As always we’ve squeezed in as much as we can, with Firework Displays, Christmas Fairs and Markets, Local Theatre, Music and lots more. There’s also lots of local businesses from Baking Workshops to Building, Finance to Funeral Directors, Healthcare to Home Care, Painters to Property Maintenance, Slimming to Solicitors and Windows to Wine School, whoever you call please let them know you found them in st albans NOW. To make sure you don’t miss out the magazines are always available to read online, and if you run your own business we’d love to include you it’s so easy, just book your space online today.
Jane & Wendy
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You can NOW book advertising online Deadline 8th Nov for Dec editions jane@theNOWmagazines.com 07983 588291 www.theNOWmagazines.com
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All Saints Sunday 3rd Nov 9.30am & 11.15am
Services to celebrate the life of the saints whose examples inspire us, all welcome.
All Souls Requiem 3rd Nov 6pm
On this Feast of All Souls we give thanks for the lives of our families and friends and all who have died.
Abbey by Night 6th & 13th Nov 8pm
Be transported back in time to the medieval abbey as you encounter fantastic stories of the past by candlelight. £20 includes a glass of wine
St Albans Bach Choir: Rossini - Petite Messe Solenelle 9th Nov 7.30pm
£36, £32, £28, £20, £15
Remembrance: Honours & Heroes Tour 10th Nov 1.30pm Memorials, memories and medals. Look at a window, a book, a cross and a chorister - some of the different ways we honour those who have died in war. Free, please book
Exhibition: Unseen Echoes 12th - 24th Nov
Through a collection of photographs, taken by artist, Chris Hall, view fragments of survivors’ stories through everyday objects and dive into the hidden realities of domestic abuse. Free
Organ Concert 13th Nov 12.30pm
With Benjamin Chewter (Organist, Metropolitan Tabernacle, London) Free with a retiring collection
Divine Designs 13th Nov 2pm
Discover the ingenious science of stained glass, how a 5,000 tonne tower has stood for nearly 1,000 years, and why the Wallingford Clock was the most advanced astronomical clock when it was made. £10, £9 child £3
Talk: Shakespeare... and A Skull by Any Other Name 14th Nov 7pm
Speaker: Dr Susan Sachon, author, director and historian. £12, £6
St Albans Choral Society: Bach Magnificat & Duruflé Requiem 16th Nov 7.30pm
J S Bach Magnificat in D, BWV243 / Poulenc Organ Concerto / Duruflé Requiem, Op 9. £10 - £35
The High Sheriff's Justice Service 17th Nov 11.15am
Bringing together those who administer law and order and those who work or serve in a voluntary capacity in Hertfordshire. All welcome
Fleetwood Mac by Candlelight 20th Nov 7.30pm
A cast of West End Singers and a live band, present this concert packed with hits as you’ve never heard them before! £10 - £60
Light up a Life 23rd Nov 2.30pm see page 12
Quiz Night 23rd Nov 7pm
A fun evening to stretch your mind, build community, and enjoy some friendly competition. £10 per person (tables of 6)
Afterlife of Trees Tour 24th Nov 2pm
Celebrate trees and explore the woodwork in the Cathedral, focusing on carpentry from the medieval to modern times. £10, £9
Solemn Evensong & Benediction for Christ the King 24th Nov 6pm all welcome
Talk: Benedictine Topographies
27th Nov 7.30pm £12, £6
With speaker, Cathedral Archaeologist - Dr Jackie Hall looking at the layout of the medieval precinct and comparing it with two similar monasteries, Peterborough and St Edmundsbury.
The Alban Film Week
Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the St Albans Film Festival
Musical Beasts 29th Oct 1pm, 3pm & 5pm
An interactive musical experience for all ages, as Prokofiev’s classic fairy tale, Peter and the Wolf is performed in costume. Dressing up is encouraged with a prize for the best costume.
Film: Thelma & Louise 29th Oct 7.30pm £15
Gromit Model Making Workshops & Film 30th Oct 11.45am 1.45pm & 3.45pm
Workshops take place before the film Wallace & Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death, to take part in a workshop, you must also buy a ticket for the film.
Film £20, film & workshop £30, age 5+
Film: Four Weddings & a Funeral 30th Oct 7pm Plus Q&A with director Mike Newell. £15
Film: Night at the Museum 31st Oct 2pm £10, child £5
Film: Nosferatu (1922) 31st Oct 7.30pm
A silent German Expressionist vampire film based on Vampire Count Orlok who expresses interest in a new residence and real estate agent Hutter's wife. With live improvisations on the Cathedral's organ, performed by students from the Royal Academy of Music with additional sound design provided by live electronics. £15
Film: Migration 1st Nov 10.30am £10, child £5
Film: Johnny English 1st Nov 2.30pm £10, child £5
Film: Grease Sing-A-Long 1st Nov 7.30pm £15
Film: The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young 2nd Nov 10.30am £6
Film: Singin' in the Rain 2nd Nov 2pm £12
Please book
Deciding where your children should be schooled is one of the most important decisions for parents. Unfortunately, if they are separated and disagree, it can become acrimonious, often resulting in court applications to settle the arrangements.
Acrimonious disputes often arise when separated parents are privately educating children. Sometimes they can resolve their financial matters through a financial order, part of which is a ‘school fees order’ requiring one or both parents to contribute to their child’s private education. These types of orders can always be subject to variation eg. where one parent’s financial circumstances change, although variation to a school fees order can impact the child.
Whilst variations to school fees orders are rare, enquiries have increased following the government’s announcement of a 20% VAT charge on private school fees from January 2025. Parents will need to factor this in along with the annual inflationary increase.
Questions I have recently been asked:
What if my ex stops paying the school fees when they fall due?
The non-paying parent will be in breach of the court order so the other parent will have to apply
to court for enforcement. This will normally result in the paying parent making an application to vary the financial order or discharge it. If school fees are no longer affordable due to the increase, what can we do? I want my child to continue in private education. Private school may be a ‘luxury’ - if clearly unaffordable the court will not hesitate in suggesting that children leave private school to attend a state or grammar school. If the parties cannot pay the school fees they have to consider these options.
I think my ex is lying about their financial circumstances just to get out of paying the increase.
If the parent doesn’t pay, this may result in an enforcement application which will likely lead to an application to vary. The paying parent needs to provide evidence of their financial circumstances. In the first instance, we would always suggest speaking to your ex to try and reach an agreement – this will reduce acrimony and costs of litigation (if matters do eventually end up in court). Ultimately what’s best for the children should be the priority.
Bhini Phagura, Associate Solicitor Rayden Solicitors St Albans
Harpenden Railways until 31st Dec
Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays 11am - 3pm free
A display of the three railway lines which led to Harpenden’s development from a rural village into a town. With stories of the Nickey Line in the 50's, a Great Northern Railway timetable for trains carrying horses and racegoers to Harpenden Races before WW1, and the growth in travel on the Midland Line, now Thameslink.
Harpenden Museum, Eric Morecambe Centre AL5 2FR www.harpenden-history.org.uk
Exhibition: Harpenden Art Club
1st - 2nd Nov 10am - 5pm & 3rd Nov 10am - 4pm
Showing a diverse range of contemporary art, from realist work through to abstract pieces, with paintings, prints and sculpture, from new and established artists. Harpenden Trust Centre, Southdown Road AL5 1PS www.harpendenartclub.co.uk
Local Markets
St Albans Vegan Market 3rd Nov 10.30am - 4pm
St Albans Farmers' Market 10th Nov 8am - 2pm
St Albans 2nd Sunday Market 10th Nov 9am - 2pm
Local food and drink, sustainable arts and crafts.
Knebworth House
Hertfordshire Half Marathon & 10k 3rd Nov
In support of Garden House Hospice. Perfect for runners of all levels, the route starts at the stately home before taking you into the surrounding countryside. Half Marathon £38, 10k £32
Christmas Fair 22nd - 24th Nov
Stevenage SG1 2AX www.knebworthhouse.com
Sustainable St Albans
Thermal Imaging Camera Information Sessions 5th, 18th & 28th Nov 8pm online
Open Day – Victorian Terrace Eco House 9th Nov 9am & 11am address given when booking
Clothing Repair Café 17th Nov 1pm - 4pm
Volunteers will help to repair and restore your favourite clothes and save them from landfill. Free, please book on Eventbrite
The Green House, 46 London Road, St Albans
Playing Out St Albans District Information Sessions 21st & 27th Nov 8pm online
Diwali at Sopwell House 8th Nov 7pm
Enjoy an Indian feast, Bollywood tunes, traditional entertainment, a show-stopping firework display and dancing until midnight. £129, child £89
Sopwell House, Cottonmill Lane, St Albans
St Albans Sleepout 8th Nov
Spend a night under the stars at Oaklands College enjoying live music, entertainment, and a bit of a reality check, to see what life’s like for young people facing homelessness this winter. Five local charities, Centre 33, Emmaus, Herts Young Homeless, Open Door and The Living Room, will benefit from the sponsorship you raise. www.stalbanssleepout.org.uk
The Sapphire Ball 8th Nov 6pm
Starting with a glass of fizz in the grand entrance followed by a 3 course dinner, live auction, singing, dancing and a casino, all in aid of The Hospice of St Francis. £99
Ashridge House, Berkhamsted HP4 1NS www.stfrancis.org.uk
Ceilidh 15th Nov 7.15pm
Live band and caller, hot food, bar, raffle raising money with Harpenden Lions Club in aid of Waterways
Experiences, a local charity providing accessible canal boating for all. £20 including food. 0345 833 7426
Wheathampstead Memorial Hall AL4 8AY www harpenden-lions.co.uk
Artist in Residence - Mandy Johnson
Community Collage
16th Nov 11am - 1pm drop in free
Create a community collage for the library.
Meet Mandy Johnson drop in 16th Nov & 14th Dec 10.30am - 4.30pm
A chance to see her at work and ask her questions. Holiday Card Workshop
19th Nov 7pm Age 13+ £5
St Albans Library AL1 3JQ
World Prematurity Day 17th Nov
Wear purple for the day and make a donation to poorly babies at your local hospital, visit the website and click on Donate Now. www.bedfordshirehospitals.nhs.uk/ charity/get-involved/events/
20th Nov 12 noon - 2pm Half Masks
18th Dec 12 noon - 2pm Masks in Performance
Join Trestle Theatre Company for a masterclass looking at their theatre masks, and exploring physical theatre. Through drama activities and exploration create and meet new characters that help put St Albans ‘On The Map’. Free, please book, age 16+
St Albans Library AL1 3JQ www.eventbrite.co.uk
Author Talk with Peter Waine
27th Nov 7.30pm
Meet this local author and artist as he talks about inspiration for his book 'As I Go Wandering: A Love Letter to the English Countryside' £6.20, child £1.90 Mill Green Museum & Mill, Hatfield AL9 5PD www.millgreenmuseum.co.uk
Dower Design is an architectural design studio based in St Albans Our experienced project design team have over a decade of experience in providing technical and creative drawings for planning permission, building regulations and design development. If you would like to discuss a project, please get in touch 01727 323411 www.dowergroup.com/design-studio/ enquiries@dowergroup.com
Low Bang Fireworks
1st & 2nd Nov 7pm, gates 5.45pm
Fireworks are back with a fizz, pop, a very low bang and lots of fun for little ones to enjoy, while the animals are looked after by the Livestock Team elsewhere. Please book
Willows Activity Farm, London Colney AL4 0PF www.willowsactivityfarm.com
St Albans Fireworks Spectacular
2nd Nov gates 6pm, display 7.30pm
Enjoy this amazing display, raising money for local charities; Home-Start Hertfordshire and Earthworks
St Albans. Please book £15, child £10, family £40 Verulamium Park, St Albans AL1 3JE www.stalbanscathedral.org
Harpenden Rugby Club
3rd Nov gates 4pm, display 6pm
Firework display raising money for local schools and community groups, with a fun fair and food and bars. Please book Harpenden Rugby Club, Harpenden AL5 2BA www.hrfc.com
Wheathampstead Fireworks
3rd Nov gates 4.30pm, display 5.45pm
Enjoy a spectacular fireworks display, delicious BBQ, Donuts, candy floss and lots more. All proceeds to Beech Hyde Primary School, helping fund extra facilities and activities for the children.
Beech Hyde Primary School, Wheathampstead AL4 8TP www.tickettailor.com/events/wheatyfireworks
Low Bang Fireworks Display
8th Nov gates 6pm / fireworks 7pm BBQ, bar, tuck shop, hot drinks and more. KWS School, Lower Luton Road, Harpenden AL5 5FH Tickets www.create-herts.co.uk/event
Family Fireworks & Farm Fun
9th Nov 2pm - 8pm
Enjoy the spectacular fireworks display, the SkyTrail, rock climbing wall, Shaggy's Raceway, street food vendors, disco and more. Please book Mead Open Farm, Billington LU7 9JH www.meadopenfarm.co.uk
Crabtree Fireworks Spectacular
9th Nov 5.30pm
Incredible fireworks display and delicious BBQ. £10, family £30
Crabtree School, Harpenden AL5 5PU www.tickettailor.com
Redbourn Fireworks Display 9th Nov 7pm
Funfair, food, fireworks and raffle. Redbourn Common AL3
Much of the 'damp' found in homes is really condensation, which is created by the moisture from things we do every day: cooking, cleaning, washing and even just being in our homes. One person sleeping adds half a pint of water to the air overnight and an active person adds twice that rate during the day. The graph below shows how much extra water you could be adding to the air in your home. To treat the problem: Ventilate Remove excess moisture Produce less moisture Heat your home a little every day
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Christmas Grotto 9th Nov - 24th Dec
Burston Garden Centre AL2 2DS www.burston.co.uk
Christmas Fair & Food Village
15th Nov - 22nd Dec Wed - Sun, 12 noon - 7pm
Christmas at Waddesdon
15th Nov - 5th Jan Wed - Sun
(plus 30th & 31st Dec / excludes 23rd - 26th Dec)
Enjoy this immersive experience inspired by the classic tale of Sleeping Beauty with beautifully decorated interiors, light projections on the Manor façade, a light trail in the gardens, festive afternoon tea and lots more. Please book
Festive Feast 29th Nov, 6th, 14th & 20th Dec 6pm £165, please book Indulge in a evening of fine dining. Waddesdon Bucks HP18 0JH www.waddesdon.org.uk
Christmas Cracker Street Festival
17th Nov 6pm - 11pm
With food, arts and craft stalls and live music for the whole family. Free
St Peter's Street, St Albans
Hertford Events
Hertford Christmas Gala 22nd Nov from 3pm
An array of market stalls, live entertainment, fairground rides and much more. Lights switch on at 6pm Hertford Town Centre
Hertford Castle Christmas Market 22nd - 24th Nov
Castle Street, Hertford SG14 1HR www.hertford.gov.uk
Christmas Fayre 23rd Nov 12.30pm - 4pm
St George’s School, Sun Lane, Harpenden
Festive Buffets & Afternoon Teas
23rd Nov - 23rd Dec £32
Please book - info@inn-on-the-park.com Inn on the Park, Verulamium Park, St Albans
Harpenden Christmas Carnival
24th Nov 12 noon - 6pm
Including the Farmers’ Market, Santa's Grotto, Funfair, entertainment, Young Enterprise Trade Fair, procession at 3pm and lights switch on at 5pm. High Street, Harpenden
Christmas Emergency Services Day
24th Nov 1pm - 5pm drop-in
With a fire engine, blood bikes, Police vehicles, St John's Ambulance, children's activities, crime prevention and food and drink.
Harpenden Fire Station, Leyton Road AL5 2JB
Dunstable Downs
Festive Wreath Making Workshops
24th Nov & 10th Dec 6pm £55
A great way to kick off the festive season.
Please book
Festive Lunch 25th Nov - 23rd Dec
12 noon - 2pm
Crackers, decorations, perfect winter views and a festive lunch with all the trimmings.
£16.95 - £30, child £12.95
Breakfast with the Elves
30th Nov - 23rd Dec 9am, 9.30am & 10am
Step into magic as the View Café is transformed into a cheeky elves workshop. £13.50, child £6.50
Dunstable Downs, Beds LU6 2GY
Wheathampstead Lights Up
28th Nov 4pm - 8pm
With children’s fairground rides, live music, carol singing, Santa's Grotto, food and drink, Christmas markets and lights switch on at 6pm.
High Street, Wheathampstead AL4 8BB www.wheathampstead-pc.gov.uk
Ashridge House Illuminated
29th Nov - 1st Jan 4pm - 8pm please book
Experience an enchanting evening on the magical light trail, wander through the stunning Grade II listed gardens with dazzling lights and installations. Ashridge House, Berkhamsted HP4 1NS www.ashridgehouse.org.uk
Christmas Shopping Fair
30th Nov - 1st Dec
Around 150 exhibitors with gifts, arts, crafts, fashion and beauty.
Herts County Showground, Redbourn AL3 7PT www.charlieowenevents.co.uk
Christmas Market
30th Nov - 8th Dec 10am - 4pm
A festive market with music, food, shopping, and even an appearance from the animals!
Standalone Farm, Letchworth SG6 4JN www.standalonefarm.digitickets.co.uk
Panto Express 30th Nov - 22nd Dec
Meet Santa while enjoying a steam train ride and a pantomime!
Buckinghamshire Railway Centre HP22 4BY www.bucksrailcentre.org
Christmas Raffle
Buy tickets online to help Herts Young Homeless, with the chance to win a family ticket to Warner Bros
Studios Harry Potter tour, theatre tickets and more. www.hyh.org.uk
Spook-Fest until 3rd Nov from £6.95
Enjoy giant puzzles, pumpkin bingo, a spider maze, spooky-oke, mini tractor play, bouncy castle, dance tunnel, interact with scarecrow characters and watch out for their Pop Up shows.
Aldenham Country Park, Elstree WD6 3BA www.aldenhamcountrypark.co.uk/spookfest
Dinos After Dark
25th - 27th Oct & 1st - 3rd Nov 5.30pm-8.30pm
See the zoo transformed into a prehistoric world where over 40 life-size animatronic dinosaurs come to life. With UV Halloween drummers, a silent disco, a UV puppet show and more. Please book Hertfordshire Zoo, Broxbourne, EN10 7QA www.hertfordshirezoo.com
Freaky FunFest 26th Oct - 3rd Nov
Enjoy the Freaky Flamenco Fiesta Circus, journey through the Halloween mazes, pick a pumpkin and take part in the ghoulishly Halloween hunt to win a special sweet surprise.
Mead Open Farm, Billington, Beds LU7 9JH www.meadopenfarm.co.uk
Bletchley Park
Fun Filled Family Activities
28th Oct - 1st Nov 11am - 3pm
Find out how Halloween was celebrated with limited resources during WW2. Make your own decorations from recycled materials, programme a robot to go trickor-treating, build Lego Halloween houses and try your hand at codebreaking. Included in admission
National Intelligence History Conference 20th - 22nd Nov
Hosted by Bletchley Park Trust and GCHQ, this academic conference is open to all with an interest in intelligence history. One day £80, concs £60, 3 days £180, concs £120
Bletchley Park, Milton Keynes MK3 6EB www.bletchleypark.org.uk
Halloween Spectacular 1st Nov 5pm
Hear spine tingling stories, watch out for spooky horses, warm yourself by the bonfire, toast marshmallows, brave the scary walk and enjoy the amazing fire-performance. Please book, £13, child £15
Chiltern Open Air Museum,Chalfont St Peter HP8 4AB www.coam.org.uk
Tring Book Festival 1st - 16th Nov
With the likes of Susie Dent, John Sergeant, Gyles
Brandreth, Louise Minchin, David Baddiel, Jon Sopel, Vanessa Feltz and many more taking part in the talks, signings and meets, it’s definitely worth a visit. www.tringbookfestival.co.uk
Natural History Museum at Tring Museum by Torchlight 1st Nov 17.05pm - 8pm
Have your torch at the ready, don your best scary animal or ghoulish costume for a spooky time in the galleries. Free, please book
LEGO® Build the Change Nature-Friendly Habitat Build 1st Nov 10.30am & 2nd Nov 10.30am & 2pm
Welcoming all builders of the future. Help build a LEGO® bricks habitat, where animals, people and nature can feel at home. Free
Toddler Takeover Day 7th Nov 10.30am -12.30pm
As part of Kids in Museums Takeover Day, children can learn about the different and important jobs needed to run a museum. Free
Tactile Explorers 16th Nov 11am
Get hands on with real Museum specimens led by trained facilitators.
The Walter Rothschild Building, Tring HP23 6AP www.nhm.ac.uk
RAF London
Meet a Female Fighter Pilot & Navigator 1st Nov
Meet one of the first female fighter crews in the world, Helen Seymour and Rosie Stevenson, a former frontline Tornado navigator, and hear them share their experiences of life in the RAF. Age 8+
Aircraft Access: The Buccaneer 2nd & 3rd Nov
Sign up to access the cockpit of the Buccaneer and see how this aircraft helped revolutionise post WW2 warfare. £5, age 8+
Christmas Elf Cadet Training 30th Nov & 1st, 7th & 8th Dec 10.30am, 11am, 11.30am, 12pm, 12.30pm, 2pm, 2.30pm, 3pm & 3.30pm
Have you wondered how Santa delivers so many gifts around the world in just one night, he brings in the experts; the RAF! Train to become one of the RAF’s Elf Cadets, learn how to load the sleigh, pick the right aircraft for the job and map a route for Santa, and much more. Age 4 - 11, £7.50
Hendon NW9 5LL www.rafmuseum.org.uk
Shuttleworth in Lights 15th Nov - 15th Dec
Explore the Shuttleworth Collection and Swiss Garden as you’ve never seen them before, on the illuminated trail through over 100 years of aviation and automotive history from WW1 aircraft that soared above no-man’s land to some that starred in Hollywood blockbusters, plus steam engines, buses, motorbikes, carriages and so much more. £15, child £10
Biggleswade SG18 9DT www.shuttleworth.org
23rd & 24th Nov
A festival for those with a real passion for WW2 history. With author talks and book signings, behind the ropes tours, collections up close and celebrity personal experiences. £50 per day
IWM Duxford, Cambs CB22 4QR www.iwm.org.uk
An Evening with Diversion 1st Nov 8pm
Expect to hear some old favourites by Noël Coward, Paul Simon, Jake Thackeray and Tom Lehrer plus some original contributions with their own brand of humour, harmony and musicality. Proceeds to Cancer Research UK. £18
Nell Gwynn 8th - 16th Nov
It’s 1664, and Nell Gwynn is making her mark on London society, as she captivates audiences with her theatrical talents. But when she gains the King’s attention, can her charisma and vitality protect her from her enemies? This joyful comedy explores the allure and adversities of life in the Restoration theatre. £14, concs £12
Santa Babies 23rd Nov
With a smooth sound, high energy choreography and fabulous on-stage charisma, they’ll get you in the mood to celebrate the festive season. £20, concs £15 Abbey Theatre, Holywell Hill, St Albans AL1 2DL www.abbeytheatre.org.uk
Eric Morecambe Centre
Alfie Brown: Open Hearted Human Enquiry 1st Nov 7.30pm £15 18+
Listen to this award winning comedian as he separates his failures from his misfortunes and arrives at the conclusion ‘life is beautiful’.
Stewart Copeland – Have I Said Too Much 2nd Nov 7.30pm £37, £52
Stewart talks about his I ncredible life as a performer with The Police, as a musician, entertainer and writer.
Foster & Allen 7.30pm 7th Nov £30
This 50 years of hits concert will be packed with singles like Bunch of Thyme, Old Flames, Maggie, After all these Years and more.
Colin Blunstone 8th Nov 8pm £40
Performing his classic 1971 debut album, One Year, along with other songs joined by a full band and the q-strings quartet.
The Zombies 9th Nov 8pm £40
Celebrating “60 years on tape”, beginning with their smash hit single “She’s not There” and continuing with their new album Different Game.
Focus 11th Nov 7.30pm £29
The band from the 60’s that just keeps giving, each song unique, and each performance different.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar 12th - 13th Nov 1.30pm & 4pm £16
Featuring 75 lovable puppets in adaptations of four stories: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, 10 Little Rubber Ducks, The Very Busy Spider and of course, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Thank Abba for the Music 16th Nov 7.30pm £27.50
This promises to be a high-octane extravaganza for Abba-lovers everywhere.
Ruby Wax: I’m not as Well as I Thought I Was 19th Nov 7.30pm £27.50 14+
Ruby’s rawest, darkest, funniest and most compelling stage show yet.
The Arts Society Harpenden Area: The Book, The Devil & my Uncle’s Bagpipes 21st Nov 10.30am
Lecturer: Sophie Matthews
The Puppini Sisters 22nd Nov 7.30pm £28 16+
This band pioneered the neo burlesque/swing scene with their immaculate harmonies and went on to release the fastest selling jazz album of all time.
The Big Band at Christmas with Five Star Swing 25th Nov 7.30pm £25
Enjoy favourite Christmas songs with the dynamic big band treatment from Glenn Miller, Sinatra, Basie, Nat King Cole – jazzing up those jingle bells!
Makings of a Murderer 2 28th Nov £32.50 7.30pm 18+
With investigating officer Colin Sutton, who caught serial killer Levi Bellfield and ‘night stalker’ Delroy Grant. A chilling night as Colin tells the stories of how he caught some of the UKs most evil murderers.
George Harrison Project 29th Nov 7.30pm £25
Enjoy this leading tribute to George Harrison, performing his best-loved hits from the Beatles, his solo career and the Traveling Wilburys.
Rothamsted Park, Harpenden AL5 2FR
The Alban Arena
Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book
1st & 2nd Nov 10.30am & 1.30pm
Based on the book by Julia Donaldson, brought to life with puppetry and enchanting songs. From £15, 3+
Dr Louise Newson: Hormones & Menopause
– The Great Debate 12th Nov 7.30pm
Aimed to educate and challenge misconceptions about menopause and advocate for better healthcare for women. £29.50, age 16+
Ed Byrne - Tragedy Plus Time 13th Nov 7.30pm
Join Ed as he tests the formula of mining the most tragic event in his life for laughs. £34, age 14+
Queenz – Drag me to the Disco 14th Nov 7.30pm
A live vocal, drag-stravaganza, where Dancing Queenz and Disco Dreams collide for the party of a lifetime. From £28.50, age 14+
Nutcracker performed by The Imperial Ballet 17th Nov 3pm
Full of familiar music such as the Waltz of the Flowers and the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. £44
Whitney - Queen of the Night 20th Nov 7.30pm
Experience her remarkable repertoire with an arenascale production that honours her timeless songs, with sensational vocalists and a full live band. From £22
Ben Portsmouth is Elvis 22nd Nov 7.30pm
Take a trip down memory lane with many of Elvis’ most loved songs from the 50s to the 70s Vegas concerts. £37
The Sound of Springsteen 24th Nov 7.30pm
Experience pure rock ‘n’ roll euphoria as this show brings Springsteens’ iconic sound to life, on a musical journey from Greetings from Asbury Park to 2020’s Ghosts via the legendary hits Born in the USA and Born to Run. £31.50
That’ll Be The Day’s So This is Christmas!
27th Nov 7.30pm
An evening of music and laughter where comedy sketches blend with heart-warming renditions of your favourite Christmas songs. From £29
The Rick Wakeman Yuletide Christmas Show
28th Nov 7.30pm
An all-new show with Rick, his son and fellow keyboard player Adam Wakeman, and Mollie Marriott, daughter of the late Steve Marriott. From £39 Civic Centre, St Albans AL1 3LD www.alban-arena.co.uk
Light up the Sky 2nd Nov 3pm
A concert for trumpet, choir and organ performed by St Albans Chamber Choir. Michael Berkeley: At the Round Earth's Imagined Corners / Eric Whitacre: Leonardo Dreams of his Flying Machine / Howells: A Sequence for St Michael Stanford: The Bluebird / Duke Ellington: I'm Beginning to see the Light. £18
St Peter’s Church, St Albans AL1 3HG www.stalbanschamberchoir.org.uk
Event Cinema
Royal Albert Hall: The Phantom of the Opera
3rd Nov 2pm £14 - £15
Exhibition On Screen - Van Gogh - Poets & Lovers
6th Nov 6pm & 10th Nov 3pm £13 - £15.50 Campus West, Welwyn Garden City AL8 6BX www.campuswest.co.uk
Family Concert ‘Outdoor Adventures’
9th Nov 2pm & 2.30pm
Performed by St Albans Symphony Orchestra with extracts from - Ravel: Mother Goose Suite / Bizet: L'Arlesienne Suite no. 2 / Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 / Moberg: Sunrise Orchestral Suite / Kristen
Anderson-Lopez: Frozen
Meet the musicians in the interval and try out the instruments. Fancy dress welcome, for the both audience and orchestra! £8, child £2
St Paul’s Church, St Albans AL1 4JP
St Albans Organ Theatre
Organ Concert 9th Nov 3pm
With Dr Kevin Morgan FRCO
Mechanical Instrument Concert 10th Nov 3pm
See musical boxes, hand-turned organettes, selfplaying pianos to the rare Mills Violin Virtuoso and the large Dance Hall Organs. £8, £4
Camp Road AL1 5PE
The Culture Trust
Luton Literature Book Festival 9th Nov
Celebrating diversity in literature with adult and children's author events, a writer's salon, workshops, storytelling sessions and more.
The Hat Factory Arts Centre & Luton Central Library
Jenny Eclair (Tour Warm Up) 14th Nov 7.30pm
Jenny invites you to look back at what she can remember before she forgets everything! £15
The Hat Factory, Luton LU1 2EY
Mark Simmons: Quip Off The Mark 22nd Nov 8pm
Fringe Winner, master of one-liners and social media phenomenon. £17
The Hat Factory, Luton LU1 2EY
Educating Rita
14th & 15th Nov 8pm & 16th Nov 2.30pm
Performed by High Street Players. £10
KWS School, Lower Luton Road, Harpenden www.hsplayers.org.uk
Bach: Mass in B Minor 16th Nov 7.30pm
Harpenden Choral Society presents its opening concert of the season, accompanied by the King’s Sinfonietta Orchestra. £20, child £10
High Street Methodist Church, Harpenden AL5 2RU www.harpendenchoralsociety.org
Gareth Malone: My Life Through Song
26th Nov 7.30pm
Best known for his TV appearances in The Choir, Gareth is also Patron of the Military Wives Foundation, set up to support choirs that have sprung up in garrisons around the world since the programme
The Choir: Military Wives. £27.50
Bedford Corn Exchange, Bedford MK40 1SL
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St Albans War Memorial 10th Nov
The Mayor will lead a procession through the City Centre at 10.30am to the War Memorial near St Peter’s Church for the start of the service at 10.50am. A bugler will play the last post which will be followed by a two-minute silence at 11am.
Harpenden War Memorial
Remembrance Parade & Service 10th Nov
Please call NOW to make an appointment 07831 662191
The Parade will form in Rothamsted Park, Leyton Road at 10.15am and move off at 10.35am to the War Memorial, Church Green for a service at 10.50am
IWM Duxford 10th Nov
A two-minute silence at 11am to mark the end of WW1 and contemplate the lives lost in the two World Wars and subsequent conflicts. IWM Duxford, Cambs CB22 4QR www.iwm.org.uk
RAF London
Remembrance Day Service 10th Nov arrive 10.30am / service 11am Free, but please book Hendon NW9 5LL www.rafmuseum.org.uk
If you think you’ve found a ‘dead’ hedgehog it could just be hibernating (which they do each year between November and March) as their heart rate and body functioning slow down as a way of saving energy. They usually dig holes to hibernate, but as it’s becoming harder for them to find a safe place to spend the winter some may come into your garden. If you see one, make sure it’s in a safe and warm place, and if possible while wearing gloves place it in a cardboard box with a hole in it, where it can spend the cold months. Hedgehogs are an endangered species, completely harmless and very important in our ecosystem. They eat beetles, snails, frogs, lizards, snakes (including poisonous ones) and destroy mice nests. They are not afraid of bees or wasps and can easily destroy a hornet's nest and eat its inhabitants by ignoring their bites. Scientists have long noticed the immunity of hedgehogs to strong poisons. Please be aware of hedgehogs during the cold months, and help keep them safe.
St Albans Museum + Gallery
Exhibition: Passion, Determination, Vision until 3rd Nov 11am - 5pm free
See textile portraits representing the works and impact of local people; Saint Alban, Stephen Hawking, Francis Bacon, Michael Morpurgo, Tim Rice and more.
Exhibition: Catching the Chain
11th Oct - 25th April
Inspired by the Museum's cells and courtroom this explores the history of criminal justice and the ways in which local communities have dealt with crime from the Iron Age to today.
Family Clay Workshops: Pots with Faces
1st Nov 1.45pm & 3pm
See the display of face pots then make your own and create a decorative face on it. Age 7+ £6.50
Maria Meyer: Thingchronicity
15th Nov - 9th March
Local artist Maria develops the concept of ‘Thingchronicity’ through a series of captivating sculptures, installations and paintings. The objects and their arrangement will challenge you to think about the symbolism, magic, power and value that objects have in our lives.
Talk: 10,000 Miles from Home 21st Nov 7pm
Join curator Sarah Keeling as she traces the story of local people convicted in our courtroom and sentenced to transportation to Tasmania as punishment. Bringing together information from court records with stories from the Digital History Tasmania archive to give a picture of life before, during and after conviction. In person £10 / Zoom £6
Feed Them To The Lions 26th Nov 1.30pm
A compelling comedy drama exploring the UK's
justice system through the eyes of performers with lived experience of disability. Created and performed by the Trestle Theatre Company.
Free, but please book
St Albans Creative Christmas Market
30th Nov 11am
An array of beautiful Christmas gifts, stocking fillers and bespoke local-made products.
Town Hall, St Peter's Street, St Albans AL1 3DH
Verulamium Museum
Superior: Inferior Class & Status in Roman Britain until 11th Nov
Using archaeological objects and other clues, can you decide who is higher (superior) and who is lower (inferior) status, in this interactive exhibition.
Archaeology for Families
1st Nov 10.30am - 1.30pm
Learn how archaeologists record what they find, by analysing genuine finds. Ages 7-12 accompanied by an adult. Free with admission
Exhibition: Mapping an Uneven Path: Stories of Health & Disability at Verulamium
15th Nov - 23rd Feb
Exploring the ways in which Romans practiced and understood medicine and healing, as well as their cultural attitudes towards disability. Gold, Ghosts & A Talking Mongoose
15th Nov 7pm
Join archaeologist Tess Machling for a roller-coaster journey through a world of archaeological shenanigans, theft, 20th century forgeries, and a famous ghost hunter called Harry Price!
Please book, £10
Verulamium Museum, St Albans AL3 4SW
The Hypocaust
Talk: House in the Park 9th Nov
This story will bring the Roman Town of Verulamium to life
The Hypocaust, Verulamium Park www.stalbansmuseums.org.uk
Witchsnade's School of Magic Trail
26th Oct - 3rd Nov 10am - 4pm
Start by making your own cauldron, then follow the trail to master skills that take you closer to becoming a witch or wizard! There are also themed sensory bags and spotter sheets to help you enjoy the trail's magic in a more accessible way. £3
Dunstable Downs, Beds LU6 2GY www.nationaltrust.org.uk
Halloween Half Term
26th Oct - 3rd Nov 10am - 4pm
Follow the quest to solve creepy clues and listen to spooky stories. Included with entry price Wrest Park, Silso MK45 4HR www.english-heritage.org.uk
Tricks Filled Storytelling
27th Oct - 3rd Nov
Storytelling from The Twits and Revolting Rhymes, with plenty of actions, noises and ways to get involved with telling the story, while the tricks get more and more swizzfingling!
Free with entry
Roald Dahl Museum HP16 0AL www.roalddahlmuseum.org
Halloween Junior Bird Keeper Day
30th Oct & 1st Nov 10am - 3pm
Meet and handle the owls, go on a walk with the hawks, meet some of the eagles, watch a flying display and much more. £34, age 6+
Herrings Green Farm, Wilstead MK45 3DT www.birdsofpreycentre.co.uk
The Old Town Hall Arts Centre
Mr SleepyBum 1st Nov 11.30am & 2pm
Do you have silly dreams at night? Well, Mr Sleepybum does, and he's going to re-enact them in this high-energy, interactive, kids' comedy show for the whole family.
Please book, under 5’s Scruff's Christmas Adventure
30th Nov - 24th Dec
Join Scruff on a tail-wagging adventure filled with magical puppetry, hilarious characters and lots of giggles! Please book, under 5s
The Old Town Hall Arts Centre
Hemel Hempstead HP1 3AE www.oldtownhall.co.uk
Soft or Spiky 1st - 3rd Nov 11am, 1pm & 2.30pm & Sat & Sun 10am
This playful, interactive new show is full of shapes, sounds, textures and words exploring different ways to connect and understand each other. At the end there will be a stay and play session where you can enter the sensory landscape of the production.
Please book, age 6 - 18 months
Hat Factory Arts Centre, Luton, LU1 2EY www.culturetrust.com
Room on the Broom 9th & 10th Nov Sat: 1.30pm & 4pm, Sun: 11am & 1.30pm
Jump on board the broom with the witch and her cat in Tall Stories' fun-filled adaptation of this best-selling book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. Please book, under 5s Watford Palace Theatre WD17 1JZ
Big Fish Little Fish
17th Nov 2pm - 4pm
Dance with your kids to classic rave tunes. 2 Bad Mice are gold legends of the rave scene and will play an eclectic set from acid house onwards. Dance through the bubbles, foam and balloons or make something on the Nifty Natty craft tables. For families with 0-8 year olds but all ages welcome, please book
The Pioneer Club, St Albans AL3 5AY
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