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NAME:Edgar Fernando Castillo Montes BIRTH DATE: November 21st 1979 HOBBIES: Complain;play soccer. COMMON SAYINGS: soca 3500;triple hoy; hoy sí me mato;que paso viejo;O.K. NICKNAMES: Pato;Purvis;Robocop; Mateo Flores; Andres;Peterpan;chillón;Mercurio; YEARS AT INTER: 14 GOALS: Graduate from college;build my own company. PREDICTIONS FOR THE FUTURE: Playing soccer at "Campo Marte";rebuilding the "Integra";Married to Daphne. FAVORITE PLACES TO BE: In "El Prado", Savoy, Cafe Teatro;Status;Bambú;in the Shell.

NAME: Juan Ernesto De león Solórzano BIRTH DATE: April 17th 1979 HOBBIES:eating; cooking; talking on the phone; talking. COMMON SAYINGS: Para ver de adeveras; a poco no? ; que onzas NI CKN AMES :Juancho;gordis Juanchis;J uanchón;Ancho; Anchois. YEARS AT INTER:5 GOALS:to be a pilot;good lawyer and father. PREDICTIONS FOR THE FUTURE: married to Chochi FAVORITE PLACES TO BE: where everyone else is; at the beach; at the airport KLM.


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