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What is prophetic Art?

What is God telling you to do?

Con dent in Christ

When the rains come


A Divine Reset

“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him— 1 Corinthians 2:9

About Us

Our vision is to raise up a writer in you. Writing gives you the ability to put your thoughts in one place and share them with the world. Your story needs to be heard and Women's Frontline Magazine creates a platform to neccesitate that. Women all over the world are being raised up to move to the frontline, to build and establish a Kingdom legacy. God is calling us out of the ashes to the forefront of his gospel. There is something about telling your story: someone , somewhere will be touched by it and moved to transform their life. Our magazine caters for all types of writings; journalism, story telling, essays, articles, devotions, advice, journals, poetry and many more. Take the time to send us your story at: womensfrontline@gmail.com We are always on the look out for new writers.

It took a revelation for Peter to see what was happening before him. He had initially viewed the situation around him through his physical eyes. It was only after the rooster crowed that his spiritual eyes and heart were opened and he got an understanding of what had actually transpired. That is why he wept bitterly. Thank goodness for that revelation, because he was never the same again. I nd that at times it is after I have done something so way out that I am convicted and get the revelation of what God has been saying all along. How great it would have been if I could have seen things/situations the way Jesus saw them; then I would be spared the pain of denying or betraying the Lord? .

There are three important things you must keep in mind as you prepare yourself to ful ll your prophetic destiny. 1) Clarify Your Vision – Habbakuk. 2:2-4 instructs us to write the vision and make it plain. Put your plans and goals on paper. Use them as a compass to keep you on task for the year. Journal your progress and even note your failures. When you have matured in those areas you will appreciate how much you have grown in such a short period of time. 2) Get Help – Proverbs 24:3-4 – Wisdom is a builder. Surround yourself with information, knowledge and understanding pertaining to the project you are undertaking. Don’t approach it religiously. You will need to put in work and e ort into what you are called to do. 3) Build teams – Proverbs 24:6 – No man goes to war alone and no man is an island to himself. The greater your vision, the larger your team of supporters needs to be. Don’t be afraid to seek counsel of those who are more experienced than you. Humble yourself and submit the counsel of the seasoned and more mature. When you are nished making your vision clear, list your challenges. Contend with the things that will contend with you. Be bold and strong in the faith. Put on the whole armour of God and stand against every wile of the enemy. You have no need to fear for God will partner with you every step of the way. Break free from every devil assigned to hinder you this year and be determined to walk in the fullness of every assignment our Heavenly Father has designed for us.

What is Prophetic Art? Prophetic art is a work of art which reveals the Father's heart, His thoughts and intent, prophecies, strategies and timetable. It comes with form, line, texture, colours, symbols to enter through the human eyes and senses to lodge like an arrow into the hearts and spirit of men. There is a di erence between biblical art and prophetic art. Biblical art, in a general sense, depict stories and people from the Bible. These art pieces are beautiful and inspirational. They bring understanding, appreciation and remembrance for what God did in biblical times for the purpose of bringing our hearts closer to Him. In contrast, prophetic art is God giving us a now word. He is communicating now. He is sending a visual "speech" which must be responded to now. Thus it comes with a sense of immediacy and urgency and timing. Usually it comes in through the eyes and hits the heart. - Jean Shen

God is a covenant keeping God. He will do what he said he would do in your life. He is calling you to go deeper into the secret place, where he can show you mysteries that he has hidden for you It is by the grace of God that we are able to stand as Priests in our families where the greatest battles are right now. The enemy has been relentless in his onslaughts and the Lord has heard the cries of his beloved. Weeping will endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30.5 You can rely on God. He will teach your hands to war and your ngers to battle. Pick up your sword (prayer) and ght (keep on praying until things shift). The Spirit of God will help you and will show you things to come.

Do not be afraid because these Egyptians (problems, strongholds) you see today, you shall never see again again. With repentance in your mouths you will enter into his presence and begin to decree his word over your family, children and the nations. Yes, he has heard you weeping in the secret place, because you have felt like he has forgotten you. But today, you shall decree and declare a thing and it shall come to pass. For the heavens are open and breakthrough has come. This is your time and your season as God prepares a table for you in the presence of your enemies.

My rst piece of advice for anyone with a writing gift is to stay true to who Christ has designed you to be. You can learn and be inspired by others, but your “style” will be unique to how you were intricately created. The biggest mistake is borrowing, or trying to mimic, another’s voice with your pen. As a songwriter, it’s the same in that area of gifting. The Holy Spirit’s way with me is di erent from any other songwriter in the room. It is the same for you as well. I can’t do it the way other songwriters do it. Neither of us is wrong. We are simply unique. My every personality trait and whimsical way with Christ will be laced with that which my pen scribes. My source, another primary lesson, must be the Holy Spirit, not others. You and I as writers want an inspired word from God that brings His heart, His healing, and His truth to the hearts of readers.

There have been times when what I heard to write seemed odd. However, I’ve learned to trust His way with me and not question what I hear coming to my pen. Jesus knows the heart needs when I do not. Finding your own voice in your gift is the same as releasing The Christ in YOU! His unique way and heart will pour out of you in a way that is not like anyone else’s. If you copycat, counterfeit, or lean too much on the work of others, then you’ll nd yourself eventually at a place of empty e orts. You may push the pen, but it will be a lifeless work of the esh rather than of the Spirit of God. If you want to lean into something, I’d suggest THE BOOK! The Word of God has all the inspiration right at our ngertips. Jesus makes unique masterpieces through each voice He has designed. I pray that if you are one of His called writers, that you will embrace His voice in you and allow Him to release Heaven through you. Also, keep your one true source with the Holy Spirit. No compromising. Truth wins. Love heals. Jesus is always the MASTER writer. Press into prayer with Him, and your intimate relationship will ow onto that pen of yours.

Biography Sandra Jean Charite was born in Miami, Fl. and is the last child of Marcel and the late Jacqueline Bertil Charite. At a young age, Sandra displayed a strong interest in writing while other youth spent majority of their time outside playing with their friends in the streets of Little Haiti, Miami, Sandra was in her room lost in her dreams and writing stories. Sandra’s mother noticed her interest in writing and purchased her daughter’s rst journal, in which she lled with stories, monologs, poems, and letters to God. Her passion for writing continued as she matured as a teenager but she was very private about her writings. Even though Sandra grew up in the church, she shied away from having a personal relationship with God. This resulted in Sandra leaving the church while still a teenager and she vowed to never return.


t Sandra

Within that time, she faced many hardships that included losing her mom, rejection, disappointment, unemployment and other obstacles that led her to believe that her life was empty without God. Sandra later gave her life to Christ and continued to spread her gift of writing. She is a former journalist of The Miami Times newspaper. A worshipper at heart, Sandra is devoted to ministry and serving God to the fullest. Sandra’s rst published book, Broken Crayons Still Color, was released in 2016. She poured out her soul in a series of poems and stories. Then, she released her second book of poems, Picking Up My Pearls from the Altar. Each of her books invokes a mature level of transparency.

GOD WON'T CANCEL YOU I am not de ned by my failures, yet my past isn’t so great. I’ve made mistakes, disappointed God, lied, cheated, and ran away from His will. God has had every reason to throw me away but He still wants to use me and is merciful towards me. But sadly, we are living in a society where people feel comfortable “canceling” individuals for believing and practicing values contrary to their own. I am so glad that God does not cancel me.

The woman was left alone with Jesus who said, “Woman, where are they? Does no one condemn you?” And, she said, “No one, Master.” “Neither do I,” said Jesus. “Go on your way. From now on, don’t sin.” Jesus did not cancel her despite what she did and where she was.

Mercy was displayed to that woman. Though those standing in the crowd that day believed she deserved to be stoned to death, Jesus showed up with mercy. According to Wikipedia, “cancel culture” is We all have a list of mercies that God has given us. de ned as "a modern form of ostracism in which Jesus knows what we have done but He still wants to someone is thrust out of social or professional give us another chance to change for the better. circles – whether it be online, on social media, or Sadly, the Body of Christ has participated in this in person". cancel culture that exists today by excommunicating, rejecting, and spurning individuals, whose actions, Cancel culture has merged in our culture and, beliefs, or behaviors do not align with theirs. even the church, to mean very di erent things to di erent people. The principal error about However, Jesus commands us to “love your enemies, canceling culture is that it lacks mercy. Yet, if we do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse are not careful, we will nd ourselves doing more you, pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke6:27–28). hurting than helping. We will turn away the very people God sent for us to help because they were Our speech should “be gracious and attractive” not dressed apart or uttered the right words. In (Colossians 4:6, NLT). Romans 8:1 states that ''There is John 8:1-11, there was a woman who was brought therefore now no condemnation for those who are in to Jesus after being caught in the act of Christ Jesus.'' adultery. The Pharisees thought Jesus would reject or even We somehow have come to believe that God requires condemn her because she had done the good behaviour in exchange for love, and, unthinkable. Yet, with a crowd watching, Jesus bent unfortunately, we put that same expectation on others: down and wrote with His nger in the dirt then said, earn our love with good behaviour. No matter what “The sinless one among you, go rst: Throw the happened or where you’ve been, it is important to stone.” After hearing that, one after another, the know that God’s love is always available and He will crowd slowly began to disappear. never cancel you.

By Sandra J. Charite


It’s been 17 years since my mom transitioned after her battle with cancer. I still remember the day and time and exactly what I was wearing.

If I have to be honest, somedays, I wish I could forget so it wouldn’t all be real anymore. But honestly, breast cancer scares me. I know what you are thinking; how can you be a Christian and be afraid of sickness? Don’t you know the Bible said, ''He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. (1 Peter 2:24). I’ve known so many women who have had breast cancer — friends and neighbours, coworkers, relatives. And, every time I hear someone battling the sickness or lost a loved one from breast cancer, there is a fear that tries to paralyse me.

I am always being reminded to make sure I check my boobies because my family has a history of breast cancer. I dread that one day the doctor might feel that lump in my breast or I’ll get that call from my doctor o ce after having a mammogram. I must admit that in the beginning, when I learned of my mom’s cancer, I was in denial. At the time, I was a new Christian or “baby in Christ,” and I was obsessed with God’s ability to heal his children. I knew that God would not allow his children to su er. That day on August 20, 2004, my faith was tested. I watched my mom take her last breath. I felt the presence of God confront me, but I ignored Him because the very thing I wanted and needed was not given to me. Years to follow came with a lot of rebellion until I realized that God would never leave my side no matter how much I pushed him away.. But, breast cancer is still a scar that I can’t remove. The illness petri es me when I hear about friends and family battling the disease. I want to be optimistic that they will overcome, but sometimes pessimism takes over.

Having heard stories of people who have done chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery and still died from the disease increases my fear of breast cancer because you never what journey it's going to take you. Everyone’s case is di erent. Early detection is usually the best detection but reading statistic that says, Black women were 43% more likely to die of breast cancer than White women, does not comfort me at all. I want to be hopeful and believe in God’s healing power. In time, I became overly deep in my faith and had excessive intercessory prayer on my mom’s behalf. I was holding God at his word and promises from the bible. I felt he owed me my mom, and if he took her away, he would not be a man of his word. Ultimately, God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

He is an intentional God who knows the journeys we will take and the battles we will ght. I had to remind myself that the breast cancer that runs in my family can be broken by God because in the word ''impossible'' it says ''I am possible.'' He is the same God who knows my tomorrow. In the meantime, we must do our part as this body is on loan to us. We have to take care of bodies by eating right and keeping up with our doctor visits. Be honest with your doctor about any changes in your body. While in the shower, do morning checks of your breast. And, don’t let go of God’s unchanging hands. Most importantly, pray that God would remove the fears and help you to see things clearly.


The Bible is clear that there are seasons in life, and one of the seasons that God talks about again and again is the season of waiting.

The problem with waiting is that "I am the Lord, and when it is our human nature and our time, I will make these things culture say, "Don't wait! Get happen quickly" (Isaiah 60:22) things as quickly as you can". That's how God worked when he That's the way our culture is sent Jesus into this world. The wired, but it goes against God's world waited thousands of years blessing in our lives because for Jesus to come the rst time. God's blessing comes through And He came at just the right these times of waiting. time.

While you're waiting, God is working. Don't think that the season of waiting means that God has stopped working. He's just taking you through that season because he's using the Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, "God has We've been waiting 2,000 years time to work in your set the right time for now for Jesus to come again. circumstances for your good. everything". When is He going to come again? You're going to spend a lot of you might be in a time of At just the right time-God's time. life waiting. If you don't gure waiting. Maybe it's for school to That's when He's going to come. out how to trust God while end. Maybe it's for a man or a You need to apply this to your you're waiting, you're going to woman to come into your life. time of waiting and remember spend a lot of your life not Maybe it's for a marriage to that a delay is not a denial.' trusting God. God is never in a happen or a baby to come. When you think God is saying hurry. He's eternal! He is "No" he may just be saying, "Not watching; And you may be frustrated with yet.'' how slowly things are He is working. He is seeing how happening. We've all been Will you keep trusting me and when you will trust Him as there. There's a promise in the through this?". Let us continue to you're waiting. You're saying, Bible that tells you not only that trust in the Lord and profess our "When, Lord? When is it going to God is working but also how faith in Him. That is the kind of happen?" And God's saying, "You God is working, and you need to faith that God blesses. can trust me with this". claim it while you're in your time of waiting:


Health is de ned as "a state of complete wellbeing and a perpetual but ever-changing balance of the various dimensions that make us whole: physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and social." To achieve optimal health and wellness, we must strive to maintain all our dimensions in balance with one another. It is also important to remember that we cannot do extremely well in one area and overlook the others. They work as a team, and each plays a very important role in the success and advancing increase of one another; together climbing the ladder towards achieving to prosper in life’s objectives, In these areas, you must work together to provide the full strength, and control, of your journey with full discipline. At the central part of a women self-esteem, is the key element: which means the importance of mental shifting. No one will make your choices for you; no one will obtain the bene ts and consequences for you. You re ect a willingness to make constant shifting of your mind by your everyday life; it will be your mind that will determine your changes. Your mind has to be made up to adjust to the changes that your body will go through. Your IDENTITY is mixed with the components of positive thinking, understandable ideas, selfcon dence and eagerness of nding genuine happiness, being on point with your actions, the ability to keep away from temptation and delaying indulgence. It is critical to nd out who you are and what you need to achieve and complete your heart's truest desires!

This involves the acknowledgement of your truths, the ability to ne-tune, adjust and manage with life's most highlights as well as life's lowest disappointments. Through all of this women have to stand in opposition as they face the life, family, being a wife, mother, yet remember who they are all at the same time. Yet being con dent in whom God made them as being complete and whole, knowing God has made us with our own ID (In exible Delicacies) we are unbreakable, and unbendable. God made each woman in the shape of her Identity, the intensity of our strength shapes our character, personality, and integrity. Shapes are more than the physique or body shape, the shape signi es the di erent areas of gifts in your life, the di erent specialties, the expert inside of you, and the strong skills that you possess. Women be happy with who you are, stand strong in the shape that God has formed you and created you to be, because you are an in exible delicacy, tender from the womb you were specially made, by God’s tender hand, the blue print of your model is immeasurable, no one can ever duplicate how God has made you. You are the only YOU in the universe! You are the priceless work of art created by the eternal Master of the craft, the brush strokes that make up your personality and character have been used on no other, and you have been declared a masterpiece of perfection by GOD. “I will praise you; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are your works; and that my soul knows right well.” {Psalm 139:14} I

What is God telling you to do? What is the Lord calling you to? Do you feel led to start an online blog, a ministry website for singles, recovering addicts, etc.? Are you being promoted this year in the Kingdom of God as a minister? Will you teach Sunday School or Bible Study? Will you lead worship? Will you serve the church body in the ministry of helps? Will you receive your ministry license this year or nish a business degree? Will you write a book (or nish the second or third book)? Are you going into business, expanding business, or gaining employment? Are you getting married this year? Will you evangelize this year? What do you feel Holy Spirit calling you to? Rest assured that it will be nothing carnal. God is not as interested in your obtaining a house or car as He is your handling exploits for Him in the Kingdom of God. As you focus on Him this year, He will handle your material desires....

GRACE By Kudzie G. phiri Grace has been defined as God's unmerited favor. That definition alone creates so much excitement in the body of Christ. Yet despite Grace's enabling qualities we find it used to justify sin and unlawful ungodly acts. They say that through grace we can sin and still be covered. I have always had a problem with that line of thinking because Jesus said, "if you love me you will keep my word." Dr Mensa Otabil also put it like this, "under grace an even higher standard has been set that we do not sin." Why??? Under grace, through the blood of Jesus, lies a greater relationship with the creator that had not been since the garden of Eden, where we not only call him ''Abba Father'' but we also have an intimate relationship with God. His sacrifice for us has opened a greater opportunity for any or all man to fellowship with Him. Under grace we have an opportunity to know Him more, to have deep personal encounters. You may be like the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus. Grace is speaking, calling you to come home and become one with Christ that you too may know Him. Grace the enabling power that releases God's unmerited favor over you was freely given to you through our Saviour's sacrifice.

by Mary Eisenacher Am I always awless in my con dence? No! But, do I know - without a shadow of a doubt - that my con dence and strength comes from God! A resounding Yes! comes to mind. While journeying through the highs and lows of life, there have been many times when I could feel my con dence waning. A check with what The Word claims and some prayer and worship usually forti ed me. So, I take very little credit on my own in this regard; however, I know that God needs a willing vessel to carry these traits of con dence and strength. Have I ever been high jacked by the enemy?

Of course I have. Haven’t you? Sometimes it took someone else to point it out . . . and thereby point the way back on the right path. I am so con dent in the blood of Jesus shed on the Cross to change any dynamic that I bring to The Father. The covenant that Jesus made for us by His nished work on the cross, his death, burial and resurrection, and His ascent to our Father has changed all those who have received Him as Saviour. And yet, we see the lack of con dence and strength in so many women that seizes and cripples their call. Personally, I want to be strong in the Lord at every turn. I want to lean on Him when I need to do so. When I get into the wilderness, I want to come out leaning on my beloved Jesus. In the really good times when I’ve been blessed beyond measure, I want to be so grateful and thankful so as not to miss the blessing of being able to come back to God with my praise - as well as speak to others with my testimony.

by Julie Wooldridge

The Apostle Paul stated in Philippians that he learned the secret of being content. Although in a di erent context from Paul, we, as the children of the Most High, the LORD God Almighty, must spend time in the Secret Place, in His presence so that we will be able to say with Paul that we have learned the secret of being content. Being content to slow down and take the time to just sit at His feet, to bask in His presence, to meditate or just think about Him. These are ways that we can commit out time and ourselves to focus on Him. As we do, we will go deeper into that Secret Place that is reserved just for Him and each one of us individually. There’s no one else there, no distractions unless you allow them in.

The emphasis of the “in Me’ is on a deep, abiding fellowship, to being one with Christ and one with the Father, but the word abide also means to dwell, to stay, to settle in, to sink deeper. As we apply these words to the Secret Place we can get a sense of how we can develop a deep abiding fellowship with God as we seek Him because He is there waiting for us. You cannot develop that oneness outside of the Secret Place, outside of that place of intimacy. He is there waiting for us. You cannot develop that oneness outside of the Secret Place, outside of that place of intimacy.

GOD desperately desires to draw near to us, that is why we were created, to have fellowship with Him. There is a place within our hearts that craves that fellowship and that can be lled with nothing less than God Himself. Even as a believer you may ask “how can I experience a relationship like this?” Praise and worship draws you into a deeper intimacy with God. Praise is celebrating God for all He has done. Worship is adoring God for Who He is. He wants you to get to know Him. If you don’t know Him, how can intimacy develop?

By Dr. Yolanda Sherman

''There is no limitation in your life and this is not the season that you settle for less than God’s best concerning your purpose'' There comes a time when we face di culties and must have a clear understanding of who God is in our lives. He gives us an assurance that his guidance will be with us every step of the way. When you have faith that is unmovable it will allow you to walk in a place that you are con dent in nishing your purpose in God. My question to you is: what does it mean to be a person walking in con dence? Con dence according to Webster’s dictionary is “faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or e ective way”.

There are many things in life that challenges our level of con dence, such as, pursuing a higher level of education, being a public speaker, starting a business, or even launching a new ministry. We must develop a con dence in God that says, ''I can do anything with Him guiding me through the process.'' There are many examples in the bible that demonstrates a person dependency on God for strength such as Esther, Paul, and even Jesus at His cruci xion. We are destined to walk in greatness and the authority of God that brings about results. There is no limitation in your life and this is not the season that you settle for less than God’s best concerning your purpose. You don’t have low self esteem issues, because God is with you and for you. You will not fail as long as you have the will power to not give up on your God given purpose. Failure is not an option for you.

Walking in con dence

When you are con dent, that








others. I know from my own life it is a joy to help others build their self worth

I remember in my own life starting a vision God gave me in 2007 for starting my nonpro t to help those that are hurting to be healed in every area of their lives. This was one of the most di cult things I ever tried to accomplish, but I realized that God had to give me strength to move forward. There were so many challenges and it came to a point where I almost wanted to throw in the towel, but I remembered that '' I can do all things through Christ that strengthen me. '' We can’t do it on our own and must have con dence to know that ''with God, all things are possible.'' The one thing I can assure you is that con dence is a way to stop second guessing yourself, manage your fears and become able to do more than you can ever imagine. Knowing what you are skilled at, the value you provide, and acting in a way that shows to others. You are not arrogant in anyway and there is always a drive to do better.

These tools are necessary to bring about transformation, that will help them realise their full potential. They will be con dent in themselves and in return help others. A person that is con dent does not have an ''identity crisis'' of who they are and know that their life is worth something. We are driven to reach our highest peak and won’t allow anything to stand in our way. I want to encourage you to nish the goals you have set and failure is not an option for you. You need to know that God is with you every step of the way and there is no room for fear. You can do anything that your heart desires and he will give you the power to accomplish it. Remember you are a person walking in con dence.


by Mary Eisenacher

Our country has had some tremendous rains lately that have brought ooding. In our own home, rainwater leaked through my o ce ceiling, and a small amount of water owed through our basement that did no lasting damage. Not everyone has been that blessed. We need the refreshing rain to come into our spiritual lives because we often live in a SON-parched land that needs water. People all around us are thirsty for rain from Heaven and don't even realise that they are perishing without it. We all need to rest and refresh regularly. God knows just how much rain we need and when to send it. That word "perishing" (cold, dying, or just surviving) keeps cropping up into my teaching and preaching because I want everyone to know Jesus, enjoy the abundance that He o ers and the joy of knowing Him intimately, and ful ll the great commission. I had a call from my daughter this week, and she told me my eight-year-old granddaughter Hannah accepted Jesus. Recently, before salvation, she told her mom her heart would hurt, but when she read the Bible, it felt better. Her mom said to her that God was drawing her. Hannah accepted Jesus. Recently, before salvation, she told her mom her heart would hurt, but when she read the Bible, it felt better. Her mom said to her that God was drawing her.

Hannah spent many hours reading all about Jesus and 1 and 2 Samuel. She asked her mom if it was ok to ask her questions about being a Christian. They have an excellent testimony, including their Pastor on Sunday online talking about becoming a Christian. After that, she asked her mom to lead her in the prayer to become a Christian. Now all she wants to do is pray and read the Bible. They had to tell her she needed to spend time going to school, eating, and doing other things to bring balance. When I heard this, it reminded me of stories in other countries where children became overcome by the Spirit of God and classes had to be suspended for several weeks. The children were having heavenly visions, worshipping, repenting, praying, and in all-out conversion.

We could use some of that, couldn't we?


Rain is necessary to all life. Too much rain causes ooding and will rot crops and spoil the harvest. Sometimes we need some spiritual ooding to wash away what is not of God. A new perspective, do-over, or even a brand- new start can bring God-honoring changes. Foundational teaching is necessary to grow as a believer. Some need their foundations shored up by sound teaching, reading the Word, and having an opportunity to apply the Word to everyday life Others require their foundations ooded and replaced with foundational truth. Because of sin in the world, we need the blood of Jesus to wash our sins away. Sin creates all kinds of problems – health problems and relationship problems with others and God. Most of us at one time or another have experienced a ood of issues enter our lives. Sometimes it was personal issues, and other times it was someone close to us. Either way, it was a ood that caused much pain. And, we have prayed powerful prayers that have made problems come to the surface. That is uncomfortable and creates a surge of turmoil that needs reconciliation. Although painful, it is a good thing because resolutions can come. It takes tenacity as a Christian to confront these di culties, pray, and intervene when the Holy Spirit asks us to do so.

e rains come

In the natural, we may need insurance to cover us should rains or ooding come. Spiritually, our insurance is our faith in Christ Jesus. It is necessary for God's help here on Earth and to secure our eternity in Heaven. Hosea 10:12 (NLT) 12 I said, 'Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.' This scripture shows me we have a personal responsibility to plant and harvest – and we will reap what we sow. First, we need to allow God to convict us of any hardness in our hearts. Now is the time to start so that His righteousness permeates our very being. It all begins with Him loving us and lling us up with so much of His love that it naturally ows out of us to others. It starts with our hearing God's words and then doing them. Wisdom will be a by-product of our hearing and doing. When the rain comes, we will already be forti ed in the Word and used to obeying and trusting God, and we won't be defeated. Farmers go through a lot and are sure to tell you that some years are better than others. The weather has a lot to do with it. Too little rain and the crops wither and dry up. Too much, and the roots rot. When ooding comes, there isn't much hope. Farmers learn how to accept defeat and adjust. They also know how to share an abundant harvest. Many prayers go up to know when, where, and what to plant – and to seek God's blessing in the process.

There is a timing for everything, and when we realize that God is in control of our seasons, we have a surety that He is with us and will bring us through no matter what happens. We learn to celebrate the good times and thank Him for who He is in the bad times. Our hope is steadfast and in Him alone and helps us to endure. When the rains come: Stop everything.

by Elizabeth Pedmore


I ponder what it would be like to stand a top that mountain and cr y out to my God.

Would He hear my prayers just a little quicker from there, or would I hear His still, small voice answer me sooner?

My hear t is thankful today. Thankful for this

oppor tunity




Thankful for this oppor tunity to spend quality time with the one whom my hear t loves.

Thankful to experience a new place and appreciate its beauty. Thankful that my Father in Heaven has used this time to speak to me.

He has called down to me from that mountaintop, reminding me that I can do all things through his strength, even on the days when I feel my weakest. He has reminded me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, even when I doubt myself and my abilities. He has reminded me that he has great plans for me that will prosper me and bless my future, even on days I feel hopeless. He has reminded me that he created me with unique gifts to be used for his purpose, even on days I feel I am not worthy to work for his kingdom. He has reminded me to stop and breathe, even when my schedule is crazy and my life is a bustle.

God has also reminded me of his grace. I am forgiven of all my sins because of the blood shed on the cross for me....yes, ME! I am that special, that he would send his precious son to die for me. I am that special that my words of repentance are enough to cleanse me. I am that special that time and time and time again, his mercies are new just for me. God is calling to you from the mountaintop today. What is he reminding you of? What is he trying to say to you on this day that was never promised, but is a gift from him? Are you taking time to listen?

You may be reading this article and like me, aspire for a better life. You have goals and ambitions; you have a passion to be somewhere else, doing something else or even be with someone else.

My guess would be never ! A broken wing will often immobilise the bird and render it unable to spread its wings for take o . The broken wing becomes a temporary handicap.


The bird with a broken wing must rst nd a way to survive it's environment until it's wing is healed and it can y again. Jacob's love for Rachel was strong enough for him to nd a way to survive. The word of God teaches us of ways to survive our environment in the best possible way. During the healing process the bird with a broken wing also does a unique thing.

By Linda Mhlanga

Every bre in your body is screaming for you to spread your wings and take a chance, try something new, start out on your own. Jacob found himself handicapped with a wife he hadn't chosen and a further seven year work bondage to his uncle for Rachel.

Day by day it begins to gently stretch out the damaged wing to help strengthen it. This helps the healing process and is also key to a smooth ight when the bird is ready to take to the skies again. You too can start planning and making preparations for take o . The day will eventually come when the thing that was holding you back no longer has any power over you. The day will come when you will spread your wings and y, till then keep s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g.

A Divine

By Shelly Wilson


This is an hour of a divine reset. I’m not talking gl obal things, although that may very well be true. This is personal. Some decisions over the years have been made out of inner personal struggles. Insecurities and fear caused you to gather others instead of taking on the responsibility Christ gave you. You weren’t sure you were “enough.” This will now end in Jesus’ name. It is time you pick up that mantle you dropped with no more excuses. The “I am not enough” mentality is being shattered, and you are in the process of realising that Jesus in you is quite enough, and you have been fully equipped by Him alone. There is no more need for human leaning, only God leaning. All arms that you’ve leaned on too hard will now be removed by the Lord. No one will carry the weight but you and Jesus. While God o ers help for certain at times, the job is still marked by your name and the anointing of God comes from your mouth, your touch, and your sight as Christ sees through you. Religious talk and clichés’ that have been used to excuse your disobedience will now be revealed to your own heart in order to rightly position you once again to the call of God.

Every ounce of divine destiny that He formed in your womb is stirring and awakening by His Spirit. Please understand, while this can be exciting, it will also be uncomfortable. All humans holding tight to you will be peeled o for their good and yours. There shall be no gods before Christ. Human or otherwise. Step in. Step into the vastness of what He has placed within you. Step into the life in Christ that trumpets victory and the release of captives. Step into the moment of freedom, whereby everything that has hindered you falls o like clanging chains. Run your race. No one else’s. The divine reset -to set again or anew-is now taking place.

This is an hour of a divine reset. I’m not talking global things, although that may very well be true. This is personal. Some decisions over the years have been made out of inner personal struggles. Insecurities and fear caused you to gather others instead of taking on the responsibility Christ gave you. You weren’t sure you were “enough.” This will now end in Jesus’ name. It is time you pick up that mantle you dropped with no more excuses. The “I am not enough” mentality is being shattered, and you are in the process of realising that Jesus in you is quite enough, and you have been fully equipped by Him alone. There is no more need for human leaning, only God leaning. All arms that you’ve leaned on too hard will now be removed by the Lord. No one will carry the weight but you and Jesus. While God o ers help for certain at times, the job is still marked by your name and the anointing of God comes from your mouth, your touch, and your sight as Christ sees through you. Religious talk and clichés’ that have been used to excuse your disobedience will now be revealed to your own heart in order to rightly position you once again to the call of God.

Every ounce of divine destiny that He formed in your womb is stirring and awakening by His Spirit. Please understand, while this can be exciting, it will also be uncomfortable. All humans holding tight to you will be peeled o for their good and yours. There shall be no gods before Christ. Human or otherwise. Step in. Step into the vastness of what He has placed within you. Step into the life in Christ that trumpets victory and the release of captives. Step into the moment of freedom, whereby everything that has hindered you falls o like clanging chains. Run your race. No one else’s. The divine reset -to set again or anew-is now taking place.

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