdom from the information that God has shared with the writers. To buy a copy of the print magazine, send a message to womensfrontline@gmail.com

you can walk in con dence and victory every day. I hope that you take the time to read and re ect on these articles and share them with your friends and family. I am thrilled that we have a team of writers, who are the handmaidens of Christ that continue to work with me to bring more hope and more light to our readers Mucha




CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS Mary Eisenacher Shelly Wilson Alice Mills Heidi Ngai Kudzie Phiri Sandra Charite Tina N. Boson Linda M Anita Snowden Winnie Andango Yolanda Sherman Michelle Lee


Please soften my heart with Your oil so that I can have compassion for unbelievers, backsliders, the sick, the lost, and those who need Your deliverance. We need You – people need to know you! Have compassion and draw your people to you. With an open and willing heart, I pray that You continue to watch over mankind and grant us the opportunity to do Your will. May we go forward with joy! My heart is over owing with gratitude for you and I want others to know what a wonderful friend you are to me. Thank you for forgiving me for my failures and for all the things I struggle with. It is with thanksgiving that I receive Your everlasting love. My lowest points and my nest moments have been taken care of by you. Your promise to never leave me or abandon me has never been broken. You have repeatedly shown me that to be true. Help me to follow Your instructions in reverence to You when You give them to me. Your Word should always be treated with respect, so I want to be careful not to treat it casually. I desire to be obedient. I desire to live for You. It’s only by Your grace that I can continue. So, I receive Your grace right now–knowing that You ARE with me. I thank You that you treat me like I am special. Well, You are special to me. I love You, Dear Jesus.. Anonymous

THE CALL God´s women of all ages, races and cultures are emerging from the hidden places of obscurity to the frontlines. They are like a generation of Esthers and Deborahs with a supernatural edge. They understand the realm of the Spirit and operate from there. In this self-centered generation, the older women´s wisdom cuts deep and brings deliverance and healing. Yes, they are being prepared in he secret place of the Most High God. The younger women have a vibrancy that reveals the beauty of the glory of the Lord in their lives. Their joy is contagious and their hearts are tender and kind with hearts of full compassion. There is an inbuilt warrior instinct that nurtures and protects the glory of the Lord. They are Kingdom builders and have a supernatural way of moving forward in all spheres of the economy. The Lord is calling women and taking them to greater heights so that they can master his ways. Will you answer the call? Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8


I arise and awaken to the voice of my Father, then I can begin to see again and hear His voice calling me to new depths and greater heights. Awaken my spirit, leap for joy because today, you have been counted worthy to stand.''

"Who am I" need not be a mystery for the saints, the truth of our identity is hidden in His Word, which is the Christ. It is in Him we have our "being", our existence, our life


In the past month, headline news articles have showcased a series of deaths. Whether they were famous celebrities or the neighbour next door, these deaths were a result of suicide.

By Sandra Charite Within the past couple of years, this country (USA) has been facing a crisis that can no longer be ignored. While advertising campaigns have been created and celebrities have front lined endorsements to discuss this issue, the number of people dealing with mental health continues to grow. Depression, self-harm and suicide are rising among young people. The 2020 pandemic highlighted the signi cance of prioritising mental health yet the number of those walking around untreated continues to grow. At some point, we will have to realise that mental health is a serious crisis in our country. This month is Mental Health Awareness Month which is a time as we bring awareness to this issue a ecting millions worldwide. According to Mental Health America, suicidal ideation continues to increase among adults in the U.S. The number of youth struggling with depression has increased. Sadly, the majority of adults with a mental illness do not receive treatment, totalling over 20 million adults in the United States who are being untreated. White youth with depression were more likely to receive mental health treatment while AsianAmericans youth were least likely to receive mental health care. So many people are still recovering from Covid-19 and the challenges of 2020.

Personally, the pandemic took a toll on my mental health. I found myself going to work and coming home to my empty apartment. Although creative ways to virtually stay socially connected were implemented, it still wasn’t enough like having people physically present.There were times when anxiety and depression visited my door steps but I was able to overcome them by having an awesome support team and speaking life into places where I felt dead. However, I understand that everyone is not me and their response to life’s challenging moments is not similar to mine. Honestly, I think that it’s important for us to be honest about the mental health crisis. It’s easy to have these slogans like “Take care of your mental health” but what does that mean to a mother who just had a baby and is dealing with postpartum depression? What does that mean to someone who is battling bipolar depression, on a xed income, and can’t a ord the $40 copayments for the therapy session every two weeks? What does that mean to the person who has trust issues and is fearful of confronting past traumatic events they’ve encountered in their lives?


Unfortunately, these suicide cases are getting younger and many attribute that to the rise of social media. Sadly, some these individuals have been dealing with their mental health issues for a quite some time then nally succumbed to those suicidal thoughts leaving loved ones with unanswered questions. Witnessing a mental health crisis can be unsettling yet the number of cases continues to rise in our families, among our co-workers and church members, and loved ones. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), a study released in August 2020 that showed that over 40 percent of adults in the United States reported dealing with mental health challenges or substance use. What's alarming is more than 50 percent of adults with mental health concerns are not receiving treatment. The percentage of people experiencing severe mental illness has jumped but many Americans with a mental illness are uninsured. In order to fully treat the mental health crisis holistically, then we must address all these issues that prevent full treatment and ensure resources are accessible to all the individuals who need it the most..

Who are you looking like these days? The feminist or the strong woman of God? I don’t know where you are in life. Maybe you are in high school with your whole life ahead of you. Maybe you are in college getting ready to start a career and be a light for Jesus. Maybe you are a newly-wed learning how to look like the bride of Christ. Maybe you are raising your babies doing the best you can at the most important job in the world. Maybe you have an empty house now and are looking for ways to serve others. Whatever state we are in, we all can use a reminder of what it is to be a truly strong woman of God. We all can strive to be good examples to the generation to come. We can all be strong women. We all can change the world, if we change just the world around ourselves. So… Feminist? or strong woman of God?…. which are you? "SHE SPEAKS" certainly is about HER LIFE in totality, it transcends her words, it deals with her actions at large

Strong women know where their worth is found- at the foot of the cross, where Jesus made us worthy. Other women may search for worth in fame, popularity, money, love, status….. but not the strong woman. She needs nothing but the Lord’s still small voice saying, “Darling, you are loved.” No matter what comes her way, her faith is unshaken, and her view of her worth in Christ is consistent because God loves her unconditionally.


Everyday, our world is providing a situation where someone is losing something. Whether it is a job, a loved one, or sense of direction someone begins the process of being lost in losing. When we nd ourselves lost, we must take note of our situation. Realise that the soul is at a crossroad dealing with many avenues of choices. The soul is stated to be comprised of a persons' mind, will and emotion. The mind, where thoughts are formulated takes the loss and then places it in either the failure, guilt, lonely and helpless column of our lives. The will or the desire to move on comes to a complete stop because the mind triggers the thought of "why bother - nothing will change." The emotions tops the sundae with doubt, discouragement and despair. When someone is lost, all of these areas are a ected which may be the reason why you don't bounce back as fast. You may get your mind together, but your desire or emotions have not been challenged to move on! When experiencing loss, can I suggest the following: Start a healing process Pray, and if that is not your thing, consult someone that will assist you in forming a happier you inside rst; this will then extend to your outer you. let positive energy ow Being lost in your loss happens daily, nding a way out makes you to start the search!

THE SOUL IS AT A CROSSROAD Accept the lost and realise that even if it's your fault; you can only change the next moment. Apologise if necessary; Forgive others and yourself. Make a plan. Write down what happened and read it aloud Make the adjustment so that correction can ow Move on Surround yourself with a positive energy ow Being lost in losing happens daily, nding you takes you to start the search!

What if we woke up every morning knowing that we are loved! Every new day gives us new hope, and a chance to do better than we did yesterday. You have a new day to make things happen and challenge yourself in taking steps towards achieving more for yourself today. Do not give up. You are loved.


It is important to remember that our words, whether spoken to God or one another are not to be taken lightly. With the very words of His mouth our God spoke creation into existence. We must be cautious of the words that we speak because there are always ears that hear because God hears every word. Vows, whether good or bad, spoken in haste, are very often hard to ful ll and as scripture tells us it is better not to make a vow than to break it. We need to be cautious of every words that we speak.

She senses the angels and sees how her prayers are manifested with their help. She doesn’t worship them, but has come to realise how God uses them to be a help to her. It is His Word confessed that release the holy angels. Other people are drawn to her, and if purposed to nd out the reason for this drawing, they will get to know The One she loves and desires to share. Her mind is steadfast on Him and she is single-eyed toward Him. Her focus remains on Him and what are His desires for her life. One day, she knows that He will come for her and introduce her to Heaven and its rewards. It seems as if she has already been translated – and she has – to His glorious Kingdom.

I think of each new day and the sunrise. It is so exciting to see a beautiful sunrise. When I was pregnant with my son, I saw every sunrise. Even in the womb, he started moving around at 6:30 in the morning. I had lots of times of re ection while looking out the window and greeting the morning. - Mary Eisenacher Often we can nd ourselves in a cycle of daily responsibilities. We can live our lives on cruise control experiencing a level of happiness and ful llment. We do not realise it, but we begin to allow life to lead us rather than us making intentional decisions and plans to live the life that we desire. The dreams, goals, and desires that you have in your heart will only be realized when you choose to live intentionally. -C. Thomas



I met a woman today. She was so beautiful. Her hair owed in the wind and she walked with so much con dence attracting the attention of many eligible bachelors. When she spoke, everyone listened. But sadly, every woman she approached, she felt the urge to say something negative about her. Instead of embracing her sister, she was tearing her down about her hair, clothes, and status. After witnessing her disgusting behaviour, I realised her beauty was an external mask but internally was an insecure woman struggling in her own skin.

This reminded me of the story of Rachel in the bible. Rachel, who was considered beautiful externally, hated her sister, Leah. Leah had married Jacob rst then she began to bore him several kids. Rachel had Jacob’s heart but Leah had his seeds. The jealousy overruled the love Rachel had for her sister. Leah, who was known for homemaking skills, was taunted by her sister until Rachel began to bare children (Genesis 30).

Peninah played on Hannah’s insecurities. You see in those days, a woman, who was barren, was considered sick and outcast but a fruitful woman gained notoriety and prestige throughout the land. But, must we as women continue with the same mentality? Instead of celebrating our sister’s accomplishments and consoling her through life’s troubles, why must we continue to tear her down to the point where we strip them of their identity?

And then, there was Peninah. She taunted Hannah in the Book of Samuel. Hannah was over loved by her husband, Elkanah. When he went up for the yearly sacri ce, he gave Hannah (1 Samuel 1) a double portion because he loved her but the Lord had closed Hannah’s womb.

The sad thing is the insecurities found in young girls often travel with them as they transition into women. This is how you nd the most beautiful women with the nastiest attitude and hating on other women because of their internal discomfort.

However, Elkanah’s other wife, Peninah, despised Hannah out of jealousy then taunted her for being barren. Hannah was moved to tears but later found worship as an answer to her breakthrough.

Every woman has a struggle, journey, or habit that diverted them o course. Imagine if our past was exposed (the whole truth even the secret things we keep hidden) in a room lled with women we have despised or hated, I wonder if we would truly have anything negative to say about each other afterwards.

Peninah was another beautiful woman tearing down her sister because of what she lacked internally.



This place is so quiet that even the solitude seems loud. It’s your valley season. The thing to keep in mind as you walk through this ‘valley’ is that you are not alone. The Father is there. And not only is Father there, but He comes with particular gear. He has a Rod and a Sta . The rod is used to protect you and stave o danger. But the sta is used to guide you into the place of safety and deliver you from evil.

There will be times in your life when you just don’t know what to do. A time when as much as you love the Lord, that the mind to call upon Him doesn’t even seem to exist. It will be a time when all chaos and mayhem is breaking loose around you and you

It has been custom designed with you in mind to draw you back to a place of safety if you wander too far and to bring you closer the Father so that He can closely inspect you to make sure you have not been injured. My friend, this dark season won’t last always but while you are there, rest in the Saviour’s bosom. Lean upon Him and nd solace in nothing else. No one has been created to help you when you reach this spiritual place of the valley.

don’t know where to turn and don’t know who to trust. It’s a valley season. It’s a ‘walk through the valley of the shadow of death’ season where no one is allowed to come to your rescue. You are required in this season to sit still, be quiet, ponder the direction the Father is taking you to, and comply. In this season you may feel as if the world is passing you by. It will seem as if you are invisible and that even if

The Lord Himself moves you far beyond anyone’s reach to assure that He will be the only source of your strength. Take courage and know that weeping may endure for a night, but morning is coming and you will see the breaking of day as pain gives way to joy.

you cried out for help, no one would recognise your voice. It’s one of those solitary places in God where if He doesn’t draw you in, no one can.


When you are misunderstood or judgements are made without intimate knowledge, you can rest knowing Christ will defend you Himself and He has seen it all. Every believer must come to a place where Christ holds the key to your heart and ultimately His approval and blessing reigns above any others. When lies are spoken of you, you need not avenge yourself….for Christ spoke not a word as He was falsely accused. Yet, silently….He surrendered to His Father’s plan. So shall we… and trust Christ will use it all for good. Shelly Wilson

Shelly Wilson is a poet, psalmist, and messenger passionate about releasing a word in season to weary hearts. Shelly is a champion for those who have lost their voice and she mentors many to become rooted in Christ in a way that raises them as modern day warriors. She is honoured to birth out others with Christsize dreams and is particularly fond of spotting the gifts in women and girls.

What good is a resurrection if you are going to run back to what is familiar? Some of us need to leave who we were in that grave. God has raised you anew and with that burial was who YOU thought you would be. In essence, that death brought about a new name, a new focus, a new expansion, and with it new assignments. I’ve been through many deaths with Christ. I died again in 2012 and God called me to leave my girl’s ministry in that grave. While the devil had secured my headstone and thought I was down for the count, God was giving me a new name by pulling out “the Shelly” He had created in the womb. The time had come to move into other areas. Tempted to go back to what I knew, I tried again the girl’s ministry. Once again, God said, “This is not your new direction.” Instead, I’m now in rooms tending the little girls in the big girls.

Some of you continue to align yourselves with old seasons. You keep recreating the same environment, the same programs, and the same tasks that were wonderful in the past but no longer part of the new season. This is why you’re struggling. If you are digging in your heels like you know best, God will likely put you to another death until you surrender to His desires. I’ve learned my lessons here. Repeated seasons of teaching I do not want. It seems to be harder each time I rebel against God. Loosen your grip, friends, on your life. Let Him have it. You’ll not be sorry. You’re keeping yourself limited in vision and scope while God is trying to expand you. The old you is dead. Wave goodbye to her, or him, and follow Jesus.

Precision in spiritual warfare requires you to know your commander, know who you are in Christ and know your enemy! Courage, discernment, wisdom and focus enable the ability to deal a decisive, precise blow against the enemy.


When we fail to directly and intentionally stand beside a woman who has experienced abuse, when we question or suggest in any way that she has had a part in the abuse or could change it, we are siding with the one who abused her.

By Louise DB

So why do some Christians mask their inadequacies? There can be several reasons, several of which are intricately intertwined with our personal lives and experiences but one thing is for sure, the culture we live in plays a major role in this Images on TV, tweets, Facebook post and pictures and other cultural trends bombard us daily with "perfect" images about perfect people, and their perfect jobs, perfect spouses, perfect marriages, perfect gifts and overall the overt false representations of a 'perfect life'.

Why are several Christians today afraid of delving deeper into the roots of their personal inadequacies (character aws which lead to sin and unbelief such as bad habits, secret sins, temporary bouts of fear…etc.)? We live in a day and an age where we’re inadvertently taught by our growing culture, to mask our inadequacies; Pretending to have the happiest relationships when our marriages are crumbling. Assuring ourselves that our families are intact when our children are really wayward. Speaking ‘life’ over others when we’re secretly ghting the same demons. Preaching Purity when we’re struggling with lust. Telling others and ourselves that, ‘God is good to us’ when we’ve got a mounting bitterness towards Him because of growing failures. If God could expose the condition of some of our hearts, some of us would never imagine how we might perhaps be an argument away from years of developing unforgiveness or a tragedy away from cursing God and developing a suicidal spirit. We basically refuse to let others know that we may be going through a wilderness period because we fail to admit it to ourselves, rst and foremost. We pile up imperfection upon imperfection; inadequacy upon inadequacy, hurt upon hurt and mask them under the best religious guise; ‘I am Blessed and Highly Favoured’. Masked inadequacies, which are never dealt with, create a forever broken spirit and a crushed heart.

No matter the current mood of your melodies there is an undercurrent of beautiful, heavenly harps playing Heaven’s song for you. It is all written to draw you to a deep love song from the Saviour Himself. For He is the great Psalmist. Shelly Wilson

No wonder people never linger towards 'imperfections' anymore because we're too busy trying to make our lives 'perfect' for people to see that we've got it all together...when most of us are crumbling within. One of the dangers in succumbing to the practices of this culture is that we're a society that is losing touch and dare I say, has lost touch with the true essence of Character, and developing our characters in Christ. Hear this: Living under the false assumption that you've 'arrived' does not speak of your character but rather validates you as another social media statistic. However, our inadequacies can be viewed as a blessing in disguise when we begin to perceive them in the light God’s Word. When we shift our gaze from self-consciousness to Godconsciousness and decide to stop with the pretences and face our Goliaths head on, we come to realise that these inadequacies create an opportunity for Him to extend His grace towards us and eventually reveal His glory in us. It simply gives us a greater testimony of His power.

Many people have lost their dreams somewhere along the way due to the pressures and challenges in life. When God deposits a dream within our spirit, he makes sure that we are aware of it as it bubbles inside. God is a patient God, and will wait until we are ready to do something about the seed. We must love our life so much that we are willing to share our experiences with others.


By Alice Mills

As you put God rst in your life, he is going to show himself mighty and strong. You should not give up or throw in the towel when it gets hard or if the wait is too long. Instead, you should trust His word until you see the manifestation of His promise for your lives.. -Chavon Thomas

Every good story has con ict. But whether you make it through this setback is to some degree determined by how you see the plot of your life. Are you on an adventure or are you a victim thrown about by your circumstances? How you tell yourself your story greatly determines your outlook on life. In the Bible, there is always a third day. Everything looks bleak until that third day dawns. Then Jesus is risen, the enemy is humiliated, and Israel comes out of exile. Look right in front of you. In as much pain as you might be in, getting out of bed and doing what little you can do boosts your mood. Sometimes the most powerful act of spiritual warfare I do is get out of bed and doing my little chores around the house. Each little act declares hope! Don’t minimise your small disciplines as pointless. Each small accomplishment is your light ickering in the darkness. Take a break from your setback. Unrelenting misery is dangerous to our health, both mental and physical. As little as you might feel like having fun, give yourself an occasional night o of grief. When in some of the worst times of my life, I made a cup of my favourite tea and buried myself in a book I had already read a dozen times, I gave my mind and body a rest. Worship music or working in the garden or whatever refreshes you alleviate the constant pressure of what happened.

nugget: Having a meltdown? The body has a way of warning us if we need to slow down. Our body is constantly talking back to us, and we must learn to listen to it. Stress, anxiety, depression and fear are on the increase in our society. Learn to nd rest in God so that you can recharge and get yourself back on track.


By Shelly Wilson

By Shelly Wilson

While groundbreakers walk in the Spirit and power, they also have a servant’s heart to steward well what has been given by God. Some are taking for granted much God has o ered, and you are now in a very dangerous place.

While groundbreakers walk in the Spirit and power, they also have a servant’s heart to steward well what has been given by God. Some are taking for granted much God has o ered, and you are now in a very dangerous place.

For a while, many groundbreakers have been in a deep season of trial. It’s not the rst one they’ve seen, but it is certainly a place of tension like never before. The enemy has launched a full-on assault on frontline folks, but Jesus knows how to use it for the good of the Kingdom. Never does the devil have an upper hand. A groundbreaker is not a quitter. An attack might keep you down for a bit, but eventually, there is a breaking of what holds you and Jesus has His sovereign way. But some, I fear, have been lulled to sleep in a place of unrecognised slumber. You no longer ght for the ground. There is a caution for those who have lost commitment and favour for the work of God. The test is whether you show up for the daily grind or just “show time.” It is a telling heart issue when a servant’s heart is only willing during paramount moments.

Jesus continues to knock on your door, but you can’t discern the problem. You’re unable to detect the log in your own eye here. You’ve given yourself over to complacency and slumber that only engages in convenience and ease. Take an honest look at your life. You were meant to be a groundbreaker, but it takes a lot of work to break new ground. Many fall away in this very area, waiting for someone to do all the work for them so they can reap the reward. The groundbreaking servant’s heart sees what needs to be done and does it. Ground-breaking jobs from Heaven can be entrusted to them. They are faithful even in the ery storms. Watch as God raises up His groundbreakers. Those who He has proven in the re, and they kept on committing, kept on showing up, kept on pursuing His heart and plan even in pain. Being a “groundbreaker” might seem like an instant promotion, but what you should know is their faithfulness was often seen by Heaven as they cleaned toilets, elded crisis calls after hours, and took care of what they were given. There is a lot more to groundbreaking than just powerhouse moments with Jesus.


WOMEN WHO SEE BEYOND By Anita Snowdon We are living in a world where many have become sel sh, wanting and hoarding everything for themselves. Many women of today are looking for outside acceptance, looking for love in the opposite direction, hurting from past relationships, bruised, battered and betrayed. Women of today have not been taught to love themselves beyond the capacity of over and in addition to. We have failed to understand that every woman concentrates on herself before thinking on anything else and also deems important looking good to feel ne and self-con dent. It goes beyond vanity. If she didn't feel comfortable with whom she was she would show many doubts when facing the world that she would unavoidably su er many drawbacks. We have been raising a generation of women who are self-seeking more interested in personal pro t and self-serving pleasure, with the inability to discern the power that is invested in their spirit and become aware of who they are. The most essential part of a woman is one who can “see beyond” meaning she has the power to foresee past her sense of her own priorities, allowing God to be preeminent covering as to what she is able to accomplish in her life: Seeking God’s will is the legacy she leaves to future generations, having a standard as a role model for the young women of tomorrow. She possesses a powerful life transformation in such a unique and poignant way that she is able to establish her footsteps into possibilities and promises.

Only expressing her desire to stand on the principles of “But seek ye rst the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” As her daily Decalogue Queen Esther, her identity as Jewish and thus a worshipper of the one true God was more important than her position as queen or even her life. For us, who we are, should not be wrapped up in endless pursuits that will not achieve ambition. Our identity goes beyond these things to a deeper place.

When you are nished making your vision clear, list your challenges. Contend with the things that will contend with you. Be bold and strong in the faith. Put on the whole armour of God and stand against every wile of the enemy. You have no need to fear for God will partner with you every step of the way. Break free from every devil assigned to hinder you and be determined to walk in the fullness of every assignment our Heavenly Father has designed for you.

One of the dangers in succumbing to the practices of this culture is that we're a society that is losing touch and dare I say, has lost touch with the true essence of Character, and developing our characters in Christ Louise WOMEN'S FRONTLINE MAGAZINE



It may sometimes seem easier to hold onto the hurts, and the pain than to let go of the wrongs that were done to us and forgive. Forgiveness is not the easiest task to complete, but it is more beneficial to forgive than to hold onto malice, and bitterness in our hearts.

Embracing the new beginning God has for us would mean we have to sometimes forgive others and make a decision to leave past hurts, pain, rejection, disappointments and bitterness behind.

Letting go of the past is not always easy. It is one of the most difficult tasks for some of us. Somehow we feel more comfortable holding on to what was, rather than embracing change. We feel more comfortable to hold onto a situation or circumstance that may be ninety percent unhealthy for us, rather than trust God to embrace a new beginning. Many of us use excuses such as, “I know what I have now, but I am not sure what I would be getting”, in order to justify staying in an unhealthy situation. In Philippians 3:13 , Paul says, “Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead.”

The Bible is

lled with examples of men and women that had

to make a decision to leave the past behind, and embrace the new beginning that God had in store for them. It doesn’t matter what direction your life may have turned, once you hold onto your God given dream, God will eventually bring it to pass. It may seem as if you are being steered away in a di erent direction from your dream. What you are going through may not even make sense, but know that God will use every hurt, every scar, and every wound to advance you into your purpose. Whatever it may be, only you know what the Holy Spirit is asking you to give up. If you yield to the Holy Spirit and let go of what the Lord wants you to let go of, He will give you a new beginning. Let go of every hurt, every rejection and disappointment and allow God to usher you into the new beginning that He has in store for you. That’s His specialty; He is the God of new beginnings.

Change is not the most comfortable thing, but

God bless you all.

there are times we will be required to let go of the past, in order to embrace the new beginning that God has for us.

Many times forgetting what lies behind may mean forgiving others of the wrong they have done to us, and moving forward..


Matthew 28:2 (NIV) There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it.

In times of resurrection there are earthquakes such as in this scripture – a sign and a wonder. An angel showed up and was proof that the supernatural hand of God was at work. This angel was strong and rested while waiting for visitors to show up. Miracles are still happening today. Just as Jesus experienced resurrection, we have His promise of our own resurrection experience. Angels show up at times and bring strength and peace. Romans 6:4-7 (NIV) We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. 5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his. 6 For we know that our old self was cruci ed with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with,that we should no longer be slaves to sin— 7 because anyone who has died has been set free from sin..

New life is one of the greatest gifts that God has given us. And, yet there is so much more that needs to be touched by resurrection power.

New life is one of the greatest gifts that God has given us. And, yet there is so much more that needs to be touched by resurrection power. Some have gone to sleep spiritually and need to be awakened or resurrected into life by Christ Jesus. I am referring to those who maybe only knew about Jesus. Perhaps others made a confession and gave their lives to the Lord but never acted on their confession of faith by studying His word, praying, or having genuine fellowship with Spirit- lled, Spirit-led believers. We have relationships that God ordained, but they were tossed aside due to the in uence of evil. Sometimes our steps need retracing to the point where this happened to have a better end come about. Or there are times when He will send a replacement so that destiny can get back on track. These are those whose God-ordained destiny is dead. Destiny needs resurrection. Dreams and visions came about, but the people involved have not acted upon them, or others interfered with heaven's destiny. The position of the person is all wrong.


They are in the wrong place, with the wrong people, or devoting their time to the wrong cause. Their Kairos time is dead. They missed it. There appears to be no hope in ful lling what was seen, spoken, or denied. Kairos needs resurrection. God knows all about it. He is ever nudging people to get on the right path. Prayers have been prayed throughout the generations and include today's and tomorrow's prayers. When they converge on these situations, changes come, and doors and opportunities present themselves. Of course, it takes the person's "Yes!" ultimately to facilitate faith and divine intervention for a resurrection to take place.

Mary Eisenacher, Apostle/Founder Call of the Wild Ministries, Inc. "Helping Others Answer God's Call" A 501(c)(3) Religious Corporation USA www.callofthewildmin.org o ce@callofthewildmin.org Join our Facebook Community.

I think of the stand-in-the-gap prayer that I know and love – that prayer that an intercessor prays on behalf of another person, allowing them to hear from God, repent themselves and enter a new life relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. So, what in your life needs resurrection power? You will know better than anyone else. He was resurrected, brought back to life, and interacted with And, yet you can call on the ve-fold ministers to help you along the others. He is our example of way. Jesus was resurrected and promised you the same – spiritually what a holy God can do for us. That same resurrection power and bodily. It is time to enter an even more signi cant relationship with God – one that is meaningful and bene cial to you and those you ows through His Spirit- lled love, and even to help those He will place in your life. Our Jesus was believers. alive and then dead.

Reach out to God and ask Him to bring you those kinds of people who will understand the call on your life. Expect God to resurrect all that needs to come back to life simply because He can do so.

Women can be notorious for keeping in line with the world’s system of government. They desire protection . But, God is notorious for carving them out of their environment and taking them to higher heights and deeper depths in Him in order to empower them. When that happens, women see that there is much love in His requests, and that they too can be a part of His supernatural Kingdom government and His Army of Love . His love transcends ours, but He needs His women to distribute love in lots of ways. God’s love comes in a lot of packages through His women - Mary Eisenacher


Meet Luciana who is a single mother of two sons who she cherishes deeply and she often refers to them as “her reason” because they keep her encouraged to keep going and ful lling her purpose. Luciana Andrews's call and passion is to encourage other men and women that although they may fall down, there is always an opportunity to get back up again. You just have to put your total faith and trust in God and he’ll do the rest. She is currently studying a graduate program at North Central University where she is pursuing her Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. Luciana is a speaker of the Gospel as well as a motivational speaker..

In the dictionary, to be Redeemed means to acquire or regain possession of something or to compensate for the faults or poor aspects of something, but the bible explains the concept best. Redeemed means to have been freed from sin, error, or its e ects. I believe many of us can relate to this because we all have our own redemption stories, and the truth is if we were asked to tell our own redemption stories from beginning to end, the questions we would be asked would be, how did you make it? .

Did you ever think that you would succeed? The truth is, when hardships and other events occur in your life that cause a whirlwind in your life, you don't even know what the end will look like because your mind is in survival mode. This happened to me once in my life. I had a time in my life where I lived fully for the Lord, and then the enemy came in and I lost my way.


It says in the bible, "What does it pro t a man to gain the whole world but lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give up in exchange for his soul? The question is what will you give up to get back your soul?

It says in the bible, "What does it pro t a man to gain the whole world but lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give up in exchange for his soul? The question is what will you give up to get back your soul? See at the time I honestly had one foot in and one foot out, was confused, discouraged, and I wasn't sure what direction I should go. The bible says, a double- minded man is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8) In this situation I was in no position to become the leader in my life, but rather a student in order to learn the lesson the teacher was trying to teach me. The key to learning from mistakes is to apply the lessons you have learned to your life. Through the lessons that I learned, I was able to nd purpose in my life and move forward, you see, we don't just go through obstacles for ourselves, but rather for others. My theory is that when God permits things to happen in our life, he delivers us, sets us free, and then when you see someone else going through the same or similar situation,

he uses you to encourage them and walk alongside them. Obviously, no one enjoys going through trials and tribulations, but God uses them to build character in us. Trials can produce perseverance; perseverance can lead to character; When we commit to serving the Lord, we should realise that we will likely be tested, but, if we remain faithful and trust in God, our problems become opportunities for growth. I thought at one time that God was punishing me for my mistakes. My rst thought was that God was punishing me and that I was destined for a lifetime of punishment and restoration, but then I found a scripture that said, "I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar hath eaten."


My entire being has been moved by him. Because he knows the desires of our hearts, and he saw my heart desire and decided that it was time to add those things that I so desired, one of which was to be loved and to give love.

He reminded me there is more good stu to come, this time through Isaiah 44:22 and what it states is that "I have taken away your o ences like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. When you surrender your will and let go of your plans, you will allow God to guide your steps and your decisions. You simply have to surrender your will for his perfect will. As I believe that God restores you completely when he restores you, he does not do it half-heartedly, he does it completely becoming the Woman he designed me to be, mind, body, soul.

I’m living in my redemption moment

I knew that he would grant it because I believed the word when it said “But seek rst the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.'' The Lord will not withhold any good thing from those who walk with him uprightly, I’m so grateful that in this season I’m experiencing this “good thing”. If you hold on, your redemption time will come and you’ll be grateful you never gave up. You see if I would have given up, I would never have discovered my purpose. My purpose is to walk alongside other women who have experienced traumatic events in their life and who feel like there is no way of redemption. God is using me as an example; that redemption is available to each and everyone that I cross paths wit. He is allowing me to coach them, so that they too can nd their purpose in life. I am forever grateful for the good and the bad of my journey because it made me into the woman I am today. Grace and Peace be unto you all! Blessings!



Can you de ne beauty? Is it the way you look or dress? Is it your body shape ? Is it the makeup you wear? The Oxford Dictionary de nes beauty as "A combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight." The word “beauty” is often used to describe people or something that is pleasing and attractive to look at. The famous proverb “beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder (wikipedia)” is a quote from William Shakespeare’s play, “The Taming Of The Shrew.” This quote has been used as a comparison to describe how beauty can be seen di erently by di erent people. That is because we are all unique and God wanted us to be uniquely di erent, but at the same time, have features from our parents. In the bible, Sarah was described as beautiful. Her beauty remained intact even in her old age. Like Sarah, we were all created beautiful and unique. Thats why beauty is de ned by the person who is beholding it.

There are certain qualities that are found in people that makes them beautiful: They are found in Corinthians 13 where it says, Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. This kind of beauty is talking about the soul. So when you look in the mirror, do not be hard on yourself. God created you as a beautiful soul that is unique and valuable. When you know who you are in Christ Jesus, it will change any negatives you see in the mirror. Know that God loves you and God formed each person lovingly and intentionally. God pays attention to detail; You formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13) “You are not a random accident. You did not evolve from monkeys. You are here solely by God's design.” If you are struggling to nd out who you are, call upon the one who created you and he will tell you of how he lovingly knitted you together in your mother's womb. He knows you best.




What is the signi cance of intimacy with the father? One thing we must come to realisation that intimacy with the father is important. I know it is time for the celebration for the Resurrection of Christ and di erent expressions will come forth. The question is how one will demonstrate their expression of this celebratory moment. I will start with myself because I love him with all my heart. My demonstrative act will be my personal worship unto the father. I believe that worship is intimacy with God in things you do unto Him. There are many ways to worship God and there are no limitations. Worship is de ned as: Adore, obey, reverence, focus positive attention on. Any action or attitude that expresses praise, love, and appreciation for God. You can worship Him in public or a private setting. People that love God honour Him in every area of their life daily. Worship is like the very air that you breathe, and you don’t have life without it. You must be keen to the spirit of God, because it provokes you into worship. Your worship should not be conditional and should be a way of celebrating the love you have for God.

Dr. Yolanda Sherman M. A.,D.C.C., PHD. Founder -Break Free Release Ministries International

Through your act of worship things happen for instance, you give more, love, use your gifts and reverence Him. You give Him your best, because you want to worship Him and totally surrender your life to Him. Worship is something we should strive to be consistent and allow God’s glory to manifest in our life. The scripture states in John 4:24 says “God is a spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth. To worship is to show a lot of love and adoration for something. If you worship the father, then you love God so much that you don’t question him at all. I can share with you personally that my intimate worship and love for the father has help me survive the most di cult times in my life. I plead with you to love the father wholeheartedly after the greatest sacri ce he has given to all mankind, which is his life. Love him without conditions and obey. I pray and believe that something in this article will touch your heart to pursue a relationship of intimacy with our father.


Ruth and Naomi walked in dominion, power and authority. Their love for God and each other was beyond measure. They knew that God had an assignment for their lives so that they could impact lives in a big way. The union, unity and harmony between Naomi and Ruth was unbreakable, untouchable and unmovable. They waited upon the timing of God. They encouraged each other when times were di


They built each others faith and stood by each other's side until God manifested his promises in their lives. Everyone needs a divine connection in every seas0n of life - JJ

By Winnie Andango

She stumbles to a stop, her head is bowed and her face obscured by her long messy hair. Her once alluring gown is now torn and hangs loosely to reveal bruised shoulders. Her body is sore from being grabbed and pushed by the angry crowd. But right now it's the least of her worries. She knows she should not be standing accused alone but she should have known-she bears the burden alone. She now stands in front of the great teacher and she is sure of this-her fate is sealed.From the corner of her eyes she can see His face but it gives little away of what's on his mind. He appears to be writing something on the dirt. Then for a split second she catches a glimpse of the eyes; they are di erent, the hate and rage she saw in the crowd is not re ected there.

He begins to speak, she lets out a gasp and feels her spine sti en. But He’s not addressing he closes her eyes anticipating the stones to start raining on her already frail body. She knows it will not take much to snu out the little life left in her. Instead, she hears the shu ing of feet, and the ground beneath her begins to spin. It spins faster and faster. Finally, she comes to a halt and opens her eyes in time to see the last of her accusers disperse.

As they give her the last glance she notes that this time the rage and hate are gone from their faces. Each one lets go of the stones they had been clutching. As the dust settles the great teacher rises from where He’s been sitting, He takes a step towards her and lifts her face. As He does she can feel the shame lifting o . Then she hears words that change her life forever; ‘Neither do I condemn you. With tears owing down her face she throws her arms around His neck. He comforts her like a father His child. She can feel love and acceptance in sweeping waves overwhelming her heart. I am seen, she is known, she is loved. Her heart instantly understands, this is what she has been searching for all her life. Story from John 8: 1-1


By Michelle L ee

Healthy & Happy

Have you ever tried to lose weight? Have you tried to get healthy? Have you succeeded only to gain the weight back that you had previously worked so hard to get o ? Are you settling for being overweight because it runs in your family and well, that’s just how we are? Did you know it DOES NOT have to be that way? Food is the most overused, over abused drug that we eat! We mask pain with it. We celebrate with it! We eat it for entertainment. We run to it for comfort. Then we lie about it. We make excuses for it, and the church usually doesn’t preach against it. In fact, sometimes we promote it. Did you know there is a better way? I didn’t. Let me tell you little about myself. I grew up eating snack cakes, candy bars, cake, ice cream, cookies. In fact, in college I ate a large chocolate chunk chocolate chip cookie with a soda every morning for breakfast! That was normal for me. So was only drinking sodas. I NEVER drank water. It is therefore no wonder that I ended up diabetic! I began gaining weight as a young adult and never stopped. Now pause there…… when I was a new believer the Holy Spirit convicted me about the foods I was eating. So instead of the largest burger on the menu I started ordering the smallest. I knew nothing about healthy eating. I ate whatever I craved or whatever sounded good at the time. I was doing ok with conviction and no real knowledge of healthy eating. I wasn’t too excited about non-starchy vegetables either. I mean come on, those french fries were healthy, right?

Fast forward to after I’m married, my husband was not a healthy eater either, we fell into a terrible routine of bad foods. I tried on and o through the years to clean that mess up, and many, many diets. I yoyo’d on and o , but mostly o , thinking I’d get to it later.

I kept lying to myself, and 20 something years later landed at 240 lbs with diabetes, high blood pressure and fatty liver. Not good. Not to mention knee problems and foot problems from that. Had I dove into what the Holy Spirit was trying to teach me this article would be much di erent. But I didn’t. They are headed for destruction. Their god is their appetite, they brag about shameful things, and they think only about this life here on earth. Phil. 3:19 Like most people we tend to not stop and think about where we are actually heading and we are killing ourselves in the process. One prophet I know, and you may know her too, had a dream that Christians were running o a cli so happily. She was screaming at them to turn around but they would not listen to her. Jesus was in the background watching, lled with grief over what was happening. Those were children that He loves and wants, running o that cli . We get so distracted with business as usual that His voice is drowned out. We have so many excuses; but we can’t say no, our kids will miss out, we will hurt their feelings, we will miss out, I do not have time. I know from my own life all the excuses. During a very dark time in my life God dropped this program in my lap. A prophetic friend told me to hang on because God had surprises for me. During one of those days when I felt like I just couldn’t do this healthy eating thing, that I should be “more spiritual” and fast, God said, “This is one of the surprises I had in store for you.” WOW!!!


In the middle of my nightmare God wanted to take

The entire point of this is to show that nothing will change

care of me. I had no clue what was coming down

if you are not willing to change. If you are not willing to

the road for me. But God did.

renew your mind, and then walk in what you’ve learned you are lying to yourself about who you are. Hmmmm, I think

Losing the weight has completely changed my life.

that will preach.

I’ve gone from napping every day to enjoying life. Who needs a nap when you have renewed energy!

God has used this journey to teach me so many things about

I’m no longer considered diabetic, no high blood

Him and about me. He surrounded me with a community of

sugar, no more fatty liver. I hike mountains, ski,

people who were on the same journey so I was never alone

paddle board. All the things I could never do before.

in it. We learned things like living above the line. Living above the line is taking responsibility for yourself. It is

I’ve learned a lot as well. If we don’t take the time

dropping the drama and taking ownership of your own life.

to re-learn what eating is all about….to nourish our

It gets rid of drama and blame and chooses destiny over

bodies…we will go right back to eating the way we

convenience; and it impacts the world around you. The

did before and end up right back where we started.

health mindset of many in my church has changed because of mine and my husbands journey. I’ve helped many of

I did not realize at the time, but I was fasting, in a

them change the way they eat, and many others have

way. It was not completely fasting from food. But

chosen to get healthy in other ways. And it all happened

fasting from an over sugared, over fatty, over

before COVID. Look at God’s timing on that. God stepped in

carbed, self-indulgent lifestyle. The Lord helped

and rescued me when I was drowning. He gave me a rm

me realize that through a friend.

place to stand. He walks with me in this and corrects me at times.

“I have the right to do anything,” you say —but not everything is bene cial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything. I Cor. 6:12

One of my greatest joys is watching parents get healthy and teaching their kids how to eat healthy. You can break generational curses o

your family. It is also a way to honor

God with your body.

The great thing about it is after you’ve been eating healthy for a while you lose the craving for the unhealthy stu because when you go back for a moment you feel yucky! Praise the Lord. The temptation at times it there for a big greasy burger and fries. But the reality is that I don’t like the way I feel when I eat like that.

We have a bigger purpose than to spend our lives pining

I can have something healthier that satis es that desire like a lean, homemade burger, on cauli ower bread rounds, with tomatoes, lettuce, pickles and mustard and a great side of air fried jicama fries. (Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.)

it later.

after food and drink. We are being prepared for heaven! Jesus paid such a great price for us. Fast forward to after I’m married, my husband was not a healthy eater either, we fell into a terrible routine of bad foods. I tried on and o through the years to clean that mess up, and many, many diets. I yoyo’d on and o , but mostly o , thinking I’d get to


BY HEIDI NGAI Jehovah Jireh. The Hebrew word Raah from which Yireh is derived, means "to see." Yireh is translated: "provide." Even the English word provision is made up of two Latin words which mean, "to see beforehand." In other words, since God sees past, present and future, He is able (unlike us) to anticipate and provide for exactly what is needed in every situation. Abraham knew this about God

So much so, that even when God asked him to sacri ce the very son which God Himself had given him based on a covenant promise, Abraham did not waver in his trust in this attribute of Jehovah. He believed that even God could raise from the dead the promise He had given Him. He knew that God is a covenant keeping God - and Jehovah Jireh, who cares for every sparrow, would be faithful to him. Now most of us in Abraham's place, would nd ourselves packing our bags and running the other directions (much like Jonah) if we received a directive like this. I know I have at times. There is a place in our hearts that thinks, we are much more able to care for ourselves, than God. We know what we need...or do we? If I am honest, it's exhausting to try and anticipate all that is needed in every given situation. It's literally impossible.


Much of the time I see myself and others running around in futile multi-tasking and fruitless distractions. What's the remedy? How do we nd true rest for our souls? In the same place Abraham found it. Not in knowing what's going to happen in the future. Not in endless preparations and hopeless worrying. Not in checklists, tasks accomplished or frantic pursuit of our dreams. The place Abraham found rest was in the place of abiding. His hope and dwelling place was not rooted in the promises of God or even his ability to preserve that promise. Abraham remembered that God was the One solely responsible for Isaac's existence and only God could care for that promise. It's our ability to remain in God that will also determine our soul's rest.

Can we trust the Promise-Giver to care, provide for and watch over what He has given us, and for what we do not yet have? As I painted the sparrows receiving their sustenance from Jesus in this painting, I felt Him reminding me that just as He has not forgotten the sparrows, He most certainly not forgotten you. Those things He has asked you to lay down, sacri ce and even the things you have seen, seemingly die He is well able to "see" and "provide" for, even if it means breathing life back into dead dreams. Let's put our trust back in the place it belongs - in our Jehovah Jireh. As St. Augustine so wisely said, after a life vainly pursuing his own dreams: “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”

Life has seasons, and one of those seasons God repeatedly talks about is ''waiting.'' While you're waiting, God is working. Don't think that the season of waiting means that God has stopped working. He's just taking you through that season because he's using the time to work in your circumstances for your good. You're going to spend a lot of life waiting. If you don't gure out how to trust God while you're waiting, you're going to spend a lot of your life not trusting God. God is never in a hurry. He's eternal! He is watching; He is working. He is seeing how and when you will trust Him as you're waiting. You're saying, "When, Lord? When is it going to happen?" And God's saying, "You can trust me with this".


by Linda Mhlanga

When was the last time you saw a bird with a broken wing in full ight?

My guess would be never ! A broken wing will often immobilise the bird and render it unable to spread it's wings for take o . The broken wing becomes a temporary handicap. The wing must heal otherwise the bird will be unable to protect itself from predators or hunt for food. Eventually it dies. You may be reading this article and like me, aspire for a better life. You have goals and ambitions; you have a passion to be somewhere else, do something else or even be with someone else. Every bre in your body is screaming for you to spread your wings and take a chance, try something new, start out on your own.

But what if you have a broken wing? Jacob in the book of Genesis : Chapter 29 had a desire to spread his wings and make Rachel his wife after serving her father, his uncle for seven years. He is duped to marry Leah instead. This is a broken wing. He is further required to serve his uncle for another seven years for Rachel, another broken wing. Our brokenness comes from the varied situations we encounter in life. This may be any situation, such as the breakdown of a relationship or marriage, loss of work or income, long periods of unemployment, death of a loved one, serious illness, addictions, and many others.

These situations can handicap our ability to spread our wings and y toward the future we desire. Jacob found himself handicapped with a wife he hadn't chosen and a further seven year work bondage to his uncle for Rachel. So, how do you spread your wings then ? The bird with a broken wing must rst nd a way to survive it's environment until it's wing is healed and it can y again. Jacob's love for Rachel was strong enough for him to nd a way to survive his environment. And so it is the same for us. ways to survive our environment in every way we can ; make use of our support networks, our faith communities, temporary jobs or working two or more jobs if we must until we are strong enough to spread our wings and take o toward the next level or stage in life. A wise man of God often quoted that "Life is lived at in stages and arrived at in levels. During the healing process the bird with a broken wing also does a unique thing. Day by day it begins to gently stretch out the damaged wing to help strengthen it. This helps the healing process and is also key to a smooth ight when the bird is ready to take to the skies again. At this moment in your life you may be unable to spread your wings and (....complete this with your own reality ) but even with all the limitations of your brokenness you too can start stretching. You too can start planning and making preparations for take o when it nally becomes possible. The day will eventually come when the thing that was holding you back no longer has any power over you. The day will come when you will spread your wings and y, till then keep s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-ng.


There is something holding you my friend. Often there are bars of a prison that are quite invisible. The enemy at some point bound you in some area. Likely it will be the place of your greatest victory. But the enemy has fully convinced you to remain quiet. He has stolen your voice. Not just a loss for you, but surely it will be a loss for the many others bound in this same prison. Perhaps courage is needed in this hour. For you have the power in Christ to break through the prison bars. The power of life and death is in your tongue and you are worthy enough to speak up and speak out. Christ wants to restore your voice. Your ultimate healing will come as your voice is heard declaring freedom. The enemy has most assuredly told you it might embarrass you and those close to you. Or perhaps he has told you it’s in the past and not worth discussing… so you pretend it’s not there. And so the prison remains. Some even believe it doesn’t really a ect them, “I’m over it.” Yet, you have built such a wall surrounding your heart that no one can get close to you. It has now a ected every relationship you have.

By Shelly Wilson The bars are strong and anything ignored will remain. It has kept your heart closed to many situations and has caused you a standstill in your destiny. But when you nd your voice, the train starts moving again as that which has held it back no longer remains. When you nd your voice again you will begin to see others who had the same prison walls. They were also silent and thought they might never get out from behind those same bars. Until one day …. Someone who once was silenced … Decided she would be silent no more…

Jesus reminds us in his word that he came to serve, rather than be served. Beauty is having a heart of service to others. We will live a satisfying life by always thinking of how we can serve others and pour into their lives. Our purpose as people is to serve each other. It is a peaceful place in life to be genuinely caring and thoughtful. The way we are towards others should be the same as the way we would like to be treated.


Kudzie Phiri lifts up the name of Jesus through the word in song. She delivers a dynamic worship experience fusing tones of Jazz, Blues and Gospel.

It is said that her worth is far above rubies and this then is the makeup of this woman. Rubies are one of the four most precious stones in existence. They are believed to be a geological phenomenon even geologists have not been able to accurately pin-point the making of this gem. WHY A RUBY? A virtuous woman is a rare occurrence who strives in harsh and intolerant conditions. Even in this immoral and compromised world, somehow like the ruby, she is formed true to her nature.

As women, when growing up we are often told of this 'virtuous' woman who almost sounds like a mythical and fantastical being. The incessant virtues of this woman are perpetually drilled into our heads in the hopes of inspiring us to become like her. She is portrayed to possess such perfection and character that in the world we live in she almost sounds a little too good to be true. Thus, the question is; does she exist or is she merely a pigment of some idealistic man's overzealous imagination? What is the Proverbs 31 woman? Who is she? It is interesting to note the writer begins by saying: Who can nd a virtuous woman? It implies that she does exist; however, she is hard to nd. Before we explore this woman, my answer is; yes she does exist.

In reading Proverbs 31's rather meticulous description of her, I am convinced that she exists. However, she is not a 'microwave' product that gives no regard to process and precision, but rather a metamorphosis of time. She uses every seeming stumbling block as a propelling agent to take her to the next level. What are her qualities? She is priceless, the heart of her husband trusts her. It is this trust that brings security beyond material things. This woman is enterprising, she has investments gathering from a far showing the vastness of her skills. She rises whilst it is yet night, the night season is often a hard time to navigate it speaks of hardship, pain and austere conditions yet she manages to get up and work. It is this heart, hard work and tenacity that makes her loved by all as she resembles generosity and kindness in her relations and consideration of others.


This woman of substance extends her hand to the poor and reaches out to the needy. She is the praise of her community and because she resembles Christ-like qualities, impacting and positively a ecting all those around her. Moreover, all these challenges of life and perfection of time have made her resilient, stoic and tenacious. No wonder why the writer asked who could nd her! . People of this caliber are hard to nd because their worth is immeasurable. A ruby has to be extracted from deep beneath the earth's surface. What is or was the agent of her metamorphosis? Verse 30 says, ' a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.' The fear of the Lord brings understanding; it is the kind of understanding that makes one praise worthy.

With understanding comes strength and honour, the presence of understanding often implies that wisdom is nearby. Verse 26,'she opens her mouth with wisdom.. I believe this woman's virtue came from the God she feared. He alone was the agent of her metamorphosis- moulding and making her into a woman of great substance. God's understanding surpasses man's reasoning, it associates virtue with purity and integrity such as we see in this woman. Man's thinking would have us believe she is imaginary but the Agent of her metamorphosis validates her existence. The best reference of such women is found in the word, these are women we can identify with, they were not mystical beings they existed and through their lives we see the qualities that this Proverbs 31 possesses

God is calling to you from the mountaintop today. What is he reminding you of? What is he trying to say to you on this day that was never promised, but is a gift from him? Are you taking time to listen? He is trying to remind you of your value, of your ability, of your powerful gifts. He is trying to remind you of the abundant and amazing grace he has for you. He wants to remind you just how very special you are. Do you hear him? He is calling to you....right now, at this moment...from the mountaintop.

OUTWARD BEAUTY VS INNER BEAUTY We are created in the divine image of Christ. We are God´s creation. .Should our inner beauty be re ected in our outward appearance? Are we unique? Is there too much focus on outward beauty and is the inner beauty not important? Is todays outward beauty super cial? In the bible, we see that God does not focus on our outward appearance but what is on the inside. God wants to develop our inner beauty so that it can be re ected on the outside. I s the world today creating a standard of beauty that we all must t in to.? What are we teaching our children about inner beauty vs outward beauty? Food for thought- Mucha


It is time that we realise and recognise that, in this season and hour, God has called women to be impactful and e ective for the Kingdom through putting our faith into action and to start speaking what God has ordained and revealed to you, for as women of faith we must believe that we have a divine destiny.

God is looking for women who will arise, go forth, and take the dominion He gave us to be co-labourers in redeeming and restoring humanity back to Him..

Many times we as women come across obstacles and hindrances that we never imagined would present themselves and many of us still struggle daily with the knowledge of who we are in God. Di culties may arise but with trust in God and perseverance they became the very impetus needed to overcome in order that we grow and mature into the place and positions that He has ordained for us to occupy. Many are frustrated because you don’t know that you have a divine purpose, either it has not been embraced or you do not know how to pull it forth. Some women have low self esteem and do not know their value or worth or images that have been portrayed since childhood have formed a misinterpretation and misunderstanding of just who we are as women and who we have been created to be in Christ. The Bible teaches us that we are to AWAKEN to who God has called us to be...”Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.”Isaiah 60:1-2.

We must ARISE to our authority and walk in the boldness of Christ that within us. We must know that we are Able to Stand Against the Wiles of the enemy. We are in the ght of our lives. This is the very reason that we, especially as women must be strong in the Lord. We’re called to lay ourselves out, we may even have to become spiritually exhausted in order to move people toward full devotion to Christ. Since Christ is in us, He will provide us with His 'dunamis' power, His supernatural strength and energy, as we labor to assist people to obtain spiritual maturity. We’re to enrich one another through encouragement and we’re to do whatever it takes to be united in love. When believers are encouraged and united, they will have the riches of complete understanding and as we take responsibility for one another, we will come to understand and know Christ more fully. Causing us to know Him better, and thus discovering treasures of wisdom and knowledge.


Whatever your task, may be, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men, Colossians 3:23 It is essential to have balance in your life in order to be able to master and control the way you move forward with what you are passionate about. The Apostle Paul emphasised this in his letter to the Colossians when he encouraged them to take their task seriously and do it for the Lord. To live with purpose is to be able to fully dedicate yourself to something you are passionate about and constantly re-evaluate your progress. To have a passion for something is basically to have a desire to do something you love. When you nd out what you love to do, then be sure to put everything in it. To be able to identify your passion and focus on it is the key to transforming a dream into a vision. It will however take a very disciplined lifestyle to be able to achieve success. Hard work requires sacri ce, long hours and lots of co ee breaks! Women tend to be driven by emotions and if not controlled they can actually hinder you from performing your best. Learn to master your feelings and not allow them to in uence how you work or react.

tay focused. Sometimes it may feel like you are going against the wind, but true stewardship of your passion is key to success. When you feel that it's too hard, do it anyway. The rewards from being obedient to God's call are great. It will obviously take time to actually see the results of your hard work, so do not be discouraged if you think it is taking too long. You can only do your best, and then God does the rest. Every step you take will determine where you will go and how you are going to get there. Let the Lord direct your path today. and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in your daily tasks and give you direction.

You are in control ladies, know that God has put you in control of your life.For years women have been living unde ned lives of who we truly are . Your abilities will be realised like never before, not only to self and family, but throughout the world. Be all that you can be in the illustrious life of royalty , know that the genere that this world has set us to believe in, is not t for the daughters, queens. princesses and servants of the Kingdom Of God . Remember that you have been chosen for such a time as this, to shine and bring radiant light to the nations. You are the light of the world, a city on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14


By Alice Mills When we lie about who we are, or cover up how we feel for the sake of the other, we have stopped loving. We have erected a straw man in place of our real selves, and no one has a real relationship with a mirage. With every lie, we take a step away from the other person and those lies must be uprooted in order for real relationship to take place. So here is my list of what loving well requires. I fully admit that it is not full of practical or cheery instructions such as date nights, a rmations, and surprise breakfast in bed in the morning, though those are wonderful. Love is at once action and deeper than action. Love is a state of being that is ultimately inclusive, ultimately truthful, yet does not press or control. Check out 1 Corinthians 13. Or start with this:

1. You tell the truth with love. As I grew out of the idea that love means taking all the hits and never complaining, I learned to tell my current and wonderful husband when his actions a ect me. By showing him who I am, I love him in a way that gives him the opportunity to love me back. As a common example, my husband often missed the laundry basket by about six inches every day. For several years I tried all the Christian woman tricks like thanking God I had a husband to pick up after. But that covered up the issue. I dislike nagging so I decided to be honest. Really honest with a side of vulnerability. I told him that my back injury made it painful to pick his socks on the oor, I actually felt very lonely inside because I thought maybe I wasn’t worth putting clothes in a hamper. I told him how I felt like a terrible wife when I nagged. I was afraid he would resent me, but on bad days , coping with chronic back pain, I resented his lack of consideration.

I admit I was so frightened to show him how I really felt. I was afraid he would think I was trying to guilt him. But my husband is a really good man. He can tell the di erence between honesty and manipulation. He stopped throwing his things on the oor. 2 You can be pleased. As a recovering people pleaser, I was so focused on making others happy that I did not give them room to reciprocate. One of the greatest gifts one can give another is to joyfully accept their overtures, their gifts, their a ections. Ironically, I learned this from a rather emotionally cold man I dated who once asked me if I could be pleased. I was so convicted. Did I let others in my life please me or was I too busy loving without accepting love into return. Since then, I try to just give the pure joy of being thrilled with any genuine attempt to give me love. Why this can be di cult, I am still not sure. But sometimes it is as blessed to receive as it is to give. Think of the last time you genuinely gave someone pleasure. Bet you liked that feeling. Are you denying others that gift of feeling that they can bring enjoyment to the lives of their loved ones?


3. You listen well. Listening to others can be such a challenge. My daughters could talk without ceasing in their teens. But they didn’t expect my whole attention during those times, just my passive presence. Sometimes though, they would need my whole undivided attention. I struggle with this. My mind is a kaleidoscope lled with ideas plus I am a tad dissociative. My husband and my kids (even as adults) need focused active attention regularly. To feel understood gives them courage to face their lives and more encouragement than the wisest advice.

6. You are accepting.

4. You intercede well.

If you really love someone, you are not If you do not pray for your loved ones, you are leaving dedicated to their improvement. There is already a Holy Spirit and He doesn’t have their futures to chance. Who better someone who any positions for Junior Holy Spirits loves them to bring them to God’s attention? Do I currently. Take a look at the people in your pray the same things every day? No. I know God life. Do you spend your time trying to might not get bored, but I sure do. I journal my change them? Are you fundamentally requests for them. I read scriptures over them. And sometimes I sit and invite God to love them with me, disappointed in your children or your and to show me how to love them better. husband? 5. You are open-handed.. If you have to manipulate or arrange the lives of your loved ones, you need a reality check. God has never once manipulated or forced me to do anything. Nudged? Yes. Forced? No. Control masquerades as love but is often just the fear of rejection. Let go of the guilting. Let go of the stern lectures. In fact, let everyone o the hook. Let them choose you. And if they don’t, love them anyway. In the end, freeing someone to be who they are is an incredible act of faith. It looks like releasing expectations and labels. But if you want real love, if you want authenticity, you open your hands. Control encourages lying. Do you love your family enough to let them stumble and learn on their own? Enough to experience consequences? Lastly, are you safe enough for them to be who they really are around you? If not, time to get your love adjusted.

If you nd yourself rejecting your husband and children or shutting them out, it is time for serious repentance. You are rejecting their identity and shaming them. If you are disappointed in their actions, then you may have to release your expectations and forgive. When I see people work through this in prayer, the atmosphere in their home begins to change. The presence of true love introduces the presence of true hope. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you see shortcomings. That too, is real love. To admit imperfection is to entertain humility. And after all, love is not proud and does not boast. And all those things on this list? Shower yourself with that kind of love too. To love yourself well is to teach your children how to love themselves and others.

One day, she (the bride of Christ) knows that He will come for her and i ntroduce her to Heaven and its rewards.


TIME TO TELL THE REAL EASTER STORY Tina Nelms Boson has been a faithful and dedicated Minister of Music, musician, and songwriter for over twentyve years. She is the First Lady of New Hope MBC in Houston Texas under the leadership of her husband, Rev. Darrel Boson.ed.

While focusing on the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in every Easter season, it is imperative that we truly understand the importance of the sacri ce that was made for all of us and our sins; even before we even knew that we needed it ourselves. We know that the world will continue to sensationalise the Easter season with cartoon characters including Easter bunnies, colourful eggs, and the list goes on. From a corporate perspective I somewhat understand their reasoning and attempts toward grabbing the attention of the children and family members to embrace the festivities of the season.

Their goal is to ultimately bring us together and focus on the appreciation for family, friends, and the lives that we do have even though they may not be all that we desire them to be. Their overall objective is to create a positive atmosphere for families and loved ones that promotes us all to celebrate life as the seasons change into springtime, even if things are not quite as they seem in the moment. However, the commercials, shopping ads, and springtime Easter activities seldomly refer to the honour and praise that we should give for Jesus’s life and the sacri ce that was made for us to enjoy this wonderful celestial time period of the year. This concept seems sensible and appropriate for corporate advertising and marketing strategies whereas it promotes positivity and an appreciation for religious practices that have been passed down from one generation to the next. Let me surely state that this approach in theory has been fruitful for the so-called churched and unchurched; year over year, while meeting business goals and pro tability. This statement holds true because we all have room to improve our love and appreciation for one another. On the other hand, as Christians and True Believers, we must take pride in knowing and exemplifying what this season is sincerely all about; unapologetically with no hesitation.

This statement holds true because we all have room to improve our love and appreciation for one another. On the other hand, as Christians and True Believers, we must take pride in knowing and exemplifying what this season is sincerely all about; unapologetically with no hesitation.

Therefore, the primary focus for us as Christian Believers is to ensure that we impactfully share the Gospel and/or the good news of Jesus’ life, death, burial, and most importantly the resurrection of the son of God. Moreover, our entire existence is built on the foundation that this spiritual season represents; and while major corporations and retail leaders attempt to decorate or animate the original theme for pro table gain; it is our job as Christians to speak out and let the world know that Jesus is the only REAL reason for this Easter/Resurrection season. Although nothing is humanly wrong with sharing about the Easter bunny and various caricatures with children; we must develop creative ways to share the resurrection story.


It is our responsibility to ensure that we are providing the next generation with a solid foundation for their belief principles that will in uence them for years to come. I am fully aware that often-times the easter story including Peter Cottontail may sound more artistic and creative, but no story is more impactful and sacri cial than the gospel story of the resurrection. Certainly, the story may not be as pretty or as easy to explain as some other


stories; but it is the only non- ctional story where ONE event takes place at ONE time with ONE Saviour that impacts us ALL for ETERNITY.

continued to forgive in all circumstances even as he was in pain himself going from judgement hall to judgement hall. Remember, there is no other nonctional story where the leading character is able to demonstrate his almighty power; yet still resemble the complexity and weaknesses of humanity, while becoming frustrated and seeking devotional intimacy with his holy father to regain his strength. This should sound similar to us that are created in his image, part spiritual and part humanity, whereas we nd ourselves strong some days yet weak at other times and needing to be restored by an encounter with God via the holy spirit. For in his word, 1 Peter 5:10 states “And after you have su ered a little while, the God of all grace, who

There is no other story where a father

has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will

sends his son, as a child, to grow up among those that he will soon have to deliver out of their own entanglement with evil.

himself restore, con rm, strengthen, and establish you”. While Jesus lived on earth he also su ered, yet he

There is no other story where a child, our Saviour, is born to a virgin mother, with a willing yet adopted earthly father; in an environment with the least adequate accommodations for a soon coming King. There is no other story where a Saviour can heal a sick woman only with a touch of his garment. Likewise, in this story, the king would take time to raise the dead after even her family said Lazarus daughter was dead. However, he removed the smell of death from her and allowed her to regain the gift of life and have it more abundantly.

In this same story, the Saviour that was betrayed

would take time to go o

and talk to the father to be

restored. For in Matthew 26:36 Jesus asked the disciples to stay awake while he went to pray to the father for strength to be restored so that he could complete the assignment that God had predestined him to do, but when he returned the disciples were asleep. So here we are again, with no other story, where the giver of life asks something of us, and we continually fail to ful l his expectations. From beginning of the bible story in the Garden of Eden, mankind has failed to follow His directions. Similarly, and all the way to the cross, even after being taught, we still could not follow His word and teachings as though he had not provided a good reason for us to believe in Him.


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