The University of Iowa Tippie College of Business, Tippie Magazine Winter 2015-16

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Winter 2015 –16




Cover Story: A Strategy for the Future

In just three short years, the strategic plan has helped the college create several new programs, all designed to move the college forward in four areas: educational excellence, program innovation, strategic partnerships, and knowledge creation. By Lesanne B. Fliehler


Vaughan Institute: A Successful 10 Years

The Vaughan Institute of Risk Management and Insurance celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, realizing great success. By Lesanne B. Fliehler


They Don’t Know How to Quit

Retirement for faculty — time to leave the classroom and demanding research schedule? Think again. By Ruth Paarmann


Honor Roll of Contributors

Special thanks to our alumni and friends for their support.

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Tippie Magazine correspondence should be directed to Lesanne B. Fliehler, Editor, Tippie Magazine, Tippie College of Business, 108 John Pappajohn Business Bldg., Iowa City, IA 52242-1994.




Tippie Alumni in the C-Suite

No matter their degree — from a bachelor’s to an MBA — many Tippie College graduates today serve as corporate officers in companies in the United States and around the world.

SECTIONS Tippie by the Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 College News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Alumni News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Copyright © 2015. Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa. All rights reserved.

Pub l i sher Sarah Fisher Gardial Executive Director of Communication, Alumni and External Relations Barbara Thomas Edi tor Lesanne B. Fliehler D esi gn WDG Communications Inc. Wri ters Lesanne B. Fliehler Ruth Paarmann Tom Snee Phot ographers Joe Photo/Impact Photo Rachael Kowbel Alex Kroeze Eric Learned/Indianapolis Business Journal Susan McClellen Brooke Paulsen Tim Schoon Mike Schlotterback/fisheye Justin Torner

HOW TO RECEIVE TIPPIE MAGAZINE Tippie Magazine, a semiannual publication for alumni and friends of the Tippie College of Business, is made possible through the generosity of private donors. A complimentary subscription is provided to those who make an annual gift of $10 or more to the college via the University of Iowa Foundation. Online gifts may be made at www., or you may mail your gift specifically marked for the Tippie College to the University of Iowa Foundation, Levitt Center for University Advancement, P.O. Box 4550, Iowa City, IA 52244-4550.

TIPPIE ONLINE b b LinkedIn: Search for University of Iowa – Henry B. Tippie College of Business b b b b

Winter 2015–16 b 1



hen Sarah Fisher Gardial became dean of the Tippie College of Business in July 2012, one of her first goals was to lead the development of a vision and strategic plan that would propel the college forward. This effort was a little like Dr. Victor Frankenstein creating his Monster. Take the brains from among the Tippie community and its corporate partners, add the urgency of environmental change and a spark of creativity to ignite the thinking, and you have created a living, breathing thing. “What made this process successful,” says Dean Gardial, “was throwing open the doors of the college to facilitate a rich flow of information.”

The legs of the plan, if you will, are the strategic priorities that were articulated to move the college forward in four key areas: educational excellence, program innovation, strategic partnerships, and knowledge creation.

The dean and others met with corporate partners to better understand their current business needs as well as the future needs they envision. The college listened. New Tippie initiatives have been put in place to respond to those requests and to pursue the ultimate goal for the college: “to be a catalyst for transformation, to develop bold solutions for a changing world through business education, research and engagement.”

2 b UI Tippie College of Business

The college looked hard at how it needed to change in a changing world. The legs of the plan, if you will, are the strategic priorities that were articulated to move the college forward in four key areas: educational excellence, program innovation, strategic partnerships, and knowledge creation. “These four strategic pillars will guide our planning and development for years to come,” Gardial says. “By 2013, we created task forces for each pillar and began defining specific initiatives and success metrics for each area. In turn, individual departments and programs created plans that aligned with the college’s priorities.”

“...With a robust business analytics practice, we’re able to take data and transform it into actionable insights.” – Kyle Krause (BBA85), president and CEO, Kum & Go

M E E T I NG T H E D E M A ND FO R B US I NES S ANAL Y T IC S The college’s strategic plan builds on its strengths and opportunities. Tippie’s Department of Management Sciences knew of the need among its corporate partners for employees with business analytics skills. What’s more, the department knew it was poised to satisfy that business need — it had the right faculty of mathematicians, engineers, statisticians, and computer scientists who could deliver the educational program that would educate a workforce with strong business analytics skills. Today the college offers a graduate-level certificate program as well as undergraduate and master’s degrees in business analytics. Students learn to organize data, analyze it, and use it to make data-informed decisions. While companies have relied on using statistics for years to make business decisions, improved data gathering and storage methods give them reams of information they can mine and manipulate to unearth revelations that raw numbers can’t provide.

Des Moines business leaders agree, and say the program is vitally needed in the area. “The way we deliver more to our customers is by understanding what they want and need from our stores, and with a robust business analytics practice, we’re able to take data and transform it into actionable insights,” says Kyle Krause (BBA85), president and CEO of Kum & Go. “But that also depends on a having a pool of talented professionals highly educated in business analytics from which to hire.” Offered in Cedar Rapids and Des Moines, the program serves working professionals who enroll part-time and take classes in the evenings. The first five courses complete the certificate in business analytics. If students complete another five courses, they complete the master’s degree. Currently, there are 78 students enrolled in the certificate courses and 26 students are completing the final courses toward the master’s degree.

Lisa Bennett (MBA12) had worked in the telecom industry for years and today is a data analyst with CRST in Cedar Rapids. The certificate course work was exactly what she needed to pivot her career. “I knew I had a knack for working with data, so I was thrilled to learn of this new program,” she says. “I would learn things in class and have new tools to work with the next day. Everything I had done with data before was self-taught,” Bennett says. “Today I can pull data more efficiently and answer questions with more depth because of the knowledge I have.” The development of future initiatives will depend on the collegiate resources available. “We are considering the creation of a center or institute for undergraduate students to engage undergrads with area companies and to develop stronger corporate partnerships between the college and Iowa businesses. If a business needs

“Many of the businesses that are most in need of experts in analytics are in fields like insurance, financial services and health care,” says Nick Street, professor and department executive officer. “Those fields are also at the heart of the state economy, so this program responds to a growing need among employers in the region.” Winter 2015 –16 b 3

Cover story continued

analytics help, a problem they don’t know how to solve, we can put a team of high-level undergraduates on it for a semester. We’re not just teaching analytics; we’re doing it. We are here to help.”

TIPPIE RISE PREPARES STUDENTS FOR THE WORLD OF BUSINESS The strategic plan strongly advocated for real-world, real-time learning, such as internships, study abroad, consulting projects and research with faculty in order to help students stand out with employers and better prepare them for success in the world of business. While Tippie’s top students typically participate in one or more of these activities, the college wanted to ensure that all students have these opportunities. “These experiences are transformative, so we want to make sure every student has the motivation and opportunity to complete one or more of them.”

– Colleen Opal, assistant director of experiential learning

This fall, the Undergraduate Program Office launched Tippie RISE, a program that helps students acquire job-related skills to advance their career preparation, expand their global view and build their professional network. To complete Tippie RISE, students must complete one or more of the following: a faculty Research experience, an Internship, Study abroad, or an Experiential learning course (see College News, page 16). Direct admit freshmen this fall are required to complete the program before graduation, and beginning fall 2016, all students will be required to complete it in order to earn their degree. “These experiences are transformative,” says Colleen Opal, assistant director of experiential learning, “so we want to make sure every student has the motivation and opportunity to complete one or more of them. One of our driving principles was that we

didn’t want to place a financial burden on students, so the program is quite flexible, giving students many options. We framed the conversation with students to present it as a valuable opportunity, not an additional requirement.” “This was probably one of the biggest changes to the Undergraduate Program in the last 20 years,” says Ken Brown, associate dean of the Undergraduate Program. “As the strategic plan took shape, we saw that it would have a very strong emphasis on real-world, real-time projects. That helped us develop this program, which we believe will become a cornerstone for the new Tippie undergraduate experience.” Completion of a Tippie RISE experience is a key addition to a student’s resume, altering people’s perceptions of what they accomplished while in college. Maddie Shepard, a senior finance and marketing major from Des Moines, Iowa, completed two internships, which she says will help her immensely in her post-graduation job search. “The two experiences were very different, and they helped me understand what I value in a job and in a company,” she says. “I’ve been able to narrow my job search and focus on companies and positions that I know are a good fit for me. Plus, each option of RISE provides me with many experiences to talk about in interviews.” Brown says the strategic plan and the commitment from the deans to support new initiatives in the college were key to the creation of Tippie RISE.

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“The Undergraduate Program Office wanted to provide additional careeroriented support to students they advise. The advisors and students develop a personal relationship, which is a hallmark of our program,” he says. “We know who students are, we care about how they’re doing and we want to help them succeed in the classroom and after graduation. Tippie RISE is one large way we’re doing that.”

B US I NE S S E S A S K E D . T IPP I E RE S P O NDED. During the initial stages of strategic planning, the college met with the leadership officers at key companies in the area, including AEGON, Rockwell Collins, Deere & Company and Principal Financial Group, among others. What the college learned is that companies would definitely be interested in programming to develop their employees’ hard and soft-skill competencies, specifically tailored to their company’s needs.

and department executive officer in the Department of Management & Organizations.

“Over the next few years, I expect the college to continue exploring and creating new opportunities to meet the emerging needs of students, industry and business research. We’re well on our way to becoming the catalyst for change.”

In addition, the college is offering open enrollment courses, including a two-day project management course in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids. Although open to anyone, they are designed for project managers and professionals seeking more formal techniques for contemporary project management. Additional course work in project management can lead to Project Management Institute certification. Business analytics, Tippie RISE, and customized corporate programming are just three examples of emerging initiatives. “The college’s strategic plan is in place and we’ve made great progress,” says Dean Gardial. “Over the next few years, I expect the college to continue exploring and creating new opportunities to meet the emerging needs of students, industry and business research. We’re well on our way to becoming the catalyst for change.” b

– Sarah Fisher Gardial, dean of the Tippie College of Business

“We learned a lot about their business strategies and learning objectives,” says Alex Taylor, associate director of executive programs, “and that helped us create customized programming to meet those goals.” The first of these executive education courses was offered in 2014 and its success led to further engagements with the same company. Today custom programs include sequential sessions for mid- to senior-level management to groom corporate leadership talent as part of a long-term succesion-planning strategy. Courses cover topics such as change management, process improvement, decision making and team leadership. “Working hand-in-hand with a client, our faculty members are able to deliver engaging content that is closely aligned with the client’s current challenges,” says Amy Kristof-Brown, professor

FOR MORE INFORMATION To learn more about any of these new initiatives, visit these webpages: Business Analytics: and Tippie RISE: Executive Education:

Winter 2015 –16 b 5

Emmett J. Vaughan Institute of Risk Management and Insurance


BY THE NUMBERS 267 Number of graduates

since 2006


Percent of graduates working for insurance companies, brokers and agencies

150 Number of employers

hiring Tippie graduates who earned the RMI certificate


Percent of graduates who remained in the Midwest, with 40% working in Iowa


Number of industries represented


Number of states employing our grads


Number of foreign countries where our graduates work (United Kingdom, China, Korea and United Arab Emirates)


he Vaughan Institute is a stellar example of how academia and industry can forge a partnership to provide vital education and relevant experience for tomorrow’s risk management and insurance workforce.

It’s been 10 years since the institute began offering courses leading to a Certificate in Risk Management and Insurance. During its relatively short existence, the institute has realized great success: b Student Achievement: The first Certificate of Risk Management and Insurance was awarded in 2006. Since that time, 267 graduates have earned the RMI certificate. b Student Organization: By utilizing the valuable resources of Gamma Iota Sigma, students establish a strong network and distinguish themselves as young risk management and insurance professionals.

6 b UI Tippie College of Business

b Student/Industry Mentoring Program: Developed with support from the Greater Quad Cities Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS), the RMI Industry Mentors Program links students with industry professionals to nurture the next generation of RMI leaders. b Vaughan Institute Advisory Board and Young Alumni Board: The RMI industry-related leadership provided by these boards has helped the institute establish strong ties with its students, faculty, staff and alumni. Their guidance has been instrumental in keeping the RMI program current and relevant.

IN T H E C L ASS R O O M The institute’s highly qualified and dedicated faculty members blend academic content with practical experiences, which help illustrate the realities of the risk management and insurance world. Through their work and research, they stay abreast of current topics and share this knowledge with students. This ensures that potential employees in insurance and risk management are well educated, informed and prepared. RMI students can focus on a specific career path through exposure to diverse topics, including: b principles of risk management and insurance, b risk modeling, b corporate and financial risk management, b finance, b property and casualty insurance, b life and health insurance and b employee benefits. “In this dynamic industry, my goal is to enable students to take abstract concepts and apply them in real-life work situations,” says lecturer Phil Brooks. “Through team teaching and learning, we equip them with the problem-solving skills they will need throughout their careers.” Two new faculty members joined the institute this fall: Thomas R. Berry-Stölzle, associate professor of finance, came to the college from the University of Georgia Terry College of Business. He received a Ph.D. in business administration in 2007 from the University of Cologne in Germany. He is the associate editor of the Journal of Insurance Issues.

Richard Peter, an assistant professor of finance, was a junior professor at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat (LMU) in Munich, Germany, before coming to the college. He received a Dr. oec.publ., from the LMU in 2013. His research interests are the microeconomic theory of insurance, risk reduction and health economics. He serves as a reviewer for several journals, including the Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Insurance Issues and the European Journal of Health Economics.

O U TSIDE T HE C L A SSR O O M A key component of the Vaughan Institute is the career and academic advising offered to students in the RMI certificate program. Students have a dedicated staff member who helps them explore the course requirements and the many career paths available to them. The institute offers scholarships, internships and a resource center for RMI students. There are numerous opportunities to network with industry leaders and hear special speakers through both the institute and its affiliated student organization Gamma Iota Sigma (GIS). Chartered in 2007, the GIS student organization has received national awards for its membership development, alumni relations and public relations activities. In the Tippie College, it has received several awards, including Speaker Series of the Year, Program of the Year and Outstanding Service to the Community for a project that helped a nonprofit organization identify and navigate risks.


The Mentoring Program brings industry professionals together with current students for informal career coaching and professional development activities. b

Larry Hershberger (BBA66) has served as director of the institute since its inception. Larry retired as senior vice president, Group Insurances Services Division, of TIAA-CREF before joining the institute in 2003 to help raise funds and implement the program.

Early supporters of the institute included the Independent Insurance Agents of Iowa (IIAI) and four of its member agencies — TrueNorth Companies of Cedar Rapids; United Fire Group; A.W. Welt Ambrisco Insurance Inc. of Iowa City; and The Dana Company, headed by Dana Ramundt (BBA74), of West Des Moines. Des Moines-based Allied Insurance (a Nationwide company) provided a lead gift and generous contributions followed from many more donors in the ensuing years. Dr. Emmett Vaughan directed the college’s efforts in insurance education beginning in 1963. His leadership was instrumental in helping the university earn a distinguished reputation in the field of insurance education and in the establishment of the institute. Following his death in 2004, the institute was aptly named in his honor.

Winter 2015 –16 b 7

Ah, retirement! Time to leave the classroom and demanding research schedule behind for good, right? Think again. While most of our professors emeriti have more free time, many — including Gary Fethke, Irwin Levin, Gene Savin and Frank Schmidt — continue to pursue the research their careers were built upon.

Frank Schmidt, emeritus professor of management and organizations

Tippie emeritus faculty members continue research following “We retirees spent years and years developing these skills, honing our expertise and building relationships with people around the world, so it’s hard to just set it aside,” explains Irwin, professor emeritus in marketing and psychology. The 2012 retiree admits he’s among those who just can’t stop — and he’s not alone. Through his involvement on the Emeritus Faculty Council, he learned that half of UI faculty survey respondents are actively engaged in researching, writing, teaching and presenting.

8 b UI Tippie College of Business

S W E ET FR EEDO M For Gary Fethke, dean of the Tippie College from 1993 to 2006 and UI interim president from 2006 to 2007, retirement means an open schedule. Previously, he arrived at his office before 8 a.m., worked all day and then worked several more hours on research — sometimes four days a week. Since retiring in 2012, his schedule has changed dramatically. “I now have more freedom to work on what I want. I’m not hindered by the pressures of running a large organization. I go to the office to work on

spreadsheets and no one bothers me,” Gary chuckles. According to Gary, one of his career accomplishments was leading the development of the Department of Management Sciences, which he chaired in the early years. “My colleagues and I built that department, with a collection of unrelated individuals, to have a coherent research focus.” As interim president, Gary experienced the economics of higher education firsthand and began writing about it. Since 2006, he has authored editorials for the Washington Post and L.A. Times. In 2012,

he took it a step further, co-authoring a book with Andrew Policano called Public No More: A New Path to Excellence for America’s Public Universities. Gary has been giving talks about it ever since. He recently presented to 400 southern university presidents and the deans of U.S. dental schools.

devote 30 hours a week on research and meta-analysis. Often from his home office, he writes papers, answers questions and helps market the software for a Ph.D.-level meta-analysis textbook.

“I’m trying to contribute something from the economist’s perspective to a community that needs my help. Maybe I can do some good.”

“My research has always been like my hobby. You don’t need any special incentive to continue your hobby,” says the emeritus professor of management and organizations, noting that he always has something being finished, revised or published.

After going full throttle since 1976, Fethke has stepped back from boards and classrooms, but he continues his research

Frank is one of the UI’s most prolific researchers, with 200+ publications and 39,307 Google Scholar citations to his name. Gary Fethke, emeritus professor of management sciences

retirement. collaborations. Recently, he and Sam Burer, Henry B. Tippie Research Fellow in management sciences, produced a paper about tuition and internal subsidies. “The idea is to develop programs for determining tuitions and subsidies that better consider the willingness of students and their parents to pay as well as the vast differences in the costs of delivering programs at the university level.”

RE T AIN ING RE L E VANC E Three years after retiring, it’s normal for Frank Schmidt to

As of August, he was involved in four research teams and was the lead author on a meta-analysis project. He is

writing an update to 85 years of research on personnel selection, which was originally published in 1998 in Psych Bulletin. In July, he and a former Ph.D. student published research that showed that all pairs of the “big five” personality traits fit a circular model when the right questions are used to measure these traits. Frank’s research is highly relevant and diverse. Case in point, on, his papers are among the top downloads every week (more than 500 in a typical week). He attributes that to interest from organizations Winter 2015 –16 b 9

in the U.S., China, Germany, France, Israel, Brazil and other countries. Frank also receives accolades based on his years of leadership and study. In 2013, he received the Gold Medal Lifetime Achievement Award for Applications of Psychology from the American Psychological Foundation. In April, his work on individual differences in the workplace garnered him the Dunnette Award from SIOP.

O NE F O O T O UT T H E D O O R After retiring in 2010 following more than 20 years in the Department of Economics, Gene Savin has continued offering an upper-level History of Economic Thought course each fall. Plus, the 2013 UI Distinguished Alumni Award winner maintains a focus on mutual and hedge fund research. “This research has implications for individual and institutional investors, including the UI,” Gene says, noting that their team

is exploring ways to benchmark hedge fund performance and to replicate fund returns. Their research on pooled benchmarks was published in 2015. “I’m under less pressure to get the work done,” he says. “It’s interesting to read articles that give me more insight into the economics profession — and into academics.” Growing up in north California, Gene was exposed to a strong arts background and nature’s majesty. He honors those passions by serving on the boards of the UI Museum of Art, the California College of the Arts and the Iowa Nature Conservancy.

NE W R ESEA R CH F O CUS A Faculty Achievement Award winner, Irwin Levin, is best known for collaborating on ground-breaking research related to ground beef packaging that is frequently cited in marketing textbooks. He no longer adheres to a teaching schedule, but he still craves involvement in applied research — now with a new twist. “After decades of research on basic processes in human judgment and decision making, I want to continue this line of research, but with a new focus on important societal issues,” he says.

Gene Savin, emeritus professor of economics

10 b UI Tippie College of Business

In collaboration with marketing researchers Gary Gaeth from the UI and his son, Aron Levin of Northern Kentucky University, he plans to fill gaps in research related to young adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). He is motivated in part by his 13-year-old grandson, who was diagnosed with ASD.

Irwin Levin, emeritus professor of marketing and psychology

“A lot of research focuses on children with ASD, but that seems to abruptly end at the end of high school. It’s important to keep looking at these individuals as they become adults,” he says. The neuroscience field has influenced a shift toward looking at individual differences within a group — a change that is critical to ASD research.

REST & RELAXATION Our intrepid retirees do travel and engage in other hobbies. Irwin and his wife took two months off this year for a European river cruise and a family visit to California. He is also dabbling with drawing. Meanwhile, Frank and his wife, Cindy, cruised the Baltic Sea. In Iowa, his agenda includes target shooting and hiking on his prairieland. He also penned his memoir, The Importance of Being Frank: My Life in Stories & Anecdotes. Gene and Gary regularly travel to London, where they have worked and vacationed with their wives. Gene jumped at the chance to travel to Cuba, and he is eyeing more national park visits. b

FOR IOWA. FOREVER MORE. As part of the University of Iowa’s larger comprehensive fund-raising campaign, the Tippie College is working toward a $125 million goal. These resources are critical for the college as we strive to provide Iowa business students with an outstanding education. Every gift — no matter how large or small — counts in this campaign, which ends December 31, 2016. The numbers here reflect where we stand as of November 15, 2015. Support the college by logging on to and becoming an important part of the For Iowa. Forever More. campaign.












40% GIVE



















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“The award ‘shines a light’ on an Iowa business that shares the core values the college teaches to its students: integrity, innovation and impact.” – Sarah Fisher Gardial, dean of the Tippie College of Business

Cousins Garrett, left, and Carlton Smith, the fourth generation of their family to lead the American Pop Corn Company, makers of Jolly Time Pop Corn, receive the Oscar C. Schmidt Iowa Business Leadership Award from the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business.


Dean Sarah Fisher Gardial was pleased with the ranking, saying, “We are in very good company.” “I am proud that our college continues to rank highly among the strongest and most competitive schools in the country.”

The college honored the family of Cloid Smith, founders and operators of Sioux City-based American Pop Corn Company, for their century of contributions to Iowa business. The family received the Oscar C. Schmidt Iowa Business Leadership Award at an October reception in Des Moines. Cloid Smith, a Sac County farmer, founded the American Pop Corn Co. in 1914 in Sioux City and the company has been owned by his descendants ever since. It’s currently led by cousins Garrett and Carlton Smith — Garrett is president and Carlton is chairman. The Schmidt Iowa Business Leadership Award was established in 1980 to recognize outstanding Iowa business leaders. Past winners include W.A. (Bill) Krause of Krause Gentle, founder of Kum and Go convenience stores; the leadership team at Pella Corp.; and J. Barry Griswell, chairman, president and CEO of The Principal Financial Group.

14 b UI Tippie College of Business

T IP P IE R A NK S A MO NG T HE B EST The Tippie College of Business consistently ranks among the country’s top business programs.

U.S. News & World Report The college ranks 22nd among best public undergraduate business programs. Tippie also placed 34th among all public and private U.S. universities. Forbes The college is ranked 26th overall and is ranked fifth in the Big Ten. Bloomberg Businessweek Tippie’s Full-time MBA Program is ranked 27th among public U.S. universities, and it rose 20 spots to #55 among all U.S. universities. The Professional MBA Program (formerly the MBA for Professionals and Managers Program) jumped 24 spots to #52. TFE Times (formerly The Financial Engineer) In its 2016 accounting rankings, Tippie’s Master of Accountancy ranks 35th out of almost 200 programs.

NE W H OME F O R MB A PR O G R A MMI NG IN Q UAD C I TI ES The college will soon offer programming for its Professional MBA Program (formerly MBA-PM Program) in a new shared-use facility in the Quad Cities. The new building will open for classes in spring 2016 and contains technologically advanced classroom and student gathering space for approximately 160 current students. “Tippie’s MBA programming has been a part of the Quad Cities community for almost 50 years, and this new facility will strengthen that relationship and add even greater value to professional and economic development in the region,” says David Frasier, associate dean of Tippie’s MBA programs. Classes are currently taught on the campus of Palmer College of Chiropractic. Previously, classes were taught at a center at Augustana College and in the Kahl Building in downdown Davenport.

YO UNG AL U MNI BO A R D ME NT O RI NG P R O G R A MS The college’s Young Alumni Board initiated two mentoring programs this past year. The Summer Mentor Program targets Tippie students with summer internships. This past summer there were 25 pairs matched. Students are connected with an alum in the same city during the length of the internship. The Year-Round Mentoring Program is open to all students looking for guidance related to their academic, extracurricular activities and job pursuits. Each mentee is partnered with an alum within their major or career focus, not necessarily based on location. There are currently 98 pairs participating in the year-long program.

UI’S NEX T L EADER Bruce Harreld, a former Harvard Business School faculty member and corporate executive who helped save a foundering IBM in the 1990s, became the 21st president of the University of Iowa. The Board of Regents, State of Iowa, announced Harreld, as its unanimous selection Sept. 3 to replace Sally Mason, who retired Aug. 1 after serving eight years as president. Harreld took office Nov. 2.

New UI President Bruce Harreld received a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Purdue University and a Master of Business Administration degree from Harvard University. Two new Young Alumni Board mentoring programs were established this year.

Harreld held a variety of corporate executive positions with Kraft Foods, IBM and Boston Market restaurants before coming to the Harvard Business School in 2008. There, he held dual appointments in the entrepreneurial and strategy units and focused on teaching strategy. His research focus was encouraging innovation, changing corporate cultures and managing people. Winter 2015 –16 b 15

Last summer, high school students from across the United States came to Tippie to learn what it’s like to study business in college.



MARKETING STUDENTS TAKE THE CASE Two Tippie teams participated in the AcuRite Digital Marketing Challenge at University of WisconsinWhitewater in October. The Tippie team of Dolan Guhin and Cassandra Hansen (president of Tippie’s American Marketing Association chapter) took home first place and an $800 prize. Fifteen AMA chapters from across the U.S. competed. Students were given a hint about the topic prior to the conference. Guhin and Hansen created a 10-minute slide deck discussing how omni-channel marketing saved Best Buy’s business and how the company effectively implemented an omni-channel approach to all of its strategies. In addition, 21 Tippie AMA members attended the conference, and a team of five participated in the sales competition.

Last summer, 25 high school students came to campus to learn about the university and expand their knowledge about what it’s like to study business in college. The week-long Tippie Gateway Program is a free, on-campus program for high school juniors from diverse backgrounds interested in business. Activities included workshops, presentations, case studies and skill-building for a successful transition from high school to college. Mark Archibald, Tippie’s assistant director of first-year experience, said the Gateway Program helps the college to diversify its enrollment in terms of gender, background and race. “The program should ideally build a pipeline from their schools to the business school,” he said.

TI P P I E R I S E This fall, the Undergraduate Program Office launched Tippie RISE, a program that helps students acquire job-related skills to advance their career preparation, expand their global view and build their professional network. Direct admit students are required to complete the program, and standard admits will be included in fall 2016. Students must successfully complete at least one Tippie RISE experience in order to graduate: Research — students work with a faculty member on an honors thesis, an Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates fellowship or other approved mentored research credit. Internship — in an internship, students explore their interests, test their skills and gain significant work experience while learning and networking with professionals. Study Abroad — students expand their world view and learn alternative business and cultural practices while studying outside the United States. Experiential Course — students collaborate with a local nonprofit organization, government agency or company to gain industry-specific skill sets through a class project in one of many approved courses.

16 b UI Tippie College of Business

MB A ST UDENT O N WINNING CA SE CO MP ET IT IO N T EAM In a marketing and finance case competition that put them in front of key PepsiCo executives, Casey Spoden (bottom right) and her teammates took first place and the $10,000 prize. Students from 13 universities participated in the first Texas Christian University/PepsiCo case competition in September. In a twist, four students from four different schools were randomly assigned to a team. The competition coincided with PepsiCo’s recruitment for potential summer 2016 internships. In addition to the Tippie College, participating schools were Duke University (Fuqua), University of Houston (Bauer), University of Illinois, University of Pennsylvania (Wharton), Rice University (Jones), University of Maryland (Smith), Southern Methodist University (Cox), University of Texas at Austin (McCombs), Texas A&M University (Mays), Texas Christian University (Neeley), University of Texas at Dallas (Jindal), Vanderbilt University (Owen) and Washington University in St. Louis (Olin).


George Neumann, economics emeritus professor, passed away on October 26, at UIHC. George received his B.A. in economics from Le Moyne College in 1968, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in economics both from Northwestern University in 1969 and 1974, respectively. After graduation, he joined the faculty at Penn State University as an assistant professor and later joined the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago, eventually being named associate professor. He held a number of different visiting faculty roles before joining the faculty at Iowa in the college’s Department of Economics and Industrial Relations in 1984. He served as the department executive officer of the Economics Department from 1987 to 1990 and served on a number of university committees. He was named the George Daly Research Professor in Economics in 1997 and held that position until his retirement in May 2015. George was part of the faculty team from Iowa that founded the Iowa Electronics Market (IEM) George Neumann in 1988. His impressive research career focused heavily on labor, economics and political markets, and his work was published in such publications as Econometrica, the Quarterly Journal of Economics and the American Economic Review. In his career, he served as an associate editor of the Journal of Labor Economics and as a member of the American Economic Association, American Statistical Association, Econometric Society, Industrial Relations Research Association and Mathematical Association of America. He was a referee for an extensive list of journals and served as a consultant to such organizations as the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Department of the Interior, the National Science Foundation and the Executive Office of the President’s Council on Wages and Price Stability.

KATHLEEN DORE – HENRY B. TIPPIE WOMEN’S MBA LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Decades after women entered higher education in equal numbers to men, they are still not moving the needle when it comes to their representation in business leadership or in enrollment in graduate business education.

The program will include student scholarships, a pre-MBA workshop, a mentoring program with mid-career female mentors and leadership skills workshops throughout the year.

To help change that and with a generous gift from Kathleen Dore (BBA72, MBA84) and Keith Jepsen, and Henry Tippie (BSC49), the college created the Kathleen Dore-Henry B. Tippie Women’s MBA Leadership Program. The Full-time MBA Program hopes to attract the best female applicants, supporting their leadership development and transformation through a long-term, personalized program.

P A P P A JO HN MAKES ST UDENT S ‘ P H IL FO R A DA Y ’ John Pappajohn (BSC52) spoke to nearly 700 students during the “Life with Phil” lecture, sponsored by the UI Foundation. An adept storyteller, Pappajohn kept the audience engaged with stories of growing up in a Greek immigrant family during the Great Depression, taking

kindergarten twice, working his way through college at Brady’s grocery store (he’s a proficient butcher) and calling himself “the opportunity kid.” At every point, he emphasized the importance of sharing what you have and the satisfaction of being a philanthropist. A nationally celebrated entrepreneur and business leader, Pappajohn and his wife, Mary, have contributed millions of dollars to the Tippie College and other state, educational and fine-arts endeavors in Iowa and beyond. At the end of his lecture, he provided attendees with $10 bills, encouraging them to become “Phil for a Day” and to donate it back to the university cause they most care about. If those students contribute $10 a year for the next four years, he will match their contributions. Winter 2015 –16 b 17


igh-level executives in senior management usually have titles that begin with “chief,” and that’s where the C-suite term comes from. No matter their degree — from a bachelor’s to an MBA — many Tippie College graduates today serve as corporate officers and senior executives in companies across the United States and around the world. These business cards represent just a few of the college’s successful alumni.

18 b UI Tippie College of Business

Michael F. Mahoney (BBA87) CEO and President Boston Scientific Marlborough, Massachusetts

Brian J. Stief (BBA78) Executive Vice President and CFO Johnson Controls, Inc. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Perry A. Glassgow (BBA86) Vice President and Controller Harley-Davidson Inc. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Kyle J. Krause (BBA85) President and CEO Kum & Go West Des Moines, Iowa

HaoYu Shen (MBA97) CEO Jingdong Mall ( Beijing, China

Joseph H. Ceryanec (BBA84) Vice President and CFO Meredith Corporation Des Moines, Iowa

Sheri A. Salata (BBA80) President OWN-The Oprah Winfrey Network Los Angeles, California

Timothy L. Adam (BBA86) Vice President and CFO The Walt Disney Company Japan Tokyo, Japan

Kent L. Statler (MBA88) Executive Vice President and COO, Commercial Systems Rockwell Collins Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Stephen R. LaCroix (BBA90) Executive Vice President and CMO Minnesota Vikings Eden Prairie, Minnesota

Laura Desmond (BBA87) CEO Starcom Mediavest Group Chicago, Illinois

Winter 2015 –16 b 19


L An online information update form is available at alumni/update, or you can send a note to Ashley Funkhauser, Tippie College of Business, 108 John Pappajohn Business Building, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-1994 (or email tippie-alumni

ost track of a classmate? Looking to connect with Tippie alumni in your area? Check out the career moves, professional accomplishments and personal achievements of alumni and classmates below, and then send us your news.

2010s Daniel Brown, BBA13, is an assurance senior associate with McGladrey LLP in Cedar Rapids. He lives in North Liberty. Luca Di Palo, MBA13, is the business development manager with Ferrero Hazelnut Company. He lives in Luxembourg. Kyle Engler, BBA15, is a consulting associate with McGladrey in Minneapolis. Gia Gervase, BBA15, is an underwriting trainee with Chubb Insurance Corp. in Chicago. Steven Hensley, BBA15, is an accounting rotational business associate with CNA Financial in Chicago. Jeremy Hopp, BBA10, is a risk management examiner with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. in Wichita, Kansas.

TIPPIE ONLINE b b LinkedIn: Search for University of Iowa – Henry B. Tippie College of Business b b College b b Editor’s Note: Alumni News are submitted by alumni and are not verified by the editors. While we welcome alumni news, Tippie Magazine is not responsible for the information contained in these submissions.

Cameron Johnson, BBA12, is a relationship manager with Wells Fargo Capital Finance in Santa Monica, California. He recently joined the industries group covering technology companies. Alison C. (Cavanaugh) Kessler, BBA10, is Customers First program manager at IHS, an information services company in Englewood, Colorado. Josh Krakauer, BBA12, was named to the Corridor Business Journal’s Forty Under 40 list.

20 b UI Tippie College of Business

Jaehwan Kwon, PhD15, is an assistant professor at the Hankamer School of Business at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Maxwell Mohagen, BBA12, RMICert12, is a lease administration analyst with CBRE Group, a commercial real estate company (formerly Caldwell Banker Richard Ellis). He lives in Minneapolis. Bradley Nelson, BBA13, is an investment associate with Northern Trust in Chicago. Sara J. (Mouw) O’Brien, MBA13, is a digital process coordinator at Amperage Marketing in Cedar Falls. Anne Parmley, EMBA15, is managing director of National Assessment Services and general manager-Iowa with Pearson in Iowa City. Jeremy Parrish, BBA15, is studying for an M.A. in sport and recreation management at the University of Iowa. He is a teaching assistant and will be interning with the UI Athletics Department. Rebecca Stacker, BBA11, is a student at the NYU School of Law in New York City. Wendy Steffen, BBA10, MBA15, is a program assistant at the University of WisconsinPlatteville. She lives in Dubuque.

2000s Ryan S. Attleson, MBA04, is associate director of sales at the Merck pharmaceutical company in North Wales, Pennsylvania. Michael Bousselot, BBA05, MAc06, has been appointed Iowa Governor Terry Branstad’s chief of staff. He lives in Des Moines. David Chivers, MBA06, is president and publisher of The Des Moines Register in Des Moines. Max Crowley, BBA09, was one of the first 30 employees at Uber, helping launch the Chicago market. He moved to San Francisco in May 2014 to launch Uber for Business (Uber’s enterprise strategy group). Bradley M. Downes, BBA04, Mac05, is chief financial officer of the Altitude Digital advertising technology company in Denver. Casee Eisele, MBA02, received the Advocating Women in Engineering Award from John Deere for her work to create Society of Women Engineers groups overseas, technical achievements and her local community mentoring and outreach work. She is a project manager with John Deere’s Enterprise Customer Acquisition Process Program Management Office in Olathe, Kansas.

Ryan Rivera, BBA01, authored a children’s book, I Is for Iowa, which introduces young readers to the UI campus and other Iowa City spots. He is a partner with Hartman Simons & Wood LLP. He lives in Smyrna, Georgia.

Meg Flenker, MBA03, is a landscape architect at Flenker Land Architecture Consultants in Long Grove, Iowa. Bridget M. Kemps, BBA08, is senior market manager with Edelman Public Relations in Johannesburg, South Africa. Caroline (Walker) Larson, BBA09, is the assistant director of alumni affairs and development in the College of Human Ecology at Cornell University. She lives in Ithaca, New York. Cory Lukens, BBA06, is the manager of organization transformation for Deloitte Consulting LLC. He lives in Chicago. Robert J. Lynch, BBA00, is chief financial officer of retirement and investment consulting for Aon Hewitt, a human capital and management consulting services provider in Lincolnshire, Illinois. Christopher MacDonald, MBA08, is a principal with Skyeboat Capital Ltd. in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Michael McBride, MBA07, is the senior manager, learning and measurement, for Office Depot’s corporate Learning and Organizational Development. Michael has responsibility for identifying and implementing learning technology solutions and learning impact measurement. He lives in Delray Beach, Florida. Jason McKibben, BBA07, is a trader with JM Fertilizer. He lives in Tampa, Florida.

Carly Mullinex, BBA07, is the controller with the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. Jeffrey Nepple, MBA00, is the owner of Nepple Consulting. He lives in Anaheim, California. Sarah Nordquist, BBA09, recently joined the Principal Financial Group as an internal sales partner for the Investment Only sales team at Principal Funds Distributors Inc. She lives in Des Moines. Glen E. Perkins III, BBA03, is vice president of Hawkeye Paving in Bettendorf. Rachel N. (Kuns) Perkins, BBA03, is a human resources project manager at John Deere in Moline, Illinois. Denise (Dietz) Rettig, MHA/MBA05, and her husband welcomed their third child, Trey, born on April 22, 2015. She is the administrator for the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at University of Iowa Health Care. Randy Rhoads, MBA06, is director of purchasing and logistics with Crescent Electric Supply in East Dubuque, Illinois. Leighton Smith, MBA08, has been hired as the director of client services for BerganKDV, a newly formed firm (merger of Bergan Paulsen, Networking Solutions and KDV). Previously he was vice president of financial planning with U.S. Bank.

Jonathan Titus, MBA08, is the director of continuing education at Bellevue University. He lives in Omaha. Sarah (Schulte) Urion, BBA09, and William Urion, BBA10, welcomed a son, Connor Justin, on September 12, 2014. They live in Clive.

Ryan Rivera proudly displays two of his favorite accomplishments — his recently published book I Is for Iowa, and its inspiration, his son Parker.

1990s Melanie Boulden, MBA98, is senior vice president of marketing for Crayola in Easton, Pennsylvania. Deborah N. Haas, BBA98, MBA06, is a tax manager with the American & Efird thread and yarn manufacturing company in Mount Holly, North Carolina. Karolyn Knaack, MBA92, a self-employed attorney in Austin, Texas, received the 2014 Professional Partnering Recognition Award this past winter from the TyRex Group technology company. Michelle Schmitt, BBA/ International Business Cert97, MBA08, is national key account manager (east) for Seedling, USA. She lives in Santa Monica, California.

Margaret “Peg” Stessman, MBA12, was named to Inc. magazine’s America’s 50 Fastest-Growing Women-Led Companies list. Her company, StrategicHealthSolutions, saw a three-year growth of 235%.

Winter 2015 –16 b 21

IWLC’S INVEST IN SHE COMPETITION Megan McKay, BBA99, EMBA05, received top prize in the Iowa Women Lead Change’s Invest in She competition in Des Moines. In the “Shark Tank”-like competition, she pitched her business, Peace Tree Brewing Company, to a panel of Des Moines-area investors. “This process gave validation to me as an entrepreneur,” McKay said in a news release. “And it is validation to an industry [brewing] that has not been historically strong in Iowa. It shows me that if you have a compelling story and product, you can succeed.”

UPCOMING ALUMNI EVENTS We’re working hard to provide you with an array of alumni events. If you have suggestions for future events, please contact Ashley Funkhauser, assistant director of alumni relations, at 319-335-2679, ashley-funkhauser

Haoyu Shen, MBA97, named to the board of directors of Tiniu Corp., a leading online leisure travel company in China. Shen is currently the CEO of JD Mall, the B2C business group of

1980s Michael J. Anderson, BBA89, has been named special agent in charge of the FBI’s Chicago Division. He previously was the SAC of the New Orleans Division since

22 b UI Tippie College of Business

Megan McKay of Peace Tree Brewing Co., center, accepts a $12,000 investment from IWLC Chief Operating Officer Tiffany O’Donnell, left, and CEO Diane Ramsey.

2012. Successful investigations included the Deepwater Horizon environmental disaster and the Harvey Hustlers, a notorious neighborhood-based violent gang. Jody L. Bennett, BBA87, is vice president of operations for the U/S Sports Advisors marketing agency in Indianapolis. Frederick J. Crawford, MBA87, was named executive vice president and chief financial officer with Aflac Inc. Most recently, he served as executive vice president and chief financial

officer with CNO Financial Group since 2012. Janis K. (Fairbank) Cummings, BBA84, is an accountant at Union Capital Mortgage in Mentor, Ohio. Tim J. Geraets, BBA86, is a controller at Feldmeier Equipment in Syracuse, New York. Mark K. Harder, BBA83, JD86, is chair of the family office practice group at Warner Norcross & Judd law firm in Holland, Michigan.

Jeanne M. Leone-Schmit, BBA86, is a senior director and accounting manager at Trustmark Insurance in Lake Forest, Illinois. Laura M. (Lahann) Newinski, BBA87, is vice chair of operations for the KPMG professional services firm in Minneapolis. Richard J. Schmidt, BBA87, MBA88, was named vice president of mergers and acquisitions at Rockwell Collins in Cedar Rapids. Mark M. Sloan, BBA85, an attorney at Thompson & Knight law firm in Dallas, Texas, has been named to the 2015 Chambers USA “Leaders in Their Field” list. Joel G. Zeller, BBA83, is director of global logistics for Greenheck Fan in Schofield, Wisconsin.



Chris Kaskie, BBA73, was inducted into the Iowa Rock ‘n’ Roll Music Association. He was a member of Inner Lite, a Marshalltown, Iowa, band that produced “Hold Onto Him” and “If I Only Knew,” which made it to No. 42 and No. 68, respectively.

Maurice Dahn, BSC52, MAc53, retired in 1984 after 22 years with North American Aviation Inc./Rockwell International Corp. He lives in Laguna Woods, California.

James P. “Jake” Kemps, BBA78, and his wife, Colleen A. McGarry, MA74, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on June 20, 2015. Robert J. Noser, BBA79, co-owner of Ewers Men’s Store in Iowa City, celebrated the family business’ 100th anniversary.

1960s Wayne E. Stoeber, BBA69, is owner of Stoeber Financial in Shavano Park, Texas.

Colleen (Needles) Steward, BBA79, is founder, president and CEO of Tremendous! Entertainment Inc. Her company recently won a Daytime Emmy Award (Outstanding Travel Program) for Rock the Park, syndicated on the CW network and newly picked up by ABC.



Congratulations to the Iowa football team for finishing a perfect 12-0 this season! At press time, we do not know in which bowl game the team would be invited to play. Wherever the Hawkeyes go for a bowl game, you can find up-to-date information on either the Tippie alumni page ( or at the UI Alumni Association web site ( Go Hawks!

Tippie alumni number over 48,000 worldwide, and you’re part of that growing network. Our alumni information is only as good as what you provide us. Updating your information is easy. Fill out the form at and we’ll make sure that the UI Alumni Association (where all alumni data is stored) has your most recent information. Keep your contact information up-to-date so you can join us at upcoming events in your area!

Winter 2015 –16 b 23

IN Memoriam Richard Montross Jr. July 13, 1944 – March 22, 2015

Darrell D. Wyrick October 4, 1933 – May 14, 2015

H.D. “Ike” Leighty November 11, 1915 – August 20, 2015

Richard Montross, BBA66, of Iowa City, passed following a long battle with cancer. Montross worked at Amana Refrigeration in the International Sales Department for 35 years, retiring as vice president of international sales. After retiring, he worked with several small Iowa companies to help develop their international sales, eventually joining Connect-A-Dock in Atlantic, Iowa. He served as a member of Tippie’s Marketing Institute Advisory Board and had a strong interest in the Institute for International Business. He and his wife, Barbara, made plans in their estate to support the institute and asked that memorial contributions be made to the UI Foundation to support the International Business Studies Fund in the college.

Darrell Wyrick served as the president of the UI Foundation for more than four decades. He received a B.S. and an M.S. in chemical and biochemical engineering from the UI in 1956 and 1957, respectively. In 1961, while employed as a chemical engineer in Minneapolis, he was asked to organize the first-ever telephone solicitation campaign for the UI Foundation. His success, coupled with his record of academic excellence and extreme devotion to the UI, led to his becoming the foundation’s first full-time employee in 1962 and leader of the UI Foundation’s fledgling organization. At the time of his retirement in 1999, the foundation had more than a half billion dollars in assets.

IIke’s career as a salesman began at the age of 11 when he’d sell candy bars for 5 cents to raise money for Sunday school. After graduating with a BSC degree from Iowa in 1941, Ike was a contracting agent with the War Department, based at John Deere Waterloo Works and later a Wisconsin Massey-Ferguson plant. Ike joined the Navy in 1943, and after the war joined Waterloo’s Hinson Manufacturing Company, which made canvas side curtains for Model T Fords. In 1977, he co-founded Engineered Products Company in Waterloo, eventually selling the company to its employees in 1989. The Leighty Foundation, established in 1985, created the Ike Leighty-Joe Nelson Entrepreneurial Scholarship in the college in 2010.


Robert W. Barrett, BSC35 Lee B. Blum, BSC38, JD48 Marion C. (Miller) Fruehling, BSC38, MA46 Harold W. Mattfeld, BSC35


Kathryn I. (Horslund) Beeken, BSC49 Marguerite (Van Ginkel) Boss, BSC49 LuVella C. (Steuck) Burnett, BSC47, MA52 Dorothy (Smith) Christensen, BSC42 Retha (Santi) Corieri, BSC49 Joyce M. (Pedersen) Frish, BSC49 Marvin A. Gaudian, BSC48, MA49 Edith (Mellen) Gonterman, BSC49 Harold H. (Haubie) Haub, BSC40 Robert E. Howard, BSC41 D.I. Ingraham, BSC49 Kenneth L. Keith, BSC49, JD52 Charles H. Lewis, BSC49 Milton A. Mazie, BSC44 Robert O. Moe, BSC48 Eugene G. Rettenmaier, BSC48 Donald D. Voorhees, BSC47 Jane H. (Shanks) Weber, BSC43


James H. Andreasen, BSC53 Robert W. Andrews, BSC2 James D. Ashby, BSC58 Nat T. Baird, BSC57 Robert T. Billing, BSC50 Ira A. Bird, BSC52 Allan J. Carew, BSC57 Earl N. Cathcart, BSC50 Wayne E. Davis, BSC58 James E. Green, BSC57 Gene A. Groth, BSC58 R. Grant Jennings, BSC50 Robert L. Jensen, BSC51 Bernard Kelley, BSC51 David D. Leber, BSC50 Thomas L. Maher, BSC57 Wayne A. Nelson, BSC53 Nancy J. (Abramson) Powers, BSC57 Mary E. (Sawyer) Ross, BSC54 Marvin C. Schmidt, BSC50 Raymond C. Scott, BSC52 John R. Sissel, BSC58, MA63 Jerry M. Torrence, BSC57

24 b UI Tippie College of Business

1 960s

Robert D. Allison, BBA61 Richard W. Boss, BBA60 Author E. Hughes, PhD60 Joseph C. Johnston, BBA66 John A. Keenan, BBA60 Jean (Kistler) Kendall, MA69 Jerry D. Lester, BBA64 Phillip A. Nelson, BBA61 Don W. Norbury, BBA61 Kent A. Richey, BBA62 Richard P. Whiting, BBA66 Curtis O. Winger, BBA62 Donald G. Young, BBA61

1 970s

Mary L. (Ludlow) Alfrey, BBA78 Larry D. Brinegar, BBA72 Philip J. Dunton, BBA73, MBA77 Michael D. Jacobi, BBA76 G. Donald Jud, MA71, PhD71 James F. Leaven, MBA82 Anthony J. Moore, BBA75 Ronald E. Pugh, BBA75 Steven C. Schrader, BBA70 Kenneth O. Selzer, BBA71 Robert A. Wolin, BBA77


Arnold L. Baier, MBA88 Michael R. Dunn, BBA85 Steven T. Ellenberg, BBA82 Brad S. Erenberger, BBA81 Brian A. Hahn, BBA86 Kendall L. Hite Esq., BBA84 James R. Hollander, BBA82 Scott Klein, MBA88 John C. Kleitsch, MBA81 Ms. Kari A. Tobin, BBA88


Joelle E. (Miller) Beezley, BBA90 Michael P. Chantler, BBA96 David A. Dressler, BBA90 Julie A. Proffitt, BBA92 Rodney L. Richards, BBA90


Kenneth W. Adrian, MBA02 Aaron R. Jahn, BBA06


Kevin O. O’Malley, BBA12


A DM INISTR ATI ON Sarah Fisher Gardial Dean Kurt M. Anstreicher Senior Associate Dean David Frasier Associate Dean (MBA Programs) Kenneth G. Brown Associate Dean (Undergraduate Program) Barbara Thomas Executive Director of Communication, Alumni and External Relations Gregory Lamb Executive Director of Development for the Tippie College of Business University of Iowa Foundation Jana Michael Director of Development for the Tippie College of Business University of Iowa Foundation Michael D. Morgan Associate Director of Development for the Tippie College of Business University of Iowa Foundation Shelly J. Mott Associate Director of Development for the Tippie College of Business University of Iowa Foundation


TIPPIE ADVISORY BOARD Mark Buthman Senior Vice President and CFO Kimberly-Clark Corporation Kathleen A. Dore President (Former) Broadcasting CanWest Mediaworks Jack Evans President The Hall-Perrine Foundation Michael Frantz Executive Director Frantz Community Investors LLC Michael C. Gerdin CEO, Chairman and President Heartland Express Perry A. Glassgow Vice President and Controller Harley-Davidson Inc. Christopher J. Hoffman Senior Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers Kevin Holt Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager Invesco Funds Ltd.

Thomas A. Kloet Member, Board of Directors NASDAQ and Northern Trust Mutual Funds

Kent Statler Executive Vice President and COO, Commercial Systems Rockwell Collins

Kyle Krause President and CEO Kum & Go LC

Margaret (Peg) M. Stessman CEO and Chairman StrategicHealthSolutions

Curtis K. Lane Portfolio Manager Concordant Partners

Elizabeth Villafana Consultant

Terrance Lillis Executive Vice President and CFO Principal Financial Group Inc. Jeffrey Lorenger Executive Vice President HNI Corporation Michael F. Mahoney President and CEO Boston Scientific Corporation John Miclot President and CEO Lingua Flex John Pappajohn President Equity Dynamics Inc. Charles M. Peters President and CEO SourceMedia Group

James Israel President, Worldwide Financial Services (retired) Deere & Company

Sherry Salata President OWN-The Oprah Winfrey Network and Harpo Studios

Chris Klein CEO and Board Member Fortune Brands Home and Security

Andy Sassine President and CEO Avea Capital LLC

Michael J. Wokosin Vice President, Digital Marketing Redbox Eden Y. Woon Vice President for Institutional Advancement Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

TIPPIE EMERITUS ADVISORY BOARD Leonard A. Hadley Chairman and CEO (retired) Maytag Corporation Jerre L. Stead CEO and Chairman IHS Inc. Henry B. Tippie Chairman of the Board Dover Motorsports Inc. and Dover Downs Entertainment Inc.

The University of Iowa prohibits discrimination in employment, educational programs, and activities on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, pregnancy, disability, genetic information, status as a U.S. veteran, service in the U.S. military, sexual orientation, gender identity, associational preferences, or any other classification that deprives the person of consideration as an individual. The university also affirms its commitment to providing equal opportunities and equal access to university facilities. For additional information on nondiscrimination policies, contact the Director, Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, the University of Iowa, 202 Jessup Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242-1316, 319-335-0705 (voice), 319-335-0697 (TDD),

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